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Comments (54)

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

We definitely need to fix the input bugs. I often have to exit and restart because the Touch controller won't do anything.

I've been keeping the menus up to date. There's only a few tweaks you need cvars for:

  • Your parabola adjustments. We could add a menu to let them make it more like The Lab and less like Budget Cuts (I didn't realise how much we copied them, until I went to check how they did the Low Headroom message and copied that too ;-) ), if you want, but I don't think it's necessary.
  • Showing my aim-correction for teleporting. Not very important.
  • Whether we can teleport through closed doors or not. But it makes sense that you never can.
  • Maximum teleport path length/complexity. I think it should probably be lower by default, but there's an issue with teleport aim not letting you teleport onto the tightrope in Mars City Underground, so I keep this just high enough so you can teleport across the entire length of the tightrope and intervening railings.
  • The untested option I just added for automatically skipping all cutscenes. I'll probably add that to the menu because it's already half added. But it's only an option for completeness while I add the option to skip gameplay and show cutscenes.
  • Strobing when using the black-screen motion sickness fix.
  • Opacity for black-screen motion sickness fix.
  • Slot vibration duration and intensity.

I agree about disabling slow-mo as default. but only because it interferes with the sound in Mars City 1. I actually really like the concept.

View clipping isn't implemented perfectly yet. Leyland was using a stereo separation offset, but I just set that to 0. So it's supposed to look better than it does. But I think we need to force view clipping on by default.

I think FOV + Chaperone should be the default motion sickness fix, or just FOV if you don't like the chaperone grid. The reduced FOV reduces the incorrect vection signal, but ideally we want a vection signal that explicitly says you're stationary or that matches your head movement, which the chaperone grid provides nicely.

Experienced users will still get sick if they try to play without motion sickness fixes. VR legs help, but they just mean you can play for longer before you're too sick to continue. Very few people are completely immune to motion sickness, but there's a lot of foolish bravado. I don't think it's too inconvenient for them when we've made a convenient menu item. Jerks will still complain, but I don't care.

It's important that VR games default to not making people sick. The good VR games are all designed to completely remove all mismatched vection, and they only very reluctantly add options to disable that. Most users will get motion sick.

I'm happy with the defaults I set up for Oculus Rift, except that it's impossible for seated players to duck, and you can only change to fists by using voice commands. Maybe if we assign crouch to the left grip? And maybe the fists should be included in the next/previous weapon rotation?

But I haven't tried to come up with good Vive controls yet. We should do that before release.

I haven't tested playing with an Xbox controller at all. We need to check that it works, and that we can teleport with the Xbox controller (there's a menu option for head aim, so it should be possible).

I never noticed the PDA not lining up. I'll have to have a look.

Sorry I haven't pushed my installer yet. I keep meaning to test it first and then push it, but I haven't got around to it.

I finally got the Flicksync mode up to a state I'm no longer ashamed of (see my latest pull request). But I'd still like to see if I can get it to (optionally) skip directly to the next cutscene instead of going back to gameplay. And then I can make the Flicksync's Game Over actually work. But if you want to release before then, I'm OK with that.

There's a couple of bugs with the motion sickness fixes that I'd like to fix. Like the chaperone being forced on when it shouldn't be.

And I had a couple of crashes when trying to teleport, with an error about creating the pad from the game thread, or something like that.

Have we fixed that crash people keep talking about at a certain point in the game? I haven't looked into that bug yet. And are there still people who can't start the game?

I also wanted to test that the new save folder is working as intended and doesn't inherit defaults from the base folder.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Sorry about the skin error, I didn't add the skin declarations to the player defs for the expansions, and you will need to update the assets in your game dir as well. I don't want to push changes right now because I'm in the middle of some debug code, but you can fix this temporarily by copying the 'skinpad' lines from player.def to d3le-player.def and d3xp-player.def. I'm going to remove them from the defs and implement them directly in code , I just wanted you to check out the 3 skins for the telepad and comment, also if you think the red cylinder and tip box instead of the 'please duck' text is ok. ( Also the updated clip check for the pleaseDuck mode) .
Pick a skin and I'll make it permanent. ( I think I kind of like vr_teleportSkin 2 at the moment, but can go with whatever. )

