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Comments (28)

wangzk avatar wangzk commented on June 11, 2024 2

I create a pull request #64 to fix the bug.

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024 1

I'm sorry for the video quality, something was up with Deepin Screen Recorder.

Right clicks freeze the UI for a few seconds. Seems like TagManager::getTagsThroughFiles is the likely culprit.

These keep popping up as warnings every so often. I was not able to get Qt Core with debug symbols to play nice with gdb, so I didn't investigate any further.

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024 1

[0] 0x7ffff5ff0afc → Name: pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2()
[1] 0x7ffff615d71c → Name: QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long)()
[2] 0x7ffff519912d → pop rbx
[3] 0x7ffff519a387 → Name: QDBusPendingReplyData::argumentAt(int) const()
[4] 0x7ffff77e3dbb → Name: TagManagerDaemonController::disposeClientData(QMap<QString, QVariant> const&, Tag::ActionType)()
[5] 0x7ffff757811b → Name: TagManager::getTagsThroughFiles(QList const&)()
[6] 0x7ffff75f9e7e → Name: FileController::getTagsThroughFiles(QSharedPointer const&) const()
[7] 0x7ffff7732f8a → Name: QVariant eventProcess<QList (DAbstractFileController::)(QSharedPointer const&) const>(DFileService, QSharedPointer const&, QList (DAbstractFileController::)(QSharedPointer const&) const)()
[8] 0x7ffff772379c → Name: DFileService::fmEvent(QSharedPointer const&, QVariant
[9] 0x7ffff777f5e4 → Name: dde_file_manager::DFMEventDispatcher::processEvent(QSharedPointer const&, dde_file_manager::DFMAbstractEventHandler*)()


Literally every right click.

from dde-file-manager.

wangzk avatar wangzk commented on June 11, 2024 1

Last I checked the hang was due to waiting on a mutex

Yeah i see, but i'm not sure you got the same issue as @selimozdemir since both udisks2 dbus timeout and sqlite query timeout (which @wangzk and you got, probably dde-file-manager-daemon thing) can cause this issue.

By the way I don't think the Arch package mentions udisks2 as a dependency

Nor libsqlite3. I'm not familiar with Arch packaging, could you please take a look? @felixonmars

FYI, the current version of SQLite3 is 3.25.3-1 on Manjaro. Maybe this version of SQLite3 has different behavior from the old version used in Deepin.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

Hi and did this happened in other deepin apps like deepin-movie or deepin-music or etc?

Seems not an issue of dde-file-manager, and dde-file-manager doesn't have a 4.15.0-29deepin-generic version. You should probably report this issue to Developer Center.

from dde-file-manager.

selimozdemir avatar selimozdemir commented on June 11, 2024

No, it only occurs in dde file manager.
It opens quickly when I right click on the empty folder.
But in others it is rather slow,
I created a new user in the system, the folders were working properly when empty, then the same problem again appeared.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

These info maybe helpful:

  • udisks2 package version
  • dde-file-manager package version
  • the file system you are using, like ext4 or something else.

You can use apt policy <package name here> to get package version and lsblk to get file system info.

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024

@BLumia Please have a look at this. It makes DFM almost unusable. It happens for every right click, the UI freezes for like 10 seconds. I have a backtrace in that video, it is always stuck on the same call.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

I'm sorry I can't reproduce it. For a temporary workaround you can build dde-file-manager with CONFIG+=DISABLE_ANYTHING which will disable the tagging feature which probably related to your issue. We'll fix the bug once we associate the bug.

btw, could you paste the backtrace here? It'll be very helpful. thx.

from dde-file-manager.

wangzk avatar wangzk commented on June 11, 2024

I met a similar problem. The file manager would freeze for a long time until it works again. I notice that a backgroud process of the file manager crashes when the window freezes.

