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Comments (138)

Benno-O avatar Benno-O commented on May 24, 2024 1

@jpgorganizer: Heute hat es geklappt. Nur ein renewal des API Keys hat nicht funktioniert. Habe also eine neue App registriert. Danke für die Unterstützung.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

ChrAu1202 avatar ChrAu1202 commented on May 24, 2024 1

Hallo Zusammen,

Ich habe seit dem Update auf Smartgarden 1.0.5 dieselben Probleme und kann bestätigen, dass nach dem Absturz nichts mehr gelogged wird. Falls ich was unterstützen kann, gebt mir Bescheid :)


from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024 1

Ich glaube das mit den zwei Stunden hat nicht so direkt was zu bedeuten. Heute Nacht lief die Verbindung bei mir auch exakt 2 Stunden, aber seit heute Mittag pongt er jetzt schon über 4 Stunden erfolgreich, ohne dass ich was geändert habe. Es sei den Gardena/Husquarna hätte es genau jetzt repariert...

Ja, die 2 Std, wie auch der ganze Fehler sind "Zufall". Ich habe Produktiv-Systeme, die seid 7 Monaten unterbrechungsfrei liefen. Seid heute Mittag spinnt eine rum ...

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024 1

mein Patch von oben fixed das ursprüngliche Problem, aber er hat dafür ein anderes Problem neu eingeführt :-(
Ich bin dran. Muss mir nur noch genau anschauen wie es passiert. ABer ich kann es nachvollziehen, aber vmtl. nur alle 24 Std.
Kann also dauern. Mal sehen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Benno-O avatar Benno-O commented on May 24, 2024

Ich kann mich auch nicht mehr anmelden. Habe schon ein neuen API Key eingetragen ohne Erfolg.
Ich habe den Adapter auch einmal neu installiert und die Anmeldeinformationen angepasst und neu gestartet, trotzdem erhalte ich die Fehlermeldung.

smartgarden.0 2022-04-03 17:11:25.212 error Error: request returned 400 Bad Request
smartgarden.0 2022-04-03 17:11:24.845 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v14.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.21

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

Der Fehler ist jetzt wieder aufgetreten.

Screenshot 2022-04-03 182506

Im LOG seht jetzt folgende INFO.

2022-04-03 14:18:40.242 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away
2022-04-03 14:18:40.243 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-03 14:18:40.255 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Kann das mit der Änderung der API zusammenhängen die Husqvarna vor ein paar Tagen vorgenommen hat?

Welche Änderung? Version der API ist immer noch 1.0.0

@andre-bu @Benno-O
Versucht doch mal das Script auf

Und wenn ihr Logs postet, dann bitte die Vorgeschichte mitposten. Nur die Zeile, in der der Fehler ausgegeben wird ist meist wenig hilfreich. Denn dass es zu einem Fehler kommt glaube ich euch ja. :-)
Aber bitte mit Sinn und Verstand. Wenn Ihr also so wie hier beim Aufrechterhalten der Verbindung Prbleme habt, dann wird es wohl sinnvoll sein den Verbindungsaufbau zu zeigen, ein- oder zweimal wo die Verbindung aufrecht erhalten wird und dann den Abbruch. Ggfs. auch Zeilen dazwischen mal rausnehmen. Und gerne auch schon mal Infos dazuschreiben, wie "hier ist der Verbindungsaufbau", "hier passiert dieses oder jenes", .... Das hilft mir und evtl. sogar euch.
Und bitte als Log einfügen. Ist lesbarer.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer Danke für deine schnelle Rückmeldung.
Husqvarna hat vor ein paar Tagen an der API für die Automower was geändert. Dadurch geht der Automower Adapter nicht mehr. Das ist aber ein anderer API Key. Dachte nur ob das evtl. irgendwie zusammen hängt.

Im LOG stand unmittelbar vor dem Fehler nichts weiter außer die Meldung: "on_ponged ++ pong´ed ++" Die ist so ca. alle 5 Minuten drin.

Muss mal blöd fragen, was meinst du damit

Und bitte als Log einfügen. Ist lesbarer.

Danke für deine Mühe

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Benno-O avatar Benno-O commented on May 24, 2024

Danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung auch von mir. Ich habe es seit der letzten Gartensaison nicht mehr genutzt und heute den Test gemacht. Gerade habe ich mal das ausgeführt. Unten ist die Ausgabe. Ein falscher API key würde doch ein anderes Ergebnis geben. Ich nutze keinen Rasenmäher.
Die Fehlermeldung ist ja sehr ähnlich zu dem was ich im ioBroker erhalte. Ich hoffe Du kannst einen Hinweis für den nächsten Versuch geben.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3
Logging into authentication system...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 67, in
assert r.status_code == 200, format(r)
400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 97
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2022 19:15:25 GMT
x-amzn-RequestId: b3ad7eb1-a854-4384-9c74-1cadb23281bf
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x-amzn-Remapped-Connection: keep-alive
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x-amzn-Remapped-Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2022 19:15:25 GMT
X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
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{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client not found","error_code":"c lient.not.found"}

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Husqvarna hat vor ein paar Tagen an der API für die Automower was geändert

Automower ist nicht Gardena, aber dann kann schon noch was kommen in den nächsten Tagen/Wochen... mal sehen :-)

Im LOG stand unmittelbar vor dem Fehler nichts weiter außer die Meldung: "on_ponged ++ pong´ed ++" Die ist so ca. alle 5 Minuten drin.

das ist nur der Handshake, der muss sein. Wobei, du sagst alle 5 min. Das ist das absolute Maximum. Default ist 150 sec. Schau mal in den Einstellungen unter ping frequence was da steht

Und bitte als Log einfügen. Ist lesbarer.


2022-04-03 14:18:40.242 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away
2022-04-03 14:18:40.243 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-03 14:18:40.255 - info: smartgarden.0 (6729) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


Automower ist nicht Gardena, aber dann kann schon noch was kommen in den nächsten Tagen/Wochen... mal sehen :-)

der API Key wird ja auch auf einer Husqvarna Seite erzeugt, dachte nur das es da evtl. ein Zusamenhang gibt. Ist ja ein Konzern.
Hab gerade gesehen das auf der Seite ein Hinweis auf Wartungsarbeiten steht.

Der Handshake erfolgt wie im Default alle 150 sek. Hatte ich beim ersten schnellen durchschauen des LOG übersehen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Pino72de avatar Pino72de commented on May 24, 2024

Hi, hab identisches Problem wie andre-bu. Habs aber schon inkl Log ins ioBroker Adapter Forum gepostet....

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Pino72de avatar Pino72de commented on May 24, 2024

Hat sich wohl erledigt, hatte den Ping auf 200 SEkunden statt 150. Scheint jetzt durch zu laufen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Hat sich wohl erledigt, hatte den Ping auf 200 SEkunden statt 150. Scheint jetzt durch zu laufen.

seltsam, lt. Gardena empfohlen sind 150sec, max ist 300sec. Dann sollte es mit 200sec auch gehen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

@andre-bu @Benno-O
wie schaut's bei euch aus?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer kann leider gar nichts sagen. Hab in meiner Hektik die alte API gelöscht. Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten auf der Seite kann z.Z. keine neue API erstellt werden.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Benno-O avatar Benno-O commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer Tja ich habe leider auch einen neuen API Key erzeugt. Muss also auch warten bis der API Key wieder neu erzeugt werden kann.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer @Benno-O so seit heute kann man wieder einen API Key erzeugen. Der Adapter ist wieder verbunden. Mal schauen ob er jetzt verbunden bleibt. Hab ja immer noch die Hoffnung das es an den Warungsarbeiten an der Husqvarna Webseite/Server lag.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer bei mir gibts leider noch keine guten Neuhigkeiten. Nach 2 h Betrieb ist bei "Verbunden mit Gerät oder Dienst" wieder ein rotes Kreuz. Im LOG sind keine Fehlermeldung. Es fehlt dann lediglich der Eintrag "3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++" im LOG. Ich stelle dir alle Daten zu Verfügung die du benötigst.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

dann mal ein Log bis es eben aufhört Auch vom ersten Connect an.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer Hab jetzt tatsächlich die Stelle im LOG gefunden.

