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Comments (23)

oscarbenjamin avatar oscarbenjamin commented on September 26, 2024 1

Considering all data points, I think the expected result of asin(2) is 1.570796+1.316958i, especially because this is the result that the evaluation of the mathematical definition of asin(z) = -i log(i z + sqrt(1 - z*z)) would give with mixed-mode arithmetic.

I would interpret the identity exactly rather than with mixed mode arithmetic:

asin(2) = - i log(i * 2 + sqrt(1 - 2^2))
    = - i log (2 i + sqrt(3) i )
    = - i (log(| 2 + sqrt(3) |) + i pi / 2)
    = pi/2 - i log(2 + sqrt(3))
    ~= 1.57 - 1.31 i

With SymPy that is:

In [1]: asin(2)
Out[1]: asin(2)

In [2]: asin(2).rewrite(log)
   ⎛              π-⋅⎜log(√3 + 2) + ───⎟
   ⎝               2In [3]: asin(2).rewrite(log).expand()
π- log(√3 + 2)

In [4]: asin(2).rewrite(log).expand().n()
Out[4]: 1.5707963267949 - 1.31695789692482

In [5]: asin(z).rewrite(log) # holds for all z
      ⎛         ________⎞
      ⎜        ╱      2-logz + ╲╱  1 - z

I don't think that signed zeros are really relevant unless you want to think about what to do with 2 - 0.0 i. In general signed zeros are (IMO) a mistake or at least to be implemented properly you need three cases: -0, 0 and +0. Without all three cases you cannot use signed zeros to resolve branch cuts in general.

The decision about which way to resolve the branch cut is always arbitrary but there is at least a principle here that a useful identity holds with a consistent choice of branch for each function.

Besides consistency what would be an a priori reason to prefer the alternative?

If consistency is the goal then I would put mpmath/arb consistency as most important.

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024 1

I wonder if that's something, that must be documented in

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

This coming from:

c = mpf_acosh(a, prec, rnd)
if n == 0:
return fzero, c
pi = mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
return mpf_shift(pi, -1), mpf_neg(c)

acos() case seems wrong too:

>>> import mpmath
mpc(real='0.0', imag='1.3169578969248168')
>>> mpmath.fp.acos(2)

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024


from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

It seems, mpmath behaves here as Mathematica:

$ wolframscript 
Wolfram Language 14.0.0 Engine for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Copyright 1988-2023 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= ArcSin[2]//N

Out[1]= 1.5708 - 1.31696 I

Looks weird, that different contexts use different definitions of elementary functions on the complex plane. So, I would prefer to change this. On another hand, it will be a compatibility break.

from mpmath.

oscarbenjamin avatar oscarbenjamin commented on September 26, 2024

This is what arb gives:

In [9]: flint.acb(2).asin()
Out[9]: [1.57079632679490 +/- 3.56e-15] + [-1.31695789692482 +/- 3.71e-15]j

In [10]: flint.acb(2+.001j).asin()
Out[10]: [1.57021897662193 +/- 2.11e-15] + [1.31695808937485 +/- 4.93e-15]j

In [11]: flint.acb(2-.001j).asin()
Out[11]: [1.57021897662193 +/- 2.11e-15] + [-1.31695808937485 +/- 3.07e-15]j

Both arb and mpmath document the identity

asin(z) = -i log(i z + sqrt(1 - z^2))

The mpmath docs explicitly say that the principal branches of log and sqrt are intended in this identity:

In [15]: -1j*cmath.log(1j*2 + cmath.sqrt(1-2**2))
Out[15]: (1.5707963267948966-1.3169578969248166j)

In [16]: cmath.asin(2)
Out[16]: (1.5707963267948966+1.3169578969248166j)

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

More data points:

Numpy, PyTorch, Boost, cmath: asin(2) -> 1.5608 + 1.3170 j
Mathematica, Maple, sympy, matlab, jax: asin(2) -> 1.5608 - 1.3170 j

from mpmath.

WarrenWeckesser avatar WarrenWeckesser commented on September 26, 2024

FWIW, one more data point:

CLN: asin(2.0) -> 1.5707964-1.3169578969248166d0i

This is consistent with its documentation for cln::asin, which says

cl_N asin (const cl_N& z)

Returns arcsin(z). This is defined as arcsin(z) = log(iz+sqrt(1-z^2))/i and satisfies arcsin(-z) = -arcsin(z). The range of the result is the strip in the complex domain -pi/2 <= realpart(arcsin(z)) <= pi/2, excluding the numbers with realpart = -pi/2 and imagpart < 0 and the numbers with realpart = pi/2 and imagpart > 0.

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024 defines

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

In [15]: -1jcmath.log(1j2 + cmath.sqrt(1-2**2))
Out[15]: (1.5707963267948966-1.3169578969248166j)

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is not a CPython bug (see below C version)...


