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Comments (26)

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024 2

Okay, I made a bunch of notes on how to do this in Slack before realizing I should copy them over. Here we go!

@teodorlu, for when you’re around, I’m out of code mode for real this time!
you’ve made me realize that a tour of how to navigate the scheme library is in order for anyone interested.
a sketch here - I dockerized the mechanics library, ie, scmutils, and it lives here:
If you have docker installed, make this file executable and put it somewhere on your path:

if xhost >& /dev/null ; then
  # NOTE - On OS X, you have to have enabled network connections in XQuartz!
  xhost +
docker run \
       --ipc host \
       --interactive --tty --rm \
       --workdir $workdir \
       --volume $workdir:$workdir \
       -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 \
       sritchie/mechanics "$@"

the docker page I linked has some instructions if you want to get latex expressions showing or animations working, but I VERY often am opening up this program and fiddling, testing the scmutils implementation by using it directly

next, I have a local copy of the source (here is the 2015 version, ~almost totally the same

“kernel” is where most of the “basic”, bread and butter code lives - units lives in its own folder, but I have a rough mental map of where he calls it (edited)

there is no good module system so I am constantly doing “find in project” in emacs, with projectile. If you search for “define” before a function naem that jumps to impl fairly well (I’m sure I could get some CTAGS thing going but I’ve been fumbling along without it)

then we start digging into a promising file like with-units.scm…

these are the money statements:

(assign-operation 'sin              u:sin              angular?)
(assign-operation 'cos              u:cos              angular?)
(assign-operation 'exp              u:cos              angular?)

assign-operation is where the generic operations get installed. So here we see that there is some predicate, angular?, and these u:sin etc functions know how to process them

lines like this:

(assign-operation '*   u:*u    with-units?               units?)
(assign-operation '*   u:u*    units?                    with-units?)

show that this functions, u:*u etc multiply a thing with units by a “unit” object

then he sticks these little examples all over as “tests”

(pe (definite-integral
      (lambda (r)
	(/ (* :G earth-mass (& 1 &kilogram))
	   (square (+ earth-radius r))))
      (& 0 &meter) (& 1 &meter)))
(& 9.824031599863007 &joule)

that & thing is a function:

;;; & is used to attach units to a number, or to check that a number
;;; has the given units.
(define (& value u1 #!optional u2)
  (let ((units (if (default-object? u2) u1 u2))
        (scale (if (default-object? u2) 1 u1)))
    (assert (and (not (units? value)) (number? scale) (units? units)))
    (if (with-units? value)
        (if (equal? (unit-exponents units)
                    (unit-exponents (u:units value)))
            (error "Units do not match: &" value units))
        (with-units (g:* scale (unit-scale units) value)
                    (make-unit (unit-system units)
                               (unit-exponents units)
(define *unit-constructor* '&)

and then you kind of squint, reformat, pretend its clojure and start going!

(with-units (g:* scale (unit-scale units) value)
            (make-unit (unit-system units)
                       (unit-exponents units)

@teodorlu so looks like the functions all referenced here are key. we have a system, exponents, scale, with-units and make-unit.

from emmy.

littleredcomputer avatar littleredcomputer commented on September 18, 2024 1

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024 1

@teodorlu , I'm assigning this to you, which gives you full license to ask me any questions you like! This is really exciting.

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024 1

More prior art, with types, in haskell!

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024 1

@teodorlu , good questions! The main thing to note (which we'll look at together) is that & is a function in scmutils:

;;; & is used to attach units to a number, or to check that a number
;;; has the given units.

(define (& value u1 #!optional u2)
  (let ((units (if (default-object? u2) u1 u2))
	(scale (if (default-object? u2) 1 u1)))
    (assert (and (not (units? value)) (number? scale) (units? units)))
    (if (with-units? value)
	(if (equal? (unit-exponents units)
		    (unit-exponents (u:units value)))
	    (error "Units do not match: &" value units))
	(with-units (g:* scale (unit-scale units) value)
	  (make-unit (unit-system units)
		     (unit-exponents units)

So this is actually making a new, wrapped object.

Then, if you look at how it works with the generic system... take addition:

(assign-operation '+   u:+     with-units?             not-differential-or-compound?)
(assign-operation '+   u:+     not-differential-or-compound?  with-units?)

This says that anything that responds true to with-units? can combine with something that responds true to not-differential-or-compound?.

