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emblem.js's Introduction

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Emblem.js is an indentation-based templating language that prints Handlebars.js templates. Specifically, it targets Ember.js templates.

Emblem's syntax most closely resembles that of the Slim templating language. Please see the Emblem docs site for a full explanation of the syntax.

Also check out the Embercast on Emblem.js

Installation with Ember-CLI

To use Emblem with Ember-CLI, use the ember-cli-emblem addon.

Handlebars Version Dependencies

As of Emblem 0.5.0, the compiler is really a template printer. Previous versions compiled to Handlebars AST nodes and were forced to target specific versions of Handlebars. The move to printing has eliminated that restriction, and Emblem 0.5.0 should be compatible with any version of Handlebars.

For posterity, here is a history of Emblem and Handelbars compatibility across revisions.

  • HTMLBars: Emblem 0.5.0+
  • Handlebars 2.0.0: Use Emblem ~0.4.0, or 0.5.0+
  • Handlebars 1.0.0: Use Emblem ~0.3.0, or 0.5.0+
  • Handlebars <= 1.0.0.rc4: Use Emblem <= 0.2.9, or 0.5.0+

Using Emblem in your application

Previous versions of Emblem have supported a "vanilla" Handlebars mode. The intent was that Ember-specific helpers could be avoided.

Emblem 0.5.0 dropped support for vanilla template compilation, but we would like to bring it back. Please refer to for more context.

Building Emblem.js

Clone the repo, then run:

yarn install
ember build

To run tests in the browser, run:

ember test --serve

The tests will be available at http://localhost:4200/tests/.

To run tests in Headless Chrome and Node (which is how CI runs), use:

ember test

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug in Emblem syntax, please try to reproduce it in its simplest form with this JSBin before reporting an issue, which will help me nail down the source of the issue.

Bitdeli Badge

Emblem was authored and released by Alex Matchneer (@machty).

The Emblem 0.5.0 release was generously funded by Vestorly. Vestorly is a technology company solving the content marketing problem for individual professionals, small businesses, and the enterprises that support them. Vestorly's user interface is built entirely with Ember.js and modern web technologies. Vestorly is hiring!

emblem.js's People


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emblem.js's Issues

no good way to do prop="{{unbound whatever}}"

Not just unbound, but any strings properties with potential mustaches in them.

Should be able to do

a href="{{unbound hello}}" 
a href="{{unbound hello}}"
a href=hello!  -> yields href="{{unbound hello}}" in Ember or just href="hello" in vanilla
a href="{{{whatever hello}}}"

Note that the single bracket {} notation is taken up by bindAttr

Segregate vanilla/Emberized Handlebars

Emblem was quickly rolled out to generate Emberized templates, but we need better support for vanilla Handlebars. I'll be adding more to this list now, but here's some things that need to happen:

  1. Throw UnsupportedFeature if trying to use an Ember-specific syntax with vanilla handlebars, e.g. p class={asd:dfg:gh}, which invokes vanilla-HB-nonexistent bindAttr.
  2. p class=foo should yield <p class="{{foo}}"> for vanilla and <p {{bindAttr class="foo"}}> in Ember

Also need to refine the test suite so that both variants/syntaxes can be easily tested.

see: #20

Allow single-quoted attributes

a href="foo" compiles, but a href='foo' doesn't.

Is there any specific reason for this? Otherwise, I suggest that we allow single-quotes because:

  • Slim does
  • HTML-wise, both are allowed
  • Saves on hitting the Shift key :-)
  • It is not semantically distinctive (quoted vs unquoted is distinctive, but not single vs double quotes)

I have read through how you implemented some of the previously closed issues, and I think this should be easy to fix, just use a regex of ["']. This would allow mismatched quotes like a href='foo", but, well, no harm done? Otherwise, a regex of (["']) followed by the capture group should do the trick.

Thanks again for making emblem, I had previously used hamlbars as a rather ugly compromise, but emblem beats it handsdown.