The only level related crashes I'm aware of are people who have installed the hi def texture pack. The game will crash when starting alpha labs 2 if they have not deleted the 'generated' folder that's included with the texture pack. I do need to look at the best way to let people use that texture mod with the new folder structure. I had to create some merged scripts to get that mod to work with the player model changes I made. I'll look for a cleaner way to do it. The game can also not start if that particular texture pack is installed incorrectly, which seems to be somewhat common. ( It might not be a bad idea to put together a package of updated textures/models/sounds that doesn't change game play and is easy to install. )

I've been looking at the input bugs, starting with the OpenVR analog controls sticking. I admit to being a little puzzled, I'm polling for any tracking loss, for valid controller IDs, and for valid controller state packets, and I'm not seeing any issues when this happens. It really appears that sometimes the controllers just hang on a certain value and repeat it until you touch the pad again. ( The pad axes don't zero on release is how the issue presents. ) The values are there in the controller state structure after calling openvr to populate it. ( So it's not an issue with how they're posted to the game ) I'm going to verify I'm really capturing tracking state changes again and after that I'm not sure. There's a ton of variation in the raw axis data, even when holding your thumb as steady as you can - I can hack it so when the exact same non zero value is reported more than x times, the value is defaulted to zero, but that's really ugly. I haven't seen this issue with any other app using the vive, so I don't know what to think.

I haven't played Budget Cuts, but I've heard good things about it, so if we copied them hopefully that means we did something right :)

I don't think we need to add the parabola changes to the menus - we can just document the cvars. If while playing you find some better defaults feel free to recommend. The ones I put in were just a best guess after playing around in the mars city 1 and mars city underground for a bit. I think I may make a small change when the beam originates from the weapon to make the arc drop faster when aiming up > 45 deg. The added height from originating from the weapon makes the beam clip the ceiling pretty easily, it was already close.

I generally agree with you thoughts on comfort, but the more I think about it, the more I really like the idea of letting the user choose on install or first launch, even if it's as simple as letting them pick from either comfort presets or hardcore presets to start from, and then encourage them to tweak the settings how they like. If they're involved in the decision, hopefully they'll be less likely to complain. I really don't care what the jerks have to say either, except if it turns people off from trying it out. It seems like all it takes is a few vocal critics to derail something like this, especially when there's already a different popular mod out there.

We do need to check gampad contol again. I had added some independent weapon aiming with some basic deadzones, need to make sure it's still working. Should also support teleporting if we have the beam originate from the weapon hand.

I'm good with releasing whenever we think everything is ready. I'm happy to keep polishing until we're really happy with it, but I don't want to hold up all the cool work you've done either if you're ready to go.
( Sort of why I wanted to start talking about a pre release to do list. )

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I mapped left Touch grip to crouch, and made it work even in full-motion crouch mode. Then I had to fix grabbing/button detection so it doesn't trigger the button when you're trying to grab.

Now we have some intuitive default settings for Oculus Touch that should work for seated, standing, or room scale. And left-handed people can swap hands just by grabbing the holster on the other side.

Left stick = move/strafe
Right stick = comfort turn 45° or swap weapon
Left Menu = Show pause menu on PDA

Weapon trigger = fire (or use Cue Card in FlickSync)
Weapon grip = reload, or grab from/to holster
Weapon A = reload
Weapon B = teleport
Weapon push stick in = jump

Flashlight trigger = run
Flashlight grip = crouch, or grab from/to holster
Flashlight A = PDA, skip cutscene (or give up in Flicksync)
Flashlight B = recenter view
Flashlight push stick in = press flashlight button

The weapon/flashlight controls swap when you swap hands, either by grabbing the holster on the other side, or by using the menu.

Talk = talk
Voice commands = change weapons or access menus
Crouch = crouch
Walk around = walk around
Touch screens = touch screens
Flashlight hip = PDA
Weapon hip = weapon holster
Behind weapon shoulder = next weapon
Behind weapon lower-back = prev weapon
Helmet = helmet flashlight mount
Left shoulder = body flashlight mount

Is there anything you want to change?

Perhaps the teleport button should be pushing in the stick on the weapon hand, like in SteamVR games, and jump should be a button on the weapon hand? But that won't work well if you swap hands because then you can't move and jump at the same time (by default, I don't swap the analog sticks).

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I tried the XBone controller, and set the teleport button to B. It automatically uses head aim when not using motion controllers. And I made it switch between Touch controller and gamepad automatically when you start using a different controller. But I still need to make it switch back to SteamVR controller.

