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Comments (12)

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024 1

Yes, it does. Thank you for sending the code.

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

Thanks @mrweiner

This is because of an underlying problem with Solidity --- ethereum/solidity#10930 --- Solidity will die with the following simple program:

struct FacetCut {
    bytes4[] functionSelectors;

struct ConstructorArgs {
    address owner;

contract GHSTDiamond {
    constructor(FacetCut[] memory _diamondCut, ConstructorArgs memory _args) {}

and there's nothing that a user can do about it, except turn off the optimizer.

So, since I now know this (thank you), I'm changing Reach so that if the optimizer fails, then it will try without the optimizer, and issue a warning, because maybe you don't want to deploy un-optimized code.

from reach-lang.

mrweiner avatar mrweiner commented on May 24, 2024

Thanks for the info @jeapostrophe . Could you drop a note in here once your change goes out?

Also, what are the practical implications of deploying an un-optimized contract? Not really sure what "performance" looks like in the context of a smart contract.

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

It would cost differently on Ethereum. I don't say "more" because optimizations on Ethereum can actually make things cost more because of poor heuristics. But probably it would cost more.

from reach-lang.

mrweiner avatar mrweiner commented on May 24, 2024

Ah okay, that makes sense. Thanks.

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

I made an unrelated change and it "improved" the compilation of your program to the point that it now works, but it works for a kind of bizarre reason. The code works because the if statement on line 366 can never be false. You can tell this because orderTotal on line 371 isn't defined anywhere, but it gets removed by the optimizer, because you're not using use strict. The unrelated change made it so that the array operations in cleanOrderData and validateCleanOrder were more compact and could eventually be completely removed from the program. My guess (and I didn't confirm this) is that if you fix the program then we'll get the Solidity error again.

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

I think you should use functions like .all and .sum rather than writing them yourself. It might make it more likely to ensure that there aren't little typos

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

This line is the problem: const orderTotalsMatch = positiveOrderTotal == orderTotalCalcd;

positiveOrderTotal is a boolean and orderTotalCalcd is a number, so they can never be equal, so this is false, and thus everything else is false

from reach-lang.

mrweiner avatar mrweiner commented on May 24, 2024

Ah, yes const orderTotalsMatch = positiveOrderTotal == orderTotalCalcd; is definitely the problem -- it's supposed to be const orderTotalsMatch = orderData.orderTotal == orderTotalCalcd;. Thanks a lot for taking a look through everything. After fixing that and few similar typos I've got a bunch of verification failures, but at least I can work with that. If I can get those sorted out I guess I'll see whether or not the solidity error still crops up.

I'll take a look at .all and .sum. I didn't realize all of those foldable methods were available.

from reach-lang.

mrweiner avatar mrweiner commented on May 24, 2024

@jeapostrophe alright I think I've fixed all of the logical errors, and you're correct that the solidity error is still appearing. I can provide the updated program if you'd like.

I wonder -- does ../reach run only compile to solidity? If somebody intends only to deploy to another chain then an error like this is essentially inconsequential. Is there a way (or would it be practical to provide a way) to run reach run on/to a specific chain?

This option could also be useful for the general case of continuing local development while the reach team works on a compiler error that is specific to a particular chain.

from reach-lang.

jeapostrophe avatar jeapostrophe commented on May 24, 2024

Yes, please give me the source.

You can specify what connectors you want to compile for --- --- this has always been part of Reach.

from reach-lang.

mrweiner avatar mrweiner commented on May 24, 2024

I see. Does setOptions() go in


"reach 0.1";

// ========================================================
// Constants
// ========================================================



// ========================================================
// Primary Objects & Their Fakers
// ========================================================

 * The beneficiary of a particular item.
const Beneficiary = {
  isReal: Bool,
  addr: Address,
  percentToReceive: UInt,

 * Create a fake benficiary.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The fake address. 
 * @returns {Beneficiary}
 *   The fake Beneficiary.
const createFakeBeneficiary = (addr) => ({
  isReal: false,
  percentToReceive: 0

 * An order line item.
const LineItem = {
  isReal: Bool,
  unitPrice: UInt,
  qty: UInt,
  shipping: UInt,
  tax: UInt,
  beneficiaries: Array(Maybe(Object(Beneficiary)), MAX_BENEFICIARIES_PER_ITEM)

 * Create a fake LineItem.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The fake address.
 * @returns {LineItem}
 *   The fake LineItem.
const createFakeLineItem = (addr) => ({
  isReal: false,
  unitPrice: 0,
  qty: 0,
  shipping: 0,
  tax: 0,
  beneficiaries: Array.iota(MAX_BENEFICIARIES_PER_ITEM).map(_ =>  

 * Array of order line items for a particular merchant.
const Merchant = {
  isReal: Bool,
  addr: Address,
  lineItems: Array(Maybe(Object(LineItem)), MAX_LINE_ITEMS_PER_MERCHANT) 

