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Comments (1)

sjkelly avatar sjkelly commented on June 12, 2024

steve:~/.julia/v0.4/Meshing(master)$ diff ./src/MarchingTetrahedra.jl ../Meshes/src/isosurface.jl

< """
< Marching Tetrahedra is an algorithm for extracting a triangular
< mesh representation of an isosurface of a scalar volumetric
< function sampled on a rectangular grid.
< We divide the cube into six tetrahedra. [It is possible to divide
< a cube into five tetrahedra, but not in a way that a translated
< version of the division would share face diagonals. (It reqires a
< reflection.)]
< """
< module MarchingTetrahedra
< using GeometryTypes
< """
< Voxel corner and edge indexing conventions
<         Z
<         |
<         5------5------6              Extra edges not drawn
<        /|            /|              -----------
<       8 |           6 |              - face diagonals
<      /  9          /  10                - 13: 1 to 3
<     8------7------7   |                 - 14: 1 to 8
<     |   |         |   |                 - 15: 1 to 6
<     |   1------1--|---2  -- Y           - 16: 5 to 7
<     12 /          11 /                  - 17: 2 to 7
<     | 4           | 2                   - 18: 4 to 7
<     |/            |/                 - body diagonal
<     4------3------3                     - 19: 1 to 7
<   /
<  X
< """
< immutable VoxelIndices{T <: Integer}
<     voxCrnrPos::NTuple{8,Vec{3,T}}
<     voxEdgeCrnrs::NTuple{19, Vec{2,T}}
<     voxEdgeDir::NTuple{19,T}
<     voxEdgeIx::Matrix{T}
<     subTets::Matrix{T}
<     tetEdgeCrnrs::Matrix{T}
<     tetTri::Matrix{T}
<     function VoxelIndices()
<         VT3 = Vec{3,T}
<         VT2 = Vec{2,T}
<         voxCrnrPos = (VT3(0, 0, 0),
<                       VT3(0, 1, 0),
<                       VT3(1, 1, 0),
<                       VT3(1, 0, 0),
<                       VT3(0, 0, 1),
<                       VT3(0, 1, 1),
<                       VT3(1, 1, 1),
<                       VT3(1, 0, 1))
<         # the voxel IDs at either end of the tetrahedra edges, by edge ID
<         voxEdgeCrnrs = (VT2(1, 2),
<                         VT2(2, 3),
<                         VT2(4, 3),
<                         VT2(1, 4),
<                         VT2(5, 6),
<                         VT2(6, 7),
<                         VT2(8, 7),
<                         VT2(5, 8),
<                         VT2(1, 5),
<                         VT2(2, 6),
<                         VT2(3, 7),
<                         VT2(4, 8),
<                         VT2(1, 3),
<                         VT2(1, 8),
<                         VT2(1, 6),
<                         VT2(5, 7),
<                         VT2(2, 7),
<                         VT2(4, 7),
<                         VT2(1, 7))
<         # direction codes:
<         # 0 => +x, 1 => +y, 2 => +z,
<         # 3 => +xy, 4 => +xz, 5 => +yz, 6 => +xyz
<         voxEdgeDir = convert(NTuple{19,T}, (1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,6))
<         # For a pair of corner IDs, the edge ID joining them
<         # 0 denotes a pair with no edge
<         voxEdgeIx = [0  1  13 4  9  15 19 14;
<                      1  0  2  0  0  10 17 0;
<                      13 2  0  3  0  0  11 0;
<                      4  0  3  0  0  0  18 12;
<                      9  0  0  0  0  5  16 8;
<                      15 10 0  0  5  0  6  0;
<                      19 17 11 18 16 6  0  7;
<                      14 0  0  12 8  0  7  0]
<         # voxel corners that comprise each of the six tetrahedra
<         subTets = [   1 3 2 7;
<                       1 8 4 7;
<                       1 4 3 7;
<                       1 2 6 7;
<                       1 5 8 7;
<                       1 6 5 7]'
<         # tetrahedron corners for each edge (indices 1-4)
<         tetEdgeCrnrs = [1 2;
<                         2 3;
<                         1 3;
<                         1 4;
<                         2 4;
<                         3 4]'
<         # triangle cases for a given tetrahedron edge code
<         tetTri = T[ 0 0 0 0 0 0;
<                     1 3 4 0 0 0;
<                     1 5 2 0 0 0;
<                     3 5 2 3 4 5;
<                     2 6 3 0 0 0;
<                     1 6 4 1 2 6;
<                     1 5 6 1 6 3;
<                     4 5 6 0 0 0;
<                     4 6 5 0 0 0;
<                     1 6 5 1 3 6;
<                     1 4 6 1 6 2;
<                     2 3 6 0 0 0;
<                     3 2 5 3 5 4;
<                     1 2 5 0 0 0;
<                     1 4 3 0 0 0;
<                     0 0 0 0 0 0]'