>>> cmath.asin(complex(2,+0.0001))
>>> -1j*cmath.log(1j*complex(2,0.0001) + cmath.sqrt(1-complex(2,0.0001)**2))
>>> cmath.asin(complex(2,-0.0001))
>>> -1j*cmath.log(1j*complex(2,-0.0001) + cmath.sqrt(1-complex(2,-0.0001)**2))


$ cat a.c 
#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
    double complex z;
    z = CMPLX(2, 0.0); z = casin(z);
    printf("casin(+2+0i) = %f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    z = CMPLX(2, 0.0); z = -I*clog(I*z + csqrt(1 - z*z));
    printf("casin(+2+0i) = %f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    z = CMPLX(2, -0.0); z = casin(z);
    printf("casin(+2-0i) = %f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    z = CMPLX(2, -0.0); z = -I*clog(I*z + csqrt(1 - z*z));
    printf("casin(+2-0i) = %f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
$ cc a.c -lm && ./a.out
casin(+2+0i) = 1.570796+1.316958i
casin(+2+0i) = 1.570796+1.316958i
casin(+2-0i) = 1.570796-1.316958i
casin(+2-0i) = 1.570796-1.316958i

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

I am not sure what do you consider as a bug here... I think it is just unfortunate that there is a split between asin implementations and apparently the split is defined by either fixing a formula for asin function or choosing a branch that corresponds to a PV of arcsin. Of course, from the mathematical point of view, both selections give a correct answer in the sense that sin(asin(2)) == 2 holds in both cases.

On the other hand, I'd like to consider mpmath as a reference library to elementary functions and use it for testing the correctness of functions from other numerical libraries. Since different libraries may implement mathematically equivalent but numerically different algorithms, as evident from this asin case, one approach of resolving this dilemma is to introduce configuration or environment variable that defines the behavior of asin at the positive real line. Say, have:

$ MPMATH_ASIN_USE_PV_BRANCH=0 python -c 'import mpmath; print(mpmath.asin(2))'
(1.5707963267949 - 1.31695789692482j)
$ MPMATH_ASIN_USE_PV_BRANCH=1 python -c 'import mpmath; print(mpmath.asin(2))'
(1.5707963267949 + 1.31695789692482j)

What do you think?

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

I am not sure what do you consider as a bug here...

Well, we have an identity asin(z) = -i log(i z + sqrt(1 - z^2)). As you can see, the C version preserves this for z=2±0i, but not the cmath's version. One reason for this is python/cpython#117999.

one approach of resolving this dilemma is to introduce configuration or environment variable that defines the behavior of asin at the positive real line

Does make sense for me, if there will be just one configuration variable. In general, each boolean variable will double test cases... defines

Hmm, it corresponds to the mpmath docs and to the C stdlib (z=2+0i).

BTW, note that so far the mp context has no signed zero (technically, it's here, but not supported even in basic arithmetic or I/O). The fp context has it.

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

Yet one point (gmpy2):

>>> import gmpy2
>>> c = gmpy2.get_context()
>>> c.allow_complex=True
>>> gmpy2.asin(2)

In short, it seems all libraries, that support IEEE-style arithmetic - use above convention. Not sure about benefits of the Mathematica approach (except for compatibility). @fredrik-johansson?

BTW, Oscar's example -1j*cmath.log(1j*2 + cmath.sqrt(1-2**2)) suffers from float -> complex(float, 0.0) type-cast of the CPython complex arithmetic (yet another instance of this issue). It can be corrected:

>>> -1j*cmath.log(1j*z + cmath.sqrt(complex(1-(z*z).real, -(z*z).imag)))

The C stdlib's complex numbers have special rules for mixed-mode arithmetic (real+complex and imaginary+complex; however most implementations support only real+complex specialization). That's why C version does work without workarounds:

$ cat a.c
#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
    double complex z;
    z = CMPLX(2, 0.0); z = casin(z);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    z = CMPLX(2, 0.0); z = -I*clog(I*z + csqrt(1 - z*z));
    printf("%f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
$ cc a.c -lm && ./a.out 

"Generally, mixed-mode arithmetic combining real and complex variables should be performed directly, not by first coercing the real to complex, lest the sign of zero be rendered uninformative;the same goes for combinations of pure imaginary quantities with complex variables." (c) Kahan, W: Branch cuts for complex elementary functions

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

Considering all data points, I think the expected result of asin(2) is 1.570796+1.316958i, especially because this is the result that the evaluation of the mathematical definition of asin(z) = -i log(i z + sqrt(1 - z*z)) would give with mixed-mode arithmetic.

