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Generate Highly Accurate Single-Molecule Consensus Reads (HiFi Reads)

ccs takes multiple subreads of the same SMRTbell molecule and combines them using a statistical model to produce one highly accurate consensus sequence, also called HiFi read, with base quality values. This tool powers the Circular Consensus Sequencing workflow in SMRT Link.


Latest ccs can be installed via bioconda package pbccs.

Please refer to our official pbbioconda page for information on Installation, Support, License, Copyright, and Disclaimer.

Latest Version

Version 4.2.0: Full changelog here

Schematic Workflow


Input: Subreads from a single movie in PacBio BAM format (.subreads.bam).

Output: Consensus reads in a format inferred from the file extension: unaligned BAM (.bam); bgzipped FASTQ (.fastq.gz); or SMRT Link XML (.consensusreadset.xml) which also generates a corresponding BAM file.

Run on a full movie:

ccs movie.subreads.bam movie.ccs.bam

Parallelize by using --chunk. See how-to chunk.


What impacts the number and quality of HiFi reads that are generated?

The longer the polymerase read gets, more passes of the SMRTbell are produced and consequently more evidence is accumulated per molecule. This increase in evidence translates into higher consensus accuracy, as depicted in the following plot:

How is number of passes computed?

Each read is annotated with a np tag that contains the number of full-length subreads used for polishing. Full-length subreads are flanked by adapters and thus cover the full insert. Since the first version of ccs, number of passes has only accounted for full-length subreads. In version v3.3.0 windowing has been added, which takes the minimum number of full-length subreads across all windows. Starting with version v4.0.0, minimum has been replaced with mode to get a better representation across all windows. Only subreads that pass the subread length filter (please see next FAQ about filters) and were not dropped during polishing are accounted for.

Similarly, tag ec reports effective coverage, the average subread coverage across all windows. This metric includes all subreads, independent of being full- or partial-length subreads, that pass length filters and did not fail during polishing. In most cases ec will be roughly np + 1.

Which and in what order are filters applied?

ccs exposes the following filters on input subreads, draft consensus, and final output consensus:

Input Filter Options:
  --min-passes   INT    Minimum number of full-length subreads required to generate CCS for a ZMW. [3]
  --min-snr      FLOAT  Minimum SNR of subreads to use for generating CCS [2.5]

Draft Filter Options:
  --min-length   INT    Minimum draft length before polishing. [10]
  --max-length   INT    Maximum draft length before polishing. [50000]

Output Filter Options:
  --min-rq       FLOAT  Minimum predicted accuracy in [0, 1]. [0.99]

Data flow how each ZMW gets processed and filtered:

  1. Remove subreads with lengths <50% or >200% of the median subread length.
  2. Remove subreads with SNR below --min-snr.
  3. Stop if number of full-length subreads is fewer than --min-passes.
  4. Generate draft sequence and stop if draft length does not pass --min-length and --max-length.
  5. Polish consensus sequence and only emit read if predicted accuracy is at least --min-rq.

Regarding the subread length filter, why did we pick 50% and 200%?
If you sequence a palindromic sequence and one of your subreads is smaller than 50%, then it becomes a challenge to determine where exactly the subread fits without alignment hacks; similarly a short subread might map wrongly to a highly repetitive sequence.
Subreads that are longer than 200% the median length are likely due to missed adapter calls, where the initial polymerase read was wrongly split into subreads.

How do I read the ccs_report.txt file?

The ccs_report.txt file summarizes (B) how many ZMWs generated HiFi reads (CCS) and (C) how many failed CCS generation because of the listed causes. For (C), each ZMW contributes to exactly one reason of failure; percentages are with respect to (C).

The following comments refer to the filters that are explained in the FAQ above.