Das steht im LOG unmittelbar vor dem Abbruch

Hier das LOG vom Verbindungsaufbau

und hier ds LOG wenn der Adapter läuft

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

bitte Logs einfügen, bei Bildern/ext. Links kann ich nicht supporten

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

Das steht im LOG unmittelbar vor dem Abbruch:

2022-04-08 13:39:19.251 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away
2022-04-08 13:39:19.253 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-08 13:39:19.267 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)```

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

Hier das LOG vom Verbindungsaufbau

2022-04-08 11:39:10.564 - info: smartgarden.0 (13044) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2022-04-08 11:39:10.570 - info: smartgarden.0 (13044) 3/ cleaned everything up...
2022-04-08 11:39:10.573 - info: smartgarden.0 (13044) terminating
2022-04-08 11:39:10.575 - info: smartgarden.0 (13044) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 11:39:10.673 - info: host.ioBkoker202 stopInstance system.adapter.smartgarden.0 send kill signal
2022-04-08 11:39:11.314 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.smartgarden.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 11:39:13.923 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.smartgarden.0 started with pid 2909
2022-04-08 11:39:17.080 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 11:39:17.206 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ getConnection...
2022-04-08 11:39:17.208 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ connectToGardena...
2022-04-08 11:39:17.213 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:17.215 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ connecting to Gardena Smart System Service ...
2022-04-08 11:39:17.216 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ Gardena Smart System Service hosts at: smart_host: authentication_host:
2022-04-08 11:39:17.301 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.revision value=Main: 2495 / API: 2506 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:17.313 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:17.322 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:17.342 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: Main: 2495 / API: 2506 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:17.404 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: 1.0.5 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:17.616 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ Connection: successful: response.statusCode / statusMessage=200 / OK
2022-04-08 11:39:17.618 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ Connection: expires_in/timeout/factor:86399 / 86485 / 1.001
2022-04-08 11:39:17.621 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_locations ...
2022-04-08 11:39:18.032 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_locations: successful / response.statusMessage: OK
2022-04-08 11:39:18.034 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_locations ... locations={"data":[{"id":"f2b7a382-ec69-418a-b859-d4b31f514920","type":"LOCATION","attributes":{"name":"My Garden"}}]}
2022-04-08 11:39:18.036 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_websocket ...
2022-04-08 11:39:18.690 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_websocket successful: response.statusCode/Message=201/Created
2022-04-08 11:39:18.704 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ get_websocket ... websocket ok
2022-04-08 11:39:18.706 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=true ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:18.726 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: true (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:19.278 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_open: ### connected ###
2022-04-08 11:39:20.368 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: LOCATION found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.371 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaLocationNotExists: new location added: L_4920
2022-04-08 11:39:20.374 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: LOCATION_f2b7a382-ec69-418a-b859-d4b31f514920.DEVICE_092a3d30-cbf6-4b69-9b9d-ba1312e62724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.375 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: L_4920.D_2724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.378 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: LOCATION_f2b7a382-ec69-418a-b859-d4b31f514920.DEVICE_7879ab49-1dd7-423c-b40f-eb15d9ecfaf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.381 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: L_4920.D_faf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.383 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: LOCATION_f2b7a382-ec69-418a-b859-d4b31f514920.DEVICE_7dacad94-4d38-4a51-b050-cea385465b02
2022-04-08 11:39:20.385 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: L_4920.D_5b02
2022-04-08 11:39:20.388 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: LOCATION_f2b7a382-ec69-418a-b859-d4b31f514920.DEVICE_abc5d180-9a4a-4bf8-858b-0caab1c6ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:20.389 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaDeviceNotExists: new device added: L_4920.D_ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:20.406 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.408 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.410 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.416 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.418 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.419 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1
2022-04-08 11:39:20.421 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2
2022-04-08 11:39:20.423 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3
2022-04-08 11:39:20.424 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4
2022-04-08 11:39:20.426 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5
2022-04-08 11:39:20.427 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6
2022-04-08 11:39:20.429 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.439 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.441 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02
2022-04-08 11:39:20.442 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02
2022-04-08 11:39:20.448 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.450 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc
2022-04-08 11:39:20.451 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:20.453 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setGardenaServiceNotExists: new service added: L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:20.463 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.467 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.478 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.480 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 11:39:20.483 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 11:39:20.486 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 11:39:20.488 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:20.489 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:39:20.491 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:20.492 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 11:39:20.493 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:20.495 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 11:39:20.496 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 11:39:20.498 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:39:20.517 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: value=GARDENA smart Garden ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.523 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.527 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.530 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=9 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.532 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.535 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=27 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.538 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:55:02.766Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.542 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=9533 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.545 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:55:02.803Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.557 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE_SET found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.560 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.571 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.581 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.583 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.586 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.588 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.590 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.591 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.593 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.594 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.596 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.616 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.stop_all_valves_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.618 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.620 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.621 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.623 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.626 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.627 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1
2022-04-08 11:39:20.664 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: GARDENA smart Garden (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.667 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.670 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2
2022-04-08 11:39:20.677 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.688 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.689 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 9 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.692 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.name_value value=Vor dem Haus ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.693 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.695 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.697 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.699 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.701 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:34:13.073Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.703 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.704 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.state_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.706 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.708 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.713 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.723 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.725 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3
2022-04-08 11:39:20.735 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 27 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.736 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:55:02.766Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.737 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 9533 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.738 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:55:02.803Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.750 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.752 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.753 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.759 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.761 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.762 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.name_value value=Neben dem Haus ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.765 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.767 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4
2022-04-08 11:39:20.781 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.783 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.785 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.787 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.789 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:23.487Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.791 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.793 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.state_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.795 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.797 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.807 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.810 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.811 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5
2022-04-08 11:39:20.819 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.820 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.829 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.833 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.834 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.stop_all_valves_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.835 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.837 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.839 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6
2022-04-08 11:39:20.862 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.name_value value=Valve 3 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.865 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.868 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.871 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.873 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.875 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.059Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.877 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.880 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.884 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.886 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.271Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.899 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:39:20.901 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8
2022-04-08 11:39:20.902 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .name_value COMMON Irrigation Control
2022-04-08 11:39:20.903 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .batteryState_value COMMON NO_BATTERY
2022-04-08 11:39:20.906 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 70
2022-04-08 11:39:20.907 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-08T09:07:31.173+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:20.908 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .serial_value COMMON 00034489
2022-04-08 11:39:20.910 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Irrigation Control
2022-04-08 11:39:20.911 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:39:20.921 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.923 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:20.936 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.name_value value=Valve 4 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.938 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.941 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.943 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.945 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.948 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.078Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.950 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.952 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.954 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.957 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.288Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.958 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.name_value value=Valve 5 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.960 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.962 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.964 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.967 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.969 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.095Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.970 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.972 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.975 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.978 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.304Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.983 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.name_value value=Valve 6 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.985 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.987 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.989 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.990 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.992 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.111Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.994 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.995 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.997 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:20.999 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.321Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.034 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.054 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.name_value changed: Vor dem Haus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.056 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.058 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.059 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.060 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.062 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:34:13.073Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.065 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.name_value value=Irrigation Control ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.067 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.batteryState_value value=NO_BATTERY ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.069 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_value value=70 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.071 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:07:31.173Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.073 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.serial_value value=00034489 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.076 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Irrigation Control ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.077 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.082 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 11:39:21.084 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02
2022-04-08 11:39:21.094 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.095 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.097 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.098 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.110 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.name_value changed: Neben dem Haus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.125 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:39:21.127 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02
2022-04-08 11:39:21.128 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .name_value COMMON Gewächshaus
2022-04-08 11:39:21.140 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 72
2022-04-08 11:39:21.142 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.144 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:39:21.146 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.148 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 80
2022-04-08 11:39:21.149 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.151 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .serial_value COMMON 00035448
2022-04-08 11:39:21.153 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 11:39:21.154 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:39:21.156 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.170 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.174 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE_SET found
2022-04-08 11:39:21.176 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc
2022-04-08 11:39:21.181 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.183 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.184 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:23.487Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.191 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.195 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.197 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 11:39:21.199 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:21.204 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.211 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.215 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.name_value changed: Valve 3 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.218 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:39:21.219 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22
2022-04-08 11:39:21.220 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .name_value COMMON Garten
2022-04-08 11:39:21.221 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 91
2022-04-08 11:39:21.222 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-03T07:36:18.048+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.223 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:39:21.224 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-03T07:36:18.048+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.226 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 100
2022-04-08 11:39:21.227 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-07T22:35:22.713+00:00
2022-04-08 11:39:21.228 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .serial_value COMMON 00105554
2022-04-08 11:39:21.229 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Water Control
