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Comments (3)

mk2510 avatar mk2510 commented on June 7, 2024 2

Hi Jonny, we will take care about this issue now. 😃

from texthero.

jbesomi avatar jbesomi commented on June 7, 2024

Useful code:


def _check_is_valid_representation(s) -> bool:
    Check that the given Pandas Series respect is a Representation Pandas Series.

    if not isinstance(s.index, pd.MultiIndex):
        raise ValueError(
            f"The input Pandas Series should be a Representation Pandas Series and should have a MultiIndex. The given Pandas Series does not appears to have MultiIndex"

    if s.index.nlevels != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The input Pandas Series should be a Representation Pandas Series and should have a MultiIndex, where the first level represent the document and the second one the words/token. The given Pandas Series has {s.index.nlevels} number of levels instead of 2."
    return True


def term_frequency(
    s: pd.Series, max_features=300, min_df=1, max_df=1.0
) -> pd.Series.sparse:
    Represent a tokenized Pandas Series using term frequency.

    s : Pandas Series
    max_features : int, optional, default to 300
        Maximum number of features to keep.
    min_df : int, optional, default to 1
        When building the vocabulary, ignore terms that have a document 
        frequency strictly lower than the given threshold.
    max_df : int or double, optional, default to 1.0
        When building the vocabulary, ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly higher than the given threshold. This arguments basically permits to remove corpus-specific stop words. When the argument is a float [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion of documents.

    >>> import texthero as hero
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(["I am GROOT", "Flame on"])
    >>> s = hero.tokenize(s)
    >>> hero.term_frequency(s)
    document  word 
    0         GROOT    1
              I        1
              am       1
    1         Flame    1
              on       1
    dtype: Sparse[int64, 0]

    if type(s.iloc[0]) != list:
        raise ValueError(
            "🤔 It seems like the given Pandas Series is not tokenized. Have you tried passing the Series through `hero.tokenize(s)`?"

    # TODO. Can be rewritten without sklearn.

    tf = CountVectorizer(
        tokenizer=lambda x: x,
        preprocessor=lambda x: x,
    tf_vectors_csr = tf.fit_transform(s)

    tf_vectors_coo = coo_matrix(tf_vectors_csr)
    s_out = pd.Series.sparse.from_coo(tf_vectors_coo)

    features_names = tf.get_feature_names()

    # Map word index to word name
    s_out.index = x: (s.index[x[0]], features_names[x[1]]))

    s_out.rename_axis(["document", "word"], inplace=True) = "term_frequency"

    return s_out

def tfidf(s: pd.Series, max_features=300, min_df=1, max_df=1.0) -> pd.Series.sparse:
    Represent a tokenized Pandas Series with TF-IDF. 
    s : Pandas Series (tokenized)
    max_features : int, optional, default to 300
        Maximum number of features to keep.
    min_df : int, optional, default to 1.
        When building the vocabulary, ignore terms that have a document 
        frequency strictly lower than the given threshold.
    max_df : int or double, optional, default to 1.0
        When building the vocabulary, ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly higher than the given threshold. This arguments basically permits to remove corpus-specific stop words. When the argument is a float [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion of documents.

    Sparse Pandas Series
        Return a MultiIndex Sparse Series where the first level is the document, the second level is the word name and the values are the tf-idf coefficients.

    >>> import texthero as hero
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(["I am GROOT", "Flame on"])
    >>> s = hero.tokenize(s)
    >>> hero.tfidf(s)
    document  word 
    0         GROOT    0.577350
              I        0.577350
              am       0.577350
    1         Flame    0.707107
              on       0.707107
    dtype: Sparse[float64, nan]


    # TODO. In docstring show the formula to compute TF-IDF

    if type(s.iloc[0]) != list:
        raise ValueError(
            "🤔 It seems like the given Pandas Series is not tokenized. Have you tried passing the Series through `hero.tokenize(s)`?"

    tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(
        tokenizer=lambda x: x,
        preprocessor=lambda x: x,

    tfidf_vectors_csr = tfidf.fit_transform(s)

    tfidf_vectors_coo = coo_matrix(tfidf_vectors_csr)
    s_out = pd.Series.sparse.from_coo(tfidf_vectors_coo)

    features_names = tfidf.get_feature_names()

    # Map word index to word name
    s_out.index = x: (s.index[x[0]], features_names[x[1]]))

    s_out.rename_axis(["document", "word"], inplace=True) = "tfidf"

    return s_out

Dimensionality reduction

def truncated_svd(s, n_components=2, random_state=42):
    Perform truncated SVD on the given Represented Pandas Series.