ZMWs input          (A)  : 44327
ZMWs generating CCS (B)  : 16304 (36.78%)
ZMWs filtered       (C)  : 28023 (63.22%)

Exclusive ZMW counts for (C):
Median length filter     : 0 (0.00%)      <- All subreads were filtered in (1)
Below SNR threshold      : 574 (2.05%)    <- All subreads were filtered in (2)
Lacking full passes      : 24706 (88.16%) <- Fewer than --min-passes full-length (FL) reads (3)
Heteroduplex insertions  : 422 (1.51%)    <- Single-strand artifacts
Coverage drops           : 29 (0.10%)     <- Coverage drops would lead to unreliable polishing results
Insufficient draft cov   : 282 (1.01%)    <- Not enough subreads aligned to draft end-to-end
Draft too different      : 0 (0.00%)      <- Fewer than --min-passes FL reads aligned to draft
Draft generation error   : 94 (0.34%)     <- Subreads don't agree to generate a draft sequence
Draft above --max-length : 21 (0.07%)     <- Draft sequence is longer than --min-length (4)
Draft below --min-length : 0 (0.00%)      <- Draft sequence is shorter than --min-length (4)
Reads failed polishing   : 0 (0.00%)      <- Too many subreads were dropped while polishing
Empty coverage windows   : 0 (0.00%)      <- At least one window has no coverage
CCS did not converge     : 0 (0.00%)      <- Draft has too many errors that can't be polished in time
CCS below minimum RQ     : 1916 (6.84%)   <- Predicted accuracy is below --min-rq (5)
Unknown error            : 0 (0.00%)      <- Rare implementation errors

If run in --by-strand mode, rows may contain half ZMWs, as we account each strand as half a ZMW.

What is the definition of a heteroduplex?

In general, whenever bases on one strand of the SMRTbell are not the reverse complement of the other strand, as small as a single base A with a matching G. ccs would polish this to one of the bases and reflect the ambiguity in the base QV. In our case, when one strand has more than 20 additional bases that the other strand does not have, ccs won't be able to converge to a consensus sequence, and consequently will remove the ZMW and increase the counter for heteroduplexes found in the ccs_report.txt file.

How can I parallelize on multiple servers?

You can parallelize by chunking. Since ccs v4.0.0, direct chunking via --chunk is possible. For this, the .subreads.bam file must accompanied by a .pbi file. To generate the index subreads.bam.pbi, use pbindex, which can be installed with conda install pbbam.

pbindex movie.subreads.bam

An example workflow, all ccs invocations can run simultaneously:

ccs movie.subreads.bam movie.ccs.1.bam --chunk 1/10 -j <THREADS>
ccs movie.subreads.bam movie.ccs.2.bam --chunk 2/10 -j <THREADS>
ccs movie.subreads.bam movie.ccs.10.bam --chunk 10/10 -j <THREADS>

Merge chunks with pbmerge and index with pbindex

pbmerge -o movie.ccs.bam movie.ccs.*.bam
pbindex movie.ccs.bam

or use samtools

samtools merge -@8 movie.ccs.bam movie.ccs.*.bam

What happened to unanimity?

Unanimity lives on as a PacBio internal library to generate consensus sequences. Documentation will be limited to ccs distributed via bioconda.

Where is the source code?

We have stopped mirroring code changes to GitHub in March 2018. Instead, we provide binaries on bioconda to ease end-user experience. If your project relies on outdated unanimity source code, please use this commit.

Help! I am getting "Unsupported ..."!

If you encounter the error Unsupported chemistries found: (...) or unsupported sequencing chemistry combination, your ccs binaries do not support the used sequencing chemistry kit, from here on referred to as "chemistry". This may be because we removed support of an older chemistry or your binary predates release of the used chemistry. This is unlikely to happen with ccs from SMRT Link installations, as SMRT Link is able to automatically update and install new chemistries. Thus, the easiest solution is to always use ccs from the SMRT Link version that shipped with the release of the sequencing chemistry kit.

Old chemistries: With ccs 4.0.0, we have removed support for the last RSII chemistry P6-C4. The only option is to downgrade ccs with conda install pbccs==3.4.

New chemistries: It might happen that your ccs version predates the sequencing chemistry kit. To fix this, install the latest version of ccs with conda update --all. If you are an early access user, follow the monkey patch tutorial.

