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scheml's Introduction

Scheml - Scheme Syntax, ML Semantics

Scheml behaves like a subset of ML, but with a Scheme-like syntax. Some of the features that it has that make it different from vanilla Scheme:

  • Type inference and strict typing
  • Algebraic data types
  • Destructuring pattern matching with usefulness and exhaustiveness checking
  • Partial function application (and no variadic functions that aren't special forms)
  • Tail-call optimization (this is actually expected of a Scheme or ML, but it's good to know it is available)
  • S-expressions and macros (also part of any Scheme, but requires extra work here because of strict typing)


Because of its length, I have moved the design description to a separate document.


You'll need a recent Java (I am using OpenJDK 14), and the Gradle build system. To run the build and copy the resulting jar file to scheml.jar in the current directory:

gradle copyJar


If you have done the build step above, then you can run Scheml one of two ways:

Using the scheml script in the root directory:


Or invoking Java directly:

java -jar scheml.jar

You should then see a prompt like this:

Scheml Repl


The examples directory contains various example/test programs. Two of interest are the geohash example and the sudoku example.

Geohash example

The examples/geohash directory contains Scheml implementations of the first two Geohash assignments from CS 5278. The first assignment is implemented in geohash.scm, while its unit tests are in geohashtest.scm. The second assignment is implemented in geohash-assignment2.scm and its unit tests are in geohash-assignment2-tests.scm. A quick way to run each of these is with the run-a1-tests.scm and run-a2-tests.scm:

../../scheml run-a1-tests.scm
../../scheml run-a2-tests.scm

Sudoku example

The examples/sudoku directory contains a Scheml implementation of a Sudoku solver. It also contains a couple of files containing easy and hard Sudoku problems. An interesting way to enjoy the Sudoku solver is to do this from a terminal window that supports ANSI escape sequences:

../../scheml sudoku.scm
>(define *sudoku-display* #t)
>(solve-sudoku-file "top95.txt" "foobar.txt")

You should see something like this: Sudoku solver in action

A Quick Review For People Who Know Scheme

The basic forms described below should work the same way as Scheme. There are a few differences, such as using head and tail for lists instead of car and cdr. There are a couple of special forms that aren't in Scheme like :=, type, and match and in addition to the usual types, it also has abstract data types.

In Scheml, lists cannot contain mixed types of data - a list of ints can't also contain some strings. One of the strengths of the Lisp family of languages is that code and data has the same representation, which makes it easy to write functions that transform code. This representation is referred to as an S-expression (Symbolic expression). The Lisp macro and Scheme define-syntax forms allow you to define functions that run at "compile time", and can take code snippets as parameters and then spit out transformed ones.

Scheml has some support for S-expressions by defining a built in sexpr type with value constructors (explained below) to create S-expressions, a quote/unquote mechanism to define S-expressions and possibly include the values of variables, which is often needed in macros, and also special syntax for pattern matching.

Because Scheml supports partial function application, there are situations where you might use a lambda in Scheme that can be replaced with a partial application. For example, to add 5 to every item in a list, instead of the Scheme version (map (lambda x) (+ 5 x) (list 1 2 3 4 5)) you can just do (map (+ 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5)). On the other hand, because Scheml is more strict about the types of functions, you can't make a function that takes a variable number of arguments.

Language Features

Data types

Scheml supports the following data types:


A boolean value whose representation is either #t or #f Example:



A 64-bit integer value (a Java long) currently only represented as a decimal number (no hex/octal/binary representation yet) Example:



A 16-bit character value (a Java char) using a Lisp-like #\a syntax. There is currently no support for specifying characters with decimal, hex, or binary, but there is an int->char function to create a char from an int value. Example:

#\A   (the letter 'A')


A 64-bit double-precision (Java double) value, currently only supporting a format like nnnnnnn.nnnnn. Example:



A string of characters enclosed in double quotes. You can use \ to escape a " and also use \n, \r, and \t as newline, carriage return, and tab. Example:

"This is a string with a \" double quote and a newline\n"

Algebraic Data Types

The (type) special form described below lets you define an algebraic data type. You can create instances of these types with value constructors you define, and you can use a (match) or in some cases (let) and (progn) to pull individual fields from an algebraic data type.

(TreeNode "fred" (EmptyNode) (EmptyNode))


A list is actually an instance of an Algebraic Data Type with constructors named Nil and Cons. Those definitions are built into the language and there is some support for displaying a list in the form (1 2 3) instead of the internal representation which would look like (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))). In Lisp-like languages you can create a quoted list like '(1 2 3) where the elements of the list are not evaluated or you can use a function to create a list like (list 1 2 3). In Scheml, because there are no variadic functions (functions that can take a variable number of arguments), you can't define a list function that takes multiple parameters. However, there is a list form that behaves like the list function in that (list 1 2 3) does create an expression that is displayed as (1 2 3). Likewise, (list 1 2 3 4 5) generates (1 2 3 4 5). Since list is implemented as a special form and not a function, it is able to take multiple parameters, but this also means that since list isn't a function, you couldn't use it as a parameter to a function. That is, you couldn't pass it to the map function like (map list (some-func)).

