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  • abcbaby / jssamplerapp

    tiper-js, App contains sample tips from following frameworks, Spring, Spring Security, Jasypt, JSF 2, Primefaces, jQuery, underscore.js, bootstrap, backbone.js, marionette.js, phantom.js, vis.js, etc.

    From user abcbaby

  • captainefff / mongo_scraper

    tiper-js, # All the News That's Fit to Scrape ### Overview In this assignment, you'll create a web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news. But you're not going to actually write any articles; instead, you'll flex your Mongoose and Cheerio muscles to scrape news from another site. ### Before You Begin 1. Create a GitHub repo for this assignment and clone it to your computer. Any name will do -- just make sure it's related to this project in some fashion. 2. Run `npm init`. When that's finished, install and save these npm packages: 1. express 2. express-handlebars 3. mongoose 4. cheerio 5. axios 3. **NOTE**: If you want to earn complete credit for your work, you must use all five of these packages in your assignment. 4. In order to deploy your project to Heroku, you must set up an mLab provision. mLab is remote MongoDB database that Heroku supports natively. Follow these steps to get it running: 5. Create a Heroku app in your project directory. 6. Run this command in your Terminal/Bash window: * `heroku addons:create mongolab` * This command will add the free mLab provision to your project. 7. When you go to connect your mongo database to mongoose, do so the following way: ```js // If deployed, use the deployed database. Otherwise use the local mongoHeadlines database var MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || "mongodb://localhost/mongoHeadlines"; mongoose.connect(MONGODB_URI); ``` * This code should connect mongoose to your remote mongolab database if deployed, but otherwise will connect to the local mongoHeadlines database on your computer. 8. [Watch this demo of a possible submission]( See the deployed demo application [here]( 9. Your site doesn't need to match the demo's style, but feel free to attempt something similar if you'd like. Otherwise, just be creative! ### Commits Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code. * Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning. * We use the mantra “commit early and often.” This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it! * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong. * Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging. * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like "fixed." Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit. * We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often! ### Submission on BCS * **This assignment must be deployed.** * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! ## Instructions * Create an app that accomplishes the following: 1. Whenever a user visits your site, the app should scrape stories from a news outlet of your choice and display them for the user. Each scraped article should be saved to your application database. At a minimum, the app should scrape and display the following information for each article: * Headline - the title of the article * Summary - a short summary of the article * URL - the url to the original article * Feel free to add more content to your database (photos, bylines, and so on). 2. Users should also be able to leave comments on the articles displayed and revisit them later. The comments should be saved to the database as well and associated with their articles. Users should also be able to delete comments left on articles. All stored comments should be visible to every user. * Beyond these requirements, be creative and have fun with this! ### Tips * Go back to Saturday's activities if you need a refresher on how to partner one model with another. * Whenever you scrape a site for stories, make sure an article isn't already represented in your database before saving it; Do not save any duplicate entries. * Don't just clear out your database and populate it with scraped articles whenever a user accesses your site. * If your app deletes stories every time someone visits, your users won't be able to see any comments except the ones that they post. ### Helpful Links * [MongoDB Documentation]( * [Mongoose Documentation]( * [Cheerio Documentation]( ### Reminder: Submission on BCS * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! --- ### Minimum Requirements * **This assignment must be deployed.** Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Hosting on Heroku and adding a are required for this homework. In addition, add this homework to your portfolio, more information can be found below. --- ### Hosting on Heroku Now that we have a backend to our applications, we use Heroku for hosting. Please note that while **Heroku is free**, it will request credit card information if you have more than 5 applications at a time or are adding a database. Please see [Heroku’s Account Verification Information]( for more details. --- ### Create a Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way: * [About READMEs]( * [Mastering Markdown]( --- ### Add To Your Portfolio After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an 'A' on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio. --- ### One Last Thing If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you're still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs. That goes threefold for this unit: MongoDB and Mongoose compose a challenging data management system. If there's anything you find confusing about these technologies, don't hesitate to speak with someone from the Boot Camp team. **Good Luck!**

    From user captainefff

  • coolnameismy / dev-tips

    tiper-js, dev-tips是一个开发中常见问题的收集和整理,包含.net,ios,android,开发环境,flex,web,数据库,react native,html,js,ide,svn,git,等等,这些都是我在开发过程是实际遇到过的问题收集和整理。

