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Comments (38)

jrmgx avatar jrmgx commented on September 22, 2024

Is it possible to activate the inset keyword rendering and specify in the doc that it will work well only into squared element ?
I think that's a better way than preventing any rendering.

What should I change for my personnal use to get this working ?

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

The old code has been totally removed, because it didn't render accurately even in the square corners case, and used the blur filter which is horrible for performance. This needs to be rethought from the ground up.

from pie.

matthew-dean avatar matthew-dean commented on September 22, 2024

I don't understand why this is so difficult. Say you want an element with a 5px inset shadow. Create a VML element 5px inside the target element, and give the new VML element a 5px outset shadow, only reversing the alpha / color darkness values. Done.

Or some other such method. Is it really such a challenge though?

from pie.

thirdeyeblind82 avatar thirdeyeblind82 commented on September 22, 2024

I've the same problem! I can't see my inset shadow in a rounded div! :(
Hope that will be a solution early!

from pie.

daisylb avatar daisylb commented on September 22, 2024

@MatthewDL Does VML allow for outset shadows that have, say, gradients or images, and so on?

from pie.

matthew-dean avatar matthew-dean commented on September 22, 2024

I dunno, maybe I have to learn some VML and throw something into this project. :-)

from pie.

tmikaeld avatar tmikaeld commented on September 22, 2024

matthewdl: Please do if you have the time, text-shadow is very needed.

EDIT: Looking at CUFON, we might be able to use their method of creating text-shadow.

from pie.

jimmyheaddon avatar jimmyheaddon commented on September 22, 2024

I'm really looking for an implementation of inset box-shadows in CSS3 PIE please! :)

from pie.

barryvdh avatar barryvdh commented on September 22, 2024

Same for me, is there any progress on this issue? This would save me a lot of time/work for nicer css buttons in CSS3 (Like from which is much nicer with the inset box radius)

from pie.

ayoung avatar ayoung commented on September 22, 2024


from pie.

BMCouto avatar BMCouto commented on September 22, 2024

Important issue here. Any plans to implement this feature?

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

Of course I hope to be able to implement this. Unfortunately I've made several attempts and have not yet found a method that works in any but the simplest cases. The issue is the limited nature of VML gradients and the lack of a way to clip shapes to non-rectangles in IE. I will of course continue to try, but be aware that this may prove to be impossible.

from pie.

BMCouto avatar BMCouto commented on September 22, 2024

That's too bad. Hope you can keep trying and find a way to implement it as soon as possible.

from pie.

matthew-dean avatar matthew-dean commented on September 22, 2024

What about something other than VML's gradients? This might seem unconventional, but what about exploring something like VML extrusion? If you can extrude away from the visible object (into the bg), and if the extrusion could fade with a perspective distance, then maybe it could APPEAR to be an inset shadow as an optical illusion.

This is just a guess from poking around the VML documentation this morning. Not sure if it works that way in reality at all, but just tossing out ideas.

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

@MatthewDL I'm open to anything that works! Extrusion is an interesting idea, I'm not sure if you can do the sort of fading you describe but let me know if you find otherwise.

from pie.

matthew-dean avatar matthew-dean commented on September 22, 2024

Another idea: what about creating four elements, one on each side of the box, and creating a box shadow for each of them? Is that possible?

from pie.

q13 avatar q13 commented on September 22, 2024

wait in hope

from pie.

mcmwhfy avatar mcmwhfy commented on September 22, 2024

You can do it Jason, you did things much heavier than that :)

from pie.

 avatar commented on September 22, 2024

are there any workarounds available? I'd really like to have this...

from pie.

Axle-Ryde avatar Axle-Ryde commented on September 22, 2024

I've used border-image png with transparency for inset shadows where I need them in my projects, This is of-course not at all flexible if any properties change - border-radius, changing shadow properties, and you lose your CSS borders to the border-image. But it's a workaround to acheive a similar effect and at least there is still no extra markup.

If you're IE8+ then you could pseudo-element (:before + content) and style that with the border-image in order to save your regular element for normal borders. Just a few ideas - but all hacky workarounds . . .

from pie.

 avatar commented on September 22, 2024

Ok thanks, I'll give that a try!

from pie.

mturley avatar mturley commented on September 22, 2024

Has anyone been working on this lately, or had any success with workarounds?

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

@mturley No.

from pie.

