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Comments (42)

levity avatar levity commented on May 31, 2024 16

Hey folks I can see that there are still confusion around how this process works. I think one of the issue here is that folks think the Auth UI is supposed to be a smart component when in-fact it's just a dumb component, it doesn't do much more than provide you with a UI and make the API call, the rest is up to you the developer to handle. When doing a password reset flow you need to provide the page that the update password should happen on, on that page you can use the Auth UI component. You can take a look at the examples I've created here, note that you might see new component names being introduced like ForgottenPassword these are just wrappers around the Auth component that set the view property to the correct state. These could have easily been the Auth component with view property set to forgotten_password. You can see this component here

I think the confusion arises because the Auth component is “half-smart”.

If you just drop it in, it lets you switch between all the different views, so it will already allow login, signup, and sending password reset links. Which is great! So it makes you think it Just Works.

But it doesn’t let you configure each of those views separately. You can’t customize redirectTo only for the password reset link. If we could do that, for example, this would be easy to fix.

So I think it’d be better either for it to be really dumb (not handle switching views with setAuthView, out-of-the-box), or smarter. Obviously I prefer the latter. :) Happy to help out with a PR if I hear some consensus about what to do.

from auth-ui.

kev2010 avatar kev2010 commented on May 31, 2024 14

Here to +1 to the fact that the Auth UI component is extremely misleading. Spent a decent chunk of time trying to use the component for my app, but instead kept uncovering limitations that make it a complete hassle to implement.

For those of you who happen to be reading this and are considering using Auth UI — don't! Implement your own or use another service instead of this one since it's half-baked as @mryechkin said.

The documentation should make it extremely clear that this is not a working solution. I went down this rabbit hole because the official documentation on Supabase's site made it look like it was an appealing solution

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024 7

To everyone in this thread I really appreciate the time you've all taken to explain the difficulties you are facing with the library and the lack of documentation which has led to these difficulties. I am taking it all into consideration as we formulate how to best fix these issues. I think the first step is to document how you would go about handling password reset as this is something that keeps on coming up and it differs per environment [server-side generated (SSG) and single page application (SPA)]. There is also scenarios where it may even work different in SPA environments too because in the case of you using a router in your SPA like React Router you would use the component similar to how you would use it in a SSG environment. I've added in the event listener in the auth-ui-react library to match that of the auth-ui-solid version, but this in effect is only useful in an SPA without a router setup.

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024 6

A minimal repo for NextJS:

I'm intentionally avoiding the convenience helpers to keep the surface area small.

If onAuthStateChange is subscribed to within a root page (like index.tsx), or a sub page (like reset.tsx) then everything works fine, just with the same notes from my previous comment.

Note: This is all SSG, no SSR.

from auth-ui.

mryechkin avatar mryechkin commented on May 31, 2024 5

@levity this is exactly why I opted to just use my own auth forms instead of relying on what feels like a half-baked solution with Auth UI. It would be great it it handled all the things like you said - but the fact that it doesn't let us configure some things while also requiring to manually implement other things makes using this component an exercise in frustration, and not really worth the effort IMO.

from auth-ui.

mryechkin avatar mryechkin commented on May 31, 2024 4

@chrisk-7777 I ended up ditching the Auth UI library and just created my own Auth forms - much easier than trying to work around the gotchas in this library (see my comment here).

Auth UI includes a "forget password" view, but not a "reset password" view. To me this was confusing.
But if anything, that makes it more confusing because someone (like myself) may conflate that to mean that "forgot" is "reset"

I wholeheartedly agree with this, and also find it quite strange that the "Forgot" form is included, but not the "Reset". In my mind the two go hand-in-hand.

So for the particular case of a post-forget-magic-link-login PASSWORD_RECOVERY event, we need to set some app level state, and manually set the view in consumer land. In hindsight, I guess this makes sense, it makes it handy to have that view available for general password updates, but its confusing that view is sometimes handled internally (swapping between login, register and forgot views), and sometimes handled externally (update password view). Maybe its just me?

