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Comments (57)

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Yeah, I'd love to have it. Not so easy to implement, because it significantly complicates lexing strings (and strings inside of strings, ad infinitum), but should be quite do-able. Once we have it for strings, we should have it for regexes too.

There's a draft of it, using the lexer, over on the "interpolation" branch, but we'll probably have to implement it in the parser, in order to handle interpolated strings nested to an arbitrary depth. So, leaving it out for 0.2

from coffeescript.

breckinloggins avatar breckinloggins commented on July 3, 2024

One way to at least modularize the string lexing complication is to make it so that strings enclosed by ' ' are NOT interpolated, and strings enclosed by " " are.

from coffeescript.

josher19 avatar josher19 commented on July 3, 2024

I think it is too much of a security hole. Why not just use the underscore template function and add it to the String prototype?

See: and

var a, b;
a = "dog";
b = ['f','o','x']

String.prototype.template = function(context) { return _.template(this, context || self); }
// and call it like this:

"The <%= a %> jumps over the <%= b.join('') %>!".template(self);

// use global variables, or:

"The <%= a %> jumps over the <%= b.join('') %>!".template({ a: "cow", b: ['m','o','o','n' ]});

// put variables in a context.

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

We're keeping it a rule to not add functions to the JavaScript runtime, and certainly not to core object prototypes. What exactly is the security hole you're concerned about? String interpolation would be converted at compile time into a big array.join.

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

I'd love some help with implementing string interpolation -- otherwise this ticket will have to remain in limbo for the time being. There seem to be two ways to go about it, neither of which are particularly satisfactory.

The first (recommended, I think) way is to have the parser deal with all aspects of interpolation. This means that the lexer know longer knows what tokens are part of a string, and what tokens are part of the code, and is reduced to sending down a much simpler set of tokens: word, number, whitespace, etc. The parser decides the division between string and code based on the overall structure, as it parses. Doing this would add so much complication to the parser, that it's completely infeasible if we want to keep CoffeeScript small and tidy -- something that is only possible because of CoffeeScript's smart Lexer/Rewriter. For a simple comparison, CoffeeScript's grammar.y is 469 lines, at the moment. Ruby's parse.y is 10,492 lines.

The second alternative would be to perform the string interpolation entirely within the lexer, producing an equivalent stream of tokens that the grammar is already able to understand. In order to make this work, we'd need to build a simple state machine into the lexer, maintaining a stack of interpolation levels, and lexing in the correct mode (either "code" or "string"). The same mechanism could be used for regex and heredoc interpolation. I'm not sure if this is possible entirely within the lexer, although it seems likely that it could be.


from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Would it make it any simpler if we only allowed interpolation to depth 1. It seems that ? 2 levels is only just about useful, and 3 is just insane, e.g.

"#{a: 1 ? "a#{a ? v : "#{a}}b"}"}"

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

For a quick implementation, you can simply say that quotes aren't allowed unescaped in the embedded code. Then the lexer doesn't have to do anything special, it passes the string through wholesale. And then in the code generator you have a mini-compiler that looks for embedded strings and recursively runs the lexer,compiler,generator on the embedded code.

This is how I have it working in CoffeePot.

Then later when you want to allow arbitrary code in the embedded section only requires making the lexer smarter about parsing out strings.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Ah --- cool. I just wrote a recursive string interpolator :

function exterpolate(s) {
  var y = "\"" + s + "\"", z
  function expand(a) {
    return a.replace(/{{(.*)}}/g, function(a,b) { return "\" + (" + b + ") + \""})
  while(true) {
    z = expand(y)
    if(z == y)
      return (y)
    y = z
input = ("1 + {{true ? \"aa{{1+1}}bb\" : \"ccdd\" }}")
output = exterpolate(input)

log(input)           // 1 + {{true ? \"aa{{1+1}}bb\" : \"ccdd\" }}
log(output)          // "1 + " + (true ? "aa" + (1+1) + "bb" : "ccdd" ) + ""
log(eval(output))    // 1 + aa2bb

It seems to work ok. Regex is not quite right for > 1 regex per level and only handles "s

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Closing this one as a "wontfix" for the time being. After several stabs at it, we really need to do it right -- not permitting double quotes within an interpolation is not a sustainable answer, and neither is only allowing a single level of interpolation. As much as I love it in Ruby (where it has different semantics than string concatentation), in CoffeeScript the following two expressions would be functionally identical:

name: "Moe"

string: "Hello #{name}!"
string: "Hello "+name+"!"

It would only save you a grand total of a single character.

Appeals to the speed of array.join-ing strings versus concatenating them may be optimized away soon. This article mentions optimizations for string concatenation in Firefox 3.6 that should make it just as fast as any alternative way:

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

String interpolation is definitely a good feature. If it's not possible to do then fair enough, but it would be good.