2022-04-08 11:39:21.230 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:39:21.233 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.249 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.252 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.258 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.265 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.059Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.271 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.285 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.288 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.293 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.271Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.341 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.345 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.346 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value value=11 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.348 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.974Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.352 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value value=Gewächshaus ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.355 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value value=72 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.360 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.365 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.370 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.375 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.378 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.381 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value value=00035448 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.383 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.385 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.388 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc.stop_all_valves_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.392 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.394 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc.state_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:35:06.695Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.395 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.398 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_2:wc.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:35:06.695Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.399 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.name_value value=Garten ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.401 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.402 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.404 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.406 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.407 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-07T15:13:35.259Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.409 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.411 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.state_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:35:06.408Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.413 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.414 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:35:06.408Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.416 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.name_value value=Garten ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.417 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryLevel_value value=91 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.419 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:36:18.048Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.420 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.422 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-04-03T07:36:18.048Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.423 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkLevel_value value=100 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.425 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-07T22:35:22.713Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.426 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.serial_value value=00105554 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.428 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Water Control ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.429 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:39:21.465 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.name_value changed: Valve 4 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.466 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.467 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.468 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.469 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.469 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.078Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.470 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.471 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.472 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.473 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.288Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.473 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.name_value changed: Valve 5 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.483 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.485 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.486 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.486 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.487 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.095Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.488 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.493 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.494 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.497 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.304Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.499 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.name_value changed: Valve 6 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.502 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.505 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.514 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.521 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.528 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.111Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.534 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.541 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.548 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.558 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.321Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.602 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.name_value changed: Irrigation Control (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.619 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.batteryState_value changed: NO_BATTERY (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.629 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 70 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.636 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:07:31.173Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.641 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.serial_value changed: 00034489 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.644 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Irrigation Control (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.647 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.700 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.703 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.708 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value changed: 11 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.712 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.974Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.719 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value changed: Gewächshaus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.726 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value changed: 72 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.733 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.738 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.745 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.752 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.758 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.766 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value changed: 00035448 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.772 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.780 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.786 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_3Awc.stop_all_valves_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.797 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_3Awc.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.801 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_3Awc.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:35:06.695Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.808 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_3Awc.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.817 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_SET_3Awc.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:35:06.695Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.824 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.name_value changed: Garten (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.831 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.838 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.855 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.863 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.873 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-07T15:13:35.259Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.876 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.885 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:35:06.408Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.889 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.896 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_VALVE_ee22.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:35:06.408Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.902 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.name_value changed: Garten (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.908 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryLevel_value changed: 91 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.921 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:36:18.048Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.925 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.929 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-04-03T07:36:18.048Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.936 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 100 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.944 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-07T22:35:22.713Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.952 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.serial_value changed: 00105554 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.959 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Water Control (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:39:21.964 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_ee22.S_COMMON_ee22.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:40:03.513 - info: dwd.0 (3123) starting. Version 2.7.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dwd, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 11:40:08.933 - info: dwd.0 (3123) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 11:40:09.496 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 11:41:49.331 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:44:19.329 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:49:19.329 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:50:00.081 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 started with pid 5755
2022-04-08 11:50:03.225 - info: dwd.0 (5755) starting. Version 2.7.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dwd, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 11:50:08.638 - info: dwd.0 (5755) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 11:50:09.178 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 11:51:49.328 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:53:12.083 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 11:53:12.086 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:53:12.088 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02
2022-04-08 11:53:12.101 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.105 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.108 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:53:12.109 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:53:12.110 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02
2022-04-08 11:53:12.110 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .name_value COMMON Gewächshaus
2022-04-08 11:53:12.111 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 72
2022-04-08 11:53:12.113 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 11:53:12.114 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:53:12.115 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 11:53:12.116 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 80
2022-04-08 11:53:12.120 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941+00:00
2022-04-08 11:53:12.121 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .serial_value COMMON 00035448
2022-04-08 11:53:12.122 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 11:53:12.124 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:53:12.127 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value value=16 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.132 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:53:11.845Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.153 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value value=Gewächshaus ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.155 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value value=72 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.159 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.166 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.168 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.170 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.172 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.174 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value value=00035448 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.177 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.179 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:53:12.196 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.207 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.220 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value changed: 16 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.227 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:53:11.845Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.236 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value changed: Gewächshaus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.244 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value changed: 72 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.251 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.321 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.325 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.330 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.336 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.341 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value changed: 00035448 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.347 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:53:12.355 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:54:19.332 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:55:00.088 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 started with pid 6988
2022-04-08 11:55:02.860 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 11:55:02.861 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:55:02.863 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 11:55:02.870 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:55:02.872 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:55:02.873 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 11:55:02.874 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 11:55:02.875 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 11:55:02.877 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.878 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:55:02.879 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.880 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 11:55:02.882 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.883 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 11:55:02.884 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 11:55:02.886 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:55:02.896 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.898 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.900 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=9 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.902 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.903 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=34 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.905 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.907 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=9533 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.909 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:55:02.803Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.916 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.920 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.921 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.923 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.925 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.926 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.933 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.935 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.937 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.940 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.952 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 11:55:02.956 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:55:02.957 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 11:55:02.970 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.972 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 11:55:02.973 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 11:55:02.974 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 11:55:02.975 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 11:55:02.976 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 11:55:02.977 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.978 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 11:55:02.979 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.980 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 11:55:02.981 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 11:55:02.982 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 11:55:02.983 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 11:55:02.984 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 11:55:02.997 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:02.999 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=9 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.001 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.002 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=34 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.004 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.005 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=2376 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.006 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.009 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.010 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.018 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 9 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.019 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.020 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 34 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.024 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.027 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 9533 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.038 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:55:02.803Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.045 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.057 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.091 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.100 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.108 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.113 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.120 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.122 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.124 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.126 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.127 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.129 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.131 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.133 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.134 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.135 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 11:55:03.143 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.146 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.149 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.152 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.174 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.213 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.224 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 9 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.229 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.752Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.236 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 34 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.243 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.250 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 2376 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.259 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.277 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.298 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.305 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.312 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.319 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.326 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.333 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.340 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.346 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:55:03.353 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 11:56:49.332 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 11:59:19.332 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:01:49.332 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:04:19.333 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:06:49.333 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:09:19.335 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:11:49.334 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:14:19.335 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++```