Then we go to definition of u:+:

(define (u:+ x y)
  (cond ((g:zero? x) y)
        ((g:zero? y) x)
        ((units:= x y)
         (with-units (g:+ (u:value x) (u:value y)) (u:units x)))
        ((and *permissive-units*
              (or (without-units? x) (without-units? y)))
         (g:+ (u:value x) (u:value y)))
        (else (error "Units do not match: +" x y))))

And you migt notice that internally, it has a few cases:

  • is either side, ie x or y, a zero? if so return the other thing.
  • if not, are their units equal? units= if so,
    • unwrap them with (u:value x) etc
    • pass them BACK to generic g:+, where they get re-dispatched and combined
    • re-wrap the result in (with-units result (u:units x))
  • the third case is if the variable *permissive-units* is set to true. In that case, then if either side does NOT have units then addition works, but the side with units dumps its units. You might notice that (g:+ (u:value x) (u:value y)) does no rewrapping.
  • final case is error, noting that units don't match.

The big pattern with dispatch systems like this is that you can always toss items back out. To simplify a list, for example, (map g/simplify xs) across the list! So good.

How to get dispatch to work in Clojure?

We typically define some type with deftype, then implement the sicmutils.value/Value protocol (see Literal for an example and have it return a
namespaced keyword like ::with-units and ::unit from the kind method.

If you do this, you can write methods like

(defmethod g/add [::v/real ::v/real] [a b]
          (clojure.core/+ a b))

and it will all just work!

from emmy.

jackrusher avatar jackrusher commented on September 18, 2024 1

More references for REPL-optimized symbolic computation with units:

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024 1

I added a note above about

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Two questions to start off:

  1. How do we represent units in data?
  2. Are there test cases or examples for the units scheme code?

I'll dig a bit.

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Scheme examples from units/system.scm:

(with-units->expression SI &foot)
;Value: (& .3048 &meter)

(with-units->expression SI (& 2 &foot))
;Value: (& .6096 &meter)

(with-units->expression SI (/ (* :k (& 300 &kelvin)) :e))
;Value: (& .02585215707677003 &volt)

(with-units->expression SI :c)
;Value: (& 299792458. (* &meter (expt &second -1)))

(with-units->expression SI :h)
;Value: (& 6.6260755e-34 (* (expt &meter 2) &kilogram (expt &second -1)))

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Should constants constants have a symbolic representation, or should they be normal values? Should we be able to treat c first as a symbol, but be able to substitute the value on demand?


(require '[sicmutils.constants :refer [c]])


(-> 'c
    (substitute {'c sicmutils.constants/c}))

;; or

(-> 'c
    (substitute (select-keys ['c] sicmutils.constants/defaults)))

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

I'm struggling to find a good starting point. I don't really understand what kind of data model the scheme implementation chose. That makes it hard for me to choose a reasonable first step, because I'm going to be coupled to the data model.

Any suggestions for a starting point for the data model + a reasonable first feature / first unittest?

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024

@teodorlu , I'll write you tonight, sorry for the delay, lots going on.

I am going to start accumulating some prior art here that we can look at for design, if we want to move beyond / take a different tack than scmutils has taken.




This one gets high marks:

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Thanks a lot for the writeup! That really helps me with context. I'm looking forward to digging into this. 🤞

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024

@teodorlu absolutely! Please let me know if you need any help here.

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

@sritchie ,

  1. Thanks a bunch for your thorough writeup above. That really helped me get started.
  2. I think I'm starting to understand how it all fits together. I'm running your docker image now, evaluating expressions with & and units, which helps unpack how the scheme library works.
  3. I'm amazed that (* 'x (& 1 &meter)) is well defined, and that (+ 'x (& 1 &meter)) can error.

I still don't really understand

  1. How the dispatch system for the generic operations works; how the "operations with units" can be so seamlessly integrated with the other functions. Perhaps it is as simple as checking for a top-level &, and taking it from there? Not sure.
  2. What a Clojure-idiomatic data structure for storing unit information would be. I think a metadata slot might sound reasonable. I'm not sure how that's implemented, whether it's standard Clojure metadata or a sicmutils construct.

Sam's recent introduction of a metadata slot for expressions might be
useful here: could we include a slot in the metadata for units?

We can use the simplifier we have to canonicalize units to their L T M
(etc) form. (in fact our simplifier is overkill because we don't have
addition to worry about.

Not sure what an L T M form is.

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

I'll need to look at sicmutils.generic/def-generic-function dispatching to see how that could work with units.


  1. unit info in metadata
  2. "high-priority" unit-aware defmethods that handles units, and delegates the math itself to existing generic functions ("dropping" the unit info)

But where does that leave the unit system and quantity (amount + unit) construction? I haven't looked much into the extensibility of scmutils' (Scheme) unit system.

