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nova-vim's Issues

Highlight XML namespace attributes as well.

Currently color scheme highlights XML namespace tags properly like this:

However XML allows attributes to be part of namespace as well:

As I am not sure if this is by design, I am reporting it just in case.

Fix colors of the patch adding view

In Fugitive you can stage particular patches, which is handy. Nova must miss a few of the colors though, because things look a little... Rough.

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 3 58 38 pm

I'll update the colors here so you can assign this to me. Just wanted to make an issue to signal my intention to fix this.

Unknown option: termguicolors

I get the following error when I install this plugin and add colorscheme nova to my .vimrc. I'm using the Janus vim distribution on Ubuntu 16.04

Support for Neomake

It would be nice to have support for neomake. This is what I had to add to my .vimrc to get neomake colors working:

highlight NeomakeErrorMsg guifg=#DF8C8C
highlight NeomakeWarningMsg guifg=#F2C38F
let g:neomake_error_sign={'text': 'e', 'texthl': 'NeomakeErrorMsg'}
let g:neomake_warning_sign={'text': 'w', 'texthl': 'NeomakeWarningMsg'}

I'm not sure if this is the best way to make it work. If I leave off lines 3-4, then it doesn't show any characters next to the line numbers at all.

Nova colors for alacritty

Haven't put too much effort into the repository, but it's there for anyone who wants the basic color template for Alacritty (

@trevordmiller I've added you as a collaborator so feel free to spruce it up or just migrate the contents to entirely different repo, it doesn't matter to me. Feel free to close this issue once you've read it since it's not really an issue.

hlsearch active element not highlighting

Got a weird issue. I if i use the /gc option on find and replace to confirm each replace, there is no highlighting of the active word. See example, where I show the correct behavior first with the default color scheme :

mar-04-2017 13-55-38

Can someone reproduce?

Start script errors

The start script isn't working for me. I keep getting the following error:

ln: /Users/alexlafroscia/.vim/colors/nova.vim: No such file or directory

Weird Tmux colors

When using Vim from tmux I get some janky colors:

screen shot 2016-12-09 at 11 21 40 am

Any idea why this is?

No colours when used as mergetool with vimdiff

I've noticed that this colour scheme doesn't work when vim is used as git mergetool. My gitconfig contains this:

	tool = vimdiff
	prompt = false
	tool = vimdiff

When I run git mergetool to resolve a conflict there are no colours but if I use colorscheme default or other themes the colours display fine.

Cursor line is not showing up in Vim

Hi! I love this theme, I got it for vim, tmux, iTerm, git and for some reason in vim my cursor line is not highlighting just the block cursor is. Also my status line seems to be a different color and I'm not sure what I have done wrong :(

If you have any ideas I'd appreciate them.

Here is a screenshot of what vim look like for me:

vim screenshot

Update screenshots

Update website and repo README screenshots for vim + tmux plugins with the latest backgroundShade dividers

Cursor + Highlight = :-(

Currently, the cursor settings and the highlighted word settings are the same which means when you are jumping around with * n ; etc. you can't see your cursor. In this image, the cursor is actually on the "S"
screen shot 2017-03-28 at 10 57 21 am

Update airline colors to match native status bar colors (horizontal divider colors)

Hi! First of all, thanks for your work on this :)

I was just trying out nova-vim and noticed that vertical split dividers don't match the horizontal dividers or the screenshots on the website. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?

Here's what I'm seeing:
screen shot 2017-08-12 at 12 15 05 am

I just downloaded the iTerm2 theme and am using and also just ran :PlugUpdate, so both my iTerm2 colors and the Vim plugin should be up to date. Thanks!

Clean up plugin rules

Place the "Plugins" section rules in the related color mapping groups so the plugins section can be removed and all rules are organized by semantics.
From #31

Vim tabs are hard to read with the white background

Really love this theme! However I find the tabs hard read with the white background. I've tried with a stripped down vim.init to check it wasn't a conflict with another package. My setup is iterm2 and neovim with both color schemes installed.

