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React Navigation 7

Build Status Code Coverage MIT License

Routing and navigation for your React Native apps.

Documentation can be found at

This branch contains the code for the pre-release version of React Navigation 7. You can find the code for the latest stable version in the 6.x branch.

Package Versions

Name Latest Version
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs badge
@react-navigation/core badge
@react-navigation/devtools badge
@react-navigation/drawer badge
@react-navigation/elements badge
@react-navigation/material-top-tabs badge
@react-navigation/native-stack badge
@react-navigation/native badge
@react-navigation/routers badge
@react-navigation/stack badge
react-native-tab-view badge


Please read through our contribution guide to get started!

Installing from a fork on GitHub

Since we use a monorepo, it's not possible to install a package from the repository URL. If you need to install a forked version from Git, you can use gitpkg.

First install gitpkg:

yarn global add gitpkg

Then follow these steps to publish and install a forked package:

  1. Fork this repo to your account and clone the forked repo to your local machine
  2. Open a Terminal and cd to the location of the cloned repo
  3. Run yarn to install any dependencies
  4. If you want to make any changes, make them and commit
  5. Run yarn lerna run prepack to perform the build steps
  6. Now cd to the package directory that you want to use (e.g. cd packages/stack for @react-navigation/stack)
  7. Run gitpkg publish to publish the package to your repo

After publishing, you should see something like this:

Package uploaded to [email protected]:<user>/<repo>.git with the name <name>

You can now install the dependency in your project:

yarn add <user>/<repo>.git#<name>

Remember to replace <user>, <repo> and <name> with right values.

React Navigation's Projects

animated-switch icon animated-switch

A switch navigator but with transitions between screens powered by the react-native-reanimated Transitions API

bot icon bot

A GitHub bot for react-navigation issues (currently unused)

core icon core

Core utilities for the react-navigation framework shared between the native and web implementations.

drawer icon drawer

Drawer navigator for React Navigation

hooks icon hooks

React hooks for convenient react-navigation use

native icon native

React Native support for React Navigation. You probably don't need to use this directly, it's included in the react-navigation package.

react-native-tab-view icon react-native-tab-view

A fork of react-native-tab-view used by an old version of react-navigation, which we now must keep forever in this organization

rfcs icon rfcs

RFCs for changes to React Navigation

search-layout icon search-layout

A basic search screen layout for usage with React Navigation.

stack icon stack

Stack navigator for React Navigation

tabs icon tabs

Tab navigators for React Navigation

web icon web

Tools for react-navigation on web browsers and servers

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