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Comments (6)

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

Awaiting more changes to the A5E character sheet, as there is a great deal of inspiring work being done there which can help us with Tidy. We'll come back and draw inspiration later ✅

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

2.4.x legacy implementation reference:

The base sheet holds filter sets which can be reference during item preparation. Item preparation is generically called during getData(). Implementing sheet classes then implement _prepareItems.

_filterItems on the base sheet class is housing all of the predicate logic for all filters when processing items.


   * Track the set of item filters which are applied
   * @type {Object<string, Set>}
   * @protected
  _filters = {
    inventory: new Set(),
    spellbook: new Set(),
    features: new Set(),
    effects: new Set()

  // ...

   * Initialize Item list filters by activating the set of filters which are currently applied
   * @param {number} i  Index of the filter in the list.
   * @param {HTML} ul   HTML object for the list item surrounding the filter.
   * @private
  _initializeFilterItemList(i, ul) {
    const set = this._filters[ul.dataset.filter];
    const filters = ul.querySelectorAll(".filter-item");
    for ( let li of filters ) {
      if ( set.has(li.dataset.filter) ) li.classList.add("active");

  // ...

   * Determine whether an Owned Item will be shown based on the current set of filters.
   * @param {object[]} items       Copies of item data to be filtered.
   * @param {Set<string>} filters  Filters applied to the item list.
   * @returns {object[]}           Subset of input items limited by the provided filters.
   * @protected
  _filterItems(items, filters) {
    return items.filter(item => {

      // Action usage
      for ( let f of ["action", "bonus", "reaction"] ) {
        if ( filters.has(f) && (item.system.activation?.type !== f) ) return false;

      // Spell-specific filters
      if ( filters.has("ritual") && (item.system.components.ritual !== true) ) return false;
      if ( filters.has("concentration") && (item.system.components.concentration !== true) ) return false;
      if ( filters.has("prepared") ) {
        if ( (item.system.level === 0) || ["innate", "always"].includes(item.system.preparation.mode) ) return true;
        if ( === "npc" ) return true;
        return item.system.preparation.prepared;

      // Equipment-specific filters
      if ( filters.has("equipped") && (item.system.equipped !== true) ) return false;
      return true;

  // ...

   * Handle toggling of filters to display a different set of owned items.
   * @param {Event} event     The click event which triggered the toggle.
   * @returns {ActorSheet5e}  This actor sheet with toggled filters.
   * @private
  _onToggleFilter(event) {
    const li = event.currentTarget;
    const set = this._filters[li.parentElement.dataset.filter];
    const filter = li.dataset.filter;
    if ( set.has(filter) ) set.delete(filter);
    else set.add(filter);
    return this.render();

  activateListeners(html) {
    // Activate Item Filters
    const filterLists = html.find(".filter-list");
    filterLists.on("click", ".filter-item", this._onToggleFilter.bind(this));
    // ...

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

During _prepareItems, the character sheet deals the items into their categories. Then, it feed them through the base sheet's _filterItems function, passing the relevant filter set. The resulting items/spells/feats are further processed and distributed to their relevant context properties.


  _prepareItems(context) {

    // Categorize items as inventory, spellbook, features, and classes
    const inventory = {};
    for ( const type of ["weapon", "equipment", "consumable", "tool", "backpack", "loot"] ) {
      inventory[type] = {label: `${CONFIG.Item.typeLabels[type]}Pl`, items: [], dataset: {type}};

    // Partition items by category
    let {items, spells, feats, races, backgrounds, classes, subclasses} = context.items.reduce((obj, item) => {
      const {quantity, uses, recharge} = item.system;

      // Item details
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      ctx.isStack = Number.isNumeric(quantity) && (quantity !== 1);
      ctx.attunement = {
        [CONFIG.DND5E.attunementTypes.REQUIRED]: {
          icon: "fa-sun",
          cls: "not-attuned",
          title: "DND5E.AttunementRequired"
        [CONFIG.DND5E.attunementTypes.ATTUNED]: {
          icon: "fa-sun",
          cls: "attuned",
          title: "DND5E.AttunementAttuned"

      // Prepare data needed to display expanded sections
      ctx.isExpanded = this._expanded.has(;

      // Item usage
      ctx.hasUses = item.hasLimitedUses;
      ctx.isOnCooldown = recharge && !!recharge.value && (recharge.charged === false);
      ctx.isDepleted = ctx.isOnCooldown && ctx.hasUses && (uses.value > 0);
      ctx.hasTarget = item.hasAreaTarget || item.hasIndividualTarget;

