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Comments (6)

NexitySecond avatar NexitySecond commented on June 3, 2024


from roblox-4.

Itzbenz avatar Itzbenz commented on June 3, 2024


from roblox-4.

garylkz avatar garylkz commented on June 3, 2024

You use python script so it's nanomybusiness

from roblox-4.

NexitySecond avatar NexitySecond commented on June 3, 2024

help there is a terrorist among us

from roblox-4.

garylkz avatar garylkz commented on June 3, 2024

there's an issue
spills nonsense
close issue

from roblox-4.

NexitySecond avatar NexitySecond commented on June 3, 2024

-- Simplified Aerodynamic Model by Helmo
-- mounting 3d model paths and texture paths

--mount_vfs_model_path (current_mod_path.."/Shapes")
--mount_vfs_liveries_path (current_mod_path.."/Liveries") -- mounted in entry.lua
--mount_vfs_texture_path (current_mod_path.."/Textures") -- mounted in entry.lua

local KG_TO_POUNDS = 2.20462
local FEET_TO_M = 0.3048

--------------------------------------------Colt MK12 Gun----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function coltMK12(tbl)

tbl.category = CAT_GUN_MOUNT      = "coltMK12"      =
    shells = {"20x110mm HE-I", "20x110mm AP-I", "20x110mm AP-T"},
    mixes  = {{1,2,1,2,1,3}},   -- 50% HE-i, 25% AP-I, 25% AP-T
    count  = 100,
if tbl.mixes then = tbl.mixes
   tbl.mixes        = nil
tbl.gun =
    max_burst_length    = 100000,
    rates               = {1000},
    recoil_coeff        = 0.7*1.3,
    barrels_count       = 1,
if tbl.rates then
   tbl.gun.rates        =  tbl.rates
   tbl.rates            = nil
tbl.ejector_pos             = tbl.ejector_pos or {0, 0, 0}
tbl.ejector_pos_connector   = tbl.ejector_pos_connector     or  "Gun_point"
tbl.ejector_dir             = {-1, -6, 0} -- left/right; back/front;?/?
tbl.supply_position         = tbl.supply_position   or {0,  0.3, -0.3}
tbl.aft_gun_mount           = false
tbl.effective_fire_distance = 1500
tbl.drop_cartridge          = 204
tbl.muzzle_pos              = tbl.muzzle_pos            or  {0,0,0}     -- all position from connector
tbl.muzzle_pos_connector    = tbl.muzzle_pos_connector  or  "Gun_point" -- all position from connector
tbl.azimuth_initial         = tbl.azimuth_initial       or  0
tbl.elevation_initial       = tbl.elevation_initial     or  0
if  tbl.effects == nil then
    tbl.effects = {{ name = "FireEffect"     , arg = tbl.effect_arg_number or 436 },
                   { name = "HeatEffectExt"  , shot_heat = 7.823, barrel_k = 0.462 * 2.7, body_k = 0.462 * 14.3 },
                   { name = "SmokeEffect"}}
return declare_weapon(tbl)


local function get_outboard_weapons( side )
local rocketConnector = ""
local shrikeConnector = ""
if side == "L" then
rocketConnector = "Pylon1RKT"
shrikeConnector = "Pylon1b"
elseif side == "R" then
rocketConnector = "Pylon5RKT"
shrikeConnector = "Pylon5b"

local tbl = {
    --{ CLSID =   "{FD90A1DC-9147-49FA-BF56-CB83EF0BD32B}" }, -- LAU-61, M151 HE
    --{ CLSID =   "{174C6E6D-0C3D-42ff-BCB3-0853CB371F5C}" }, -- LAU 68, MK5 HE
    { CLSID = "{F3EFE0AB-E91A-42D8-9CA2-B63C91ED570A}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-3 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT

    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT

    { CLSID = "{AGM_45A}", connector = shrikeConnector, arg_value = 0.1 }, -- AGM-45 SHRIKE
    { CLSID = "{AGM12_B}" }, -- AGM-12B

    { CLSID = "{ADD3FAE1-EBF6-4EF9-8EFC-B36B5DDF1E6B}" },   -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb
    { CLSID = "{90321C8E-7ED1-47D4-A160-E074D5ABD902}" },   -- MK-81
    { CLSID = "{MK-81SE}" },                                -- Mk-81 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{BCE4E030-38E9-423E-98ED-24BE3DA87C32}" },   -- MK-82
    { CLSID = "{Mk82SNAKEYE}" },                            -- MK-82 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{mk77mod1}" },                               -- Mk-77mod1 500 lb petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{AN-M30A1}" },                               -- AN-M30A1 100 lb GP HE (57 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1}" },                               -- AN-M57A1 250 lb GP HE (129 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M64}" },                                 -- AN-M64 500 lb GP HE (274 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M81}" },                                 -- AN-M81 260 lb Fragmentation (34.1 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M88}" },                                 -- AN-M88 216 lb Fragmentation (47 lb Comp B)

    { CLSID = "{647C5F26-BDD1-41e6-A371-8DE1E4CC0E94}"}, -- temporarily add M257 parachute flares until we can add: Mk-5 mod 7, Mk-6 mod 5, Mk-24 mod 2A, SUU-40/44

	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E741}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Red
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E742}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Green
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E743}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Blue
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E744}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod White
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E745}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Yellow
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E746}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Orange

	-- CLEAN --
	{ CLSID = "<CLEAN>", arg_value = 1 },
return tbl


local function get_inboard_weapons( side )
local rocketConnector = ""
local shrikeConnector = ""
if side == "L" then
rocketConnector = "Pylon2RKT"
shrikeConnector = "Pylon2b"
elseif side == "R" then
rocketConnector = "Pylon4RKT"
shrikeConnector = "Pylon4b"

local tbl = {
    --FUEL TANKS--
    { CLSID = "{DFT-300gal_LR}" },
    -- { CLSID = "{DFT-300gal_LR}",attach_point_position = { -0.10, -0.008, 0.0}},  --another (proper?) posibility to fix 300 gal tank position/angle ?
    { CLSID = "{DFT-150gal}" },

    --AIR AIR--
    { CLSID = "{GAR-8}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },  -- AIM-9B, aligned to -3deg armament datum
{ CLSID = "{AIM-9P-ON-ADAPTER}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },  -- AIM-9P
{ CLSID = "{AIM-9P5-ON-ADAPTER}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },  -- AIM-9P5

    { CLSID = "{F3EFE0AB-E91A-42D8-9CA2-B63C91ED570A}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU-10 ZUNI_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR WP156_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR WP156_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT

    { CLSID = "{AGM_45A}", connector = shrikeConnector, arg_value = 0.1 }, -- AGM-45 SHRIKE
    { CLSID = "{AGM12_C}" }, -- AGM-12C
    { CLSID = "{AGM12_B}" }, -- AGM-12B

    { CLSID = "{C40A1E3A-DD05-40D9-85A4-217729E37FAE}" },   -- AGM-62 WALLEYE
    { CLSID = "{ADD3FAE1-EBF6-4EF9-8EFC-B36B5DDF1E6B}" },   -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb
    { CLSID = "{90321C8E-7ED1-47D4-A160-E074D5ABD902}" },   -- MK-81
    { CLSID = "{MK-81SE}" },                                -- Mk-81 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{BCE4E030-38E9-423E-98ED-24BE3DA87C32}" },   -- MK-82
    { CLSID = "{Mk82SNAKEYE}" },                            -- MK-82 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{7A44FF09-527C-4B7E-B42B-3F111CFE50FB}" },   -- MK-83
    { CLSID = "{AB8B8299-F1CC-4359-89B5-2172E0CF4A5A}" },   -- MK-84
    { CLSID = "{00F5DAC4-0466-4122-998F-B1A298E34113}" },   -- M-117
    { CLSID = "{mk77mod0}" },                               -- Mk-77mod0 750 lb petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{mk77mod1}" },                               -- Mk-77mod1 500 lb petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{AN-M30A1}" },                               -- AN-M30A1 100 lb GP HE (57 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1}" },                               -- AN-M57A1 250 lb GP HE (129 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M64}" },                                 -- AN-M64 500 lb GP HE (274 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M65A1}" },                               -- AN-M65A1 1000 lb GP HE (595 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M81}" },                                 -- AN-M81 260 lb Fragmentation (34.1 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M88}" },                                 -- AN-M88 216 lb Fragmentation (47 lb Comp B)