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

und hier noch bei aktiver Verbindung:

2022-04-08 12:46:03.548 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:46:03.549 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 12:46:03.561 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 12:46:03.562 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:46:03.563 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 12:46:03.564 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 12:46:03.565 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 12:46:03.566 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.567 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 12:46:03.570 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.571 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 12:46:03.572 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.573 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 12:46:03.574 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 12:46:03.575 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 12:46:03.580 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.582 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.585 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=11 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.587 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.589 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=34 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.590 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.592 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=2376 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.593 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.598 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.601 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.603 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.605 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.606 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.607 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.609 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.610 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.611 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.613 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.634 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 12:46:03.636 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:46:03.640 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 12:46:03.652 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.654 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T06:45:39.782Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.655 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.661 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 12:46:03.663 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:46:03.664 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 12:46:03.667 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 12:46:03.668 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 12:46:03.669 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.670 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 12:46:03.671 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.672 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 12:46:03.673 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 12:46:03.674 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 12:46:03.675 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 12:46:03.677 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 12:46:03.682 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.683 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=11 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.685 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.686 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=34 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.687 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.693 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=2376 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.695 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.699 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 11 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.700 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.701 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 34 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.702 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.705 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 2376 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.707 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.710 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.714 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.747 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.754 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.762 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.768 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.775 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.782 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.788 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.795 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.797 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.803 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.805 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.806 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.810 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.812 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.813 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.815 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.816 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.817 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 12:46:03.831 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.846 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.857 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 11 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.862 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.869 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 34 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.876 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.708Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.883 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 2376 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.890 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.904 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.916 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.946 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.953 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.964 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.971 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.978 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.985 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.991 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:03.998 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:46:49.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:49:19.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:50:00.081 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 started with pid 20493
2022-04-08 12:50:03.956 - info: dwd.0 (20493) starting. Version 2.7.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dwd, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 12:50:09.439 - info: dwd.0 (20493) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 12:50:09.982 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 12:51:49.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:53:12.011 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 12:53:12.012 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:53:12.013 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02
2022-04-08 12:53:12.021 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value value=85 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.023 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.028 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value value=18 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.029 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:53:11.754Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.035 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 12:53:12.037 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:53:12.038 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02
2022-04-08 12:53:12.039 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .name_value COMMON Gewächshaus
2022-04-08 12:53:12.040 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 72
2022-04-08 12:53:12.040 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 12:53:12.041 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 12:53:12.042 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429+00:00
2022-04-08 12:53:12.043 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 80
2022-04-08 12:53:12.044 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941+00:00
2022-04-08 12:53:12.044 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .serial_value COMMON 00035448
2022-04-08 12:53:12.045 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 12:53:12.046 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 12:53:12.056 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value value=Gewächshaus ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.059 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value value=72 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.061 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.063 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.074 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_value changed: 85 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.081 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.780Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.082 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp value=2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.086 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.087 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.089 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value value=00035448 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.090 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.092 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 12:53:12.104 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_value changed: 18 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.117 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_SENSOR_5b02.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:53:11.754Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.136 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.name_value changed: Gewächshaus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.150 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_value changed: 72 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.158 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.166 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.172 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2021-10-25T10:00:30.429Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.226 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.235 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T08:53:11.941Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.245 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.serial_value changed: 00035448 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.254 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:53:12.264 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_5b02.S_COMMON_5b02.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:54:19.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:55:00.081 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 started with pid 21718
2022-04-08 12:55:02.782 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 12:55:02.783 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:55:02.785 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 12:55:02.792 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 12:55:02.793 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:55:02.794 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 12:55:02.795 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 12:55:02.796 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 12:55:02.797 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.797 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 12:55:02.798 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.799 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 12:55:02.800 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.801 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 12:55:02.802 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 12:55:02.802 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 12:55:02.808 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.810 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.812 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=11 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.813 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.815 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=19 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.817 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:55:02.630Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.818 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=2376 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.820 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.825 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.829 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.833 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.835 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.837 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.839 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.840 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.844 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.845 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.847 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.874 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: SENSOR found
2022-04-08 12:55:02.876 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:55:02.877 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724
2022-04-08 12:55:02.895 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value value=80 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.902 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.904 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value value=11 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.906 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.908 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value value=19 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.909 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:55:02.630Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.911 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value value=8025 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.912 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp value=2022-04-08T10:55:02.666Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:02.917 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 12:55:02.918 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 12:55:02.919 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724
2022-04-08 12:55:02.920 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .name_value COMMON Sensor Beet
2022-04-08 12:55:02.921 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 96
2022-04-08 12:55:02.922 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.923 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_value COMMON OK
2022-04-08 12:55:02.924 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.925 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 60
2022-04-08 12:55:02.926 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393+00:00
2022-04-08 12:55:02.927 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .serial_value COMMON 00112422
2022-04-08 12:55:02.928 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Sensor
2022-04-08 12:55:02.929 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 12:55:02.932 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.941 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.942 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 11 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.947 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.948 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 19 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.956 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:55:02.630Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.959 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 2376 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.965 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T09:55:02.739Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.970 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:02.975 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.011 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value value=Sensor Beet ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.012 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value value=96 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.014 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.015 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.016 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.018 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value value=60 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.020 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.021 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value value=00112422 ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.022 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Sensor ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.024 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 12:55:03.031 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.032 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.035 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.037 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.039 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.045 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.052 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.059 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.087 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_value changed: 80 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.104 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilHumidity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.394Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.112 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_value changed: 11 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.120 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.soilTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:46:03.365Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.127 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_value changed: 19 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.136 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.ambientTemperature_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:55:02.630Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.140 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_value changed: 8025 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.148 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_SENSOR_2724.lightIntensity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T10:55:02.666Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.164 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.name_value changed: Sensor Beet (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.172 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_value changed: 96 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.178 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.185 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.191 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-03-06T10:57:14.983Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.198 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 60 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.205 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2021-09-20T18:26:54.393Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.213 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.serial_value changed: 00112422 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.220 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Sensor (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.226 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_2724.S_COMMON_2724.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 12:55:03.541 - info: dwd.0 (21718) starting. Version 2.7.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dwd, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 12:55:09.048 - info: dwd.0 (21718) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 12:55:09.605 - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 12:56:49.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 12:59:19.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:01:49.344 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:04:19.345 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:06:49.347 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:09:19.348 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:09:59.191 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE_SET found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.192 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.194 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8
2022-04-08 13:09:59.201 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.202 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.203 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1
2022-04-08 13:09:59.211 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.stop_all_valves_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.212 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.213 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.214 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.215 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.219 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.name_value value=Vor dem Haus ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.222 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.224 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.225 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.226 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.227 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:34:13.073Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.228 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.229 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.state_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.231 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.232 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:1.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.238 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.239 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.240 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2
2022-04-08 13:09:59.274 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.275 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.278 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3
2022-04-08 13:09:59.300 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.name_value value=Neben dem Haus ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.301 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.303 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.304 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.306 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.307 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:23.487Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.308 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.state_value value=OK ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.310 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.state_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.311 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.312 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:2.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.318 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.name_value value=Valve 3 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.321 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.322 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.323 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4
2022-04-08 13:09:59.330 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.stop_all_valves_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.333 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.334 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.335 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.337 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.338 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.059Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.339 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.341 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.342 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.343 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:3.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.271Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.356 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.360 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.state_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.363 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.365 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.366 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5
2022-04-08 13:09:59.371 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.377 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_SET_faf8.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.564Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.378 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.name_value changed: Vor dem Haus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.380 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.381 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: VALVE found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.382 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.387 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6
2022-04-08 13:09:59.394 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.395 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.397 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found
2022-04-08 13:09:59.398 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: relationship searching
2022-04-08 13:09:59.399 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8
2022-04-08 13:09:59.400 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .name_value COMMON Irrigation Control
2022-04-08 13:09:59.403 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .batteryState_value COMMON NO_BATTERY
2022-04-08 13:09:59.404 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 50
2022-04-08 13:09:59.405 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-08T11:09:58.985+00:00
2022-04-08 13:09:59.406 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .serial_value COMMON 00034489
2022-04-08 13:09:59.407 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Irrigation Control
2022-04-08 13:09:59.408 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE
2022-04-08 13:09:59.414 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.418 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:34:13.073Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.421 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.429 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.437 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.447 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_1.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T09:24:16.910Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.491 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.name_value value=Valve 4 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.492 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.493 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.494 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.495 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.496 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.078Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.499 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.500 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.501 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.502 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:4.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.288Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.503 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.name_value value=Valve 5 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.504 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.505 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.506 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.507 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.508 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.095Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.509 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.510 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.511 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.512 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:5.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.304Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.513 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.name_value value=Valve 6 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.514 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_leftover_i value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.515 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_timestamp value= ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.516 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.duration_value value=null ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.517 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.activity_value value=CLOSED ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.518 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.activity_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.111Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.519 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.state_value value=UNAVAILABLE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.520 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.state_timestamp value=2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.521 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.lastErrorCode_value value=NO_MESSAGE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.523 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_f8:6.lastErrorCode_timestamp value=2022-02-04T12:25:29.321Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.524 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.name_value value=Irrigation Control ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.525 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.batteryState_value value=NO_BATTERY ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.526 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_value value=50 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.527 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-08T11:09:58.985Z ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.528 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.serial_value value=00034489 ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.529 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Irrigation Control ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.530 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true
2022-04-08 13:09:59.549 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.name_value changed: Neben dem Haus (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.561 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.568 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.577 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.601 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.608 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:23.487Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.615 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.state_value changed: OK (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.621 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.629 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.636 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_2.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-04-02T17:37:05.761Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.642 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.name_value changed: Valve 3 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.649 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.686 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.693 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.700 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.708 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.059Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.715 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.723 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.729 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.737 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_3.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.271Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.804 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.name_value changed: Valve 4 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.813 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.822 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.830 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.840 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.847 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.078Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.854 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.860 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.868 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.879 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_4.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.288Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.886 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.name_value changed: Valve 5 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.892 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.899 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.906 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.912 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.919 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.095Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.925 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.932 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.939 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.946 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_5.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.304Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.953 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.name_value changed: Valve 6 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.960 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_leftover_i changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.966 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_timestamp changed: (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.975 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.duration_value changed: null (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.982 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.activity_value changed: CLOSED (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.988 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.111Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:09:59.995 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.state_value changed: UNAVAILABLE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.001 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.state_timestamp changed: 2022-03-26T10:17:28.480Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.008 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.lastErrorCode_value changed: NO_MESSAGE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.015 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_VALVE_6.lastErrorCode_timestamp changed: 2022-02-04T12:25:29.321Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.022 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.name_value changed: Irrigation Control (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.029 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.batteryState_value changed: NO_BATTERY (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.035 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 50 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.041 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-08T11:09:58.985Z (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.048 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.serial_value changed: 00034489 (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.054 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Irrigation Control (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:10:00.060 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_4920.D_faf8.S_COMMON_faf8.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)
2022-04-08 13:11:49.349 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:14:19.349 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:16:49.350 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:19:19.351 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:21:49.352 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:24:19.352 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:26:49.354 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:29:19.356 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:31:49.355 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:34:19.356 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++```

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

2022-04-08 13:34:19.356 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++

was war zwischen den beiden Zeilen.

2022-04-08 13:39:19.251 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away

Leider sieht man nicht, was vor dem Verbindungsende kam.

Zum Verständnis: das was hier passiert ist genau das erwartete Verhalten, wenn ein Verbindungspartner die Verbindung beendet. Hier eben die Gardena-Seite. Die Frage ist: warum macht er das? Und da ist die Meldung, dass die Verbindung beendet wurde sicher interessant, aber für die Suche fast wertlos. Da braucht man dann direkt davor die Geschichte von da an, wo es noch funktioniert bis eben zum Abbruch.

Und mich würde auch interessieren, was danach passiert? Versucht der adapter die Verbindung wieder herzustellen?