There's one other important thing to realize about lists in Scheml: Lists cannot contain multiple types of variables

You can't have a list of ints and strings like (list 1 "foo" 3), you'll get the error:

Unification error:
Can't unify int with string

You can, on the other hand, have a list that contains items of the same Abstract Data Type but that have multiple constructors, like (list (Empty) (TreeNode 123 (Empty) (Empty)))


In order to support lists that appear to be of mixed types, Scheml has a built-in sexpr type that in Scheml's syntax would be defined as:

(type sexpr
      (SexprBool bool)
      (SexprInt int)
      (SexprChar char)
      (SexprDouble double)
      (SexprString string)
      (SexprSymbol symbol)
      (SexprList (cons sexpr)))

Since Scheml uses a regular single-quote in symbol names, it adopts the backtick notation from Lisp to let you define S-expressions. For example, the following expression defines a SexprList with several different types of values:

`(foo "bar" 1 2.3 #t #\a (some sub list))

Like Lisp, Scheml's backtick S-expression notation allows you to insert variable values into a list. For example, the following code snippet defines a variable and then creates an S-expression that includes the value of that variable:

(define my-var "foobar")
`(some data items ,my-var)

The ,symbol notation inserts the value of a variable into the list. If the variable refers to a list and you insert it this way, the list will be a sub-element. For example, this code snippet defines a variable that refers to a list and inserts it into an S-expression. Notice that the resulting S-expression contains the list as an element:

Scheml Repl
>(define my-var (list 1 2 3))
(1 2 3)
>`(some data items and ,my-var too)
(some data items and (1 2 3) too)

If instead you wanted the list (1 2 3) inserted as elements in the list rather than as a sub-list, use ,@ instead of just ,:

Scheml Repl
>(define my-var (list 1 2 3))
(1 2 3)
>`(some data items and ,@my-var too)
(some data items and 1 2 3 too)

Since you may occasionally need to create SexprSymbol instances, you can use the backtick followed directly by a symbol to create one:



Scheml supports references, which are boxes that can hold data values and can be changed. This is the only way to have mutable data in Scheml. References are implemented as an abstract type named ref with a single value constructor Ref. You can use the ! function to retrieve the value stored in a reference, and <- to store a new value in the reference. Any given reference can only hold a specific type of data, so you can't store a string in a reference of type ref int. Here is an example of creating a reference and modifying it:

>(define example-ref (Ref 5))
(Ref 5)
>(! example-ref)
>(<- example-ref 999)
(Ref 999)
>(! example-ref)


An array is very similar to a list, except that its value can be accessed directly without iterating through the list. That is, to get the 100th item in an array, you can just reference the 100th item, while the nth function for a list starts at the 0th element and traverses the list until it gets to the 100th. There are several ways to create an array. One is to use make-array, in which the array values are given as the parameters to make-array (similar to the list function):

(make-array 1 3 5 7 9)

You can also create an array with a specific size and a default value. The following call creates an array with 10 items, each of which is the string "foo".

(make-array-with-default 10 "foo")

You can create an array with a specific function and a function that generates a value. The function is passed the array index (numbered from 0). For example, to make an array of 10 values containing the squares of the indices you could do this:

(make-array-with-function 10 (lambda (i) (* i i)))

To reference an array value, use the @ function, giving the array and the index:

>(define my-array (make-array 1 3 5 7 9))
(make-array 1 3 5 7 9)
>(@ my-array 2)

You can also set array values with the @<-, but this does not actually mutate the array value. Instead, it creates a new array with the one element changed:

>(define arr1 (make-array-with-default 10 "hello"))
(make-array "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello")
>(define arr2 (@<- arr1 3 "goodbye"))
(make-array "hello" "hello" "hello" "goodbye" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello")
(make-array "hello" "hello" "hello" "goodbye" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello")
(make-array "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello")

In the above example you can see that the array referenced by arr1 still has its original value, while arr2 shows the updated value.

Note that the way arrays are printed is as an invocation of the (make-array) function. Ideally they would use a notation like #(1 2 3) or [1 2 3] but that raises some additional syntax questions with regard to S-expressions, so for now it uses the make-array notation.


Since Scheml is a functional language, functions are first-class data items. You can pass them around as parameters to other functions and apply them when you want.


