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Comments (66)

karpathy avatar karpathy commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm. Not sure what is going on here. Clearly it's some kind of a configuration issue. The output looks fine (except the nans). Do you have the most recent torch?

from char-rnn.

Taschi120 avatar Taschi120 commented on June 23, 2024

I strictly followed the installation instructions from just a couple of days ago, so yeah.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Just to note, I'm also seeing this exact same issue. (and #28)
As above, installed torch from the website on Friday,

Tried running with earlier commits and saw the same problem, so doesn't look like a regression in char-rnn.

Could it perhaps be because our version of torch is too new rather than too old?

from char-rnn.

Taschi120 avatar Taschi120 commented on June 23, 2024

For debugging purposes, I did another install in a Virtualbox, running ArchLinux x64, with up-to-date torch, and interestingly it works fine this time. So it's probably not related to any version incompatibilities.

from char-rnn.

tjrileywisc avatar tjrileywisc commented on June 23, 2024

Just now when I was running into this, I deleted the data.t7 and vocab.t7 files and then restarted training and now it is working again.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Still not working for me. I pulled the latest changes from master and the problem still exists, although it seems to notice and quit out now:
(even just after deleting data.t7 and vocab.t7)

11:36:13 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -gpuid -1
vocab.t7 and data.t7 do not exist. Running preprocessing...
one-time setup: preprocessing input text file data/tinyshakespeare/input.txt...
loading text file...
creating vocabulary mapping...
putting data into tensor...
saving data/tinyshakespeare/vocab.t7
saving data/tinyshakespeare/data.t7
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 423, val: 23, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
1/21150 (epoch 0.002), train_loss =    nan, grad/param norm =    nan, time/batch = 3.73s
loss is exploding, aborting.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

@DiscoViking : Just out of curiosity, can you provide some information about your system, eg uname -a, cat /etc/lsb-release? I'm wondering if it's something to do with 32-bit vs 64-bit integers perhaps, and this would at least provide evidence for/against this hypothesis.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

@hughperkins : Sure. This is all inside VirtualBox.

11:47:57 [build] ~> uname -a
Linux centosvm-RPN 2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 7 23:32:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
11:48:01 [build] ~> cat /etc/lsb-release
LSB_VERSION=base-4.0-amd64:base-4.0-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-4.0-    amd64:graphics-4.0-noarch:printing-4.0-amd64:printing-4.0-noarch

Also potentially relevant:

11:48:06 [build] ~> cat /etc/centos-release 
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

I noticed someone in issue #28 said they were running CentOS too. Perhaps related?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

@DiscoViking : as far as software versions, I would make sure that you update also nn, and nngraph. You might also update torch itself. I have the latest version of nn (commit b7aa53d) and it runs ok on cpu for me.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

@DiscoViking Ok, just saw your update. Ok, so you're running on 64-bit linux, same as me, so probably not 32/64-bit integer issue.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

(hmmm, also, kind of a long shot, what happens if you run th -l nn -e 'nn.test()' ?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024


12:01:29 [build] ~> th -l nn -e 'nn.test()'
Running 111 tests
_______*________________________________________________________________*______________________________________  ==> Done Completed 1195 asserts in 111 tests with 4 errors
error on state 
 LT(<) violation   val=nan, condition=1e-05                                                                                                                                                                                                   
        .../home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tester.lua:26: in function 'assertlt'                                                                                                                                                
        /export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:1342: in function </export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:1307>                                                                                        

nn.SpatialContrastiveNormalization - i/o backward err                                                                                                                                                                                         
 EQ(==) violation   val=nan, condition=0                                                                                                                                                                                                      
        .../home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tester.lua:42: in function 'asserteq'                                                                                                                                                
        /export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:1346: in function </export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:1307>                                                                                        

Gradient for input A wrong for bSize = 6 and i = 6                                                                                                                                                                                            
 TensorEQ(==) violation   val=nan, condition=1e-10                                                                                                                                                                                            
        .../home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tester.lua:61: in function 'assertTensorEq'                                                                                                                                          
        /export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:3462: in function </export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:3436>                                                                                        

