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Everything one needs to know about the Keivrijdag.

  • What: Keivrijdag: informal scientific discussion, see
  • Where: the online Discord Keivrijdag server, get yourself invited by richelbilderbeek#9002 or other colleagues
  • When: see dates below, at each date from 20:00 onwards
  • Topic: see below

Future discussions

Date Topic Location
2023-07-07 Predator-prey dynamics of hare and lynx/leopard/cheetah Cafe De Minnaar
2021-04-02 [Starts at 19:00] Removing false positives obtained by machine learning techniques when your data is white noise Keivrijdag Discord server,


Third Era, second year

Date Topic Location
2020-04-17 [Extra Keivrijdag] Anecdotal evidence that Humo sapiens men do not always mate with people they classify as 'me mates' Skype
2020-04-24 Flevoland a volcanic island after all? Influence of the Zuidwal volcano in Dutch land formation
2020-05-08 The effect of memorizing the digits of pi in attracting non- and conspecific mates
2020-05-22 Evidence for strong selection on transmembrane helices in hydrophilic cell membranes
2020-06-05 The effect of IST1+ structures on diversification rates
2020-06-19 Evolution of unemployed and homeless people that drink beer on the streets If dry: grassfield between Blauwborg and Linnaeusborg or if rainy: underneath the Linnaeusborg bridge
2020-09-11 Spontaneous speciation from spider-mites to thrips
2020-11-06 The effect of online meeting platform on the spread of STDs Keivrijdag Discord server,
2021-01-11 [unofficial Giacomonday] Discord
Date Topic Keivrijdag/Groningen location Stirling/Creagfriday location
2019-11-08 The many good reasons to classify microplastics as sessile bacteria without DNA De Prins, Zwanestraat 3 [not yet]
2019-11-22 Effects on biodiversity when painting black holes orange De Sleutel, Noorderhaven 72 [not yet]
2019-12-06 Phenotypic plasticity in unobservable organisms De Graanrepubliek, Gedempte Kattendiep 11 [not yet]
2019-12-20 The evolution of the evolution of the evolution of evolvability Bar de Rits, Pottebakkersrijge 2 [not yet]
2020-01-03 The need of a mutator strain of Aldabrachelys gigantea to be used as a model species in evolutionary biology The Crown, Gedempte Zuiderdiep 2 [not yet]
2020-01-10 [Extra Keivrijdag] The effect of mainland extinction on island size De Minnaar, Kleine Rozenstraat 64, [not yet]
2020-01-17 Application of island biogeography models on islands in marine lakes Cafe De Molleboon, Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 117 The Curly Coo Bar, 51 Barnton St
2020-01-31 Causes of the lack of mature pine forests on reservoir land-bridge islands De Kale Jonker, Gedempte Zuiderdiep 148, Nicky-Tams, 29 Baker Street,
2020-02-07 [Extra Keivrijdag] Evidence for diversity-dependent speciation in wild Haggis De Minnaar, Kleine Rozenstraat 64, Mo Chreach!
2020-02-14 The effect of tattoos of prime numbers in attracting non-conspecific mates Bar de Rits, Pottebakkersrijge 2 Mo Chreach!
2020-02-28 The many proofs the universe would be unstable would mature pine forests not be green De Valstrik. Blekerstraat 26a Mo creag!
2020-03-13 No official Keivrijdag With less than 99 beloved ones 😁 Mo creag!
2020-03-27 Cancelled NA
Date Topic Location
2019-05-24 (first KeiVrijdag) Applications of the DAISIE model on the sub-oceanic island of Flevoland De Toeter, Turfsingel 6
2019-06-07 [a forgotten Keivrijdag] [no suggestion]
2019-06-21 Can we exclude genetics in explaining altostratus behavior? Can the absence of emergent properties in its flocking behavior be explained completely by phenotypic plasticity? Merleyn, Meeuwerderweg 121
2019-07-05 Allopatric speciation in Patrae (but not due to mountain formation) Bij Kimmie (formerly: Aan De Amstel), Veemarktstraat 101 (close to Oosterpoort)
2019-07-19 The use of English and French Pokemon in measuring name-dependent speciation rates Kroeg van Klaas, Oosterweg 26
2019-08-02 Evidence from island biogeography models for Flevoland being a volcanic island De Pintelier, Kleine Kromme Elleboog 9
2019-08-16 Biological relevance of speciation models in which time is diversity-dependent Noorderzon, Kruissingel
2019-08-30 Phylogenetic speciation models that use pi in their likelihood equations Die 2, Mauritsdwarsstraat 29,
2019-09-13 Biological relevance of protracted diversity-and-time-and-trait-dependent multiple-birth speciation models with imaginary parameters De Minnaar, Kleine Rozenstraat 64,
2019-09-27 Biological relevance of divisions by zero Mr Mofongo's, Oude Boteringestraat 26
2019-10-11 The reaction of flogs to valkan drones De Bres, Grachtstraat 71
2019-10-25 the effect of biodifurstetie of difrend kinds of islands on the evelution on islands Sportsbar, Blauwborgje 16
2019-11-01 [Extra Keivrijdag] The evolutionary consequences of naming a sterilized pets after a phylogenetic inference model @GiorgioBoccarella's place
Date Topic
2019-02-25 (from 17:00!)The Giacomonday topic with the highest impact factor judged by altmetrics
2019-03-11 The use of introgression to prove Foraminifera and Ovis aries are non-sister species
2019-03-25 Emergent properties of multiple adjacent vacua
2019-04-08 Does the absence of division of labor in Higgs bosons prove they aren't social insects?
2019-04-22 The effect of Easter on Giacomondays (spoiler: none!)
2019-05-06 (last Giacomonday) Dominance hierarchies in photons