Some functions such as printf return a void type. You may occasionally need to return a void type in an expression. Use the symbol void to represent void. For example, the EmptyNode option in the match statement below doesn't need to do anything, but its return type must be the same as printf:

(match tree
   (EmptyNode void)
   ((TreeNode data _ _) (printf "tree node data is %s\n" data)))

symbol (not really a type)

A symbol can be a function name or a variable name. Scheml is pretty lax in what characters are allowed in a symbol. A symbol can't start with a digit, and if it starts with -0 it is assumed to be a number, and if it starts with #\ it is assumed to be a character constant, otherwise any of these characters may appear in a symbol: '*/+-!@#$%&_=:.<>?~|^. Unlike Scheme, you can't manipulate symbols as data values, and they can't appear as types in an expression.


The semi-colon is the comment character, and it is in effect from where it starts until the end of the current line (unless it occurs within a string). Example

(define foo 123)  ; this is a comment

Special Forms

In the Lisp family of languages, special forms look like functions but their semantics for evaluating expressions differs from that of function application. Unlike Scheme or other Lisp-like languages, Scheml doesn't have any kind of syntactic extension facility like macros. However, the source code is structured in a way that makes it fairly easy to add new special forms, and the use of S-expressions for the syntax means that you shouldn't have to modify the parser to support a new special form.

(:= var expr)

The := operator, also referred to as assign allows you to store a variable in the current evaluation environment. It is visible to any statements that come after it in the environment, but not outside that environment. For example, we can use (progn) to create a new evaluation environment (a function body or a let body are also evaluation environments) and if we nest them, we can see that changes to the local environment don't affect the parent:

  (:= foo "foo level 1")
  (printf "Foo is %s\n" foo)
    (printf "Inside nested progn, foo is currently %s\n" foo)
    (:= foo "foo level 2")
    (printf "Inside nested progn, foo is now %s\n" foo))
  (printf "Outside of nested progn, foo is now %s\n" foo))
Foo is foo level 1
Inside nested progn, foo is currently foo level 1
Inside nested progn, foo is now foo level 2
Outside of nested progn, foo is now foo level 1

The := uses the same semantics as a let binding (described below) so you can also deconstruct abstract data types with it:

(:= (Pair first second) (function-that-returns-a-pair))
(printf "First part is %s, second part is %s\n" first second)

(define var expr)

The define form lets you define either a global value or a global function. It is possible to redefine a value with another define statement. But you can only do this from the top level of the Scheml REPL. That is, you can't modify global variables from within a function. Example:

(define foo "this is the foo string")

(define (func-name args) body)

This form of define lets you define a global function. The items in parentheses are the name of the function and then a list of symbols that are the parameters to the function. A function that takes no parameters would just have (function-name) in this part. The body of the function is a sequence of statements that may use any of the symbols in the function argument list including the function name itself. There is no special return statement, the return value of a function is just the value returned by the last statement in the function body. Example:

(define (multiply-by-7 a) (* a 7))

(defmacro macro-name (args) body)

The defmacro form lets you define a macro, which is sort of a function that runs at "compile time". Since this is an interpreter, the notion of "compile time" is a little less defined. Basically, a macro runs at the time that special forms are being expanded in an expression. Macros are useful because they allow you to manipulate code before it is evaluated. For example, suppose the when form described below was not available, you could reproduce it as a macro like this:

(defmacro when (test &rest body)
   `(if ,test (progn ,@body void)

The &rest is a signal to Scheml that you want any remaining macro arguments to be collected into a list, which will be assigned to the parameter following &rest. If you use &rest, it should always occur as the next-to-last item in the macro parameter list, followed only by the name of the parameter to get the collection of remaining parameters. If there are no additional parameters, the parameter bound to &rest will refer to an empty list.

The void is there because both the true and false paths of the if statement must have the same type, and when is expected to return a void. In case the last statement in the when body does not have a type of void, the macro goes ahead and inserts void as the last statement in the body. Even though there's very little overhead from the void keyword, maybe you'd like the macro to check to see if there is already a void there. You could do something like this:

(define (ends-with-void body)
  (match body
    ((SexprList lst) (equals? (head (reverse lst)) `void))
    (_ #f)))

(defmacro my-when (test &rest body)
    (let ((end-void (if (ends-with-void body) `() `(void))))
      `(if ,test (progn ,@body ,@end-void) void)))

First the ends-with-void function returns true if the last item in the body is the void keyword. Notice it is a function and not a macro, macros can call functions. The (head (reverse lst)) returns the last item in the list. Since the body is passed to the macro as an S-expression, the ends-with-void function uses pattern matching to extract the body as a list, and then compares it with the SexprSymbol void, which can be created using a backtick.

