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crossroads.js's Introduction

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Crossroads - JavaScript Routes


Crossroads.js is a routing library inspired by URL Route/Dispatch utilities present on frameworks like Rails, Pyramid, Django, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc... It parses a string input and decides which action should be executed by matching the string against multiple patterns.

If used properly it can reduce code complexity by decoupling objects and also by abstracting navigation paths.

See project page for documentation and more details.



This library requires JS-Signals to work.


MIT License

Distribution Files

Files inside dist folder.

  • crossroads.js : Uncompressed source code with comments.
  • crossroads.min.js : Compressed code.

You can install Crossroads on Node.js using NPM

npm install crossroads

Repository Structure

Folder Structure

dev       ->  development files
|- lib          ->  3rd-party libraries
|- src          ->  source files
|- tests        ->  unit tests
dist      ->  distribution files


master      ->  always contain code from the latest stable version
release-**  ->  code canditate for the next stable version (alpha/beta)
dev         ->  main development branch (nightly)
gh-pages    ->  project page
**other**   ->  features/hotfixes/experimental, probably non-stable code

Building your own

This project uses Node.js for the build process. If for some reason you need to build a custom version install Node.js and run:

node build

This will delete all JS files inside the dist folder, merge/update/compress source files and copy the output to the dist folder.

IMPORTANT: dist folder always contain the latest version, regular users should not need to run build task.

Running unit tests

On the browser

Open dev/tests/spec_runner-dist.html on your browser.

spec_runner-dist tests dist/crossroads.js and spec_runner-dev tests files inside dev/src - they all run the same specs.

On Node.js

Install npm and run:

npm install --dev
npm test

Each time you run npm test the files inside the dist folder will be updated (it executes node build as a pretest script).

crossroads.js's People


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crossroads.js's Issues

add option to set how parameters should be passed to handlers

right now crossroads uses route.matched.dispatch.apply() to pass captured values as parameters, I think we should create an option to toggle between passing parameters as an Array or calling apply()... it will probably increase 2-3 lines of code and can reduce the need of using normalize_ just for that reason...

maybe we should even add a third option to return parameters as an object (like the one we pass to normalize and validation methods..) all the heavy logic is already there, only problem I can foresee is that normalize_ returns an array so it will be impossible to map each value to the real key name (values can be out of order, missing, extra values...), probably user will need to return an object instead of an array if handlers expects objects (which should be totally fine if documented).

not sure if it should be a global setting (per Router) or if each Route should also have it's own setting (that bypass Router setting)...

crossroad.parse additional request


I know the following doesn't work but is it hard to implement?

crossroads.addRoute('/news/{id}', function(id){
  return 'Hello'
var result = crossroads.parse('/news/123') //result equals 'Hello'

allow RegExp pattern on addRoute

it would reduce the need of multiple routes for similar patterns and also allow bypassing the '/' segment separator.

crossroads.addRoute(/^foo\\/?([a-z]+)?$/); //would match "foo" and "foo/bar".. if "foo/bar" would pass "bar" as param (capturing group)

add support to optional segments

right now there is no way to add optional segments without using RegExp.

maybe add something like:




so far I prefer the later option since it is clearer.

Add a signal to be sent before each route is to be changed to another route

It would be good to have the signal that is sent right before the system gets a request to change its state with a new route.

For example, I am developing brand new Facebook-like social network.

Within the network, I have a page with lots of videos from different users.
When I click on a video, a popup appears with this video inside.
This popup is handled by some route and has an url, for example, '#/videos/{id}'.
Within this popup, I have a username of the user who uploaded this video.
This username is a link to user's page, also handled by some route like '#/users/{id}'.
When I click on the username, I want to open the user's profile.
But, before opening the profile, the popup should be closed.
The route '#/users/{id}' should not be aware of the previous route and should not be responsible for closing the popup. On my opinion, this is responsibility of '#/videos/{id}' route, or maybe some another piece of code.

I think a signal that is sent before an actual route handler for '#/users/{id}' will be executed, could solve this problem. I can easily plug a code that closes the video popup into the handler of the signal.

What do you think? Any other ideas how to solve the problem like described above?

add support for "greedy" match?

Right now crossroads stops at the first match, maybe we should add an option that enables matching multiple routes so we could use crossroads as an advanced event system.

I've seen some cases where this feature would be useful, but also cases where this feature would deceive the whole "routing" logic and even break things (when you expect that the first route would block execution of subsequent routes...)

If implemented it would also require a way to "stop the route propagation"...

