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Comments (10)

kintel avatar kintel commented on July 19, 2024 1

@pca006132 I slimmed down the example to this. Note: Lots of very close vertices:


union() {
  multmatrix([[0.939693, 0, -0.34202, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0.34202, 0, 0.939693, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    multmatrix([[-0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [-0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        points = [[0.00648287, -0.0113365, -0.0135], [0.00620019, -0.0107004, -0.0128815], [0.00588995, -0.0100024, -0.0123491], [0.00555644, -0.00925199, -0.0119102], [0.00520429, -0.00845965, -0.0115708], [0.00483838, -0.00763635, -0.0113357], [0.00446378, -0.00679352, -0.0112081], [0.0040857, -0.00594282, -0.0111899], [0.00370936, -0.00509605, -0.0112811], [0.00333998, -0.00426496, -0.0114807], [0.00298269, -0.00346106, -0.0117857], [0.00264244, -0.00269549, -0.0121921], [0.00232395, -0.00197888, -0.0126941], [0.00203162, -0.00132116, -0.0132848], [0.00176953, -0.000731433, -0.013956], [0.00154128, -0.00021789, -0.0146984], [0.00135006, 0.000212356, -0.0155017], [0.00119852, 0.000553338, -0.0163547], [0.00108874, 0.00080033, -0.0172458], [0.00102226, 0.000949909, -0.0181624], [0.001, 0.001, -0.0190919], [0.001, 0.001, -0.0190919], [0.0010099, 0.000977723, -0.0197123], [0.00225708, -0.0124413, -0.0135], [0.00219227, -0.0117484, -0.0128815], [0.00212114, -0.0109878, -0.0123491], [0.00204467, -0.0101702, -0.0119102], [0.00196393, -0.00930688, -0.0115708], [0.00188004, -0.00840985, -0.0113357], [0.00179415, -0.00749153, -0.0112081], [0.00170747, -0.00656464, -0.0111899], [0.00162118, -0.00564203, -0.0112811], [0.0015365, -0.0047365, -0.0114807], [0.00145458, -0.0038606, -0.0117857], [0.00137657, -0.00302647, -0.0121921], [0.00130355, -0.00224568, -0.0126941], [0.00123652, -0.00152905, -0.0132848], [0.00117643, -0.000886505, -0.013956], [0.0011241, -0.000326967, -0.0146984], [0.00108026, 0.000141812, -0.0155017], [0.00104551, 0.000513334, -0.0163547], [0.00102035, 0.000782447, -0.0172458], [0.0010051, 0.000945423, -0.0181624], [0.001, 0.001, -0.0190919], [0.001, 0.001, -0.0190919], [0.00100227, 0.000975728, -0.0197123], [0.013102, -0.0114271, -0.0135], [0.0130371, -0.0107341, -0.0128815], [0.012966, -0.00997354, -0.0123491], [0.0128895, -0.00915594, -0.0119102], [0.0128088, -0.00829264, -0.0115708], [0.0127249, -0.0073956, -0.0113357], [0.012639, -0.00647728, -0.0112081], [0.0125523, -0.00555039, -0.0111899], [0.0124661, -0.00462778, -0.0112811], [0.0123814, -0.00372225, -0.0114807], [0.0122995, -0.00284635, -0.0117857], [0.0122214, -0.00201222, -0.0121921], [0.0121484, -0.00123143, -0.0126941], [0.0120814, -0.000514798, -0.0132848], [0.0120213, 0.000127742, -0.013956], [0.011969, 0.00068728, -0.0146984], [0.0119251, 0.00115606, -0.0155017], [0.0118904, 0.00152758, -0.0163547], [0.0118652, 0.00179669, -0.0172458], [0.01185, 0.00195967, -0.0181624], [0.0118449, 0.00201425, -0.0190919], [0.0118449, 0.00201425, -0.0190919], [0.0118471, 0.00198998, -0.0197123]],
        faces = [[0, 24, 1], [1, 25, 2], [2, 26, 3], [3, 27, 4], [4, 28, 5], [5, 29, 6], [6, 30, 7], [7, 31, 8], [8, 32, 9], [9, 33, 10], [10, 34, 11], [11, 35, 12], [12, 36, 13], [13, 37, 14], [14, 38, 15], [15, 39, 16], [16, 40, 17], [17, 41, 18], [18, 42, 19], [19, 43, 20], [20, 44, 21], [21, 45, 22], [22, 23, 0], [24, 0, 23], [25, 1, 24], [26, 2, 25], [27, 3, 26], [28, 4, 27], [29, 5, 28], [30, 6, 29], [31, 7, 30], [32, 8, 31], [33, 9, 32], [34, 10, 33], [35, 11, 34], [36, 12, 35], [37, 13, 36], [38, 14, 37], [39, 15, 38], [40, 16, 39], [41, 17, 40], [42, 18, 41], [43, 19, 42], [44, 20, 43], [45, 21, 44], [23, 22, 45], [23, 47, 24], [24, 48, 25], [25, 49, 26], [26, 50, 27], [27, 51, 28], [28, 52, 29], [29, 53, 30], [30, 54, 31], [31, 55, 32], [32, 56, 33], [33, 57, 34], [34, 58, 35], [35, 59, 36], [36, 60, 37], [37, 61, 38], [38, 62, 39], [39, 63, 40], [40, 64, 41], [41, 65, 42], [42, 66, 43], [43, 67, 44], [44, 68, 45], [45, 46, 23], [47, 23, 46], [48, 24, 47], [49, 25, 48], [50, 26, 49], [51, 27, 50], [52, 28, 51], [53, 29, 52], [54, 30, 53], [55, 31, 54], [56, 32, 55], [57, 33, 56], [58, 34, 57], [59, 35, 58], [60, 36, 59], [61, 37, 60], [62, 38, 61], [63, 39, 62], [64, 40, 63], [65, 41, 64], [66, 42, 65], [67, 43, 66], [68, 44, 67], [46, 45, 68], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], [68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46]], convexity = 1);
  multmatrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, -0.0035], [0, 0, 1, -0.02], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    sphere($fn = 180, r = 0.008);

