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terraform-aws-eks's Introduction

Terraform AWS EKS

Terraform module will be created Autoscaling, Workers, EKS, Node Groups.

Terraform Licence

We eat, drink, sleep and most importantly love DevOps. We are working towards strategies for standardizing architecture while ensuring security for the infrastructure. We are strong believer of the philosophy Bigger problems are always solved by breaking them into smaller manageable problems. Resonating with microservices architecture, it is considered best-practice to run database, cluster, storage in smaller connected yet manageable pieces within the infrastructure.

This module is basically combination of Terraform open source and includes automatation tests and examples. It also helps to create and improve your infrastructure with minimalistic code instead of maintaining the whole infrastructure code yourself.

We have fifty plus terraform modules. A few of them are comepleted and are available for open source usage while a few others are in progress.


This module has a few dependencies:


IMPORTANT: Since the master branch used in source varies based on new modifications, we suggest that you use the release versions here.

Sample example

Here is an example of how you can use this module in your inventory structure:

module "eks-cluster" {
     source      = "clouddrove/eks/aws"
     version     = "0.15.0"

     ## Tags
     name        = "eks"
     environment = "test"
     label_order = ["environment", "application", "name"]
     enabled     = true

     ## Network
     vpc_id                              = module.vpc.vpc_id
     eks_subnet_ids                      = module.subnets.public_subnet_id
     worker_subnet_ids                   = module.subnets.private_subnet_id
     allowed_security_groups_cluster     = []
     allowed_security_groups_workers     = []
     additional_security_group_ids       = [module.ssh.security_group_ids]
     endpoint_private_access             = false
     endpoint_public_access              = true
     public_access_cidrs                 = [""]
     cluster_encryption_config_resources = ["secrets"]
     associate_public_ip_address         = false
     key_name                            =

     ## volume_size
     volume_size = 20

     ## ondemand
     ondemand_enabled          = true
     ondemand_instance_type    = ["t3.small", "t3.medium", "t3.small"]
     ondemand_max_size         = [1, 0, 0]
     ondemand_min_size         = [1, 0, 0]
     ondemand_desired_capacity = [1, 0, 0]

     ondemand_schedule_enabled            = true
     ondemand_schedule_max_size_scaleup   = [0, 0, 0]
     ondemand_schedule_desired_scaleup    = [0, 0, 0]
     ondemand_schedule_min_size_scaleup   = [0, 0, 0]
     ondemand_schedule_min_size_scaledown = [0, 0, 0]
     ondemand_schedule_max_size_scaledown = [0, 0, 0]
     ondemand_schedule_desired_scale_down = [0, 0, 0]

     ## Spot
     spot_enabled          = true
     spot_instance_type    = ["t3.small", "t3.medium", "t3.small"]
     spot_max_size         = [1, 0, 0]
     spot_min_size         = [1, 0, 0]
     spot_desired_capacity = [1, 0, 0]
     max_price             = ["0.20", "0.20", "0.20"]

     spot_schedule_enabled            = true
     spot_schedule_min_size_scaledown = [0, 0, 0]
     spot_schedule_max_size_scaledown = [0, 0, 0]
     spot_schedule_desired_scale_down = [0, 0, 0]
     spot_schedule_desired_scaleup    = [0, 0, 0]
     spot_schedule_max_size_scaleup   = [0, 0, 0]
     spot_schedule_min_size_scaleup   = [0, 0, 0]

     ## Schedule time
     scheduler_down = "0 19 * * MON-FRI" #diffrent
     scheduler_up   = "0 6 * * MON-FRI"

     node_group_enabled              = true
     node_group_name                 = ["tools", "api"]
     node_group_instance_types       = ["t3.small", "t3.medium"]
     node_group_min_size             = [1, 1]
     node_group_desired_size         = [1, 1]
     node_group_max_size             = [2, 2]
     node_group_volume_size          = 20
     before_cluster_joining_userdata = ""
     node_group_capacity_type        = "ON_DEMAND"
     node_groups = {
      tools = {
        node_group_name           = "autoscale"
        subnet_ids                = module.subnets.private_subnet_id
        ami_type                  = "AL2_x86_64"
        node_group_volume_size    = 100
        node_group_instance_types = ["t3.large"]
        kubernetes_labels         = {}
        kubernetes_version        = "1.20"
        node_group_desired_size   = 1
        node_group_max_size       = 1
        node_group_min_size       = 1
        node_group_capacity_type  = "ON_DEMAND"
        node_group_volume_type    = "gp2"

