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vimified's Introduction


Frankly, my dear, you're gonna be vimified one day!

Simple Vim & Neovim configuration.

OneHalf Light OneHalf Dark

How to install

For lazy people

Copy/Paste this line in your CLI:

curl -L | sh

For those who actually care about what is done

Grab the project:

git clone git://
ln -sfn vimified/ ~/.vim
ln -sfn vimified/vimrc ~/.vimrc
cd vimified

Create required directories:

mkdir bundle
mkdir -p tmp/backup tmp/swap tmp/undo

Set up Vundle:

git clone bundle/vundle

Set up your local.vimrc file with packages you want:

echo "let g:vimified_packages = ['general', 'coding', 'clojure', 'color']" > local.vimrc

Install plugins:

vim +BundleInstall +qall



You can overwrite default configuration and key bindings by using one of following files:

~/.vim/before.vimrc will be loaded before everything else.

~/.vim/extra.vimrc will be loaded after Vundle is initialized and before Vimified settings take place. The idea was so people could add Bundle lines without having to worry about conflicts in vimrc when pulling. Read More.

~/.vim/after.vimrc will be loaded after all configuration options are set. This is the best place to change vimified default behaviour (key bindings) and/or color scheme.


Clone of the Align.vba file, since I think VBA files are a freaking abomination.

endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."

speeddating.vim: use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more

surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple

unimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings

lightweight implementation of emacs' kill ring for vim

eunuch.vim: helpers for UNIX

Vim plugin: Support for user-defined text objects

Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes.

Vim plugin that defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts, etc.

The matchit.vim script allows you to configure % to match more than just single characters.

Plugin to create and use a scratch Vim buffer.

easybuffer.vim - vim plugin to quickly switch between buffers

True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim


A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines (or: any char you like).


Tmux vim syntax.

vim plugin to interact with tmux.


Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by class etc.

Command: ,t

gitk for Vim.

Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting.

Command: ,#

A Vim plugin for managing three-way merges.

fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

Syntax checking hacks for vim

Call for Help

If you have ideas on how to make this Vim configuration framework better, don’t hesitate to fork and send pull requests. Thanks!

Major Contributors

vimified's People


adimasuhid avatar ahmadseleem avatar dastagg avatar devx avatar dirkr avatar facundoacevedo avatar johngallagher avatar linjunpop avatar maxamillion avatar mlitwiniuk avatar newclear avatar riannucci avatar sadjow avatar sharnik avatar xiaogwu avatar zaiste avatar


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vimified's Issues

scss support is poor!

  • There is two lines within vim built-in syntax directory:

" Tags not supported in HTML5
"syn keyword cssDeprecated acronym applet basefont big center dir
"syn keyword cssDeprecated font frame frameset noframes strike tt

they cause vim to think that
align-text: center;
is deprecated html tag!
but it should have been ( htmlDeprecated ) if there is such a thing.
I ended up commenting these two lines.

  • I don't use stylus. I did not include the package.
    So, I guess vim relay only on "vim-haml" bundle.
    but it seem to be poor with SCSS and even with the new HTML5 Tags within Haml!

any suggestions ?

ZSH interactive mode causes vim to be suspended (tty output)

When I install vimified, it just hangs forever during bundle installation. Then, if I kill it and try to use vim, it just gets suspended (tty output).

I removed the -i option in the shell variable when zsh is selected and it works like a charm now.

Why is the shell running in interactive mode ? I don't think it should ever be running in interactive mode from vim.

Ruby syntax

When working with Rails applications we get the usual 2-spaces-per-tab indentation, due to rails.vim. However, when we work with pure Ruby files, we get the not-so-standard 4-spaces-per-tab indentation (because rails.vim only activates for Rails applications). Is this behaviour by design, or omittion?

Do you plan on adding a ruby.vim bundle of some kind? It would be nice to get some ruby snippet magic as well as proper indentation.

Character `¬` in editor

character '¬' in any edited file.

Appears in marking this end and having at each end of the line, in any open file, Nerdtree, etc.. Slackware 14.


Sorry! Where can I configure or modify this feature?