Yup.. also agreed, and no it's not just you - I was also quite confused when I started looking into this initially. It's again the reason I opted to not use the provided UI library once I moved to Supabase v2, and created my own auth forms and the context provider.

from auth-ui.

levity avatar levity commented on May 31, 2024 4

@chrisk-7777 It's mainly a documentation issue. I've written the docs already but just waiting on a certain feature to rollout fully to all projects on the Supabase platform.

You can view the docs PR here supabase/supabase#14111

Note that this doc isn't Auth UI specific but a general password reset doc, I will add examples of how you would do this with Auth UI in later on.

Can you give an example of how you would do this with Auth UI? I can't figure it out. This is the basic pattern I was expecting to work:

const [session, setSession] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
  supabase.auth.getSession().then(({ data: { session } }) => setSession(session))
}, [])

if (!session) return <Auth supabaseClient={supabase} />
return <MyContent>

However, this won't work with the password recovery links that Auth UI sends, because the user gets logged in and then the Auth UI doesn't render. What else can I check to keep rendering Auth instead of MyContent, in order to update the password? It doesn't seem like I can check type=recovery in the query params because something in the auth code changes the URL.

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024 3

I just want to come back and give an update here that this issue hasn't been forgotten. I'm currently working on some docs to explain how this flow is supposed to work and then will create some examples with the Auth UI to show how it works.

from auth-ui.

rsaksida avatar rsaksida commented on May 31, 2024 3

I'm pretty confused with how this feature is supposed to work. How do I distinguish between recovering a password and restoring the session in a client app? Using the React quickstart from the docs, the recovery link logs you in immediately and I don't see a simple way to fix it.

from auth-ui.

selalipop avatar selalipop commented on May 31, 2024 3

Any reason Supabase isn't updating on this? I personally ran into a ton of issues, then by happenstance ran into another developer on a completely unrelated project running head first into the same brick walls I was at an event.

Not a good look for Supabase to show up at events as the problem child for something as pivotal as auth. End result is most people just go to, and in turn probably go with Vercel's Postgres over yours.

from auth-ui.

LeakedDave avatar LeakedDave commented on May 31, 2024 3

BUMP @supabase where are you? Give us forgotPasswordRedirectUrl param. Simple fix. Thanks!

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024 2

I've created a very minimal example here:

It does "work", but it doesn't feel entirely intuitive or documented. Unless I'm missing something in the docs.
I've read this dicusssion a half dozen times to really "get" what is going on.

Disclaimer, I'm new to Supabase and its ecosystem, but not new to authentication.

There were two key points that I initially missed:

  1. Auth UI includes a "forget password" view, but not a "reset password" view. To me this was confusing. The confusion comes from my experience with other auth solutions like Auth0 and Laravel's Sanctum/Fortify/Breeze - where a reset flow isn't also a magic link / sign in combo. I can't recall which one Firebase uses, I'll check later. I noticed this recent PR, which is off the back of this confusion. But if anything, that makes it more confusing because someone (like myself) may conflate that to mean that "forgot" is "reset".
    If the team is open to it, I would like to raise a PR saying that "reset password" view is excluded.
    The docs kind of hint to the user being signed in here but it doesn't actually mention a session is started, just that a sign in event occurred. Maybe that is obvious to others, but reading around on various issues/discussions its not.

  2. Within the React version of Auth UI, it never reaches the update_password by itself (correct me if I'm wrong). So for the particular case of a post-forget-magic-link-login PASSWORD_RECOVERY event, we need to set some app level state, and manually set the view in consumer land. In hindsight, I guess this makes sense, it makes it handy to have that view available for general password updates, but its confusing that view is sometimes handled internally (swapping between login, register and forgot views), and sometimes handled externally (update password view). Maybe its just me?