     ## Cluster
     wait_for_capacity_timeout = "15m"
     apply_config_map_aws_auth = true
     kubernetes_version        = "1.18"
     map_additional_iam_users = [
         userarn  = "arn:aws:iam::924144197303:user/[email protected]"
         username = "[email protected]"
         groups   = ["system:masters"]
         userarn  = "arn:aws:iam::924144197303:user/[email protected]"
         username = "[email protected]"
         groups   = ["system:masters"]


     ## Health Checks
     cpu_utilization_high_threshold_percent = 80
     cpu_utilization_low_threshold_percent  = 20
     health_check_type                      = "EC2"

     ## EBS Encryption
     ebs_encryption = true

     ## logs
     enabled_cluster_log_types = ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"]


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_security_group_ids Additional list of security groups that will be attached to the autoscaling group. list(string) [] no
allowed_cidr_blocks_cluster List of CIDR blocks to be allowed to connect to the EKS cluster. list(string) [] no
allowed_cidr_blocks_workers List of CIDR blocks to be allowed to connect to the worker nodes. list(string) [] no
allowed_security_groups_cluster List of Security Group IDs to be allowed to connect to the EKS cluster. list(string) [] no
allowed_security_groups_workers List of Security Group IDs to be allowed to connect to the worker nodes. list(string) [] no
ami_release_version AMI version of the EKS Node Group. Defaults to latest version for Kubernetes version string "" no
ami_type Type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) associated with the EKS Node Group. Defaults to AL2_x86_64. Valid values: AL2_x86_64, AL2_x86_64_GPU. Terraform will only perform drift detection if a configuration value is provided string "AL2_x86_64" no
apply_config_map_aws_auth Whether to generate local files from kubeconfig and config_map_aws_auth and perform kubectl apply to apply the ConfigMap to allow the worker nodes to join the EKS cluster. bool true no
associate_public_ip_address Associate a public IP address with the worker nodes in the VPC. bool true no
attributes Additional attributes (e.g. 1). list(any) [] no
before_cluster_joining_userdata Additional commands to execute on each worker node before joining the EKS cluster (before executing the script). For more info, see string "" no
cluster_encryption_config_enabled Set to true to enable Cluster Encryption Configuration bool false no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_deletion_window_in_days Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - key deletion windows in days post destruction number 10 no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_enable_key_rotation Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - enable kms key rotation bool true no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_policy Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - key policy string null no
cluster_encryption_config_resources Cluster Encryption Config Resources to encrypt, e.g. ['secrets'] list(any)
cluster_log_retention_period Number of days to retain cluster logs. Requires enabled_cluster_log_types to be set. See number 30 no
cluster_namespace Kubernetes namespace for selection string "" no
cpu_utilization_high_threshold_percent Worker nodes AutoScaling Group CPU utilization high threshold percent. number 80 no
cpu_utilization_low_threshold_percent Worker nodes AutoScaling Group CPU utilization low threshold percent. number 20 no
delimiter Delimiter to be used between organization, environment, name and attributes. string "-" no
disable_api_termination If true, enables EC2 Instance Termination Protection. bool false no
ebs_encryption Enables EBS encryption on the volume (Default: false). Cannot be used with snapshot_id. bool true no
eks_subnet_ids A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in EKS. list(string) [] no
enabled Whether to create the resources. Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources. bool true no
enabled_cluster_log_types A list of the desired control plane logging to enable. For more information, see Possible values [api, audit, authenticator, controllerManager, scheduler]. list(string) [] no
endpoint_private_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled. Default to AWS EKS resource and it is false. bool false no
endpoint_public_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is enabled. Default to AWS EKS resource and it is true. bool true no
environment Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging). string "" no
fargate_enabled Whether fargate profile is enabled or not bool false no
health_check_type Controls how health checking is done. Valid values are EC2 or ELB. string "EC2" no
image_id EC2 image ID to launch. If not provided, the module will lookup the most recent EKS AMI. See for more details on EKS-optimized images. string "" no
instance_interruption_behavior The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. Can be hibernate, stop, or terminate. (Default: terminate). string "terminate" no
key_name SSH key name that should be used for the instance. string "" no
kms_key_arn The ARN of the KMS Key string "" no
kubernetes_config_map_ignore_role_changes Set to true to ignore IAM role changes in the Kubernetes Auth ConfigMap bool true no
kubernetes_labels Key-value mapping of Kubernetes labels. Only labels that are applied with the EKS API are managed by this argument. Other Kubernetes labels applied to the EKS Node Group will not be managed map(any) {} no
kubernetes_version Desired Kubernetes master version. If you do not specify a value, the latest available version is used. string "" no
label_order Label order, e.g. name,application. list(any) [] no
local_exec_interpreter shell to use for local_exec list(string)
managedby ManagedBy, eg 'CloudDrove' or 'AnmolNagpal'. string "[email protected]" no
map_additional_aws_accounts Additional AWS account numbers to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap list(string) [] no
map_additional_iam_roles Additional IAM roles to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap
rolearn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
map_additional_iam_users Additional IAM users to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap
userarn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
max_price The maximum hourly price you're willing to pay for the Spot Instances. list(any) [] no
name Name (e.g. app or cluster). string "" no
node_group_enabled Enabling or disabling the node group. bool false no
node_group_taint_enabled Whether to enable or disable node group taints bool false no
node_groups Node group configurations
node_group_name = string
subnet_ids = list(string)
ami_type = string
node_group_volume_size = number
node_group_instance_types = list(string)
kubernetes_labels = map(string)
kubernetes_version = string
node_group_desired_size = number
node_group_max_size = number
node_group_min_size = number
node_group_capacity_type = string
node_group_volume_type = string
node_group_taint_key = string
node_group_taint_value = string
node_group_taint_effect = string
"tools": {
"ami_type": "AL2_x86_64",
"kubernetes_labels": {},
"kubernetes_version": "1.18",
"node_group_capacity_type": "ON_DEMAND",
"node_group_desired_size": 1,
"node_group_instance_types": [
"node_group_max_size": 2,
"node_group_min_size": 1,
"node_group_name": "tools",
"node_group_taint_effect": "",
"node_group_taint_key": "",
"node_group_taint_value": "",
"node_group_volume_size": 20,
"node_group_volume_type": "gp2",
"subnet_ids": [
node_security_group_ids Set of EC2 Security Group IDs to allow SSH access (port 22) from on the worker nodes. list(string) [] no
oidc_provider_enabled Create an IAM OIDC identity provider for the cluster, then you can create IAM roles to associate with a service account in the cluster, instead of using kiam or kube2iam. For more information, see bool false no
ondemand_desired_capacity The desired size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_desired_size Desired number of worker nodes number 2 no
ondemand_enabled Whether to create aws_autoscaling_policy and aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm resources to control Auto Scaling. bool false no
ondemand_instance_type Instance type to launch. list(any) [] no
ondemand_max_size The maximum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_min_size The minimum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_scale_up_desired The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. number 1 no
ondemand_schedule_desired_scale_down The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_schedule_desired_scaleup The schedule desired size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_schedule_enabled AutoScaling Schedule resource bool false no
ondemand_schedule_max_size_scaledown The maximum size for the Auto Scaling group. Default 0. Set to -1 if you don't want to change the minimum size at the scheduled time. list(any) [] no
ondemand_schedule_max_size_scaleup The schedule maximum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
ondemand_schedule_min_size_scaledown The minimum size for the Auto Scaling group. Default 0. Set to -1 if you don't want to change the minimum size at the scheduled time. list(any) [] no
ondemand_schedule_min_size_scaleup The schedule minimum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
public_access_cidrs The list of cidr blocks to access AWS EKS cluster endpoint. Default [] list(string) [] no
repository Terraform current module repo string "" no
resources_to_tag List of auto-launched resource types to tag. Valid types are "instance", "volume", "elastic-gpu", "spot-instances-request". list(string) [] no
scheduler_down What is the recurrency for scaling up operations ? string "0 19 * * MON-FRI" no
scheduler_up What is the recurrency for scaling down operations ? string "0 6 * * MON-FRI" no
spot_desired_capacity The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. list(any) [] no
spot_enabled Whether to create the spot instance. Set to false to prevent the module from creating any spot instances. bool false no
spot_instance_type Sport instance type to launch. list(any) [] no
spot_max_size The maximum size of the spot autoscale group. list(any) [] no
spot_min_size The minimum size of the spot autoscale group. list(any) [] no
spot_scale_up_desired The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_desired_scale_down The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_desired_scaleup The schedule desired size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_enabled AutoScaling Schedule resource for spot bool false no
spot_schedule_max_size_scaledown The maximum size for the Auto Scaling group of spot instances. Default 0. Set to -1 if you don't want to change the minimum size at the scheduled time. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_max_size_scaleup The schedule maximum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_min_size_scaledown The minimum size for the Auto Scaling group of spot instances. Default 0. Set to -1 if you don't want to change the minimum size at the scheduled time. list(any) [] no
spot_schedule_min_size_scaleup The schedule minimum size of the autoscale group. list(any) [] no
tags Additional tags (e.g. map(BusinessUnit,XYZ). map(any) {} no
use_existing_security_group If set to true, will use variable workers_security_group_id to run EKS workers using an existing security group that was created outside of this module, workaround for errors like count cannot be computed. bool false no
volume_size The size of ebs volume. number 20 no
volume_type The type of volume. Can be standard, gp2, or io1. (Default: standard). string "standard" no
vpc_id VPC ID for the EKS cluster. string "" no
wait_for_capacity_timeout A maximum duration that Terraform should wait for ASG instances to be healthy before timing out. Setting this to '0' causes Terraform to skip all Capacity Waiting behavior. string "15m" no
wait_for_cluster_command local-exec command to execute to determine if the EKS cluster is healthy. Cluster endpoint are available as environment variable ENDPOINT string "curl --silent --fail --retry 60 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused --insecure --output /dev/null $ENDPOINT/healthz" no
worker_subnet_ids A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in workers. list(string) [] no
workers_security_group_id The name of the existing security group that will be used in autoscaling group for EKS workers. If empty, a new security group will be created. string "" no


