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Material UI

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Material UI is a comprehensive library of React components that features our independent implementation of Google's Material Design system. It's trusted by some of the world's greatest product teams because it's been rigorously battle-tested through more than a decade of development by thousands of open-source contributors.

Material UI's core functionality is extended by MUI X, a suite of complex components for advanced use cases. Toolpad builds on top of Material UI to provide full-stack components and a low-code internal tool builder.


Get started in the Material UI documentation.

Older versions

Note: @next points to pre-releases. Use @latest for the latest stable release.

Joy UI

This repository also contains Joy UI, an experimental component library that implements our own in-house Joy Design. Joy UI is in beta and development is currently on hold. When starting a new project from scratch, we recommend Material UI over Joy UI because we can guarantee ongoing support.

Keep in mind that the maintainers are primarily focused on other projects and may not be able to respond in a timely manner to issues or pull requests related to Joy UI.

View the Joy UI documentation.


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Diamond sponsors are those who have pledged $1,500/month or more to MUI.

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Gold sponsors are those who have pledged $500/month or more to MUI.

More backers

See the full list of our backers.


For how-to questions that don't involve making changes to the code base, please use Stack Overflow instead of GitHub issues.


Our documentation features a collection of example projects.

Premium templates

You can find complete templates and themes in the MUI Store.


Read the contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bug fixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes.

Contributing is about more than just issues and pull requests! There are many other ways to support Material UI beyond contributing to the code base.


The changelog is regularly updated to reflect what's changed in each new release.


Future plans and high-priority features and enhancements can be found in the roadmap.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For details on supported versions and contact information for reporting security issues, please refer to the security policy.

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These great services sponsor MUI's core infrastructure:

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GitHub lets us host the Git repository and coordinate contributions.

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Netlify lets us distribute the documentation.

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BrowserStack lets us test in real browsers.

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CodeCov lets us monitor test coverage.

material-ui's People


oliviertassinari avatar renovate[bot] avatar dmtrkovalenko avatar dependabot-preview[bot] avatar eps1lon avatar mbrookes avatar siriwatknp avatar mnajdova avatar michaldudak avatar nathanmarks avatar danilo-leal avatar mmrtnz avatar alitaheri avatar rosskevin avatar cherniavskii avatar sai6855 avatar zeeshantamboli avatar hbjorbj avatar dependabot[bot] avatar merceyz avatar janpot avatar newoga avatar diegoandai avatar mapache-salvaje avatar joshwooding avatar shaurya947 avatar mj12albert avatar alexfauquette avatar brijeshb42 avatar zanivan avatar


Vitor Soares avatar alialobidm avatar Ivan H. avatar Cristian Vasiliev avatar Min avatar Johannes Reiners avatar StarGazer avatar NeuroSage avatar 小书僮 avatar Rama Aditya Saputra avatar E.H. avatar Wei Zhao avatar Kerry Wang avatar  avatar Gabriel Cavalcante avatar  avatar Frederico Ribeiro avatar  avatar Sandip Gavade avatar  avatar zhao jianwei avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar ZhiHong Ju avatar Arafat Zaman Anik avatar Junseo Kim avatar  avatar JohnTitor avatar Hristo Voynovski avatar Bruno Alva avatar  avatar Anthony avatar zhoull avatar  avatar Dominik Oswald avatar Pamod Chandula Peiris avatar  avatar Artyom Petrushkо́ avatar GGGG avatar Fanny avatar İsmail avatar FluxWave avatar CloudWhisper avatar Mohit Tiwari avatar  avatar Sean Behan avatar Eikonsphere avatar  avatar Paulo R. avatar Ivan Kovalik avatar UmmIt avatar Matthijs avatar Vishal Pratap Singh avatar Bilel MANAI avatar LexYu avatar FallingSakura avatar NooBat avatar Xiaomeng Li avatar Liam Anderson avatar mayank thole avatar  avatar henry avatar David Luksch avatar David Galvan avatar Thanh Hau Pham avatar 张浩扬穿JK avatar Jerry avatar Guy Roh avatar Michael Carbaugh avatar Joseph Mearman avatar Murat Şahin avatar TKnott avatar  avatar Muhammad Zahalqa avatar  avatar Alken E avatar Andrés de Jesús Quesada Cedeño avatar  avatar Simon Rich avatar Bruno Ferreira avatar Bilal Alam avatar  avatar UbeySaab avatar Guo Songxin avatar AmanDeep Singh avatar 米姐胡扯扯 avatar David Peek avatar fabio.itexto avatar Mustafa Gözcü avatar  avatar  avatar Marcelo Hadad avatar Emilie Gervais avatar Alex Bogias avatar Yudi Setiawan avatar Shaikh Jahangir Alam avatar coderhhb avatar  avatar Jack Lu avatar