By running journalctl -r, I get the following crash log:

Nov 29 17:58:15 my-machine systemd-coredump[22736]: Process 22732 (dde-file-manage) of user 0 dumped core.
                                                       Stack trace of thread 22732:
                                                       #0  0x00007f3ec8d5105c _ZN7QStringaSERKS_ (
                                                       #1  0x00007f3ec986087b _ZN13DSqliteHandle19getMountPointOfFileE4DUrlRSt10unique_ptrISt3mapI7QStringSt8multimapIS3_S3_St4lessIS3_ESaISt4pairIKS3_S3_EEES6_SaIS>
                                                       #2  0x00007f3ec98671bc _ZN13DSqliteHandle10execSqlstrILNS_7SqlTypeE19E5QListI7QStringEEET0_RK4QMapIS3_S4_E (
                                                       #3  0x00007f3ec986ed1d _ZN13DSqliteHandle10execSqlstrILNS_7SqlTypeE20E5QListI7QStringEEET0_RK4QMapIS3_S4_E (
                                                       #4  0x00007f3ec987172d _ZN13DSqliteHandle17disposeClientDataERK4QMapI7QString5QListIS1_EERKy (
                                                       #5  0x00005609f2de9cd3 n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #6  0x00005609f2dfc417 n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #7  0x00007f3ec8e9b7cd _ZNK11QMetaMethod6invokeEP7QObjectN2Qt14ConnectionTypeE22QGenericReturnArgument16QGenericArgumentS5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_ (libQt5Co>
                                                       #8  0x00007f3ec8e9d089 _ZN11QMetaObject12invokeMethodEP7QObjectPKcN2Qt14ConnectionTypeE22QGenericReturnArgument16QGenericArgumentS7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_ >
                                                       #9  0x00005609f2def19d n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #10 0x00005609f2dfcbaa n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #11 0x00005609f2dfce43 n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #12 0x00007f3ec913d9ef n/a (
                                                       #13 0x00007f3ec914216c n/a (
                                                       #14 0x00007f3ec91429e1 n/a (
                                                       #15 0x00007f3ec914514e n/a (
                                                       #16 0x00007f3ec8eb7352 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent (
                                                       #17 0x00007f3ec8e8cc17 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent (
                                                       #18 0x00007f3ec8e8fccc _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData (
                                                       #19 0x00007f3ec8ee09d4 n/a (
                                                       #20 0x00007f3ec7cfe3cf g_main_context_dispatch (
                                                       #21 0x00007f3ec7cfff89 n/a (
                                                       #22 0x00007f3ec7cfffce g_main_context_iteration (
                                                       #23 0x00007f3ec8edffc9 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (
                                                       #24 0x00007f3ec8e8b8cc _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (
                                                       #25 0x00007f3ec8e93bc6 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv (
                                                       #26 0x00005609f2dcba9d main (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       #27 0x00007f3ec88d0223 __libc_start_main (
                                                       #28 0x00005609f2dcc0ee n/a (dde-file-manager-daemon)
                                                       Stack trace of thread 22733:
                                                       #0  0x00007f3ec899cc21 __poll (
                                                       #1  0x00007f3ec7cffee0 n/a (
                                                       #2  0x00007f3ec7cfffce g_main_context_iteration (
                                                       #3  0x00007f3ec8edffc9 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (
                                                       #4  0x00007f3ec8e8b8cc _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (
                                                       #5  0x00007f3ec8cd4eb9 _ZN7QThread4execEv (
                                                       #6  0x00007f3ec9131ba6 n/a (
                                                       #7  0x00007f3ec8cdef65 n/a (
                                                       #8  0x00007f3ec6cd4a9d start_thread (
                                                       #9  0x00007f3ec89a7b23 __clone (
                                                       Stack trace of thread 22734:
                                                       #0  0x00007f3ec899cc21 __poll (
                                                       #1  0x00007f3ec7cffee0 n/a (
                                                       #2  0x00007f3ec7cfffce g_main_context_iteration (
                                                       #3  0x00007f3ec7d00022 n/a (
                                                       #4  0x00007f3ec7cc93eb n/a (
                                                       #5  0x00007f3ec6cd4a9d start_thread (
                                                       #6  0x00007f3ec89a7b23 __clone (
Nov 29 17:58:15 my-machine systemd[1]: dde-filemanager-daemon.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.
Nov 29 17:58:15 my-machine systemd[1]: dde-filemanager-daemon.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV

from dde-file-manager.