^M Error after install in Windows Bash

After installing in Windows Bash and opening vim the following errors appear:

Error detected while processing /home/rbelgrave/.vimrc:
line    8:
E488: Trailing characters: nocompatible^M
line    9:
E475: Invalid argument: on^M
line   10:
E475: Invalid argument: off^M
line   11:
E492: Not an editor command: ^M
line   12:
E15: Invalid expression: fnamemodify(globpath(&rtp, 'vimified.dir'), ':p:h')^M
line   13:
E492: Not an editor command: ^M
line   15:
E121: Undefined variable: s:dotvim
E15: Invalid expression: ':so '.s:dotvim.'/functions/util.vim'^M
line   17:
E492: Not an editor command: ^M
line   19:
E121: Undefined variable: s:dotvim
E116: Invalid arguments for function expand(s:dotvim . '/before.vimrc')^M
E15: Invalid expression: expand(s:dotvim . '/before.vimrc')^M
line   20:
E121: Undefined variable: s:beforerc
E116: Invalid arguments for function filereadable(s:beforerc)^M
E15: Invalid expression: filereadable(s:beforerc)^M
line  685:
E171: Missing :endif
Press ENTER or type command to continue

vim-pathogen support

Why not just add in the vim-pathogen support as it doesn't conflict with other vim bundles?
Just create the autoload folder and download the vim-pathogen.vim which will make others who want to use and modified vimified easier when they have bundles using vim-pathogen.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Initialize vim with pre-installed colorscheme

Currently in vimrc the colorscheme "Tomorrow-Night" is set, but this colorscheme is not installed in vimified. So starting vim brings the error message:

Error detected while processing ~/.vimrc:
line  261:
E185: Cannot find color scheme Tomorrow-Night

We have two alternative solutions:

  • Add bundle "railsbros-dirk/Vim-Tomorrow-Theme" to vimrc in the package "color"
  • Initialize vim with a pre-installed colorscheme (default theme or from "color" package)

I would prefer the second way and could provide a patch for pulling.

slice.vim and localleader

Does slice.vim work for you? I'm trying to follow the stuff that the author shows in

I found out what's the localleader key for us:
But when I press, for example: '\d' then only 'd' gets recognized.

Did anyone get it too work?

Spell Check

Thanks for building this repository,
Is there any plan for adding spell check for programmers in this repository?

exeremly slow to read base64

Macvim gets very slow ( = almost freezing ) when reading an SCSS file that has a lot of line wrapping!!!

Anyway to faster things up?

hammer.vim doesn't seem to work

In the documentation it says you use ,p to run it, but it's mapped to entering paste mode.

Also, when I try the :Hammer command I get information that there's a missing dependency on github/markup. Is this my local issue, or it doesn't work for you as well? behaves incorrectly when ~/.vim already exists

Here's what happened when I tried to install using the script with this configuration:

  • macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
  • fish shell
  • vim from brew

I had an existing file in ~/.vim. I don't remember how it got there, actually ;)

~> ls -a ~/.vim
.          ..         .netrwhist

Run the easy install command:

~> curl -L | sh

Looks like it didn't know what to do with a populated directory:

~> ls -al ~/.vim
total 8
drwxr-xr-x   4 bjorgensen  staff   128 Jan 28 10:53 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 99 bjorgensen  staff  3168 Jan 28 11:03 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 bjorgensen  staff    55 Jan 28 10:52 .netrwhist
lrwxr-xr-x   1 bjorgensen  staff    26 Jan 28 10:53 vimified -> /Users/bjorgensen/vimified

The .vimrc is linked correctly, so I get this upon starting vim:

~> vi .vimrc
Error detected while processing /Users/bjorgensen/.vimrc:
line   15:
E484: Can't open file /Users/bjorgensen/functions/util.vim
line   46:
E117: Unknown function: vundle#rc
line   48:
E492: Not an editor command: Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
line   62:

Deleting .vim and reinstalling worked perfectly!

It's unclear to me what is happening, but I'm guessing it's something trivial around here:

Seems that I can’t load filetype

I’m trying to add filetype parameter in my shebang but it seems it doesn’t load :(

As describe here:

I added # vim:ft=ansible: at the top of my file
Unfortunatly when I do SyntasticInfo it doesn’t detect it.