Monkey patch ccs to support additional sequencing chemistry kits

Please create a directory that is used to inject new chemistry information into ccs:

mkdir -p /path/to/persistent/dir/
cd /path/to/persistent/dir/
mkdir -p arrow

Execute the following step by step instructions to fix the error you are observing and afterwards proceed using ccs as you would normally do. Additional chemistry information is automatically loaded from the ${SMRT_CHEMISTRY_BUNDLE_DIR} environmental variable.

Error: "unsupported sequencing chemistry combination"

Please download the latest out-of-band chemistry.xml:

wget -O "${SMRT_CHEMISTRY_BUNDLE_DIR}"/chemistry.xml

Error: "Unsupported chemistries found: (...)"

Please get the latest consensus model .json from PacBio and copy it to:

cp /some/download/dir/model.json "${SMRT_CHEMISTRY_BUNDLE_DIR}"/arrow/

How fast is CCS?

We tested CCS runtime using 500 ZMWs per length bin with exactly 7 passes.

How does that translate into time to result per SMRT Cell?

We will measure time to result for Sequel I and II CCS sequencing collections on a PacBio recommended HPC, according to the Sequel II System Compute Requirements with 192 physical or 384 hyper-threaded cores.

  1. Sequel System: 15 kb insert size, 30-hours movie, 37 GB raw yield, 2.3 GB HiFi UMY
  2. Sequel II System: 15 kb insert size, 30-hours movie, 340 GB raw yield, 24 GB HiFi UMY
CCS version Sequel System Sequel II System
≤3.0.0 1 day >1 week
3.4.1 3 hours >1 day
4.0.0 40 minutes 6 hours
≥4.2.0 30 minutes 4 hours

How is CCS speed affected by raw base yield?

Raw base yield is the sum of all polymerase read lengths. A polymerase read consists of all subreads concatenated with SMRTbell adapters in between.

Raw base yield can be increased with

  1. higher percentage of single loaded ZMWs and
  2. longer movie times that lead to longer polymerase read lengths.

Since the first version, ccs scaled linear in (1) the number of single loaded ZMWs per SMRT Cell. Starting with version 3.3.0 ccs scaled linear in (2) the polymerase read length and with version 4.0.0 ccs scales sublinear.

What did change in each version?

CCS version O(insert size) O(#passes)
≤3.0.0 quadratic linear
3.4.1 linear linear
≥4.0.0 linear sublinear

How can version 4.0.0 be sublinear in the number of passes?

With the introduction of new heuristics, individual draft bases can skip polishing if they are of sufficient quality. The more passes a ZMW has, the fewer bases need additional polishing.

What heuristics are used?

Following heuristics are enabled

  • determine which bases need polishing,
  • remove ZMWs with single-strand artifacts such as heteroduplexes
  • remove large insertions that likely are due to sequencing errors,
  • on-the-fly model caching with less SNR resolution,
  • adaptive windowing strategy with a target window size of 22 bp with ±2 bp overlaps, avoiding breaks in simple repeats (homopolymers to 4mer repeats)

Does speed impact quality and yield?

Yes it does. With ~35x speed improvements from version 3.1.0 to 4.0.0 and consequently reducing CPU time from >60,000 to <2,000 core hours, heuristics and changes in algorithms lead to slightly lower yield and accuracy if run head to head on the same data set. Internal tests show that ccs 4.0.0 introduces no regressions in CCS-only Structural Variant calling and has minimal impact on SNV and indel calling in DeepVariant. In contrast, lower DNA quality has a bigger impact on quality and yield.

Can I tune ccs to get improved results?

No, we optimized ccs such that there is a good balance between speed and output quality.

Can I produce one consensus sequence for each strand of a molecule?

Yes, please use --by-strand. Make sure that you have sufficient coverage, as --min-passes are per strand in this case. For each strand, ccs generates one consensus read that has to pass all filters. Read name suffix indicates strand. Example:


How does --by-strand work? For each ZMW:

  • Determine orientation of reads with respect to the one closest to the mean length
  • Sort reads into two buckets, forward and reverse strands
  • Treat each strand as an individual entity as we do with ZMWs
    • Apply all filters per strand individually
    • Create a draft for each strand
    • Polish each strand
    • Write out each polished strand consensus

Is there a progress report?

