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Comments (29)

Willard21 avatar Willard21 commented on July 29, 2024 2

The version that was already in the code used p2.x, p2.y, p2.z for the X, Y, Z since I was using it from the dev console while I played. It doesn't work in multiplayer unless you're the host (thanks to a bug, but it's for the best lol). Personally if I was going to add it as an actual mechanic, I'd use the more efficient carveSphere() method, which is what I use for carving out caves in a "tube" shape.

from minekhan.

RedMonster2 avatar RedMonster2 commented on July 29, 2024 2

i'm actually quite familiar with modding MineKhan, check out my latest mod it shows new block implementation, and includes several of my new block shapes, and also shows playing with lighting (although night/day cycle is messed up, so i turned it off)

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024 1

You could also use this to make textures:

from minekhan.

RedMonster2 avatar RedMonster2 commented on July 29, 2024 1

yeah i know the icons are messed up, it would be nice if the icons were presented by the actual block shapes, rather than making a whole new model for it that works on completely different rules. so for now i just do random shapes and try to remember what is what (i'm looking at adding auto shape change, so when you place a lantern, even if your on cube, it will place the correct shape). oh, and thank you for the compliments

from minekhan.

Hacker1254 avatar Hacker1254 commented on July 29, 2024

How to Make new blocks, although it can take a bit of time. Here are instructions:

  1. Get the image for the block. For the blocks, googled the block name "steve minecraft face" and "pig minecraft face" or whatever you are looking for. If you have Minecraft, for blocks that are in the game you can go to the .jar folder and open the textures/blocks for the images. (DISCLAIMER: I don't actually know if that works, not having Minecraft myself, but Willard said that is where he got the textures so I'm trusting him :D )
  2. Size the image. Because the blocks are 16 by 16 px, the image that we use also needs to be 16x16px. Use a photo editor or something to rescale the image to 16x16px, and export it as a png.
  3. Convert the png to base64. I just googled "png to base64" and it provided a ton of great sites that you can upload your pictures to and get them converted to base64. The converted image will be a string of numbers and characters that you should copy.
  4. Convert the base64 to base36. For this, I used Willard's program that he actually created for making the MineKhan blocks: . Plug the base64 data string into the program code where it says, and it will provide a string of letters and numbers in the println. Copy this.
  5. Putting the new texture in. On MineKhan (v 0.6.1), the textures start on line 132. Scroll down through all the textures listed, until you get to the last one (currently polished granite.) Following the same format as the other textures, put your texture string in the end right after the polishedGranite. Give it a nice descriptive name (like smileyFace or lava).
  6. Listing the block. Now go down. Below where the textures are listed, starting on line 299, is the block data. Go down to the end (again, the last block should be polishedGranite) and follow the same format for listing as the other blocks. Make sure the name you put in the block data is the same thing you called your texture!
  7. Enjoy your block! At this point, the block should show up in your inventory. Create a new world or something and check it out!

Not all blocks work. If you look at my code (which I recommend doing to see examples of what I did), you will see a couple of block textures commented out, like creeperHead. Those textures don't work and break the program because they have too many unique colors and the encoder I use has a limit of 36 colors. Usually if the program isn't working, it's because you made a mistake in spelling or formatting.

made by 🍉 Sally the Great 🍉

from minekhan.

sauron65 avatar sauron65 commented on July 29, 2024

How To Add TNT Back:

  1. push ctrl+f
  2. type tnt
  3. push the down arrow until you see the line that says
// I swear, if y'all don't stop asking about TNT every 5 minutes!
  1. uncomment the lines below until they look like this:
    name: "tnt",
    textures: ["tntBottom", "tntTop", "tntSides"]
  1. there should now be TNT!

from minekhan.

MicrolemurDev avatar MicrolemurDev commented on July 29, 2024

I know this may be an older issue, but I may start working on a mod loader for this. That way we can make adding stuff easy to add. I probably will make a fork if this gets open sourced under some permissive license (This version, the KA Version already is MIT)

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

I find it real annoying that people are adding unexplodable tnt, so here is the code.