selimozdemir avatar selimozdemir commented on June 11, 2024

These info maybe helpful:

  • udisks2 package version
  • dde-file-manager package version
  • the file system you are using, like ext4 or something else.

You can use apt policy <package name here> to get package version and lsblk to get file system info.

I've changed the file manager when I submitted this report, I don't know which version it was. maybe other friends can help.

I am using the ext4 file system.
I do not use Udisk, or rather it is not installed in the system.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

I do not use Udisk, or rather it is not installed in the system.

Oops, the most recent version requires udisks2 to run, so you need udisks2 package installed. Checkout this file to see if you are missing some package.

I've changed the file manager when I submitted this report, I don't know which version it was. maybe other friends can help.

I didn't find your stack trace log above, but if you are not install udisks2, a d-bus timeout may also cause the issue you've reported, try install it and check if it works again?

btw from other stack trace log, I think it's probably an issue of the color tagging feature which requires sqlite support but it's failed to run (so the context menu will be shown after timeout). That can also cause this issue, but I still can not reproduce this issue here :(

Edit: seems the udisks2 dept is not listed in the debian control file, but it's a dept of gvfs (if you are using deepin distro). it's a little weird if that package is not installed in your system.

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024

Last I checked the hang was due to waiting on a mutex

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024

By the way I don't think the Arch package mentions udisks2 as a dependency see

from dde-file-manager.

wangzk avatar wangzk commented on June 11, 2024

udisks2: 2.8.1-1
Deepin file manager: 1:
File system: btrfs

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

Last I checked the hang was due to waiting on a mutex

Yeah i see, but i'm not sure you got the same issue as @selimozdemir since both udisks2 dbus timeout and sqlite query timeout (which @wangzk and you got, probably dde-file-manager-daemon thing) can cause this issue.

By the way I don't think the Arch package mentions udisks2 as a dependency

Nor libsqlite3. I'm not familiar with Arch packaging, could you please take a look? @felixonmars

from dde-file-manager.

selimozdemir avatar selimozdemir commented on June 11, 2024

I had removed Deepin file manager and all of its dependencies. Therefore udisk2 may not appear.

I think it's related to the tagging,
I can't test the file system right now, I've removed deepin-file-manager because of the error. Nemo's file system works seamlessly with deep-in. I do not want to take that risk again due to the deterioration of the system.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

I think it's related to the tagging,

Yeah so I told you the temporary workaround (CONFIG+=DISABLE_ANYTHING).

FYI the tagging feature will not break anything on your filesystem, and building the file manager with CONFIG+=DISABLE_ANYTHING will disable all the things related to the tagging feature and other things related to deepin-anything.

I had removed Deepin file manager and all of its dependencies. Therefore udisk2 may not appear.

udisks2 is not a dangerous thing, is a project from and many file manager apps and software use it like dolphin and gvfs(as an optional dept).

It's okay if you are going to use other file manager app. nemo, nautilus, caja, pcman-fm, dolphin are both great. Just hope the dde-file-manager backend timeout caused issue don't make you think it's "deterioration of the system" 😓

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024

probably dde-file-manager-daemon thing

fyi this wasn't even running last I checked: segfaulted on launch everytime.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

fyi this wasn't even running last I checked: segfaulted on launch everytime.