Reconsider EOL whitespace usage

Presently Emblem doesn't automatically insert whitespace between lines in a block of text and relies on EOL whitespace. This is at odds with a lot of editors out there which strip trailing whitespace when a file is saved. It's probably safe to just inject a space to connect blocks of text.

%tagName syntax

li woot

Better yet

each%ul things... Or each things %ul ?

Perhaps allow generalized shorthand for all HTML/CSS attributes in mustaches, eg

App.FunView #someId .woot1 %span

Translates to

view App.FunView elementId="someId" classes="woot1" tagName="span"

Also valid without spaces, though initial space needed for class shorthand else indecipherable from hb path

Support same-line multi-line syntax

The following should be valid

p This is a paragraph tag that goes on and on and on
   and on and on and on and on. Woot woot.

   Still in the same paragraph tag.

blockquote This is a long ass quote
     wherever I start on the second line sets the baseline
     for the next lines of indentation

Rework tagName detection

right now known tagName detect is built into the grammar, but this produces ugly ass inefficient parsing code. Rework into predicate function

Need better syntax for block mustaches

Need something better than just always forcing two lines and indentation. e.g.

linkTo 'faq' | To the FAQ! 


linkTo 'faq' | <span>To the FAQ!</span>
linkTo 'faq' <span>To the FAQ!</span>
linkTo 'faq'
  span To the FAQ

So basically, the | would trigger a text line

syntax for bindAttr class

Since the syntax for {{bindAttr class="foo:bar"}} is class=foo:bar (without quotes), it is not possible to do {{bindAttr class="foo:bar :baz"}}

The current workaround for this is span{bindAttr class="foo:bar :baz"}

Proposal: We could just do class="foo:bar :baz", because the only reason why you want to use class is bindings. There is no reason to write span class="bar" when you can just do

Which means if we force static classes to always use the . dot notation, we can always use class=".." as a binding.

Integrate with Barber

need a way to precompile, seems like Barber (originally for handlebars) is the way to go.

Text refinements

Inspired by markdown. Need some sugar to help the medicine go down.

p Check out this syntax. 
  Multiple lines, _and then at_ any point you
  can *add an* inline-link via
  markdown notation, e.g.
  [I'm an inline-style link](
  perhaps support for linkTo? actions?
  hell yeah [I am a link]{action doTheThing hash="Fudge"}.

Slim-esque inline tags

Will there be support for a compact inline tag shortcut denoted by the colon (:)?

In slim,

    a href="/a" A link
    a href="/b" B link

can be written more succintly as

  li.first: a href="/a" A link
  li: a href="/b" B link

A lot of common patterns fit into this syntax: li: a, nav: ul, a: img, etc. They all belong to the family of items having multiple semantics: a link that is a list item, a list that is a navigation, an image that is a link, etc.

class binding syntax

Let's say I want

<div {{bindAttr class="isActive::hidden :content"}}>

the current syntax is to have class=foo:bar:baz for a binding, but that doesn't really scale with multiple classes, no?

If I specify this as

.content class=isActive::hidden

the binding won't be used at all, and I will just have .content class.

Comments don't work with inconsistent indentation

/ <a class="header-link" href="test/">App tests</a>
  <a class="header-link" href="">Docs</a>
  <a class="header-link" href="">
    GitHub issues
  <a class="header-link" href=""> example app

this was giving me errors in brunch

Comments following html/mustache

Presently, comments are only supported on a single line. Should support

.container / This comment doesn't show up
  .row / Nor does this
    p Hello

div.nested: span: em / Comment
  | Hello

per Mike Aski's request

Add syntax to not strip out newlines, e.g. for pre / code


  ` Newlines will make it into rendered code
      This line will be indented
     Normal indentation rules don't need to be followed
  span But you should still be able to use other elements in pre tags

Will require a change to the preprocessor, which would currently gobble the preceding space on the next line and convert to INDENT token

Boolean `view` arguments seem to get set as strings…

I'm trying to pass boolean arguments to a View, but it seems Emblem is passing them as strings?