		{ // I swear, if y'all don't stop asking about TNT every 5 minutes!
		  name: "tnt",
		  textures: ["tntBottom", "tntTop", "tntSides"],
		  lightLevel: 15,
		  onclick: function(x,y,z){

Also, this in the hitbox.pos if
( you should put it inside the if (block) if tag)

let onclick = blockData[block].onclick
          if(!onclick(x, y, z)){p.lastPlace =; return} //if it doesn't return true


function explode(x,y,z, radius){
  for(var i=radius; i>0; i--){
    sphereoidAt(x,y,z,i,i,i, blockIds.air)

at the end of the code..... as we know it.... and I feel fine.

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

All it does is that it replaces blocks with air, once it's clicked.

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

And if there is anyone that doesn't understand this, just contact me.

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

I find it real annoying that people are adding unexplodable tnt, so here is the code.

		{ // I swear, if y'all don't stop asking about TNT every 5 minutes!
		  name: "tnt",
		  textures: ["tntBottom", "tntTop", "tntSides"],
		  lightLevel: 15,
		  onclick: function(x,y,z){

Also, this in the hitbox.pos if
( you should put it inside the if (block) if tag)

let onclick = blockData[block].onclick
          if(!onclick(x, y, z)){p.lastPlace =; return} //if it doesn't return true


function explode(x,y,z, radius){
  for(var i=radius; i>0; i--){
    sphereoidAt(x,y,z,i,i,i, blockIds.air)

at the end of the code..... as we know it.... and I feel fine.

That code looks like my code.
If you use that explode function, you also need this at the end of the code:

function sphereoidAt(X,Y,Z,w, h, d, id) {
  let w2 = w * w
  let h2 = h * h
  let d2 = d * d
  let w3 = (w - 1.5) * (w - 1.5)
  let h3 = (h - 1.5) * (h - 1.5)
  let d3 = (d - 1.5) * (d - 1.5)
  for (let y = -h; y < h; y++) {
    for (let x = -w; x <= w; x++) {
      for (let z = -d; z <= d; z++) {
        let n = x * x / w2 + y * y / h2 + z * z / d2
        let n2 = x * x / w3 + y * y / h3 + z * z / d3
        if (n < 1 && n2 >= 1) {
          world.setBlock(X + x, Y + y, Z + z, id)

from minekhan.

sauron65 avatar sauron65 commented on July 29, 2024


Also, this in the hitbox.pos if
( you should put it inside the if (block) if tag)

what do you mean by that?

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

It's just the friggin place you put the code in.

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

How to add new block shapes (beds, torches, plants, etc...)

We will be using plant shape for this tutorial
1. First you need the block shape

			verts: [
				[objectify(8, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, 0)], //bottom
				[objectify(8, 16, 8, 1, 1, 0, 0)], //top
				[objectify(16, 16, 8, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //north
				[objectify(0, 16, 8, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //south
				[objectify(8, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //east
				[objectify(8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0)]  //west
			cull: {
				top: 0,
				bottom: 0,
				north: 0,
				south: 0,
				east: 0,
				west: 0
			texVerts: [],
			varients: [],
			buffer: null,
			size: 6,

2. Next, you add it to the shapes object
Press ctrl + f and type "shapes = "
add the plant shape object to the shapes object

let shapes = {
	//other shapes
	plant: {
		verts: [
			[objectify(8, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, 0)], //bottom
			[objectify(8, 16, 8, 1, 1, 0, 0)], //top
			[objectify(16, 16, 8, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //north
			[objectify(0, 16, 8, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //south
			[objectify(8, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 0)], //east
			[objectify(8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0)]  //west
		cull: {
			top: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			north: 0,
			south: 0,
			east: 0,
			west: 0
		texVerts: [],
		varients: [],
		buffer: null,
		size: 6,

3. Block constant
Search for "const cube"
You will find the constants.
Add const PLANT = 0x300

	const CUBE      = 0
	const SLAB      = 0x100 // 9th bit
	const STAIR     = 0x200 // 10th bit
	const PLANT     = 0x300