Also bitte Log vor und nach dem on_close ...... Jeweils ein paar Minuten (mind 5 min) . Danach natürlcih nur, wenn sich was tut :-)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

5 min vor dem Abbruch:

2022-04-08 13:35:00.085  - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 started with pid 31459
2022-04-08 13:35:03.346  - info: dwd.0 (31459) starting. Version 2.7.7 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.dwd, node: v12.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
2022-04-08 13:35:08.714  - info: dwd.0 (31459) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-04-08 13:35:09.263  - info: host.ioBkoker202 instance system.adapter.dwd.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-04-08 13:36:49.358  - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++
2022-04-08 13:39:19.251  - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away
2022-04-08 13:39:19.253  - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-08 13:39:19.267  - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)```

Nach dem Abbruch kommt nichts mehr vom Smartgarden im LOG.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

Nach dem Abbruch kommt nichts mehr vom Smartgarden im LOG.

sicher? wie lange hast du gewartet?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


sicher? wie lange hast du gewartet?

hab das LOG bis 24:00 Uhr jetzt nochmal durchsucht. Nach dem Abbruch um 2022-04-08 13:39:19.267 kommt kein Eintrag vom Smartgarden mehr im LOG.

Ich habe gestern mal ein sauberes Testsystem aufgesetzt, auf dem nur die Grundlegenden Dinge laufen und der Smartgarden.
Gleiches Phänomen. Nach ein paar Stunden geht die Verbindug verloren.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

hab auf dem Testsystem mal die Version 1.0.4. installiert. Auch da kommt es zum Abbruch.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Pino72 avatar Pino72 commented on May 24, 2024

Habe mich zu früh gefreut.

Nachdem ich auch die Abbrüche nach kurzer Zeit hatte und die Ping Frequenz von 200 auf den default Wert von 150 gesetzt hatte ging es ein paar Tage gut aber seit gestern bricht es wieder nach ca 2 Stunden ab, wiederholt.

Hab die Frequenz jetzt auf 100 gestellt mal schauen ob es hilft....sehr seltsam.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

Lässt sich eigentlich die Verbindung dann sofort wieder aufbauen? Oder geht das nicht?

Schaut mal bitte in eure Logs und sucht nach Zeilen mit on_close und postet mal alle Zeilen mit on_close und vom smartgarden, die 10 Zeilen die davor und die 10 Zeilen die danach kommen. Aber bitte nur vom smartgarden :-)
Es gibt evtl. Blöcke, wo innerhalb der 10 Zeilen jeweils wieder 'on_close' steht, dann bitte entsprechend erweitern.
Wenn Ausgaben gleich sind, dann könnt Ihr auch einfach dazuschreiben, dass das z.B. 3x im Log war.


from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


Lässt sich eigentlich die Verbindung dann sofort wieder aufbauen? Oder geht das nicht?

Lässt sich sofort wieder aufbauen.

ich schaue das LOG durch

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer hab das LOG nach on_close durchsucht. Der Eintrag erscheint nur zum Zeitpunkt wo die Verbindung abbricht. Davor gibt es vom Smartgarden nur die regelmäßigen Einträge on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++.
Nach dem on_close folgen nur noch die beiden Einträge:

2022-04-08 13:39:19.253 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-08 13:39:19.267 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)

Danach kommt im gesamten LOG nichts mehr.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer hab das LOG nach on_close durchsucht. Der Eintrag erscheint nur zum Zeitpunkt wo die Verbindung abbricht. Davor gibt es vom Smartgarden nur die regelmäßigen Einträge on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++. Nach dem on_close folgen nur noch die beiden Einträge:

2022-04-08 13:39:19.253 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true
2022-04-08 13:39:19.267 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true)

Danach kommt im gesamten LOG nichts mehr.

und noch bitte die Zeile mit on_close

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024
2022-04-08 13:39:19.251 - info: smartgarden.0 (2909) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

mir ist aufgefallen das die Trennung exakt 2h nach dem Verbindungsaufbau passiert. Hab das mehrfach nachstellen können. Ist auf die Sekunde genau nach 2h.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

@ALL here

Bitte tauscht mal in eurer Installation die Datei api.js durch die hier angehängte Version aus (Zip-File zuerst entpacken). Und beobachtet mal, ob der Adapter den Abbruch der Verbindung durch Neu-Aufbau behebt.
D.h. das Problem, dass Gardena die Verbindung abbaut bleibt bestehen - daran kann ich nichts ändern - aber die Verbindung sollte einfach wieder aufgebaut werden.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


Bitte tauscht mal in eurer Installation die Datei api.js durch die hier angehängte Version aus

danke werd ich machen.

ich habe parallel mal ein Versuch gemacht und auf meinem Einsatzsystem die Version 1.0.4 installiert. Diese ist jetzt seit knapp 2,5h Online.

Ich hatte nämlich heute früh auf meinem Testsystem gesehen das die 1.0.4 die ganze Nacht Online war. Hab danach die Version 1.0.5 aufs Testsystem gemacht. Die hat sich wieder nach 2h getrennt.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

stevie77 avatar stevie77 commented on May 24, 2024

Ich glaube das mit den zwei Stunden hat nicht so direkt was zu bedeuten. Heute Nacht lief die Verbindung bei mir auch exakt 2 Stunden, aber seit heute Mittag pongt er jetzt schon über 4 Stunden erfolgreich, ohne dass ich was geändert habe. Es sei den Gardena/Husquarna hätte es genau jetzt repariert...

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

welche Version nutzt du? Bei Version 1.0.5 ging bei mir die Verbindung heute um 15:26 verloren. Hab dann ein Downgrade gemacht und Version 1.0.4 ist seit 15:37 Online

kannst du bitte mal den Pfad angeben wo die Datei liegt?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


kannst du bitte mal den Pfad angeben wo die Datei liegt?

in meinem Post oben

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer Sorry hab mich unklar ausgedrückt. Meinte beim IOBroker.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

bei mir in


from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer Danke schön

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

hab ich getauscht, Adapter geht erstmal auf grün - mal schauen wie lange :)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Pino72 avatar Pino72 commented on May 24, 2024


Lässt sich eigentlich die Verbindung dann sofort wieder aufbauen? Oder geht das nicht?

Lässt sich sofort wieder aufbauen.

ich schaue das LOG durch

So ist es, Verbindung lässt sich sofort wieder aufbauen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

stevie77 avatar stevie77 commented on May 24, 2024

welche Version nutzt du? Bei Version 1.0.5 ging bei mir die Verbindung heute um 15:26 verloren. Hab dann ein Downgrade gemacht und Version 1.0.4 ist seit 15:37 Online

Du meinst die GARDENA smart system API und Authentication API? Da bin ich noch bei 1.0.0. Gibt's da was neueres? Ging an mir vorüber...hat das Vor- oder Nachteile?
Bis jetzt ist der Adapter immer noch grün (ohne die Datei ersetzt zu haben). Die Laufzeiten scheinen stark unterschiedlich zu sein...
Edit: Ach du meinst den smartgarden-Adapter. Da habe ich 1.0.5.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

@ALL here

Bitte tauscht mal in eurer Installation die Datei api.js durch die hier angehängte Version aus (Zip-File zuerst entpacken). Und beobachtet mal, ob der Adapter den Abbruch der Verbindung durch Neu-Aufbau behebt. D.h. das Problem, dass Gardena die Verbindung abbaut bleibt bestehen - daran kann ich nichts ändern - aber die Verbindung sollte einfach wieder aufgebaut werden.

Dankeschön für die Anpassung.
Der Adapter läuft jetzt bei mir seit gestern Abend durch.
Ich vermute, dass war es
thumb up

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Der Adapter läuft jetzt bei mir seit gestern Abend durch.
Ich vermute, dass war es

ich gehe aktuell auch davon aus, dass das eine Lösung sein kann. Bitte sucht mal im Log (seit ihr die Datei ausgetauscht habt) nach on_close. Postet mir mal bitte alle Zeilen mit on_close inkl. den jeweils 10 Zeilen davor und danach.. (ich will aber nur Zeilen von smartgarden. Logzeilen von anderen Adaptern nützen mir nichts :-) )


Und nutzt bitte Adapter 1.0.5. Ältere Versionen haben grundsätzlich ein Problem mehr statt weniger (und werden auch nicht mehr supported).

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Pino72de avatar Pino72de commented on May 24, 2024

Vielen Dank für Deine Mühen @jpgorganizer und auch Danke für den tollen Adapter generell!

Hab die api jetzt auch mal getauscht und werde berichten....

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

Hab die Datei jetzt auch getauscht. Adapter läuft.

Bis jetzt kein Eintrag on_close im LOG. Adapter läuft aber auch erst ca. ne Stunde mit der neuen Datei.

@jpgorganizer auch von mir vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und vor allem natürlich für deine Geduld :-)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

@jpgorganizer benutze 1.0.5

Der Adapter läuft durch bzw. behebt das Problem jetzt selbst.
Wobei ein Nutzer mich darauf hinwies, dass es zwischenzeitig Probleme gab - ggf. gerade beim reconnect?

