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Comments (25)

rawdigits avatar rawdigits commented on July 24, 2024 27

Hi All,
This is almost always a NAT or two that aren't playing nice. Sorry for the delay replying!

A week ago, when the core devs had a meeting, we spec'd out the way we are going to do relays, at the protocol level. While this wasn't a design goal of Nebula, there is enough need in the community that it is worth doing.

from nebula.

wych42 avatar wych42 commented on July 24, 2024 3

Same issue here.

I've got one lighthouse node with public ip addr, firewall open port 4242 for udp&tcp;
one laptop at home behind nat; one laptop at office(also behind nat).The connection status would be:

lighthouse <-both way connected-> home laptop
lighthouse <-both way connected-> office laptop
home laptop <-no connection-> office laptop

from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024 2


cat config.yml |sed '/#/d'|sed -r '/^\s*$/d'

  ca: ./ca.crt
  cert: ./ROOT.crt
  key: ./ROOT.key
  "": ["IP:4545"]
  am_lighthouse: true
  interval: 60
  port: 4545
punchy: true
punch_back: true
  dev: nebula1
  drop_local_broadcast: false
  drop_multicast: false
  tx_queue: 500
  mtu: 1300
  level: info
  format: text
    tcp_timeout: 120h
    udp_timeout: 3m
    default_timeout: 10m
    max_connections: 100000
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any
    - port: any
      proto: icmp
      host: any
    - port: 443
      proto: tcp
        - laptop
        - home

from nebula.

GettingTechnicl avatar GettingTechnicl commented on July 24, 2024 1

So I've been slowly expanding out my nebula network to machines, and haven't had many issues. I invited a friend in to my network and generated some certs for 4 of his machines.

So far he has 3 running, and the results are very odd. 2 of the machines are at his house, and 1 machine is at his work. 1 machine at his house is windows, 1 machine is ubuntu, and the machine at his work is also Windows.

The machine I'm currently on is a Windows machine at my house.

This windows machine at my house is able to ping and connect to his ubuntu machine at his house, but not to the windows machine at his house or work. He is able to ping his house ubuntu machine from work but not the house windows machine at work.

Here's the logs from the lighthouse is the windows machine at his house is the ubuntu machine at his house is the windows machine at his work

terry@cloudlink:/var/log$ cat syslog | grep nebula | grep
Jan 14 02:50:12 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:12Z" level=info msg="Handshake message received" handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=681713942 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=0 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:55939" vpnIp=
Jan 14 02:50:12 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:12Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=681713942 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=3524367104 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:55939" vpnIp=
Jan 14 03:10:57 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:10:57Z" level=info msg="Close tunnel received, tearing down." udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:55939" vpnIp=
Jan 14 03:11:09 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:11:09Z" level=info msg="Handshake message received" handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=3980494719 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=0 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:58401" vpnIp=
Jan 14 03:11:09 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:11:09Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=3980494719 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=3416636504 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:58401" vpnIp=
terry@cloudlink:/var/log$ cat syslog | grep nebula | grep
Jan 14 02:50:13 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:13Z" level=info msg="Handshake message received" handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=725317506 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=0 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:4242" vpnIp=
Jan 14 02:50:13 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:13Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=725317506 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=1799649400 udpAddr="104.XXX.XXX.84:4242" vpnIp=
terry@cloudlink:/var/log$ cat syslog | grep nebula | grep
Jan 14 02:50:37 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:37Z" level=info msg="Handshake message received" handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=156029206 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=0 udpAddr="198.XX.XXX.42:60679" vpnIp=
Jan 14 02:50:37 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T02:50:37Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=156029206 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=1379347581 udpAddr="198.XX.XXX.42:60679" vpnIp=

This is the windows machine I'm currently on

terry@cloudlink:/var/log$ cat syslog | grep nebula | grep
Jan 14 03:28:39 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:28:39Z" level=info msg="Handshake message received" handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=3413707116 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=0 udpAddr="" vpnIp=
Jan 14 03:28:39 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:28:39Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=3413707116 remoteIndex=0 responderIndex=195554109 udpAddr="" vpnIp=
Jan 14 03:28:39 cloudlink nebula[29594]: time="2020-01-14T03:28:39Z" level=info msg="Handshake message sent" cached=true handshake="map[stage:2 style:ix_psk0]" udpAddr="" vpnIp=

