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Comments (4)

x-ji avatar x-ji commented on September 22, 2024

The full output before the program seems to get stuck is the following. None of the files included seems to be my own file. They are all functions from other packages.

Traceur.jl is installed from the Github repo and the Julia version is 1.01. I'm on Arch Linux.

┌ Warning: getindex returns Union{Char, String}
└ @ tuple.jl:24
Reading training corpus┌ Warning: uses global variable Base.uv_jl_writecb_task
└ @ stream.jl:810
┌ Warning: get returns Any
└ @ abstractdict.jl:597
┌ Warning: uses global variable Base.uv_eventloop
└ @ libuv.jl:89
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.rethrow)($(Expr(:the_exception)))
└ @ event.jl:190
┌ Warning: Base.try_yieldto returns Any
└ @ event.jl:186
┌ Warning: reftask is assigned as Union{Nothing, RefValue{Task}}
└ @ event.jl:253
┌ Warning: wait returns Any
└ @ event.jl:244
┌ Warning: get returns Any
└ @ abstractdict.jl:597
┌ Warning: getindex returns Any
└ @ abstractdict.jl:601
┌ Warning: pop! returns Any
└ @ abstractdict.jl:607
┌ Warning: pop! returns Any
└ @ abstractdict.jl:619
┌ Warning: buf is assigned as Union{Nothing, GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}}
└ @ stream.jl:837
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.bytesavailable)((Base.getfield)(s, sendbuf))
└ @ stream.jl:838
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.unsafe_write)((Base.getfield)(s, sendbuf), p, n)
└ @ stream.jl:840
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.unsafe_write)((Base.getfield)(s, sendbuf), p, n)
└ @ stream.jl:846

┌ Warning: buf is assigned as Union{Nothing, GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}}
└ @ stream.jl:870
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (getfield(Base, Symbol("#kw##schedule"))())(%new(NamedTuple{(:error,),Tuple{Bool}}, error), Base.schedule, φ (%19 => %15, %141 => %136), arg)
└ @ event.jl:68
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.schedule)(φ (%19 => %15, %141 => %136), arg)
└ @ event.jl:68
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (getfield(Base, Symbol("#kw##schedule"))())(%new(NamedTuple{(:error,),Tuple{Bool}}, error), Base.schedule, (Base.arrayref)(true, (Base.getfield)(c, waitq), 1),arg)
└ @ event.jl:74
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.schedule)((Base.arrayref)(true, (Base.getfield)(c, waitq), 1), arg)
└ @ event.jl:74
┌ Warning: x is assigned as Union{Char, String}
└ @ strings/io.jl:41
┌ Warning: uses global variable Base.stdout
└ @ coreio.jl:4
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.println)(π (Base.stdout, IO), (getfield)(xs, 1))
└ @ coreio.jl:4
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.getproperty)(Base.Main, Base)
└ @ error.jl:106
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.getproperty)((Base.getproperty)(Base.Main, Base), SystemError)
└ @ error.jl:106
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to ((Base.getproperty)((Base.getproperty)(Base.Main, Base), SystemError))(p, $(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_errno, Int32, svec(), :ccall, 0)), extrainfo)
└ @ error.jl:106
┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to ((Base.getfield)(itr, ondone))()
└ @ io.jl:880
┌ Warning: getindex returns Union{Int64, String}
└ @ tuple.jl:24
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:432
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:437
┌ Warning: getindex returns Union{Char, Int64}
└ @ tuple.jl:24
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:432
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:437
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ generator.jl:44
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Tuple{Char,Int64}
└ @ generator.jl:46
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:432
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:437
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char,Int64}}
└ @ generator.jl:44
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Tuple{Char,Int64}
└ @ generator.jl:46
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64,Int64}}
└ @ array.jl:683
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64,Int64}}
└ @ array.jl:700
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64,Int64}}
└ @ array.jl:674
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ generator.jl:44
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Tuple{String,Int64}
└ @ generator.jl:46
┌ Warning: getindex returns Union{Int64, Array{Int64,1}}
└ @ tuple.jl:24
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:432
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ iterators.jl:437
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{String,Int64}}
└ @ generator.jl:44
┌ Warning: y is assigned as Tuple{String,Int64}
└ @ generator.jl:46

from traceur.jl.