    { CLSID = "{CBU-1/A}" },                                -- CBU-1/A Cluster Dispenser (509x BLU-4/B anti-personnel cluster bomblets)
    { CLSID = "{CBU-2/A}" },                                -- CBU-2/A Cluster Dispenser (360x BLU-3/B cluster bomblets)
    { CLSID = "{CBU-2B/A}" },                               -- CBU-2B/A Cluster Dispenser (409x BLU-3/B cluster bomblets)

    { CLSID = "{CBU-1/A_TER_2_"..side.."}" },               -- CBU-1/A Cluster Dispenser x2 (509x BLU-4/B anti-personnel cluster bomblets)
    { CLSID = "{CBU-2/A_TER_2_"..side.."}" },               -- CBU-2/A Cluster Dispenser x2 (360x BLU-3/B cluster bomblets)
    { CLSID = "{CBU-2B/A_TER_2_"..side.."}" },              -- CBU-2B/A Cluster Dispenser x2 (409x BLU-3/B cluster bomblets)

    -- BOMB RACKS --
    { CLSID = "{Mk-20_TER_2_"..side.."}" },                 -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb x2
    { CLSID = "{Mk-81_MER_5_"..side.."}" },                 -- MER Mk-81 x5
    { CLSID = "{Mk-81SE_MER_5_"..side.."}" },               -- MER Mk-81 Snakeye x5
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82_TER_2_"..side.."}" },                 -- TER Mk-82 x2
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82 Snakeye_TER_2_"..side.."}" },         -- TER Mk-82 Snakeye x2
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1_MER_5_"..side.."}" },              -- AN-M57A1 x5 250 lb GP HE (129 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M81_MER_5_"..side.."}" },                -- AN-M81 x5 260 lb Fragmentation (34.1 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M88_MER_5_"..side.."}" },                -- AN-M88 x5 216 lb Fragmentation (47 lb Comp B)

    -- GUN PODS --
    {CLSID = "{Mk4 HIPEG}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },  -- Mk 4 Mod 0 HIPEG gun pod

	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E741}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Red
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E742}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Green
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E743}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Blue
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E744}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod White
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E745}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Yellow
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E746}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Orange

	-- CLEAN --
	{ CLSID = "<CLEAN>", arg_value = 1 },
return tbl


local function get_centerline_weapons( side )
local rocketConnector = "Pylon3RKT"

local tbl = {
    --FUEL TANKS--
    { CLSID = "{DFT-400gal}" },
    { CLSID = "{DFT-300gal}" },
    { CLSID = "{DFT-150gal}" },
    { CLSID = "{D-704_BUDDY_POD}" },

    { CLSID = "{3*LAU-61}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{9BC82B3D-FE70-4910-B2B7-3E54EFE73262}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },   --3*LAU 68, MK5 HE
    { CLSID = "{F3EFE0AB-E91A-42D8-9CA2-B63C91ED570A}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU-10 ZUNI_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU-10 ZUNI_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-10 Zuni
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU3_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR WP156_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR WP156_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-3 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-3 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-3 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_WP156}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK1HE}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU68_FFAR_MK5HEAT}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR WP156_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_2_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Dual LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR WP156_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-68 FFAR WP156
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-68 FFAR Mk1 HE
    { CLSID = "{LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT_TER_3_"..side.."}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Triple LAU-68 FFAR Mk5 HEAT

    { CLSID = "{AGM12_B}" },                                -- AGM-12B

    { CLSID = "{C40A1E3A-DD05-40D9-85A4-217729E37FAE}" },   -- AGM-62 WALLEYE
    { CLSID = "{ADD3FAE1-EBF6-4EF9-8EFC-B36B5DDF1E6B}" },   -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb
    { CLSID = "{90321C8E-7ED1-47D4-A160-E074D5ABD902}" },   -- MK-81
    { CLSID = "{MK-81SE}" },                                -- Mk-81 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{BCE4E030-38E9-423E-98ED-24BE3DA87C32}" },   -- MK-82
    { CLSID = "{Mk82SNAKEYE}" },                            -- MK-82 Snakeye
    { CLSID = "{7A44FF09-527C-4B7E-B42B-3F111CFE50FB}" },   -- MK-83
    { CLSID = "{AB8B8299-F1CC-4359-89B5-2172E0CF4A5A}" },   -- MK-84
    { CLSID = "{00F5DAC4-0466-4122-998F-B1A298E34113}" },   -- M117
    { CLSID = "{mk77mod0}" },                               -- Mk-77mod0 750 lb petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{mk77mod1}" },                               -- Mk-77mod1 500 lb petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{AN-M30A1}" },                               -- AN-M30A1 100 lb GP HE (57 lbs TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1}" },                               -- AN-M57A1 250 lb GP HE (129 lbs TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M64}" },                                 -- AN-M64 500 lb GP HE (274 lbs Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M65A1}" },                               -- AN-M65A1 1000 lb GP HE (595 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M66A2}" },                               -- AN-M66A2 2000 lb GP HE (1142 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M81}" },                                 -- AN-M81 260 lb Fragmentation (34.1 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M88}" },                                 -- AN-M88 216 lb Fragmentation (47 lb Comp B)

    --BOMB RACKS--
    { CLSID = "{Mk-20_TER_3_"..side.."}" },                 -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb x3
    { CLSID = "{Mk-20_TER_2_"..side.."}" },                 -- Mk-20 Rockeye cluster bomb x2
    { CLSID = "{Mk-81_MER_6_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-81SE_MER_6_"..side.."}" },               -- MER Mk-81 Snakeye x6
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82_MER_6_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82_MER_4_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82_TER_3_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82 Snakeye_MER_6_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82 Snakeye_MER_4_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-82 Snakeye_TER_3_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-83_TER_3_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-83_TER_2_"..side.."}" },
    { CLSID = "{Mk-77 mod 1_TER_2_"..side.."}" },           -- Mk-77 mod 1 (500 lb) x2 petroleum oil bomb
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1_MER_6_"..side.."}" },              -- AN-M57A1 x6 250 lb GP HE (129 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M57A1_MER_4_"..side.."}" },              -- AN-M57A1 x4 250 lb GP HE (129 lb TNT)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M81_MER_6_"..side.."}" },                -- AN-M81 x6 260 lb Fragmentation (34.1 lb Comp B)
    { CLSID = "{AN-M88_MER_6_"..side.."}" },                -- AN-M88 x6 216 lb Fragmentation (47 lb Comp B)

    -- GUN PODS --
    {CLSID = "{Mk4 HIPEG}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 },  -- Mk 4 Mod 0 HIPEG gun pod

	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E741}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Red
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E742}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Green
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E743}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Blue
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E744}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod White
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E745}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Yellow
	{CLSID = "{A4BCC903-06C8-47bb-9937-A30FEDB4E746}", connector = rocketConnector, arg_value = 0.2 }, -- Smoke Pod Orange

	-- CLEAN --
	{ CLSID = "<CLEAN>", arg_value = 1 },
return tbl


A_4E_C = {

Name                 =   'A-4E-C',
DisplayName            = _('A-4E-C'),
ViewSettings        = ViewSettings,