Deepak Kannan avatar Stig Kleppe-Jørgensen avatar Anthony Lai avatar nicedream avatar anthony de silva avatar Abhik Khanra avatar Bilgehan Zeki ÖZAYTAÇ avatar Dermot Byrne avatar Noam  V avatar Imran Ansari avatar Ivan Križnar avatar Bill avatar sepahsalar avatar Miguel avatar  avatar  avatar IceStar avatar Alexandre Magno avatar Neustradamus avatar Andre Lima avatar Tsvetan Tsvetanov avatar Jon Hartzler avatar Daniel Rech avatar Daniel Mort avatar John Eischen avatar julabs avatar Joel Serino avatar 大鼻子 avatar h3nr7 avatar ND avatar AlYoung avatar evandrix avatar David GUENAULT / BOX4PROD avatar wei1224hf avatar ketan avatar Pieter Van den Bosch avatar Scott Dahl avatar Malena Andrade avatar hhdem avatar Patrick Wilson avatar Phanor Coll avatar  avatar Johan Hallberg avatar Takefumi "abell" Ota avatar 叶博 avatar Marco Fung avatar sillypeng avatar yury avatar Cristiano Contin avatar  avatar Dang Dinh Thanh avatar send2vinnie avatar Daniel Warner avatar Jandy avatar  avatar Alan Garcia avatar greysun avatar Kevin avatar Irena Romendik avatar Rob Rothe avatar 木家彤 avatar Yuan Liang avatar David Posin avatar Richard Hess avatar Rishabh avatar dafei1288 avatar Chris Lee avatar  avatar roadlabs avatar  avatar Yang Leijun avatar puras avatar  avatar Wil How avatar Jaeik Park avatar Christian Hochfilzer avatar Mitsumasa Sugimoto avatar Marc Schipperheyn avatar duoduoin avatar  avatar Kiwamu ISHII avatar Fred avatar Andy Mac avatar Jason Belich avatar Gin avatar wangshilian avatar Ian Robinson avatar Sylvain Bannier avatar Jian Zhang avatar Flávio Zantut avatar yiqing avatar orcsor avatar Trần Phú Huy avatar Jake Hawkes avatar Les avatar fadhlan avatar Flavio Moreira avatar  avatar Kwangsoo Shin avatar Bernd Landauer avatar

material-ui's Issues

Embrace DOM-like structure

Right now subcomponents are passed as a list of special objects to some specific prop, like there:

menuItems = [
  { route: 'get-started', text: 'Get Started' },
  { route: 'css-framework', text: 'CSS Framework' },
  { route: 'components', text: 'Components' },
  { type: MenuItem.Types.SUBHEADER, text: 'Resources' },
     type: MenuItem.Types.LINK, 
     payload: '', 
     text: 'GitHub' 

//Docked Left Nav
<LeftNav menuItems={menuItems} />

I'd argue it would be much more composable and extensible to reworking API to have something like this:

  <MenuItem><Route to="get-started">Get Started</Route></MenuItem>
  <MenuItem><a href="...">GitHub</a></MenuItem>

The same for all menus.

[DropDownMenu] Typeahead

Very nice! Would love to see type ahead functionality, which consists AFAIC of three elements.

  • typeahead
  • typeahead tag selection
  • typeahead within textarea (@Friend names)

Browser support

What's the browser support for this framework, especially for Android?

Totally lost on how to build this

I'm completely new to the world of CSS frameworks, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting material-ui to work for me. My steps so far:

Installed Node.js and npm. npm installed less, browserify, reactify, and material-ui. Then I used less to compile components.less and scaffolding.less into a main.css. My understanding is that these two .less files will incorporate all of the other css in the directory. I copied this main.css file into my document root, and added a link to the stylesheet in the index.html. This seemed to work as my text changed to look like the example page. Then I used browserify on the index.js file in the src directory to create a main.js file. At the bottom of my body tag in my index.html I added a <script src = main.js> tag to include the main.js file.

So the next step was to start using the components, but I can't get any of them to work, for example
does nothing, and none of the other example components do either. The instructions listed in the "Usage" section of the instructions don't really make sense to me. I've tried including that code in a script tag in my index.html and it didn't do anything, and Webstorm had a bunch of issues with the code too. So I'm not really sure where else to put that, or how else to start including components.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried googling around but I haven't been able to find any resources that seem to be relevant.

Font files?

The doc says:

"The Roboto font and 3 font weights (light, regular, and medium) are automatically included from Google Fonts."