MinionMan avatar MinionMan commented on September 22, 2024


Can you just do multiple background-gradients on the element in question? Render a gradient from [starting color] to [transparent] from each side depending on the shadow values. You should be able to round the corners with the background gradients, at least as far as I can tell with how PIE operates now.

Something using:
progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr=#ff000000, endColorstr=#00000000);

If this sounds really dumb, sorry I'm not terribly familiar with VML. But I do love PIE!

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

@MinionMan That's a good thought, and I've tried something along those lines. The difficulty comes when the gradient itself has to follow the contours of rounded corners, and is offset in some direction like most inset shadows in the real world are.

from pie.

MinionMan avatar MinionMan commented on September 22, 2024

Hmmm square peg, round hole. I see the issue there...
What about (as terrible as it seems) offset elements of descending opacity with a colored border and transparent background? Not sure how the stacking works (elements cover text node?)

Or a single rounded element with a reversed outer-shadow (transparent inner to target color outer). The size and border-radius would have to be carefully calculated to match the parent element.

from pie.

mturley avatar mturley commented on September 22, 2024

If you get this working and need help debugging, I'd be happy to help.
I've been needing this feature of PIE for a while now.

Hmmm square peg, round hole. I see the issue there...
What about (as terrible as it seems) offset elements of descending opacity
with a colored border and transparent background? Not sure how the stacking
works (elements cover text node?)

Or a single rounded element with a reversed outer-shadow (transparent inner
to target color outer). The size and border-radius would have to be
carefully calculated to match the parent element.

Reply to this email directly or view it on

from pie.

MinionMan avatar MinionMan commented on September 22, 2024

@lojjic, you mention in the radial gradients:
"VML's "radial" gradients are actually square (they extend evenly from the edges of the shape's rectangle to the center). "
Could this gradient be used to create the inset shadow? If it's following the curvature of the element, and you can put a stop in, and use transparency.

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

Yeah radial gradients (actually "gradienttitle" gradients work better) are fine for when the shadow has no offset, but as soon as you have an offset (like most real-world inset shadows) then they don't work because you want them starting from somewhere different than the edges of the shape. VML gradients can't do that unfortunately.

It's actually pretty easy to handle inset shadows for the following cases:

  • shadows with no offset, even with border-radius
  • shadows with offset, if there is no border-radius

It's the combination of offset and border-radius that has always been the problem, and I've opted thus far to ship nothing rather than shipping an implementation that handles only those two limited cases. I could possibly be convinced to change my mind on that though.

from pie.

MinionMan avatar MinionMan commented on September 22, 2024

Quite the conundrum... I'll keep thinking on it. While it would be neat to have either option, the combination of both is definitely the most common call.

Perhaps a stroke on the the outside of a sub-element that contains the gradient that is offset inside the element creating the rounded corners? So we end up with a "border" the width of the offset, to fill the empty space?

from pie.

golbosoft182 avatar golbosoft182 commented on September 22, 2024

best solution don't used old browser :) 👯

from pie.

s1h4d0w avatar s1h4d0w commented on September 22, 2024

I'd just like to mention that I too would love to see this implemented. I work for a company that uses CSS3PIE a lot and being able to use inset shadows would greatly improve the experience of visitors who do not use the most up to date browsers.

Buttons like these would be a breeze to make:
2013-10-10 11_54_01-button test

from pie.

henrix343 avatar henrix343 commented on September 22, 2024

@lojjic I have a problem with box-shadow and IE - the only thing I want is to set ->inset<- in box-shadow and add some blur. Will pie support this ? If not, do you plan to add this behavior in a future version or update it? Thanks for you hard work, I'm using pie a lot.

from pie.

laughinghan avatar laughinghan commented on September 22, 2024

@lojjic @MinionMan:

First of all, I'm sure you get this a lot because it's so well-deserved, but this library is an absolute treasure, thank you so much for writing it!

It's actually pretty easy to handle inset shadows for the following cases:

  • shadows with no offset, even with border-radius
  • shadows with offset, if there is no border-radius

Would you be willing whip up a quick-and-dirty demo (like on or something) of the technique(s) for inset shadows with offset or border-radius?

No need for full generality, just a starting point would be immensely helpful!

from pie.

lojjic avatar lojjic commented on September 22, 2024

@laughinghan Thanks for the compliment, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to put any code together to demonstrate, as I don't even have an old-IE virtual machine set up nowadays. As you can probably guess from that, development of PIE is pretty much dead as far as I am concerned.