Hashing error with hasher.js

The second call to setHash throws an error:

crossroads.addRoute( 'lorem/{id}', function( id ) { alert( id ); } );

hasher.changed.add( crossroads.parse, crossroads );

hasher.setHash('lorem/123');  // works with alert(123)
hasher.setHash('lorem/456');  // javascript error

add a way to generate a string that match route passing arguments

should be trivial to implement if route was generated using a string, probably just need to do a RegExp over Route._pattern like MM_js_lib/microTemplate..

if user don't provide a required parameter it should also throw an error, optional parameters can be omitted.

if route is a RegExp there is no way to do it since we can't figure out what is the string user is trying to build so it should throw an error...

I haven't really needed this feature so far - specially since I'm generating routes dynamically and don't access the routes references after I create them - but I can see it being useful in a few cases.

Route rule that is an array seems to do a case sensitive match against route.

I noticed if you define a rule that is an array of acceptable values on a route, the matching algorithim in crossroads does a case sensitive match against the the acceptable values. Is this the expected behavior? I would assume such a match would be case insensitive. It also doesn't mention anything about case sensitivity in your documentation.

var route = crossroads.addRoute("/{controller}/:action:", function(controller, action) {
    // do stuff...

router.rules = {
    controller: ["testcontroller"]


Thanks for writing this library. It's been a great help!

not sure if trailing "/" should influence route

not sure if these patterns should all mean the same:


as of version 0.3:

  • "/" between 2 variables is optional so '{foo}{bar}' is exactly the same as '{foo}/{bar}'.
  • '/{foo}' is different than '/{foo}/' and '{foo}/' because of trailing slashes.

how to respond if request bypassed ?

Bypassed action is called each time crossroads can't match any route. Crossroads passes requestString parameter to the action and I can't do anything except logging. Is there any ability to send 404 or close connection? I think it would be great to have response and request objects available in the "bypassed" action.

"/" before optional params isn't being ignored

the pattern /projects/:id:/:slug: should match against request /projects since id and slug are optional params and trailing slash is ignored on normal routes (i.e. /projects/ === /projects)

The example on the doc page triggers an exception in Chrome/Firefox

This code :

crossroads.routed.add(console.log); //log all routes

will trigger an exception in Chrome (because you are passing log as parameter, but at invocation, "this" is not setted correclty).

The solution I used :

    }); //log all routes

Here is the code of a small page triggering the error :

<script type="text/javascript" src="signals.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="crossroads.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="hasher.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" > //setup crossroads crossroads.addRoute('foo'); crossroads.addRoute('lorem/ipsum'); crossroads.routed.add(console.log); //log all routes
    //setup hasher
    hasher.changed.add(crossroads.parse, crossroads); //parse hash changes
    hasher.init(); //start listening for history change

    //update URL fragment generating new history record

And the stack trace in Chrome :

Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation
(anonymous function)crossroad-test.html:17

Make a single dist file that runs on all environments

Since only dependency is JS-signals it is very simple to create a single wrapper that works for all the environments...

Not sure if it is worth the trouble tho, since generating the 3 dist files is so simple and easier to understand what the code is doing...

rules.normalize_ called twice on regexp match

When using a regexp route, my rules.normalize_ function gets called twice with different arguments.

The problem seems to be that a regex route returns an array in stead of an object with named properties.
Therefore, in route.js, line 45...

var validationRule = this.rules[prop]

...returns this.rules[0] which is my normalize_ function. It is then called on line 59:

isValid = validationRule(val, request, values)

Feature request: url generation

Is there the intent to allow url generation based on the route information? I would be willing to help if this is something that you would be amenable to adding to the codebase.

Something to the effect of


where params is either an array or object depending on the normalize function.

Execution order of Matched Routes Question

In your example below,

  • Is the execution order of the matches the same as they are added?
  • Do they execute sync or async.
  • Is there any way to cancel the sequential matches from firing? Example.. if the first match checks to see if a user is authenticated, if not redirect rather than executing all sequential requests.

var route1 = crossroads.addRoute('/news/{id}');
  console.log('handler 1: '+ id);
  console.log('handler 2: '+ id);
crossroads.parse('/news/123'); //will trigger both handlers of `route1`

Trigger Route by name passing arguments


Your lib is quite good, I have a feature-request:
I think it will be cool to create method
name: "ROUTE_NAME",
params: {
userId: 4
}) --> this should call crossroads.parse(CREATED_LOCATION);

What do you think about this?

Change greedy so it can be set globally

Currently it appears greedy is globally set to false and can't be accessed from outside.

It would be nice to be able to change this to true globally instead of on a route by route basis.

optional params should only execute rules if param value != null


var a = crossroads.addRoute('/123/:foo:/:bar:');
a.rules = {
    foo : /^\w+$/,
    bar : function(val){
        return val === 'ipsum';

expect( a.match('/123') ).toBe( true );
expect( a.match('/123/') ).toBe( true );
expect( a.match('/123/asd') ).toBe( true );
expect( a.match('/123/asd/') ).toBe( true );
expect( a.match('/123/asd/ipsum/') ).toBe( true );

expect( a.match('/123/asd/45') ).toBe( false );
expect( a.match('/123/asd/45/qwe') ).toBe( false );
expect( a.match('/123/as#%d&/ipsum') ).toBe( false );

this fails as of v0.5.0+ build 64

remove js-signals dependency?

not sure if I should keep js-signals as a dependency or just use simple callbacks for everything...

