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Comments (4)

heathermiller avatar heathermiller commented on June 3, 2024

Thanks for reporting. Looking into it :)

from pickling.

JonyEpsilon avatar JonyEpsilon commented on June 3, 2024

I see the same with this code:

case class TestCase(p: Option[String])

object Test extends App {

  import scala.pickling._
  import json._

  val m = TestCase(Some("a"))
  val pckl = m.pickle
  val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]


Improbably long string of error messages generated:

Last login: Mon Oct 14 01:21:33 on ttys002
pickle git:master jony$ sbt
[info] Set current project to sbt-pickling-example (in build file:/Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/)
> compile
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/}pickle...
[warn] Binary version (0.8.0-SNAPSHOT) for dependency org.scala-lang#scala-pickling_2.10;0.8.0-SNAPSHOT
[warn]  in sbt-pickling-example#sbt-pickling-example_2.10;0.1-SNAPSHOT differs from Scala binary version in project (2.10).
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[TestCase] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Option[String]] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Null] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Null] because:
[info] stepping aside: there are other candidates
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[None.type] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[None.type](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[None.type] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Some[String]] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Some[String]](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Some[String]] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[String] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[String](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[String] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[String] because:
[info] stepping aside: there are other candidates
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Null] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Null](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Option[String]] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Option[String]](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Null] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Null](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Null] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Null] because:
[info] stepping aside: there are other candidates
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[TestCase](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[TestCase] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Option[String]] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Null] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Null](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[None.type] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[None.type](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[None.type] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Some[String]] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Some[String]](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[Some[String]] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[String] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[String](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[String] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: pickling.this.SPickler.genPickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.SPickler[String] because:
[info] stepping aside: there are other candidates
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Null] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Null](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[Option[String]] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[Option[String]](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:9: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[TestCase](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val pckl = m.pickle
[info]                ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[TestCase](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: pickling.this.Unpickler.genUnpickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.Unpickler[TestCase] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: materializing requested scala.reflect.type.ClassTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeClassTag[TestCase]()
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[TestCase](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: pickling.this.Unpickler.genUnpickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.Unpickler[TestCase] because:
[info] hasMatchingSymbol reported error: value forcefulSet is not a member of reflect.runtime.universe.FieldMirror
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[error] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: Cannot generate an unpickler for TestCase. Recompile with -Xlog-implicits for details
[error]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[error]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: pickling.this.Unpickler.genUnpickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.Unpickler[TestCase] because:
[info] stepping aside: repeating itself
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: materializing requested scala.reflect.type.ClassTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeClassTag[TestCase]()
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: materializing requested reflect.runtime.universe.type.TypeTag[TestCase] using `package`.this.materializeTypeTag[TestCase](scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe)
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[info] /Users/jony/Desktop/pickle/Test.scala:10: pickling.this.Unpickler.genUnpickler is not a valid implicit value for scala.pickling.Unpickler[TestCase] because:
[info] hasMatchingSymbol reported error: value forcefulSet is not a member of reflect.runtime.universe.FieldMirror
[info]   val lst = pckl.unpickle[TestCase]
[info]                          ^
[error] one error found
[error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 7 s, completed 16-Oct-2013 21:14:43

from pickling.

phaller avatar phaller commented on June 3, 2024

Fixed in #54

from pickling.

JonyEpsilon avatar JonyEpsilon commented on June 3, 2024

Just to confirm that that works for me. Thanks.

from pickling.

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