-- enable A-4 for all countries.  It is CHEAP and easy to maintain
Countries = {"Abkhazia","Australia","Austria","Belarus","Belgium","Brazil","Bulgaria","Canada","China","Croatia",
             "Czech Republic","Denmark","Egypt","Finland","France","Georgia","Germany","Greece","Hungary",
             "India","Insurgents","Iran","Iraq","Israel","Italy","Japan","Kazakhstan","The Netherlands","North Korea",
             "Norway","Pakistan","Poland","Romania","Russia","Saudi Arabia","Serbia","Slovakia","South Korea",
             "South Ossetia","Spain","Sweden","Switzerland","Syria","Turkey","UK","Ukraine","USA","USAF Aggressors"},

HumanCockpit         = false,
HumanCockpitPath    = current_mod_path..'/Cockpit/',

Picture             = "A-4E-C.png",
Rate                 = 40, -- RewardPoint in Multiplayer
Shape                 = "A-4E",

shape_table_data     =
        file       = 'A-4E';
        life       = 16; -- lifebar
        vis        = 3;  -- visibility gain.
        desrt    = 'Fighter-2-crush'; -- Name of destroyed object file name Alphajet-destr. This is a placeholder.
        fire       = {300, 3}; -- Fire on the ground after destoyed: 300sec 2m
        username = 'A-4E-C';
        index    =  WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER;
        classname   = "lLandPlane";
		positioning = "BYNORMAL";
    -- no need for this as we are using a built in destroyed model
    -- {
    --     name  = "Alphajet-destr";
    --     file  = "Alphajet-destr";
    --     fire  = {240, 2};  -- 240  2
    -- },

-- add model draw args for network transmitting to this draw_args table (32 limit)
net_animation ={
    0, -- front gear
    3, -- right gear
    5, -- left gear
    9, -- right flap
    10, -- left flap
    11, -- right aileron
    12, -- left aileron
    15, -- right elevator
    16, -- left elevator
    17, -- rudder
    2,  -- nose wheel steering

    21, -- SFM air brake
    13, -- right slat
    14, -- left slat
    25, -- tail hook
    38, -- canopy
    120, -- right spoiler
    123, -- left spoiler
    190, -- left (red) navigation wing-tip light
    191, -- right (green) navigation wing-tip light
    192, -- tail (white) light

    198, -- anticollision (flashing red) top light
    199, -- anticollision (flashing red) bottom light
    208, -- taxi light (white) right main gear door
    402, --huffer
    500, -- model air brake
    501, -- RAT
    499, -- wheel chocks

mapclasskey = "P0091000024",
attribute   = {wsType_Air, wsType_Airplane, wsType_Fighter, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, "Multirole fighters", "Refuelable" },
Categories  = {"{78EFB7A2-FD52-4b57-A6A6-3BF0E1D6555F}", "Interceptor",},
-- Operating Weight includes:  centerline rack, crew, engine oil, trapped fuel and oil, liquid oxygen, avionics pod, ECM, and misc equipment
-- A-4E:  10,802 lbs operating weight
--         + 314 lbs for 2x 20mm cannon (no ammo)
--         + 140 lbs for 2x AERO 20A rack pylons on stations 2/4
--         + 128 lbs for 2x AERO 20A rack pylons on stations 1/5
--         +*398 lbs for 2x empty AERO-1D empty 300G fuel tanks
--         +  97 lbs for armor plating
--         +  32 lbs for wing spoilers
--         +  76 lbs for J52-P-8A engine (versus J52-P-6A)
--        ------
-- TOTAL: 11,589 lbs with no ammo, no gas, and empty pylons

M_empty             = 11589*POUNDS_TO_KG,   -- see above calculation
M_nominal           = 17180*POUNDS_TO_KG,   -- combat weight per NATOPS
M_max               = 24500*POUNDS_TO_KG,   -- (Maximum Take Off Weight)
M_fuel_max          = 5440*POUNDS_TO_KG,    -- (Internal Fuel Only)             : 800G * ~6.8 lbs/gal for JP-5
H_max               = 43900*FEET_TO_M,      -- m  (Maximum Operational Ceiling) : Combat ceiling @ 14,500 lbs w/ 500 fpm climb max
length              = 12.22, -- full lenght in m
height              = 4.57, -- height in m
wing_area           = 24.16, -- wing area in m2         **
wing_span           = 8.38 , -- wing span in m
wing_tip_pos        = {-2.5, -0.38,    4.2}, -- wingtip coords for visual effects
wing_type           = 0,    -- FIXED_WING = 0 /VARIABLE_GEOMETRY = 1 /FOLDED_WING = 2 /ARIABLE_GEOMETRY_FOLDED = 3
flaps_maneuver      = 0.5, -- Max flaps in take-off and maneuver (0.5 = 1st stage; 1.0 = 2nd stage) (for AI)
has_speedbrake      = true,

RCS                     = 3.4, -- Radar Cross Section m2.  Proportionally scaled RCS of F-16's 4.0.
IR_emission_coeff       = 0.275, -- Normal engine -- IR_emission_coeff = 1 is Su-27 without afterburner. It is reference.  33,820 lbf dry for Su-27.  9300 lbf dry A-4 = 0.275
IR_emission_coeff_ab    = 0.275, -- With afterburner

stores_number       = 5, -- Amount of pylons.

CAS_min             = 25.7, -- minimal indicated airspeed  m/s?  (50 knots per NATOPS)
V_opt               = 200, -- Cruise speed (for AI)
V_take_off          = 82.3, -- Take off speed in m/s (for AI - 150kts)
V_land              = 64.3, -- Land speed in m/s (for AI) (110 kn)
V_max_sea_level     = 300.83, -- Max speed at sea level in m/s (for AI)
V_max_h             = 300.8, -- Max speed at max altitude in m/s (for AI)
Vy_max              = 102.9, -- Max climb speed in m/s (for AI - 200 kts)
Mach_max            = 0.88, -- Max speed in Mach (for AI)
Ny_min              = -3.0, -- Min G (for AI)
Ny_max              = 8.0, -- Max G (for AI)
Ny_max_e            = 8.0, -- Max G (for AI)
--AOA_take_off      = 0.27, -- AoA in take off radians (for AI)   16 degrees
bank_angle_max      = 60, -- Max bank angle (for AI)
range               = 3200, -- Max range in km (for AI)

thrust_sum_max      = 9300*POUNDS_TO_KG, -- thrust in kg (J52 P8A: 9300 lb)    **
has_afteburner      = true,
has_differential_stabilizer     = false,
thrust_sum_ab       = 9300*POUNDS_TO_KG, -- thrust in kg (kN)    **
average_fuel_consumption = 0.86,   -- 0.86 TSFC
is_tanker           = false,
tanker_type         = 2, -- Tanker type if the plane is tanker
air_refuel_receptacle_pos = {6.966, -0.366, 0.486},

----------------- SUSPENSION CODE BEGINS
nose_gear_pos = {2.72, -2.38, 0}, --{2.72, -2.37, 0},    --      2.72,       -2.28,    0
main_gear_pos = {-0.79, -2.46, 1.18}, --{-0.79, -2.42, 1.18},    --  0.79,   -2.35,    1.18
tand_gear_max = 0.554, -- // tangent on maximum yaw angle of front wheel

nose_gear_amortizer_direct_stroke    = 0.05, --1.878 - 1.878,  -- down from nose_gear_pos !!!
nose_gear_amortizer_reversal_stroke  = -0.32, --1.348 - 1.878,  -- up
main_gear_amortizer_direct_stroke     = 0.0, --1.592 - 1.592, --  down from main_gear_pos !!!
main_gear_amortizer_reversal_stroke  = -0.43, --1.192 - 1.592, --  up

nose_gear_amortizer_normal_weight_stroke = -0.20, -- 0.144
main_gear_amortizer_normal_weight_stroke = -0.51, --

nose_gear_wheel_diameter    =   0.441, --0.441, --*
main_gear_wheel_diameter    =   0.609, --0.609, --*
brakeshute_name    = 0, -- Landing - brake chute visual shape after separation

----------------- SUSPENSION CODE ENDS

engines_count    = 1,
engines_nozzles =
    [1] =
        pos =     {-5.62,    0.163,    0}, -- nozzle coords
        elevation    =    0.0, -- AFB cone elevation