The my-when macro then defines an end-void symbol that either refers to an empty list if void already appears in the macro body, or (void) if it does not. It then splices it into the end of the progn with ,@end-void.

Because of the way macro expansion works, you cannot make a recursive macro, but since a macro can call functions, if there is some recursive operation you need to perform, you can always define a function to do it and call that function from the macro.

The backquote notation in the above macros makes it easier for you to enter literal code. Without it, the macro would have to return a nested set of S-expressions, like:

(SexprList (list (SexprSymbol `if) 
  (SexprList (list (SexprSymbol `>) (SexprInt 6) (SexprInt 5)))
  (SexprList (list (SexprSymbol `progn) ...

(if test true-expr false-expr)

The (if) special form works like it does in other Lisp-like languages. It evaluates the test expression, and if it is true, it then evaluates the true-expr, and if it is false it evaluates the false-expr. Since Scheml is strictly typed, both true-expr and false-expr must have the same type and test must be an expression with a type of bool. Example:

(if (> x 5)
  (print "x is too big\n")
  (print "x is okay\n"))

(lambda (args) body)

The (lambda) form defines an anonymous function (although it can be given a name via a (let) or (:=) special form). The items in parens after the lambda should be zero or more symbols representing the names of the parameters that should be passed to the function. After that come the statements that make up the body of the function. The result of the last statement is also the return value of the function. Example:

(lambda (a b)
  (+ (* a a) (* b b)))

(let/let*/letrec ((binding expr) ...) body)

The three types of (let) allow you to bind values to variables within the context of a body. You can destructure abstract types with variables to extract specific values.

The difference between let, let* and letrec is the scope in which the bound value is visible. In a let binding the bound value is only visible in the body, it is not visible in the let bindings that appear after it. For example:

(let ((foo 123)
      (bar (+ 5 foo)))   ;; <-- this is not allowed because foo is not visible until the body
  (printf "foo = %d, bar = %d\n" foo bar))

In a let* form, each binding is visible to the bindings that follow it. For example:

(let* ((foo 123)
      (bar (+ 5 foo)))   ;; <-- this is fine
  (printf "foo = %d, bar = %d\n" foo bar))

In a letrec form, the binding is visible within the expression being bound. This is mostly useful for creating recursive lambda functions. For example, one common pattern in functional languages is to make a tail-recursive version of a function that might take some extra parameters. Here is an implementation of the factorial function that uses an accumulator for the products so that it can be implemented tail-recursively. The tail-recursive function is implemented as a lambda in a letrec expression, and then body of the letrec invokes the function. The outer function then does not expose the accumulator to the user:

(define (fact n)
      ((fact' (lambda (n acc)
                (if (< n 2) acc
                    (fact' (- n 1) (* n acc))))))
    (fact' n 1)))

Note that you can use letrec to cause a stack overflow with a statement like this:

  ((foo (list foo)))

In the above case, you're declaring foo as a list of foo, which means it's a list of list of foo, and so on.

As you can see in the above examples, you can bind a simple variable name to the result of an expression. You can also unpack an abstract data type and assign its components to variable names as well. If you don't care about a particular component, you can use _ as the variable name. For example, given the definition below of a Pair value constructor, you can unpack both halves of the pair into separate variables:

(type pair ('a 'b) (Pair 'a 'b))
(define (func-that-returns-a-pair) (Pair "foo" 42))
(let (((Pair first-part second-part) (func-that-returns-a-pair)))
  (printf "The first part was %s and the second part %d\n"
      first-part second-part))

Notice that you need an extra pair of parens when deconstructing an abstract type because the value constructor looks like a function. That is, in the previous let statements where the binding for a simple variable was (foo some-expression), the binding for an abstract type is ((Pair foo bar) some-expression).

To maintain some level of type safety, the let binding currently only lets you bind an abstract type if that type has only one constructor. If you need to work with an abstract type that has multiple constructors, use a (match) form.

(list item item item ... item)

As mentioned above, the list special form creates a list from any number of items. It just creates an expression that evaluates to the abstract type (Cons item1 (Cons item2 (Cons item3 ... (Cons item-last Nil) ...)))

(macro macro-name (arg1, arg2, ... &rest rest-args))

(match expr (pattern _expr) ...)

The (match) form allows you to deconstruct each case in an abstract type, but because it also allows simple types in the match, it can act like a case or switch statement in other languages. It evaluates the expression that appears just after match and then looks for a pattern that matches that expression. If no patterns match, it raises an exception.

