Topic: coursera Goto Github
Some thing interesting about coursera
Some thing interesting about coursera
coursera,This repo contains the updated version of all the assignments/labs (done by me) of Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera by Andrew Ng. It includes building various deep learning models from scratch and implementing them for object detection, facial recognition, autonomous driving, neural machine translation, trigger word detection, etc.
User: abdur75648
Home Page:
coursera,Deep Learning Specialization courses by Andrew Ng,
User: adalbertocq
User: alberthg
Home Page:
coursera,Repository for the Big Data Specialization from University of California San Diego on Coursera
User: alessandrocorradini
coursera,Programming assignments, labs and quizzes from all courses in the Coursera AI for Medicine Specialization offered by
User: amanchadha
coursera,Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Networks; (v) Sequence Models
User: amanchadha
coursera,Programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the GANs specialization offered by
User: amanchadha
coursera,Programming assignments from all courses in the Coursera Natural Language Processing Specialization offered by
User: amanchadha
coursera,This repo contains my coursework, assignments, and Slides for Natural Language Processing Specialization by on Coursera
User: amanjeetsahu
Home Page:
coursera,This is Andrew NG Coursera Handwritten Notes.
User: ashishpatel26
coursera,Machine learning-Stanford University
User: atinesh-s
coursera,Example Test Cases for Stanford's Algorithms Coursera Specialization
User: beaunus
Home Page:
coursera,吴恩达《深度学习》系列课程笔记及代码 | Notes in Chinese for Andrew Ng Deep Learning Course
User: bighuang624
Home Page:
coursera,Lightweight package to query popular search engines and scrape for result titles, links and descriptions
Organization: bisohns
Home Page:
coursera,Script for downloading videos and naming them.
Organization: coursera-dl
coursera,eLearning Platforms for computer science students.
User: cs-mohamedayman
coursera,✅ ✅ ✅ A massive repo filled with notes on everything from coding to philosophy to psychology to marketing to product
User: daryllxd
coursera,google data analytics professional certificate
User: elmoallistair
coursera,google it automation with python professional certificate
User: elmoallistair
coursera,google it support professional certificate
User: elmoallistair
User: fengdu78
coursera,List of free online programming/CS courses [Massive Open Online Courses]
User: fffaraz
coursera,Google Colaboratory Notebooks and Repositories (by @firmai)
User: firmai
Home Page:
coursera, Contains Solutions and Notes for the Machine Learning Specialization By Stanford University and - Coursera (2022) by Prof. Andrew NG
User: greyhatguy007
coursera,Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science Specialization - Coursera - - solutions and notes
User: greyhatguy007
Home Page:
coursera,"Meta Front End Developer Professional Certificate" - Solutions to all assignments and graded quiz.
User: greyhatguy007
coursera,吴恩达机器学习coursera课程,学习代码(2017年秋) The Stanford Coursera course on MachineLearning with Andrew Ng
User: huangcongqing
coursera,This repository contains my full work and notes on Coursera's NLP Specialization (Natural Language Processing) taught by the instructor Younes Bensouda Mourri and Łukasz Kaiser offered by
User: ibrahimjelliti
Home Page:
coursera,Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance New York University Tandon School of Engineering
User: joelowj
coursera,Notes for Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization course by DeepLearning.AI & Andrew Ng
User: kennethleungty
coursera,Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera.
User: kulbear
coursera,Notes for Deep Learning Specialization Courses led by Andrew Ng.
User: lijqhs
Home Page:
coursera,A complete guide to start and improve in machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) in 2024 without ANY background in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest news and state-of-the-art techniques!
User: louisfb01
Home Page:
coursera,DeepLearning.ai课程学习Jupyter Notebook作业
User: marsggbo
coursera,This repository contains my personal notes and summaries on specialization courses. I've enjoyed every little bit of the course hope you enjoy my notes too.
User: mbadry1
coursera,🤖 Places where you can learn robotics (and stuff like that) online 🤖
User: mithi
coursera,Contains the online course about Data Science, Machine Learning, Programming Language, Operating System, Mechanial Engineering, Mathematics and Robotics provided by Coursera, Udacity, Linkedin Learning, Udemy and edX.
User: mrinmoihossain
coursera,Browser extension for learning languages with watching movies and TV shows
User: nitrino
Home Page:
coursera,The Open Source Learning Management System for Companies. An alternative to Thinkific, Teachable, Intellum, Podia, Kajabi etc.
User: rotimi-best
Home Page:
coursera,Answers for Quizzes & Assignments that I have taken
User: salimt
coursera, , By Andrew Ng, All video link
User: shahariarrabby
coursera,Quiz & Assignment of Coursera
User: shenweichen
User: tingnie
User: tsuirak
Home Page:
coursera,Coursera Machine Learning By Prof. Andrew Ng
User: vkosuri
Home Page:
coursera,Source Code and Starter Code for Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals Specialization on Coursera
User: wadefagen
Home Page:
User: wasim37
coursera,My notes / works on deep learning from Coursera
User: y33-j3t
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