        -- Diameter is 0 to hide AB for AI. AB is used for catapult simulation.
        -- If AB is no longer used for catapult then diameter can be set for exhaust smoke.
        diameter    =    0.0, -- AFB cone diameter.
        -- diameter    =    0.675, -- AFB cone diameter
        exhaust_length_ab    =    0, -- lenght in m
        exhaust_length_ab_K    =    0.707, -- AB animation
        smokiness_level     =     0.15,
    }, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of engines_nozzles

crew_size    = 1,
crew_members =
    [1] =
        ejection_seat_name    =    17,
        drop_canopy_name    =    "A-4E_canopy", --23,
        pos =         {3.077,    -0.03,    0}, --changes the position of the cockpit view {3.077,    0.574,    0}
        canopy_pos = {3.077,    0.674,    0},
		-- canopy_pos = {2.677,2.677,0},
		--ejection_play_arg = 149,
		--can_be_playable 	= true,
		--ejection_through_canopy = true,
		--ejection_added_speed = {-5,15,0},
		--ejection_order 		 = 2,
		--role 				 = "pilot",
		--role_display_name    = _("Pilot"),
		g_suit 			   =  5 -- I'm assuming there are different levels of suits which black you out at different G's. We should try and experiment with different ones.
    }, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of crew_members

fires_pos =
    [1] =     {-0.232,    1.262,    0}, 	-- Fuselage
    [2] =     {-0.2,    -0.5,    0.84}, 		-- wing (inner?) right, WING_R_IN
    [3] =     {-0.75,    -0.5,    -0.8}, 		-- wing (inner?) left, WING_L_IN
    [4] =     {-0.32,    0.265,    1.774},  -- Wing center Right? {-0.82,    0.265,    2.774},
    [5] =     {-0.32,    0.265,    -1.774}, -- Wing center Left?  {-0.82,    0.265,    -2.774},
    [6] =     {-1.0,    -0.5,    4.0},  -- Wing outer Right? {-0.82,    0.255,    4.274}, probably WING_R_OUT
    [7] =     {-1.0,    -0.5,    -4.0}, -- Wing outer Left?  {-0.82,    0.255,    -4.274}, probably WING_L_OUT
    [8] =     {-5.6,    0.185,    0},       -- High Altitude Contrails
    [9] =     {-5.5,    0.2,    0},    		-- left engine
    [10] =     {-7.728,    0.039,    0.5},  -- Right Engine? {0.304,    -0.748,    0.442},
    [11] =     {-7.728,    0.039,    -0.5}, -- ?
}, -- end of fires_pos

-- --- Countermeasures---
-- SingleChargeTotal         = 0,
-- CMDS_Incrementation     = 1,
-- ChaffDefault             = 0,
-- ChaffChargeSize         = 1,
-- FlareDefault             = 0,
-- FlareChargeSize         = 1,
-- CMDS_Edit                 = false,
-- chaff_flare_dispenser     = {
-- }, -- end of chaff_flare_dispenser

-- --- Countermeasures---
-- SingleChargeTotal       = 128,
-- CMDS_Incrementation     = 12,
-- ChaffDefault            = 64,
-- ChaffChargeSize         = 1,
-- FlareDefault            = 64,
-- FlareChargeSize         = 1,
-- CMDS_Edit               = true,

passivCounterm = {
	CMDS_Edit = true,
	SingleChargeTotal = 60,
	chaff = {default = 30, increment = 30, chargeSz = 1},
	flare = {default = 30, increment = 30, chargeSz = 1},

chaff_flare_dispenser 	= {
    -- althought the index here starts from 1. When calling drop_flares or drop_chaff, the index begins from 0
    -- { dir =  {Z, Y, X}, pos =  {Z, Y, X}, }  -- Z=back/fwd,Y=down/up(+),X=left/right
    -- { dir =  {-1, -0.1, -0.1}, pos =  {-2.867, -0.6, -0.216}, }, -- Flares L
    -- { dir =  {-1, -0.1,  0.1}, pos =  {-2.867, -0.6,  0.216}, }, -- Flares R
    -- { dir =  {-1, -1, 0}, pos =  {-4.296, -0.429, 0}, }, -- Chaff aft 0
    -- { dir =  {-1, -1, 0}, pos =  {-2.296, -0.429, 0}, }, -- Chaff fwd 1
    [1] = { dir =  {0, -1, 0}, pos =  {-2.2, -0.8, 0.3}, }, -- Fwd Dispenser
    -- [2] = { dir =  {0, -1, 0}, pos =  {-3.9, -0.8, -0.3}, }, -- Aft Dispenser

detection_range_max = 250,
radar_can_see_ground = true,
CanopyGeometry = {
azimuth = {-160.0, 160.0}, -- pilot view horizontal (AI)
elevation = {-50.0, 90.0} -- pilot view vertical (AI)
Sensors = {
--RADAR = "AN/APG-53A",
IRST = "OLS-27",
OPTIC = "Shkval",--necessite un profil 25T.
RWR = "Abstract RWR"
Countermeasures = {
ECM = "AN/ALQ-165"

HumanRadio = {
    frequency = 254.0, -- Maykop (Caucasus) or Nellis (NTTR)
    editable = true,
    minFrequency = 225.000,
    maxFrequency = 399.900,
    modulation = MODULATION_AM

panelRadio = {
    [1] = {
        name = _("AN/ARC-27A"),
        range = {
            {min = 225.0, max = 399.9}
        channels = {  -- matches L-39C except for channel 8, which was changed to a Georgian airport and #20 which is NTTR only (for now).  This radio goes 1-20 not 0-19.
            [1] = { name = _("Channel 1"),		default = 264.0, modulation = _("AM"), connect = true}, -- mineralnye-vody (URMM) : 264.0
            [2] = { name = _("Channel 2"),		default = 265.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- nalchik (URMN) : 265.0
            [3] = { name = _("Channel 3"),		default = 256.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- sochi-adler (URSS) : 256.0
            [4] = { name = _("Channel 4"),		default = 254.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- maykop-khanskaya (URKH), nellis (KLSV) : 254.0
            [5] = { name = _("Channel 5"),		default = 250.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- anapa (URKA) : 250.0
            [6] = { name = _("Channel 6"),		default = 270.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- beslan (URMO) : 270.0
            [7] = { name = _("Channel 7"),		default = 257.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- krasnodar-pashkovsky (URKK) : 257.0
            [8] = { name = _("Channel 8"),		default = 258.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- sukhumi-babushara (UGSS) : 255.0
            [9] = { name = _("Channel 9"),		default = 262.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- kobuleti (UG5X) : 262.0
            [10] = { name = _("Channel 10"),	default = 259.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- gudauta (UG23) : 259.0
            [11] = { name = _("Channel 11"),	default = 268.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- tbilisi-soganlug (UG24) : 268.0
            [12] = { name = _("Channel 12"),	default = 269.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- tbilisi-vaziani (UG27) : 269.0
            [13] = { name = _("Channel 13"),	default = 260.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- batumi (UGSB) : 260.0
            [14] = { name = _("Channel 14"),	default = 263.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- kutaisi-kopitnari (UGKO) : 263.0
            [15] = { name = _("Channel 15"),	default = 261.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- senaki-kolkhi (UGKS) :  261.0
            [16] = { name = _("Channel 16"),	default = 267.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- tbilisi-lochini (UGTB) : 267.0
            [17] = { name = _("Channel 17"),	default = 251.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- krasnodar-center (URKI), creech (KINS) : 251.0
            [18] = { name = _("Channel 18"),	default = 253.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- krymsk (URKW), mccarran (KLAS) : 253.0
            [19] = { name = _("Channel 19"),	default = 266.0, modulation = _("AM")},	-- mozdok (XRMF) : 266.0
            [20] = { name = _("Channel 20"),	default = 252.0, modulation = _("AM")}, -- N/A, groom lake/homey (KXTA) : 252.0