Gradient for input A wrong for bSize = 11 and i = 6
 TensorEQ(==) violation   val=nan, condition=1e-10
        .../home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tester.lua:61: in function 'assertTensorEq'
        /export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:3462: in function </export/home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/test.lua:3436>


from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, not really, those functions aren't used in char-rnn unforutnately. what about th -e 'torch.test()'? (Note, the errors baout gels, choleksy, svd, eig and probably gesv are again irrelevant unfortunately AFAIK)

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Yep, only those errors mentioned:

12:03:48 [build] ~> th -e 'torch.test()'
Running 111 tests
_*_*__________________________________*_________________________*_________________*___________________*___*____  ==> Done Completed 641 asserts in 111 tests with 7 errors
 Function call failed 
gels : Lapack library not found in compile time
 at /export/home/build/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:55
stack traceback:
 Function call failed 
potrf : Lapack library not found in compile time
 at /export/home/build/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:135
stack traceback:
 Function call failed 
geev : Lapack library not found in compile time
 at /export/home/build/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:81
stack traceback:
 Function call failed 
gels : Lapack library not found in compile time
 at /export/home/build/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:55
stack traceback:
 Function call failed 
gels : Lapack library not found in compile time
 at /export/home/build/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/generic/THLapack.c:55
stack traceback:

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, what about if you put a learning rate of 0, or really small, like 0.0000001?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Both give exactly the same output as above. :s

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

with learning rate of 0? Thats interesting...

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

what about if you reduce the batch_size and stuff? Is there a minimum batch_size/seq_size etc that fails?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

(note: using learning_rate of 0, since that is the simplest scenario, by far...)

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Ok, now we're maybe getting somewhere.
It works if seq_length is 1. batch_size can be anything.
If seq_length is larger than 1 it always fails.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Interesting :-)

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Although, the training now seems to be working, trying to sample from the snapshots it generates still hits the exact error in issue #28

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Ok. Also, with seq_length 1, it's no longer an rnn, it's just a standard nn. But, it narrows down the possible places where the error could be.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Ok some more interesting info:

If I run it with "-gpuid 0 -opencl 3" it works with seq_length up to 7.

17:00:16 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -gpuid 0 -opencl 3 -seq_length 7
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 3026, val: 160, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
1/151300 (epoch 0.000), train_loss = 4.19793148, grad/param norm = 6.9382e-02, time/batch = 0.95s

If I don't specify opencl, it can't use CUDA, so falls back on CPU mode BUT STILL WORKS.

17:00:37 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -gpuid 0 -seq_length 7
package cunn not found!
package cutorch not found!
If cutorch and cunn are installed, your CUDA toolkit may be improperly configured.
Check your CUDA toolkit installation, rebuild cutorch and cunn, and try again.
Falling back on CPU mode
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 3026, val: 160, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
1/151300 (epoch 0.000), train_loss = 4.19793148, grad/param norm = 6.9382e-02, time/batch = 0.58s

After doing this, setting gpuid back to -1 now works.

17:02:57 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -gpuid -1 -seq_length 7
vocab.t7 and data.t7 do not exist. Running preprocessing...
one-time setup: preprocessing input text file data/tinyshakespeare/input.txt...
loading text file...
creating vocabulary mapping...
putting data into tensor...
saving data/tinyshakespeare/vocab.t7
saving data/tinyshakespeare/data.t7
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 3026, val: 160, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
1/151300 (epoch 0.000), train_loss = 4.19793148, grad/param norm = 6.9382e-02, time/batch = 0.64s

Note that in all cases, the checkpoints are still unusable, as in #28
Also in all cases, seq_length 8 and above fail as before.

I'm very confused as to why it would work now when it didn't before. :S

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

I'm not sure what '-gpuid 0 -opencl 3' is supposed to do, but I think it will train on cpu. I think I will probably change create a PR to change the way -opencl option works, since it seems that intuitively it looks like one should provide the opencl device id to it, is that right?