The config file for his linux machine is here

# This is the nebula example configuration file. You must edit, at a minimum, the static_host_map, lighthouse, and firewall sections
# Some options in this file are HUPable, including the pki section. (A HUP will reload credentials from disk without affecting existing tunnels)
# PKI defines the location of credentials for this node. Each of these can also be inlined by using the yaml ": |" syntax.
  # The CAs that are accepted by this node. Must contain one or more certificates created by 'nebula-cert ca'
  ca: /etc/nebula/ca.crt
  cert: /etc/nebula/plex-linux-vm.crt
  key: /etc/nebula/plex-linux-vm.key
  #blacklist is a list of certificate fingerprints that we will refuse to talk to
  #  - c99d4e650533b92061b09918e838a5a0a6aaee21eed1d12fd937682865936c72
# The static host map defines a set of hosts with fixed IP addresses on the internet (or any network).
# A host can have multiple fixed IP addresses defined here, and nebula will try each when establishing a tunnel.
# The syntax is:
#   "{nebula ip}": ["{routable ip/dns name}:{routable port}"]
# Example, if your lighthouse has the nebula IP of and has the real ip address of and runs on port 4242:
  "": ["108.XXX.XXX.147:4242"]
  "": ["35.XXX.XX.50:4242"]
  # am_lighthouse is used to enable lighthouse functionality for a node. This should ONLY be true on nodes
  # you have configured to be lighthouses in your network
  am_lighthouse: false
  # serve_dns optionally starts a dns listener that responds to various queries and can even be
  # delegated to for resolution
  #serve_dns: false
  # interval is the number of seconds between updates from this node to a lighthouse.
  # during updates, a node sends information about its current IP addresses to each node.
  interval: 60
  # hosts is a list of lighthouse hosts this node should report to and query from
    - ""
    - ""
# Port Nebula will be listening on. The default here is 4242. For a lighthouse node, the port should be defined,
# however using port 0 will dynamically assign a port and is recommended for roaming nodes.
  port: 0
  # Sets the max number of packets to pull from the kernel for each syscall (under systems that support recvmmsg)
  # default is 64, does not support reload
  #batch: 64
  # Configure socket buffers for the udp side (outside), leave unset to use the system defaults. Values will be doubled by the kernel
  # Default is net.core.rmem_default and net.core.wmem_default (/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default and /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default)
  # Maximum is limited by memory in the system, SO_RCVBUFFORCE and SO_SNDBUFFORCE is used to avoid having to raise the system wide
  # max, net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max
  #read_buffer: 10485760
  #write_buffer: 10485760
# Punchy continues to punch inbound/outbound at a regular interval to avoid expiration of firewall nat mappings
punchy: true
# punch_back means that a node you are trying to reach will connect back out to you if your hole punching fails
# this is extremely useful if one node is behind a difficult nat, such as symmetric
punch_back: true
# Cipher allows you to choose between the available ciphers for your network.
# IMPORTANT: this value must be identical on ALL NODES/LIGHTHOUSES. We do not/will not support use of different ciphers simultaneously!
#cipher: chachapoly
# Local range is used to define a hint about the local network range, which speeds up discovering the fastest
# path to a network adjacent nebula node.
#local_range: ""
# sshd can expose informational and administrative functions via ssh this is a
  # Toggles the feature
#  enabled: true
  # Host and port to listen on, port 22 is not allowed for your safety
#  listen:
  # A file containing the ssh host private key to use
  # A decent way to generate one: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ssh_host_ed25519_key -N "" < /dev/null
#  host_key: /home/terry/.ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
  # A file containing a list of authorized public keys
#  authorized_users:
#    - user: terry
      # keys can be an array of strings or single string
#      keys:
#        - 
# Configure the private interface. Note: addr is baked into the nebula certificate
  # Name of the device
  dev: xoverlay
  # Toggles forwarding of local broadcast packets, the address of which depends on the ip/mask encoded in pki.cert
  drop_local_broadcast: false
  # Toggles forwarding of multicast packets
  drop_multicast: false
  # Sets the transmit queue length, if you notice lots of transmit drops on the tun it may help to raise this number. Default is 500
  tx_queue: 500
  # Default MTU for every packet, safe setting is (and the default) 1300 for internet based traffic
  mtu: 1300
  # Route based MTU overrides, you have known vpn ip paths that can support larger MTUs you can increase/decrease them here
    #- mtu: 8800
    #  route:
# Configure logging level
  # panic, fatal, error, warning, info, or debug. Default is info
  level: info
  # json or text formats currently available. Default is text
  format: text
  #type: graphite
  #prefix: nebula
  #protocol: tcp
  #interval: 10s
  #type: prometheus
  #path: /metrics
  #namespace: prometheusns
  #subsystem: nebula
  #interval: 10s
# Nebula security group configuration
    tcp_timeout: 120h
    udp_timeout: 3m
    default_timeout: 10m
    max_connections: 100000
  # The firewall is default deny. There is no way to write a deny rule.
  # Rules are comprised of a protocol, port, and one or more of host, group, or CIDR
  # Logical evaluation is roughly: port AND proto AND ca_sha AND ca_name AND (host OR group OR groups OR cidr)
  # - port: Takes `0` or `any` as any, a single number `80`, a range `200-901`, or `fragment` to match second and further fragments of fragmented packets (since there is no port available).
  #   code: same as port but makes more sense when talking about ICMP, TODO: this is not currently implemented in a way that works, use `any`
  #   proto: `any`, `tcp`, `udp`, or `icmp`
  #   host: `any` or a literal hostname, ie `test-host`
  #   group: `any` or a literal group name, ie `default-group`
  #   groups: Same as group but accepts a list of values. Multiple values are AND'd together and a certificate would have to contain all groups to pass
  #   cidr: a CIDR, `` is any.
  #   ca_name: An issuing CA name
  #   ca_sha: An issuing CA shasum
    # Allow all outbound traffic from this node
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any
    # Allow icmp between any nebula hosts
    - port: any
      proto: icmp
      host: any
    # Allow tcp/443 from any host with chris group
    - port: 443
      proto: tcp
      group: chris