Here is an example data type and a match statement that works with it:

(type tree-node ('a) 
  (TreeNode 'a (tree-node 'a) (tree-node 'a)))

(match (function-that-returns-a-tree-node)
  (Empty (printf "The node is empty\n"))
  ((TreeNode data left right) (printf "The tree node contains data %s\n" data)))

Here is an example that matches simple data types:

(match (+ 3 4)
  (0 (printf "the result is 0\n"))
  (3 (printf "the result is 3\n"))
  (7 (printf "the result is 7\n"))
  (_ (printf "the result is something else\n"))

In the above example, the match will succeed against all possible values because the _ in the last pattern is a wildcard that matches anything. If you don't include that pattern, you'll see a warning like this:

(match (+ 3 4)
  (0 (printf "the result is 0\n"))
  (3 (printf "the result is 3\n"))
  (7 (printf "the result is 7\n")))
the result is 7
Pattern match is not exhaustive, an unmatched pattern is 1

You will always get that warning when matching against ints, doubles, chars, and strings without a wildcard because there are too many possibilities to match (yes, if you made 65,536 matchers, you could avoid the warning for chars).

Also, if a pattern match won't ever match because one of the previous patterns already covers that case, you'll get a different warning:

(match "baz"
  ("foo" (printf "it was foo\n"))
  ("bar" (printf "it was bar\n"))
  ("foo" (printf "IT WAS FOO!\n"))
  (_     (printf "it was something else\n")))
Pattern "foo" is redundant
it was something else

Although you could use the Cons and Nil patterns to deconstruct a list, the match form also allows you to use the more familiar list notation:

(match (list 1 2 3)
   ((1 2 4) (printf "it was (1 2 4)"))
   ((3 2 1) (printf "it was (3 2 1)"))
   ((1 2 3) (printf "it was (1 2 3)"))
   (_ (printf "it was something else")))

Sometimes you need to match against the rest of the list without knowing how long the list is. For that, you can use &rest var at the end of the match list, which will cause the var variable to be bound to the rest of the list, whether that is an empty list or 100 elements. For example:

>(match (list 1 2 3)
   (nil (printf "empty list\n"))
   ((a &rest foo) (printf "list with head %s and tail %s\n" a foo)))
list with head 1 and tail (2 3)

The &rest keyword is the only way using the list notation to avoid an non-exhaustive pattern warning. Note, however, that you can make use of the Cons constructor to achieve the same result. For example, here is a version of the above match using Cons instead of the list pattern:

>(match (list 1 2 3)
   (nil (printf "empty list\n"))
   ((Cons a foo) (printf "list with head %s and tail %s\n" a foo)))
list with head 1 and tail (2 3)

Finally, when deconstructing an abstract type, the match pattern can include nested patterns. Here's another way to match the list (1 2 3)

(match (list 1 2 3)
  ((Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))) (printf "It was (1 2 3)\n"))
  (_ (printf "It was something else\n")))

Scheml also provides a special syntax for matching against S-expressions. First, just as you usually use the ,symbol notation to insert an item into an S-expression, when matching you can use that notation to extract a value from the S-expression. For example:

(match `(foo bar baz)
   (`(,f1 _ _) (printf "The first item was %s\n" f1)))

In this case, the ,f1 creates a match variable named f1, which when matching against the list (foo bar baz) would get the value foo (actually the value SexprSymbol foo). Without the comma, it would try to match the symbol f1 against the first item in the list, which would fail since the first item is the symbol foo.

You can also specify what type of variable an S-expression match variable should expect. For example, the variable f1 in the following case will only match against an int:

(match `(1 2 3)
   (`(,(int f1) _ _) (printf "The first item was %d\n" f1)))

The shorthand names for the various S-expression types are: bool, char, int, double, string, symbol, list.

Bear in mind when you match on list that while the value assigned to the variable is a normal list (Cons), each of its data items are still S-expression values. If you do:

(match `(1 2 3)
  ((list l) ...))

The variable l will refer to a list of sexpr, not a list of numbers.

You can also use the S-expression constructors with the ,() form, such as ,(SexprInt f1).

Instead of using the &rest keyword in an S-expression match, you can use the ,@ notation. Normally you use ,@ to splice a value into a list, when used in a matching pattern, it is just the reverse, it takes the rest of the list and binds it with the value. For example:

>(match `(foo bar (1 2 3) baz quux)
   (`(,f ,b ,@z) (printf "f=%s  b=%s  z=%s\n" f b z)))
Pattern match is not exhaustive, an unmatched pattern is (SexprDouble _)
f=foo  b=bar  z=((1 2 3) baz quux)

When matching against an S-expression value that might be something other than a list, you can use either the shorthand names for the types, or the value constructor in the match:

(match some-sexpr-val
   ((bool b) (printf "It was a bool\n"))
   ((SexprInt i) (printf "It was an int\n"))
   ((string s) (printf "It was a string\n"))
   ((SexprList l) (printf "It was a list\n")))

(printf format args)

You have probably been noticing all the printf calls in the various examples and might have thought that printf is a function. But, as was the situation with the list form, printf is a special form because it takes a variable number of arguments.