These things are still broken with gamepad:

  • PDA has a finger blocking it so you can't see anything
  • Mouse cursor control by looking shouldn't be used on the PDA pause menu, because then you can't look at the options you're trying to select with the gamepad. The menu is designed for gamepad. Maybe the look-cursor makes sense on the PDA-PDA though. And the other GUIs work great.
  • Aiming the gun is a huge pain and it makes you sick.
  • I want to be able to aim with my head.
  • The gun is uncomfortably in front of your face, instead of at chest height.
  • You don't walk in the correct direction (perhaps because I'm using the off-hand movement mode).
  • The weapon has head-bounce after jumping even though the head and hand doesn't.
  • Comfort mode turning doesn't work when mapped to DPad

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

There are cvar offsets for the gun placement when using a gamepad I keep forgetting to set them to actual values in the header.

vr_deadzonePitch and vr_deadzoneYaw change how far the gun moves before the view/body turn. ( yaw to 0 locks aim to body, so all stick yaw will turn the view.)

Also vr_offHandPosX, vr_offHandPosY, vr_offHandPosZ position the non weapon hand when using the gamepad.

Need to look at head aiming, not sure the best way to line up the targeting with the weapon. Just tie head pitch and yaw to the weapon, or do the math so the gun aims at whatever is in the center of your view?

I can fix the finger blocking the pda and the cursor in the pause menu easily enough I think.

I think we should make it an option to automatically switch to gamepad mode if gamepad inputs are used. Sometimes I play with one of the vive wands/touch controllers mounted to a topshot elite, and use the joysticks and buttons on the topshot and the position from the controller. Auto switching would break that. There are cvars to allow for a mounting offset as well, vr_mountx, vr_mounty, vr_mountz. If you haven't tried it, it's actually a blast. Actually, I just remembered when I bought the ps3 top shot to test, I got two of them bundled for 23$. I don't need two, you're welcome to the extra if you have any interest.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Good point about the topshot. Should I use the existing variable, or create another one, or both? I guess both. Maybe people want to do other weird things, or get a friend to help them, or whatever.

I'm in Australia, so it probably costs more than $23 to send me anything, unless you're also coincidentally in Australia (like the guy who made the youtube tutorial is). Even then, Australia is big.

It's probably not worth worrying about head aiming for this release. But any of those methods would work OK.

I think maybe setting vr_deadzoneYaw higher and mapping 45 degree comfort mode turning to the DPad left-right would be a good way to do controller input for now.

I created an installer, but I haven't really tested it. Currently it creates an installer called "Doom3BFGVR_Alpha020.exe" which does this:

  • Deletes the files we installed to base in the previous version, except english.lang
  • Deletes the base/all_in_one_script folder for people who didn't install it right
  • Deletes the generated versions of our files from base/generated (not finished yet)
  • Deletes our old exe files from 0.014 and 0.015 and Visual Studio
  • Deletes our old DLL files except swresample-2.dll, openal, and openvr which are used by leyland and/or RBDoom
  • Deletes our old readme files
  • Installs the Doom3BFGVR.exe
  • Installs the new DLLs
  • Installs the README.txt and now COPYING.txt too
  • Installs the vr_assets/Fully Possessed folder
  • Fixes the .lang files to match the language selected in Steam
  • Copies the old version's saved games to the new folder.

When uninstalling, it repeats the deletion of the old version (maybe I shouldn't do this?) then deletes the files it installed, except the ones used by leyland and/or RBDoom.

Do I also need to install the source code's base folder with renderprogs? I forgot about that.

I could also make it optionally install the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable if you want, like the Dolphin installer does.

I should probably also copy our saved games from the old version to the new folder, if they are still compatible.

But what should I do about the "texture pack"? I haven't even tried playing with the texture pack yet, so I'm not up to speed on how to handle it.

If they've installed the texture pack, I'd like to detect that and make whatever changes are necessary to stop it interfering. I guess that includes installing the contents of all_in_one_script to Fully Possessed\script. But there was still some other issue wasn't there? Was it something about the generated folder?

BTW, I accidentally added a new incompatibility with the texture pack. If you install the texture pack, the text will now be in German and the NPCs won't say anything, because the texture pack includes german.lang which now outranks english.lang (to fix us breaking german.lang by installing english.lang in our previous mod). I need to work out how to check which base/sound_pc??.resources files exist and delete any .lang files that don't match.