Syntastic version: 3.8.0-52 (Vim 800, Linux)
Info for filetype: yaml
Global mode: active
Passive filetypes: css html slim
Filetype yaml is active
The current file will be checked automatically
Available checkers: -
Currently enabled checkers: -

Some output:

$ grep -Ri filetype ~/.vimified/*vimrc
.vimified/local.vimrc:filetype on
.vimified/vimrc:filetype on
.vimified/vimrc:    au! BufNewFile,BufRead /tmp/bash-fc* setfiletype sh
.vimified/vimrc:    let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'active', 'active_filetypes': ['ruby', 'python', ], 'passive_filetypes': ['html', 'css', 'slim'] }
.vimified/vimrc:    autocmd FileType gitcommit set tw=68 spell
.vimified/vimrc:    autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal foldmethod=manual
.vimified/vimrc:    autocmd FileType ruby,eruby,yaml set tw=80 ai sw=2 sts=2 et
.vimified/vimrc:    autocmd FileType ruby,eruby,yaml setlocal foldmethod=manual
.vimified/vimrc:    au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.md set filetype=markdown
.vimified/vimrc:filetype plugin indent on
.vimified/vimrc:    au FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker
.vimified/vimrc:    au FileType help setlocal textwidth=78
.vimified/vimrc:" Send visual selection to as a private, filetyped Gist
$ grep -Ri filetype ~/.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ftplugin/ansible.vim:" Ansible/YAML filetype plugin
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ file is recognized as an Ansible YAML file, and its filetype is set to `ansible`, if
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ftdetect/ansible.vim:fun! s:SelectAnsible(fileType)
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ftdetect/ansible.vim:  " Bail out if 'filetype' is already set to "ansible".
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ftdetect/ansible.vim:    execute "set filetype=" . a:fileType . '.yaml'
.vimified/bundle/vim-ansible-yaml/ftdetect/ansible.vim:      execute "set filetype=" . a:fileType

If I do it manually, it's working.
For now, I add my path into after.vimrc to autocmd ~/*ansible*/*.yml set filetype=ansible

I'm sure I’m just missing something.

Anyway, thank you for that vimplugin, it'’s really a great tool 🥇

How to override autosave in after.vimrc?

in vimrc:

" Save when losing focus
au FocusLost * :silent! wall

If I don't want this behavior how do I override this autocommand in my after.vimrc?

I've tried:

noautocommand au FocusLost * :silent! wall

and it doesn't seem to disable it.

Trailing Whitespace

I don't want to have removed my trailing whitespace automatically while saving.
Sure I know many cases in which it is comfortable.

But for writing in Markdown (as an example) it is necessary to use two trailing blanks at a line to get a line break instead of using a paragraph.

I commented out the line for a quick solution but it should be swichable.

hard dependency on zsh

the vim config files appears depends on zsh.

first, I don't see why it's necessary to have such dependency. secondly, it's not mentioned in readme.

Error messages on C++ with clang plugins


I tried to activate the C++ plugins (clang in local.vimrc) and now, when I'm opening C++ files, I get a lot of errors messages:

Error detected while processing /home/wichtounet/vimified/bundle/vim-clang/ftplugin/c/clang.vim:
line 71:
E117: Unknown function: lh#option#get
E15: Invalid expression: lh#option#get('clang_key_usr' , 'u')
line 72:
E117: Unknown function: lh#option#get
E15: Invalid expression: lh#option#get('clang_key_declarations', 'd')
line 73:
E117: Unknown function: lh#option#get
E15: Invalid expression: lh#option#get('clang_key_references' , 'r')
line 74:
E117: Unknown function: lh#option#get
E15: Invalid expression: lh#option#get('clang_key_subclases' , 's')
line 80:
E121: Undefined variable: s:key_usr
E116: Invalid arguments for function lh#menu#make
line 82:
E121: Undefined variable: s:key_declarations
E116: Invalid arguments for function lh#menu#make
line 84:
E121: Undefined variable: s:key_references
E116: Invalid arguments for function lh#menu#make
line 86:
E121: Undefined variable: s:key_subclasses
E116: Invalid arguments for function lh#menu#make

It seems to me that a dependency of clang.vim is missing, probably lh-vim-lib

Is it possible to fix that ?