<         new(voxCrnrPos,
<             voxEdgeCrnrs,
<             voxEdgeDir,
<             voxEdgeIx,
<             subTets,
<             tetEdgeCrnrs,
<             tetTri)
<     end
> # *** Marching Tetrahedra ***
> #
> # Marching Tetrahedra is an algorithm for extracting a triangular
> # mesh representation of an isosurface of a scalar volumetric
> # function sampled on a rectangular grid.
> #
> # We divide the cube into six tetrahedra. [It is possible to divide
> # a cube into five tetrahedra, but not in a way that a translated
> # version of the division would share face diagonals. (It reqires a
> # reflection.)]
> #
> # Voxel corner and edge indexing conventions
> #
> #        Z
> #        |
> #  
> #        5------5------6              Extra edges not drawn
> #       /|            /|              -----------
> #      8 |           6 |              - face diagonals
> #     /  9          /  10                - 13: 1 to 3
> #    8------7------7   |                 - 14: 1 to 8
> #    |   |         |   |                 - 15: 1 to 6
> #    |   1------1--|---2  -- Y           - 16: 5 to 7
> #    12 /          11 /                  - 17: 2 to 7
> #    | 4           | 2                   - 18: 4 to 7
> #    |/            |/                 - body diagonal
> #    4------3------3                     - 19: 1 to 7
> #
> #  /
> # X
> immutable VoxelIndexes{T <: Integer}
>   voxCrnrPos    ::Vector{NTuple{3, T}}
>   voxEdgeCrnrs  ::Vector{NTuple{2, T}}
>   voxEdgeDir    ::Vector{T}
>   voxEdgeIx     ::Matrix{T}
>   subTets       ::Matrix{T}
>   subTets       ::Matrix{T}
>   tetEdgeCrnrs  ::Matrix{T}
>   tetTri        ::Matrix{T}
>   function VoxelIndexes()
>     voxCrnrPos = NTuple{3, T}[
>         (0, 0, 0),
>         (0, 1, 0),
>         (1, 1, 0),
>         (1, 0, 0),
>         (0, 0, 1),
>         (0, 1, 1),
>         (1, 1, 1),
>         (1, 0, 1)
>     ]
>     # the voxel IDs at either end of the tetrahedra edges, by edge ID
>     voxEdgeCrnrs = NTuple{2, T}[
>         (1, 2),
>         (2, 3),
>         (4, 3),
>         (1, 4),
>         (5, 6),
>         (6, 7),
>         (8, 7),
>         (5, 8),
>         (1, 5),
>         (2, 6),
>         (3, 7),
>         (4, 8),
>         (1, 3),
>         (1, 8),
>         (1, 6),
>         (5, 7),
>         (2, 7),
>         (4, 7),
>         (1, 7)
>     ]
>     # direction codes:
>     # 0 => +x, 1 => +y, 2 => +z, 
>     # 3 => +xy, 4 => +xz, 5 => +yz, 6 => +xyz
>     voxEdgeDir = T[1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,6]
>     # For a pair of corner IDs, the edge ID joining them
>     # 0 denotes a pair with no edge
>     voxEdgeIx = [0  1  13 4  9  15 19 14;
>                  1  0  2  0  0  10 17 0;
>                  13 2  0  3  0  0  11 0;
>                  4  0  3  0  0  0  18 12;
>                  9  0  0  0  0  5  16 8;
>                  15 10 0  0  5  0  6  0;
>                  19 17 11 18 16 6  0  7;
>                  14 0  0  12 8  0  7  0]
>     # voxel corners that comprise each of the six tetrahedra
>     subTets = [   1 3 2 7;
>                   1 8 4 7;
>                   1 4 3 7;
>                   1 2 6 7;
>                   1 5 8 7;
>                   1 6 5 7]'
>     # tetrahedron corners for each edge (indices 1-4)
>     tetEdgeCrnrs = [1 2;
>                     2 3;
>                     1 3;
>                     1 4;
>                     2 4;
>                     3 4]'
>     # triangle cases for a given tetrahedron edge code
>     tetTri = T[ 0 0 0 0 0 0;
>                 1 3 4 0 0 0;
>                 1 5 2 0 0 0;
>                 3 5 2 3 4 5;
>                 2 6 3 0 0 0;
>                 1 6 4 1 2 6;
>                 1 5 6 1 6 3;
>                 4 5 6 0 0 0;
>                 4 6 5 0 0 0;
>                 1 6 5 1 3 6;
>                 1 4 6 1 6 2;
>                 2 3 6 0 0 0;
>                 3 2 5 3 5 4;
>                 1 2 5 0 0 0;
>                 1 4 3 0 0 0;
>                 0 0 0 0 0 0]'
>     new(  
>       voxCrnrPos,
>       voxEdgeCrnrs,
>       voxEdgeDir,
>       voxEdgeIx,
>       subTets,
>       subTets,
>       tetEdgeCrnrs,
>       tetTri)
>   end
< function hasFaces{T<:Real}(vals::Vector{T}, iso::T)
<     if vals[1] < iso
> @inline function hasFaces{T<:Real}(vals::Vector{T}, iso::T)
>       if vals[1] < iso
<             vals[i] >= iso && return true
>           vals[i] >= iso && return true
<     else
>       else
<             vals[i] <  iso && return true
>           vals[i] <  iso && return true
<     end
>       end 
< function tetIx{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(tIx::IType, vals::Vector{T}, iso::T, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