pfitzseb avatar pfitzseb commented on September 22, 2024

Can you share your code? That might help with debugging this, although I suspect that Julia is just recompiling a lot of new methods which might take ages.

from traceur.jl.

crazy0713 avatar crazy0713 commented on September 22, 2024

me too
vscode: 1.29.0
windows 10
Traceur v0.2.0+ #master (

┌ Warning: getindex returns Any └ @ namedtuple.jl:102 ┌ Warning: val is assigned as Union{Nothing, Dict{Symbol,Any}} └ @ dict.jl:389 ┌ Warning: x is assigned as Union{Nothing, Tuple{Symbol,Int64}} └ @ iterators.jl:234 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to ((Core.apply_type)(OrdinaryDiffEq.Rosenbrock23, chunk_size, autodiff, LinSolveFactorize{typeof(lu!)}, DataType))(linsolve, diff_type) └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\OrdinaryDiffEq\Ih6Ud\src\algorithms.jl:599 ┌ Warning: uses global variable OrdinaryDiffEq.DEFAULT_LINSOLVE └ @ none:0 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (OrdinaryDiffEq.:(#Rosenbrock23#50))(π (%3, Core.Compiler.Const(0, f alse)), (Base.getfield)(#temp#, autodiff), π (%7, Core.Compiler.Const(Val{:central}, false)), Ordin aryDiffEq.DEFAULT_LINSOLVE, ) └ @ none:0 ┌ Warning: alg_hints is assigned as Any └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:1 ┌ Warning: alg_hints is assigned as Array{Symbol,1} └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:1 ┌ Warning: DifferentialEquations.get_alg_hints returns Any └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:1 ┌ Warning: reltol is assigned as Any └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:8 ┌ Warning: reltol is assigned as Float64 └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:8 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to φ (%14 => %11, %15 => 0.001) > DifferentialEquations.MED_TOL └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:9 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to φ (%14 => %11, %15 => 0.001) > DifferentialEquations.LOW_TOL └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:11 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to φ (%14 => %11, %15 => 0.001) > DifferentialEquations.EXTREME_TOL └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:13 ┌ Warning: callback is assigned as Any └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:21 ┌ Warning: callback is assigned as Nothing └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:21 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to φ (%14 => %11, %15 => %15) != DifferentialEquations.nothing └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:22 ┌ Warning: DifferentialEquations.callbacks_exists returns Any └ @ C:\Users\vtchen\.julia\packages\DifferentialEquations\88DSk\src\default_arg_parsing.jl:21 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (%19 => %15, %115 => %110), 1) └ @ namedtuple.jl:258 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (%19 => %15, %115 => %110), 2, (Core.getfie ld)((Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (%19 => %15, %115 => %110), 1), 2)) └ @ namedtuple.jl:258 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to φ (%31 => 0, %32 => %28) > 0 └ @ namedtuple.jl:260 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.setindex!)($(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Any,1 }, svec(Any, Int64), :ccall, 2, Array{Any,1}, 0, 0)), (Core.getfield)((Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (%19 => %15, %115 => %110), 2, (Core.getfield)((Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (%19 => %15, %115 => %110), 1), 2)), 1), φ (%31 => 0, %32 => %28)) └ @ namedtuple.jl:261 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.push!)($(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Symbol,1} , svec(Any, Int64), :ccall, 2, Array{Symbol,1}, 0, 0)), (Core.getfield)((Base.indexed_iterate)(φ (% 19 => %15, %115 => %110), 1), 1)) └ @ namedtuple.jl:263 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to ((Core.apply_type)(Base.NamedTuple, (Core._apply)(Core.tuple, $(Expr( :foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Symbol,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :ccall, 2, Array{Symbol,1}, 0, 0)))))((Core._apply)(Core.tuple, $(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Any,1}, svec(Any, In t64), :ccall, 2, Array{Any,1}, 0, 0)))) └ @ namedtuple.jl:268 ┌ Warning: dynamic dispatch to (Base.merge)(a, ((Core.apply_type)(Base.NamedTuple, (Core._apply)(Cor e.tuple, $(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Symbol,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :ccall, 2, Arra y{Symbol,1}, 0, 0)))))((Core._apply)(Core.tuple, $(Expr(:foreigncall, :jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{Any, 1}, svec(Any, Int64), :ccall, 2, Array{Any,1}, 0, 0))))) └ @ namedtuple.jl:268 ┌ Warning: merge returns Any └ @ namedtuple.jl:255

from traceur.jl.