And here is his Windows config file

# This is the nebula example configuration file. You must edit, at a minimum, the static_host_map, lighthouse, and firewall sections
# Some options in this file are HUPable, including the pki section. (A HUP will reload credentials from disk without affecting existing tunnels)

# PKI defines the location of credentials for this node. Each of these can also be inlined by using the yaml ": |" syntax.
  # The CAs that are accepted by this node. Must contain one or more certificates created by 'nebula-cert ca'
  ca: C:\\Windows\\System32\\Nebula\\ca.crt
  cert: C:\\Windows\\System32\\Nebula\\hoyane-win-svr.crt
  key: C:\\Windows\\System32\\Nebula\\hoyane-win-svr.key
  #blacklist is a list of certificate fingerprints that we will refuse to talk to
  #  - c99d4e650533b92061b09918e838a5a0a6aaee21eed1d12fd937682865936c72

# The static host map defines a set of hosts with fixed IP addresses on the internet (or any network).
# A host can have multiple fixed IP addresses defined here, and nebula will try each when establishing a tunnel.
# The syntax is:
#   "{nebula ip}": ["{routable ip/dns name}:{routable port}"]
# Example, if your lighthouse has the nebula IP of and has the real ip address of and runs on port 4242:
  "": ["108.XXX.XXX.147:4242"]
  "": ["35.XXX.XX.50:4242"]

  # am_lighthouse is used to enable lighthouse functionality for a node. This should ONLY be true on nodes
  # you have configured to be lighthouses in your network
  am_lighthouse: false
  # serve_dns optionally starts a dns listener that responds to various queries and can even be
  # delegated to for resolution
  #serve_dns: false
  # interval is the number of seconds between updates from this node to a lighthouse.
  # during updates, a node sends information about its current IP addresses to each node.
  interval: 60
  # hosts is a list of lighthouse hosts this node should report to and query from
    - ""
    - ""