LandRWCategories =
    [1] =
        Name = "AircraftCarrier",
    }, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of LandRWCategories

-- WingSpan = "8.38",--*
-- MaxFuelWeight = "2498.4",
-- MaxHeight = "12880",
-- MaxSpeed = "300",
-- MaxTakeOffWeight = "11136",
-- Picture = "A-4E.png",
-- Rate = "40",
-- Shape = "A-4E",

TakeOffRWCategories =
    [1] =
        Name = "AircraftCarrier With Catapult",
    }, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of TakeOffRWCategories


Failures = {
    { id = 'asc',         label = _('ASC'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'autopilot', label = _('AUTOPILOT'), enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'hydro',      label = _('HYDRO'),     enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'l_engine',  label = _('L-ENGINE'),     enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'r_engine',  label = _('R-ENGINE'),     enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'radar',      label = _('RADAR'),     enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'eos',          label = _('EOS'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'helmet',      label = _('HELMET'),     enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    --{ id = 'mlws',      label = _('MLWS'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'rws',          label = _('RWS'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'ecm',       label = _('ECM'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'hud',          label = _('HUD'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
    { id = 'mfd',          label = _('MFD'),         enable = false, hh = 0, mm = 0, mmint = 1, prob = 100 },
-- Aircraft Additional Properties
AddPropAircraft = {
		id = "HideECMPanel",
		control = "checkbox",
		label = _("Remove ECM control panel"),
		defValue = false,
		weightWhenOn = -80
    { id = "CBU2ATPP",			control = 'comboList', label = _('CBU-2/A Tubes Per Pulse'),
        values = {
            {id =  0, dispName = _("1 tube")},
            {id =  1, dispName = _("2 tubes")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("3 tubes")},
            {id =  3, dispName = _("4 tubes")},
            {id =  4, dispName = _("6 tubes")},
            {id =  5, dispName = _("17 tubes (salvo)")},
        defValue  = 0,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true
    { id = "CBU2BATPP",			control = 'comboList', label = _('CBU-2B/A Tubes Per Pulse'),
        values = {
            {id =  0, dispName = _("2 tubes")},
            {id =  1, dispName = _("4 tubes")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("6 tubes")},
        defValue  = 0,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true
    { id = "CMS_BURSTS",			control = 'comboList', label = _('CMS BURSTS'),
        values = {
            {id =  1, dispName = _("1")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("2")},
            {id =  3, dispName = _("3")},
            {id =  4, dispName = _("4")},
        defValue  = 1,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true
    { id = "CMS_BURST_INTERVAL", control = 'comboList', label = _('CMS BURST INTERVAL'),
        values = {
            {id =  1, dispName = _("0.2 seconds")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("0.3 seconds")},
            {id =  3, dispName = _("0.4 seconds")},
            {id =  4, dispName = _("0.5 seconds")},
        defValue  = 1,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true
    { id = "CMS_SALVOS", control = 'comboList', label = _('CMS SALVOS'),
        values = {
            {id =  1, dispName = _("8")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("12")},
            {id =  3, dispName = _("16")},
            {id =  4, dispName = _("20")},
            {id =  5, dispName = _("24")},
            {id =  6, dispName = _("28")},
            {id =  7, dispName = _("32")},
        defValue  = 1,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true
    { id = "CMS_SALVO_INTERVAL", control = 'comboList', label = _('CMS SALVO INTERVAL'),
        values = {
            {id =  1, dispName = _("2 seconds")},
            {id =  2, dispName = _("4 seconds")},
            {id =  3, dispName = _("6 seconds")},
            {id =  4, dispName = _("8 seconds")},
            {id =  5, dispName = _("10 seconds")},
            {id =  6, dispName = _("12 seconds")},
            {id =  7, dispName = _("14 seconds")},
        defValue  = 1,
        wCtrl     = 150,
        playerOnly = true

Guns = {
        coltMK12({muzzle_pos_connector = "GUN_POINT_1",
            rates = {1020},
            --mixes = {{2,1,1,1,1,1}},
            effect_arg_number = 434,
            supply_position = {2, -0.3, -0.4},
            ejector_pos_connector = "GUN_EJECT_1",
        coltMK12({muzzle_pos_connector = "GUN_POINT_2",
            rates = {1020},
            --mixes = {{2,1,1,1,1,1}},
            effect_arg_number = 434,
            supply_position = {2, -0.3, -0.4},
            ejector_pos_connector = "GUN_EJECT_2",

-- ammo_type = {
    -- _("CM Combat Mix"),
    -- _("HEI High Explosive Incendiary"),
    -- _("TP Target Practice"),
-- },

Pylons =     {
    pylon(1, 0, -0.609, -0.762, -2.845, --
           use_full_connector_position = true, connector = "Pylon1", arg = 341, arg_value = 0,
    pylon(2, 0, -0.047, -0.97, -1.899,
           use_full_connector_position = true, connector = "Pylon2", arg = 342, arg_value = 0,
    pylon(3, 0, 0.11, -0.90, 0,
           use_full_connector_position = true, connector = "Pylon3", arg = 343, arg_value = 0,
    pylon(4, 0, -0.047, -0.97, 1.899,
           use_full_connector_position = true, connector = "Pylon4", arg = 344, arg_value = 0,
    pylon(5, 0, -0.609, -0.762, 2.845,
           use_full_connector_position = true, connector = "Pylon5", arg = 345, arg_value = 0,

Tasks = {       -- defined in db_units_planes.lua, nothing is #15
    aircraft_task(CAP),                 -- Task #11 in ME
    aircraft_task(CAS),                 -- Task #31
    aircraft_task(SEAD),                -- Task #29
    aircraft_task(GroundAttack),        -- Task #32
    aircraft_task(AFAC),                -- Task #16
    aircraft_task(Refueling),           -- Task #13
DefaultTask = aircraft_task(CAS),

SFM_Data = {
    aerodynamics = -- Cx = Cx_0 + Cy^2*B2 +Cy^4*B4
        Cy0         = 0.0,      -- zero AoA lift coefficient
        Mzalfa      = 6.2,      -- coefficients for pitch agility
        Mzalfadt    = 0.7,      -- coefficients for pitch agility
        kjx         = 4.5,      -- Inertia parametre X - Dimension (clean) airframe drag coefficient at X (Top) Simply the wing area in square meters (as that is a major factor in drag calculations) - smaller = massive inertia
        kjz         = 0.00125,  -- Inertia parametre Z - Dimension (clean) airframe drag coefficient at Z (Front) Simply the wing area in square meters (as that is a major factor in drag calculations)
        Czbe        = -0.016,   -- coefficient, along Z axis (perpendicular), affects yaw, negative value means force orientation in FC coordinate system
        cx_gear     = 0.07,     -- coefficient, drag, gear ??
        cx_flap     = 0.08,     -- coefficient, drag, full flaps -- 0.006 for first 10 degrees
        cy_flap     = 0.21,     -- coefficient, normal force, lift, flaps -- 0.095 for first 10 degrees
        cx_brk      = 0.12,     -- coefficient, drag speedbrake (0.04 for speedbrake, extra 0.08 to emulate the spoilers (see spoilers.lua and airbrakes.lua))
        --[[  OLD table
        table_data = {
        --       M       Cx0       Cya      B        B4          Omxmax   Aldop      Cymax

                {0.0,    0.012,    0.10,    0.04,    0.03,        0.5,    	14,        1.0,    },
                {0.4,    0.0145,   0.10,    0.04,    0.03,        10.56,    14,        1.4,    },
                {0.5,    0.015,    0.09,    0.04,    0.03,        11.56,    14,        1.5,    },
                {0.6,    0.015,    0.08,    0.04,    0.03,        12.56,    14,        1.6,    },
                {0.7,    0.015,    0.07,    0.04,    0.03,        11.56,    14,        1.5,    },
                {0.8,    0.015,    0.06,    0.04,    0.03,        10.56,    14,        1.4,    }, -- Cx0
                {0.85,   0.015,    0.06,    0.04,    0.03,        9.56,     14,        1.4,    }, -- 0.030
                {0.9,    0.045,    0.05,    0.04,    0.03,        9.56,     14,        1.4,    }, -- 0.060

