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Comments (12)

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you for sharing. Please run keys again. What was the initial command that you used?

The command setupTermuxArch sysinfo gives information about the device being used; What is your device architecture?

signal 9

I cannot reproduce this error. Please set set -x in line 8 of file keys, and rerun keys. What is the output?

from termuxarch.

kulkesk avatar kulkesk commented on July 20, 2024

setupTermuxArch sysinfo output:

dpkg --print-architecture result:
uname -a results:
Linux localhost 4.14.262-QuicksilveR-ginkgo-v2.5/faee9bac #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 15 10:31:32 UTC 2022 aarch64 Android

BASH_VERSINFO[4] = release
BASH_VERSINFO[5] = aarch64-unknown-linux-android
cat /proc/cpuinfo results:
Processor	: AArch64 Processor rev 2 (aarch64)
processor	: 0
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x801
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 1
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x801
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 2
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x801
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 3
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x801
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 4
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x800
CPU revision	: 2

processor	: 5
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x800
CPU revision	: 2

processor	: 6
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x800
CPU revision	: 2

processor	: 7
BogoMIPS	: 38.40
Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer	: 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant	: 0xa
CPU part	: 0x800
CPU revision	: 2

Hardware	: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc TRINKET
getprop | grep product.cpu results:
[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.system.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.vendor.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
getprop | grep net\\. results:
[]: [Android]
[net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
[net.tcp.2g_init_rwnd]: [10]
[net.tethering.noprovisioning]: [true]
Further getprop results:
[getprop gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [ru]
[getprop persist.sys.locale]: [ru-RU]
[getprop]: []
[getprop]: [12(getprop]
[getprop]: [0]
[getprop]: [31]
[getprop]: [android-google]
[getprop]: []
[getprop]: []
[getprop ro.product.device]: [willow]
[getprop ro.product.first_api_level]: [28]
[getprop ro.product.locale]: [en-US]
[getprop ro.product.manufacturer]: [Xiaomi]
[getprop ro.product.model]: [Redmi Note 8T]
Download directory information results:
~/downloads not found
Device information results:
/dev/shm does not exist
/dev/shm is not readable
/proc/stat does not exit
/proc/stat is not readable
/sys/ashmmem does not exist
/sys/ashmmem is not readable
/sys/shm does not exist
/sys/shm is not readable

Disk report 31195312 on /data Wed Mar  9 10:58:52 +04 2022

df /data/data/com.termux/files/home/arch results:
Filesystem                             1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata  51320812 20125508  31195304  40% /data/user/0

df results:

Filesystem                                           1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                                                  1857992     1616   1856376   1% /dev
tmpfs                                                  1857992     6068   1851924   1% /dev/5nZ0
/dev/block/platform/soc/4744000.sdhci/by-name/vendor   1523628   623956    883288  42% /vendor
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/dsp                        28144    13596     13896  50% /vendor/dsp
tmpfs                                                  1857992        8   1857984   1% /apex
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cache                     364504      284    352424   1% /cache
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata                51320812 20125508  31195304  40% /data
tmpfs                                                  1857992        0   1857992   0% /system/bin
/dev/5nZ0/.magisk/block/system_root                    4571132  2822208   1732540  62% /system/bin/abb
/dev/fuse                                             51320812 20125500  31195312  40% /storage/emulated
/dev/fuse                                             15553248  4204704  11348544  28% /storage/FDFF-0A08

du -hs /data/data/com.termux/files/home/arch results:

7.0K	/data/data/com.termux/files/home/arch

ls -al /data/data/com.termux/files/home/arch results:

total 11
drwxr-xr-x 3 u0_a187 u0_a187 3488 Mar  9 10:58 .
drwxrwxrwx 6 u0_a187 u0_a187 3488 Mar  9 10:58 ..
drwxrwxrwt 2 u0_a187 u0_a187 3488 Mar  9 10:58 tmp

This file is found at '/data/data/com.termux/files/home/setupTermuxArchSysInfo9921.log'.

End 'setupTermuxArchSysInfo9921.log' version 2.1.166 system information.

right now i trying to install it again with updated firmware

from termuxarch.

kulkesk avatar kulkesk commented on July 20, 2024

crash at the same place:

~ $ ./

 πŸ•› > πŸ•› οΌ΄ο½…ο½’ο½ο½•ο½˜οΌ‘ο½’ο½ƒο½ˆ version 2.1.166 will attempt to install Linux in ~/arch.  Arch Linux in Termux PRoot will be available upon successful completion.  You can use '!!' to run this BASH script again with options.  Please check the wireless connection if you do not see one o'clock πŸ• below and ensure background data is not restricted.  The command bash help has additional information about  Checking prerequisites...

Found download tool 'wget': Continuing...

Using wget to manage downloads.