    From user coolnameismy

  • emetem-global-enterprise / prototype

    tiper-js, # Contributing to this repository <!-- omit in toc --> ## Getting started <!-- omit in toc --> Before you begin: - This site is powered by Node.js. Check to see if you're on the [version of node we support](contributing/ - Have you read the [code of conduct]( - Check out the [existing issues]( & see if we [accept contributions](#types-of-contributions-memo) for your type of issue. ### Use the 'make a contribution' button ![](./assets/images/make-contribution.gif) Navigating a new codebase can be challenging, so we're making that a little easier. As you're using, you may come across an article that you want to make an update to. You can click on the **make a contribution** button right on that article, which will take you to the file in this repo where you'll make your changes. Before you make your changes, check to see if an [issue exists]( already for the change you want to make. ### Don't see your issue? Open one If you spot something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### Ready to make a change? Fork the repo Fork using GitHub Desktop: - [Getting started with GitHub Desktop]( will guide you through setting up Desktop. - Once Desktop is set up, you can use it to [fork the repo](! Fork using the command line: - [Fork the repo]( so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them. Fork with [GitHub Codespaces]( - [Fork, edit, and preview]( using [GitHub Codespaces]( without having to install and run the project locally. ### Make your update: Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update. Here are some tips and tricks for [using the docs codebase](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository). - Are you making changes to the application code? You'll need **Node.js v14** to run the site locally. See [contributing/](contributing/ - Are you contributing to markdown? We use [GitHub Markdown](contributing/ ### Open a pull request When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, use the [pull request template](#pull-request-template) to open your PR (pull request). ### Submit your PR & get it reviewed - Once you submit your PR, others from the Docs community will review it with you. The first thing you're going to want to do is a [self review](#self-review). - After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation. - Did you have an issue, like a merge conflict? Check out our [git tutorial]( on how to resolve merge conflicts and other issues. ### Your PR is merged! Congratulations! The whole GitHub community thanks you. :sparkles: Once your PR is merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor in the [contributor chart]( ### Keep contributing as you use GitHub Docs Now that you're a part of the GitHub Docs community, you can keep participating in many ways. **Learn more about contributing:** - [Types of contributions :memo:](#types-of-contributions-memo) - [:mega: Discussions](#mega-discussions) - [:beetle: Issues](#beetle-issues) - [:hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests](#hammer_and_wrench-pull-requests) - [:question: Support](#question-support) - [:earth_asia: Translations](#earth_asia-translations) - [:balance_scale: Site Policy](#balance_scale-site-policy) - [Starting with an issue](#starting-with-an-issue) - [Labels](#labels) - [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) - [Working in the github/docs repository](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository) - [Reviewing](#reviewing) - [Self review](#self-review) - [Pull request template](#pull-request-template) - [Suggested changes](#suggested-changes) - [Windows](#windows) ## Types of contributions :memo: You can contribute to the GitHub Docs content and site in several ways. This repo is a place to discuss and collaborate on! Our small, but mighty :muscle: docs team is maintaining this repo, to preserve our bandwidth, off topic conversations will be closed. ### :mega: Discussions Discussions are where we have conversations. If you'd like help troubleshooting a docs PR you're working on, have a great new idea, or want to share something amazing you've learned in our docs, join us in [discussions]( ### :beetle: Issues [Issues]( are used to track tasks that contributors can help with. If an issue has a triage label, we haven't reviewed it yet and you shouldn't begin work on it. If you've found something in the content or the website that should be updated, search open issues to see if someone else has reported the same thing. If it's something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### :hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests A [pull request]( is a way to suggest changes in our repository. When we merge those changes, they should be deployed to the live site within 24 hours. :earth_africa: To learn more about opening a pull request in this repo, see [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) below. ### :question: Support We are a small team working hard to keep up with the documentation demands of a continuously changing product. Unfortunately, we just can't help with support questions in this repository. If you are experiencing a problem with GitHub, unrelated to our documentation, please [contact GitHub Support directly]( Any issues, discussions, or pull requests opened here requesting support will be given information about how to contact GitHub Support, then closed and locked. If you're having trouble with your GitHub account, contact [Support]( ### :earth_asia: Translations This website is internationalized and available in multiple languages. The source content in this repository is written in English. We integrate with an external localization platform called [Crowdin]( and work with professional translators to localize the English content. **We do not currently accept contributions for translated content**, but we hope to in the future. ### :balance_scale: Site Policy GitHub's site policies are published on, too! If you find a typo in the site policy section, you can open a pull request to fix it. For anything else, see [the CONTRIBUTING guide in the site-policy repo]( ## Starting with an issue You can browse existing issues to find something that needs help! ### Labels Labels can help you find an issue you'd like to help with. - The [`help wanted` label]( is for problems or updates that anyone in the community can start working on. - The [`good first issue` label]( is for problems or updates we think are ideal for beginners. - The [`content` label]( is for problems or updates in the content on These will usually require some knowledge of Markdown. - The [`engineering` label]( is for problems or updates in the website. These will usually require some knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js or YAML to fix. ## Opening a pull request You can use the GitHub user interface :pencil2: for some small changes, like fixing a typo or updating a readme. You can also fork the repo and then clone it locally, to view changes and run your tests on your machine. ## Working in the github/docs repository Here's some information that might be helpful while working on a Docs PR: - [Development](/contributing/ - This short guide describes how to get this app running on your local machine. - [Content markup reference](/contributing/ - All of our content is written in GitHub-flavored Markdown, with some additional enhancements. - [Content style guide for GitHub Docs](/contributing/ - This guide covers GitHub-specific information about how we style our content and images. It also links to the resources we use for general style guidelines. - [Reusables](/data/reusables/ - We use reusables to help us keep content up to date. Instead of writing the same long string of information in several articles, we create a reusable, then call it from the individual articles. - [Variables](/data/variables/ - We use variables the same way we use reusables. Variables are for short strings of reusable text. - [Liquid](/contributing/ - We use liquid helpers to create different versions of our content. - [Scripts](/script/ - The scripts directory is the home for all of the scripts you can run locally. - [Tests](/tests/ - We use tests to ensure content will render correctly on the site. Tests run automatically in your PR, and sometimes it's also helpful to run them locally. ## Reviewing We (usually the docs team, but sometimes GitHub product managers, engineers, or supportocats too!) review every single PR. The purpose of reviews is to create the best content we can for people who use GitHub. :yellow_heart: Reviews are always respectful, acknowledging that everyone did the best possible job with the knowledge they had at the time. :yellow_heart: Reviews discuss content, not the person who created it. :yellow_heart: Reviews are constructive and start conversation around feedback. ### Self review You should always review your own PR first. For content changes, make sure that you: - [ ] Confirm that the changes address every part of the content strategy plan from your issue (if there are differences, explain them). - [ ] Review the content for technical accuracy. - [ ] Review the entire pull request using the [localization checklist](contributing/ - [ ] Copy-edit the changes for grammar, spelling, and adherence to the style guide. - [ ] Check new or updated Liquid statements to confirm that versioning is correct. - [ ] Check that all of your changes render correctly in staging. Remember, that lists and tables can be tricky. - [ ] If there are any failing checks in your PR, troubleshoot them until they're all passing. ### Pull request template When you open a pull request, you must fill out the "Ready for review" template before we can review your PR. This template helps reviewers understand your changes and the purpose of your pull request. ### Suggested changes We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using [suggested changes]( or pull request comments. You can apply suggested changes directly through the UI. You can make any other changes in your fork, then commit them to your branch. As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as [resolved]( ## Windows This site can be developed on Windows, however a few potential gotchas need to be kept in mind: 1. Regular Expressions: Windows uses `\r\n` for line endings, while Unix based systems use `\n`. Therefore when working on Regular Expressions, use `\r?\n` instead of `\n` in order to support both environments. The Node.js [`os.EOL`]( property can be used to get an OS-specific end-of-line marker. 1. Paths: Windows systems use `\` for the path separator, which would be returned by `path.join` and others. You could use `path.posix`, `path.posix.join` etc and the [slash]( module, if you need forward slashes - like for constructing URLs - or ensure your code works with either. 1. Bash: Not every Windows developer has a terminal that fully supports Bash, so it's generally preferred to write [scripts](/script) in JavaScript instead of Bash.