When a software returns 1.570796-1.316958i (notice the negative imaginary part) then it is very likely that it (carelessly) uses the mathematical definition of asin using complex arithmetic that makes no difference between +0 and -0.

BC issue with respect to Mathematica/Maple and implications to sympy is an annoying problem but I think the correctness over weights BC, not to mention the fact that a majority of math libraries already implement the correct behavior w/ this issue.

What do you think?

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

using complex arithmetic that makes no difference between +0 and -0.

That was my guess, but it seems Maple supports signed zeros.

the fact that a majority of math libraries already implement the correct behavior w/ this issue.

I doubt the Mathematica behaviour is "incorrect". Yes, it makes more sense in floating point arithmetic without support for signed zeros; see above Kahan reference and CCC (Counter-Clockwise Continuity) convention. To illustrate one for re<0:

In[9]:= ArcSin[-2.+I*0.0001]
Out[9]= -1.57074 + 1.31696 I
In[10]:= ArcSin[-2.]
Out[10]= -1.5708 + 1.31696 I

BTW, yet another data point, Maxima:

(%i5) asin(2.0);
(%o5)              1.570796326794897 - 1.316957896924817 %i

PS: I would worry about flint's convention also as it's a possible backend for mpmath, see #733.

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

Considering all data points, I think the expected result of asin(2) is 1.570796+1.316958i, especially because this is the result that the evaluation of the mathematical definition of asin(z) = -i log(i z + sqrt(1 - z*z)) would give with mixed-mode arithmetic.

I would interpret the identity exactly rather than with mixed mode arithmetic:

asin(2) = - i log(i * 2 + sqrt(1 - 2^2))

Considering that sqrt(...) denotes +-sqrt(...), you could write this also as

asin(2) = - i log(i * 2 - sqrt(1 - 2^2))

that will lead to the result with positive imaginary part. See, for instance,

It looks like symbolic and numeric libraries consistently pick up different branches when evaluating arcsin at branch cuts and since mpmath is relevant for both universes then letting the user to choose the branch cut as suggested in #786 (comment) still makes sense.

from mpmath.

oscarbenjamin avatar oscarbenjamin commented on September 26, 2024

Considering that sqrt(...) denotes +-sqrt(...)

The point is that the formula holds with a consistent choice of branch cuts for each function so sqrt means +sqrt here:

The inverse sine has two branch points: `x = \pm 1`. :func:`~mpmath.asin`
places the branch cuts along the line segments `(-\infty, -1)` and
`(+1, +\infty)`. In general,
.. math ::
\sin^{-1}(x) = -i \log\left(ix + \sqrt{1-x^2} \right)
where the principal-branch log and square root are implied.

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

Interestingly, the paper On quality of implementation of Fortran 2008
complex intrinsic functions on branch cuts
finds that

arcsin(a+i0) == pi/2 + b i
b = log(sqrt(a**2 - 1) + a) >= 0
a >= 1

(see A.3, p 23).

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

Ok, @oscarbenjamin convinced me that the current convention does make sense in floating point arithmetic without signed zero. And, in turn, that it doesn't make sense with signed zero.

Given mp's mpf type has no signed zero ("officially" (tm)), we should keep current convention, unless mpf got support for signed zero per #167. I think we could switch convention in the experimental pr #768.

I'm going to close this issue in few days, unless someone introduce new arguments on the table.

from mpmath.

pearu avatar pearu commented on September 26, 2024

Just to confirm: when and mpmath.fp functions return different results, it can be considered acceptable?

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024

Yes, for branch cuts: mp and fp are different contexts. In the fp we can't say "we are on the branch cut", but "we are on the left side or on the right side"/"above or below". Both contexts should be consistent, however, for arbitrary small (but nonzero!) deviations from the branch cut. This is the case for asin as well:

>>> fp.asin(2+1e-10j)
>>> mp.asin(2+1e-10j)
mpc(real='1.5707963267371616', imag='1.3169578969248168')
>>> fp.asin(2-1e-10j)
>>> mp.asin(2-1e-10j)
mpc(real='1.5707963267371616', imag='-1.3169578969248168')

On another hand, I think this will require that functions should be implemented slightly differently for fp and mp contexts. When fp context fallback to generic code (which is the case for most special functions) - we will have invalid results... An example:

>>> complex(mp.besselk(1, complex(-1, +1e-10)))
>>> complex(fp.besselk(1, complex(-1, +1e-10)))
>>> complex(fp.besselk(1, complex(-1, +0.)))
>>> complex(mp.besselk(1, complex(-1, -1e-10)))
>>> complex(fp.besselk(1, complex(-1, -1e-10)))
>>> complex(fp.besselk(1, complex(-1, -0.)))  # oops

from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024


from mpmath.

skirpichev avatar skirpichev commented on September 26, 2024


from mpmath.

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