I can also easily make installing the player AAS files optional in the installer. It currently shows the "what parts do you want to install" window with the sizes they take up, but there's only one option there and a size of 1.3 GB.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Probably Metroid 1 or 2 for GameCube, or Legend of Zelda Windwaker for GameCube. Also you can look at the source code if you want to steal any code or ideas. But I'm not necessarily doing things the best way.

Are there any other voice commands we should implement? For example, recentering the view, saving the game, loading a game, adjusting settings, etc? Later, I'd like to adjust the menu code so that menu items are added when a menu is activated, and you can speak the menu option to select it, then those commands are unloaded when the menu is deactivated.

Have you tried the Flicksync mode yet? (And have you read Ready Player One?) Feedback would be good so I know if I'm on the right track. It's still a bit broken, but it's playable now. Set the character to Betruger or Swann, and the CueCards to 5, and give it a try. Press fire to use a cuecard, or press PDA if you can't remember a line (or can't get it to recognise you saying it). The Flicksync options persist into a regular game after choosing them in the Flicksync menu, so make sure you go back and change them to no character and Game + Cutscenes afterwards.

I'd like to make the Flicksync load it's data from files too instead of hardcoded tables.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I really want to have a deadzone on the left Vive touchpad so that turning the flashlight on and off doesn't move me microscopically or trigger the motion sickness fix. But I can't for the life of me get it to work.

The vr_openvr_default.cfg is kind of garbage right now. The weapons don't line up. There wasn't even any button configuration, but I added some controls that I like:

Left touchpad = move/strafe
Right touchpad = whatever you had there

Weapon trigger = fire (or use Cue Card in FlickSync)
Weapon grip = reload, or grab from/to holster
Weapon press pad = teleport
Weapon menu = pause menu

Flashlight trigger = jump
Flashlight grip = crouch, or grab from/to holster
Flashlight press pad = flashlight on/off
Flashlight menu = PDA

But it's currently impossible to run, recenter the view, or turn artificially (not needed or recommended on Vive unless seated).

The flashlight is very badly oriented relative to the Vive controller.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Probably Metroid 1 or 2

I'll try one of these for sure.

There are a few more voice commands I would like to add. Run and Walk commands ( or a toggle ), view recenter, crouch and quicksave for sure. Quickload sounds ok, but I would always worry that I would somehow trigger it accidentally - that would suck in the middle of a game.

Yeah, somewhere along the line the default vive config file got hosed, so it needs to be cleaned up.
At one point I had added deadzone code to the vive, let me check what state I left that in. The vive controller really could benefit from another button or two... Recentering the view is somewhat important, I probably should add it as a selectable command from the pause menu

I also want to change the key bindings menu screen, so it doesn't show bindings for motion controllers you're not using. I also want to try to draw the full currently selected binding list on the bottom of the menu screen somewhere, there's just not enough character space in the menu to list all the bindings, so a lot of the time you have no idea whats going on.

If you're talking about the flashlight pitch in relation to the vive controller, that can be adjusted via vr_motionFlashPitchAdj. I did just check and it appears I forgot to correct for a hand attacher offset, so the flashlight/hand look to be about an inch too far to the right, I'll add this to my list.

As far as the name goes, there has always been a lot of confusion between the two D3 mods, which is pretty much the only reason I tried to come up with a name. (Fully Possessed). Do you think it's worth it to try to include that name in the release file, or maybe the installer? (Or even more importantly, do you have any ideas for a better name? :) ) Again, just trying to avoid confusion with the other mod. I'm good with the 020 though.

I have read ready player one, was a really fun read ( and IMO better than Armada by a good bit ). I looked at FlickSync, but not enough to fully check it out yet, will try to get to that too, I'm actually really interested to check this out - I may have missed something but to my knowledge this is the first implementation of something like this.

Oh, and I just noticed that in the recent updates, the view clipping in the comfort mode has changed, and the overlap ( or lack thereof ) is much more noticeable than before - is there a setting I should change? ( This is on the vive, haven't checked it on the rift yet )

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I wouldn't do a voice command for quickload. There are too many false positives. But maybe bringing up the load menu?

BTW, recentering the view from the Oculus menu isn't implemented properly. I should change it to use your recentering code.