from openscad.

thehans avatar thehans commented on July 19, 2024

@butcherg You need to include scad code which reproduces the issue.

from openscad.

butcherg avatar butcherg commented on July 19, 2024

Edit: To run cistern.scad, it's more straightforward to clone the whole repo as there are other files in the repo tree upon which the script depends.

from openscad.

UBaer21 avatar UBaer21 commented on July 19, 2024

If you want to make it easy to track an issue it would be great if you can provide a short code snipped that produces the issue without needing any external files. I understand this is more work for you, but this would help the dev people to have a look without costing them much time.

from openscad.

kintel avatar kintel commented on July 19, 2024

A more minimal test would indeed be great.

In the meantime: @pca006132 This is the stack trace - looks like an exception thrown when calling the Manifold constructor.

OpenSCAD!manifold::VecView<int>::operator[](unsigned long) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/utilities/include/vec_view.h:54)
OpenSCAD!(anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts::operator()(glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0>) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/manifold/src/impl.cpp:132)
OpenSCAD!void thrust::detail::wrapped_function<(anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts, void>::operator()<glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> >(glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const&) const (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/build/_deps/thrust-src/thrust/detail/function.h:125)
OpenSCAD!glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const* thrust::system::detail::sequential::for_each<thrust::system::cpp::detail::par_t, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts>(thrust::system::detail::sequential::execution_policy<thrust::system::cpp::detail::par_t>&, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/build/_deps/thrust-src/thrust/system/detail/sequential/for_each.h:55)
OpenSCAD!glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const* thrust::for_each<thrust::system::cpp::detail::par_t, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts>(thrust::detail::execution_policy_base<thrust::system::cpp::detail::par_t> const&, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/build/_deps/thrust-src/thrust/detail/for_each.inl:40)
OpenSCAD!void manifold::for_each<glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts>(manifold::ExecutionPolicy, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> const*, (anonymous namespace)::MarkVerts) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/utilities/include/par.h:169)
OpenSCAD!manifold::Manifold::Impl::RemoveUnreferencedVerts(manifold::Vec<glm::vec<3, int, (glm::qualifier)0> >&) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/manifold/src/impl.cpp:597)
OpenSCAD!manifold::Manifold::Impl::Impl(manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD const&, std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float> > const&, bool) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/manifold/src/impl.cpp:512)
OpenSCAD!std::__1::__shared_ptr_emplace<manifold::Manifold::Impl, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl> >::__shared_ptr_emplace[abi:v15006]<manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl>, manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::__shared_ptr_emplace<manifold::Manifold::Impl, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl> >::__shared_ptr_emplace[abi:v15006]<manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl>, manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::shared_ptr<manifold::Manifold::Impl> std::__1::allocate_shared[abi:v15006]<manifold::Manifold::Impl, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl>, manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&, void>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold::Impl> const&, manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::shared_ptr<manifold::Manifold::Impl> std::__1::make_shared[abi:v15006]<manifold::Manifold::Impl, manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&, void>(manifold::Mesh const&, manifold::Manifold::Impl::MeshRelationD&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!manifold::Manifold::Manifold(manifold::Mesh const&) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/submodules/manifold/src/manifold/src/manifold.cpp:150)