        -- slat extension is automatic below 200 KCAS, linear to 100 KCAS
        -- effect of slats is higher AoA possible, higher drag, higher lift
        -- slat Cd at M0.6 is ~0.016 for 20 degree slat extension, with linear mapping
        -- slat Cl at M0.6 is ~0.06/degree for 20 degree slat extension, 2/3 comes from the first 10 degrees

        -- attempt #1 from naca report
        table_data = {
        --       M       Cx0        Cya      B      B4          Omxmax      Aldop   Cymax
                {0.00,   0.0320,    0.066,   0.04,  0.03,        0.5,    	14.50,      1.11,    },
                {0.15,   0.0320,    0.066,   0.04,  0.03,       10.56,      14.50,      1.11,    },   -- 20 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.225,  0.0240,    0.064,   0.04,  0.03,       10.56,      12.50,      0.89,    },   -- 10 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.30,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.04,  0.03,       10.56,      10.50,      0.77,    },   -- 0 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.40,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.04,  0.03,       10.56,      10.30,      0.75,    },
                {0.50,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.04,  0.03,       11.56,      10.20,      0.73,    },
                {0.60,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.04,  0.03,       12.56,      10.10,      0.71,    },
                {0.70,   0.0163,    0.062,   0.04,  0.03,       11.56,       9.90,      0.68,    },
                {0.80,   0.0165,    0.066,   0.04,  0.03,       10.56,       8.75,      0.65,    },
                {0.85,   0.0180,    0.070,   0.04,  0.03,        9.56,       8.25,      0.60,    },
                {0.88,   0.0190,    0.078,   0.04,  0.03,        9.56,       8.25,      0.68,    },
                {0.9,    0.0200,    0.079,   0.04,  0.03,        9.56,       6.50,      0.72,    },
                {1.0,    0.0200,    0.073,   0.04,  0.03,        9.56,       6.50,      0.74,    },
                {1.1,    0.0200,    0.065,   0.04,  0.03,        9.56,       6.80,      0.74,    },

        -- now correcting for parasitic drag (drag index) -- roughly 1.5x at the top end to model a drag index of ~40 when empty
        -- removed 10 degree slat line, was causing SFM interpolation bug
        -- Cya max M0.15 of 0.95 results in approach noflap=137-140, fullflap=120-123   targets:  143/126 @ 14,000#
        -- test: change Cya 0.96 -> 0.92 for M0.0 and M0.15, leave Cya 0.71 for M0.30, test at 14000#
                -- result:  138-141 noflap, 121-123 flaps
        -- test: Cya 0.92 -> 0.84 for M<=0.15, 0.71->0.66 M0.3, 14K#
                -- result:  145-147 noflap, 126-127 flaps
        -- test: Cya normalization 0.60 @ M0.40, 0.61 @ 0.30, 14K#
                -- result:  145-147 noflap, 126-127 flaps
        -- test: Cya 0.84->0.85 M<=0.15, 14K#
                -- result:  144-147 noflap, 125-126 flaps       close!
        -- test: Cya 0.85->0.86, Cyflap 0.22->0.21, 14000#
                -- result:  143-146 noflap, 126-127 flaps       close for 14K#
        -- test: Cya 0.86->0.87 M<=0.15
                -- result:  142-145 noflap, 125-126 flaps       done for 14K# (on target)
        -- test: weight 12K#, target: 135/116.5
                -- result:  131-133 noflap, 115-116 flaps       done for 12K# (~2% too little lift w/o flaps)
        -- test: weight 16K#, target: 153/134
                -- result:  152-156 noflap, 134-135 flaps       done for 16K# (on target)

        table_data = {
        --       M       Cx0        Cya      B      B4          Omxmax      Aldop       Cymax
                {0.00,   0.0220,    0.087,   0.149,  0.00,         0.5,    	13.15,      1.11,    },
                {0.15,   0.0220,    0.087,   0.149,  0.00,         1.0,      13.15,      1.11,    },   -- 20 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.30,   0.0160,    0.061,   0.149,  0.00,         4.5,      11.50,      0.77,    },   -- 0 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.40,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         6.5,      10.30,      0.75,    },
                {0.50,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         8.0,      10.20,      0.73,    },
                {0.60,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         8.1,      10.10,      0.71,    },
                {0.70,   0.0190,    0.062,   0.149,  0.00,         8.3,       9.90,      0.68,    },
                {0.80,   0.0200,    0.066,   0.149,  0.00,         8.3,       8.75,      0.65,    },
                {0.85,   0.0215,    0.070,   0.149,  0.00,         8.1,       8.25,      0.60,    },
                {0.88,   0.0245,    0.078,   0.169,  0.00,         7.8,       8.25,      0.68,    },
                {0.9,    0.0310,    0.079,   0.179,  0.00,         7.6,       6.50,      0.72,    },
                {1.0,    0.0350,    0.073,   0.352,  0.00,         7.6,       6.50,      0.74,    },
                {1.1,    0.0370,    0.065,   0.460,  0.00,         7.6,       6.80,      0.74,    },

        table_data = {
        --       M       Cx0        Cya      B      B4          Omxmax      Aldop       Cymax
                {0.00,   0.0220,    0.087,   0.149,  0.00,         0.5,    	22.91,      1.40, },
                {0.15,   0.0220,    0.087,   0.149,  0.00,         1.0,     22.91,      1.40, },   -- 20 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.30,   0.0160,    0.061,   0.149,  0.00,         4.5,     22.91,      1.30, },   -- 0 degree slat extension at sea level
                {0.40,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         6.5,     22.91,      1.22, },
                {0.48,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         7.5,     22.91,      1.05, },
                {0.50,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         8.0,     22.34,      1.00, },
                {0.55,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         8.0,     20.91,      0.96, },
                {0.60,   0.0160,    0.060,   0.149,  0.00,         8.1,     18.33,      0.91, },
                {0.65,   0.0175,    0.061,   0.149,  0.00,         8.2,     22.63,      0.89, },
                {0.70,   0.0190,    0.062,   0.149,  0.00,         8.3,     25.21,      0.88, },
                {0.80,   0.0200,    0.066,   0.149,  0.00,         8.3,     23.60,      0.86, },
                {0.85,   0.0215,    0.070,   0.149,  0.00,         8.1,     21.77,      0.80, },
                {0.88,   0.0245,    0.078,   0.169,  0.00,         7.8,     19.00,      0.76, },
                {0.9,    0.0310,    0.079,   0.179,  0.00,         7.6,     18.33,      0.76, },
                {0.95,   0.0335,    0.075,   0.280,  0.00,         7.6,     13.18,      0.76, },
                {1.0,    0.0350,    0.073,   0.352,  0.00,         7.6,     10.30,      0.76, },
                {1.1,    0.0370,    0.065,   0.460,  0.00,         7.6,     10.10,      0.76, },