 πŸ•› > πŸ•§ Prerequisites: OK  Downloading TermuxArch...

setupTermuxArch.sha512     100%[======================================>]     153  --.-KB/s    in 0s
setupTermuxArch.tar.gz     100%[======================================>]  62.19K  --.-KB/s    in 0.1s

 πŸ•› > πŸ• TermuxArch download: OK

 πŸ•› > πŸ•œ TermuxArch version 2.1.166 integrity: OK
Creating directory '/etc'.
Creating directory '/home'.
Creating directory '/root/bin'.
Creating directory '/usr/bin'.
Creating directory '/usr/local/bin'.
Creating directory '/usr/local/termuxarch/bin'.
Creating directory '/var/backups/arch/etc'.
Creating directory '/var/backups/arch/root'.
Creating directory '/var/binds'.
Setting locales to Language >> ru_RU << Region Please wait a moment.
Generating dot files;  BEGUN
File root/.inputrc created.
awk: fatal: cannot open file `etc/locale.conf' for reading: No such file or directory
File root/.profile created.
line '(setq visible-bell 1)' can not be found in /arch/root/.emacs file : adding line '(setq visible-bell 1)' to /arch/root/.emacs file
line 'set belloff=all' can not be found in /arch/root/.vimrc file : adding line 'set belloff=all' to /arch/root/.vimrc file
Generating dot files:  DONE
 οΌ΄ο½…ο½’ο½ο½•ο½˜οΌ‘ο½’ο½ƒο½ˆ FEEDBACK:  Generated script signal received 1 near or at line number 551 by '['!  Command '' version 2.1.166: DONE 🏁
Adjusting ownership and permissions:  DONE

 πŸ•› > πŸ•¦ File startarch copied to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin.

 πŸ•› > πŸ• Detected Android arm64-v8a 12 operating system;  Install architecture is set to arm64-v8a.

 πŸ•› > πŸ•’ Activating termux-wake-lock: DONE

 πŸ•› > πŸ•ž Contacting worldwide mirror DONE

 πŸ•› > πŸ•“ Downloading the checksum file and ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz from the geographically local mirror  If contact with the local mirror is not successful, run bash again.  Should the worldwide mirror not provide another geographically nearby server after a couple of attempts, use bash manual after locating a local mirror from the Internet; The command bash help has information about additional options.  Download of ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz pending Internet connection...

ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-lates 100%[======================================>]      69  --.-KB/s    in 0s
ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-lates 100%[======================================>] 483.95M  1.47MB/s    in 2m 36s

 πŸ•› > πŸ•  Checking download integrity with md5sum.  This may take a little while

 πŸ•› > πŸ•• System image file download integrity check: DONE

 πŸ•› > πŸ•‘ Unpacking ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz into /data/data/com.termux/files/home/arch.  The option to create Arch Linux system users is available through addauser.  Arch Linux user login from Termux with startarch is now implemented.  Please see Ability for Scripts to Launch Commands for Arch Linux in Termux PRoot on Device for information how to use this option.

While waiting, you can use df, du -hs, htop, ps, top and watch in a new Termux session to watch the unpacking while this session completes.  Use help man and info man to learn more about your Linux system in the palm of your hand.  See The Linux Documentation Project to learn more about Linux and CLI (command line interface) commands.

If simply scrolling the screen up by scrolling up does produce the desired effect, you can try this method.  Long tap until the popup menu shows.  Then scroll up without loosing touch with the screen and without touching the popup menu.  Unpacking ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz will take a long time;  Please be patient  πŸ•™
 πŸ•› > πŸ•™ Cleaning up installation files: DONE

 πŸ•› > πŸ•€ Arch Linux in Termux PRoot is installed.  Configuring and updating Arch Linux πŸ“²  Found an exact match for language >> ru_RU << to continue locale configuration.  Command refresh generates locales from device.  Command locale-gen generates locales.# Server =$arch/$repo
Found server in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist; Uncommenting

:: Processing system for Android arm64-v8a 12 arm64-v8a, and removing redundant packages for Termux PRoot installation...
checking dependencies...
:: base optionally requires linux: bare metal support

Packages (2) linux-aarch64-5.16.5-1  linux-firmware-20220119.0c6a7b3-2.1

Total Removed Size:  555.06 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) removing linux-aarch64                                    [###################################] 100%
(2/2) removing linux-firmware                                   [###################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/2) Updating module dependencies...
==> Running keys archlinux-keyring archlinuxarm-keyring ca-certificates-utils version 2.1.166...
Generating entropy on device;  Please wait a moment...

(1/2) When Generating pacman keyring master key appears on the screen, the installation process can be accelerated.  The system desires a lot of entropy at this part of the install procedure.  To generate as much entropy as possible quickly, watch and listen to a file on your device.

The program pacman-key will want as much entropy as possible when generating keys.  Entropy is also created through tapping, sliding, one, two and more fingers tapping with short and long taps.  When Appending keys from archlinux.gpg appears on the screen, use any of these simple methods to accelerate the installation process if it is stalled.  Put even simpler, just do something on device.  Browsing files will create entropy on device.  Slowly swiveling the device in space and time will accelerate the installation process.  This method alone might not generate enough entropy (a measure of randomness in a closed system) for the process to complete quickly.  You can use bash ~/arch/bin/we in a new Termux session to watch entropy on device.