Bonus: One other thing that completely caught me off guard was onAuthStateChange should be unregistered, like this, right? Again, I'm new to Supabase, but without unsubscribing, a component re-render will re-fire useEffect, and queue up multiple listeners - is that right? I bring it up because the documentation here outlines the subscribe occurring in a useEffect without any cleanup.

Separately, I believe there is some NextJS funkiness going on. The same thing that @mryechkin is experiencing (sorry to @ you, but I've seen you pop up in nearly every password reset discussion/issue across supabase's repo's, and have helped me understand what is going on). As mentioned somewhere else, the "PASSWORD_RECOVERY" event isn't fired, but is probably related to a clash with Next' routing / rendering modes. I'll try put together a minimal repo for that too.

None of this should be taken as criticism, I'm just trying to clarify my understanding after a day of going around in circles.

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024 2

Hey folks I can see that there are still confusion around how this process works. I think one of the issue here is that folks think the Auth UI is supposed to be a smart component when in-fact it's just a dumb component, it doesn't do much more than provide you with a UI and make the API call, the rest is up to you the developer to handle. When doing a password reset flow you need to provide the page that the update password should happen on, on that page you can use the Auth UI component. You can take a look at the examples I've created here, note that you might see new component names being introduced like ForgottenPassword these are just wrappers around the Auth component that set the view property to the correct state. These could have easily been the Auth component with view property set to forgotten_password. You can see this component here

from auth-ui.

TylerAHolden avatar TylerAHolden commented on May 31, 2024 2

I think where I'm most confused is that it presents itself as a fully baked component... There are no state change callback props. For example, if the "view" is changed in the component, and we are supposed to handle that separately, why is there no onViewChange callback? I see that maybe theres a hash added to the url but having a callback would be a lot more intuitive and clear about how the component can be handled - especially if we want to customize a specific view. There's no way for me to handle, for example, onSignup vs onSignin or some sort of auth change type callback from that view component so I can send the user to an additional form for sign up details IF they just signed up. I understand that can be done by listening to auth helpers but i just think some callbacks from the auth ui would make setup a lot easier and more intuitive as to how you can handle it.

from auth-ui.

jt6677 avatar jt6677 commented on May 31, 2024 1

The provided Auth UI code just does not work whatsoever. It did not mention @supabase/auth-helpers-react. If you cannot provide any working example, why bother to release this?

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024 1

@chrisk-7777 good suggestions. I will add them to my list of todos and get the docs update to match this. Do note that there is an update password view, it's just that you have to manually set the views with the Auth component.

You can see the individual component which just uses this view in the Auth component.

from auth-ui.

ozanmakes avatar ozanmakes commented on May 31, 2024 1

I made a PR that does what @levity describes and that works for me. You can see it here: #223 with my comment describing the desired reset password flow. But I must still be missing something regarding how to implement this flow without re-implementing a bunch of these components or even doing everything server-side. I would really appreciate pointers on how to get this working with the Auth components.

from auth-ui.

0x111 avatar 0x111 commented on May 31, 2024

Possible duplicate of #72

from auth-ui.

mryechkin avatar mryechkin commented on May 31, 2024

Seems like issue #349 in the gotrue-js repo is related.

In the past, with the old Auth component from the now-deprecated Supabase UI library and v1 of the client lib, I had to listen to the changes in auth state manually in my auth provider, and set the UI view accordingly:

useEffect(() => {
  const activeSession = supabase.auth.session();
  setUser(activeSession?.user ?? null);

  const { data: authListener } = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange(
    (event, currentSession) => {
      // ...
      switch (event) {
          case EVENTS.SIGNED_OUT:
          case EVENTS.USER_UPDATED:

  return () => {
}, []);

Then manually show the "Reset Password" form, as it seemed to be the only way to get this to work:

  return (
    <Auth.UpdatePassword supabaseClient={supabase} />

return (
    {user && (
      {/** Logged-in state */}
    {!user && <Auth view={view} supabaseClient={supabase} />}

But I'm now discovering this doesn't work anymore for some reason. The PASSWORD_RECOVERY event never seems to fire after going to the URL in the Reset Password email.