# Port Nebula will be listening on. The default here is 4242. For a lighthouse node, the port should be defined,
# however using port 0 will dynamically assign a port and is recommended for roaming nodes.
  port: 0
  # Sets the max number of packets to pull from the kernel for each syscall (under systems that support recvmmsg)
  # default is 64, does not support reload
  #batch: 64
  # Configure socket buffers for the udp side (outside), leave unset to use the system defaults. Values will be doubled by the kernel
  # Default is net.core.rmem_default and net.core.wmem_default (/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default and /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default)
  # Maximum is limited by memory in the system, SO_RCVBUFFORCE and SO_SNDBUFFORCE is used to avoid having to raise the system wide
  # max, net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max
  #read_buffer: 10485760
  #write_buffer: 10485760

# Punchy continues to punch inbound/outbound at a regular interval to avoid expiration of firewall nat mappings
punchy: true
# punch_back means that a node you are trying to reach will connect back out to you if your hole punching fails
# this is extremely useful if one node is behind a difficult nat, such as symmetric
punch_back: true

# Cipher allows you to choose between the available ciphers for your network.
# IMPORTANT: this value must be identical on ALL NODES/LIGHTHOUSES. We do not/will not support use of different ciphers simultaneously!
#cipher: chachapoly

# Local range is used to define a hint about the local network range, which speeds up discovering the fastest
# path to a network adjacent nebula node.
#local_range: ""

# sshd can expose informational and administrative functions via ssh this is a
  # Toggles the feature
#  enabled: true
  # Host and port to listen on, port 22 is not allowed for your safety
#  listen:
  # A file containing the ssh host private key to use
  # A decent way to generate one: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ssh_host_ed25519_key -N "" < /dev/null
#  host_key: /home/terry/.ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
  # A file containing a list of authorized public keys
#  authorized_users:
#    - user: terry
      # keys can be an array of strings or single string
#      keys:
#        - "

# Configure the private interface. Note: addr is baked into the nebula certificate
  # Name of the device
  dev: xoverlay
  # Toggles forwarding of local broadcast packets, the address of which depends on the ip/mask encoded in pki.cert
  drop_local_broadcast: false
  # Toggles forwarding of multicast packets
  drop_multicast: false
  # Sets the transmit queue length, if you notice lots of transmit drops on the tun it may help to raise this number. Default is 500
  tx_queue: 500
  # Default MTU for every packet, safe setting is (and the default) 1300 for internet based traffic
  mtu: 1300
  # Route based MTU overrides, you have known vpn ip paths that can support larger MTUs you can increase/decrease them here
    #- mtu: 8800
    #  route:

# Configure logging level
  # panic, fatal, error, warning, info, or debug. Default is info
  level: info
  # json or text formats currently available. Default is text
  format: text

  #type: graphite
  #prefix: nebula
  #protocol: tcp
  #interval: 10s

  #type: prometheus
  #path: /metrics
  #namespace: prometheusns
  #subsystem: nebula
  #interval: 10s

# Nebula security group configuration
    tcp_timeout: 120h
    udp_timeout: 3m
    default_timeout: 10m
    max_connections: 100000

  # The firewall is default deny. There is no way to write a deny rule.
  # Rules are comprised of a protocol, port, and one or more of host, group, or CIDR
  # Logical evaluation is roughly: port AND proto AND ca_sha AND ca_name AND (host OR group OR groups OR cidr)
  # - port: Takes `0` or `any` as any, a single number `80`, a range `200-901`, or `fragment` to match second and further fragments of fragmented packets (since there is no port available).
  #   code: same as port but makes more sense when talking about ICMP, TODO: this is not currently implemented in a way that works, use `any`
  #   proto: `any`, `tcp`, `udp`, or `icmp`
  #   host: `any` or a literal hostname, ie `test-host`
  #   group: `any` or a literal group name, ie `default-group`
  #   groups: Same as group but accepts a list of values. Multiple values are AND'd together and a certificate would have to contain all groups to pass
  #   cidr: a CIDR, `` is any.
  #   ca_name: An issuing CA name
  #   ca_sha: An issuing CA shasum

    # Allow all outbound traffic from this node
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any

    # Allow icmp between any nebula hosts
    - port: any
      proto: icmp
      host: any

    - port: 3389
      proto: tcp
      group: chris

Let me know if you want more of anything.

from nebula.

