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Comments (30)

yaronn avatar yaronn commented on September 2, 2024

Can you try adding manually (or via code) the ds prefix to the saml (the root from which you validate)? This might make the large signature not valid but this is just for testing.Seems a similar issue to #48. Possibly when canonicalizing a namespace definition which is outside the signed element scope is ignored (though it's strange). You can also try to print the canonicalized xml to verify this.

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi i would like to help you to debug this scenario. i need three things (if possible)

  • the exact code that you're using for validate the two signatures.
  • the public key for this signature, so i can test it on my machine.
  • the original xml file (i know you're pasting it here but you know just to be sure that any content is not being lost)

if you can publish these three things behind a repository would be awesome!!

Possibly when canonicalizing a namespace definition which is outside the signed element scope is ignored (though it's strange).

i think i know what is happening here..

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

Thanks for the help guys. I will send you more information tomorrow. For now, let me show you the canonicalized xml for each case:

For the message signature validation (where everything works as expected), this is the canonicalized xml (signature is not present and xmlns:ds declaration is at the root, like the original SAML Response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" Destination="" ID="pfx4b172e4e-9db1-5b0b-01e9-5f50031ab711" IssueInstant="2016-01-29T15:33:31Z" Version="2.0">
   <saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity"></saml:Issuer>
      <samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" />
   <saml:Assertion ID="pfxabec2b1c-3915-1115-d115-6003c7afd15e" IssueInstant="2016-01-29T15:33:31Z" Version="2.0">
      <saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity"></saml:Issuer>
            <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
            <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
            <ds:Reference URI="#pfxabec2b1c-3915-1115-d115-6003c7afd15e">
                  <ds:Transform Algorithm="" />
                  <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
                     <xc14n:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:xc14n="" PrefixList="xs saml xsi" />
               <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
         <saml:NameID Format="urn:ibm:names:ITFIM:5.1:accessmanager"> [email protected]</saml:NameID>
         <saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
            <saml:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2016-01-29T15:43:31Z" Recipient="" />
      <saml:Conditions NotBefore="2016-01-29T15:32:31Z" NotOnOrAfter="2016-01-29T15:43:31Z">
      <saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2016-01-29T15:33:31Z" SessionIndex="_be9967abd904ddcae3c0eb4189adbe3f71e327cf93" SessionNotOnOrAfter="2016-01-30T04:33:30Z">
         <saml:Attribute Name="EmailAddress" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">[email protected]</saml:AttributeValue>
         <saml:Attribute Name="UserID" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">4G1441786</saml:AttributeValue>
         <saml:Attribute Name="FirstName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">jon</saml:AttributeValue>
         <saml:Attribute Name="LastName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">doe</saml:AttributeValue>

For the assertion signature validation, this is the canonicalized xml (signature node is present with the xmlns:ds declaration):

    xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="pfxabec2b1c-3915-1115-d115-6003c7afd15e" IssueInstant="2016-01-29T15:33:31Z" Version="2.0">
    <saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity"></saml:Issuer>
            <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
            <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></ds:SignatureMethod>
            <ds:Reference URI="#pfxabec2b1c-3915-1115-d115-6003c7afd15e">
                    <ds:Transform Algorithm=""></ds:Transform>
                    <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
                            xmlns:xc14n="" PrefixList="xs saml xsi">
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>
        <saml:NameID Format="urn:ibm:names:ITFIM:5.1:accessmanager">[email protected]</saml:NameID>
        <saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
            <saml:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2016-01-29T15:43:31Z" Recipient=""></saml:SubjectConfirmationData>
    <saml:Conditions NotBefore="2016-01-29T15:32:31Z" NotOnOrAfter="2016-01-29T15:43:31Z">
    <saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2016-01-29T15:33:31Z" SessionIndex="_be9967abd904ddcae3c0eb4189adbe3f71e327cf93" SessionNotOnOrAfter="2016-01-30T04:33:30Z">
        <saml:Attribute Name="EmailAddress" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">[email protected]
        <saml:Attribute Name="UserID" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">4G1441786
        <saml:Attribute Name="FirstName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">jon
        <saml:Attribute Name="LastName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
            <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">doe

I tried (manually) removing the signature node and putting the xmlns:ds="" at the root (<saml:Assertion>) but the digest error continues.

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

according to the InclusiveNamespace transform i see that it defines PrefixList="xs saml xsi" but i only see the saml namespace in the canonical form of <saml:Assertion>.

@yaronn as i say before i don't know much about inclusive namespaces but following your comments in #48 the <saml:Assertion> tag need to have <saml:Assertion xmlns:xs="..." xmlns:saml="..." xmlns:xsi="..." ..other attributes..></saml:Assertion> am i wrong?

from xml-crypto.

yaronn avatar yaronn commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi - what do you mean that the signature node is not present? I see it in both cases. Please publish the original xml, and the canonicalized xml in both cases. Just to verify - did you try tto add the ds prefix definition on the saml:Assertion node in the original xml (not one which is an output of xml-crypto) and without deleting any other nodes?