That's why right-click opens very slowly, the file manager request the tagging information from the dde-file-manager-daemon but it wasn't even running, so the file manager won't get any result and will be responsed after timeout. And all I need to do is find out how to reproduce this issue and then fix it, I still can not reproduce this issue :-/

from dde-file-manager.

dwlsalmeida avatar dwlsalmeida commented on June 11, 2024

I will try building both on my machine and then send you the core dumps. See if you can load these on gdb to help you out.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

@dwlsalmeida Thx a lot! :D

from dde-file-manager.

SiamSami avatar SiamSami commented on June 11, 2024

Is this still happening with the latest version?

Mine is working perfectly btw.

from dde-file-manager.

wangzk avatar wangzk commented on June 11, 2024

I tried to debug the dde-file-manager-deamon. I got the following stack frame when the dde-file-manager-deamon crashes.

#0  0x00007ffff6dd705c in QString::operator=(QString const&) () at /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007ffff7b8162a in DSqliteHandle::getMountPointOfFile(DUrl, std::unique_ptr<std::map<QString, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > >, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > > > > >, std::default_delete<std::map<QString, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > >, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > > > > > > >&)
    (url=..., partionsAndMountPoints=std::unique_ptr<std::map<QString, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > >, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, std::multimap<QString, QString, std::less<QString>, std::allocator<std::pair<QString const, QString> > > > > >> = {...}) at ../shutil/dsqlitehandle.cpp:405
#2  0x00007ffff7b97a34 in DSqliteHandle::execSqlstr<(DSqliteHandle::SqlType)19, QList<QString> >(QMap<QString, QList<QString> > const&) (this=0x5555556007c0, filesAndTags=...)
    at ../shutil/dsqlitehandle.cpp:3368
#3  0x00007ffff7b98544 in DSqliteHandle::execSqlstr<(DSqliteHandle::SqlType)20, QList<QString> >(QMap<QString, QList<QString> > const&) (this=0x5555556007c0, filesAndTags=...)
    at ../shutil/dsqlitehandle.cpp:3472
#4  0x00007ffff7b825b0 in DSqliteHandle::disposeClientData(QMap<QString, QList<QString> > const&, unsigned long long const&) (this=0x5555556007c0, filesAndTags=..., type=@0x7fffffffd710: 3)
    at ../shutil/dsqlitehandle.cpp:583
#5  0x00005555555823fa in TagManagerDaemon::disposeClientData(QMap<QString, QVariant> const&, unsigned long long const&) (this=0x5555555fd3a0, filesAndTags=..., type=@0x7fffffffd710: 3)
    at ../tag/tagmanagerdaemon.cpp:69
#6  0x0000555555595a28 in TagManagerDaemon::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) (_o=0x5555555fd3a0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=12, _a=0x7fffffffd110)
    at moc_tagmanagerdaemon.cpp:145
#7  0x00007ffff6f217cd in QMetaMethod::invoke(QObject*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) const () at /usr/lib/
#8  0x00007ffff6f23089 in QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QObject*, char const*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) () at /usr/lib/
#9  0x000055555558414c in QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QObject*, char const*, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument)
    (obj=0x5555555fd3a0, member=0x55555559aebc "disposeClientData", ret=..., val0=..., val1=..., val2=..., val3=..., val4=..., val5=..., val6=..., val7=..., val8=..., val9=...)
    at /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qobjectdefs.h:427
#10 0x0000555555584075 in TagManagerDaemonAdaptor::disposeClientData(QMap<QString, QVariant> const&, unsigned long long) (this=0x5555555fdcd0, filesAndTags=..., type=3)
    at ../dbusservice/dbusadaptor/tagmanagerdaemon_adaptor.cpp:40
#11 0x0000555555596775 in TagManagerDaemonAdaptor::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) (_o=0x5555555fdcd0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=6, _a=0x7fffffffd9b0)
    at moc_tagmanagerdaemon_adaptor.cpp:146
#12 0x0000555555596be5 in TagManagerDaemonAdaptor::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) (this=0x5555555fdcd0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=6, _a=0x7fffffffd9b0)
    at moc_tagmanagerdaemon_adaptor.cpp:241
#13 0x00007ffff71c39ef in  () at /usr/lib/
#14 0x00007ffff71c816c in  () at /usr/lib/
#15 0x00007ffff71c89e1 in  () at /usr/lib/
#16 0x00007ffff71cb14e in  () at /usr/lib/
#17 0x00007ffff6f3d352 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/
#18 0x00007ffff6f12c17 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib/
#19 0x00007ffff6f15ccc in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () at /usr/lib/
#20 0x00007ffff6f669d4 in  () at /usr/lib/
#21 0x00007ffff5f823cf in g_main_context_dispatch () at /usr/lib/
#22 0x00007ffff5f83f89 in  () at /usr/lib/
#23 0x00007ffff5f83fce in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib/
#24 0x00007ffff6f65fc9 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () at /usr/lib/
#25 0x00007ffff6f118cc in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () at /usr/lib/
#26 0x00007ffff6f19bc6 in QCoreApplication::exec() () at /usr/lib/
#27 0x000055555557776f in main(int, char**) (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe178) at ../main.cpp:68