<     ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[1, tIx]] < iso, 1, 0) +
<     ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[2, tIx]] < iso, 2, 0) +
<     ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[3, tIx]] < iso, 4, 0) +
<     ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[4, tIx]] < iso, 8, 0) + 1
> @inline function tetIx{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(tIx::IType, vals::Vector{T}, iso::T, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType})
>       ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[1, tIx]] < iso, 1, 0) +
>       ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[2, tIx]] < iso, 2, 0) +
>       ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[3, tIx]] < iso, 4, 0) +
>       ifelse(vals[vxidx.subTets[4, tIx]] < iso, 8, 0) + 1 
< function vertId{IType <: Integer}(e::IType, x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
<                 nx::IType, ny::IType, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
> @inline function vertId{IType <: Integer}(e::IType, x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
>                 nx::IType, ny::IType, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType})
<                           vals::Vector{T}, iso::T, eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
>                           vals::Vector{T}, iso::T, eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType})
<     Point{3,T}(
>     Point{3, T}(
< function getVertId{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(e::IType, x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
<                             nx::IType, ny::IType,
<                             vals::Vector{T}, iso::T,
<                             vts::Dict{IType, Point{3,T}},
<                             eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
> function getVertId{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(
>         e::IType, x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
>         nx::IType, ny::IType,
>         vals::Vector{T}, iso::T,
>         vts::Dict{IType, Point{3, T}},
>         eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType}
>     )
< function voxEdgeId{IType <: Integer}(subTetIx::IType, tetEdgeIx::IType, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
> @inline function voxEdgeId{IType <: Integer}(subTetIx::IType, tetEdgeIx::IType, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType})
< function procVox{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(vals::Vector{T}, iso::T,
<                           x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
<                           nx::IType, ny::IType,
<                           vts::Dict{IType, Point{3,T}}, fcs::Vector{Face{3,IType,0}},
<                           eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndices{IType})
> function procVox{T<:Real, IType <: Integer}(
>         vals::Vector{T}, iso::T,
>         x::IType, y::IType, z::IType,
>         nx::IType, ny::IType,
>         vts::Dict{IType, Point{3, T}}, fcs::Vector{Triangle{IType}},
>         eps::T, vxidx::VoxelIndexes{IType}
>     )
<             e1 == 0 && break
>             e1 == 0 && break 
<             push!(fcs, Face{3,IType,0}(
>             push!(fcs, Triangle{IType}(
< """
< Given a 3D array and an isovalue, extracts a mesh represention of the
< an approximate isosurface by the method of marching tetrahedra.
< """
> # Given a 3D array and an isovalue, extracts a mesh represention of the 
> # an approximate isosurface by the method of marching tetrahedra.
<     vts        = Dict{indextype, Point{3,T}}()
<     fcs        = Array(Face{3,indextype,0}, 0)
>     vts        = Dict{indextype, Point{3, T}}()
>     fcs        = Array(Triangle{indextype}, 0)
<     const vxidx = VoxelIndices{indextype}()
>     const vxidx = VoxelIndexes{indextype}()
< function isosurface(lsf, isoval, eps, indextype=Int, index_start=one(Int))
> function isosurface(lsf, isoval, eps, indextype=Cuint, index_start=zero(Int))
<     fcAry = Face{3,indextype, index_start-1}[Face{3,indextype, index_start-1}(vtD[f[1]], vtD[f[2]], vtD[f[3]]) for f in fcs]
>     fcAry = Face{3, indextype, -1}[Face{3, indextype, -1}(vtD[f[1]], vtD[f[2]], vtD[f[3]]) for f in fcs]
<     (vtAry, fcAry)
>     vtAry, fcAry
<     vts, fcs = isosurface(volume, iso_val, eps_val)
>     vts, fcs = isosurface(volume, iso_val, eps_val, eltype(facetype(MT)))
< end # module

from meshing.jl.

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