        -- M - Mach number
        -- Cx0 - Coefficient, drag, profile, of the airplane
        -- Cya - Normal force coefficient of the wing and body of the aircraft in the normal direction to that of flight. Inversely proportional to the available G-loading at any Mach value. (lower the Cya value, higher G available) per 1 degree AOA
        -- B2 - Polar 2nd power coeff
        -- B4 - Polar 4th power coeff
        -- Omxmax - roll rate, rad/s
        -- Aldop - Alfadop Max AOA at current M - departure threshold
        -- Cymax - Coefficient, lift, maximum possible (ignores other calculations if current Cy > Cymax)
    }, -- end of aerodynamics
    engine =
        Nmg    =    55.0,    -- RPM at idle
        MinRUD    =    0,    -- Min state of the throttle
        MaxRUD    =    1,    -- Max state of the throttle
        MaksRUD    =    0.999,    -- Military power state of the throttle
        ForsRUD    =    0.99999,    -- Afterburner state of the throttle
        typeng    =    0,
            E_TURBOJET = 0
            E_TURBOJET_AB = 1
            E_PISTON = 2
            E_TURBOPROP = 3
            E_TURBOFAN    = 4
            E_TURBOSHAFT = 5
        hMaxEng    =    15,    -- Max altitude for safe engine operation in km
        dcx_eng    =    0.0114,    -- Engine drag coeficient
        -- Affects drag of engine when shutdown
        -- cemax/cefor affect sponginess of elevator/inertia at slow speed
        -- affects available g load apparently
        cemax    =    0.037,    -- not used for fuel calulation , only for AI routines to check flight time ( fuel calculation algorithm is built in )
        cefor    =    0.037,    -- not used for fuel calulation , only for AI routines to check flight time ( fuel calculation algorithm is built in )
        dpdh_m    =    6000,    --  altitude coefficient for max thrust
        dpdh_f    =    14000.0,    --  altitude coefficient for AB thrust

        table_data =
        --   M          Pmax
            {0.0,       0.0,0.0}, -- dummy table, required for 2.0+ engine module load
            {2.0,       0.0,0.0},
        }, -- end of table_data
        -- M - Mach number
        -- Pmax - Engine thrust at military power - kilo Newton
        -- Pfor - Engine thrust at AFB
		extended = -- added new abilities for engine performance setup. thrust data now can be specified as 2d table by Mach number and altitude. thrust specific fuel consumption tuning added as well
            -- matching TSFC to mil thrust consumption at altitude at mach per NATOPS navy trials
			TSFC_max =  -- thrust specific fuel consumption by altitude and Mach number for RPM  100%, 2d table
				M 		 = {0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0},
				H		 = {0, 3048, 6096, 9144, 12192},
				TSFC	 = {-- M 0      0.5     0.8       0.9     1.0
							{   0.86,  0.92,  1.012,    1.012,  1.003},--H = 0       -- SL
							{   0.86,  0.99,  1.025,    1.025,  1.016},--H = 3048    -- 10000'
							{   0.86,  0.96,  1.008,    1.008,  0.999},--H = 6096    -- 20000'
							{   0.86,  0.95,  0.984,    0.984,  0.974},--H = 9144    -- 30000'
                            {   0.86,  0.94,  0.976,    0.976,  0.967},--H = 12192   -- 40000'

			 TSFC_afterburner =  -- afterburning thrust specific fuel consumption by altitude and Mach number RPM  100%, 2d table
				 M 		 = {0,0.3,0.5,0.7,1.0},
				 H		 = {0,1000,3000,10000},
				 TSFC	 = {-- M 0  0.3 0.5  0.7  1.0
							 {   1,   1,  1,   1,   1},--H = 0
							 {   1,   1,  1,   1,   1},--H = 1000
							 {   1,   1,  1,   1,   1},--H = 3000
							 {   1,   1,  1,   1,   1},--H = 10000

            -- per ADA057325:
            -- SFC = 0.836 (0% bleed) to 1.415 (15.44% bleed) at low throttle
            -- SFC = 0.777 (0% bleed) to 0.964 (16.84% bleed) at MIL throttle
            -- modeling as 5% bleed, so low power loses 22% efficiency:
			TSFC_throttle_responce =  -- correction to TSFC for different engine RPM, 1d table
				RPM = {0, 50, 55, 75, 100},
				K   = {1, 1.05, 1.22, 1.05, 1.00},   -- Static SL TSFC now part of table above
                --K   = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1},

            thrust_max = -- thrust interpolation table by altitude and mach number, 2d table
				 M 		 = {0,.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.1},
				 H		 = {0,250,4572,7620,10668,13716,16764,19812},
				 thrust	 = {-- M   0         0.1       0.3       0.5       0.7      0.8     0.9       1.1
							 {   61370,  59460,  57023, 36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 0 (sea level)
							 {   41370,  39460,  37023, 36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 250 (sea level)
							 {   27254,  25799,  24203, 24599,  26227,  27254,  28353,  29785 },--H = 4572 (15kft)
							 {   20818,  19203,  17548, 17473,  18638,  19608,  20684,  22873 },--H = 7620 (25kft)
							 {   10876,  11076,  11556, 12193,  13024,  13674,  14434,  16098 },--H = 10668 (35kft)
							 {   6025,   6379,   6837,  7433,   8194,   8603,   9101,   10075 },--H = 13716 (45kft)
							 {   3336,   3554,   3990,  4484,   5000,   5307,   5596,   6232  },--H = 16764 (55kft)
							 {   1904,   2042,   2433,  2798,   3212,   3483,   3639,   4097  },--H = 19812 (65kft)


            thrust_max = -- thrust interpolation table by altitude and mach number, 2d table.  Modified for carrier takeoffs at/around 71 foot deck height
                M       =   {0, 0.1, 0.225, 0.23, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1},
                H       =   {0, 19, 20, 23, 24, 250, 4572, 7620, 10668, 13716, 16764, 19812},
                thrust  =  {-- M    0     0.1    0.225   0.23,   0.3    0.5     0.7     0.8     0.9     1.1
                            {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 0 (sea level)
                            {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 19 (~62.3 feet)
							{   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 20 (~66.6 feet)
						    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 23 (~75.5 feet)
                            {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 24 (~78.7 feet)
                            {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 250 (820 feet)
                            {   27254,  25799,  24765,  24761,  24203,  24599,  26227,  27254,  28353,  29785 },--H = 4572 (15kft)
                            {   20818,  19203,  18130,  18127,  17548,  17473,  18638,  19608,  20684,  22873 },--H = 7620 (25kft)
                            {   10876,  11076,  11128,  11130,  11556,  12193,  13024,  13674,  14434,  16098 },--H = 10668 (35kft)
                            {   6025,   6379,    6676,   6680,  6837,   7433,   8194,   8603,   9101,   10075 },--H = 13716 (45kft)
                            {   3336,   3554,    3837,   3840,  3990,   4484,   5000,   5307,   5596,   6232  },--H = 16764 (55kft)
                            {   1904,   2042,    2296,   2300,  2433,   2798,   3212,   3483,   3639,   4097  },--H = 19812 (65kft)

			  thrust_afterburner = -- afterburning thrust interpolation table by altitude and mach number, 2d table
				 M 		 = {0,	0.20,	0.21,	1.0},
				 H       =   {0, 15, 16, 23, 24, 250, 19812},
				 thrust	 = { -- M 0  0.3 0.5  0.7  1.0
							 {   41370,   	41370,  41370,   41370,},  -- H = 0
							 {   41370,   	41370,  41370,   41370,},  -- H = 15
							 {   250000,   	250000,  41370,   41370,}, -- H = 16
							 {   250000,   	250000,  41370,   41370,}, -- H = 23
							 {   41370,   	38060,  38060,   36813,},  -- H = 24
							 {   41370,   	38060,  38060,   36813,},  -- H = 250
							 {   1904,   	2296,  2296,   3639,},     -- H= 19812

			--rpm_acceleration_time_factor = -- time factor for engine governor  ie RPM += (desired_RPM - RPM ) * t(RPM) * dt
			--	RPM  = {0, 50, 100},
			--	t    = {0.3,0.3,0.3}
			--rpm_deceleration_time_factor = -- time factor for engine governor
			--	RPM  = {0, 50, 100},
			--	t    = {0.3,0.3,0.3}
			rpm_throttle_responce = -- required RPM according to throttle position
				throttle = {0   ,0.85  ,1.0},
				RPM      = {55  ,97.2  ,100},
			thrust_rpm_responce = -- thrust = K(RPM) * thrust_max(M,H)
				RPM = {0  ,55   ,55.1   ,57.6   ,65.8   ,74.1   ,78.2   ,82.3   ,90.5   ,98.8   ,100},
				K   = {0  ,0.00 ,0.051  ,0.059  ,0.101  ,0.176  ,0.248  ,0.349  ,0.670  ,0.963  ,1},
    }, -- end of engine