@bjrmatos - exactly like you say, we need to identify which namespaces are in scope and add them (in case of inclusive namespace definition) via code or as a workaround for testing manually.

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

what do you mean that the signature node is not present?

I published the original xml in the issue's description and both canonicalized xmls in my last comment.

Please note that for the message signature validation (samlp:Response), the canonicalized xml does not contain the <ds:Signature> node between </saml:Issuer> and <samlp:Status>, which is OK.

But, for the assertion signature validation (saml:Assertion), the canonicalized xml contains the <ds:Signature> node

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

Ok, validation is working if I perform the following 2 changes:

Add (manually) the ds prefix definition on the saml:Assertion node in the original xml:

...</samlp:Status><saml:Assertion xmlns:ds="" ID="...

Or via code (before call loadSignature/checkSignature methods):

var assertionSignature =, assertion)[0];

if (assertionSignature.prefix) {
  var dsigNamespace = assertionSignature.lookupNamespaceURI(assertionSignature.prefix);

if (dsigNamespace && !assertionSignature.getAttribute('xmlns:' + assertionSignature.prefix)) {
    // saml assertion signature has a prefix but namespace is defined on parent, copy it to assertion
    assertion.setAttribute('xmlns:' + assertionSignature.prefix, dsigNamespace);

// validate assertion signature...

Identify which namespaces are in scope and add them before canon xml generation:

var prefixList = ref.inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList instanceof Array ? ref.inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList : ref.inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList.split(' ');
var supported_definitions = {
  'xs': '',
  'xsi': '',
  'saml': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion'

prefixList.forEach(function (prefix) {
  if (supported_definitions[prefix]) {
    elem[0].setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:' + prefix, supported_definitions[prefix]);

canonXml = this.getCanonXml(ref.transforms, elem[0], { inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList: ref.inclusiveNamespacesPrefixList });

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

so it is working, cool! now lets fix it in core.

the exact code that you're using for validate the two signatures.
the public key for this signature, so i can test it on my machine.
the original xml file (i know you're pasting it here but you know just to be sure that any content is not being lost)

can i ask you to setup a repository with these things? i would like to test it in my PC and find a solution in core.

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

Sure, I'm on it.

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

@bjrmatos let me know if this helps:

(just to simplify things, I have signed only the saml assertion)

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi thnk you! i will play with the example to see how we can fix this

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi the embeded xml in the gist is a bit different from what you have show to us.

it doesn't have a signature in <samlp:Response> and the signature in saml assertion doesn't have a InclusiveNamespaces transform, anyway the gist always give me an invalid signature, it works for you? (i have uncommented the workaround code)

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

the error i have is:

validation error: [ 'invalid signature: the signature value g9bldrt9UNK4mNMlIvlXPK1TkfYi+GQypM8sLq5gedBfR056qmjRzKrDs8HX0wU1vJh3zrsNpw0GNyiY/jia8jPBBdswjLpCM5341yiTr5qC78oDY4dcY96B7SyP+7Ur61SFm3NQkkP7zBqTbvrqooXu5EPMR7R0z3tJmgnAfzCo+oKxwlA6ratwlWZWPBkXG5fbc90KHfxZKfK8eVNTQj2TNikc6ZhQlXB9hm9zCj03hF3e/ooWSSiCe9L/3DfHCinMcSj322KsWNfcATB8ueprw/ZYw9ApbdewhTs+y4YFtcsBKiz/7eIfNbGpDPMKU7yqxAUGl6ZbuNcN7ge7hw== is incorrect' ]

not related to the digest check, related to the signature check. the cert in the code is correct?

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

the embeded xml in the gist is a bit different from what you have show to us

As I said before, I signed only the saml assertion in order to reproduce only the first issue (saml assertion signature has a prefix but namespace is defined on parent).

anyway the gist always give me an invalid signature

You are right. I'll check the signature.
But, if you have commented the workaround code, the error is: invalid signature: for uri #_In4F5FniO45yNLZU4kM7bm6NLtraUwsJ calculated digest is mXQ0tu6WeQNf3z3a8xDa3I43xArpx7YiN7Wj3o3Hgbs= but the xml to validate supplies digest Lbc/cRjr1V0HS6ZA5VO4yq7TMvH+H8yDjw2cSIG1OYc=

When you uncomment the workaround code, the digest error is fixed (validateReferences method) and the problem is now with the signature value (validateSignatureValue method).

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

You are right. I'll check the signature.
But, if you have commented the workaround code, the error is: invalid signature: for uri #_In4F5FniO45yNLZU4kM7bm6NLtraUwsJ calculated digest is mXQ0tu6WeQNf3z3a8xDa3I43xArpx7YiN7Wj3o3Hgbs= but the xml to validate supplies digest Lbc/cRjr1V0HS6ZA5VO4yq7TMvH+H8yDjw2cSIG1OYc=

When you uncomment the workaround code, the digest error is fixed (validateReferences method) and the problem is now with the signature value (validateSignatureValue method).

yes! but i've found a solution that don't require any workaround.

