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node-red-contrib-pccc's Issues

Controllogix L71_V33 Failure (Bad values)

I've have setup a simple flow with the 'PCC in' node without reading the register from the PLC and it appears a connection is established, however a "No response from PLC, restarting the communication" message keeps periodically popping up i.e. a green online icon comes up in the node. the controller is on Slot 0 and the Ethernet module is in Slot 2.

Below is the screenshot from the node-red verbose output:

[26419,81502679] Initiate Called - Connecting to PLC with address and parameters:
[26419,81693188] {
host: '',
port: '44818',
routing: <Buffer 01 00 02 00>
[26419,84009126] Connection cleanup is happening
[26419,84146735] Clearing read PacketTimeouts
[26419,84277394] Clearing write PacketTimeouts
[26419,84971326] Attempting to connect to host...
[26419,86562721] TCP Connection Established to on port 44818 - Will attempt EIP Connection
[26419,91187291] EIP Register Session Response Received - connection confirmed
[26419,91418567] Session Handle is 0x1002F40C
[26419,91848530] Translation OK
[26420,93842130] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26420,94964908] Adding or Removing { arg: [], action: 'add' }
[26420,95464571] Adding
[26420,96428245] Calling SRP from RAI
[26420,97129472] SendReadPacket called
12 Jan 14:55:14 - [warn] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] No response from PLC, restarting the communication
[26431,110633343] We Caught a read/write error ECONNRESET - resetting connection
[26431,110951250] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending
[26431,111094495] Scheduling the reset for 4.5 seconds later.
[26431,111493376] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending

Following this test, I've setup the node to read address F8:0 from the PLC and I get the following verbose output:

[26570,191288417] Initiate Called - Connecting to PLC with address and parameters:
[26570,191364828] {
host: '',
port: '44818',
routing: <Buffer 01 00 02 00>
[26570,191773570] Connection cleanup is happening
[26570,191827122] Clearing read PacketTimeouts
[26570,191873113] Clearing write PacketTimeouts
[26570,192117080] Attempting to connect to host...
[26570,193360497] TCP Connection Established to on port 44818 - Will attempt EIP Connection
[26570,197457274] EIP Register Session Response Received - connection confirmed
[26570,197609094] Session Handle is 0x1002F70C
[26570,197947009] Translation OK
[26571,199684901] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26571,200436919] Adding or Removing { arg: [ 'Test' ], action: 'add' }
[26571,200585498] Adding Test
[26571,203008222] Clearing read PacketTimeouts
[26571,203283537] Calling SRP from RAI
[26571,203361933] SendReadPacket called
[26571,204138978] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26571,204208918] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26571,204392305] The returned buffer length is 6
[26571,204470792] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26571,204525731] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26571,204674882] The Returned buffer is:
[26571,204726357] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26571,205011467] Sending Read Packet SEQ 2
[26571,208623026] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f7 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
[26571,208935797] onResponse called with length 48
[26571,209198522] Valid EIP Data Response Received
[26571,209318325] Invalid response or response code in bytes 40-43.
[26571,209420503] Service not supported maybe? Bad path?
[26571,209530060] This can occur on power-up reconnection or missing PLC-ENI link using ENI.
[26571,209657916] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f7 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
[26574,205523050] PacketTimeout called with type read and seq 2
[26574,205903813] READ TIMEOUT on sequence number 2
[26574,206102363] ConnectionReset from read packet timeout.
[26574,206310317] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending
[26574,207315392] ReadResponse called
[26574,208449456] Timeout error - zero length packet
[26574,208663552] Read Time is 3 seconds and 5.2 ms.
[26574,208924102] Every packet done sending
[26574,210013098] Address F8:0 has value 0 and quality BAD 255
[26574,210342311] Calling reset from readResponse as there is one pending
[26574,210809652] ResetNOW is happening
[26574,210955447] Connection cleanup is happening
[26574,211147257] Clearing read PacketTimeouts
[26574,211286411] Clearing write PacketTimeouts
[26574,211825185] Attempting to connect to host...
[26574,211937182] We are calling back our readDoneCallback.
[26574,212235856] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26574,212362971] Unable to read when not connected. Return bad values.
[26574,212484247] Calling SRP from RAI
[26574,212602324] SendReadPacket called
[26574,213013342] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26574,213126448] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26574,213402711] The returned buffer length is 6
[26574,213647874] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26574,213752284] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26574,213912318] The Returned buffer is:
[26574,214003666] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26574,214182878] Not Sending Read Packet because we are not connected - ISO CS is 1
[26574,214286465] Requesting PacketTimeout Due to ISO CS NOT 4 - READ SN 2
12 Jan 14:57:37 - [error] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] Failure (Bad values)
[26574,216275178] PacketTimeout called with type read and seq 2
[26574,216401959] READ TIMEOUT on sequence number 2
[26574,216505385] ReadResponse called
[26574,216721676] Timeout error - zero length packet
[26574,216874096] Read Time is 0 seconds and 4.1 ms.
[26574,217020192] Every packet done sending
[26574,217218557] Address F8:0 has value 0 and quality BAD 255
[26574,217336649] We are calling back our readDoneCallback.
12 Jan 14:57:37 - [error] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] Failure (Bad values)
[26574,218059634] TCP Connection Established to on port 44818 - Will attempt EIP Connection
[26574,221653357] EIP Register Session Response Received - connection confirmed
[26574,221810016] Session Handle is 0x1002F80C
[26574,683854072] Timed reset has happened. Ideally this would never be called as reset should be completed when done r/w.
[26574,685509906] ResetNOW is happening
[26574,685803112] Clearing an earlier scheduled reset
[26575,201483335] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26575,201737941] Calling SRP from RAI
[26575,201840294] SendReadPacket called
[26575,202115983] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26575,202201884] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26575,202349361] The returned buffer length is 6
[26575,202432484] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26575,202498921] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26575,202607815] The Returned buffer is:
[26575,202674838] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26575,202977175] Sending Read Packet SEQ 2
[26575,205971536] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f8 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
[26575,206225774] onResponse called with length 48
[26575,206336942] Valid EIP Data Response Received
[26575,206430601] Invalid response or response code in bytes 40-43.