    This function is typically used to reduce the number of dimension of a Represented Pandas Series, generally obtained by calling an hero representation function such as :meth:`tfidf`, :meth:`term_frequency` or :meth:`doc2vec`.

    Truncated SVD receive as first argument a MultiIndex Pandas Series where the first level are the documents, the second level are the words and the values are the representation.  

    s : Pandas Series
    n_components : int, default is 2.
        Number of components to keep. If n_components is not set or None, all components are kept.
    random_state : int, default to 42.
        Used during randomized svd. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.

    >>> import texthero as hero
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(["I am GROOT", "Flame on"])
    >>> s = hero.tokenize(s)
    >>> s = hero.tfidf(s)
    >>> hero.truncated_svd(s) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    0    [0.0, 0.99...]
    1    [1.00..., 0.0]
    dtype: object

    See also
    :meth:`tfidf` to compute TF-IDF and :meth:`term_frequency` to compute term frequency


    svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state)

    s = s.astype("Sparse")
    s_csr_matrix = csr_matrix(s.sparse.to_coo()[0])

    s_out = pd.Series(
        svd.fit_transform(s_csr_matrix).tolist(), index=s.index.unique(level=0),
    s_out = s_out.rename_axis(None)
    return s_out

def pca(s, n_components=2):
    Perform principal component analysis on the given Represented Pandas Series.

    This function is typically used to reduce the number of dimension of a Represented Pandas Series, generally obtained by calling an hero representation function such as :meth:`tfidf`, :meth:`term_frequency` or :meth:`doc2vec`.

    PCA receive as first argument a MultiIndex Pandas Series where the first level are the documents, the second level are the words and the values are their representation.  

    s : Pandas Series
    n_components : int, default is 2.
        Number of components to keep. If n_components is not set or None, all components are kept.

    >>> import texthero as hero
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(["I am GROOT", "Flame on"])
    >>> s = hero.tokenize(s)
    >>> s = hero.tfidf(s) # return a Sparse Pandas Series by default 
    >>> hero.pca(s)
    0    [-0.7071067811865474, 5.5511151231257815e-17]
    1     [0.7071067811865476, 5.5511151231257815e-17]
    dtype: object

    See also
    :meth:`tfidf` to compute TF-IDF and :meth:`term_frequency` to compute term frequency


    pca = PCA(n_components=n_components)

    if pd_types.is_sparse(s):
        s_csr_matrix = csr_matrix(s.sparse.to_coo()[0])
        if s_csr_matrix.shape[1] > 1000:
                "✋ Be careful. You are trying to compute PCA from a Sparse Pandas Series with a very large vocabulary. Principal Component Analysis normalize the data and this act requires to expand the input Sparse Matrix. This operation might take long. Consider using `svd_truncated` instead as it can deals with Sparse Matrix efficiently."
        # Threat it as a Sparse matrix anyway for efficiency.
        s = s.astype("Sparse")
        s_csr_matrix = csr_matrix(s.sparse.to_coo()[0])

    s_dense_matrix = s_csr_matrix.todense()

    s_out = pd.Series(
        pca.fit_transform(s_dense_matrix).tolist(), index=s.index.unique(level=0),
    s_out = s_out.rename_axis(None)
    return s_out

def nmf(s, n_components=2, random_state=42):
    Perform negative matrix factotization on the given Represented Pandas Series.

    This function is typically used to reduce the number of dimension of a Represented Pandas Series, generally obtained by calling an hero representation function such as :meth:`tfidf`, :meth:`term_frequency` or :meth:`doc2vec`.

    NMF receive as first argument a MultiIndex Pandas Series where the first level are the documents, the second level are the words and the values are the representation.  

    s : Pandas Series
    n_components : int, default is 2.
        Number of components to keep. If n_components is not set or None, all components are kept.
    random_state : int, default is 42.
        Used during randomized svd. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.