Further looking into the stack frame No. 1 (../shutil/dsqlitehandle.cpp:405), the gdb reports that the program crashes at the following statement:

 405: partionAndMountPoint.first = rootPathPartionAndMountpointItr->first;

When the program crashes, rootPathPartionAndMountpointItr->first is 0x20, which is not accessible.

Hope this information will help.

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

Hey anyone can reproduce this issue, please check if this CL (by @wangzk ) can actual solve this issue, and thanks for your contribution @wangzk <3

from dde-file-manager.

sunqi1993 avatar sunqi1993 commented on June 11, 2024

@wangzk it seems that this problem still exit on version
文件打开非常慢,点击文件夹等十秒后文件管理器界面才出现~ 之前的版本没遇到过这样的问题,最近这个问题经常发生

from dde-file-manager.

sunqi1993 avatar sunqi1993 commented on June 11, 2024
load translate "/usr/share/dtkwidget/translations/dtkwidget2_zh_CN"
load translate "/usr/share/dde-file-manager/translations/dde-file-manager_zh_CN"
load translate "/usr/share/dde-file-manager/translations/dde-file-manager-app_zh_CN"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [filemanagerapp.cpp   FileManagerApp::initApp             88] QMap(("\"acpi_osi", "i=Windows")("2009\"", "")("BOOT_IMAGE", "in-generic")("DEEPIN_GFXMODE", "768,1920x1080")("_ori_proc_cmdline", "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-29deepin-generic root=UUID=13fdfecd-5580-46b0-928a-2e1b18d429bd ro splash quiet acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2009\" DEEPIN_GFXMODE=2,1280x1024,1024x768,1920x1080 DEEPIN_GFXMODE=2,1280x1024,1024x768,1920x1080\n")("acpi_osi", "pi_osi=!")("quiet", "")("ro", "")("root", "29bd")("splash", ""))
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           73] "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/menu"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/view"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/preview"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           112] menu plugin size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           113] expand info size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.847 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           114] view size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           73] "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/menu"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/view"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           77] load plugin in:  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dde-file-manager/plugins/preview"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           112] menu plugin size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           113] expand info size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.848 [Debug  ] [pluginmanager.cpp    PluginManager::loadPlugin           114] view size: 0
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.865 [Debug  ] [networkmanager.cpp   NetworkManager::NetworkManager      113] Create NetworkManager
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.866 [Debug  ] [secretmanager.cpp    SecretManager::SecretManager        41] Create SecretManager
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.866 [Debug  ] [fileutils.cpp        FileUtils::migrateConfigFileFromCache 981] Could not read source file  "/home/sunqi/.cache/dde-file-manager/samba.json" : "No such file or directory"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.866 [Debug  ] [fileutils.cpp        FileUtils::migrateConfigFileFromCache 985] Failed to migrate config file from cache
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.866 [Debug  ] [secretmanager.cpp    SecretManager::loadCache            162] Couldn't write samba file!
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.868 [Debug  ] [appcontroller.cpp    AppController::createDBusInterface::lambda 928] com.deepin.SessionManager : StartManager has LaunchApp interface
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.899 [Warning] [                                                         0] inotify_add_watch("/usr/local/share/applications/") failed: "No such file or directory"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.899 [Warning] [                                                         0] inotify_add_watch("/usr/share/gnome/applications/") failed: "No such file or directory"
2019-03-21, 18:51:20.899 [Warning] [                                                         0] inotify_add_watch("/home/sunqi/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications") failed: "No such file or directory"