[26575,206511195] Service not supported maybe? Bad path?
[26575,206587452] This can occur on power-up reconnection or missing PLC-ENI link using ENI.
[26575,206673206] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f8 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
[26578,204096094] PacketTimeout called with type read and seq 2
[26578,204382012] READ TIMEOUT on sequence number 2
[26578,204610791] ConnectionReset from read packet timeout.
[26578,204977930] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending
[26578,205201750] ReadResponse called
[26578,205700297] Timeout error - zero length packet
[26578,205887231] Read Time is 3 seconds and 4 ms.
[26578,206148446] Every packet done sending
[26578,206372374] Address F8:0 has value 0 and quality BAD 255
[26578,206498634] Calling reset from readResponse as there is one pending
[26578,206928885] ResetNOW is happening
[26578,207046983] Connection cleanup is happening
[26578,207242039] Clearing read PacketTimeouts
[26578,207395734] Clearing write PacketTimeouts
[26578,208001864] Attempting to connect to host...
[26578,208140278] We are calling back our readDoneCallback.
[26578,208288551] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26578,208429230] Unable to read when not connected. Return bad values.
[26578,208575969] Calling SRP from RAI
[26578,208697762] SendReadPacket called
[26578,209063738] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26578,209177299] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26578,209401771] The returned buffer length is 6
[26578,209603612] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26578,209725341] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26578,209922435] The Returned buffer is:
[26578,210056940] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26578,210289477] Not Sending Read Packet because we are not connected - ISO CS is 1
[26578,210416491] Requesting PacketTimeout Due to ISO CS NOT 4 - READ SN 2
12 Jan 14:57:41 - [error] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] Failure (Bad values)
[26578,212804848] TCP Connection Established to on port 44818 - Will attempt EIP Connection
[26578,213362095] PacketTimeout called with type read and seq 2
[26578,213514487] READ TIMEOUT on sequence number 2
[26578,213686715] ReadResponse called
[26578,213812563] Timeout error - zero length packet
[26578,213860585] Read Time is 0 seconds and 5 ms.
[26578,213932182] Every packet done sending
[26578,213999710] Address F8:0 has value 0 and quality BAD 255
[26578,214057907] We are calling back our readDoneCallback.
[26578,214121547] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26578,214176437] Unable to read when not connected. Return bad values.
[26578,214235381] Calling SRP from RAI
[26578,214290757] SendReadPacket called
[26578,214425778] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26578,214470812] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26578,214564288] The returned buffer length is 6
[26578,214626461] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26578,214682322] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26578,214770945] The Returned buffer is:
[26578,214821245] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26578,214912159] Not Sending Read Packet because we are not connected - ISO CS is 2
[26578,214967813] Requesting PacketTimeout Due to ISO CS NOT 4 - READ SN 2
12 Jan 14:57:41 - [error] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] Failure (Bad values)
[26578,216477236] PacketTimeout called with type read and seq 2
[26578,216582583] READ TIMEOUT on sequence number 2
[26578,216654495] ReadResponse called
[26578,216792170] Timeout error - zero length packet
[26578,216849172] Read Time is 0 seconds and 2.5 ms.
[26578,216939174] Every packet done sending
[26578,217046932] Address F8:0 has value 0 and quality BAD 255
[26578,217098611] We are calling back our readDoneCallback.
12 Jan 14:57:41 - [error] [pccc endpoint:b56461294fe29b50] Failure (Bad values)
[26578,217501946] EIP Register Session Response Received - connection confirmed
[26578,217590086] Session Handle is 0x1002F90C
[26579,212890883] Reading All Items (readAllItems was called)
[26579,213229698] Calling SRP from RAI
[26579,213501217] SendReadPacket called
[26579,214119642] The A2 Returned Buffer is:
[26579,214300328] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26579,214707688] The returned buffer length is 6
[26579,214982217] The PCCC Encapsulation Header is:
[26579,215139477] <Buffer 4b 02 20 67 24 01 07 00 00 01 02 03 04 0f 00 12 34>
[26579,215360318] The Returned buffer is:
[26579,215486213] <Buffer a2 04 08 8a 00 00>
[26579,215936951] Sending Read Packet SEQ 2
[26579,218885154] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f9 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
[26579,219153022] onResponse called with length 48
[26579,219361157] Valid EIP Data Response Received
[26579,219557929] Invalid response or response code in bytes 40-43.
[26579,219708324] Service not supported maybe? Bad path?
[26579,219843821] This can occur on power-up reconnection or missing PLC-ENI link using ENI.
[26579,220003282] <Buffer 6f 00 18 00 0c f9 02 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 28 1e 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 b2 00 08 00 d2 00 01 01 15 03 01 00>
^C12 Jan 14:57:45 - [info] Stopping flows
[26581,554149927] We Caught a read/write error ECONNRESET - resetting connection
[26581,554388341] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending
[26581,554699252] ConnectionReset has been called to set the reset as pending