 * Create a fake Merchant.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The fake address. 
 * @returns {Merchant}
 *   The fake Merchants obj.
const createFakeMerchant = (addr) => ({ 
  isReal: false,
  lineItems: Array.iota(MAX_LINE_ITEMS_PER_MERCHANT).map(_ => 

 * The order data for which payment is processed.
const OrderData = {
  merchants: Array(Maybe(Object(Merchant)), MAX_TOTAL_MERCHANTS),

// ========================================================
// Laundromat
// ========================================================

 * Convert Array(Maybe(Object(Foo)) to usable Array(Object(Foo)).
 * @param {Array(Maybe(Object(Foo))} arr
 *   The array of maybe els.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The address to be used for the fakes.
 * @param {Function} callbackCreateFaker
 *   The callback to create a fake for array Foo type.
 * @returns {Array(Object(Foo)}
 *   Array of operable Foo els.
const cleanMaybeArr = (arr, addr, callbackCreateFaker) => {
  return => {
    return fromMaybe(x,  
      (() => callbackCreateFaker(addr)), 
      ((y) => ({isReal: true, ...y}))

 * Convert Array(Maybe(Object(Beneficiary)) to usable Array(Object(Beneficiary)).
 * @param {Array(Maybe(Object(Beneficiary))} b
 *   The array of maybe beneficiaries.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The address to be used for the fakes.
 * @returns {Array(Object(Beneficiary)}
 *   Array of usable beneficiaries.
 const cleanBeneficiaries = (b, addr) => cleanMaybeArr(b, addr, createFakeBeneficiary);

 * Convert Array(Maybe(Object(LineItem)) to usable Array(Object(LineItem)).
 * @param {Array(Maybe(Object(LineItem))} lis
 *   The array of maybe line items.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The address to be used for the fakes.
 * @returns {Array(Object(LineItem)}
 *   Array of usable line items.
const cleanLineItems = (lis, addr) => cleanMaybeArr(lis, addr, createFakeLineItem);

 * Convert Array(Maybe(Object(Merchant)) to usable Array(Object(Merchant)).
 * @param {Array(Maybe(Object(Merchant))} m
 *   The array of maybe merchants.
 * @param {Address} addr 
 *   The address to be used for the fakes.
 * @returns {Array(Object(Merchant)} 
 *   Array of usable merchants.
const cleanMerchants = (m, addr) => cleanMaybeArr(m, addr, createFakeMerchant);

 * Clean the entire orderData's tree of Maybes.
 * @param {OrderData} orderData
 *   The order data to be cleaned. 
 * @param {Address} fakesAddr 
 *   The address to be used for fakes.
 * @returns {OrderData} 
 *   The cleaned OrderData. 
const cleanOrderData = (orderData, fakesAddr) => {
  const merchantsClean = cleanMerchants(orderData.merchants, fakesAddr);
  const merchantsFinal = => {
    // Cleaning LineItems for single Merchant 
    const lineItemsClean = cleanLineItems(x.lineItems, fakesAddr);
    const lineItemsFinal = => {
      // Cleaning Benficiaries for a single LineItem 
      const beneficiariesClean = cleanBeneficiaries(y.beneficiaries, fakesAddr);

      return {
        isReal: y.isReal,
        unitPrice: y.unitPrice,
        qty: y.qty,
        shipping: y.shipping,
        beneficiaries: beneficiariesClean
    return { 
      isReal: x.isReal,
      addr: x.addr,
      lineItems: lineItemsFinal

  return {
    merchants: merchantsFinal 

// ========================================================
// Order Validation
// ========================================================

 * Calculate the order total.
 * @param {OrderData} orderData
 *   The CLEANED order data. The logic assumes that all
 *   objects are operable, i.e. no Maybes.
 * @return {UInt} 
 *   The order total.
const getOrderTotal = (orderData) => {
  const merchantTotals = => {
    const liTotals = => (li.unitPrice * li.qty) + li.shipping +;
    return liTotals.sum(); 

  return merchantTotals.sum();

 * Check whether or not the order is valid to be processed.
 * @todo Check that no merchants appear more than once
 *   since this might be an indication of double-charging.
 * @param {OrderData} orderData
 *   The CLEANED order data. The logic assumes that all
 *   objects are operable, i.e. no Maybes.
const validateCleanOrder = (orderData) => {
  // Unlikely that an orderTotal would be <= 0 given the below
  // validation of the amts and pcts below, but keeping this
  // for the sake of sanity.
  const orderTotal = getOrderTotal(orderData);
  const positiveOrderTotal = orderTotal > 0;

  // All amounts on the order must be >= 0.
  const allAmtsNonNegative = orderData.merchants.all(m => {
    const itemsNonNegative = m.lineItems.all(li => {
      const unitPriceValid = li.isReal ? li.unitPrice > 0 : li.unitPrice == 0
      const qtyValid = li.isReal ? li.qty > 0 : li.qty == 0
      const shippingValid = li.isReal ? li.shipping >= 0 : li.shipping == 0
      const taxValid = li.isReal ? >= 0 : == 0
      return unitPriceValid && qtyValid && shippingValid && taxValid;
    return itemsNonNegative;