2019-03-21, 18:52:21.506 [Warning] [dthememanager.cpp    Dtk::Widget::DThemeManagerPrivate::registerWidget 264] can not load qss with out filename dde_file_manager::DFMSideBar(0x7ffb2003e800)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.506 [Warning] [                                                         0] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to DFileManagerWindow "", which already has a layout
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.509 [Warning] [                                                         0] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to dde_file_manager::DFMAdvanceSearchBar "", which already has a layout
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.553 [Warning] [                                                         0] QObject::connect: Cannot connect Dtk::Widget::DTitlebar::minimumClicked() to (null)::showMinimized()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.553 [Warning] [                                                         0] QObject::connect: Cannot connect Dtk::Widget::DTitlebar::maximumClicked() to (null)::showMaximized()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.553 [Warning] [                                                         0] QObject::connect: Cannot connect Dtk::Widget::DTitlebar::restoreClicked() to (null)::showNormal()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.553 [Warning] [                                                         0] QObject::connect: Cannot connect Dtk::Widget::DTitlebar::closeClicked() to (null)::close()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.560 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           857] ===========volumeAdded============= "/" false false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.560 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           858] QDiskInfo(id: "/",name: "系统盘",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "",unix_device: "",uuid: "",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "/",id_filesystem: "",default_location: "",iconName: "",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: false,can_eject: false,used: 16770043904,total: 62382764032,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.563 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 99] false "" "lsblk: : not a block device\n"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.620 [Debug  ] [windowmanager.cpp    WindowManager::showNewWindow        185] new window 102760457 DUrl("computer:///")
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.621 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     465] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/nvme0n1p4",name: "系统",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/nvme0n1",unix_device: "/dev/nvme0n1p4",uuid: "615664D5A7EEC19C",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/sunqi/%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F",id_filesystem: "l66308",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk-solidstate",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 167830810624,total: 255414235136,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.622 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/nvme0n1"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.622 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           857] ===========volumeAdded============= "/dev/nvme0n1p4" false false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.623 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           858] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/nvme0n1p4",name: "系统",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/nvme0n1",unix_device: "/dev/nvme0n1p4",uuid: "615664D5A7EEC19C",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/sunqi/%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F",id_filesystem: "l66308",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk-solidstate",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 167830810624,total: 255414235136,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.629 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/nvme0n1p4" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.631 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/nvme0n1"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.631 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::mountAdded            931] ===========mountAdded============= "/dev/nvme0n1p4" true false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.637 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/nvme0n1p4" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.638 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     483] ()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.638 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     465] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda1",name: "333 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda1",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsD",id_filesystem: "l2049",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 45554851840,total: 332861009920,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.638 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.639 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           857] ===========volumeAdded============= "/dev/sda1" false false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.639 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           858] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda1",name: "333 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda1",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsD",id_filesystem: "l2049",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 45554851840,total: 332861009920,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.645 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda1" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.647 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.647 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::mountAdded            931] ===========mountAdded============= "/dev/sda1" true false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.653 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda1" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.654 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     483] ()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.654 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     465] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda2",name: "334 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda2",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsE",id_filesystem: "l2050",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 34339749888,total: 333934751744,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.654 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.655 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           857] ===========volumeAdded============= "/dev/sda2" false false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.655 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           858] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda2",name: "334 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda2",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsE",id_filesystem: "l2050",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: false,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 34339749888,total: 333934751744,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.661 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda2" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.663 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.664 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::mountAdded            931] ===========mountAdded============= "/dev/sda2" true false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.670 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda2" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.672 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     483] ()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.672 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     465] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda3",name: "333 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda3",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsF",id_filesystem: "l2051",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: true,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 132855103488,total: 333403123712,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.672 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.673 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           857] ===========volumeAdded============= "/dev/sda3" false false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.673 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::volumeAdded           858] QDiskInfo(id: "/dev/sda3",name: "333 GB 卷",type: "native",drive_unix_device: "/dev/sda",unix_device: "/dev/sda3",uuid: "0000678400004823",activation_root_uri: "",mounted_root_uri: "file:///media/WindowsF",id_filesystem: "l2051",default_location: "",iconName: "drive-harddisk",is_removable: false,can_mount: true,can_unmount: true,can_eject: false,used: 132855103488,total: 333403123712,)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.680 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda3" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.683 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.683 [Debug  ] [computerview.cpp     ComputerView::mountAdded            931] ===========mountAdded============= "/dev/sda3" true false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.689 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda3" false
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.691 [Debug  ] [udisklistener.cpp    UDiskListener::addMountDiskInfo     483] ()
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.698 [Debug  ] [mimesappsmanager.cpp MimesAppsManager::initMimeTypeApps  612] getMimeTypeApps in QThread(0x7ffb2d1d2680) QThread(0x7ffb2d0666f0)
2019-03-21, 18:52:21.698 [Debug  ] [mimesappsmanager.cpp MimesAppsManager::loadDDEMimeTypes  749] ("baka-mplayer.desktop", "kodi.desktop", "wps-office-wps.desktop")
2019-03-21, 18:52:22.627 [Debug  ] [partition.cpp        PartMan::Partition::getPartitionByDevicePath 91] read usage of "/dev/sda3" false