Name Description
eks_cluster_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
eks_cluster_certificate_authority_data The base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster.
eks_cluster_endpoint The endpoint for the Kubernetes API server.
eks_cluster_id The name of the cluster.
eks_cluster_security_group_arn ARN of the EKS cluster Security Group.
eks_cluster_security_group_id ID of the EKS cluster Security Group.
eks_cluster_security_group_name Name of the EKS cluster Security Group.
eks_cluster_version The Kubernetes server version of the cluster.
eks_fargate_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EKS Fargate Profile.
eks_fargate_id EKS Cluster name and EKS Fargate Profile name separated by a colon (:).
eks_node_group_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EKS Node Group
eks_node_group_id EKS Cluster name and EKS Node Group name separated by a colon
eks_node_group_resources List of objects containing information about underlying resources of the EKS Node Group
eks_node_group_status Status of the EKS Node Group
iam_role_arn ARN of the worker nodes IAM role.
kubernetes_config_map_id ID of aws-auth Kubernetes ConfigMap
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
workers_autoscaling_group_arn ARN of the AutoScaling Group.
workers_autoscaling_group_default_cooldown Time between a scaling activity and the succeeding scaling activity.
workers_autoscaling_group_desired_capacity The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group.
workers_autoscaling_group_health_check_grace_period Time after instance comes into service before checking health.
workers_autoscaling_group_health_check_type EC2 or ELB. Controls how health checking is done.
workers_autoscaling_group_id The AutoScaling Group ID.
workers_autoscaling_group_max_size The maximum size of the AutoScaling Group.
workers_autoscaling_group_min_size The minimum size of the AutoScaling Group.
workers_autoscaling_group_name The AutoScaling Group name.
workers_launch_template_arn ARN of the launch template.
workers_launch_template_id ID of the launch template.
workers_security_group_arn ARN of the worker nodes Security Group.
workers_security_group_id ID of the worker nodes Security Group.
workers_security_group_name Name of the worker nodes Security Group.


In this module testing is performed with terratest and it creates a small piece of infrastructure, matches the output like ARN, ID and Tags name etc and destroy infrastructure in your AWS account. This testing is written in GO, so you need a GO environment in your system.

You need to run the following command in the testing folder:

  go test -run Test


If you come accross a bug or have any feedback, please log it in our issue tracker, or feel free to drop us an email at [email protected].

If you have found it worth your time, go ahead and give us a ★ on our GitHub!

About us

At CloudDrove, we offer expert guidance, implementation support and services to help organisations accelerate their journey to the cloud. Our services include docker and container orchestration, cloud migration and adoption, infrastructure automation, application modernisation and remediation, and performance engineering.

We are The Cloud Experts!

We ❤️ Open Source and you can check out our other modules to get help with your new Cloud ideas.

terraform-aws-eks's People


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