Because Scheml is implemented in Java, the format string is the same as that specified in the Java Formatter class here: with the exception that there is currently no support for the date/time conversions.

Since Scheml is strictly typed, it checks the types of the arguments to printf to make sure they are correct, although the fact that the %s format in the Java Formatter can take any object and just print the toString of it means that Scheml will allow you to pass any type for %s. For a %d, however, the parameter must be an int, and for %f it must be a float.

(progn expr expr expr ... expr)

progn is probably a bit of an archaic name, but it just encapsulates a block of statements so that the last statement is the return value of the block, similar to how function and let bodies work. Example:

(printf "Progn body returned %s\n"
   (progn (printf "running progn\n")
          (printf "still running progn\n")
running progn
still running progn
Progn body returned foo

(type [(type-parameters)] constructor constructor ...)

The type form lets you define abstract types. When you define an abstract type, it may contain varying types of object (if you haven't seen this before it's like template parameters in Java & C++), and if you do that, you need to declare type variables for the different abstract types. For example, a list is defined internally with this type:

(type cons ('a) Nil (Cons 'a (cons 'a)))

This means that the type named cons has one type parameter that for the purposes of this declaration is named 'a. If a constructor doesn't take any arguments, it can just be specified by its name, as Nil is above, while those that do take arguments must be parenthesized, as is (Cons 'a (cons 'a)). It is not a typo that the second cons in this example is lowercase, it doesn't refer to the Cons constructor but the cons 'a type, meaning that could be a Nil or it could be another Cons.

Here's an example with multiple type parameters:

(type pair ('a 'b) (Pair 'a 'b)

This is a simple pair of items where each item can be any type. For example, the expression (Pair "foo" 42) has the type (pair string int).

Value constructors are functions, which means you can partially evaluate them. This (Pair 123) is a partial function that has the type 'a -> pair int 'a. That is, it is a function that takes an argument of any type and returns a pair of an int and that type.

(when test body)

If the test expression returns true, (when) executes the body. This form always has a type of void, because there isn't another logical choice if the test returns false. Given that only I/O functions have side-effects, this form isn't very useful except for printing output.

REPL features

The REPL is mostly just a way to enter expressions and see what they evaluate to. But, there are two special commands:

:r filename

The :r command reads in the named file and evaluates it.

:t expr

Evaluates an expression and prints its type along with its value.

:cd dir

Changes the current directory to the specified directory


Prints the current directory


Executes the shell command (e.g. :!ls to list the files in the current directory).

Builtin Functions

Scheml has a number of built-in functions, mostly for dealing with strings and numbers. Many of the common functions associated with lists are provided by a separate lists.scm file.

Arithmetic functions

(+ inta intb)
(- inta intb)
(* inta intb)
(/ inta intb)
(div inta intb)
(mod inta intb)
(+. doublea doubleb)
(-. doublea doubleb)
(*. doublea doubleb)
(/. doublea doubleb)
(div. doublea doubleb)
(mod. doublea doubleb)

Scheml doesn't do any kind of type conversion, and following the example of Ocaml, it has separate operators for floating point operations. That is, to add two ints, you use + but to add two doubles you use +.. The convention is that the double version of an arithmetic or comparison function just has a . after the int version of the same function. For example: (+ 3 4) adds two integers, while (+. 3.0 4.0) adds two doubles.

The built-in functions can be partially applied, so (+ 5) is a partial function that takes one argument and adds 5 to it. For example, using the map function from lists.scm:

(map (+ 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5))
(6 7 8 9 10)

Comparison functions

(= inta intb)
(!= inta intb)
(> inta intb)
(>= inta intb)
(< inta intb)
(<= inta intb)
(=. doublea doubleb)
(!=. doublea doubleb)
(>. doublea doubleb)
(>=. doublea doubleb)
(<. doublea doubleb)
(<=.`  doublea doubleb)

As with the arithmetic functions, the comparison functions also have separate int and double versions, although this could change in the future because the return type is always bool.


(equals? x y)

Unlike the = comparison function, the equals? function can test the equality of any two objects. It just uses the Java equals method to compare the object, but the simple expressions in Scheml, as well as the abstract data types, all implement the Java equals method.

min max min. max.

(min inta intb)
(max inta intb)
(min. doublea doubleb)
(max. doublea doubleb)

The min and max functions pick the minimum or maximum of two ints (or two doubles for min. and max.).

neg neg.