  // Any individual item's beneficiary percentages need to be <= 100
  const beneficiaryPctsValid = orderData.merchants.all(m => {
    const itemPctsValid = m.lineItems.all(li => {
      const totalBensPct = => b.percentToReceive).sum();
      const realBensPctPos = li.beneficiaries.all(b => 
        b.isReal ? b.percentToReceive > 0 : b.percentToReceive == 0);
      return totalBensPct <= 100 && realBensPctPos;
    return itemPctsValid;

  const orderIsValid = positiveOrderTotal && allAmtsNonNegative && beneficiaryPctsValid;

  return {

// ========================================================
// Participant Info
// ========================================================

 * Errors to present to the buyer on validation or other failure.
 const errors = {
  // errorInvalidOrderTotal: Fun([], Null),
  // errorAmountsExceedBalance: Fun([], Null),
  // errorInvalidRecipientAmounts: Fun([], Null),
  errorGenericInvalidOrder: Fun([], Null),
 * The Buyer Participant Interface.
const BuyerInterface = {  
  getOrderData: Fun([], Object(OrderData)),
  // alertPaidRecipient: Fun([Address, UInt, Bytes], Null),

// ========================================================
// Main Contract Logic
// ========================================================

export const main = Reach.App(
  {}, [ 
    ParticipantClass('Buyer', BuyerInterface),
    Participant('Bakesale', {}),
  (Buyer, Bakesale) => {

    const keepGoing = 
        .invariant(balance() == balance())
          (() => {
            const orderData = declassify(interact.getOrderData());
            const orderDataClean = cleanOrderData(orderData, Bakesale);
            const validationResult = validateCleanOrder(orderDataClean);

            if(!validationResult.orderIsValid) {
            return {
              when: validationResult.orderIsValid
          ((_) => {
            Buyer.only(() => {
              const orderData = declassify(interact.getOrderData());
            const orderDataClean = cleanOrderData(orderData, Bakesale);
            const validationResult = validateCleanOrder(orderDataClean);

            // This should never happen since we validate in the 
            // local step above, but just in case.
            if(!validationResult.orderIsValid) { 
              Buyer.only(() => declassify(interact.errorGenericInvalidOrder()));
              return true;
            } else {
              const orderTotal = getOrderTotal(orderDataClean);

              // ========================================================
              // Payout all parties.
              // ========================================================
              // Keep this all simple for MVP testing.
              // We can make the transfers more efficient
              // and aggregated after we know it works. 
              orderDataClean.merchants.forEach(merchant => {

                // ========================================================
                // Looking at a single merchant. 
                // ========================================================
                if(merchant.isReal) {
                  merchant.lineItems.forEach(li => {

                    // ========================================================
                    // Looking at a single line item.
                    // ========================================================
                    if(li.isReal) {
                      const liUnitsCost = li.unitPrice * li.qty;
                      const thisLiTotal = liUnitsCost + + li.shipping;

                      const serviceFee = liUnitsCost * BAKESALE_FEE_AS_DECIMAL;
                      assert(serviceFee < liUnitsCost);

                      // The amount that qualifies for merchant/benficiary payout,
                      const feedLiUnitsCost = liUnitsCost - serviceFee;

                      // ========================================================
                      // Set up payments for final assertion and transfer.
                      // ======================================================== 
                      const pctToBeneficiaries = => b.percentToReceive).sum();
                      const pctToBeneficiariesAsDecimal = pctToBeneficiaries / 100;
                      const amtToBeneficiaries = feedLiUnitsCost * pctToBeneficiariesAsDecimal;

                      const pctToMerchantAsDecimal = 1 - pctToBeneficiariesAsDecimal
                      const feedLiMinusBensPct = pctToMerchantAsDecimal * feedLiUnitsCost;
                      const amtToMerchant = feedLiMinusBensPct + li.shipping;

                      const amtBeingPaidOnLi = serviceFee + amtToMerchant + amtToBeneficiaries +;
                      assert(amtToBeneficiaries + amtToMerchant == feedLiUnitsCost + li.shipping);
                      assert(amtBeingPaidOnLi == thisLiTotal);

                      // ========================================================
                      // Execute all transfers
                      // ========================================================
                      // Buyer.interact(declassify(interact.alertPaidRecipient(Bakesale, serviceFee, 'service fee')))

                      /** @todo This needs to go to a tax acct. */

                      // Pay out the beneficiaries 
                      li.beneficiaries.forEach(b => {
                        if(b.isReal) {
                          assert(b.percentToReceive > 0);
                          const pctAsDecimal = b.percentToReceive / 100;
                          const amt = feedLiUnitsCost * pctAsDecimal;

              return true;
        // Sufficiently long timeout that it will never be
        // executed since the contract needs to be persistent.
        .timeout(100^100, () => {
          return false;
    if(balance() > 0) {
      // Not sure how we'd ever end up with a balance here, 
      // but for now just transfer the remaining balance.
      // We need to fix this so that it tracks the last buyer
      // since it seems like they'd be the most likely source 
      // of these orphan funds?


from reach-lang.

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