As far as diagnostics, I've created a special version of nngraph which you might want to try. In theory, it checks for nan after ever node in the graph. It will run really slowly of course. For now, it only checks forward prop, but it would be easy to add check into backprop too, if it doesnt fail during forward prop.

to install the checked version of nngraph:

git checkout -b checked nngraph-checked
cd nngraph-checked
luarocks make nngraph-scm-1.rockspec

... then run the char-rnn training as before.

To revert to the original nngraph, you can do, from the same directory as above:

cd nngraph-checked
git checkout master
luarocks make nngraph-scm-1.rockspec

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

By the way, that node number that it prints, if it fails on forward prop, you can look it up on this picture of the lstm graph :-P

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Training on a seq_length of 8 which fails immediately:

14:49:24 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -seq_length 8
package cunn not found!
package cutorch not found!
If cutorch and cunn are installed, your CUDA toolkit may be improperly configured.
Check your CUDA toolkit installation, rebuild cutorch and cunn, and try again.
Falling back on CPU mode
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 2648, val: 140, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
output is nan!
node is:
nn.Linear(65 -> 512) 36       nil
num inputs
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

/export/home/build/torch/install/bin/luajit: 'for' limit must be a number
stack traceback: in function 'neteval' in function 'forward'
        train.lua:240: in function 'opfunc'
        ...home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/optim/rmsprop.lua:32: in function 'rmsprop'
        train.lua:283: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'dofile'
        ...uild/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:131: in main chunk
        [C]: at 0x00405800

No error training with seq_length 7.

Sampling from the checkpoints generated using seq_length 7:

14:51:47 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th sample.lua cv/lm_lstm_epoch0.64_1.3220.t7 -gpuid -1
creating an LSTM...
missing seed text, using uniform probability over first character
output is nan!
node is:
nn.Linear(93 -> 512) 36       nil
num inputs
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

/export/home/build/torch/install/bin/luajit: 'for' limit must be a number
stack traceback: in function 'neteval' in function 'forward'
        sample.lua:129: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'dofile'
        ...uild/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:131: in main chunk
        [C]: at 0x00405800

Any help?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, your graph has differnet node ids to mine... since node id 36 on mine is a Sigmoid module, but on yours is a Linear module

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

do you have graphviz installed? I might get it to dump the graph when it hits an error, so we can see how your graph is numbered.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Yes I have graphviz. How do I go about dumping the graph?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

I think I will make it dump automatically, because it seems maybe the numbering varies according to how one loads the model, or something.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Ok, I dumped the graph here, and circled node36 in the following screenshot. But something strnage is that the dimensions of yours are 93 -> 512, but mine is 65 -> 512. I wonder why that is?

I also updated the nngraph checked version to dump your graph automatically. You should find a file named 'error.fg.svg' in your current directory, after installing the new nngraph, and rerunning train.lua. which you can open in inkscape for example.

I also updated the nngraph checked version to dump your graph automatically. You should find a file named 'error.fg.svg' in your current directory, after installing the new nngraph, and rerunning train.lua. which you can open in inkscape for example.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Sorry, the checkpoint I was using was actually generated with my own dataset, hence the different node dimensions.

You can see in the failed training output that the dimensions of mine are also 65 -> 512 when using tinyshakespeare.

Here's my graph, I think it looks the same as yours.


from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

So, using tinyshakespeare, it also nans on node 36, during forward pass?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Can you also provide the output that it produces at the point that it crashes please?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Yes, that was the first output I provided above.