agreyfox avatar agreyfox commented on July 24, 2024

I have same issues during setup stage and after I change the config.yml in two settings, It works now.
1 "punch_back" should be true.
2 in the peer host section, should be lighthouse address. and for lighthouse , I leave it blank.

hope helps.

from nebula.

wych42 avatar wych42 commented on July 24, 2024

@agreyfox I've done the same thing.
I think this issue is related to specific network environment, If I connect my office laptop to another network(mobile hotspot for example), all devices can be connected.

from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024

My setup is already like how @agreyfox recommended, it does not work. I was hoping that whole NAT cracking was going to work well with Nebula :(

It works only if I also enable WIreguard :) Then well that is no help to me since Wireguard is in place.

from nebula.

agreyfox avatar agreyfox commented on July 24, 2024

oh, another things is if your host behind the firewall, you may should enable the UDP port in the firewall and do the port mapping stuff.

from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024

I already forwarded the default ports UDP and TCP.

from nebula.

agreyfox avatar agreyfox commented on July 24, 2024

I see that, Maybe, just put lighthouse config.yml?

from nebula.

wych42 avatar wych42 commented on July 24, 2024

I have similar config except:

    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any

another things is if your host behind the firewall, you may should enable the UDP port in the firewall and do the port mapping stuff.

In the working case(on laptop in home, one cloud server without public ip address or elastic ip bind to it), I need to enable the UDP port in the firewall, but I didn't do port mapping.

from nebula.

agreyfox avatar agreyfox commented on July 24, 2024


cat config.yml |sed '/#/d'|sed -r '/^\s*$/d'

  ca: ./ca.crt
  cert: ./ROOT.crt
  key: ./ROOT.key
  "": ["IP:4545"]
  am_lighthouse: true
  interval: 60
  port: 4545
punchy: true
punch_back: true
  dev: nebula1
  drop_local_broadcast: false
  drop_multicast: false
  tx_queue: 500
  mtu: 1300
  level: info
  format: text
    tcp_timeout: 120h
    udp_timeout: 3m
    default_timeout: 10m
    max_connections: 100000
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any
    - port: any
      proto: icmp
      host: any
    - port: 443
      proto: tcp
        - laptop
        - home

Sorry, later reply.
I look your lighthouse config file. It seemed ok, but I suspect two thing,

  1. for static_host_map: "": ["IP:4545"], where I put my lighthouse ip address here,
  2. for lighthouse, It should has public IP address and don't need punch_back set to true.


from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024


  1. IP is the reachable IP of the lighthouse.

  2. IP is the public IP adress. Do you mean "hosts" or some other area?

Here is the section from a client

  "": ["IP:4545"]

How do we define this part in the lighthouse itself?

from nebula.

agreyfox avatar agreyfox commented on July 24, 2024

I believed here we need put public IP address. other node should be same as lighthouse setting.

from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024

Then I am doing it right, IP is the public IP of the LH. Curious situation.

from nebula.

devinrsmith avatar devinrsmith commented on July 24, 2024

I've run into the same issue:

home <---> lighthouse <---> client, but home <-/-> client.

Home is behind my consumer router, and lighthouse and client are in a VPS datacenter.

All three nodes are configured with

punchy: true
punch_back: true
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any
    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any

from nebula.

gerroon avatar gerroon commented on July 24, 2024

I just tried this again with v1.1 and no luck. It is interesting that pinging from the client outside f the local network creates activity on the pinged nebula client but the pingsa re all unsuccessful.

It would be nice if devs can comment on it since it seems to be a common thing given the responses.

(response on, pinged from
INFO[11241] Handshake message sent handshake="map[stage:1 style:ix_psk0]" initiatorIndex=558803177 remoteIndex=0 udpAddr="XXX.254.XXX.XXX:55128" vp nIp=

from nebula.

abserari avatar abserari commented on July 24, 2024

I have the same problems. When I change my network from WIFI to mobile hotspot. It works for the ping program.

from nebula.

NDolensek avatar NDolensek commented on July 24, 2024

Same problems here. Nodes in different networks can successfully ping the lighthouse (in another separate network) but can't ping each other. However, pinging does result in activity in the pinged nebula (as mentioned by @gerroon above)

from nebula.

vernonstinebaker avatar vernonstinebaker commented on July 24, 2024

Same here. I left a message on the support channel on Slack, but no response. (as mentioned by @NDolensek and @gerroon).