    From organization emetem-global-enterprise

  • fitzpa / mongoosenewsscraping

    tiper-js, # All the News That's Fit to Scrape ### Overview In this assignment, you'll create a web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news. But you're not going to actually write any articles; instead, you'll flex your Mongoose and Cheerio muscles to scrape news from another site. ### Before You Begin 1. Create a GitHub repo for this assignment and clone it to your computer. Any name will do -- just make sure it's related to this project in some fashion. 2. Run `npm init`. When that's finished, install and save these npm packages: 1. express 2. express-handlebars 3. mongoose 4. cheerio 5. axios 3. **NOTE**: If you want to earn complete credit for your work, you must use all five of these packages in your assignment. 4. In order to deploy your project to Heroku, you must set up an mLab provision. mLab is remote MongoDB database that Heroku supports natively. Follow these steps to get it running: 5. Create a Heroku app in your project directory. 6. Run this command in your Terminal/Bash window: * `heroku addons:create mongolab` * This command will add the free mLab provision to your project. 7. When you go to connect your mongo database to mongoose, do so the following way: ```js // If deployed, use the deployed database. Otherwise use the local mongoHeadlines database var MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || "mongodb://localhost/mongoHeadlines"; mongoose.connect(MONGODB_URI); ``` * This code should connect mongoose to your remote mongolab database if deployed, but otherwise will connect to the local mongoHeadlines database on your computer. 8. [Watch this demo of a possible submission]( See the deployed demo application [here]( 9. Your site doesn't need to match the demo's style, but feel free to attempt something similar if you'd like. Otherwise, just be creative! ### Submission on BCS * **This assignment must be deployed.** * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! ## Instructions * Create an app that accomplishes the following: 1. Whenever a user visits your site, the app should scrape stories from a news outlet of your choice and display them for the user. Each scraped article should be saved to your application database. At a minimum, the app should scrape and display the following information for each article: * Headline - the title of the article * Summary - a short summary of the article * URL - the url to the original article * Feel free to add more content to your database (photos, bylines, and so on). 2. Users should also be able to leave comments on the articles displayed and revisit them later. The comments should be saved to the database as well and associated with their articles. Users should also be able to delete comments left on articles. All stored comments should be visible to every user. * Beyond these requirements, be creative and have fun with this! ### Tips * Go back to Saturday's activities if you need a refresher on how to partner one model with another. * Whenever you scrape a site for stories, make sure an article isn't already represented in your database before saving it; Do not save any duplicate entries. * Don't just clear out your database and populate it with scraped articles whenever a user accesses your site. * If your app deletes stories every time someone visits, your users won't be able to see any comments except the ones that they post. ### Helpful Links * [MongoDB Documentation]( * [Mongoose Documentation]( * [Cheerio Documentation]( ### Reminder: Submission on BCS * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! --- ### Minimum Requirements * **This assignment must be deployed.** Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Hosting on Heroku and adding a are required for this homework. In addition, add this homework to your portfolio, more information can be found below. --- ### Hosting on Heroku Now that we have a backend to our applications, we use Heroku for hosting. Please note that while **Heroku is free**, it will request credit card information if you have more than 5 applications at a time or are adding a database. Please see [Heroku’s Account Verification Information]( for more details. --- ### Create a Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way: * [About READMEs]( * [Mastering Markdown]( --- ### Add To Your Portfolio After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an 'A' on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio. --- ### One Last Thing If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you're still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs. That goes threefold for this unit: MongoDB and Mongoose compose a challenging data management system. If there's anything you find confusing about these technologies, don't hesitate to speak with someone from the Boot Camp team. **Good Luck!**

    From user fitzpa

  • jdrenteria / scrape-hw

    tiper-js, # All the News That's Fit to Scrape ### Overview In this assignment, you'll create a web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news. But you're not going to actually write any articles; instead, you'll flex your Mongoose and Cheerio muscles to scrape news from another site. ### Before You Begin 1. Create a GitHub repo for this assignment and clone it to your computer. Any name will do -- just make sure it's related to this project in some fashion. 2. Run `npm init`. When that's finished, install and save these npm packages: 1. express 2. express-handlebars 3. mongoose 4. cheerio 5. axios 3. **NOTE**: If you want to earn complete credit for your work, you must use all five of these packages in your assignment. 4. In order to deploy your project to Heroku, you must set up an mLab provision. mLab is remote MongoDB database that Heroku supports natively. Follow these steps to get it running: 5. Create a Heroku app in your project directory. 6. Run this command in your Terminal/Bash window: * `heroku addons:create mongolab` * This command will add the free mLab provision to your project. 7. When you go to connect your mongo database to mongoose, do so the following way: ```js // If deployed, use the deployed database. Otherwise use the local mongoHeadlines database var MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || "mongodb://localhost/mongoHeadlines"; mongoose.connect(MONGODB_URI); ``` * This code should connect mongoose to your remote mongolab database if deployed, but otherwise will connect to the local mongoHeadlines database on your computer. 8. [Watch this demo of a possible submission]( See the deployed demo application [here]( 9. Your site doesn't need to match the demo's style, but feel free to attempt something similar if you'd like. Otherwise, just be creative! ### Commits Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code. * Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning. * We use the mantra “commit early and often.” This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it! * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong. * Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging. * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like "fixed." Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit. * We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often! ### Submission on BCS * **This assignment must be deployed.** * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! ## Instructions * Create an app that accomplishes the following: 1. Whenever a user visits your site, the app should scrape stories from a news outlet of your choice and display them for the user. Each scraped article should be saved to your application database. At a minimum, the app should scrape and display the following information for each article: * Headline - the title of the article * Summary - a short summary of the article * URL - the url to the original article * Feel free to add more content to your database (photos, bylines, and so on). 2. Users should also be able to leave comments on the articles displayed and revisit them later. The comments should be saved to the database as well and associated with their articles. Users should also be able to delete comments left on articles. All stored comments should be visible to every user. * Beyond these requirements, be creative and have fun with this! ### Tips * Go back to Saturday's activities if you need a refresher on how to partner one model with another. * Whenever you scrape a site for stories, make sure an article isn't already represented in your database before saving it; Do not save any duplicate entries. * Don't just clear out your database and populate it with scraped articles whenever a user accesses your site. * If your app deletes stories every time someone visits, your users won't be able to see any comments except the ones that they post. ### Helpful Links * [MongoDB Documentation]( * [Mongoose Documentation]( * [Cheerio Documentation]( ### Reminder: Submission on BCS * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! --- ### Minimum Requirements * **This assignment must be deployed.** Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Hosting on Heroku and adding a are required for this homework. In addition, add this homework to your portfolio, more information can be found below. --- ### Hosting on Heroku Now that we have a backend to our applications, we use Heroku for hosting. Please note that while **Heroku is free**, it will request credit card information if you have more than 5 applications at a time or are adding a database. Please see [Heroku’s Account Verification Information]( for more details. --- ### Create a Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way: * [About READMEs]( * [Mastering Markdown]( --- ### Add To Your Portfolio After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an 'A' on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio. --- ### One Last Thing If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you're still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs. That goes threefold for this unit: MongoDB and Mongoose compose a challenging data management system. If there's anything you find confusing about these technologies, don't hesitate to speak with someone from the Boot Camp team. **Good Luck!**

    From user jdrenteria

  • microsoft / nodejs-guidelines

    tiper-js, Tips, tricks, and resources for working with Node.js, and the start of an ongoing conversation on how we can improve the Node.js experience on Microsoft platforms.

    From organization microsoft

  • myfirebug / ui

    tiper-js, 移动端基于jquery,zepto的UI组件库,目前实现 JS Components:Toast、Action、Tips、Dialog、Swiper、CityPicker、DatetimePicker、Tab、Range Css Component:oneborder、Loading、button From Component:switch、Radio、Checkbox Plug Components:Turntable、Lottery

    From user myfirebug

    Home Page:

  • nima0011 / nima0011

    tiper-js, # Contributing to this repository <!-- omit in toc --> ## Getting started <!-- omit in toc --> Before you begin: - This site is powered by Node.js. Check to see if you're on the [version of node we support](contributing/ - Have you read the [code of conduct]( - Check out the [existing issues]( & see if we [accept contributions](#types-of-contributions-memo) for your type of issue. ### Use the 'make a contribution' button ![](./assets/images/make-contribution.gif) Navigating a new codebase can be challenging, so we're making that a little easier. As you're using, you may come across an article that you want to make an update to. You can click on the **make a contribution** button right on that article, which will take you to the file in this repo where you'll make your changes. Before you make your changes, check to see if an [issue exists]( already for the change you want to make. ### Don't see your issue? Open one If you spot something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### Ready to make a change? Fork the repo Fork using GitHub Desktop: - [Getting started with GitHub Desktop]( will guide you through setting up Desktop. - Once Desktop is set up, you can use it to [fork the repo](! Fork using the command line: - [Fork the repo]( so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them. Fork with [GitHub Codespaces]( - [Fork, edit, and preview]( using [GitHub Codespaces]( without having to install and run the project locally. ### Make your update: Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update. Here are some tips and tricks for [using the docs codebase](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository). - Are you making changes to the application code? You'll need **Node.js v14** to run the site locally. See [contributing/](contributing/ - Are you contributing to markdown? We use [GitHub Markdown](contributing/ ### Open a pull request When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, use the [pull request template](#pull-request-template) to open your PR (pull request). ### Submit your PR & get it reviewed - Once you submit your PR, others from the Docs community will review it with you. The first thing you're going to want to do is a [self review](#self-review). - After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation. - Did you have an issue, like a merge conflict? Check out our [git tutorial]( on how to resolve merge conflicts and other issues. ### Your PR is merged! Congratulations! The whole GitHub community thanks you. :sparkles: Once your PR is merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor in the [contributor chart]( ### Keep contributing as you use GitHub Docs Now that you're a part of the GitHub Docs community, you can keep participating in many ways. **Learn more about contributing:** - [Types of contributions :memo:](#types-of-contributions-memo) - [:mega: Discussions](#mega-discussions) - [:beetle: Issues](#beetle-issues) - [:hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests](#hammer_and_wrench-pull-requests) - [:question: Support](#question-support) - [:earth_asia: Translations](#earth_asia-translations) - [:balance_scale: Site Policy](#balance_scale-site-policy) - [Starting with an issue](#starting-with-an-issue) - [Labels](#labels) - [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) - [Working in the github/docs repository](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository) - [Reviewing](#reviewing) - [Self review](#self-review) - [Pull request template](#pull-request-template) - [Suggested changes](#suggested-changes) - [Windows](#windows) ## Types of contributions :memo: You can contribute to the GitHub Docs content and site in several ways. This repo is a place to discuss and collaborate on! Our small, but mighty :muscle: docs team is maintaining this repo, to preserve our bandwidth, off topic conversations will be closed. ### :mega: Discussions Discussions are where we have conversations. If you'd like help troubleshooting a docs PR you're working on, have a great new idea, or want to share something amazing you've learned in our docs, join us in [discussions]( ### :beetle: Issues [Issues]( are used to track tasks that contributors can help with. If an issue has a triage label, we haven't reviewed it yet and you shouldn't begin work on it. If you've found something in the content or the website that should be updated, search open issues to see if someone else has reported the same thing. If it's something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### :hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests A [pull request]( is a way to suggest changes in our repository. When we merge those changes, they should be deployed to the live site within 24 hours. :earth_africa: To learn more about opening a pull request in this repo, see [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) below. ### :question: Support We are a small team working hard to keep up with the documentation demands of a continuously changing product. Unfortunately, we just can't help with support questions in this repository. If you are experiencing a problem with GitHub, unrelated to our documentation, please [contact GitHub Support directly]( Any issues, discussions, or pull requests opened here requesting support will be given information about how to contact GitHub Support, then closed and locked. If you're having trouble with your GitHub account, contact [Support]( ### :earth_asia: Translations This website is internationalized and available in multiple languages. The source content in this repository is written in English. We integrate with an external localization platform called [Crowdin]( and work with professional translators to localize the English content. **We do not currently accept contributions for translated content**, but we hope to in the future. ### :balance_scale: Site Policy GitHub's site policies are published on, too! If you find a typo in the site policy section, you can open a pull request to fix it. For anything else, see [the CONTRIBUTING guide in the site-policy repo]( ## Starting with an issue You can browse existing issues to find something that needs help! ### Labels Labels can help you find an issue you'd like to help with. - The [`help wanted` label]( is for problems or updates that anyone in the community can start working on. - The [`good first issue` label]( is for problems or updates we think are ideal for beginners. - The [`content` label]( is for problems or updates in the content on These will usually require some knowledge of Markdown. - The [`engineering` label]( is for problems or updates in the website. These will usually require some knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js or YAML to fix. ## Opening a pull request You can use the GitHub user interface :pencil2: for some small changes, like fixing a typo or updating a readme. You can also fork the repo and then clone it locally, to view changes and run your tests on your machine. ## Working in the github/docs repository Here's some information that might be helpful while working on a Docs PR: - [Development](/contributing/ - This short guide describes how to get this app running on your local machine. - [Content markup reference](/contributing/ - All of our content is written in GitHub-flavored Markdown, with some additional enhancements. - [Content style guide for GitHub Docs](/contributing/ - This guide covers GitHub-specific information about how we style our content and images. It also links to the resources we use for general style guidelines. - [Reusables](/data/reusables/ - We use reusables to help us keep content up to date. Instead of writing the same long string of information in several articles, we create a reusable, then call it from the individual articles. - [Variables](/data/variables/ - We use variables the same way we use reusables. Variables are for short strings of reusable text. - [Liquid](/contributing/ - We use liquid helpers to create different versions of our content. - [Scripts](/script/ - The scripts directory is the home for all of the scripts you can run locally. - [Tests](/tests/ - We use tests to ensure content will render correctly on the site. Tests run automatically in your PR, and sometimes it's also helpful to run them locally. ## Reviewing We (usually the docs team, but sometimes GitHub product managers, engineers, or supportocats too!) review every single PR. The purpose of reviews is to create the best content we can for people who use GitHub. :yellow_heart: Reviews are always respectful, acknowledging that everyone did the best possible job with the knowledge they had at the time. :yellow_heart: Reviews discuss content, not the person who created it. :yellow_heart: Reviews are constructive and start conversation around feedback. ### Self review You should always review your own PR first. For content changes, make sure that you: - [ ] Confirm that the changes address every part of the content design plan from your issue (if there are differences, explain them). - [ ] Review the content for technical accuracy. - [ ] Review the entire pull request using the [localization checklist](contributing/ - [ ] Copy-edit the changes for grammar, spelling, and adherence to the style guide. - [ ] Check new or updated Liquid statements to confirm that versioning is correct. - [ ] Check that all of your changes render correctly in staging. Remember, that lists and tables can be tricky. - [ ] If there are any failing checks in your PR, troubleshoot them until they're all passing. ### Pull request template When you open a pull request, you must fill out the "Ready for review" template before we can review your PR. This template helps reviewers understand your changes and the purpose of your pull request. ### Suggested changes We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using [suggested changes]( or pull request comments. You can apply suggested changes directly through the UI. You can make any other changes in your fork, then commit them to your branch. As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as [resolved]( ## Windows This site can be developed on Windows, however a few potential gotchas need to be kept in mind: 1. Regular Expressions: Windows uses `\r\n` for line endings, while Unix based systems use `\n`. Therefore when working on Regular Expressions, use `\r?\n` instead of `\n` in order to support both environments. The Node.js [`os.EOL`]( property can be used to get an OS-specific end-of-line marker. 1. Paths: Windows systems use `\` for the path separator, which would be returned by `path.join` and others. You could use `path.posix`, `path.posix.join` etc and the [slash]( module, if you need forward slashes - like for constructing URLs - or ensure your code works with either. 1. Bash: Not every Windows developer has a terminal that fully supports Bash, so it's generally preferred to write [scripts](/script) in JavaScript instead of Bash.