Third Era, first year

Date Topic
2018-02-19 The effect of quantum physics at macro-evolutionary scale
2018-02-26 The effect of intergalactic dark matter at micro-evolutionary scales
2018-03-05 Emergent properties in single-rule single-agent systems in featureless donut-shaped worlds
2018-03-12 The effect of black holes on the retinal system of bottom-dwelling ciclids in Lake Victoria in winter when it is cloudy
2018-03-19 [An unofficial Giacomonday]
2018-03-26 The effect of alternative universes on Darwinian sexual selection on costless and honest traits on species in those universes
2018-04-09 Practice of evolutionary medicine by Mesoamericans in Teotihuacan at March 14th 159 AD
2018-04-23 in silico modeling of perfect vacua
2018-04-30 Evolutionary stable strategies for bachelor students in a game of heads or tails
2018-05-07 The effect of waterbody names on mitochondrial cAMP levels in flagellated microbenthos
2018-05-14 (extra) Approaches to Macroevolution: 3. General Variation and Origin, Overarching Issues, General Acknowledgements
2018-05-21 The effect of Pentecost on Giacomondays (spoiler: none!)
2018-05-28 The effect of typo's in email sent early in the morning on biological simulations running on the same computer
2018-06-04 The amount of pre-emptive niche filling by absent species
2018-06-11 Extra Giacomonday. The effect of having no topic on Giacomondays
2018-06-18 Origin of life: a virgo? The effect of the zodiac on early replicator formation
2018-07-02 The effect of eddies in vacua in Italian natural reserves
2018-07-16 The absence of host-parasite interactions in My Little Pony, excluding gray area cases
2018-07-30 Host-parasite relations in hosts confined to the Artic and parasites confined to the Antarctic region
2018-08-13 The effect of time travelling haplorhines on yesterday's unobservable behavioral dynamics
2018-08-27 Survival of the fittest? The effect Charles Darwin had on the Chinese Ming dynasty
2018-09-10 Sexual ornaments producing electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 41 and 43 femtometers
2018-09-17 (at 21:00!) The effect of a one-hour daytime shift on observable circadian behavior of Tardigrada in liquid helium
2018-09-24 Adaptive radiation in Uranium-235
2018-10-01 The effect of Heliconius migrational routes on biodiversity patterns in Mare Imbrium
2018-10-08 The epidemiological effects of vaccinating viruses against themselves
2018-10-15 Evidence for the sexy son hypoKeivrijdag in the European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) from observational field studies of virgin females
2018-10-22 The use of Bayesian statistics on deterministic, non-chaotic and trivally simple systems
2018-11-05 The delusion of the Division of Labor in ants: no evidence of parlementary or other adminstrative divisions
2018-11-19 Post-mortem game theory strategies
2018-12-03 What can agriculture learn from the low FST values in Cybertronian species?
2018-12-17 Successes in stabilizing road kills in the Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in the last decade
2018-12-31 No Giacomonday
2019-01-14 Paper-Rock-Scissors dynamics in collections of papers, rocks and scissors
2019-01-21 [Extra Giacomonday) Correlation between narcissism and throat patch shape (e.g. not in the shape of a penis) in tayra (Eira barbara)
2019-01-28 Pokemon: ideal system to test diversification models on?
2019-02-11 The use of island biogeography in explaining low species diversity on the moon


At what time will the topic be discussed?