I'm happy to try to test or troubleshoot. Just let me know if there's anything I can do.

from nebula.

fearedbliss avatar fearedbliss commented on July 24, 2024

Relaying is also something affecting me at the moment (or more lack of) on Nebula 1.3.0 (Latest as of writing). I also have two nodes behind NATs that can communicate with the lighthouse (by-directionally) but can't communicate with the other members of the cluster. For now I'll be using Tinc/Wireguard again but I'm happy to try Nebula once this is implemented!

The use case primarily is LAN gaming for Diablo II (It uses TCP/IP so L3 networking should be fine via Nebula), I'm not sure how many people are attempting to use Nebula for gaming, but putting this in here haha.

For completeness, here is my lighthouse network config (running on FreeBSD 12.2), the lighthouses use the same config except that they are set to not be lighthouses and have a hosts: entry that points to the key from the static host map - punch and response (Which I'm guessing this is what people used to call punch_back?) are both true. I believe that's what was suppose to help with this dual NAT situation (or more complex NAT setups):

  ca: /usr/local/etc/nebula/cactus.crt
  cert: /usr/local/etc/nebula/octopus.crt
  key: /usr/local/etc/nebula/octopus.key

  "": [""]

  am_lighthouse: true
  interval: 60

  port: 4242

  punch: true
  respond: true
  delay: 1s

cipher: chachapoly

local_range: ""

  disabled: false
  dev: tun1
  drop_local_broadcast: false
  drop_multicast: false
  tx_queue: 500
  mtu: 1300

  level: info
  format: text

    tcp_timeout: 12m
    udp_timeout: 3m
    default_timeout: 10m
    max_connections: 100000

    - port: any
      proto: any
      host: any

    # Allow anyone to send ping requests (Useful to see if two people can communicate with each other)
    - port: any
      proto: icmp
      host: any

    # Diablo II: TCP/4000 (Permits Cactus Group Only)
    - port: 4000
      proto: tcp
        - cactus

    # Diablo II: TCP/6112 (Permits Cactus Group Only)
    - port: 6112
      proto: tcp
        - cactus

The set up is basically:

            Home Network

[Nebula LightHouse -] [Gaming Laptop on Windows -]

            External Network

[Friend on Windows -]

If the behavior described here is the current behavior, this may be an instance of this comment: #71 (comment), if this is the case, I understand the point of maybe getting a digital ocean droplet or something in order to have the IPs registered properly when they go through the lighthouse, but I don't think this is really a viable option in a lot of cases given that a lot of people do have their own home servers that they would prefer to re-use in order to save money and to retain control over the infrastructure.

from nebula.

SilverBut avatar SilverBut commented on July 24, 2024

we spec'd out the way we are going to do relays, at the protocol level. While this wasn't a design goal of Nebula, there is enough need in the community that it is worth doing.

Hi @rawdigits is there anything I can find on those specs? I think relay is a pretty important feature, since not all NAT's are punchable.

from nebula.

grerrg avatar grerrg commented on July 24, 2024

had the same error. those options didn't do the trick for me:

local_range: ""
  punch: true
  respond: true
  delay: 1s
what did it was giving a client a static ip and settings these things up in the peer's configuration:

      # lighthouse with public ip
      "": [ "" ]
      # local network behind nat
      "": [ "" ]
where `` is the nebula network and `` is the network behind the NAT.
after that the two clients behind the same NAT could talk to each other.
hope this helps in some ways.


never mind my comment. tested that behind two different NAT and it doesn't work. sorry for the noise.

from nebula.

brad-defined avatar brad-defined commented on July 24, 2024

Nebula 1.6.0 is released with a Relay feature, to cover cases like a Symmetric NAT.

Check out the example config to see how to configure a Nebula node to act as a relay, and how to configure other nodes to identify which Relay can be used by peers for access.
Take a look at #33 (comment) for more info on how to configure it.

from nebula.

johnmaguire avatar johnmaguire commented on July 24, 2024

I'm closing this out for inactivity. If you continue to have issues after trying the relay feature, pleasefeel free to open up a new issue or join us on Slack. Thanks!

from nebula.

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