Even with the old code and library versions, it doesn't seem to work anymore. I wrote a full post on doing this with the old library, and discovered this issue while updating it for v2 and the new Auth UI.

Seems like the issue is present in both v1 and v2. I found more related issues on this as well:


And this comment goes into more detail on the reset password flow.

EDIT: Found another comment that may shed some light on this behaviour.

The TL;DR is that it seems like the Auth UI still doesn't automatically handle what should be a pretty straightforward auth flow.

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024

@jt6677 this repository has no relation to auth-helpers-react, they are two independent projects which can be used together if the developer wishes to. There are many examples inside of storybook in this repo. Also there are projects using the Auth UI, so I would think its working, it would be useful if you provided more concrete example of what is not working, even better if you provide a minimal reproducible repository with the issue you are having.

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024

@renardeinside please provide a repo with the issue you are having, since you are using NextJS its likely that you are getting redirected to the wrong page because the server loads before the client and you get redirect by the server as when it checks to see if you are logged in you would not be at the time the server side page renders.

from auth-ui.

Jared-Dahlke avatar Jared-Dahlke commented on May 31, 2024

im having this problem too. After i click 'reset password' link in email, i just get taken to my regular login page.

from auth-ui.

hiroshinishio avatar hiroshinishio commented on May 31, 2024

Im having this problem too.

from auth-ui.

giovanniRodighiero avatar giovanniRodighiero commented on May 31, 2024

I didn't try it properly yet, but I can se that in the Solid.js version of the Auth component there's an event listener that handles the redirect you're talking about.

  createEffect(() => {
     * Overrides the authview if it is changed externally
    const { data: authListener } =
      mergedProps().supabaseClient.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {
        if (event === 'PASSWORD_RECOVERY') {
        } else if (event === 'USER_UPDATED') {

    onCleanup(() => authListener.subscription.unsubscribe())

In the React.js version it's missing

  useEffect(() => {
     * Overrides the authview if it is changed externally
  }, [view])

I don't know the project, so it might be that I'm missing something here, but to me it looks like those two bits of code should be the same.

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024

Thanks @silentworks

Is it only changes in the docs that are needed? Or is it upstream in GoTrue? Or the Supabase wrappers?
Aside from the two minimal repo's replicating the issue, is there a way to help this along?

from auth-ui.

silentworks avatar silentworks commented on May 31, 2024

@chrisk-7777 It's mainly a documentation issue. I've written the docs already but just waiting on a certain feature to rollout fully to all projects on the Supabase platform.

You can view the docs PR here supabase/supabase#14111

Note that this doc isn't Auth UI specific but a general password reset doc, I will add examples of how you would do this with Auth UI in later on.

from auth-ui.

Bartel-C8 avatar Bartel-C8 commented on May 31, 2024

Would it be possible to use the auth-ui-react Auth component and be able to use the Password Reset functionality in combination with Next.JS (SSR)? It seems that this is not supported, out of the box?

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024

@Bartel-C8 looks like the docs were updated here: . This covers the SSR flow

With the merged PR that Silentworks mentioned above.

from auth-ui.

Bartel-C8 avatar Bartel-C8 commented on May 31, 2024

@chrisk-7777 , thank you.

But this should be handled/done already in the auth-ui-react package:

But when using that (actually I am just using the todo template:, there is no way to see the Reset Password page somehow. In my case, clicking the reset password link, as received in the email, acts as a "magic link" just showing the page as a user was just logged in. I see no reset_password view unfortunately...

Could be related to: supabase/supabase#14890 (comment)

from auth-ui.

MichalBunkowski avatar MichalBunkowski commented on May 31, 2024

@chrisk-7777 It's mainly a documentation issue. I've written the docs already but just waiting on a certain feature to rollout fully to all projects on the Supabase platform.
You can view the docs PR here supabase/supabase#14111
Note that this doc isn't Auth UI specific but a general password reset doc, I will add examples of how you would do this with Auth UI in later on.