    From user nima0011

  • olivierloverde / minutes-of-javascript

    tiper-js, ⭐ Collection of Javascript snippets to make you discover new exciting features, useful tips or anything that will give you a better understanding of the subtleties of JS.

    From user olivierloverde

  • packtworkshops / the-vue-workshop

    tiper-js, Learn how to get started building scalable frontend applications using Vue JS from industry professionals, with practical knowledge and helpful tips.

    From organization packtworkshops

  • srsetu / tip-calculator

    tiper-js, A simple Tip Calculator with Vanilla JavaScript for JS Bangladesh tutorial series.

    From user srsetu

  • tastaub / mongoosescraper

    tiper-js, # All the News That's Fit to Scrape ### Overview In this assignment, you'll create a web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news. But you're not going to actually write any articles; instead, you'll flex your Mongoose and Cheerio muscles to scrape news from another site. ### Before You Begin 1. Create a GitHub repo for this assignment and clone it to your computer. Any name will do -- just make sure it's related to this project in some fashion. 2. Run `npm init`. When that's finished, install and save these npm packages: 3. express 4. express-handlebars 5. mongoose 6. body-parser 7. cheerio 8. request 9. **NOTE**: If you want to earn complete credit for your work, you must use all six of these packages in your assignment. 10. In order to deploy your project to Heroku, you must set up an mLab provision. mLab is remote MongoDB database that Heroku supports natively. Follow these steps to get it running: 11. Create a Heroku app in your project directory. 12. Run this command in your Terminal/Bash window: * `heroku addons:create mongolab` * This command will add the free mLab provision to your project. 13. When you go to connect your mongo database to mongoose, do so the following way: ```js // If deployed, use the deployed database. Otherwise use the local mongoHeadlines database var MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || "mongodb://localhost/mongoHeadlines"; // Set mongoose to leverage built in JavaScript ES6 Promises // Connect to the Mongo DB mongoose.Promise = Promise; mongoose.connect(MONGODB_URI); ``` * This code should connect mongoose to your remote mongolab database if deployed, but otherwise will connect to the local mongoHeadlines database on your computer. 14. [Watch this demo of a possible submission]( See the deployed demo application [here]( 15. Your site doesn't need to match the demo's style, but feel free to attempt something similar if you'd like. Otherwise, just be creative! ### Submission on BCS * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! ## Instructions * Create an app that accomplishes the following: 1. Whenever a user visits your site, the app should scrape stories from a news outlet of your choice and display them for the user. Each scraped article should be saved to your application database. At a minimum, the app should scrape and display the following information for each article: * Headline - the title of the article * Summary - a short summary of the article * URL - the url to the original article * Feel free to add more content to your database (photos, bylines, and so on). 2. Users should also be able to leave comments on the articles displayed and revisit them later. The comments should be saved to the database as well and associated with their articles. Users should also be able to delete comments left on articles. All stored comments should be visible to every user. * Beyond these requirements, be creative and have fun with this! ### Tips * Go back to Saturday's activities if you need a refresher on how to partner one model with another. * Whenever you scrape a site for stories, make sure an article isn't already represented in your database before saving it; we don't want duplicates. * Don't just clear out your database and populate it with scraped articles whenever a user accesses your site. * If your app deletes stories every time someone visits, your users won't be able to see any comments except the ones that they post. ### Helpful Links * [MongoDB Documentation]( * [Mongoose Documentation]( * [Cheerio Documentation]( ### Reminder: Submission on BCS * Please submit both the deployed Heroku link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository! --- ### Minimum Requirements Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Hosting on Heroku and adding a are required for this homework. In addition, add this homework to your portfolio, more information can be found below. --- ### Hosting on Heroku Now that we have a backend to our applications, we use Heroku for hosting. Please note that while **Heroku is free**, it will request credit card information if you have more than 5 applications at a time or are adding a database. Please see [Heroku’s Account Verification Information]( for more details. --- ### Create a Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way: * [About READMEs]( * [Mastering Markdown]( --- ### Add To Your Portfolio After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an 'A' on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio. --- ### One Last Thing If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you're still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs. That goes threefold for this week: MongoDB and Mongoose compose a challenging data management system. If there's anything you find confusing about these technologies, don't hesitate to speak with someone from the Boot Camp team. **Good Luck!**