You have four buttons assigned to the right touchpad, but two of them are probably pointless (one is reload, which I'm using grip for), and should probably be used for recenter and jump, then run can be the left trigger like it is with Touch.

The flashlight pitch is currently horrible on the Vive.

I can add the name to the installer.
I've been trying to port some of Leyland's features across so that eventually there's only one version.

There is a non-VR Flicksync app for Android. I haven't tried it yet. I copied some of its design decisions from the screenshots though, for added consistency, so you'll see the SCORE:, Cue Cards:, and Lives: in the HUD. But I moved the SCORE to the center of the view, like it is in the book.

All my mechanics and UI are exactly the same as in the book, except I don't detect actions yet, and there's no green line for walking. And some things are shown explicitly on the HUD for debug purposes, while in the book it's implied you have to work them out yourself, like the lives and number correct in a row. The book is vague or ambiguous about some things, so I used my own judgement and/or whatever was easiest to implement. I gave infinite time to say the line, but I expect that's not what the book intended.

That's weird. For me the overlap was much less noticeable. I'm using the same code as Leyland's mod. I haven't done so with the Rift yet. BTW, we need to credit Leyland and the person who actually wrote that motion sickness code. I'd credit tmek too.

BTW, I'm having a go at updating the README file now, with proper instructions.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Excellent. But the real problem is that we have needlessly long names for everything. Also we don't use icons like the XBox gamepad does.

And I really don't like calling everything meaningless names like JOY23 or ACTION23 in the code and the config files instead of "LT_TRIGGER". And why are the impulses always named like "_impulse19" instead of "_pda"? It makes everything needlessly unintelligible.

There's not much point in having Vive bindings in the Oculus config when we're saving them to a separate file. Unless you want to support using both Vive and Rift at the same time (you could have a Vive controller in your belt to show body orientation).

The full bind list won't even be accurate, because as soon as they try to use a Vive controller, it will load a totally different bind list from a different file. So don't waste time trying to render it.

It is possible to use Touch through SteamVR though, and it would be nice to detect that and use the actual Touch bindings.

That reminds me, SteamVR steals a gamepad button, I need to adjust the SteamVR gamepad bindings. Maybe use DPad Up for PDA on SteamVR.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Two questions:

Are you OK if I delete some of the old comments in this thread to clean it up?


I was looking at the FOV reduction for motion sickness. What do you think about having an option to dynamically change the size of the FOV reduction based on movement speed ( slow movement = small reduction, fast movement = big reduction ). Maybe a slider for how agressive the reduction happens, with max being always full reduction. Also, what about an option to make the FOV clip to a circle instead of a rectangle?
I don't think these would be too hard to implement.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

OK, delete away.

You can add those options if you want, but I don't think they're really necessary.

The main problem I have with the FOV reduction is when you're riding in an open elevator or monorail and want to look around. But that's partly by design. The rest of the time I don't really notice it much.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

The rest of the time I don't really notice it much.

I'm a little surprised you don't notice it that much, it seems pretty severe to me. ( To the point where I never really feel immersed in the game when it's on )

I've been using the Vive recently, and haven't tried it with the Rift yet , maybe it presents differently there.
Must be one of those interesting differences for how people perceive things in vr that make it fun to develop for!

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I accidentally checked in a debug hack last time that always takes you to the Cyberdemon cutscene. I fixed it in a pull request.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I made fades in cutscenes cause it pause to wait for you to say your line. It's much better than how it was before where it would pause the cutscene after it had ended and the view had already shifted back to your character. I also made it recognise lines from idSound, aka speaker, entities. That catches a few more lines from Betruger, Swann, McNeil, and hopefully Sergeant Kelly. But it's still missing lines from GUIs (eg. McNeil in Phobos 2), and lines started before the cutscene officially starts with the first camera (eg. Betruger in Delta Labs 4).

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I fixed the bad alignment controller alignment for the PDA ( when holding it in the hand) and the flashlight.
Note that vr_vcx, vr_vcy, and vr_vcz need to be set to the correct values to bring the controller origin to the center of the handle, so these need to be different in the oculus and openVr configs to reflect their different geometries.

Also fixed vr_talkWakeMonster, it wasn't actually alerting the monsters. Added vr_talkWakeMonsterRadius, to change how far your voice carries. If you like you can test this out in alphalabs 1. Right after you start, click the console and walk through the big door. There is a zombie lying on the floor on the far side of the room ( next to the other big door ) , you should be able to wake him with your voice now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I copied the code for waking monsters from the weapon firing. So does firing your weapon wake that zombie?