    >>> import texthero as hero
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(["I am GROOT", "Flame on"])
    >>> s = hero.tokenize(s)
    >>> s = hero.tfidf(s)
    >>> hero.nmf(s) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    0                   [0.0, 1.0]
    1    [0.9999999999999998, 0.0]
    dtype: object

    See also
    :meth:`tfidf` to compute TF-IDF and :meth:`term_frequency` to compute term frequency


    nmf = NMF(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state)

    if pd_types.is_sparse(s):
        s_csr_matrix = csr_matrix(s.sparse.to_coo()[0])
        if s_csr_matrix.shape[1] > 1000:
                "✋ Be careful. You are trying to compute NMF from a Sparse Pandas Series with a very large vocabulary. Principal Component Analysis normalize the data and this act requires to expand the input Sparse Matrix. This operation might take long. Consider using `svd_truncated` instead as it can deals with Sparse Matrix efficiently."
        # Threat it as a Sparse matrix anyway for efficiency.
        s = s.astype("Sparse")
        s_csr_matrix = csr_matrix(s.sparse.to_coo()[0])

    # s_dense_matrix = s_csr_matrix.todense()

    s_out = pd.Series(
        nmf.fit_transform(s_csr_matrix).tolist(), index=s.index.unique(level=0),
    s_out = s_out.rename_axis(None)
    return s_out

from texthero.

jbesomi avatar jbesomi commented on June 7, 2024

Useful code for testing the functions:

class TestRepresentation(PandasTestCase):
    Term Frequency.

    def test_term_frequency_single_document(self):
        s = pd.Series([list("abbccc")])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "a"), (0, "b"), (0, "c")], names=("document", "word")

        s_true = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=idx, dtype="int").astype(
            pd.SparseDtype("int", 0)
        self.assertEqual(representation.term_frequency(s), s_true)

    def test_term_frequency_multiple_documents(self):

        s = pd.Series([["doc_one"], ["doc_two"]])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "doc_one"), (1, "doc_two")], names=("document", "word")

        s_true = pd.Series([1, 1], index=idx, dtype="int").astype(
            pd.SparseDtype("int", 0)
        self.assertEqual(representation.term_frequency(s), s_true)

    def test_term_frequency_not_lowercase(self):

        s = pd.Series([["A"], ["a"]])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "A"), (1, "a")], names=("document", "word")

        s_true = pd.Series([1, 1], index=idx, dtype="int").astype(
            pd.SparseDtype("int", 0)
        self.assertEqual(representation.term_frequency(s), s_true)

    def test_term_frequency_punctuation_are_kept(self):

        s = pd.Series([["number", "one", "!"]])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "!"), (0, "number"), (0, "one")], names=("document", "word")

        s_true = pd.Series([1, 1, 1], index=idx, dtype="int").astype(
            pd.SparseDtype("int", 0)
        self.assertEqual(representation.term_frequency(s), s_true)

    def test_term_frequency_raise_when_not_tokenized(self):
        s = pd.Series("not tokenized")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"tokenized"):


    def test_tfidf_simple(self):
        s = pd.Series([["a"]])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(0, "a")], names=("document", "word"))
        s_true = pd.Series([1.0], index=idx).astype("Sparse")
        self.assertEqual(representation.tfidf(s), s_true)

    def test_idf_single_not_lowercase(self):
        tfidf_single_smooth = 0.7071067811865475  # TODO

        s = pd.Series([list("Aa")])

        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "A"), (0, "a")], names=("document", "word")

        s_true = pd.Series(
            [tfidf_single_smooth, tfidf_single_smooth], index=idx

        self.assertEqual(representation.tfidf(s), s_true)

    def test_idf_single_different_index(self):
        # compute s_true
        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(10, "a"), (11, "b")], names=("document", "word")
        s_true = pd.Series([1.0, 1.0], index=idx).astype("Sparse")

        s = pd.Series([["a"], ["b"]], index=[10, 11])
        self.assertEqual(representation.tfidf(s), s_true)

    def test_idf_raise_when_not_tokenized(self):
        s = pd.Series("not tokenized")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"tokenized"):


    def test_pca_tf_simple(self):
        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")], names=("document", "word")
        s = pd.Series([1, 1, 1], index=idx)
        s = representation.pca(s)

        from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

        pca = PCA(n_components=2)
        s_true = pca.fit_transform([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        s_true = pd.Series(s_true.tolist())

        self.assertEqual(s, s_true)

    # TODO check raise warning


    def test_nmf_tf_simple(self):
        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")], names=("document", "word")
        s = pd.Series([1, 1, 1], index=idx)
        s = representation.nmf(s, random_state=1)

        from sklearn.decomposition import NMF

        nmf = NMF(n_components=2, random_state=1)
        s_true = nmf.fit_transform([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        s_true = pd.Series(s_true.tolist())

        self.assertEqual(s, s_true)


    def test_nmf_tf_simple(self):
        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")], names=("document", "word")
        s = pd.Series([1, 1, 1], index=idx)
        s = representation.truncated_svd(s, random_state=1)

        from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD

        svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=2, random_state=1)
        s_true = svd.fit_transform([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        s_true = pd.Series(s_true.tolist())

        self.assertEqual(s, s_true)

from texthero.

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