App.BackgroundView isStretched=false isDarkened=true
App.BackgroundView = Ember.View.extend
  classNameBindings: ['isStretched', 'isDarkened']

  isStretched: true
  isDarkened: false
<div id="ember335" class="ember-view background-view false true">...</div>

I expected…

<div id="ember335" class="ember-view background-view is-darkened">...</div>

Perhaps I'm missing something?

When are quotes optional?

Both of these work, which makes me wonder when do I really want to ommit the "?

Ember.TextField placeholder="foo" valueBinding=bar
Ember.TextField placeholder="foo" valueBinding="bar"

CLI for hbs -> emblem and emblem -> hbs

This would make it really easy to start with Emblem, especially for complex very complex templates, or even just to demo to people how awesome it really is :)

Remove dependency on github project

Unfortunately if attempting to install Emblem on a machine (at least Windows) that does not have git results in a failed installation.

  "dependencies": {
    "handlebars": "git://",
    "optimist": "~0.3",
    "uglify-js": "~1.2",
    "StringScanner": "~0.0.3"

a few things missing in documentation

There are many ways to write bindAttr in emblem

li class=isIndex:active
li class={isIndex:active}
li{bindAttr class="isIndex:active"}

Same goes for the action handler, how do we write

<form {{action foo on="submit"}}>

`=` as blockstache helper

linkTo "home" = foo translates to {{#linkTo "home"}}{{foo}}{{/linkTo}}

Also, we should allow for this:

| Here is a line of text #{ linkTo "borf" | Shit }
| Here is another #{ linkTo "borf" = foo } 

This would generate

Here is a line of text {{#linkTo "borf"}}Shit{{/linkTo}}
Here is a line of text {{#linkTo "borf"}}{{foo}}{{/linkTo}}

Expected BeginStatement or DEDENT but "\uEFEF" found.

I seem to get this error alot? Does it have something to do with how I am tabbing my haml.

Sample haml
  %h1 Fan a Team
  %span Choose one or more teams from the list below to get started.

        %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#3a"} 3A
        %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#2a"} 2A
        %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#1a"} 1A
      %li.title Conference:

          Olympic Division
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                = link_to "fan team", "#", :class => "fan-team", :'data-team-id' => 109
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
          Another Division
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                -#%input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
                = link_to "fan team", "#", :class => "fan-team", :'data-team-id' => 109
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
                .img-wrapper= image_tag "team-logo.png"
     Golden St. Elites, Golden Eagles
              %td.location San Mateo, CA
                %input{:type => "checkbox", :class => "ez-checkbox"}
      %a.btn.btn-large.btn-success{:href => "#"} Start Spinning

. Compiler said: Error: Emblem syntax error, line 7: Expected BeginStatement or DEDENT but "\uEFEF" found.

Use apostrophe instead of backtick for trailing space

In slim you'd use ' to specify that you want a trailing whitespace to be added to a block of text, such as

  ' foo
  a href="#" bar

Since Emblem is based on slim, it should use the same conventions whenever possible.

allow/ignore closing tags

Slim-esque syntax:

  span This be some text

produces <p><span>This be some text</span></p>

In-text block mustache shorthand

Posted this before, but got sidetracked by more important issues. We should support

p This is a text block with #{ aBlockHelper | with this text content }. 
p No reason not to support #{ aBlockHelper: span with colon syntax }

@ghempton: look alright?

Syntax enhancement: line-starting % in text block should force element syntax

So should =


p Here is some multiline nonsense and a 
  %a href="asd" Link
  to some page. Here is some
  = mustache_content
  and now we're back to text content.

Presently, the cleanest way to write the above-proposed syntax is:

  | Here is some multiline nonsense and a 
  a href="asd" Link
  | to some page. Here is some
  = mustache_content
  | and now we're back to text content.


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