      // Item toggle state
      this._prepareItemToggleState(item, ctx);

      // Classify items into types
      if ( item.type === "spell" ) obj.spells.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "feat" ) obj.feats.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "race" ) obj.races.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "background" ) obj.backgrounds.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "class" ) obj.classes.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "subclass" ) obj.subclasses.push(item);
      else if ( Object.keys(inventory).includes(item.type) ) obj.items.push(item);
      return obj;
    }, { items: [], spells: [], feats: [], races: [], backgrounds: [], classes: [], subclasses: [] });

    // Apply active item filters
    items = this._filterItems(items, this._filters.inventory);
    spells = this._filterItems(spells, this._filters.spellbook);
    feats = this._filterItems(feats, this._filters.features);

    // Organize items
    for ( let i of items ) {
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      ctx.totalWeight = (i.system.quantity * i.system.weight).toNearest(0.1);

    // Organize Spellbook and count the number of prepared spells (excluding always, at will, etc...)
    const spellbook = this._prepareSpellbook(context, spells);
    const nPrepared = spells.filter(spell => {
      const prep = spell.system.preparation;
      return (spell.system.level > 0) && (prep.mode === "prepared") && prep.prepared;

    // Sort classes and interleave matching subclasses, put unmatched subclasses into features so they don't disappear
    classes.sort((a, b) => b.system.levels - a.system.levels);
    const maxLevelDelta = CONFIG.DND5E.maxLevel -;
    classes = classes.reduce((arr, cls) => {
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      ctx.availableLevels = Array.fromRange(CONFIG.DND5E.maxLevel + 1).slice(1).map(level => {
        const delta = level - cls.system.levels;
        return { level, delta, disabled: delta > maxLevelDelta };
      const identifier = cls.system.identifier ||{strict: true});
      const subclass = subclasses.findSplice(s => s.system.classIdentifier === identifier);
      if ( subclass ) arr.push(subclass);
      return arr;
    }, []);
    for ( const subclass of subclasses ) {
      const message = game.i18n.format("DND5E.SubclassMismatchWarn", {
        name:, class: subclass.system.classIdentifier
      context.warnings.push({ message, type: "warning" });

    // Organize Features
    const features = {
      race: {
        label: CONFIG.Item.typeLabels.race, items: races,
        hasActions: false, dataset: {type: "race"} },
      background: {
        label: CONFIG.Item.typeLabels.background, items: backgrounds,
        hasActions: false, dataset: {type: "background"} },
      classes: {
        label: `${CONFIG.Item.typeLabels.class}Pl`, items: classes,
        hasActions: false, dataset: {type: "class"}, isClass: true },
      active: {
        label: "DND5E.FeatureActive", items: [],
        hasActions: true, dataset: {type: "feat", "activation.type": "action"} },
      passive: {
        label: "DND5E.FeaturePassive", items: [],
        hasActions: false, dataset: {type: "feat"} }
    for ( const feat of feats ) {
      if ( feat.system.activation?.type );
      else features.passive.items.push(feat);

    // Assign and return
    context.inventoryFilters = true;
    context.inventory = Object.values(inventory);
    context.spellbook = spellbook;
    context.preparedSpells = nPrepared;
    context.features = Object.values(features);

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

Much the same as character sheet logic, but tuned for NPCs. Notably, there is not an inventory context props and thus no inventory filtering.


/** @override */
  _prepareItems(context) {

    // Categorize Items as Features and Spells
    const features = {
      weapons: { label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AttackPl"), items: [], hasActions: true,
        dataset: {type: "weapon", "weapon-type": "natural"} },
      actions: { label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ActionPl"), items: [], hasActions: true,
        dataset: {type: "feat", "activation.type": "action"} },
      passive: { label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Features"), items: [], dataset: {type: "feat"} },
      equipment: { label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Inventory"), items: [], dataset: {type: "loot"}}

    // Start by classifying items into groups for rendering
    let [spells, other] = context.items.reduce((arr, item) => {
      const {quantity, uses, recharge, target} = item.system;
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      ctx.isStack = Number.isNumeric(quantity) && (quantity !== 1);
      ctx.isExpanded = this._expanded.has(;
      ctx.hasUses = uses && (uses.max > 0);
      ctx.isOnCooldown = recharge && !!recharge.value && (recharge.charged === false);
      ctx.isDepleted = item.isOnCooldown && (uses.per && (uses.value > 0));
      ctx.hasTarget = !!target && !(["none", ""].includes(target.type));
      ctx.canToggle = false;
      if ( item.type === "spell" ) arr[0].push(item);
      else arr[1].push(item);
      return arr;
    }, [[], []]);