NHDaly avatar NHDaly commented on September 22, 2024

I'm not sure if it's related or not, but I ended up getting stuck on what appears to be a deadlock?

Internal error: encountered unexpected error in runtime:
jl_mutex_unlock at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/./locks.h:138 [inlined]
jl_typeinf_end at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:2568
typeinf_ext at ./compiler/typeinfer.jl:568
typeinf_ext at ./compiler/typeinfer.jl:604
jfptr_typeinf_ext_1 at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib (unknown line)
jl_apply at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/./julia.h:1537 [inlined]
jl_apply_with_saved_exception_state at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/rtutils.c:257
jl_type_infer at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:275
jl_compile_method_internal at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1786
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1830
broadcasted at ./broadcast.jl:1168
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
broadcasted at ./broadcast.jl:1160 [inlined]
posthook at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Traceur/src/trace.jl:18
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
setproperty! at ./sysimg.jl:19 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
try_yieldto at ./event.jl:195 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
wait at ./event.jl:255 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
uv_write at ./stream.jl:782 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
unsafe_write at ./stream.jl:830 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
macro expansion at ./gcutils.jl:87 [inlined]
write at ./strings/io.jl:164 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
print at ./strings/io.jl:166 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
print at ./strings/io.jl:42 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:439 [inlined]
println at ./strings/io.jl:69 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
jl_apply at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/./julia.h:1537 [inlined]
jl_f__apply at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/builtins.c:556
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:439 [inlined]
println at ./coreio.jl:4 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
#compare_rank#17 at /Users/nathan.daly/work/factorization-machine/fm.jl:702 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
overdub at ./none:0
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
#10 at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Traceur/src/trace.jl:39 [inlined]
overdub at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Cassette/src/overdub.jl:0
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
trace at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Traceur/src/trace.jl:28
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
warntrace at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/dev/Traceur/src/trace.jl:30
jl_fptr_trampoline at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/gf.c:1831
do_call at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:324
eval_stmt_value at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:363 [inlined]
eval_body at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:697
jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk_callback at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:806
unknown function (ip: 0xfffffffffffffffe)
unknown function (ip: 0x1d4dce76f)
unknown function (ip: 0x6)
jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:815
jl_toplevel_eval_flex at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/toplevel.c:805
jl_toplevel_eval_in at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/builtins.c:622
eval at ./boot.jl:319 [inlined]
repleval at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/packages/Atom/v2iqN/src/repl.jl:139
#164 at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/packages/Atom/v2iqN/src/repl.jl:161
with_logstate at ./logging.jl:395
with_logger at ./logging.jl:491 [inlined]
evalrepl at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/packages/Atom/v2iqN/src/repl.jl:152
do_call at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:324
eval_stmt_value at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:363 [inlined]
eval_body at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:697
jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk_callback at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:806
unknown function (ip: 0xfffffffffffffffe)
unknown function (ip: 0x1d4dce12f)
unknown function (ip: 0xffffffffffffffff)
jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/interpreter.c:815
jl_toplevel_eval_flex at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/toplevel.c:805
jl_toplevel_eval_in at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia_release_native/src/builtins.c:622
eval at ./boot.jl:319
eval_user_input at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/REPL/src/REPL.jl:85
macro expansion at /Users/nathan.daly/src/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/REPL/src/REPL.jl:117 [inlined]
#28 at ./task.jl:259

(I'm running a native build of Julia on v1.0.2):

julia> VERSION
>> v"1.0.2"

from traceur.jl.

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