(neg inta)
(neg. doublea)

The neg and neg. functions return the negative of an int or a double

int->double double->int

(int->double inta)
(double->int doublea)

The int->double and double->int functions provide conversions between int and double.

and or xor not

(and boola boolb)
(or boola boolb)
(xor boola boolb)
(not boola)

The and, or, xor, and not functions perform the boolean operations their names indicate. Since and and or are functions whose arguments are evaluated before they are called, they cannot do short-circuiting. If you need a short-circuited and where the second argument isn't evaluated if the first is false, do (if first-test second-test #f). Similarly, for a short-circuited or do (if first-test #t second-test).

& | ^ ~ << >>

(& inta intb)
(| inta intb)
(^ inta intb)
(~ inta)
(<< inta num-bits)
(>> inta num-bits)

The &, |, and ^ functions perform bitwise-and, -or, and -xor operations respectively on ints. The ~ function does a bitwise invert on an int, and << and >> shift their first int argument left or right the number of bits specified by their second int argument.


(->string x)

Converts any value to its string representation.


(id x)

The id function is the identity function that just returns its argument.

list->string string->list

(list->string lista)
(string->list stirnga)

The list->string and string->list functions convert between a string and a list of chars (not a list of any other type).

cons head tail ->list empty?

(cons x lista)
(head lista)
(tail lista)
(->list x)
(empty? lista)
(length lista)
(nth n lista)

Like Scheme, Scheml uses cons to build a list, but it discards a piece of Lisp history in not calling the head and tail functions car and cdr. The head function returns the first item in a list, and the tail function returns the rest of the list (everthing except for the head). The head function will throw an exception if you try to take the head of an empty list. The ->list function turns any object into a one-object list. Unlike the (list) form, you can map ->list over a list to create a list of lists.

The empty? function returns true if a list is empty.

The length function returns the length of a list.

The nth function takes a number n and a list and returns the item in the list at the nth position, where the first item in the list is at position 0.

all some

(all pred lista)
(some pred lista)

Given a predicate function of type 'a -> bool, and a list of type 'a, the all function returns true if the predicate function returns true for every item in the list. The some function returns true if the predicate returns true for any item in the list.


(append lista listb)

Given two lists, return the list made by appending the second list to the end of the first.

drop take

(drop n lista)
(take n lista)

Given an integer value n and a list of items, the drop function skips the first n items of the list and returns the rest of the list. The take function returns the first n items of the list as a separate list.


(map f lista)

Given a function from 'a to 'b and a list of type 'a, the map function applies the function to each item of the list and returns the function results as a list of type 'b.


(fold f start-val lista)

Given a two-parameter function from types 'b and 'a to type'b, a start value of type 'b and a list of type 'a, fold applies the function to each element of the list and the result of the previous application (using the start value as the first argument when invoking the function the first time). When all the items have been processed, it returns the last function result.

For example, to sum the numbers from 1 to 10: (fold + 0 (range 1 10)) The calls to function + in this case would be:

(+ 1 0)  ; the 0 here is the second argument to fold (start-val)
(+ 2 1)  ; the 1 here is the result of the previous (+ 1 0)
(+ 3 3)
(+ 4 6)
(+ 5 10)
(+ 6 15)
(+ 7 21)
(+ 8 28)
(+ 9 36)
(+ 10 45)

The result of the fold would then be 55 (10 + 45)


(member x lista)

Returns true if item x appears in the list.


(filter pred lista)

Given a function from type 'a to bool and a list of type 'a, (filter) returns a list of all the items in the list for which the predicate was true.


(remove x lista)

Returns the list resulting from removing the first occurrence of item x from the given list. If item x does not appear in the list, it will return the original list.


(replace-nth n x lista)

Replaces the nth item in the given list with item x.


(reverse lista)

Reverses the given list.


(range start end)

The range function takes two arguments, a beginning and end, and returns a list of numbers from the first argument to the last argument inclusive. That is, (range 1 5) returns the list (1 2 3 4 5).


(sexpr-bool? s)
(sexpr-char? s)
(sexpr-double? s)
(sexpr-int? s)
(sexpr-list? s)
(sexpr-string? s)
(sexpr-symbol? s)

The sexpr-xxx? functions test whether a given sexpr expression contains a partcular type. Each of these functions could be defined with a match expression, for example:

>(define (my-sexpr-bool? sb)
   (match sb
    ((SexprBool _) #t)
    (_ #f)))
(function my-sexpr-bool?)
>(my-sexpr-bool? (SexprBool #f))
>(my-sexpr-bool? (SexprInt 5))
(sexpr->bool s)
(sexpr->char s)
(sexpr->double s)
(sexpr->int s)
(sexpr->list s)
(sexpr->string s)
(sexpr->symbol s)