--damage , index meaning see in  Scripts\Aircrafts\_Common\Damage.lua
-- Damage = {
--             [0] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {82}},  							-- 0 - nose center
--             [3] = {critical_damage = 10, args = {65}}, 							-- 3 - cockpit
--             [8] = {critical_damage = 10}, 			  							-- 8 - front gear
--             [11] = {critical_damage = 3}, 			  							-- 11 - engine in left
--             [12] = {critical_damage = 3}, 			  							-- 12 - engine in right
--             [15] = {critical_damage = 10},			   							-- 15 - gear left
--             [16] = {critical_damage = 10}, 										-- 16 - gear right
--             [17] = {critical_damage = 3}, 										-- 17 - motogondola left (left engine out, left ewu)
--             [18] = {critical_damage = 3}, 										-- 18 - motogondola right (right engine out, right ewu)
--             [25] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {53}}, 							-- 25 - eleron left
--             [26] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {54}}, 							-- 26 - eleron right
--             [35] = {critical_damage = 10, args = {67}, deps_cells = {25, 37}},  -- 35 - wing in left
--             [36] = {critical_damage = 10, args = {68}, deps_cells = {26, 38}},  -- 36 - wing in right
--             [37] = {critical_damage = 4, args = {55}}, 						    -- 37 - flap in left
--             [38] = {critical_damage = 4, args = {56}}, 						    -- 38 - flap in right
--             [43] = {critical_damage = 4, args = {61}, deps_cells = {53}}, 		-- 43 - fin bottom left
--             [44] = {critical_damage = 4, args = {62}, deps_cells = {54}}, 		-- 44 - fin bottom right
--             [47] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {63}, deps_cells = {51}}, 		-- 47 - stabilizer in left
--             [48] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {64}, deps_cells = {52}}, 		-- 48 - stabilizer in right
--             [51] = {critical_damage = 2, args = {59}}, 							-- 51 - elevator in left
--             [52] = {critical_damage = 2, args = {60}}, 							-- 52 - elevator in right
--             [53] = {critical_damage = 2, args = {57}}, 							-- 53 - rudder left
--             [54] = {critical_damage = 2, args = {58}}, 							-- 54 - rudder right
--             [55] = {critical_damage = 5, args = {81}}, 							-- 55 - tail
--             [83]    = {critical_damage = 3, args = {134}}, 						-- nose wheel
--             [84]    = {critical_damage = 3, args = {136}}, 						-- left wheel
--             [85]    = {critical_damage = 3, args = {135}}, 						-- right wheel
-- },

Damage = verbose_to_dmg_properties(
    ["NOSE_CENTER"]             = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 0
    ["NOSE_LEFT_SIDE"]          = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 1
    ["NOSE_RIGHT_SIDE"]         = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 2
    ["NOSE_BOTTOM"]             = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 59

    ["COCKPIT"]                 = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 3
    ["CABIN_LEFT_SIDE"]         = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 4
    ["CABIN_RIGHT_SIDE"]        = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 5
    ["CABIN_BOTTOM"]            = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 6

    ["GUN"]                     = {critical_damage = 2}, -- 7 refuelling probe?
    ["PITOT"]                   = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 60

    ["WHEEL_F"]                 = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 83

    ["FUSELAGE_LEFT_SIDE"]      = {critical_damage = 3, args = {600}}, -- 9
    ["FUSELAGE_RIGHT_SIDE"]     = {critical_damage = 3}, --10
    ["FUSELAGE_TOP"]            = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 99 avionics hump?
    ["FUSELAGE_BOTTOM"]         = {critical_damage = 4}, --82
    ["ENGINE"]                  = {critical_damage = 2},-- 11

    -- ["MTG_L"]                   = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 17 left engine nacelle
    -- ["MTG_R"]                   = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 18 right engine nacelle

    ["AIR_BRAKE_L"]             = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 19
    ["AIR_BRAKE_R"]             = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 20

    ["WING_L_IN"]               = {critical_damage = 5, deps_cells = {"WING_L_CENTER"}}, -- 35
    ["WING_L_CENTER"]           = {critical_damage = 4, deps_cells = {"WING_L_PART_CENTER", "FLAP_L", "WING_L_OUT"}}, -- 29
    ["WING_L_PART_CENTER"]      = {critical_damage = 1.5}, -- 27 -- spoiler
    ["WING_L_OUT"]              = {critical_damage = 3, deps_cells = {"AILERON_L"}}, -- 23
    ["FLAP_L"]                  = {critical_damage = 2}, -- 37
    ["AILERON_L"]               = {critical_damage = 1}, --25
    ["WHEEL_L"]                 = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 84

    ["WING_R_IN"]               = {critical_damage = 5, deps_cells = {"WING_R_CENTER"}}, -- 36
    ["WING_R_CENTER"]           = {critical_damage = 4, deps_cells = {"WING_R_PART_CENTER", "FLAP_R", "WING_R_OUT"}}, -- 30
    ["WING_R_PART_CENTER"]      = {critical_damage = 1.5}, -- 28 -- spoiler
    ["WING_R_OUT"]              = {critical_damage = 3, deps_cells = {"AILERON_R"}}, -- 24
    ["FLAP_R"]                  = {critical_damage = 2}, -- 38
    ["AILERON_R"]               = {critical_damage = 1}, --26
    ["WHEEL_R"]                 = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 85

    ["TAIL"]                    = {critical_damage = 2}, -- 55
    ["TAIL_LEFT_SIDE"]          = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 56
    ["TAIL_RIGHT_SIDE"]         = {critical_damage = 3}, -- 57
    -- ["TAIL_BOTTOM"]             = {critical_damage = 3}, --58
    ["STABILIZATOR_L"]          = {critical_damage = 2, deps_cells = {"ELEVATOR_L"}}, -- 47
    ["ELEVATOR_L"]              = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 51
    ["STABILIZATOR_R"]          = {critical_damage = 2, deps_cells = {"ELEVATOR_R"}}, -- 48
    ["ELEVATOR_R"]              = {critical_damage = 1}, -- 52
    ["RUDDER"]                  = {critical_damage = 1}, --53

    ["FIN_L_TOP"]               = {critical_damage = 4}, --53
    ["FIN_L_BOTTOM"]            = {critical_damage = 4, deps_cells = {"RUDDER", "FIN_L_TOP"}}, --53
    -- ["HOOK"]                    = {critical_damage = 2}, -- 98


DamageParts =
    -- [1] = "a4_dmg_wing_right", 	-- Right Wing
    -- [2] = "a4_dmg_wing_left", 	-- Left Wing
    -- [3] = "a4_dmg_fus_front", 	-- nose
    -- [4] = "a4_dmg_fus_back", 	-- tail

lights_data = {
    typename = "collection",
    lights = {
        -- STROBES
        [1] = {
            typename = "collection",
            lights = {
                        {typename = "argnatostrobelight", argument = 204, period = 1.2, phase_shift = 0},
                        {typename = "argnatostrobelight", argument = 205, period = 1.2, phase_shift = 0.5},
        -- SPOTS / TAXI & LANDING
        [2] = {
            typename = "collection",
            lights = {  {typename  = "argumentlight", argument  = 208},	-- taxi light
        -- NAVLIGHTS
        [3] = {
            typename = "collection",
            lights = {  {typename  = "argumentlight", argument  = 190},	-- red
                        {typename  = "argumentlight", argument  = 191},	-- green
                        {typename  = "argumentlight", argument  = 192},	-- white
        -- FORMATION
        [4] = {},
        -- TIPS
        [5] = {},
        -- REFUEL
        [6] = {
            typename = "collection",
            lights = {  {typename  = "argumentlight", argument  = 193},	-- probe light
        [7] = {},
    }, -- end of lights
}, -- end of lights_data



from roblox-4.

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