4. Initializing the shape
Search for "let baseBlock"
add these:

			let baseBlock = blockData[i]
			let slabBlock = Object.create(baseBlock)
			let stairBlock = Object.create(baseBlock)
			let plantBlock = Object.create(baseBlock) //add this
			baseBlock.shape = shapes.cube
			slabBlock.shape = shapes.slab
			stairBlock.shape = shapes.stair
			plantBlock.shape = shapes.plant //add this
			blockData[i | SLAB] = slabBlock
			blockData[i | STAIR] = stairBlock
			blockData[i | PLANT] = plantBlock //add this

5. Add plant block shape option
Search for "if(k === "enter")"
Add this: (blockMode === STAIR ? PLANT : CUBE)

		if (k === "enter") {
			blockMode = blockMode === CUBE ? SLAB : (blockMode === SLAB ? STAIR : (blockMode === STAIR ? PLANT : CUBE))
			updateHUD = true

6. Block icon
Search for "function genIcons"
Add this to the function (it uses the cube icon):

			data = []
			for (let j = 11; j >= 0; j--) {
				data.push(-hexagonVerts[j * 3 + 0] * scale)
				data.push(hexagonVerts[j * 3 + 1] * scale)
				data.push(textureCoords[textureMap[block.textures[texOrder[floor(j / 4)]]]][(j * 2 + 0) % 8])
				data.push(textureCoords[textureMap[block.textures[texOrder[floor(j / 4)]]]][(j * 2 + 1) % 8])
				data.push(shadows[floor(j / 4)])
			buffer = gl.createBuffer()
			gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
			gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(data), gl.STATIC_DRAW)
			blockIcons[i | PLANT] = buffer
			blockIcons.lengths[i | PLANT] = 6 * 3

And now you have a new block shape!

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

If you dont want to make your own block shapes, go here:
EDIT: you also need to click "Recent", its at "Recent Top <--"

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024
function sphereoidAt(X,Y,Z,w, h, d, id) {
  let w2 = w * w
  let h2 = h * h
  let d2 = d * d
  let w3 = (w - 1.5) * (w - 1.5)
  let h3 = (h - 1.5) * (h - 1.5)
  let d3 = (d - 1.5) * (d - 1.5)
  for (let y = -h; y < h; y++) {
    for (let x = -w; x <= w; x++) {
      for (let z = -d; z <= d; z++) {
        let n = x * x / w2 + y * y / h2 + z * z / d2
        let n2 = x * x / w3 + y * y / h3 + z * z / d3
        if (n < 1 && n2 >= 1) {
          world.setBlock(X + x, Y + y, Z + z, id)

This was already in the code at the bottom. I just presumed that you took out the // when you downloaded minekhan.

from minekhan.

MicrolemurDev avatar MicrolemurDev commented on July 29, 2024

I mean, it looks amazing. Just the block icons are messed up a bit. But still. Pretty good.

from minekhan.

sauron65 avatar sauron65 commented on July 29, 2024


How to Make new blocks, although it can take a bit of time. Here are instructions:

  1. Get the image for the block. For the blocks, googled the block name "steve minecraft face" and "pig minecraft face" or whatever you are looking for. If you have Minecraft, for blocks that are in the game you can go to the .jar folder and open the textures/blocks for the images. (DISCLAIMER: I don't actually know if that works, not having Minecraft myself, but Willard said that is where he got the textures so I'm trusting him :D )
  2. Size the image. Because the blocks are 16 by 16 px, the image that we use also needs to be 16x16px. Use a photo editor or something to rescale the image to 16x16px, and export it as a png.
  3. Convert the png to base64. I just googled "png to base64" and it provided a ton of great sites that you can upload your pictures to and get them converted to base64. The converted image will be a string of numbers and characters that you should copy.
  4. Convert the base64 to base36. For this, I used Willard's program that he actually created for making the MineKhan blocks: . Plug the base64 data string into the program code where it says, and it will provide a string of letters and numbers in the println. Copy this.
  5. Putting the new texture in. On MineKhan (v 0.6.1), the textures start on line 132. Scroll down through all the textures listed, until you get to the last one (currently polished granite.) Following the same format as the other textures, put your texture string in the end right after the polishedGranite. Give it a nice descriptive name (like smileyFace or lava).
  6. Listing the block. Now go down. Below where the textures are listed, starting on line 299, is the block data. Go down to the end (again, the last block should be polishedGranite) and follow the same format for listing as the other blocks. Make sure the name you put in the block data is the same thing you called your texture!
  7. Enjoy your block! At this point, the block should show up in your inventory. Create a new world or something and check it out!