I've trolled through the internet to try and find a solution, however, I was unable to get it to work correctly.

Anyone out there have any suggestions?

Read Micro850

Can this node read tags from Micro850? I tried using it and it shows the PLC online as a node status, but it doesn't read the tag. As the Micrologix 1100 are getting discontinued in March 2022, we are trying to migrate to Micro800s.

Cannot select a variable in single variable for pccc in node

This is regarding to AB micrologix 1400. I'm having problem with selecting a variable in single variable mode for in-node. Every time I selected a variable (B3:0/0 or N7:0/0...) and closed the configuration window, the selections reset. Even though, the name showed on the node. When I opened the configuration window again, it showed no variable were selected. I can read the input of the whole word just find (B3/0 or N7/0).

Out node also having problems. Connection to PLC ok. it kept showing "TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined". I cannot output word, bit, bool, or number.

Thanks for any help.

Read PID value fails

When I try to read PD10:0.KC, but it fails.
After checking the library, it appears to me that this PD memory is not supported.
It is correct?

Best Regards,

pccc flex out

I would like to make some updates to your "node-red-contrib-pccc" to be able to pass the tag in the message such as:

msg.variable = "N160.1";
msg.payload = 1864
return msg;


msg.payload = {
     variable = "N160.1",
     val= 1884

I don't want to manage this long term. If I was update the code would you be in accepting a pull request? I need this to work in the next 2 days so if you could please respond ASAP. I would like to start working on it today.

Allen Bradley Micrologix 1400 PLC Error "Failure (Bad values)"

I'm connected to the MicroLogix-1400, working just fine, until errors. Port 44818
Routing <--- ?? what's that ?
Cycle Time Adjusted it from 500 -700, No differences noted
Timeout, Adjusted it from 1500 - 3500, No differences noted

Node-RED program is simple.
I havepccc-node-red-failure
Input - 500 ms delay - json true =1; json false =2; on output 1>> Set msg.payload = 0
on output 2>> Set msg.payload = 1.

This is a simple 50% duty cycle at 500ms. It works perfectly... Until
"Failure (Bad values)" erupts on the debug pane. Usually it works for about 5 minutes. and crashes.

I tried an alternate test with a word vs. bit modification. It lasted about a half hour when left to run by itself. When I returned to my PC and started working on email or internet, it failed with the same problem.

Kind Regards,

Node Status - Failure

If the PLC is offline for a long time, the node goes to failure error and doesn't report this so it becomes an uncatchable error.
Is it possible to make this catchable or in other words be readable by the error/status node?

PLC5 Unable to Read/Write Data

I have been working with my PLC 5/80 and its Ethernet sidecar recently. 1785-L80B/E rev. C01 and 1785-ENET/A rev. E01 respectively.

When I address a single element of the datafile B12 or N7 (e.g. B12:0/0-15) I get a verbose return of "No response from PLC, restarting the communication" or (e.g. N7:0) "Failure (Bad Values)" with either read or write operations.

I have also experimented with the routing to no avail. I have attempted both the default and an older port, link routing scheme of 0x01,0x00,0x01,0x01 given that the sidecar is technically in slot 1.

I know that CIP protocol works for this particular setup. I have a Micro820 that can read and write the same datafiles over TCP 44818 with impunity. (Micro820 was disabled for testing purposes.)

Thoughts? I'd like to use this PLC5 with Node-RED if possible. If need be I will make my studio machine and PLC5 remotely available to whomever needs it to aid in development.

Different IP Address

I have many many different types of machines and the LAN is associated with to type of machine. For example, one type of machine has IP of and another type has Currently, I am using this node to read all the PLCs, but I am having issues with my dashboard loading. I believe it's due to the different LAN. When I delete one type of IP node, then the dashboard loads. Is there a solution to this?

Allen Bradley PowerFlex750 Drive


I'm working with the "pccc-node" using a PowerFlex 755 Drive.

Reading all parameters are just fine, when I write to the timeout parameter (N42:3) it's working well but if I try to write to N45:X the "pccc out" node is sending the "bad values" error message, also if I try to set N150:X or N201:X the node status show "failure".

Does anyone know if the data must be in a specific format or there is a configuration on the VSD that must set for allowing the data to be written?

Trouble connecting to SLC / 05

newbie to PCCC and node red. Just trying to connect Node Red to an existing AB SLC5 /05 to create a simple HMI-
PLC address is

PCCC set -up...
PCCC set-up

Getting this error

I am able to connect through RSLogix500 and Android App - "Suppanel" using "192.168.120:44818"

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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