Discussion starts at 20:00 sharp, until consensus is reached. Sometimes the discussion flares up again later on the evening, but this is discouraged.

I know little about the topic, can I join anyways?

Great care is taken in selecting topics with only a modest amount of literature about it. If a literature search on the topic results in more articles than the Giacoconstant, a more specific topic is picked.

Short as the list of academic papers may be, we do (try to) accept people that may potentially have good reasons not to read up.

I want to contribute a topic

Great! Send a Pull Request, post an Issue or email to @richelbilderbeek.

This will open up the option to suggest a pub. You are encouraged to do so 👍

⚠️ instead of a real-life pub, you can submit the URL of your favorite online video-chatroom.

I only want to suggest a pub!

Bad luck! You need to suggest a topic 🌈

I only want to join for the gezelligheid. Is that OK?

As can be inferred from the list of topics, we do not take science lightly. Sure, we will (try to) be nice to you, but we may be hindered of the idea that we view you as parasitically bathing in our hard-earned wisdom. On the other hand, perhaps we should slow down on being serious all the time.

What was Creagfriday?

Creagfriday was the Keivrijdag in Stirling. See the rich history of these events below.

Why is it called Keivrijdag?

'kei' is Dutch for 'very' and 'vrijdag' is Dutch for Friday. Additionally, 'vrij' is Dutch for 'free' as used in 'freedom' (among others), so it is a very free Friday!

Why was it called Creagfriday?

'creag' is Scottish Gaelic for rock. The 'Kei' in Creagfriday's ancestral event 'Keivrijdag' is a Dutch word for 'rock'.

Is the Keivrijdag related to the KEI week?


The 'kei' in 'kijvrijdag' is Dutch for 'very', where KEI in KEI week is an abbreviation.

There is a 50% chance, however, that in a KEI week's Friday, that that day is also a Keivrijdag. Additionally, there is an approximately 2% chance, that when it is Keivrijdag, it is also KEI week.

What is the picture?

It is a rock.

To be precise, it is one of the two rocks at Spectacle Rock.

'Kei' is a Dutch word for rock.

What is the Giacoconstant?

The Giacoconstant, G, can be calculated as such:

Giacomonday constant

The 'plus one' is to emphasize that we are always willing to read that one extra article.

Don't you think Friday is a bad day to go to a pub?

Yes. Some of the wiser visitors of Keivrijdag thus leave at 22:00.


The history of Keivrijdag started with the Giacomonday:

First era: 2014-2015

Giacomonday started in the era in which TECE was a member of COCON. In that era, Richel Bilderbeek and Annelies van Ginkel were the two Party Committee members. During that period, the pub was frequented once a week for six weeks in a row. Then, Giacomo Alciatore, an examplary student went elsewhere. This resulted in Richel being in the pub alone, and Giacomonday (not yet called as such) died a silent death. Also, TECE split from COCON.

Second era: 2016

In the second era, Giacomo visited Groningen for some weeks, and Giacomonday was back! It was then named as such. When Giacomo left, Richel was again the only one persevering in being social, and Giacomonday was put in the freezer.

Third era: 2017-onwards

The TECE group has grown, with some new social members being added. Giacomonday was revived, with Giacomono being absent (he does get the invitation email, though). The Giacomonday got an even more serious character, by adding a scientific topic to be informally discussed.

After 1.25 year of Giacomondays, this event moved to a Friday and was renamed to 'Keivrijdag'. At the Keivrijdag, the pub location varies.

At around November 2019, a Keivrijdag regular, Theo Pannetier, decided to enrich the Scottish culture in Stirling by organising a Keivrijdag there in parallel, where it will be called 'Creagfriday'. Similar to the Giacomonday's first era, the 'Creagfriday' died a silent death at around March 2020.

Due to some pandemic, the Keivrijdag moved online. Halfway April 2020, Pedro Neves organised the first online Keivrijdag. After some online meetings, there was a first meeting in real life, at the grassland at the university campus. After this, the third era ended: the Keivrijdag was yet another victim of the pandemic.

Keivrijdag's Projects

genocae icon genocae

Convolutional autoencoder for genotype data

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.