Duplicated for clarity (although it's slightly different with the new nngraph):

15:56:14 [master*] [char-rnn] ~> th train.lua -data_dir data/tinyshakespeare/ -seq_length 8
package cunn not found!
package cutorch not found!
If cutorch and cunn are installed, your CUDA toolkit may be improperly configured.
Check your CUDA toolkit installation, rebuild cutorch and cunn, and try again.
Falling back on CPU mode
loading data files...
cutting off end of data so that the batches/sequences divide evenly
reshaping tensor...
data load done. Number of data batches in train: 2648, val: 140, test: 0
vocab size: 65
creating an LSTM with 2 layers
number of parameters in the model: 240321
cloning rnn
cloning criterion
output is nan!
node is:
nn.Linear(65 -> 512) 36       nil
torch.type(input)       torch.DoubleTensor
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]     1
  mapindex      1
    type        OneHot
/export/home/build/torch/install/bin/luajit: output is nan, during forward pass, aborting...
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error' in function 'neteval' in function 'forward'
        train.lua:240: in function 'opfunc'
        ...home/build/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/optim/rmsprop.lua:32: in function 'rmsprop'
        train.lua:283: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'dofile'
        ...uild/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:131: in main chunk
        [C]: at 0x00405800

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024


Hmmm, so thinking this through, output of OneHot must be non-nan, otherwise it would have aborted at OneHot node, which it didnt do. Therefore inputs to node 36 are non-nan. But node 36 simply multiplies the input by the weights. The only way that a multiply can produce a nan, is if one of the numbers being multiplied are nan already.

So, probalby the weights are becoming nans, presumably during a previous backward pass. So ,we probably need to extend the nngraph checked version to check the weights during the backward pass. (Or... it could mean the weights are not being initialized correctly, but that seems unlikely, since it's a mature, easy task, to initialize weights in a Linear module).

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

I've updated the checked nngraph. It's vveerrryyyy slloooowwwww for now, and only works in cpu-only mode, for now, but you ar egetting nans in cpu mode anyway right?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Yes this is all in CPU mode.

Sadly, even with the new nngraph the output is exactly as above. No change.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, thats odd.... sounds impossible... must be an error in my checking code... anyway, let's get more informatoin about the tensors at the point of failure, ie find out which tensors contain nans etc.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Ok, I've updated the nngraph checked version a bit:

  • need to add 'CHECKED=1' prefix when running it, to activate the checking, otherwise it just runs normally (so don thave to keep reverting it...)
  • moved checking from accGradParameters (which is slow, and cpu-only, for now), to updateGradInput (which is fast, and portable)

Can you git pull the new version, and then rerun training, with CHECKED env variable:

cd nngraph-checked
git checkout checked
git pull
luarocks make nngraph-scm-1.rockspec

and then, from char-rnn directory:

CHECKED=1 th train.lua -gpuid -1

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Output is the same as before.

Relevant section:

<setup cut>
output is nan!
node is:
nn.Linear(65 -> 512) 36       nil
torch.type(input)       torch.DoubleTensor
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]     1
  mapindex      1
    type        OneHot
/export/home/build/torch/install/bin/luajit: output is nan, during forward pass, aborting...
<stack trace cut>

To make sure it's using the right nngraph, I ran it without CHECKED=1 and observed it not performing the checking. (ie. it quit out after running the first batch with the "loss is exploding, aborting." message.)

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Ok... surprising.... ok, can you re-update, reinstlal and retry please? I've got it to dump the sum of the input, the bias and the weights. One would expect at least one of these is nan, otherwise it's very odd indeed. I've updated it to print 'check v0.3', so you can verify it is the right version.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

I guess we're going with "very odd indeed" then? =P

check v0.3
output is nan.  Dumping diag info, then aborting       36       nil
        nn.Linear(65 -> 512)
  torch.type(input)     torch.DoubleTensor
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

  input:sum()   50
  weight:sum()  -1.7501814170554
  bias:sum()    0.26080854766071   1
    mapindex    1
    type        OneHot

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Yeah, thats pretty bizarre. Let's dump these tensors, and I can take a look at this end perhaps. But, if it's some weird cpu error on your machine, obviously I wont be able to reproduce that of course. But that seems no more than say 10-20% likely, at most, so hopefully they'll be something weird I can spot.

Can you update, reinstlal, rerun, and post the output, and then there will be 4 files in your directory, about 4MB total: input.dat, weight.dat, bias.dat, and output.dat. Can you zip those up, and send them to me somehow, eg via dropbox or similar? It should say 'check v0.5' now.

edit: should be v0.5

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, linear uses blas. maybe your blas has a bug...