The sexpr->xxx functions convert a given sexpr into the specified type, but will throw an exception if the given value isn't of the correct type:

(sexpr->int (SexprInt 5))
>(sexpr->int (SexprChar #\a))
Fail: S-expression is not a SexprInt

As with the tests, you could implement these functions using a match, like this:

>(define (my-sexpr->int s)
  (match s
   ((SexprInt i) i)
   (_ (fail "Cannot convert S-expression to int"))))
(function my-sexpr->int)
>(my-sexpr->int (SexprInt 5))
>(my-sexpr->int (SexprChar #\a))
Fail: Cannot convert S-expression to int
(list-convertible? s)
(convert-sexpr-list s)

The list-convertible? function returns true if an SexprList contains all the same type of value. If an S-expression is list-convertible then you can use convert-sexpr-list to convert it into a list of whatever element type it contains. For example:

>(list-convertible? `(1 2 3 4 5))
>(list-convertible? `(1 2 foo #t "bar"))
>(convert-sexpr-list `(1 2 3 4 5))
(1 2 3 4 5)
>:t (convert-sexpr-list `(1 2 3 4 5))
(1 2 3 4 5) : cons 'a
>(convert-sexpr-list `(1 2 foo #t "bar"))
Fail: S-expression list contains mixed types


Sometimes when creating a macro you need to generate a symbol that doesn't clash with other symbols. The (gensym) function will return a unique symbol (as long as you make sure your identifiers don't start with $$$GEN$$$).


(make-array item0 item1 item2 ... itemn)

Creates an array of the given items

(make-array-with-default size default-value)

Creates an array with the given size where each item is the default-value.

(make-array-with-function size func)

Creates an array with the given size, using the provided function to initialize the elements. The function is passed the index of the element it is to create.

(array-length arr)

Returns the length of the array.

(@ arr index)

Retrieves the value at the specified index of the array. It throws a FailException if the index is negative or >= the size.

(@<- arr index new-value)

Creates a copy of the specified array with the value at the specified index containing the new value (this does not update the array in-place).

(array->list arr)
(list->array lst)

Converts between arrays and lists.

(array-map fn arr)
(array-fold fn init arr)

The array equivalents of the map and fold functions for lists.

Arrays are immutable, the function to set a value makes a copy of the original array with the updated value changed. It is possible to make the equivalent of a mutable array by making an array of references. For example:

>(define mutarray (make-array-with-function 10 (lambda (x) (Ref 0))))
(make-array (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0))
>(<- (@ mutarray 1) 999)
(Ref 999)
>(<- (@ mutarray 3) 123)
(Ref 123)
>(<- (@ mutarray 5) 42)
(Ref 42)
(make-array (Ref 0) (Ref 999) (Ref 0) (Ref 123) (Ref 0) (Ref 42) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0) (Ref 0))


(print stringa)

The print function prints a string to stdout.



Takes no arguments, reads a line from stdin and returns it as a string with the newline stripped off the end.


(load filename)

The load function takes a string argument and loads and evaluates the expressions in that file. It does the same thing as the :r command in the REPL.



Terminates the REPL.

read-lines write-lines

(read-lines filenmae)
(write-lines lines filename)

The read-lines function takes a string filename and reads all the lines from the named file, returning them as a list. The lines will have all the newlines stripped off the end.

The write-lines function takes a list of strings and a string filename, and writes each string to the named file as a separate line, appending a newline to each string.


(fail message)

Takes a string message and throws an exception to terminate the current evaluation and return the REPL. The REPL will display the message.

split join

(split stringa split-on-regex)
(join string-list separator)

The split function is a thin wrapper around the Java String split method, in that it takes a string value, and also a string representation of a regular expression, and splits the first string at the points where it matches the regular expression. A simple split call would be:

(split "foo bar baz" " ")
("foo" "bar" "baz")

The join function appends a list of strings together separated by the given string separator. For example:

(join (list "foo" "bar" "baz") ", ")
"foo, bar, baz"


(swap f a b)

Takes a function f and two arguments a and b, and returns the result of applying f to a and b in reverse order, that is (f b a). This is useful when working using comparison operators for list predicates. For example, to filter a list for items less than 5, it would be nice to filter on (< 5) but that would be items that 5 is less than. Instead of creating a lambda like (lambda (x) (< x 5)) you can just do (swap < 5) which essentially does partial function application where the second argument is partially applied.


(profiling #t)
(profiling #f)

Scheml includes a very basic profiler. You activate the profiler by calling (profiling #t) and then do the operations you want to profile. When you are done, call (profiling #f) and that will both stop the profiling and also print out a report of the profiling, showing the number of calls of each function, the total time each function too, and the average time each function took.

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