Yes. With --log-level INFO, ccs provides status to stderr every --refresh-rate seconds (default 30):

70/420/26.3 19/114/7.1 13s

The log output explains each field:

Logging info: Z1/Z2/Z3 C1/C2/C3 ETA [X]
Z1: #ZMWs processed since start
Z2: #ZMWs processed in the last minute
Z3: #ZMWs processed in the last minute per thread
C1: #CCSs generated since start
C2: #CCSs generated in the last minute
C3: #CCSs generated in the last minute per thread
ETA: Estimated remaining processing time
[X]: Per minute metrics are extrapolated

If there is no .pbi file present, ETA will be omitted.

The binary does not work on my linux system!

Contrary to official SMRT Link releases, binaries distributed via bioconda are tuned for performance while sacrificing backward compatibility. We are aware of following errors and limitations. If yours is not listed, please file an issue on our official pbbioconda page.

Illegal instruction Your CPU is not supported. A modern (post-2008) CPU with support for SSE4.1 instructions is required. SMRT Link also has this requirement.

FATAL: kernel too old Your OS or rather your kernel version is not supported. Since CCS v4.2 we also ship a second binary via bioconda ccs-alt, which uses mimalloc as a modern allocator instead of bundling a newer glibc. Please use this alternative binary.

Why do I get more yield if I increase --min-passes

For versions newer than 3.0.0 and older than 4.2.0, we required that after draft generation, at least --min-passes subreads map back to the draft. Imagine the following scenario, a ZMW with 10 subreads generates a draft to which only a single subread aligns. This draft is of low quality and does not represent the ZMW, yet if you ask for --min-passes 1, this low quality draft is being used. Starting with version 4.2.0, we switch to an additional percentage threshold of 51% aligning subreads to avoid this problem. This fixes the majority of discrepencies for less than three passes.

Why do we have this problem at all, shouldn't the draft stage be robust enough? Robustness comes with speed trade-offs. We have a cascade of different draft generators, from very fast and unstabler to slow and robust. If a ZMW fails to generate a draft for a fast generator, it falls back multiple times until it reaches the slower and more robust generator. This approach is still much faster than always relying on the robust generator.


PacBio® tool ccs, distributed via Bioconda, is licensed under BSD-3-Clause-Clear and statically links GNU C Library v2.29 licensed under LGPL. Per LPGL 2.1 subsection 6c, you are entitled to request the complete machine-readable work that uses glibc in object code.


  • 4.2.0:
    • SMRT Link v9.0 release
    • Speed improvements
    • Minor yield improvements, by requiring a percentage of subreads mapping back to draft instead of --min-passes
    • Add effective coverage ec tag
    • Lowering --min-passes does no longer reduce yield
    • Add --batch-size to better saturate machine with high core counts
    • Simplify log output
    • Fix bug in predicted accuracy calculation
    • Improved ccs_report.txt summary
  • 4.1.0:
    • Minor speed improvements
    • Fix --by-strand logic, see more here
    • Allow vanilla .xml output without specifying dataset type
    • Compute wall start/end for each output read (future basecaller functionality)
  • 4.0.0:
    • SMRT Link v8.0 release
    • Speed improvements
    • Removed support for legacy python Genomic Consensus, please use gcpp
    • New command-line interface
    • New report file
  • 3.4.1
    • Released with SMRT Link v7.0
    • Log used chemistry model to INFO level
  • 3.4.0
    • Fixes to unpolished mode for IsoSeq
    • Improve runtime when --minPredictedAccuracy has been increased
  • 3.3.0
    • Add a windowing approach to reduce computational complexity from quadratic to linear
    • Improve multi-threading framework to increase throughput
    • Enhance XML output, propagate CollectionMetadata
    • Includes latest chemistry parameters
  • 3.1.0
    • Add --maxPoaCoverage to decrease runtime for unpolished output, special parameter for IsoSeq workflow
    • Chemistry parameters for SMRT Link v6.0



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