I think my code was "correct", but they just deliberately made most of the zombies in the game deaf so that they'll ambush you. And it's impossible to get close to the half the zombies that aren't deaf, because you need to keep using your weapon to defend yourself, and they get woken up before you see them.

I think your code is probably better though. It is more like the effect I was hoping for.

I should probably see if I can access the volume level from SAPI so that we can adjust the radius depending on how loud you are talking.

And I should get it working in Doom 1 and 2. Doom 2 was really the inspiration for the feature, where you start out looking at the backs of zombies and when you make a sound they wake up. I already made my weapon switching voice commands work in Doom 1 and 2.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

You know, your code may have been correct then - that was the only zombie I knew of off the top of my head that I could wake up with a flashlight. Firing a weapon only wakes him up if you hit him, so maybe your code really was a better way to do it. I'm good with whatever you want to do - maybe ruining all the ambushes isn't the best way to go. ( Are there actually enemies that wake up from just the sound of your gun, not from actually being shot? I'm a little embarrassed I never realized some are deaf and some aren't. I probably should have checked more before making changes, sorry!) I did notice though that using a voice command ( ex reload ) will still wake him up, should we exclude the voice commands since they are sort of keyboard shortcuts, and only wake if it's a fallthrough talk?

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I'm not saying my way was "better". I never found anywhere that my way had any noticeable effect. Your way is probably better.
We'll make vr_talkWakeMonster into an integer with a couple of options, so people can do it the "correct" way, or the more fun and useful way.

That wake up code is actually executed every frame while you are speaking (plus for the short time afterwards that it takes to recognise it and decide that you're no longer speaking). We can change it to only execute on the finish speaking event (which I think is after the recognition) so we know it's not a voice command, but then the monsters will have a delayed reaction.

With humans, I made it so they briefly look at you when they notice you first start speaking, then quickly go back to what they were doing, then wait until you finish talking before they respond. Which makes sense because they're listening to what you say and responding. I don't know if that makes sense for zombies. I guess if they're lying down sleeping then it makes sense if it takes a while for them to respond.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I just added commonVoice->currentVolume. It's between 0 and 1, but tends to be low, like about 0.15.
You can experiment with changing the wake-up radius based on the current volume. But I need to go to bed now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I started implementing 3rd person move mode. ( vr_moveThirdPerson enables/disables for now, can integrate into the other protocols when it's done. )

When enabled, the player remotely controls the character body while the original view remains stationary ( plus headmovements). When movement stops, the view fades to the new player location.

I think this actually works really well, I like it quite a bit better than I thought I was going to.

Moving backwards is currently an issue, the player moves out of the view and you cant see it. I could swivel the view if initial movement is backwards, or maybe hop backwards a step or two, or simply disable backwards movement. Also might be good to let normal turning be comfort mode if selected, but in third person mode, use smooth turning to control the character.

Any thoughts?

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I thought it would be good, I was just too lazy/distracted to implement it. I did already assign it a number in the motion sickness fix cvar though.

I didn't think of the moving backwards issue.
Maybe just make backwards movement always be first person?
When you move the character out forwards, you should be able to move them back again in third person though.
Or just do the simple thing and make moving backwards work in third person, and the user can manually move in short hops backward by manually moving then stopping then moving.
Normally you can't see where you're going when walking backwards anyway, so maybe it doesn't matter? I don't know.

I agree with the smooth turning in third person idea.

Anyway, I need to go to bed now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I love the third person mode. But there's an unacceptable amount of vection at the end. We're aiming for zero mismatched vection. If we start third person mode with the joystick, we probably shouldn't end third person mode until the player's velocity reaches zero. But we will have to add either a timeout on that wait, or a distance limit, in case we walk or jump onto a moving platform.

I like your icons too. But I changed the Vive right icons to match my anaglyph colour code (or you can think of it as a flashlight/gun colour code). And flipped the Touch left icons so they look like the left touch controller instead of the right.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I meant to include the .pdn file so it would be easier to edit those icons, sorry. I wasn't really sure what to do for the trigger and grip touch icons, I couldn't think of a good way to represent them pictographically, so I fell back to crappy text. Thanks for cleaning those up.