    // Apply item filters
    spells = this._filterItems(spells, this._filters.spellbook);
    other = this._filterItems(other, this._filters.features);

    // Organize Spellbook
    const spellbook = this._prepareSpellbook(context, spells);

    // Organize Features
    for ( let item of other ) {
      if ( item.type === "weapon" ) features.weapons.items.push(item);
      else if ( item.type === "feat" ) {
        if ( item.system.activation.type ) features.actions.items.push(item);
        else features.passive.items.push(item);

    // Assign and return
    context.inventoryFilters = true;
    context.features = Object.values(features);
    context.spellbook = spellbook;

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

Vehicles currently have no filters.


  /** @override */
  _prepareItems(context) {
    const cargoColumns = [{
      label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Quantity"),
      css: "item-qty",
      property: "quantity",
      editable: "Number"

    const equipmentColumns = [{
      label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Quantity"),
      css: "item-qty",
      property: "system.quantity",
      editable: "Number"
    }, {
      label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AC"),
      css: "item-ac",
      property: "system.armor.value"
    }, {
      label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.HP"),
      css: "item-hp",
      property: "system.hp.value",
      editable: "Number"
    }, {
      label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Threshold"),
      css: "item-threshold",
      property: "threshold"

    const features = {
      actions: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ActionPl"),
        items: [],
        hasActions: true,
        crewable: true,
        dataset: {type: "feat", "activation.type": "crew"},
        columns: [{
          label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Cover"),
          css: "item-cover",
          property: "cover"
      equipment: {
        label: game.i18n.localize(,
        items: [],
        crewable: true,
        dataset: {type: "equipment", "armor.type": "vehicle"},
        columns: equipmentColumns
      passive: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Features"),
        items: [],
        dataset: {type: "feat"}
      reactions: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ReactionPl"),
        items: [],
        dataset: {type: "feat", "activation.type": "reaction"}
      weapons: {
        label: game.i18n.localize(`${CONFIG.Item.typeLabels.weapon}Pl`),
        items: [],
        crewable: true,
        dataset: {type: "weapon", "weapon-type": "siege"},
        columns: equipmentColumns

    context.items.forEach(item => {
      const {uses, recharge} = item.system;
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      ctx.canToggle = false;
      ctx.isExpanded = this._expanded.has(;
      ctx.hasUses = uses && (uses.max > 0);
      ctx.isOnCooldown = recharge && !!recharge.value && (recharge.charged === false);
      ctx.isDepleted = item.isOnCooldown && (uses.per && (uses.value > 0));

    const cargo = {
      crew: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.VehicleCrew"),
        css: "cargo-row crew",
        editableName: true,
        dataset: {type: "crew"},
        columns: cargoColumns
      passengers: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.VehiclePassengers"),
        css: "cargo-row passengers",
        editableName: true,
        dataset: {type: "passengers"},
        columns: cargoColumns
      cargo: {
        label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.VehicleCargo"),
        items: [],
        dataset: {type: "loot"},
        columns: [{
          label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Quantity"),
          css: "item-qty",
          property: "system.quantity",
          editable: "Number"
        }, {
          label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Price"),
          css: "item-price",
          property: "system.price.value",
          editable: "Number"
        }, {
          label: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Weight"),
          css: "item-weight",
          property: "system.weight",
          editable: "Number"

    // Classify items owned by the vehicle and compute total cargo weight
    let totalWeight = 0;
    for ( const item of context.items ) {
      const ctx = context.itemContext[] ??= {};
      this._prepareCrewedItem(item, ctx);

      // Handle cargo explicitly
      const isCargo = item.flags.dnd5e?.vehicleCargo === true;
      if ( isCargo ) {
        totalWeight += (item.system.weight || 0) * item.system.quantity;

      // Handle non-cargo item types
      switch ( item.type ) {
        case "weapon":
        case "equipment":
        case "feat":
          const act = item.system.activation;
          if ( !act.type || (act.type === "none") ) features.passive.items.push(item);
          else if (act.type === "reaction") features.reactions.items.push(item);
          else features.actions.items.push(item);
          totalWeight += (item.system.weight || 0) * item.system.quantity;

    // Update the rendering context data
    context.inventoryFilters = false;
    context.features = Object.values(features);
    context.cargo = Object.values(cargo);
    context.encumbrance = this._computeEncumbrance(totalWeight, context);

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

kgar avatar kgar commented on June 19, 2024

Closing as completed.

from foundry-vtt-tidy-5e-sheets.

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