I can try to describe the approaches for you though, working from memory...

  • shadows with no offset, even with border-radius

This should be as simple as copying most of what's in BoxShadowOutsetRenderer, but don't outset the shape at all and reverse the color/opacity attributes.

  • shadows with offset, if there is no border-radius

My memory is a little fuzzier on this one but I think it would start similar to the above, but then adjust the shape's outset, position, and focusposition/focussize to get the gradient in the right location, and then clip the whole thing (via CSS clip:rect()) to the main element's bounding rect.

I know that's probably really vague, but maybe it's a start?

from pie.

laughinghan avatar laughinghan commented on September 22, 2024

@lojjic: It's definitely a better start than I had before! Thank you so much, will attempt and report back.

from pie.

laughinghan avatar laughinghan commented on September 22, 2024

I did it! Sort of:
Sauce Labs screenshot,output

It was...shockingly hard. The top Google results for "vml examples" didn't even work, they VML didn't render at all, it's just blank, in IE8 on Sauce Labs (Windows XP or 7):

But CSS3PIE still worked (well, kind of...I mean it's broken, but the box-shadow worked, so), and Raphael.js still worked (it was centered at (0,0) instead of being positioned properly, but other than that it rendered great and wasn't blank at all), so...something about VML has to work in IE8 on Sauce Labs, it's not missing the DLL or whatever. I tried to copy snippets of CSS3PIE by tracing through BoxShadowOutsetRenderer and VmlShape, but it was just too complicated...

Finally I stumbled on this StackOverflow question, with a nice short JS snippet that draws one single circle with VML, which actually worked! Tweaking that around, I found that the order in which you do .style.behavior = 'url(#default#VML)' matters a lot.

From there it was mostly MSDN VML docs (although as one of the comments note, they were wrong on at least one point, which required the 200x200 blue square div to debug), to the point where I got a cool background gradient working, but to actually get an inset box-shadow like I wanted required getting o:opacity2 working, and literally everything else was working until o:opacity2. Finally, thanks to your amazing work, I somehow stumbled across

The final piece of the puzzle! Opacity2! Boom! Inset shadow!

from pie.

savinglove avatar savinglove commented on September 22, 2024

Hello! Here is an example of an inset Microsoft Shadow working only in Internet Explorer 5.5 through 8.
No javascript is required, but this does use Microsoft's ActiveX CSS.

Styling Explanations:

#box {
/* Make sure to set these divs to min-width so you can push the outside "Microsoft Shadow" out of the screen to the left, right, bottom, and top, because the shadow adds pixels to the 100% width whether you set it to width:100% or not, but if you set it to 100% width, you won't be able to make the margin push the outside shadow out. */

/* For some reason, the above rule is not the case for height. I'm not sure why for Internet Explorer. */

/* I discoverd the shadow won't even appear unless there is a boder of the same div. That's no big deal, just push the border out of the screen too, along with the bleeding outside Mirosoft Shadow". */

/* For the child, (child id is called "box")... you can only push out the content to the bottom and right with margin edits, because of the natural left to right, top to bottom HTML layout. */

.box-parent-fix {
/* This appears to be a hack as far as I know, the bleeding Microsoft Shadow (not the inset part, the outside part is what I'm talking about) will only be pushed out if it has a parent with the follow CSS: */

.box-parent {
/* For the child, (child id is called "box")... you can only push out the content to the bottom and right with margin edits, because of the natural left to right, top to bottom HTML layout. */

body {
/* The overflow-x and overflow-y hides the pushed out bleeding non-inset Microsoft Shadow when it bleeds off the screen. Please excuse my ugly sentence, haha. */

Simply copy and paste the code below into a notepad and save as a .html file. Test in Internet Explorer.

<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; min-width:100%; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: hidden;">
    <div class="box-parent-fix" style="margin-top:-49px; margin-left:-44px; height:100%; min-width:100%; background-color: white; position: relative;">
        <div class="box-parent" style="position: relative; min-width: 100%; height: 100%;">
            <div id="box" style="filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#aaaaaa, Strength=33, Direction=0), progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#aaaaaa, Strength=33, Direction=90), progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#aaaaaa, Strength=33, Direction=180), progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#aaaaaa, Strength=33, Direction=270); margin-bottom: -39px; margin-right: 130px;  zoom: 1; border: solid 1px black; position: relative; height:100%; min-width: 100%;">


from pie.

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