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024


check v0.5
output is nan.  Dumping diag info, then aborting       36       nil
        nn.Linear(65 -> 512)
tensor  input
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

   sum  50
   nelement     3250
tensor  weight
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

   sum  -1.7501814170554
   nelement     33280
tensor  bias
[torch.LongStorage of size 1]

[torch.LongStorage of size 1]

   sum  0.26080854766071
   nelement     512
tensor  output
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

   sum  nan
   nelement     25600

Zipfile at:

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Thanks. Hmmm, it definitely uses blas. Look, here is the nn.Linear updateOutput method:

function Linear:updateOutput(input)
    -- blah blah blah, and then:
      self.output:addmm(0, self.output, 1, input, self.weight:t())  -- <= this is blas
      self.output:addr(1, self.addBuffer, self.bias)   <=  this si probalby blas too
   return self.output

addmm calls blas GEMM:

  /* do the operation */
                transpose_m2, ...

I reckon it's possible you have a blas issue.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Question: do you have a cuda-enabled or opencl-enabled gpu you can try? That would bypass your blas. Would be interesting to see if its broken on opencl and/or cuda too, or just on cpu.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

These work just fine on my machine. Can you try the following script on your machine please? Just put it in the same directory as the .dat files (maybe make a new, empty directoyr, and copy the 4 .dat files and this script htere, so we know nothing else is being imported somehow), and then simply run this script, and report the output?

require 'torch'
require 'nn'

input = torch.load('input.dat')
weight = torch.load('weight.dat')
bias = torch.load('bias.dat')

print('input:sum()', input:sum())
print('weight:sum()', weight:sum())
print('bias:sum()', bias:sum())

linear = nn.Linear(65, 512)
linear.weight = weight
linear.bias = bias

out = linear:updateOutput(input)
print('out:sum()', out:sum())

On my machine:

$ th mult.lua 
input:sum() 50  
weight:sum()    -1.7501814170554    
bias:sum()  0.26080854766071    
out:sum()   -0.98505634315315   

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, there is only one single nan. Counted with the following modified script:

require 'torch'
require 'nn'

input = torch.load('input.dat')
weight = torch.load('weight.dat')
bias = torch.load('bias.dat')

print('input:sum()', input:sum())
print('weight:sum()', weight:sum())
print('bias:sum()', bias:sum())

linear = nn.Linear(65, 512)
linear.weight = weight
linear.bias = bias

out = linear:updateOutput(input)
print('out:sum()', out:sum())

output = torch.load('output.dat')
print('output:nElement()', output:nElement())
print('output:offset()', output:storageOffset())
s = output:storage()
print('s:size()', s:size())
nanCount = 0
for i=1,s:size() do
  if s[i] ~= s[i] then
    nanCount = nanCount + 1
print('nanCount:', nanCount)
print('output:sum()', output:sum())

I wonder where...

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

the nan is in location 176. Thats pretty random...

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

on my machine, that location is 0.023142346814275, on yours is nan. If I replace the nan in your output by this value, at this position, the output:sum() is identical to my out:sum(). Very odd. I'm kind of 80% sure it's a blas issue...

Edit, my current script:

require 'torch'
require 'nn'

input = torch.load('input.dat')
weight = torch.load('weight.dat')
bias = torch.load('bias.dat')

print('input:sum()', input:sum())
print('weight:sum()', weight:sum())
print('bias:sum()', bias:sum())

linear = nn.Linear(65, 512)
linear.weight = weight
linear.bias = bias

out = linear:updateOutput(input)
print('out:sum()', out:sum())

output = torch.load('output.dat')
print('output:nElement()', output:nElement())
print('output:offset()', output:storageOffset())
s = output:storage()
print('s:size()', s:size())
nanCount = 0
for i=1,s:size() do
  if s[i] ~= s[i] then
    nanCount = nanCount + 1
    print('nan location: ', i)
print('nanCount:', nanCount)
print('output:sum()', output:sum())
print('my s[176]', out:storage()[176])
s[176] = out:storage()[176]
print('output:sum()', output:sum())