I'll add a timeout to the input where thirdPersonMotion is initially set true, so if there hasn't been any user input for a bit, end third person mode.

I want to give you a heads-up, I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, and will be back not this weekend but the following. I'll be sailing, with no internet accessl, so won't be able to look at this. I was hoping we'd have this out by now. I'd be more comfortable waiting until I get back to release - I would feel bad if there were issues and I'm unable to help out. Sorry!

Do you think we should make third person the default motion sickness option? Seems like it would be the least likely to cause sim sickness. It seems like third person + teleportation should make for a pretty comfortable experience.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Yes, I think third person should be the default.

Sorry, I didn't know we had a deadline. I'm happy to release it now how it is if you want. I fixed everything I was planning to fix before releasing, except the texture pack, but I don't think that matters too much, it probably works.

I think we should release it now. People have waited a long time. And we can make more versions later.

The only downside to third person is that it doesn't work for a few things like jumping straight up, walking in real life through a virtual object, or game-induced artificial motion. I don't know if we should fallback to one of the other modes in those cases, or just ignore it. Probably just ignore it.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Let me think about this for a minute, I feel bad that people ( including you ) have been waiting so long, but feel weird leaving too.

I agree on making third person the default. We'll need to change the vive default controls, currently they do not have any form of turning mapped.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I would feel bad if there were issues and I'm unable to help out.

People will be having even more issues with the old version though, and you will be able to help out even less. I can't help much with the old version, because I'm used to the new version.

I changed the default and the Vive controls in the pull request. Note that we're two buttons short on the Vive, and those two buttons are currently recenter view and run.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

We have reload defined twice on the right vive. Might assign up to run and down to recenter view. ( Up and grip were reload, down was toggle heading beam, which is off by default now)

I'll try to clean up a few things and see if i can get it packed up for release.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

No, I changed it so reload is only the right grip. up = next weap, down = prev weap, left = comfort left, right = comfort right.

If we assign up to run and down to recenter, then you have to use the holster slots and/or voice commands to change weapons.

I just added a recenter view voice command while you were typing that comment.
And now I added Start Running and Stop Running voice commands.
So the missing buttons won't be a problem.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

There's a couple of bugs in the third person mode.

  • When using offhand as the move direction (the default), entering third person mode changes your view angle to the offhand direction. I don't like that.
  • Entering third person mode shifts your view back a few inches.
  • In Mars City 1 hangar, walking up the ramp in third person can sometimes make your hands reach up to the sky and grab hold of the hangar bay door, stopping you from getting past. It's really weird.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Awesome adding the extra commands, that cleans it up nicely

I should be able to fix the offhand issue pretty easily.
I should be able to ignore the view shift for about a week pretty easily :)

I don't have the faintest clue why the hands are shooting in the air like that - I just saw it happen
in alpha labs 1 after going up a set of stairs. Freaky! Will see what I can sort out.

I'm trying to finish the documentation as well so we can get this thing out.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I fixed the bugs with third person mode. No more view or position shift, and the arms no longer shoot to the sky. (at least in my testing.)

'Launching' the third person character still takes the offhand controller direction into account, and therefore subsequent control. I tried eliminating it, but that was really odd... may take the user a sec to figure out whats going on but shouldnt be too bad. I think it works pretty well, although I wonder if the default walk/run speed should be reduced a little?

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

We shouldn't be changing run speed, only walk speed.
But I don't think walk speed matters now that we're not moving the camera at that speed. We're already reducing walk speed, aren't we? I think it's fine.

I want the character to launch in the offhand direction, because that's the direction they're pushing the stick. It was only the view change that was weird.

Well done fixing all that. I especially liked the PDA slot attached to my character.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I forgot to mention before... the HUD elements menu is completely broken.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

It's not that it's broken exactly... it's more like I never got around to making it... :)

should probably just remove it for now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I removed it in a pull request.

What are we going to do about the texture pack? Is there an updated all in one script folder for me to add to the installer if the texture pack is detected?

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I'm looking at this now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Ok, I updated the scripts to include all the weapons, and made one other change that will allow this to run with the hi def texture pack. If the hi def pack is installed in the 'base' directory, we will be just fine. Just installing our exe and support files, and the Fully Possessed mod directory, and we should be good to go.

I added a timeout to the thirdperson move, so if the controls aren't touched for 300ms, thirdperson mode will be shut down.

I also updated the readme.txt documentation, you may want to take a look and make any changes as you see fit.