    From user tastaub

  • tinkprocodes / fca-unofficial

    tiper-js, This repo is a fork from main repo and will usually have new features bundled faster than main repo (and maybe bundle some bugs, too). # Unofficial Facebook Chat API <img alt="version" src=""> Facebook now has an official API for chat bots [here]( This API is the only way to automate chat functionalities on a user account. We do this by emulating the browser. This means doing the exact same GET/POST requests and tricking Facebook into thinking we're accessing the website normally. Because we're doing it this way, this API won't work with an auth token but requires the credentials of a Facebook account. _Disclaimer_: We are not responsible if your account gets banned for spammy activities such as sending lots of messages to people you don't know, sending messages very quickly, sending spammy looking URLs, logging in and out very quickly... Be responsible Facebook citizens. See [below](#projects-using-this-api) for projects using this API. ## Install If you just want to use fca-unofficial, you should use this command: ```bash npm install procodermew/fca-unofficial ``` It will download `fca-unofficial` from NPM repositories ## Testing your bots If you want to test your bots without creating another account on Facebook, you can use [Facebook Whitehat Accounts]( ## Example Usage ```javascript const login = require("fca-unofficial"); // Create simple echo bot login({email: "FB_EMAIL", password: "FB_PASSWORD"}, (err, api) => { if(err) return console.error(err); api.listen((err, message) => { api.sendMessage(message.body, message.threadID); }); }); ``` Result: <img width="517" alt="screen shot 2016-11-04 at 14 36 00" src=""> ## Documentation You can see it [here]( ## Main Functionality ### Sending a message #### api.sendMessage(message, threadID[, callback][, messageID]) Various types of message can be sent: * *Regular:* set field `body` to the desired message as a string. * *Sticker:* set a field `sticker` to the desired sticker ID. * *File or image:* Set field `attachment` to a readable stream or an array of readable streams. * *URL:* set a field `url` to the desired URL. * *Emoji:* set field `emoji` to the desired emoji as a string and set field `emojiSize` with size of the emoji (`small`, `medium`, `large`) Note that a message can only be a regular message (which can be empty) and optionally one of the following: a sticker, an attachment or a url. __Tip__: to find your own ID, you can look inside the cookies. The `userID` is under the name `c_user`. __Example (Basic Message)__ ```js const login = require("fca-unofficial"); login({email: "FB_EMAIL", password: "FB_PASSWORD"}, (err, api) => { if(err) return console.error(err); var yourID = "000000000000000"; var msg = "Hey!"; api.sendMessage(msg, yourID); }); ``` __Example (File upload)__ ```js const login = require("fca-unofficial"); login({email: "FB_EMAIL", password: "FB_PASSWORD"}, (err, api) => { if(err) return console.error(err); // Note this example uploads an image called image.jpg var yourID = "000000000000000"; var msg = { body: "Hey!", attachment: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/image.jpg') } api.sendMessage(msg, yourID); }); ``` ------------------------------------ ### Saving session. To avoid logging in every time you should save AppState (cookies etc.) to a file, then you can use it without having password in your scripts. __Example__ ```js const fs = require("fs"); const login = require("fca-unofficial"); var credentials = {email: "FB_EMAIL", password: "FB_PASSWORD"}; login(credentials, (err, api) => { if(err) return console.error(err); fs.writeFileSync('appstate.json', JSON.stringify(api.getAppState())); }); ``` Alternative: Use [c3c-fbstate]( to get fbstate.json (appstate.json) ------------------------------------ ### Listening to a chat #### api.listen(callback) Listen watches for messages sent in a chat. By default this won't receive events (joining/leaving a chat, title change etc…) but it can be activated with `api.setOptions({listenEvents: true})`. This will by default ignore messages sent by the current account, you can enable listening to your own messages with `api.setOptions({selfListen: true})`. __Example__ ```js const fs = require("fs"); const login = require("fca-unofficial"); // Simple echo bot. It will repeat everything that you say. // Will stop when you say '/stop' login({appState: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('appstate.json', 'utf8'))}, (err, api) => { if(err) return console.error(err); api.setOptions({listenEvents: true}); var stopListening = api.listenMqtt((err, event) => { if(err) return console.error(err); api.markAsRead(event.threadID, (err) => { if(err) console.error(err); }); switch(event.type) { case "message": if(event.body === '/stop') { api.sendMessage("Goodbye…", event.threadID); return stopListening(); } api.sendMessage("TEST BOT: " + event.body, event.threadID); break; case "event": console.log(event); break; } }); }); ``` ## FAQS 1. How do I run tests? > For tests, create a `test-config.json` file that resembles `example-config.json` and put it in the `test` directory. From the root >directory, run `npm test`. 2. Why doesn't `sendMessage` always work when I'm logged in as a page? > Pages can't start conversations with users directly; this is to prevent pages from spamming users. 3. What do I do when `login` doesn't work? > First check that you can login to Facebook using the website. If login approvals are enabled, you might be logging in incorrectly. For how to handle login approvals, read our docs on [`login`]( 4. How can I avoid logging in every time? Can I log into a previous session? > We support caching everything relevant for you to bypass login. `api.getAppState()` returns an object that you can save and pass into login as `{appState: mySavedAppState}` instead of the credentials object. If this fails, your session has expired. 5. Do you support sending messages as a page? > Yes, set the pageID option on login (this doesn't work if you set it using api.setOptions, it affects the login process). > ```js > login(credentials, {pageID: "000000000000000"}, (err, api) => { … } > ``` 6. I'm getting some crazy weird syntax error like `SyntaxError: Unexpected token [`!!! > Please try to update your version of node.js before submitting an issue of this nature. We like to use new language features. 7. I don't want all of these logging messages! > You can use `api.setOptions` to silence the logging. You get the `api` object from `login` (see example above). Do > ```js > api.setOptions({ > logLevel: "silent" > }); > ``` <a name="projects-using-this-api"></a> ## Projects using this API: - [c3c]( - A bot that can be customizable using plugins. Support Facebook & Discord. - [Miraiv2]( - A simple Facebook Messenger Bot made by CatalizCS and SpermLord. ## Projects using this API (original repository, facebook-chat-api): - [Messer]( - Command-line messaging for Facebook Messenger - [messen]( - Rapidly build Facebook Messenger apps in Node.js - [Concierge]( - Concierge is a highly modular, easily extensible general purpose chat bot with a built in package manager - [Marc Zuckerbot]( - Facebook chat bot - [Marc Thuckerbot]( - Programmable lisp bot - [MarkovsInequality]( - Extensible chat bot adding useful functions to Facebook Messenger - [AllanBot]( - Extensive module that combines the facebook api with firebase to create numerous functions; no coding experience is required to implement this. - [Larry Pudding Dog Bot]( - A facebook bot you can easily customize the response - [fbash]( - Run commands on your computer's terminal over Facebook Messenger - [Klink]( - This Chrome extension will 1-click share the link of your active tab over Facebook Messenger - [Botyo]( - Modular bot designed for group chat rooms on Facebook - [matrix-puppet-facebook]( - A facebook bridge for [matrix]( - [facebot]( - A facebook bridge for Slack. - [Botium]( - The Selenium for Chatbots - [Messenger-CLI]( - A command-line interface for sending and receiving messages through Facebook Messenger. - [AssumeZero-Bot]( – A highly customizable Facebook Messenger bot for group chats. - [Miscord]( - An easy-to-use Facebook bridge for Discord. - [chat-bridge]( - A Messenger, Telegram and IRC chat bridge. - [messenger-auto-reply]( - An auto-reply service for Messenger. - [BotCore]( – A collection of tools for writing and managing Facebook Messenger bots. - [mnotify]( – A command-line utility for sending alerts and notifications through Facebook Messenger.