OpenSCAD!std::__1::__shared_ptr_emplace<manifold::Manifold const, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const> >::__shared_ptr_emplace[abi:v15006]<manifold::Mesh>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const>, manifold::Mesh&&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::__shared_ptr_emplace<manifold::Manifold const, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const> >::__shared_ptr_emplace[abi:v15006]<manifold::Mesh>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const>, manifold::Mesh&&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::shared_ptr<manifold::Manifold const> std::__1::allocate_shared[abi:v15006]<manifold::Manifold const, std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const>, manifold::Mesh, void>(std::__1::allocator<manifold::Manifold const> const&, manifold::Mesh&&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!std::__1::shared_ptr<manifold::Manifold const> std::__1::make_shared[abi:v15006]<manifold::Manifold const, manifold::Mesh, void>(manifold::Mesh&&) (/Applications/
OpenSCAD!ManifoldUtils::createManifoldFromTriangularPolySet(PolySet const&) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/src/geometry/manifold/
OpenSCAD!ManifoldUtils::createManifoldFromPolySet(PolySet const&) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/src/geometry/manifold/
OpenSCAD!ManifoldUtils::createManifoldFromGeometry(std::__1::shared_ptr<Geometry const> const&) (/Users/kintel/code/OpenSCAD/openscad/src/geometry/manifold/

from openscad.

butcherg avatar butcherg commented on July 19, 2024

So, I took cistern.scad and did an "elimnation by comment", and I isolated the behavior to the trim() module. This module calls others that do various path_extrude() to make "rope" trim on the cistern top edges. So, I worked through each module call individually, none gave anything other than a perfect Manifold render. But, when I uncommented them all, I go the error I originally reported. And, since I did this in the GUI, I got a dialog complaining of a critical error and the program stopped doing any rendering, preview or mesh.

For any path_extrude(), I'm getting multiples of:

WARNING: PolySet -> Manifold conversion failed: NotManifold
Trying to repair and reconstruct mesh..

and in most cases it appears the repair works. Only for cistern.scad does it crash, of note it also crashes with CGAL. This same script worked without even a NotManifold error with as recently as a March nightly.

I apologize, I don't know how to cut this up to make a performant snippet...

from openscad.

kintel avatar kintel commented on July 19, 2024

The hard crash is likely a separate issue, so let's deal with that separately.
The warning is pretty common. Since you're modeling in pretty small coordinates, it's likely an issue with very close vertices becoming the same when we convert from OpenSCAD's 64-bit float to Manifold's 32-bit float.
That shouldn't break Manifold though. Let's wait for a bit and see if we get any feedback from them.

from openscad.

kintel avatar kintel commented on July 19, 2024

We optimized the Manifold interface code quite a bit around mid-March, so we probably uncovered some instability.

from openscad.

pca006132 avatar pca006132 commented on July 19, 2024

I do think this is a bug in manifold, at least we should not crash. I am still a bit busy recently, will look into in details a bit later.

from openscad.

kintel avatar kintel commented on July 19, 2024

This may be a partial duplicate of #4824

Note: There are two separate places where Manifold throws this exception:

  1. The original example in this issue is about throwing in the Manifold constructor.
    Throwing in the constructor can be easily caught, and we can do some surface reconstruction/quantization work to make the mesh nicer to work on. We just need to know if this is expected behavior or an indication of a Manifold bug.
  2. The other is about throwing during CSG evaluation.
    The hard crash I mentioned was because we didn't correctly catch the Vec out of range exception during Manifold CSG evaluation. Fixed in #5087. However, if Manifold throws during evaluation, we don't really have a good fallback any longer, due to lazy evaluation. The workaround for this is, as usual, to evaluate greedily to detect such issues early and use a fallback solution. As discussed earlier, this potentially kills some optimization opportunities.

from openscad.

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