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Extended it a bit, just in case a nan in the output persists through the addmm somehow. On my machine, it does not.

require 'torch'
require 'nn'

input = torch.load('input.dat')
weight = torch.load('weight.dat')
bias = torch.load('bias.dat')

print('input:sum()', input:sum())
print('weight:sum()', weight:sum())
print('bias:sum()', bias:sum())

linear = nn.Linear(65, 512)
linear.weight = weight
linear.bias = bias

out = linear:updateOutput(input)
print('out:sum()', out:sum())

output = torch.load('output.dat')
print('output:nElement()', output:nElement())
print('output:offset()', output:storageOffset())
s = output:storage()
print('s:size()', s:size())
nanCount = 0
for i=1,s:size() do
  if s[i] ~= s[i] then
    nanCount = nanCount + 1
    print('nan location: ', i)
print('nanCount:', nanCount)
print('output:sum()', output:sum())
print('my s[176]', out:storage()[176])
s[176] = out:storage()[176]
print('output:sum()', output:sum())

output = torch.load('output.dat')
linear.weight = weight
linear.bias = bias
linear.output = output
out = linear:updateOutput(input)
print('out:sum()', out:sum())


$ th mult.lua 
input:sum() 50  
weight:sum()    -1.7501814170554    
bias:sum()  0.26080854766071    
out:sum()   -0.98505634315315   
output:nElement()   25600   
output:offset() 1   
s:size()    25600   
nan location:   176 
nanCount:   1   
output:sum()    nan 
my s[176]   0.023142346814275   
output:sum()    -0.98505634315315   
out:sum()   -0.98505634315315   

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Output from that latest version:

15:31:23 [tensor_test] ~> th test.lua 
input:sum()     50
weight:sum()    -1.7501814170554
bias:sum()      0.26080854766071
out:sum()       -0.98505634315315
output:nElement()       25600
output:offset() 1
s:size()        25600
nan location:   176
nanCount:       1
output:sum()    nan
my s[176]       0.023142346814275
output:sum()    -0.98505634315315
out:sum()       nan

Only difference is that final nan. Looks like it is persisting on my machine?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Hmmm, yeah. So, some approaches to solve this, at least:

  • one approach would be to modify nn.Linear to not use addmm
  • one approach would be to zero it first
  • one approach would be to check whether this is expected behavior in blas, and if not, then file a bug report with the blas and /or change blas

Interestingly, whilst googling for 'addmm blas', I came across this very relevant commit:

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Idea: can you try rolling back your nn to just before this commit, eg to this commit , and see if you still have the issue?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Yep that seems to fix it. (at least the training problem). =D
Do you think that will fix the sampling problem too? I guess I'll find out soon anyway.

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

seems highly likely it will fix the sampling problem. If it doesnt, then I guess we have the technology to figure out the second issue faster now :-) Good that the training problem is fixed.

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

Awesome. Thanks for working through it, that was quite the debugging effort!

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

Cool :-) Glad it worked out :-)

from char-rnn.

szagoruyko avatar szagoruyko commented on June 23, 2024

is this on CPU? can you go back to master and revert only this commit?

from char-rnn.

hughperkins avatar hughperkins commented on June 23, 2024

@szagoruyko: on CPU yeah. Can I leave you to work with DiscoViking to double-check whether reverting only this single commit does/doesn't fix this issue?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

@szagoruyko I wasn't on master before, I was on (1b7aee0) as decided by my torch installation.
I've moved back to there, and reverted this one commit.

Can confirm the bug is present before the revert, and not present afterwards.

@hughperkins Can also confirm that sampling is also fixed by this.

from char-rnn.

szagoruyko avatar szagoruyko commented on June 23, 2024

@DiscoViking which OS and BLAS is it?

from char-rnn.

rynorris avatar rynorris commented on June 23, 2024

OS = CentOS 6.5
BLAS = Not sure, how do I find out?

from char-rnn.

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