2019-03-21, 18:53:49.156 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:53:49.157 [Warning] [dthememanager.cpp    Dtk::Widget::DThemeManagerPrivate::registerWidget 264] can not load qss with out filename Dtk::Widget::DListView(0x7ffb203bdb00)
2019-03-21, 18:53:49.220 [Debug  ] [dfileview.cpp        DFileView::setRootUrl               2067] url redirected, from: DUrl("device:/dev/sda3") to: DUrl("file:///media/WindowsF")
2019-03-21, 18:53:49.220 [Debug  ] [dfileview.cpp        DFileView::setRootUrl               2077] cd: current url: DUrl("") to url: DUrl("file:///media/WindowsF")
2019-03-21, 18:54:19.623 [Debug  ] [udiskdeviceinfo.cpp  UDiskDeviceInfo::canStop            161] true "/dev/sda"
2019-03-21, 18:54:19.623 [Debug  ] [dfileview.cpp        DFileView::setRootUrl               2067] url redirected, from: DUrl("device:/dev/sda2") to: DUrl("file:///media/WindowsE")
2019-03-21, 18:54:19.623 [Debug  ] [dfileview.cpp        DFileView::setRootUrl               2077] cd: current url: DUrl("file:///media/WindowsF") to url: DUrl("file:///media/WindowsE")

from dde-file-manager.

BLumia avatar BLumia commented on June 11, 2024

@wangzk it seems that this problem still exit on version
文件打开非常慢,点击文件夹等十秒后文件管理器界面才出现~ 之前的版本没遇到过这样的问题,最近这个问题经常发生

请更新到最新版的文件管理器再尝试,目前的最新版应是 。

另外,文件打开速度慢和文件上下文菜单显示慢是两个不同的问题,你的问题和这个 issue 没有关系。

from dde-file-manager.

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