Topic: theano Goto Github
Some thing interesting about theano
Some thing interesting about theano
theano,Aesara is a Python library for defining, optimizing, and efficiently evaluating mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
Organization: aesara-devs
Home Page:
theano,Keras + Gaussian Processes: Learning scalable deep and recurrent kernels.
User: alshedivat
theano,Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator with auto-differentiatiable dynamics models
User: anassinator
theano,Handwritten Digit Recognition using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
User: anujdutt9
theano,A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries.
User: ashishpatel26
theano,Gesture recognition via CNN. Implemented in Keras + Tensorflow/Theano + OpenCV
User: asingh33
theano,Text Classification by Convolutional Neural Network in Keras
User: bhaveshoswal
Home Page:
theano,Keras package for region-based convolutional neural networks (RCNNs)
Organization: broadinstitute
theano,Keras package for deep residual networks
Organization: broadinstitute
theano,This is now the official location of the Merlin project.
Organization: cstr-edinburgh
Home Page:
theano,Learning kernels to maximize the power of MMD tests
User: djsutherland
Home Page:
theano,Abnormal Human Behaviors Detection/ Road Accident Detection From Surveillance Videos/ Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos/ C3D Feature Extraction
User: dolongbien
theano,Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
User: donnemartin
theano,Reimplementation of DRAW
User: jbornschein
theano,Deep learning driven jazz generation using Keras & Theano!
User: jisungk
Home Page:
theano,:microscope: Nano size Theano LSTM module
User: jonathanraiman
theano,This repository contains the code of HyperDenseNet, a hyper-densely connected CNN to segment medical images in multi-modal image scenarios.
User: josedolz
theano,This repository contains the code of LiviaNET, a 3D fully convolutional neural network that was employed in our work: "3D fully convolutional networks for subcortical segmentation in MRI: A large-scale study"
User: josedolz
theano,Soundscape analysis with BirdNET.
User: kahst
theano,Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
Organization: keras-rl
Home Page:
theano,Keras community contributions
Organization: keras-team
theano,Theano reimplementation of pixelCNN architecture
User: kundan2510
theano,Lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano
Organization: lasagne
Home Page:
theano,Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow
User: leriomaggio
theano,中文 Python 笔记
User: lijin-thu
theano,Repository for the Deep One-Class Classification ICML 2018 paper
User: lukasruff
theano,Neural Machine Translation with Keras
User: lvapeab
Home Page:
theano,A deep neural network for face alignment
User: marekkowalski
User: morvanzhou
Home Page:
theano,Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Musical Source Separation
Organization: mtg
theano,Deep Learning libraries tested on images and time series
User: mzaradzki
theano,A bidirectional recurrent neural network model with attention mechanism for restoring missing punctuation in unsegmented text
User: ottokart
Home Page:
theano,GPU-accelerated Deep Learning on Windows 10 native
User: philferriere
theano,Trojan Attack on Neural Network
Organization: purduepaml
Home Page:
theano,Text Classification Library in Keras
User: raghakot
Home Page:
theano,Neural network visualization toolkit for keras
User: raghakot
Home Page:
theano,Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) with Connectionist Temporal Classification implemented in Theano. Includes a Toy training example.
User: rakeshvar
theano,The RWTH extensible training framework for universal recurrent neural networks
Organization: rwth-i6
Home Page:
theano,Implementation of a hierarchical CNN based model to detect Big Five personality traits
Organization: senticnet
Home Page:
theano,Keras implementation of BERT with pre-trained weights
User: separius
theano,RNN-based generative models for speech.
User: sotelo
theano,The Cutest Deep Learning Framework which is also a wonderful Declarative Language
User: tariqdaouda
Home Page:
theano,Setup and customize deep learning environment in seconds.
User: ufoym
Home Page:
theano,Deep Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter
User: xiaohan2012
theano,Deep Reinforcement Learning library for humans
Organization: yandexdataschool
Home Page:
theano,DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
Organization: yandexdataschool
theano,Implementation of Dynamic memory networks by Kumar et al.
Organization: yerevann
theano,The data is the future of oil, digging the potential value of the data is very meaningful. This library records my road of machine learning study.
User: zhourunlai
theano,Image Captions Generation with Spatial and Channel-wise Attention
User: zjuchenlong
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