Three things about the documentation:

  1. I really hate writing documentation.
  2. Feel free to make any changes you like
  3. I really hate writing documentation. :)

Bonus: I think I borked the formatting.

I have to get to sleep now, and don't have time to build and test the installer to make a release package. If you can build and test an install package, get the files together for a release and attach them here, I'll release them tomorrow morning or tomorrow evening. ( whenever they're available and I have access ) I'm flying south before I lose connectivity, so will have access thru Sun morning. I wont be able to make code changes, but I can post the files on the release page. Then I'm history for a week.


I did forget one thing about the hi def mod - it installed a german.lang file in the strings directory, so the language defaulted to german, even though an english.lang file existed. May need to fix that in the installer or code.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I already delete all lang files that don't match the sound files in the installer.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Here's the installer for the current version. It's untested, but should work:!0V80GArL!Bg3iqB39Q992WOezGHJ8T6Z1FEBwXLJq9fZULij2ALc

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

I just tested the install, and there was a small problem. I had made a backup of my doom 3 directory to a directory called test install v020. I ran the installer, and selected this directory. Instead of installing the files into this directory, it created directory called doom 3 bfg edition inside the test install v020 directory, which wont work. I also noticed there were a few 'failed copy' the scrolled by in the install window, probably fine but is there a way to see a log of the output?

If you get a chance, if you could also post a normal zip file without the installer I'll post that on the release page as well as the installer.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I can't replicate that bug. For me, the installer installs directly to the folder that I select. I think you must have done something wrong.

I'm making a zip now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

If you select a folder by browsing, then it will add the "doom 3 bfg edition" folder name after it. But it shows you in the box and you can edit it before you press OK. I always typed in the folder by hand, so I didn't notice. I don't think it matters. It takes a long time to rebuild the installer if you want me to fix it.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I can't work out how to change NSIS's behaviour to what you want. There's no obvious setting. People will just have to check where they're installing to before they press OK.

The only time it should fail to copy is if the exact same version of the file already exists, or you run out of disk space, or try to install somewhere you don't have permission. I can't see any errors when I install it.

Anyway, I'm uploading the zip file now. It's at 14%. ETA: 45 minutes.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

Zip file:!VMdyyIRS!QKTyeoO2R4afpxp8oKYQbUtaShnAAITm1snE90o-7gE

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Well, I didn't have to.e to post it this morning, I'll post it this evening , it will probably be about 11 - 12 hrs from now.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

OK, thank you.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

andybak avatar andybak commented on June 26, 2024

Hi guys,

I've been following this issue thread with great interest and mounting excitement. People have no idea what's coming and how much you've added. I'm excited to try it and am amazed at the amount of work you've put in between you.

Have you got a plan for announcing it? I'd strongly recommend posting to the three main subs /r/vive, /r/oculus and /r/virtualreality - link to the release page itself but maybe also make sure the release page links to any gameplay videos or screenshots you might be able to get your hands on.

Have you got any contacts with VR bloggers or news sites? They'll catch on eventually but if you give a heads-up then it will hit all the major channels at once and might get picked up by a bigger news source.

(This of course all assumes you want to make a splash and wouldn't prefer a soft launch!)

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Hi - it's nice to see people are excited! Normally, I'd be all about getting the word out. My only concern is that I'm going to be completely off the grid for a week starting Sunday, with only phone access now. I won't be able to access the web at all. If issues crop up, Carl is more than capable, I just feel bad that I won't be around, even if only to respond to questions on how to configure/install/whatever. Currently my thought was to post the release here, and maybe on the Oculus forums where there is a long running thread and see what happens - primarily because I don't really have the time to do much else before I leave. Carl very well may have a different plan in mind, which is fine with me, we just hadn't really discussed it yet.

Thanks for the kind words!

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

CarlKenner avatar CarlKenner commented on June 26, 2024

I can't post on /r/oculus because I'm banned.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

andybak avatar andybak commented on June 26, 2024

What did you do!?

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Ok, I've update the release page, the file are online now.

I also updated the first post of the thread on the Oculus Forums. There's already a thread on /r/Oculus, so we'll see where that goes.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again - have a good week.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

KozGit avatar KozGit commented on June 26, 2024

Closing this issue, this version was released and and looks like anything not already addressed has it's own issue open on it.

from doom-3-bfg-vr.

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