SignedXml.prototype.checkSignature = function(xml) {
  this.validationErrors = []
  this.signedXml = xml

  if (!this.keyInfoProvider) {
    throw new Error("cannot validate signature since no key info resolver was provided")

  this.signingKey = this.keyInfoProvider.getKey(this.keyInfo)
  if (!this.signingKey) throw new Error("key info provider could not resolve key info " + this.keyInfo)

  var doc;
  // now we support a xml node object not only a xml string
 // this will give `xml-crypto` the right context about other namespaces defined in parent
  if (typeof xml === 'string') {
    doc = new Dom().parseFromString(xml);
  } else {
    doc = xml;

  if (!this.validateReferences(doc)) {
    return false;

  if (!this.validateSignatureValue()) {
    return false;

  return true

i have updated checkSignature method to accept a node object instead of a plain xml string, so instead of doing this var valid = sig.checkSignature(assertion.toString()); you can do var valid = sig.checkSignature(assertion);. xml serialization in xmldom is too problematic when trying to serialize a child node (saml assertion node in this case), the child node ends up losing the context defined in any parent node

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

i have updated checkSignature locally, you need to update your xml-crypto local package to see this

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

with this change the only error i'm receiving is about the invalid signature

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

You are right! With your solution I can remove my workaround and validation works fine.

Sorry about the invalid signature error, since I can't share with you the real SAML Response, I'm trying to create a fake one with a script.

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi excellent news! one error fixed! lets go with the InclusiveNamespace error.

if you can share with me a gist like the previous one but with an xml with InclusiveNamespace transform i can fix it. (i'll publish all these changes when the InclusiveNamespace error is fixed)

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

Sure, I can prepare it for tomorrow. Thanks for the help!

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

@bjrmatos the gist for the first issue was fixed and it's working with your solution (update SignedXml.prototype.checkSignature in order to support a xml node object)

I'm trying to reproduce the 2nd issue (InclusiveNamespace transform).

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi cool! i will try it when i get back home

from xml-crypto.

siacomuzzi avatar siacomuzzi commented on September 2, 2024

The script for the 2nd issue (InclusiveNamespace transform) is available here.

It's the same SAMLResponse I used for the 1st issue, but adding <xc14n:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:xc14n="" PrefixList="samlp xs saml xsi ds" /> node before sign the assertion.

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi thank you a lot! i will dive into it!

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

i see that the workaround for InclusiveNamespaces doesn't work here event if supported_definitions is changed to

var supported_definitions = {
      'xs': '',
      'xsi': '',
      'saml': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion',
      'samlp': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol',
      'ds': ''

but if PrefixList is "xs saml xsi" it works, right? (with the workaround)

from xml-crypto.

bjrmatos avatar bjrmatos commented on September 2, 2024

@siacomuzzi is there any possibility that you can see what is the content that gets hashed? (when signing the document) that would help to compare against the canonXML that we get in xml-crypto

from xml-crypto.

littleski avatar littleski commented on September 2, 2024

The way i see it, in
There is a :
var canonXml = node
which doesn't copy the node but copy the reference. Hence, when it's doing the Canonicalization, it modify the source XML as well.
Replacing it with something like
var canonXml = node.cloneNode(true);
will do the trick and preserve the signature of the assertion within the message.

However, in the case of SAML2, for what i have been testing, it doesn't solve my issue since it seems that the signature for the signed message is invalid. What i did it is to stop using enveloped-signature as first canonicalization algorithm, this is more of a workaround, but works for simple SAML messages. If you wish to transfer very complex assertion, you will have to dig deeper to find the bug, will spend some time if i reach this point.

from xml-crypto.

cmordue avatar cmordue commented on September 2, 2024

I ran into this and it turns out the lib I was following the old example on the README which was fixed here: #105
Once calling loadSignature with the node rather than string, this wasn't an issue for me.

from xml-crypto.

dovsons avatar dovsons commented on September 2, 2024

I am looking for some help in same type of issue I am facing.
this what example i got as example,
Signature xmlns="">


-<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">


<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>

<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>

-<ds:Reference URI="#pfx23f713be-6f61-5d8b-0d9b-7334006ed717">


<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>

<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>


<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>



but while I am creating I am getting this value----





my question is if it make any difference if ds: prefix not exist with signedinfo ?
Your help is appropriated thanks in advance.

from xml-crypto.

cjbarth avatar cjbarth commented on September 2, 2024

It appears that the simple cases of this bug are fixed and that there are some me-too posts. I'm going to close this. If there is a continuing issue, we'd love to see a PR with a test that fails so that we can more effectively work on a solution and make sure that it stays fixed.

from xml-crypto.

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