Can you give an example of how you would do this with Auth UI? I can't figure it out. This is the basic pattern I was expecting to work:

const [session, setSession] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
  supabase.auth.getSession().then(({ data: { session } }) => setSession(session))
}, [])

if (!session) return <Auth supabaseClient={supabase} />
return <MyContent>

However, this won't work with the password recovery links that Auth UI sends, because the user gets logged in and then the Auth UI doesn't render. What else can I check to keep rendering Auth instead of MyContent, in order to update the password? It doesn't seem like I can check type=recovery in the query params because something in the auth code changes the URL.

I have same problem.

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024

@chrisk-7777 , thank you.

But this should be handled/done already in the auth-ui-react package:

But when using that (actually I am just using the todo template:, there is no way to see the Reset Password page somehow. In my case, clicking the reset password link, as received in the email, acts as a "magic link" just showing the page as a user was just logged in. I see no reset_password view unfortunately...

Could be related to: supabase/supabase#14890 (comment)

I mentioned something similar above: #77 (comment) (dot point 1). Your description of "magic link" is correct in my opinion.

This is also part of the updated docs in this PR ( They even use the term "magic link". You will need to "manually" present some password UI (like an input box) and call the updateUser method.

Maybe resetPasswordForEmail is the wrong term to start this flow, but I can't think of a better one tbh.

from auth-ui.

chrisk-7777 avatar chrisk-7777 commented on May 31, 2024

I agree regarding the confusion, its probably related to the typical "forget" flow being different (I made a few comparisons to other auth solutions in my comment above).

So it might be worth highlighting this difference in the docs?

Just a few bits like:

  • In the supported views section, link to the supabase reset flow
  • Rename "forgotten password" to "password reset" for consistent language
  • Highlight that the "forgotten password" / "password reset" view doesn't (yet) include an update password view. Simply to avoid further confusion, and possibly redirect them over to the auth-password-reset docs again.

from auth-ui.

oldbettie avatar oldbettie commented on May 31, 2024

I am getting in on this. The documentation is terrible for this feature. The examples given don't include the implementation in the documentation so I still have not found a solution that works. I can get to the point where an email is sent and the redirect is handled correctly. But I cannot exchange the token for a session so the user is never logged in to change the password. I just get an error code challenge does not match previously saved code verifier no matter which way I try to implement it I get the same error

from auth-ui.

MichalBunkowski avatar MichalBunkowski commented on May 31, 2024

I am getting in on this. The documentation is terrible for this feature. The examples given don't include the implementation in the documentation so I still have not found a solution that works. I can get to the point where an email is sent and the redirect is handled correctly. But I cannot exchange the token for a session so the user is never logged in to change the password. I just get an error code challenge does not match previously saved code verifier no matter which way I try to implement it I get the same error

@oldbettie do you mean url redirect url with fragment in it? Make sure that supabase client is created globally and it will handle it for yourself. I spent few hours figuring out why the hell fragment is being removed on its own and then I found out that client is removing it after usage.

I feel like the whole auth flow on client side is inconsequential designed. On one side Auth component is not supposed to be smart and we have to handle auth logic here, but then client is doing things automagically without it being documented anywhere.

from auth-ui.

oldbettie avatar oldbettie commented on May 31, 2024

@MichalBunkowski I followed this

I am able to create the session in the auth/confirm/route.ts but when it redirects to the page to update the password the session doesn't exist. I even tried to add a setSession call after it was processed. here is what I ended up with.