The problem is that I can't find the font files included anywhere in the source code (I'm using npm) neither a font-face definition on the less files.

Compile React


I'm pretty new to programming and I was wondering if anyone could help me get started using this project. I've got the .less file for the example to compile, but I'm not sure how to compile the .jsx into .js. If anyone could provide some detailed instructions, I'd really appreciate it.


Keyboard and general accessibility

It would be nice if the components also worked for keyboard users (also providing the focus styling defined in the Material Design guidelines) and assistive technologies...

Set user-select to none

A bit of clicking around causes some of the contents of the components to be selected. Setting user-select to none should fix this problem.

Paper Buttons should be real buttons

The PaperButton component is a div at the moment. This is not an ideal a solution cause you lost the feature to accessing the button by tab clicks. I would propose a change in the Paper component so that it will support the setting of the element type like this:

var Root = React.createFactory(this.props.elementType || 'div');
    return (
      <Root className={classes} onClick={this._onClick} onMouseDown={this._onMouseDown} onMouseUp={this._onMouseUp}>
        <div className={insideClasses}>

Format code properly

Why use 2 box-shadow in paper

This Code:

    &.mui-z-depth-1 {
        .lh-box-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24)); 
        & > .mui-z-depth-bottom { .lh-box-shadow(0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)); }

I can't understand why use two box-shadow. In Google material, It just like this:

    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);

[request] LeftNav can be RightNav?

hello mate!

nice framework you have! =) ... excellent job!

Quick question... i have a website on demand to finish, and your LeftNav component will be superb on that, but, in a certain time I will need it as a right one.... is it possible to do this?

thanks very much! =)

Build fails due to invalid fonticons path

When I try to build my project I get the following error:

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: '../../node_modules/material-design-fonticons/styles/mdfi.css' wasn't found in file node_modules\material-ui\docs\dist\less\scaffolding.less line no. 9

But if I go into scaffolding.less and change the path from:

@import (less)"../../node_modules/material-design-fonticons/styles/mdfi.css";


@import (less)"../../../node_modules/material-design-fonticons/styles/mdfi.css";

then it works again.

Can't use with server-side rendering

Many of the components use React "addons", which is aliased from react/addons to just react in the browser field in package.json.

On the server, this breaks rendering because it does not pull in the addons. There is no way to do the browserify-style aliasing on the server (as far as I know).

I think the solution should be to get rid of the browser aliasing in package.json and just use require('react/addons') instead of require('react') within the components.

Add styles for all input types

At the moment only text and password types has proper styles.
number, date, time, range, color styles should be fixed.

Rapidly pressing paper-buttons selects the label text

I noticed this when testing the ripple effect of the paper-buttons. Double-clicking the button results in the inner label text getting selected.

screen shot 2014-10-18 at 18 23 42

This is quite ugly, one way to prevent this from happening is adding some css to the inner label:
All of the correct CSS variations are:

.noselect {
    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -khtml-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

Buttons is one place where this is happening, This can be reproduced on your page as well. Toolbar buttons also have this problem.

[DropDownMenu] Add option to make dropdowns editable

Nice work.

I have two issues tho, on the dropdown.

  • When you double-click on the dropdown on Chrome on Mac, then it breaks the dropdown.
  • Further more, it should be possible to click twice, and then type in letters on the keyboard to navigate the dropdown.

looks bad on iPhone 6

I like the idea of this project, but I would expect the demo page to work well on mobile. But it doesn't, looks complete broken on an iPhone 6. I'd only consider using a library these days that's mobile-first. Resizing on desktop chrome also doesn't work properly.

Is it possible for me to make this work if I'm using React version 0.12.0?

Right now I'm seeing problems because internally material-ui is using React 0.11.1 to create the elements and when I try to use them in React 0.12.0 I see an error. Is there something I can do about this on my end or should I just wait for you to update?

Thanks, I'm looking forward to trying this out!

Bugs on Firefox

Transition and your react not working on firefox and have a notice..
screen shot 2014-11-10 at 7 53 59 pm

What is jQuery needed for?

I'd like to use parts of this, but without the jQuery dependency.

I've search for jQuery and found some files that say they require jQuery but never actually use it (like table-header.jsx).

Is there a list of features jQuery is used for? Or is there a plan to get rid of the dependency?

Dropdown linebreaks

If there's a space in the text for an item in a dropdown, and it's to longest text in the dropdown, it will get word-wrapped.


This little snippet solves the problem

.mui-menu-item > * {
  white-space: nowrap;

But it seems to produce an awful lot of unnecessary padding to the right for some reason


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