Die on_close wurde die Nacht bei mir regelmäßig (alle 2 Stunden) aufgerufen - teilweise auch schon nach 20 Min....
Also regelmäßig unregelmäßig.

Als Beispiel folgen zwei Aufrufe, welche ich jetzt manuell zusammen kopiert habe - ich hoffe es ist was hilfreiches enthalten.

2022-04-11 01:44:55.567 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++ 2022-04-11 01:48:15.565 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_pong: ++ pong'ed ++ 2022-04-11 01:51:35.457 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away 2022-04-11 01:51:35.458 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true 2022-04-11 01:51:35.459 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_close: try reconnectWithRefreshToken 2022-04-11 01:51:35.459 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken!!!! 2022-04-11 01:51:35.460 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: create hour: 23 2022-04-11 01:51:35.460 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: new counters : y2022 / m2022-04: 56 / d2022-04-10: 33 / hr23: 1 / last30days: 56 / last31days: 56 2022-04-11 01:51:35.471 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true) 2022-04-11 01:51:35.478 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed, {"2022":{"2022-04":{"count":56,"2022-04-08":{"19":{"count":3},"21":{"count":1},"count":4},"2022-04-09":{"12":{"count":3},"14":{"count":3},"19":{"count":3},"count":19,"08":{"count":8},"09":{"count":2}},"2022-04-10":{"12":{"count":8},"17":{"count":8},"19":{"count":2},"21":{"count":2},"23":{"count":1},"count":33,"06":{"count":3},"09":{"count":9}}}},"last30days":{"count":56},"last31days":{"count":56}} (ack = true) 2022-04-11 01:51:35.644 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: successful response.statusCode/Message=200/OK 2022-04-11 01:51:35.644 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: access token changed 2022-04-11 01:51:35.644 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: refresh_token changed 2022-04-11 01:51:35.645 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: expires_in/timeout/factor:86399 / 86485 / 1.001 2022-04-11 01:51:35.646 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: new counters : y2022 / m2022-04: 57 / d2022-04-10: 34 / hr23: 2 / last30days: 57 / last31days: 57 2022-04-11 01:51:35.646 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ get_websocket ... 2022-04-11 01:51:35.659 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed, {"2022":{"2022-04":{"count":57,"2022-04-08":{"19":{"count":3},"21":{"count":1},"count":4},"2022-04-09":{"12":{"count":3},"14":{"count":3},"19":{"count":3},"count":19,"08":{"count":8},"09":{"count":2}},"2022-04-10":{"12":{"count":8},"17":{"count":8},"19":{"count":2},"21":{"count":2},"23":{"count":2},"count":34,"06":{"count":3},"09":{"count":9}}}},"last30days":{"count":57},"last31days":{"count":57}} (ack = true) 2022-04-11 01:51:35.837 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ get_websocket successful: response.statusCode/Message=201/Created 2022-04-11 01:51:35.839 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: get_websocket ... websocket ok 2022-04-11 01:51:35.840 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=true ack=true 2022-04-11 01:51:35.849 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: true (ack = true) 2022-04-11 01:51:36.025 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_open: ### connected ### 2022-04-11 01:51:36.265 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: LOCATION found 2022-04-11 01:51:36.268 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found 2022-04-11 01:51:36.271 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: value=My Garden ack=true 2022-04-11 01:51:36.272 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: MOWER found .............. 2022-04-11 04:01:38.069 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1006 close.reason= 2022-04-11 04:01:38.070 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=false ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:38.072 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_close: try reconnectWithRefreshToken 2022-04-11 04:01:38.073 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken!!!! 2022-04-11 04:01:38.073 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: create hour: 02 2022-04-11 04:01:38.074 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: new counters : y2022 / m2022-04: 64 / d2022-04-11: 3 / hr02: 1 / last30days: 64 / last31days: 64 2022-04-11 04:01:38.126 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: false (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:38.131 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed, {"2022":{"2022-04":{"count":64,"2022-04-08":{"19":{"count":3},"21":{"count":1},"count":4},"2022-04-09":{"12":{"count":3},"14":{"count":3},"19":{"count":3},"count":19,"08":{"count":8},"09":{"count":2}},"2022-04-10":{"12":{"count":8},"17":{"count":8},"19":{"count":2},"21":{"count":2},"23":{"count":6},"count":38,"06":{"count":3},"09":{"count":9}},"2022-04-11":{"count":3,"01":{"count":2},"02":{"count":1}}}},"last30days":{"count":64},"last31days":{"count":64}} (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:38.476 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: successful response.statusCode/Message=200/OK 2022-04-11 04:01:38.476 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: access token changed 2022-04-11 04:01:38.477 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: refresh_token changed 2022-04-11 04:01:38.477 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: expires_in/timeout/factor:86399 / 86485 / 1.001 2022-04-11 04:01:38.478 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ incrementLimitCounter: new counters : y2022 / m2022-04: 65 / d2022-04-11: 4 / hr02: 2 / last30days: 65 / last31days: 65 2022-04-11 04:01:38.478 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ get_websocket ... 2022-04-11 04:01:38.493 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed, {"2022":{"2022-04":{"count":65,"2022-04-08":{"19":{"count":3},"21":{"count":1},"count":4},"2022-04-09":{"12":{"count":3},"14":{"count":3},"19":{"count":3},"count":19,"08":{"count":8},"09":{"count":2}},"2022-04-10":{"12":{"count":8},"17":{"count":8},"19":{"count":2},"21":{"count":2},"23":{"count":6},"count":38,"06":{"count":3},"09":{"count":9}},"2022-04-11":{"count":4,"01":{"count":2},"02":{"count":2}}}},"last30days":{"count":65},"last31days":{"count":65}} (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:38.960 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ get_websocket successful: response.statusCode/Message=201/Created 2022-04-11 04:01:38.963 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ reconnectWithRefreshToken: get_websocket ... websocket ok 2022-04-11 04:01:38.964 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: info.connection value=true ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:38.972 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: true (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.192 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ on_open: ### connected ### 2022-04-11 04:01:39.467 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: LOCATION found 2022-04-11 04:01:39.479 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: DEVICE found 2022-04-11 04:01:39.490 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: value=GARDENA smart Garden ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.493 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: MOWER found 2022-04-11 04:01:39.495 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg 2022-04-11 04:01:39.495 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg .state_value MOWER OK 2022-04-11 04:01:39.496 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg .state_timestamp MOWER 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095+00:00 2022-04-11 04:01:39.497 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg .activity_value MOWER PARKED_PARK_SELECTED 2022-04-11 04:01:39.497 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg .activity_timestamp MOWER 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095+00:00 2022-04-11 04:01:39.498 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg .operatingHours_value MOWER 91 2022-04-11 04:01:39.505 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ parseMessage: COMMON found 2022-04-11 04:01:39.506 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ setServiceStates: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 2022-04-11 04:01:39.507 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .name_value COMMON Bonny 2022-04-11 04:01:39.507 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .batteryLevel_value COMMON 100 2022-04-11 04:01:39.508 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .batteryLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-10T13:32:13.477+00:00 2022-04-11 04:01:39.508 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .batteryState_value COMMON OK 2022-04-11 04:01:39.509 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .batteryState_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095+00:00 2022-04-11 04:01:39.510 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .rfLinkLevel_value COMMON 100 2022-04-11 04:01:39.510 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .rfLinkLevel_timestamp COMMON 2022-04-11T01:26:13.514+00:00 2022-04-11 04:01:39.511 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .serial_value xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2022-04-11 04:01:39.511 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .modelType_value COMMON GARDENA smart Mower 2022-04-11 04:01:39.512 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ checkAndSetForecast: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54 .rfLinkState_value COMMON ONLINE 2022-04-11 04:01:39.576 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.state_value value=OK ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.578 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.state_timestamp value=2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.581 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_mowing_i value=false ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.582 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_control_i value=null ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.582 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_value value=PARKED_PARK_SELECTED ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.583 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_timestamp value=2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.584 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.operatingHours_value value=91 ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.584 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.name_value value=Bonny ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.587 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryLevel_value value=100 ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.588 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-10T13:32:13.477Z ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.589 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryState_value value=OK ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.590 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryState_timestamp value=2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.591 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkLevel_value value=100 ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.591 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkLevel_timestamp value=2022-04-11T01:26:13.514Z ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.592 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.serial_value value=xxxxxx ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.593 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.modelType_value value=GARDENA smart Mower ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.594 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ sgSetState: sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkState_value value=ONLINE ack=true 2022-04-11 04:01:39.653 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state changed: GARDENA smart Garden (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.819 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.state_value changed: OK (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.828 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.state_timestamp changed: 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.836 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_mowing_i changed: false (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.844 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_control_i changed: null (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.853 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_value changed: PARKED_PARK_SELECTED (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.859 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.activity_timestamp changed: 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.866 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_MOWER_cbtg.operatingHours_value changed: 91 (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.873 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.name_value changed: Bonny (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.879 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryLevel_value changed: 100 (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.942 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-10T13:32:13.477Z (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.949 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryState_value changed: OK (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.955 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.batteryState_timestamp changed: 2022-04-10T12:53:06.095Z (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.964 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkLevel_value changed: 100 (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.972 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkLevel_timestamp changed: 2022-04-11T01:26:13.514Z (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.981 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.serial_value changed: xxxxxxxxxx (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.987 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.modelType_value changed: GARDENA smart Mower (ack = true) 2022-04-11 04:01:39.994 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (28669) 3/ ---> State change by device: state sg.0.L_f316.D_8e54.S_COMMON_8e54.rfLinkState_value changed: ONLINE (ack = true)

Der Eintrag von 4 Uhr dürfte vollständig sein.