==> Running pacman -Sy...
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                               236.5 KiB   242 KiB/s 00:01 [###################################] 100%
 extra                                2.6 MiB  1888 KiB/s 00:01 [###################################] 100%
 community                            5.8 MiB  2.88 MiB/s 00:02 [###################################] 100%
 alarm                               51.1 KiB   355 KiB/s 00:00 [###################################] 100%
 aur                                  8.9 KiB  58.7 KiB/s 00:00 [###################################] 100%
==> Running pacman-key --init...
gpg: /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: starting migration from earlier GnuPG versions
gpg: porting secret keys from '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/secring.gpg' to gpg-agent
gpg: migration succeeded
==> Generating pacman master key. This may take some time.
gpg: Generating pacman keyring master key...
gpg: key 5A742456E29D3FE0 marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: directory '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d' created
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/7D14B33FF36C86A33205178A5A742456E29D3FE0.rev'
gpg: Done
==> Updating trust database...
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
==> Running pacman-key --populate...
==> Appending keys from archlinuxarm.gpg...
==> Locally signing trusted keys in keyring...
  -> Locally signed 3 keys.
==> Importing owner trust values...
gpg: setting ownertrust to 4
gpg: inserting ownertrust of 4
gpg: setting ownertrust to 4
==> Updating trust database...
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   3  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
gpg: depth: 1  valid:   3  signed:   1  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 3m, 0f, 0u
gpg: depth: 2  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 1-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
==> Running pacman -Ss keyring --color=always...
core/archlinux-keyring 20220224-1
    Arch Linux PGP keyring
core/archlinuxarm-keyring 20140119-1 [installed]
    Arch Linux ARM PGP keyring
extra/gnome-keyring 1:40.0-1 (gnome)
    Stores passwords and encryption keys
extra/libgnome-keyring 3.12.0+13+g4f8ab73-3
    GNOME keyring client library (deprecated)
community/debian-archive-keyring 2021.1.1-1
    GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
community/jetring 0.30-1
    gpg keyring maintenance using changesets
community/python-keyring 23.4.0-1
    Store and access your passwords safely
community/python-keyrings-alt 1:4.1.0-3
    Alternate keyring implementations
community/ubuntu-keyring 2021.03.26-1
    GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive

==> Running pacman -S archlinux-keyring archlinuxarm-keyring ca-certificates-utils --needed --noconfirm --color=always...
warning: archlinuxarm-keyring-20140119-1 is up to date -- skipping
warning: ca-certificates-utils-20210603-1 is up to date -- skipping
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (2) archlinux-keyring-20220224-1  keychain-2.8.5-2

Total Download Size:   1.05 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1.49 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
 archlinux-keyring-20220224-1-any  1049.9 KiB   944 KiB/s 00:01 [###################################] 100%
 keychain-2.8.5-2-any                22.4 KiB   151 KiB/s 00:00 [###################################] 100%
 Total (2/2)                       1072.3 KiB   702 KiB/s 00:02 [###################################] 100%
(2/2) checking keys in keyring                                  [###################################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity                                [###################################] 100%
(2/2) loading package files                                     [###################################] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts                               [###################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) installing archlinux-keyring                              [###################################] 100%
==> Appending keys from archlinux.gpg...

[Process completed (signal 9) - press Enter]

from termuxarch.

kulkesk avatar kulkesk commented on July 20, 2024

apparently this issue originates from android 12 itself termux/termux-app#2366

from termuxarch.

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

Appending keys from archlinux.gpg..

# _GENEN_ ; kill $! &

Can you please edit keys and comment out the entropy generation to see if this fixes signal 9 on your device?

from termuxarch.

kulkesk avatar kulkesk commented on July 20, 2024

I was able to install latest release after cranking up max_phantom_processes to a max with adb

from termuxarch.

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

able to install latest release

Thank you for sharing;

# _GENEN_ ; kill $! &

Can you please edit keys and comment out the entropy generation to see if this fixes signal 9 on your device?

The potential solution pursed with this method is:

if check RAM and/or processors
less or no _GENEN_ ; kill $! &

able to install latest release after cranking up max_phantom_processes to a max with adb

Can you please share history steps used to crank up max_phantom_processes to a max with adb?

from termuxarch.

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

Your solution might supersede and/or complement the current one that BASH function _GENEN_ uses;

298-_GENEN_() {
299-printf "\\\\e[0;32mGenerating entropy on device;  \\\\e[1;32mPlease wait a moment...  "
301-for GNNT in \$(seq 1 \$GENENN)
303-nice -n 20 ls -alR /usr >/dev/null &
304-nice -n 20 find /usr >/dev/null &
305-nice -n 20 cat /dev/urandom >/dev/null &

from termuxarch.

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

I am unable to reproduce this signal 9 error on my Android smartphone since the time that you have opened this issue.

from termuxarch.

kulkesk avatar kulkesk commented on July 20, 2024

adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"

from termuxarch.

SDRausty avatar SDRausty commented on July 20, 2024

update SDRausty/builtAPKs#2

from termuxarch.

GameKyuubi avatar GameKyuubi commented on July 20, 2024

Commit 963027690 on 20210814 works for me on Pixel 6. Just an old version I had laying around. New version gets killed with signal 9

from termuxarch.

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