    From user tinkprocodes

  • wallace-best / best

    tiper-js, <!DOCTYPE html>Wallace-Best <html lang="en-us"> <head> <link rel="node" href="//" type="image/"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta name="keywords" content="Wallace Best,, comments, blog, blogs, discussion"> <meta name="description" content="Wallace Best's Network is a global comment system that improves discussion on websites and connects conversations across the web."> <meta name="world" value="notranslate" /> <title> WB Admin | Sign-in </title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> document.domain = ''; if (window.context === undefined) { var context = {}; } context.wallace-bestUrl = ''; context.wallace-bestDomain = ''; context.mediaUrl = '//'; context.uploadsUrl = '//'; context.sslUploadsUrl = '//'; context.loginUrl = ''; context.signupUrl = ''; context.apiUrl = '//'; context.apiPublicKey = 'Y1S1wGIzdc63qnZ5rhHfjqEABGA4ZTDncauWFFWWTUBqkmLjdxloTb7ilhGnZ7z1'; = null; context.adminUrl = ''; context.switches = { "explore_dashboard_2":false, "partitions:api:posts/countPendin":false, "use_rs_paginator_30m":false, "inline_defaults_css":false, "evm_publisher_reports":true, "postsort":false, "enable_entropy_filtering":false, "exp_newnav":true, "organic_discovery_experiments":false, "realtime_for_oldies":false, "firehose_push":true, "website_addons":true, "addons_ab_test":false, "firehose_gnip_http":true, "community_icon":true, "pub_reporting_v2":true, "pd_thumbnail_settings":true, "algorithm_experiments":false, "discovery_log_to_browser":false, "is_last_modified":true, "embed_category_display":false, "partitions:api:forums/listPosts":false, "shardpost":true, "limit_get_posts_days_30d":true, "next_realtime_anim_disabled":false, "juggler_thread_onReady":true, "firehose_realertime":false, "loginas":true, "juggler_enabled":true, "user_onboarding":true, "website_follow_redirect":true, "raven_js":true, "shardpost:index":true, "filter_ads_by_country":true, "new_sort_paginator":true, "threadident_reads":true, "new_media":true, "enable_link_affiliation":true, "show_unapproved":false, "onboarding_profile_editing":true, "partitions":true, "dotcom_marketing":true, "discovery_analytics":true, "exp_newnav_disable":true, "new_community_nav_embed":true, "discussions_tab":true, "embed_less_refactor":false, "use_rs_paginator_60m":true, "embed_labs":false, "auto_flat_sort":false, "disable_moderate_ascending":true, "disable_realtime":true, "partitions:api":true, "digest_thread_votes":true, "shardpost:paginator":false, "debug_js":false, "exp_mn2":false, "limit_get_posts_days_7d":true, "pinnedcomments":false, "use_queue_b":true, "new_embed_profile":true, "next_track_links":true, "postsort:paginator":true, "simple_signup":true, "static_styles":true, "stats":true, "discovery_next":true, "override_skip_syslog":false, "show_captcha_on_links":true, "exp_mn2_force":false, "next_dragdrop_nag":true, "firehose_gnip":true, "firehose_pubsub":true, "rt_go_backend":false, "dark_jester":true, "next_logging":false, "surveyNotice":false, "tipalti_payments":true, "default_trusted_domain":false, "disqus_trends":false, "log_large_querysets":false, "phoenix":false, "exp_autoonboard":true, "lazy_embed":false, "explore_dashboard":true, "partitions:api:posts/list":true, "support_contact_with_frames":true, "use_rs_paginator_5m":true, "limit_textdigger":true, "embed_redirect":false, "logging":false, "exp_mn2_disable":true, "aggressive_embed_cache":true, "dashboard_client":false, "safety_levels_enabled":true, "partitions:api:categories/listPo":false, "next_show_new_media":true, "next_realtime_cap":false, "next_discard_low_rep":true, "next_streaming_realtime":false, "partitions:api:threads/listPosts":false, "textdigger_crawler":true }; context.urlMap = { 'signup': '', 'dashboard': '', 'admin': '', 'logout': '//', 'home': '', 'for_websites': '', 'login': '' }; context.navMap = { 'signup': '', 'dashboard': '', 'admin': '', 'addons': '' }; </script> <script src="//" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> // // shared/foundation.js // // This file contains the absolute minimum code necessary in order // to create a new application in the WALLACE-BEST namespace. // // You should load this file *before* anything that modifies the WALLACE-BEST global. // /*jshint browser:true, undef:true, strict:true, expr:true, white:true */ /*global wallace-best:true */ var WALLACE-BEST = (function (window, undefined) { "use strict"; var wallace-best = window.wallace-best || {}; // Exception thrown from wallace-best.assert method on failure wallace-best.AssertionError = function (message) { this.message = message; }; wallace-best.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function () { return 'Assertion Error: ' + (this.message || '[no message]'); }; // Raises a wallace-best.AssertionError if value is falsy wallace-best.assert = function (value, message, soft) { if (value) return; if (soft) window.console && window.console.log("DISQUS assertion failed: " + message); else throw new wallace-best.AssertionError(message); }; // Functions to clean attached modules (used by define and cleanup) var cleanFuncs = []; // Attaches a new public interface (module) to the wallace-best namespace. // For example, if wallace-best object is { 'a': { 'b': {} } }: // // wallace-best.define('a.b.c', function () { return { 'd': 'hello' }; }); will transform it into // -> { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': { 'd' : hello' }}}} // // and wallace-best.define('a', function () { return { 'x': 'world' }; }); will transform it into // -> { 'a': { 'b': {}}, 'x': 'world' } // // Attach modules to wallace-best using only this function. wallace-best.define = function (name, fn) { /*jshint loopfunc:true */ if (typeof name === 'function') { fn = name; name = ''; } var parts = name.split('.'); var part = parts.shift(); var cur = wallace-best; var exports = (fn || function () { return {}; }).call({ overwrites: function (obj) { obj.__overwrites__ = true; return obj; } }, window); while (part) { cur = (cur[part] ? cur[part] : cur[part] = {}); part = parts.shift(); } for (var key in exports) { if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; /*jshint eqnull:true */ if (!exports.__overwrites__ && cur[key] !== null) { wallace-best.assert(!cur.hasOwnProperty(key), 'Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: ' + key, true /* soft assertion */); } cur[key] = exports[key]; cleanFuncs.push(function (cur, key) { return function () { delete cur[key]; }; }(cur, key)); } return cur; }; // Alias for wallace-best.define for the sake of semantics. // You should use it when you need to get a reference to another // wallace-best module before that module is defined: // // var collections = wallace-best.use('lounge.collections'); // // wallace-best.use is a single argument function because we don't // want to encourage people to use it instead of wallace-best.define. wallace-best.use = function (name) { return wallace-best.define(name); }; wallace-best.cleanup = function () { for (var i = 0; i < cleanFuncs.length; i++) { cleanFuncs[i](); } }; return wallace-best; })(window); /*jshint expr:true, undef:true, strict:true, white:true, browser:true */ /*global wallace-best:false*/ // // shared/corefuncs.js // wallace-best.define(function (window, undefined) { "use strict"; var wallace-best = window.wallace-best; var document = window.document; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body; var jobs = { running: false, timer: null, queue: [] }; var uid = 0; // Taken from _.uniqueId wallace-best.getUid = function (prefix) { var id = ++uid + ''; return prefix ? prefix + id : id; }; /* Defers func() execution until cond() is true */ wallace-best.defer = function (cond, func) { function beat() { /*jshint boss:true */ var queue = jobs.queue; if (queue.length === 0) { jobs.running = false; clearInterval(jobs.timer); } for (var i = 0, pair; pair = queue[i]; i++) { if (pair[0]()) { queue.splice(i--, 1); pair[1](); } } } jobs.queue.push([cond, func]); beat(); if (!jobs.running) { jobs.running = true; jobs.timer = setInterval(beat, 100); } }; wallace-best.isOwn = function (obj, key) { // The object.hasOwnProperty method fails when the // property under consideration is named 'hasOwnProperty'. return, key); }; wallace-best.isString = function (str) { return === "[object String]"; }; /* * Iterates over an object or a collection and calls a callback * function with each item as a parameter. */ wallace-best.each = function (collection, callback) { var length = collection.length, forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; if (!isNaN(length)) { // Treat collection as an array if (forEach) {, callback); } else { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { callback(collection[i], i, collection); } } } else { // Treat collection as an object for (var key in collection) { if (wallace-best.isOwn(collection, key)) { callback(collection[key], key, collection); } } } }; // Borrowed from underscore wallace-best.extend = function (obj) { wallace-best.each(, 1), function (source) { for (var prop in source) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } }); return obj; }; wallace-best.serializeArgs = function (params) { var pcs = []; wallace-best.each(params, function (val, key) { if (val !== undefined) { pcs.push(key + (val !