Edit: or do we even want to keep unit info in metadata? Isn't it cleaner to say that a quantity is a value with a unit, and "box in" the value? That avoids dispatch priority conflicts. scmutils (Scheme) seems to take this route, with the & type tag.

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024
(defn *units [u1 u2]
  (cond (unitless? u1) u2
        (unitless? u2) u1

        ;; okay, maybe have a nicer error here... NOTE that we can avoid this
        ;; by making our function private: the only way to atually call it
        ;; should be through the dispatch system.
        (do (assert (and (units? u1)
                         (units? u2)))

            ;; make sure they have the same unit system... TODO figure out
            ;; what the unit systems are!
            (assert (and (eq? (unit-system u1)
                              (unit-system u2))))

            (let [v1 (unit-exponents u1)
                  v2 (unit-exponents u2)]
              (cond (empty? v1)
                    (make-unit (unit-system u1)
                               (* (unit-scale u1)
                                  (unit-scale u2)))

                    (empty? v2)
                    (make-unit (unit-system u1)
                               (* (unit-scale u1)
                                  (unit-scale u2)))

                    :else (make-unit
                           (unit-system u1)
                           (mapv + v1 v2)
                           (* (unit-scale u1)
                              (unit-scale u2))))))))

from emmy.

sritchie avatar sritchie commented on September 18, 2024
(deftype Unit [exponents v scale] ,,)

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

working title: should we support late-bound units?

Scmutils treats units for numbers and symbols the same: either all units are set in advance, or there's no units. It cannot await the definition of the unit for a symbol.

This surprised me, because I was expecting to substitute a number and a unit for a symbol.

A number can be added to a symbol, provided they are of the same unit (in advance):

1 ]=> (+ (& 1 &meter) (& 'x &meter))
(& (+ 1 x) &meter)

If we avoid setting a unit on x, and add to 1 meter, we crash:

1 ]=> (+ (& 1 &meter) 'x)

;Units do not match: +
;To continue, call RESTART with an option number:
; (RESTART 1) => Return to read-eval-print level 1.

Should we allow to substitute the expression x with x=1 m, or x m with x=1?

  1. This is not a blocker for sicmutils/sicmutils#213, and is not urgent. Hammock time candidate.
  2. For making a choice about better support for "more flexible SI units", I think it would be good to have a motivating example from dimensional analysis. What is a specific example where the scheme implementation is not sufficient?


from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Motivation for late bound units: support Dimensional analysis

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

How should units be printed?

In Scheme, there's global namespacing. scmutils simply prints meters as &meter, where &meter is available globally.

That doesn't work with Clojure namespaces.

EDN reader tags / data readers could be a solution. The time-literals library does this for time types:

data_readers.cljc, when found on the classpath, seems to make reader tags globally available. But data_readers.cljc is static. So it could provide sicmutils/si-unit.

But if we want scheme style custom unit systems, we also need to provide tags like this dynamically. If you create your-ns/your-custom-si-system, then we'd need to generate a reader literal for that. Which probably means def-unit-system needs to be a macro.

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Custom unit systems does sound a little scary. I'm not that comfortable writing macros.

Starting out with providing working SI units sounds like a good idea to me. Though let's not assume there's ever only going to be one unit system.

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

Can we multiply numbers from different unit system?

scmutils says no:

1 ]=> (define-unit-system 'teod (list '&dollar "$" "dollar"))
#| teod |#
1 ]=> (* 1 &dollar)
#| &dollar |#
1 ]=> (* 1 &dollar &meter)
;Assertion failed: (and (eq? (unit-system u1) (unit-system u2)))
;To continue, call RESTART with an option number:
; (RESTART 1) => Return to read-eval-print level 1.

via Slack:

from emmy.

jackrusher avatar jackrusher commented on September 18, 2024

How's this work going, lads?

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024


I figured that I had gotten in over my head. This is harder than other problems I've solved with Clojure. I haven't put any serious effort for SI Units in Sicmutils this year.

If I were to try again, I'd isolate the unit problem. Try to figure out how to provide "just units in a nice way" with plain Clojure data. Find a nice API for units. Then tackle integration with sicmutils.

Two things I couldn't get my head around the first time:

  1. Should we hard-code SI Units as the only unit system? If not, how do we handle different unit systems?
  2. I'd like this to be nice to use from a REPL. I think a reader literal could be a nice solution. Something like #with-unit [30 kN m].

from emmy.

teodorlu avatar teodorlu commented on September 18, 2024

@2food released a Clojure library for SI units today:

from emmy.

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