List of requirements to install and use vimified

With the time going, we see more and more plugins added to Vimified. This is a great but with the complexity comes the dependencies. We need to list the dependencies and add the requirements check in the installation script.

Deprecated variables of vim-airline used


I updated my vimified installation to the last version in which powerline has been replaced with vim-airline and now I have this message everytime I use vim:

The g:airline_enable_fugitive and g:airline_fugitive_prefix variables have been deprecated and renamed to g:airline_enable_branch and g:airline_branch_prefix respectively. Please update your vimrc.

It is very inconvenient.


Conflict with <leader>p mapping

In my last pull request, I added a mapping to handle yanking/pasting to/from OS's clipboard. But I just saw that there is a conflict with a previous declaration nmap <silent> <leader>p :set invpaste<CR>.

Any proposition to handle both still easily?

My first proposal would be:

nmap <leader><leader>h :set invhlsearch<CR>
nmap <leader><leader>l :set invlist<CR>
nmap <leader><leader>n :set invnumber<CR>
nmap <leader><leader>p :set invpaste<CR>
nmap <leader><leader>i :set invrelativenumber<CR>


nmap <leader>hh :set invhlsearch<CR>
nmap <leader>ll :set invlist<CR>
nmap <leader>nn :set invnumber<CR>
nmap <leader>pp :set invpaste<CR>
nmap <leader>ii :set invrelativenumber<CR>

Any idea? :)

Warning message

After launching, vim prints message:

The g:airline_enable_fugitive and g:airline_fugitive_prefix variables have been deprecated and renamed to g:airline_enable_branch and g:airline_branch_prefix respectively. Please update your vimrc.
Press ENTER or type command to continue

vim with vimified can't auto detect file encoding

vim can auto detect file encoding like Chinese with the following code
set encoding=utf-8¬
set fenc=utf-8¬
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb2312,gb18030,gbk,latin1¬
source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim¬
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim¬
language messages zh_CN.utf-8¬
if v:lang =~? '^(zh)|(ja)|(ko)'¬
set ambiwidth=double¬
set nobomb

but when I add the code to after.vimrc, it doesn't work, so does I add to vimrc. it will display Chinese character as .
What's the problem?

Dependency list

Maybe will be a good idea make a list of dependencies of OS packages that make Vimified fully operative.
Python mode to be fully operative requires:
python-rope python-autopep8 pyflakes pylint python-mccabe

(I'm using Fedora, Some packages names varies between distributions)

Explanation on website

I dont know if i am on the right issue page, but its so tiny i dont think that it matters. On the website the step for creating tmp/ folders is missing. Took me nearly 10 minutes to resolve it, and i think we could save this few minutes for other people :)

add a latex package?

It would be nice if vimified have a latex package out of the box. vim-latexsuite would suffice.

Doesn't Work Quite Well on Mac Mountain Lion

Tried Installing vimified following the "lazy-man" installation instructions...and encountered an error with installing vim-slim. It requested i put in my github password and failed either way (with/without) but still ended up completing the vimified installation.

On opening vim though, the editor turned out really weird. And looked outrageous and unusable.

A url to the image screenshot is here:


Is lack of autocomplete plugin intentional, or just an overlook or miss? Because I don't know if I should add it in vimrc and make pull request or modify my own config :)

Vertical Splits don't play nice with NERD Tree

I recently updated Vimified configuration with the latest code, and am noticing that when I open a 3rd vertical split the split on the left is automatically minimized. This is really annoying when working with NERD Tree and 2 code splits.

Any idea how I can stop this happening?

neocomplcache awfully slow

This neocomplcache thing's terribly slow for me. I don't know if it's reasonably fast on your machine, but on mine it's unbearable. I'd like to remove it as I don't really feel a need for something like that.

I was wondering whether it would make sense to create a some kind of gitignored local-vimrc file that would contain individual overwrites of the stuff in the repo. What do you think?

UI problems

Hello, thanks for the great work, however, I've encountered some visual glitches and I have no idea where to begin debugging them. Here's how it looks, and my local.vimrc just contains let g:vimified_packages = ['general', 'coding', 'os', 'fancy', 'color'], I've also installed a patched font so powerline should work. My Gnome-Terminal settings is absolutely the default.


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