== null ? '=' + encodeURIComponent(val) : '')); } }); return pcs.join('&'); }; wallace-best.serialize = function (url, params, nocache) { if (params) { url += (~url.indexOf('?') ? (url.charAt(url.length - 1) == '&' ? '': '&') : '?'); url += wallace-best.serializeArgs(params); } if (nocache) { var ncp = {}; ncp[(new Date()).getTime()] = null; return wallace-best.serialize(url, ncp); } var len = url.length; return (url.charAt(len - 1) == "&" ? url.slice(0, len - 1) : url); }; var TIMEOUT_DURATION = 2e4; // 20 seconds var addEvent, removeEvent; // select the correct event listener function. all of our supported // browsers will use one of these if ('addEventListener' in window) { addEvent = function (node, event, handler) { node.addEventListener(event, handler, false); }; removeEvent = function (node, event, handler) { node.removeEventListener(event, handler, false); }; } else { addEvent = function (node, event, handler) { node.attachEvent('on' + event, handler); }; removeEvent = function (node, event, handler) { node.detachEvent('on' + event, handler); }; } wallace-best.require = function (url, params, nocache, success, failure) { var script = document.createElement('script'); var evName = script.addEventListener ? 'load' : 'readystatechange'; var timeout = null; script.src = wallace-best.serialize(url, params, nocache); script.async = true; script.charset = 'UTF-8'; function handler(ev) { ev = ev || window.event; if (! { = ev.srcElement; } if (ev.type != 'load' && !/^(complete|loaded)$/.test( { return; // Not ready yet } if (success) { success(); } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } removeEvent(, evName, handler); } if (success || failure) { addEvent(script, evName, handler); } if (failure) { timeout = setTimeout(function () { failure(); }, TIMEOUT_DURATION); } head.appendChild(script); return wallace-best; }; wallace-best.requireStylesheet = function (url, params, nocache) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = wallace-best.serialize(url, params, nocache); head.appendChild(link); return wallace-best; }; wallace-best.requireSet = function (urls, nocache, callback) { var remaining = urls.length; wallace-best.each(urls, function (url) { wallace-best.require(url, {}, nocache, function () { if (--remaining === 0) { callback(); } }); }); }; wallace-best.injectCss = function (css) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); // Make inline CSS more readable by splitting each rule onto a separate line css = css.replace(/\}/g, "}\n"); if (window.location.href.match(/^https/)) css = css.replace(/http:\/\//g, 'https://'); if (style.styleSheet) { // Internet Explorer only style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } head.appendChild(style); }; wallace-best.isString = function (val) { return === '[object String]'; }; }); /*jshint boss:true*/ /*global wallace-best */ wallace-best.define('Events', function (window, undefined) { "use strict"; // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization. var once = function (func) { var ran = false, memo; return function () { if (ran) return memo; ran = true; memo = func.apply(this, arguments); func = null; return memo; }; }; var has = wallace-best.isOwn; var keys = Object.keys || function (obj) { if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object'); var keys = []; for (var key in obj) if (has(obj, key)) keys[keys.length] = key; return keys; }; var slice = [].slice; // Backbone.Events // --------------- // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with // custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback // functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in // succession. // // var object = {}; // _.extend(object, Backbone.Events); // object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); }); // object.trigger('expand'); // var Events = { // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind // the callback to all events fired. on: function (name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; this._events = this._events || {}; var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []); events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this}); return this; }, // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time // the callback is invoked, it will be removed. once: function (name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; var self = this; var onced = once(function () {, onced); callback.apply(this, arguments); }); onced._callback = callback; return this.on(name, onced, context); }, // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound // callbacks for all events. off: function (name, callback, context) { var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k; if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this; if (!name && !callback && !context) { this._events = {}; return this; } names = name ? [name] : keys(this._events); for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { name = names[i]; if (events = this._events[name]) { this._events[name] = retain = []; if (callback || context) { for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) { ev = events[j]; if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) || (context && context !== ev.context)) { retain.push(ev); } } } if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name]; } } return this; }, // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to // receive the true name of the event as the first argument). trigger: function (name) { if (!this._events) return this; var args =, 1); if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this; var events = this._events[name]; var allEvents = this._events.all; if (events) triggerEvents(events, args); if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments); return this; }, // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or // to every object it's currently listening to. stopListening: function (obj, name, callback) { var listeners = this._listeners; if (!listeners) return this; var deleteListener = !name && !callback; if (typeof name === 'object') callback = this; if (obj) (listeners = {})[obj._listenerId] = obj; for (var id in listeners) { listeners[id].off(name, callback, this); if (deleteListener) delete this._listeners[id]; } return this; } }; // Regular expression used to split event strings. var eventSplitter = /\s+/; // Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event // names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}` // in terms of the existing API. var eventsApi = function (obj, action, name, rest) { if (!name) return true; // Handle event maps. if (typeof name === 'object') { for (var key in name) { obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest)); } return false; } // Handle space separated event names. if (eventSplitter.test(name)) { var names = name.split(eventSplitter); for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest)); } return false; } return true; }; // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal // Backbone events have 3 arguments). var triggerEvents = function (events, args) { var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2]; switch (args.length) { case 0: while (++i < l) { (ev = events[i]); } return; case 1: while (++i < l) { (ev = events[i]), a1); } return; case 2: while (++i < l) { (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); } return; case 3: while (++i < l) { (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); } return; default: while (++i < l) { (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); } } }; var listenMethods = {listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once'}; // Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to // listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's // listening to. wallace-best.each(listenMethods, function (implementation, method) { Events[method] = function (obj, name, callback) { var listeners = this._listeners || (this._listeners = {}); var id = obj._listenerId || (obj._listenerId = wallace-best.getUid('l')); listeners[id] = obj; if (typeof name === 'object') callback = this; obj[implementation](name, callback, this); return this; }; }); // Aliases for backwards compatibility. Events.bind = Events.on; Events.unbind =; return Events; }); // used for /follow/ /login/ /signup/ social oauth dialogs // faking the bus wallace-best.use('Bus'); _.extend(DISQUS.Bus, wallace-best.Events); </script> <script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="//"></script> <!-- start Mixpanel --><script type="text/javascript">(function(e,b){if(!b.__SV){var a,f,i,g;window.mixpanel=b;a=e.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=!0;a.src=("https:"===e.location.protocol?"https:":"http:")+'//';f=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];f.parentNode.insertBefore(a,f);b._i=[];b.init=function(a,e,d){function f(b,h){var a=h.split(".");2==a.length&&(b=b[a[0]],h=a[1]);b[h]=function(){b.push([h].concat(,0)))}}var c=b;"undefined"!== typeof d?c=b[d]=[]:d="mixpanel";c.people=c.people||[];c.toString=function(b){var a="mixpanel";"mixpanel"!==d&&(a+="."+d);b||(a+=" (stub)");return a};c.people.toString=function(){return c.toString(1)+".people (stub)"};i="disable track track_pageview track_links track_forms register register_once alias unregister identify name_tag set_config people.set people.set_once people.increment people.append people.track_charge people.clear_charges people.delete_user".split(" ");for(g=0;g<i.length;g++)f(c,i[g]); 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