Die Einträge scheinen exemplarisch für den Rest zu sein.
Der close.code wechselt zwischen 1006 und 1001, falls das was zu bedeuten hat.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

@BlueBook4 wenn du das LOG beim Posten mit Backmarks ``` umschließt ist es besser lesbar

Hier ein Beispiel

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

@andre-bu danke für den Hinweis, hatte ich extra gesetzt. Irgendwie nimmt er es leider nicht an

Okay, der Codeblock darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.
Sieht jetzt leider aber auch nicht wirklich besser aus.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

mkshb avatar mkshb commented on May 24, 2024


nach dem Tausch der api.js läuft der Adapter bei mir jetzt seit rund 14 Stunden durch.
ein "on_close" konnte in den Logs gar nicht finden.

Danke für die Mühe!

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Der close.code wechselt zwischen 1006 und 1001, falls das was zu bedeuten hat.

das ist gut ... kannst mal beobachten, ob noch andere Codes auftauchen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


nach dem Tausch der api.js läuft der Adapter bei mir jetzt seit rund 14 Stunden durch. ein "on_close" konnte in den Logs gar nicht finden.

schau mal bitte nach 24 - 48 Stunden. Dann sollte in jedem Fall ein on_close auftauchen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

stevie77 avatar stevie77 commented on May 24, 2024

Ich habe jetzt mal noch NICHT die Datei ausgetauscht, aber bisher (allerdings erst 22 Stunden lang) auch keinen Verbindungsabbruch mehr gehabt. Keine Ahnung, ob und was das aussagt. Hatte evtl. auch nur Gardena ein Problem? Werde das mal weiter beobachten...

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024

Auch ich habe seit ein paar Tagen immer wieder Verbindungsabbrüche.
Das hat soweit geführt das ich alles Neu aufgesetzt habe.
Leider ohne Erfolg.
Habe gestern Abend die neue API.js eingespielt. Werde mal sehe ob das hilft.
Heute früh hatte ich den 1. Reconnect. Ich werde den Adapter mal auf debug log stellen um etwas mehr mitzubekommen.

Hier ein kleiner log von den ersten Minuten nach dem Neustart des Adapters.

smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.663 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v16.13.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.267 debug States connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.207 debug States create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.205 debug States create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.165 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.111 debug Objects connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.079 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.929 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.928 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.925 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.852 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.032 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.029 info terminating
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.023 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:54.100 error Error: request returned 429
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.773 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v16.13.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.340 debug States connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.282 debug States create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.281 debug States create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.249 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.201 debug Objects connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.192 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.080 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.079 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.076 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:52.991 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.186 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.184 info terminating
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.169 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024

So um 8:24 ist die Verbindung abgebrochen, aber leider kein Log vorhanden bzw. es wurde kein Log generiert.

smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:36.050 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v16.13.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.615 debug States connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.547 debug States create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.545 debug States create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.510 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.459 debug Objects connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.449 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.350 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.349 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.346 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:35.285 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:30.434 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:30.433 info terminating
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 08:57:30.424 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.663 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v16.13.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.267 debug States connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.207 debug States create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.205 debug States create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.165 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.111 debug Objects connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:09.079 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.929 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.928 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.925 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:08.852 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.032 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.029 info terminating
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:19:04.023 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:54.100 error Error: request returned 429
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.773 info starting. Version 1.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden, node: v16.13.2, js-controller: 4.0.21
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.340 debug States connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.282 debug States create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.281 debug States create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.249 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.201 debug Objects connected to redis:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.192 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.080 debug Objects create User PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.079 debug Objects create System PubSub Client
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:53.076 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:52.991 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.186 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.184 info terminating
smartgarden.0 2022-04-12 06:17:48.169 info Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF

Komisch das der Verbindungsabbruch und alles danach nicht geloggt wurde.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

stevie77 avatar stevie77 commented on May 24, 2024

Okay, hat diesmal nur länger gedauert als sonst (ca. 26 Stunden). Nach vielen Pongs (ohne API-Tausch) davor nur die eine Zeile:
2022-04-12 07:52:18.375 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (1154) 2/ on_close: ### closed ### close.code=1001 close.reason=Going away
50 Minuten vorher noch das:
2022-04-12 07:02:02.656 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (1154) 2/ parseMessage: MOWER found 2022-04-12 07:02:02.657 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (1154) 2/ setServiceStates: relationship searching 2022-04-12 07:02:02.678 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (1154) 2/ parseMessage: COMMON found 2022-04-12 07:02:02.679 - �[32minfo�[39m: smartgarden.0 (1154) 2/ setServiceStates: relationship searching

from iobroker.smartgarden.

engelsofta avatar engelsofta commented on May 24, 2024

in eurer Inst

@ALL here

Bitte tauscht mal in eurer Installation die Datei api.js durch die hier angehängte Version aus (Zip-File zuerst entpacken). Und beobachtet mal, ob der Adapter den Abbruch der Verbindung durch Neu-Aufbau behebt. D.h. das Problem, dass Gardena die Verbindung abbaut bleibt bestehen - daran kann ich nichts ändern - aber die Verbindung sollte einfach wieder aufgebaut werden.

Kann mir jemand kurz erklären wie man sowas austauscht? Sorry bin Anfänger - danke

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024

In /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/lib ----> die api.js durch die neue api.js überschreiben,fertig.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


Kann mir jemand kurz erklären wie man sowas austauscht? Sorry bin Anfänger - danke

geht am einfachsten mit Filezilla. Per IP Adresse verbinden und die Datei einfach per drag and drop reinschieben.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024

Kurzes Feedback:
Mit neuer API.js hatte ich heute schon 2 Disconnects. Adaptereinstellungen sind auf default.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

mkshb avatar mkshb commented on May 24, 2024


wie oben erwähnt, habe ich die neue api.js eingebunden und seither keinen Abbruch mehr gehabt.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024


Der close.code wechselt zwischen 1006 und 1001, falls das was zu bedeuten hat.

danke. das ist gut ... kannst mal beobachten, ob noch andere Codes auftauchen.

klar, inzwischen jetzt nur noch 1001 - grob alle 2 Stunden.

Der Adapter läuft also entsprechend durch und bleibt grün.
Soweit, so schön :)
Danke für die schnelle Zwischenlösung!

Es kam aber bei uns die Vermutung auf, ob der Reconnect einige Einstellungen mit zurücksetzt?
Also z.B. den Status des Mähers ändert? Oder ist das auszuschließen?
Wir hatten 1-2 Mal ein komisches Verhalten - kann aber ggf. auch wo ganz anders dran liegen.
Wir behalten es weiter im Auge :)


from iobroker.smartgarden.

Gundika avatar Gundika commented on May 24, 2024

Heute 3x Abbrüche gehabt. Werde mal die api Datei austauschen und beobachten, ob es sich stabilisiert.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

dzirbes00 avatar dzirbes00 commented on May 24, 2024

kurzes Feedback auch von meiner Seite. Hatte auch jede MEnge Abbrüche. Habe heute morgen dann mal die api Datei getauscht, seit dem läuft es bisher recht stabil.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024

Von mir auch Feedback. Nachdem ich mit dem API.js Tausch mehrere Abbrüche hatte, Adapter deinstalliert, Adapter neu installiert und API.js getauscht.
Seit gestern früh läuft die Verbindung durch.
Wo auch immer der Fehler ist oder lag...

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024


Ich bin mit dem o.a. Patch noch nicht ganz glücklich und habe deshalb noch eine andere Lösung gesucht. Diese läuft nun seit kanpp 2 Tagen bei mir in drei Produktiv-Installationen.

Diese Version lege ich hier mal bei. Wäre gut zu testen. Einfach auch wieder die api.js austauschen und den Adapter neu starten.