" setup vim plug
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
  Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
  Plug 'trevordmiller/nova-vim'
call plug#end()

colorscheme nova

screen shot 2017-09-13 at 14 14 42

Add better support for git views

I've noticed that some improvements could be made to some of the Git-related colors with this theme.

For example, if you're diffing two files, seeing the changes in red/green might be helpful. Instead, I'm getting this:

screen shot 2016-10-11 at 11 15 31 am

Compare to the coloring of Gruvbox, which makes it super obvious what's added/removed/changed.

screen shot 2016-10-11 at 11 14 59 am

What do you think about setting the background color of the added lines to green instead of blue, and maybe doing something different with changed lines to highlight them as well?

Nova theme for Kitty

@trevordmiller I'm fiddling with different terminals right now, and am trying Kitty so figured I'd send you the Nova color scheme for it too:

# Nova Theme
background #3C4C55
foreground #C5D4DD
cursor #C0C5CE
color0 #6A7D89
color8 #899BA6
# red
color1 #DF8C8C
color9 #F2C38F
# green
color2 #A8CE93
color10 #A8CE93
# yellow
color3 #DADA93
color11 #DADA93
# blue
color4 #83AFE5
color12 #83AFE5
# magenta
color5 #9A93E1
color13 #D18EC2
# cyan
color6 #7FC1CA
color14 #7FC1CA
# white
color7 #C5D4DD
color15 #E6EEF3

What is the cleanest way to make the background a little darker?


Thank you for making and releasing this colour scheme.

I would quite like to make the background a little darker. What's the cleanest way to do that?

Also, how can I find a darker version of the current background colour (instead of a random darker colour)?


Text color in folds is too dark

Not sure if it's just me, but having the text darker than the fold color makes it really hard to read

screen shot 2016-09-27 at 10 47 49 pm

I think a lighter color would make it much more legible.

nova-vim in janus don't seem to pick-up colorscheme

In janus, plugins and colorschemes are "installed" by cloning the interested git repo into ~/.janus.

I've got both in my ~/.janus - both "sheerun/vim-polyglot" and "trevordmiller/nova-vim"

➜ ~/.janus ls -alh
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   17 yeongsheng  staff   544B Jul 17 15:36 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 263 yeongsheng  staff   8.2K Jul 17 16:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x   13 yeongsheng  staff   416B Jun 21 15:42 Dockerfile.vim
drwxr-xr-x   20 yeongsheng  staff   640B Jun 21 15:36 alchemist.vim
drwxr-xr-x   25 yeongsheng  staff   800B Jun 21 15:37 ale
drwxr-xr-x   10 yeongsheng  staff   320B Jun 21 15:41 ansible-vim
drwxr-xr-x    3 yeongsheng  staff    96B Jul 17 15:36 colors
drwxr-xr-x   13 yeongsheng  staff   416B Jun 27 19:37 ctrlsf.vim
drwxr-xr-x   10 yeongsheng  staff   320B Jul  4 21:38 fzf.vim
drwxr-xr-x   12 yeongsheng  staff   384B Jun 21 15:36 neocomplete.vim
drwxr-xr-x   15 yeongsheng  staff   480B Jul 17 15:24 nova-vim
drwxr-xr-x    9 yeongsheng  staff   288B Jun 21 15:38 pt.vim
drwxr-xr-x    9 yeongsheng  staff   288B Jul 15 11:26 vim-autoformat
drwxr-xr-x    7 yeongsheng  staff   224B Jun 21 15:34 vim-colorschemes
drwxr-xr-x   21 yeongsheng  staff   672B Jul 17 15:25 vim-polyglot
drwxr-xr-x   14 yeongsheng  staff   448B Jun 26 18:24 vim-startify
drwxr-xr-x    8 yeongsheng  staff   256B Jul 15 23:20 vimux

And this is my updated ~/.vimrc.after

set encoding=utf-8
set term=screen-256color
set termguicolors
let base16colorspace=256  " Access colors present in 256 colorspace"
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy'

colorscheme nova
set background=dark
set guifont=Fira\ Code\ Retina:h13

However, after restarting both vim, tmux and even iTerm2, my vim sessions are not getting the expected colorscheme 'nova' at all.