No matter what I do I cant get the session to persist using that verifyOtp method
const {data: { session}, error } = await supabase.auth.verifyOtp({

    if (session) {
      const s = await supabase.auth.setSession(session)

      return NextResponse.redirect(redirectTo);

from auth-ui.

tonypee avatar tonypee commented on May 31, 2024

+1 I'm struggling with having no 'forgotPasswordRedirectUrl' also - im going to have to import from ^^ that PR, or hack it to switch the redirectTo value, as my SSO is redirecting to my change-password link. This is ridiculous that it isnt being addressed

from auth-ui.

nmauersberg avatar nmauersberg commented on May 31, 2024

I am stuck with this too. I was able to retrieve the session, but no matter what I do, the PASSWORD_RECOVERY event is not fired.

I am using Next JS 14, with app router. I tried various things, authenticating server side, a "use client" page for the reset of the password, etc. But the event does not show up either on the server or in the client.

A solution would be much appreciated, as this is a crucial part of the auth flow and introduces possible security issues, if not handled correctly.

As of now I think I have to resort to leaving the password reset page open for authenticated users, but that would mean, that any logged in user could reset the password without clicking the link in the email.

from auth-ui.

zlever01 avatar zlever01 commented on May 31, 2024

This guide worked for me for setting up supabase auth with nextjs

from auth-ui.

nmauersberg avatar nmauersberg commented on May 31, 2024

@zlever01 Thx for pointing out an example.

But it looks like the example is not checking for the "PASSWORD_RECOVERY" event, just for the session, that is accessible with the token in the link in the password reset mail. Therefor the password reset page in the example repo does work for any authenticated user (to reset the pw to that account) and not just for someone, who has access to the mailaccount. Theoretically someone can set a new password for any logged in session without knowing the old password or having access to the email account, so the solution is not ideal.

from auth-ui.

j4y33 avatar j4y33 commented on May 31, 2024

same issue here, i cannot get a session passed onto the resetpassword screen. using expo-react-native. its unnerving. however, i used a workaround that works as follows.
user clicks password reset -> using sign-in-with-otp

const resetPassword = async () => {
    const { error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp({
      options: { emailRedirectTo: `com.supabase://reset-pw`}, 

-> sendingmagic link -> directing user conditioned on param.type = "magiclink" -> to password reset screen (i set the session manually like this

if (params.type == 'magiclink' && params.access_token) {
        const access_token = params.access_token;
        const refresh_token = params.refresh_token;
        const { data } = await supabase.auth.setSession({

        const session = data.session 
        dispatch({ type: 'SET_USER', payload: { email: email } });
        RootNavigation.navigate('ResetPassword', { session });

-> updateUser -> done.

NOTE: probably this workaround with manually setting the session from refresh token and access token would also work for password reset (same flow), but honestly tired of trying :)

hope this helps

from auth-ui.

Vaidik2473 avatar Vaidik2473 commented on May 31, 2024


I am also very confused as to why this is so complicated and why the half remaining user auth like forgot password or reset password are suppose to bee build differently, The forgot password link it redirects to makes user login but it would be much easier to redirect user to a specific page and from there user can change password

So i am confused does Auth ui has this reset password components but are hidden somewhere which canbe initiated using a simple prop pass? and if there is then ehat is the props and types?

i want the flow like this

user -> Sign up -> Token available
user -> Login -> Token available
user -> reset password? -> change passsword form -> Token available

from auth-ui.

shrir avatar shrir commented on May 31, 2024

Hello, I made a workaround in my next.js app. I repurpose the login page for reset password (in the absence of resetPasswordRedirectTo) based on the query param code. It seems to be working.

"use client";
import { ViewType, VIEWS } from "@supabase/auth-ui-shared";
import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { useState } from "react";

export default function LoginPage() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const searchParams = useSearchParams();
  const supabase = createClient();

  const [authView, setAuthView] = useState<ViewType>(VIEWS.SIGN_IN);
  const code = searchParams.get("code");

  supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange(async (event) => {
      if (code !== null && code !== "") {
      } else if (event === "SIGNED_IN" || event === "TOKEN_REFRESHED") {
      } else {

  return (
      {authView === VIEWS.SIGN_IN ? (
      ) : (

Hope this helps.

from auth-ui.

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