Fehler/ Fragen gerne hier posten. Ich werde allerdings in den kommenden 2 Wochen nicht oder nur sehr verzögert reagieren können. Somit müsst Ihr euch dann leider gedulden.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Cosmicbase avatar Cosmicbase commented on May 24, 2024


Ich bin mit dem o.a. Patch noch nicht ganz glücklich und habe deshalb noch eine andere Lösung gesucht. Diese läuft nun seit kanpp 2 Tagen bei mir in drei Produktiv-Installationen.

Diese Version lege ich hier mal bei. Wäre gut zu testen. Einfach auch wieder die api.js austauschen und den Adapter neu starten.

Fehler/ Fragen gerne hier posten. Ich werde allerdings in den kommenden 2 Wochen nicht oder nur sehr verzögert reagieren können. Somit müsst Ihr euch dann leider gedulden.

Wird promt getestet. Vielen Dank

from iobroker.smartgarden.

dzirbes00 avatar dzirbes00 commented on May 24, 2024


Ich bin mit dem o.a. Patch noch nicht ganz glücklich und habe deshalb noch eine andere Lösung gesucht. Diese läuft nun seit kanpp 2 Tagen bei mir in drei Produktiv-Installationen.

Diese Version lege ich hier mal bei. Wäre gut zu testen. Einfach auch wieder die api.js austauschen und den Adapter neu starten.

Fehler/ Fragen gerne hier posten. Ich werde allerdings in den kommenden 2 Wochen nicht oder nur sehr verzögert reagieren können. Somit müsst Ihr euch dann leider gedulden.

erledigt. Dann schauen wir mal wachsam drauf. Läuft aber aktuell

from iobroker.smartgarden.

FlexerJR avatar FlexerJR commented on May 24, 2024

Habe jetzt auch die API.js mal überschrieben. Ich werde berichten ob das klappt. Bis jetzt sieht es aber gut aus! Vielen Dank und freu mich auf das Update

from iobroker.smartgarden.

stevie77 avatar stevie77 commented on May 24, 2024

Moin. Sieht jetzt auch bei mir gut aus bisher. Vielen Dank!
PS: Das von dir zwischenzeitlich erwähnte Problem wurde mit der zweiten API-Version dann erfolgreich eliminiert oder müssen wir auf irgendwas anderes nun vermehrt achten?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

die neue Version ist bei mir jetzt auch aktiv und erstmal gut angelaufen.
Langzeittest läuft also an :)

Erstes Zwischenergebnis nach 12 Std.:
Läuft ohne Absturz, laut log erfolgt exakt alle 2 Std. ein "reconnectWithRefreshToken" close.code ist immer 1001.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Hallo, ich bin noch Anfänger. Wohin muss ich denn die api.js kopieren?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024


Hallo, ich bin noch Anfänger. Wohin muss ich denn die api.js kopieren?

die Datei muss hier hin:

Das geht zum Beispiel mit Filezilla sehr einfach.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Dankeschön, hat funktioniert.
Nun warte ich mal ab.....

from iobroker.smartgarden.

jpgorganizer avatar jpgorganizer commented on May 24, 2024

@stevie77 @ALL

@jpgorganizer Moin. Sieht jetzt auch bei mir gut aus bisher. Vielen Dank! PS: Das von dir zwischenzeitlich erwähnte Problem wurde mit der zweiten API-Version dann erfolgreich eliminiert oder müssen wir auf irgendwas anderes nun vermehrt achten?

Nein, keine besonderen Dinge zu beobachten. Einzig, ob er dauerhaft abbricht oder nicht. Ein ReConnect ist ok und auch gewollt. Und vielleicht mal schauen, was für Error-Codes denn so kommen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

BlueBook4 avatar BlueBook4 commented on May 24, 2024

Hallo @jpgorganizer ,

auch die neue Version läuft bei mir stabil, nach 24-36 Stunden.
Der Log sieht gut aus!
Von meiner Seite also gerne ein "go" :)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

roller25 avatar roller25 commented on May 24, 2024


Hallo, ich bin noch Anfänger. Wohin muss ich denn die api.js kopieren?

die Datei muss hier hin: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.smartgarden/lib

Das geht zum Beispiel mit Filezilla sehr einfach.

Naja, irgendwie funzt das mit dem kopieren bei mir nicht.
Ich finde das Verzeichnis in Filezilla, aber wenn ich die API kopieren möchte, sagt er mir "premission denied" (Zugriff verweigert)

Wo habe ich da was beim LOG IN auf den Raspberry per filezilla was falsch gemacht??

DANKE und Gruß

from iobroker.smartgarden.

andre-bu avatar andre-bu commented on May 24, 2024

from iobroker.smartgarden.

roller25 avatar roller25 commented on May 24, 2024

Danke, aber wie behebe ich das??
gibt es da Standard passwörter als master/admin?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Ich bin mit dem VNC Viewer auf die Oberfläche des Raspi gegangen und habe mit dem vorhandenen Dateimanager die api.js in das Verzeichnis kopiert/überschrieben.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Jetzt bekomme ich mit dem Dateimanager auch den Fehler, dass ich keine Berechtigung habe.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

roller25 avatar roller25 commented on May 24, 2024

Mit dem VNC Viewer komme ich gar nicht drauf

from iobroker.smartgarden.

engelsofta avatar engelsofta commented on May 24, 2024

wann ist denn ca. mit einem Update zu rechnen? ;-)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Octopus180 avatar Octopus180 commented on May 24, 2024

ich bekomme immer die Aussage "premission denied" (Zugriff verweigert)". Egal mit welchem Programm ich mich auf dem Raspberry einwähle. Was muss ich als Benutzer und Passwort eintragen? Mit pi und meinem Passwort habe ich wohl nicht die Rechte die Datei zu überschreiben.


from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Ich habe den Dateimanager vom Pi mit sudo pcmanfm
starten können. Damit hatte ich dann die nötigen Rechte.
Unten links bei Ausführen den obigen Befehl eingeben. Dann sollte im Dateimanager auch ein rotes Ausrufezeichen auftauchen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Octopus180 avatar Octopus180 commented on May 24, 2024

Dann bekomme ich das:

pi@iobroker:~ $ sudo pcmanfm
sudo: pcmanfm: Befehl nicht gefunden
pi@iobroker:~ $

from iobroker.smartgarden.

gonzokalle avatar gonzokalle commented on May 24, 2024

Auf der Oberfläche vom Pi bei Ausführen den Befehl eingeben. Hast du das gemacht?

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Octopus180 avatar Octopus180 commented on May 24, 2024

Du benutzt bestimmt die Grafische Oberfläche des PI, ich logge mich nur per ssh von einem Rechner auf den PI ein. Ich habe kein Monitor an den PI angeschlossen.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

roller25 avatar roller25 commented on May 24, 2024

Ich habe gerade die SD-Karte mit dem Windows PC bearbeitet. Mit dem Programm "Linux File Systems für Windows von Paragon Software" konnte ich die SD-Karte am PC im Explorer bearbeiten.

Erster Test, ergibt, es läuft alles, also nix zerschossen :-)

Ob der Fehler nun auch weg ist?? wird sich zeigen

Gruß Michael

from iobroker.smartgarden.

roller25 avatar roller25 commented on May 24, 2024

so, nach 7h ist smartgarden immer noch aktiv

läuft also :-)

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Didi1205 avatar Didi1205 commented on May 24, 2024

Du benutzt bestimmt die Grafische Oberfläche des PI, ich logge mich nur per ssh von einem Rechner auf den PI ein. Ich habe kein Monitor an den PI angeschlossen.

Wieso verwendest du nicht Filezilla? Ist doch wesentlich einfacher. --> Achtung du musst bei Verwendung von FTP den Port 22 statt dem Standardport angeben.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

Octopus180 avatar Octopus180 commented on May 24, 2024

Wenn ich FTP benutze bekomme ich das :
Fehler: Kann keine FTP-Verbindung zu einem SFTP-Server aufbauen. Bitte wählen Sie ein geeignetes Protokoll.
Fehler: Kritischer Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen

Benutze ich SFTP komme ich auf den PI drauf, habe aber keine Rechte um die Datei zu überschreiben.

Ich verwende Filezilla.

from iobroker.smartgarden.

ChrAu1202 avatar ChrAu1202 commented on May 24, 2024


bei mir läuft es nach dem Austausch der Datei seit über 2 Wochen ohne Probleme, vielen Dank!!!
Zum Austausch der Datei empfehle ich WinSCP (Übertragungsprotokoll: SFTP und Portnummer: 22).
Wenn der User jedoch keine Schreibrechte hat, wird auch das vermutlich nicht weiterhelfen?!


from iobroker.smartgarden.

Didi1205 avatar Didi1205 commented on May 24, 2024

Also bei mir hat das ohne Probleme funktioniert.

Hier habe ich aber eine Anleitung für dich gegooglet, dort steht auch etwas zum Thema Berechtigungen, vielleicht hilft dir das:

from iobroker.smartgarden.

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