I like to use Signals because it gives way more flexibility and since I'm using signals on all complex projects it won't affect file-size.

I even considered adding it as a plugin since I believe most people won't need more than a single callback for each route but I thought it was going to reduce maintainability.

PS: if you need a routing system you probably also need a custom event system...

add a Signal for when any route is matched

maybe something like routed, matched, etc.. and pass request, Route and params to handler... can't think of a real use case now but may be useful for someone in the future.

add priority to routes?

maybe it is a good idea to add priority to routes, that way there is no need to add routes on the proper order. code complexity won't increase that much.

shouldTypecast should be set to false by default

I've been setting it to false ever since I added this option so I think it should be the default.

what someone would expect:

crossroads.shouldTypecast = false;
crossroads.addRoute('/news/{id}', function(id){
    console.log(id); // "00012" (keep trailing zeroes)

what happens right now (v0.5.0):

crossroads.shouldTypecast = true;
crossroads.addRoute('/news/{id}', function(id){
    console.log(id); // 12 (no trailing zeroes since it's typecasted)

add some special property to "normalize" params before dispatching routed

lets say we have a pattern like this: '{a}/{b}/:c:/:d: - and we expect the input to be something like:

  • news/103/lorem-ipsum
  • news/foo/103/lorem-ipsum
  • news/103
  • article/news/103

it would be very useful to have an option to parse params and only pass "news" and "103" to listener since all the URLs are just alias to the same article.

add JShint?

removed JSLint because it enforces that all functions should be declared before calling it and also because it is too strict... I usually spend more time trying to make it validate the rules than it actually helps finding problems and it makes the code harder to read (since it doesn't follow a logic flow).

setting to toggle slash at begin/end behavior

sometimes it can be important to have strict patterns and other times a loose format may be better.

Current behavior:

"/foo" == "/foo/"
"/foo" != "foo"
"/foo" != "foo/"

it would be cool if Crossroads had 2 modes, strict and loose:


"/foo" != "/foo/"
"/foo" != "foo"
"/foo" != "foo/"


"/foo" == "/foo/"
"/foo" == "foo"
"/foo" == "foo/"

I think that both behaviors are better than the current one. I think the "loose" mode should be the default since it will probably cause less troubles.

PS: the modes could only be toggled before adding any route since patterns are "compiled" during the route instantiation.

multiple instances of crossroads object?

considering cases where it would be good to have multiple instances instead of a single static object... maybe add a method create() that creates a new independent instance...

consecutive required params require "/" between them

from the docs:

The patterns "{foo}{bar}" and "{foo}/{bar}" match exactly the same requests, a single trailing slash at the end of the request is ignored, so {foo}/ matches same requests as {foo}

that is not true on version 0.5.0, not sure if bug was introduced on a previous release or not.

Access http request and response objects

Is it possible to access the request and response objects from my matched function?
In this particular case i need to redirect the request after processing a certain request.

update wrapper to run code everywhere

add module name to def() call def('crossroads', ['signals'], function(signals){ ... and make browser version grab dependencies like node/amd does (using the deps array)..

not a big deal (won't change anything) but will be more flexible and can be used later.

Unordered parameters


What is the best way to implement "unordered parameters"? This is common in standard query string by associating a key with a value. The use case for that is mostly advanced search when you don't know witch filter the user is going to use.

thanks for your help

query string support

right now crossroads.js is flexible enough to change the data format but still requires some repetitive work to parse query strings...

see: auchenberg@89fb9c1 for more info

still unsure how it should be implemented since in some cases the query string may need to be considered as part of a path segment...

Doesn't work with require

Can't make it work via require

define(["Proj/Libs/crossroads", "Proj/Libs/crossroads"], function (controllerBase, pubSub)

GET http://localhost:5608/Proj/signals.js 404 (Not Found)

Even if I copy signals.js to the Proj directory, I have following exception:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Signal' of null crossroads.js:88


add option to enable/disable typecasting segment values and make it opt-in

sometimes it may be helpful to return all values as strings instead of converting to boolean or number.. cases lilke projects/detail/001/true and pattern: {foo}{bar}{n}{flag} will return ['projects', 'detail', 1, true] - note that the leading zeroes aren't present anymore since it was converted to a number and true is a real boolean...

typecast should be opt-in since it can produce undesirable outcome.

create unit tests for rhino and node

no reason for running unit tests on the browser every time, maybe run unit tests together with build process as well (at least to check generated files).

PS: keep HTML files to make it easier to debug browser related issues and also for running tests during development.

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