Is there something wonky or misconfigured in my ~/.vimrc.after???

Terminal Vim

I love this color scheme, but I have some troubles when I use it in terminal Vim. I get the following error:

Error detected while processing /home/jlconlin/.vim/bundle/nova-vim/colors/nova.vim
E518: Unknown option: termguicolors
E518: Unknown option: termguicolors

I recognize this means that my version of Vim was not compiled with the gui option. Can we modify this color scheme to remove these errors and make it more applicable for terminal ViM?

Fix ALE message color

ALE errors and warnings should both be uiGroups.userActionNeeded instead of inconsistent current yellow or white etc.:



Colors in Neovim terminal mode

When I run terminal mode inside of neovim (:terminal), the colors on my prompt are incorrect compared to the way they are in the normal terminal.

In this image, the top part is a tmux pane with neovim in terminal mode and the bottom is just my normal terminal (zsh with pure prompt).

screen shot 2016-09-21 at 12 18 05 pm

Here are some issues describing the problem and how to fix it.



No syntax highlighting after update

I recently updated my plugins (I use Vundle). This caused syntax highlighting to fail when I use the nova colorscheme. I did a thorough revamp of my vimrc and the plugins I use. I have determined that whenever I execute colorscheme nova all of my syntax highlighting goes away. It seems the nova colorscheme plugin isn't working.

I looked at the latest documentation which says the plugin is now dependent on sheerun/vim-polyglot. So I installed that as well, but I still get the same problem—no syntax highlighting at all.


Selected highlight isn't clear in iTerm

Searching while using neovim in iTerm is significantly less convenient while using nova. Here is how it looks using Nova:

screen shot 2016-10-10 at 10 43 15 am

While using another theme, it looks like this:
screen shot 2016-10-10 at 10 44 09 am

Cycling through my searches (n) is difficult. I have to count to know which I have selected.

Highlighting appears to work properly in Hyper (though, it's still far more subtle than most color schemes), so I'm assuming this is an issue with iTerm.

How to enable iTerm2 truecolor—Colorscheme doesn't work with terminal ViM

I can't get the color scheme to work in terminal vim. I believe that my problem lies in the fact that I don't have truecolor support in my terminal ViM; the color scheme works in MacViM, but not in the terminal.

I am using iTerm2 on a Mac with tmux. I have installed the tmux and iTerm2 color schemes as described on the website; those work just fine. You can see my ViM configuration here.

Avoid needing to tag a version as part of a pull request

I've run into problems around having the tag as part of the PR when you often rebase commits to make amends. It seems like Travis CI should be able to do that step in the deploy hook after a successful merge into master.

In addition, this doesn't play that nicely when you have multiple PRs open at the same time.

One challenge to address would be the fact that it might be hard to programmatically determine whether to make the change a major/minor/patch update. Is there a reason that that is relevant? Something like a colorscheme I wouldn't expect to follow proper semver, since it's not like it will be a dependency of anything where that metadata is relevant.

What's the reason for needing to tag every change? Some of the package managers require that? I only use vim-plug and AFAIK it just monitors a remote branch and updates with any changes.

Any interest in providing translucence compatibility?

I've found this colorscheme quite awesome but sometimes I like to set my background transparent and this theme doesn't play well with that tweak because it sets bg colors for several individual highlighting groups instead of just the fg colors. It's the first time translucence simply gets broken for me:

screenshot from 2017-04-27 17-07-44

Notice how comments for example have clear opaque background.

Translucence on true colors works well on NeoVim. Vim needs a patch (for true colors).

Is of any interest to have the colorscheme playing well with translucence? No problems if it's a won't fix.

termguicolors throwing error

I am using VIM 7.3 & iTerm2 (both with the nova theme & plugin provided). I got this error when i first tried to launch vim after installing nova.


Can't see ColorCoumn

Hi, I notice that the color for ColorColumn is not visible. I'm using the latest Neovim.


Manually setting hi ColorColumn guibg=#556873 solve this.

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