Not all blocks work. If you look at my code (which I recommend doing to see examples of what I did), you will see a couple of block textures commented out, like creeperHead. Those textures don't work and break the program because they have too many unique colors and the encoder I use has a limit of 36 colors. Usually if the program isn't working, it's because you made a mistake in spelling or formatting.

made by 🍉 Sally the Great 🍉

if you don't have minecraft, the easiest way to get the textures is to go here:
and click branches then click the latest version of minecraft (1.17.1 as of Wednesday, September 15, 2021)
to get the texture string in bas256 (MineKhan now uses base256 on and more easily go to

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

How to make broken saves work again

Go to Chunk.load (above "class Contacts") and you will see this:

load() {
	let chunkX = this.x >> 4
	let chunkZ = this.z >> 4
	let load = null
	for (let i = 0; i < world.loadFrom.length; i++) {
		load = world.loadFrom[i]
		if (load.x === chunkX && load.z === chunkZ) {
			let y = load.y * 16
			for (let j in load.blocks) {
				world.setBlock((j >> 8 & 15) + this.x, (j >> 4 & 15) + y, (j & 15) + this.z, load.blocks[j])
			world.loadFrom.splice(i--, 1)
	this.loaded = true

Just change it to this:

load() {
	let chunkX = this.x >> 4
	let chunkZ = this.z >> 4
	let load = null
	for (let i = 0; i < world.loadFrom.length; i++) {
		load = world.loadFrom[i]
		if (load.x === chunkX && load.z === chunkZ) {
			let y = load.y * 16
			for (let j in load.blocks) {
				if(blockData[load.blocks[j]]){ // if a block doesn't exsist, they won't be generated
					world.setBlock((j >> 8 & 15) + this.x, (j >> 4 & 15) + y, (j & 15) + this.z, load.blocks[j])
			world.loadFrom.splice(i--, 1)
	this.loaded = true

And know if you load the broken save, it works!

from minekhan.

AppleBob avatar AppleBob commented on July 29, 2024

Can someone help with this? I added a scaffold hack, except it constantly places blocks in the wrong spot (usually a block too far either left or right), leading you to fall.

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

Use p2 instead of p

    world.setBlock(p2.x,p2.y-2,p2.z, holding)

from minekhan.

AppleBob avatar AppleBob commented on July 29, 2024

tysm, that fixed it

from minekhan.

AppleBob avatar AppleBob commented on July 29, 2024

wait however, you now move super fast when sneaking, and scaffold is on

from minekhan.

AppleBob avatar AppleBob commented on July 29, 2024

nvm, I found the error

from minekhan.

ImaginaryNeon avatar ImaginaryNeon commented on July 29, 2024

haha missing texture go brrrrr

from minekhan.

 avatar commented on July 29, 2024

There is also a wiki at:

from minekhan.

runbobfun1 avatar runbobfun1 commented on July 29, 2024

how do i add vegitation to minekhan and im using the old khan academy code in notepad to make my mods please help and i need working doors

from minekhan.

MicrolemurDev avatar MicrolemurDev commented on July 29, 2024

Plants have been added by many mods but doors are more complex as they require you to have "states" for the block and custom models. You can try, but it would probably be pretty complex.

from minekhan.

harsha7addanki avatar harsha7addanki commented on July 29, 2024

How To Add TNT Back:

1. push ctrl+f

2. type tnt

3. push the down arrow until you see the line that says
// I swear, if y'all don't stop asking about TNT every 5 minutes!
4. uncomment the lines below until they look like this:
    name: "tnt",
    textures: ["tntBottom", "tntTop", "tntSides"]
5. there should now be TNT!

the good thing about that is that if you try and understand the object literals you can learn to make custom blocks yourself

from minekhan.

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