Topic: cart Goto Github
Some thing interesting about cart
Some thing interesting about cart
cart,Integrated online shop based on Laravel 10 and the Aimeos e-commerce framework for ultra-fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
User: aimeos
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cart,Aimeos PHP e-commerce framework for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
User: aimeos
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cart,🔑 A simple ecommerce site powered with Spring Boot + Angular 10 + Ngrx + OAuth2
User: antkaynak
cart,Solid, Free, Open Source, Community Driven eCommerce
Organization: arastta
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cart,AvoRed an Open Source Laravel Shopping Cart
Organization: avored
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cart,Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By NEXT JS
User: basir
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cart,🔥🔥🔥 Free open source and easy-to-use laravel eCommerce platform,BeikeShop基于Laravel 10 框架开发开源电商系统,多语言、多货币100%全开源,已集成ChatGPT OpenAI,支持自定义可视化装修并拥有丰富的插件市场。由成都光大网络科技开发维护 QQ交流群 639108380
Organization: beikeshop
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cart,A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations.
User: benedekrozemberczki
cart,来客推商城系统, [ 微信 + 支付宝 + 百度 + 头条 ] 小程序 + APP + 公众号 + PC + H5,注重界面美感与用户体验,打造独特电商系统生态圈,不可多得的二开神器。 【JAVA商城 PHP商城系统 uniapp商城系统 分销商城 多用户商城 SaaS O2O商城 B2B2C S2B2C 小程序直播 商城源码 跨境电商系统 社区团购】
User: bettershop
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cart,Laravel Cart is a customizable package for adding shopping cart functionality to Laravel applications
Organization: binafy
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cart,Cezerin2 is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. React Shopping Cart. "All In One" App: Cezerin API + Cezerin Storefront + Cezerin Dashboard.
Organization: cezerin2
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cart,Cezerin2 is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. React Shopping Cart.
Organization: cezerin2
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cart,🛒 CoCart is a free REST API designed to decouple your slow WooCommerce storefront and convert it blazing-fast, build in any web framework, and save you countless hours.
Organization: co-cart
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cart,WordPress-like CMS for Next.js websites
Organization: cromwellcms
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cart,A leaderboard of the top open-source e-commerce platforms. Promoting the bests for building reliable stores.
Organization: ecommwar
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cart,A full-fledged package to build an e-commerce application for iOS and Android similar to Myntra/JackThreads. Available with beautiful design and necessary features along with screen for Dashboard and Mobile app. Build using React Native, Expo, React, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Node and MongoDB.
Organization: enatega
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cart,🛍️ NodeJS E-commerce Platform
Organization: evershopcommerce
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cart,Build a Shopify Ajax-cart without JavaScript coding
User: evgeniymukhamedjanov
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cart,yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等
Organization: fecshop
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cart,A library to train, evaluate, interpret, and productionize decision forest models such as Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Decision Trees.
Organization: google
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cart,Open source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
Organization: grandnode
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cart,A React WooCommerce Project Example With REST API
User: imranhsayed
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cart,The open-source storefront for any ecommerce. Built with a PWA and headless approach, using a modern JS stack. Works with Litekart, Medusa. WIP for Woocommerce, Bigcommerce and Shopify.
User: itswadesh
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cart,A package used to create and manage carts (such as shopping, recently viewed, compared items...) in Laravel application.
User: jackiedo
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cart,Browser automation tool for buying adidas shoes
User: joxroxagain
cart,A beautiful ecommerce made with Next.js
User: lucaspulliese
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cart,Plugins and code snippets to improve your WooCommerce store.
User: lukecav
cart,Building blocks for digital commerce
Organization: medusajs
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cart,A performant frontend ecommerce starter template with Next.js 14 and Medusa.
Organization: medusajs
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cart,🌺 eCommerce online shop. Using Java, Spring Boot, JWT, OAuth2.0, React.js, Redux Toolkit, Ant Design, REST API, GraphQL
User: merikbest
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cart,A repository contains more than 12 common statistical machine learning algorithm implementations. 常见机器学习算法原理与实现
User: moon-hotel
cart,A fully functioning Node.js shopping cart with Stripe, PayPal,, PayWay, Blockonomics, Adyen, Zip and Instore payments.
User: mrvautin
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cart,ASP.NET Core eCommerce software. nopCommerce is a free and open-source shopping cart.
Organization: nopsolutions
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cart,React hook library for managing cart state
User: notrab
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cart,Automated script for Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh delivery slot
User: pcomputo
cart,Example Storefront is Reaction Commerce’s headless ecommerce storefront - Next.js, GraphQL, React. Built using Apollo Client and the commerce-focused React UI components provided in the Storefront Component Library (reactioncommerce/reaction-component-library). It connects with Reaction backend with the GraphQL API.
Organization: reactioncommerce
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cart,Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes.
Organization: reactioncommerce
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cart,Saleor Core: the high performance, composable, headless commerce API.
Organization: saleor
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cart,Saleor Storefront built with React 18, Next.js 14, App Router, TypeScript, GraphQL, and Tailwind CSS.
Organization: saleor
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cart,A Lightweight Decision Tree Framework supporting regular algorithms: ID3, C4.5, CART, CHAID and Regression Trees; some advanced techniques: Gradient Boosting, Random Forest and Adaboost w/categorical features support for Python
User: serengil
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cart,Online Shopping Cart E-Commerce Website Project in Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP. Built for selling of goods online and managing the cart items of the user and providing them better facilities like adding items, removing items, increase or decrease item quantity.
User: shashirajraja
cart,🛒 litecart - shopping cart in 1 file with card and cryptocurrency payment support
User: shurco
cart,Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
Organization: smartstore
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cart,An open source eCommerce platform giving you full control and customizability. Modular and API-first. Build any eCommerce solution that your business requires. Developed by @vendo-dev
Organization: spree
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cart,Ecommerce project || Python Django
User: sumitkumar1503
User: tumobi
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cart,The multi-language/multi-currency/multi-store, headless Node.js E-Commerce Framework with Native Web3 Integration
Organization: unchainedshop
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cart,Virto Commerce Storefront - ASP.NET Core 8.0
Organization: virtocommerce
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A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
Alibaba Open Source for everyone
Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.