I've rewritten the recursive JS above to create a Ruby parser that works ok for both nested and " and '.

def expand string
  ret = string
  ["\"", "'"].each do |char|
    regx = /(#{char}.*)\{\{([^{}]*)\}\}(.*#{char})/
    ret = ret.gsub(regx) do |match|
      "#{$1}#{char} + (#{$2}) + #{char}#{$3}"      

def exterpolate string
  while true
    expanded = expand(string)
    return expanded if expanded == string
    string = expanded

coffee =<<EOF
x: "1 + 2"
y: "1 + {{x}}"
z: "2 + {{ fn ? 3 : 2}}"
k: '123{{true ? a : 'vc{{if x then "{{x}}"}}'}}'

["COFFEE", coffee, "JS", exterpolate(coffee)].each {|x| puts x}

which outputs:

x: "1 + 2"
y: "1 + {{x}}"
z: "2 + {{ fn ? 3 : 2}}"
k: '123{{true ? a : 'vc{{if x then "{{x}}"}}'}}'
x: "1 + 2"
y: "1 + " + (x) + ""
z: "2 + " + ( fn ? 3 : 2) + ""
k: '123' + (true ? a : 'vc' + (if x then "" + (x) + "") + '') + ''

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Fantastic, and a very neat trick -- if you want to spearhead this, and contribute a patch, go right ahead. A couple of concerns:

  • Using text transformations like this would mean that we can't syntax highlight the inner code, but that's probably a fine tradeoff to make.
  • You should be able to escape the interpolation delimiters with \, something that your current regex doesn't account for.
  • If we use mustache-style delimiters, then CoffeeScript will be forever unable to use mustache.js as a library without ugly escaping, because their templates will already be valid CoffeeScript interpolations. I like it too, but it might be better to stick with #{ ... }, or the proposed ECMAScript Harmony ${ ... }. See here:

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Yeh - it's a little bit brittle with the regex's as it is. E.g. the following breaks:


There's a few other ones I should think.
Any votes on syntax ?

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

It is possible to look at the previous character in a regex ?!

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

Wow, I love that article on interpolation. My favorite part is:

Define an Interpolator that allows SQL libraries, document.write, etc. to specify context-dependent escaping.

If we could build that into the language somehow that would be awesome.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

Before I found coffeescript I was working on my own language. I updated my example literal syntax. See if you think my idea of Interpolated strings would work for CoffeeScript too.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Interesting. It reminds me of an idea I had a while back:

name: "John"
verb: "Meet"
age: 17
salary: 40
puts "$y $x. He is $age and his salary is \$${salary}k" 
# => "Meet John. He is 17 and his salary is $40k"

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Here's an interesting page :

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

OK - I've got it working a little better, but it seems that it's quite hard to do escaping properly, because 1.8's regex doesn't support lookbehinds (i.e. if we want to avoid matching groups). Either we can depend on the oniguruma gem + binary or do a hack suggested by Gray, which is to reverse the string and use look aheads. Any suggestions/ideas ?

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Well I made a little progress using the 'reverse' method - which is a bit a head funk. I'm stuck on the following though:

1 + ${join({a:1})}

The regex needs to be able to count the curly braces inside ? I'm beginning to think that we need a simple parser/tokenizer instead. Thoughts ?

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Yep. This brings us full circle back to here:

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

I've written some pseudo-code. we need 4 states: code, string, interp, string_interp.
My trick of recursive interpolating until no difference should mean would don't need to go any deeper.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

I've written some Ruby code:

Here's the output

$ ruby string.rb

in:  x: "1 + 2"
out: x: "1 + 2"

in:  x: "1 + \"2"
out: x: "1 + \"2"

in:  y: "1 + #{x}"
out: y: ("1 + ")+(x)+("")

in:  y: "1 + \#{x}"
out: y: "1 + \#{x}"

in:  z: "2 + #{fn ? 3 : 2} + etc"
out: z: ("2 + ")+(fn ? 3 : 2)+(" + etc")

in:  "1 + #{x}"
out: ("1 + ")+(x)+("")

in:  z: "1 + #{join({a:1})} + etc"
out: z: ("1 + ")+(join({a:1}))+(" + etc")

in:  z: '1 + #{join({a:1})}'
out: z: ('1 + ')+(join({a:1}))+('')

in:  z: '1 + #{if x then join {a: "hello"} }'
out: z: ('1 + ')+(if x then join {a: "hello"} )+('')

in:  z: '1 + #{ {a: "hel#{X}lo"}.keys }'
out: z: ('1 + ')+( {a: ("hel")+(X)+("lo")}.keys )+('')

in:  z: '#{"#{"#{"#{"#{"#{"hello!"}"}"}"}"}"}'
out: z: ('')+(("")+(("")+(("")+(("")+(("")+("hello!")+(""))+(""))+(""))+(""))+(""))+('')

in:  z: "#{{}"
out: z: 

in:  z: "hello: #{}}"
out: z: ("hello: ")+()+("}")

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Looks pretty good.

  • That second-to-last example isn't compiling any output when I run it. Looks like it should be a single closed brace.
  • It would be nice to only wrap generated portions in parens when we really need to.
  • It would be nice to support the full ECMA Harmony syntax, including this:
    "Hello $planet", I think.
  • Instead of tracking "prev" and "prevprev" etc by hand, it might be easier for you to take a tack more similar to what Rewriter#scan_tokens does -- write a method that takes a block, yielding the current character, the previous and next characters (to whatever length you need), and the index, for each iteration.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024
  1. 2nd last is invalid as it's code with an unclosed brace.
  2. Yes it would, it might be hard...
  3. Agree $var would be nice

from coffeescript.

josher19 avatar josher19 commented on July 3, 2024

I still think it is a Security Hole if there eventually is a Client Side CoffeeScript interpreter. I believe that at Netscape they were considering putting basic variable parsing into Strings for the original JavaScript 0.9 spec (in the early 1990's) but threw it out because they did not want users to be able to fill in a standard Input Form values with something like:

"My favorite color is ${document.bgColor}"
"I like to look at other people's ${document.forms[0].password.value}"

String interpolation is much safer to do on the Server Side than on the Client Side, unless it is done with templates:

"This is a ${template}".template({template: "String!"}).

Otherwise it can act like an embedded #{ eval() }

Just my 2 cents.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

As long as you're properly escaping the values there is no security hole. I wonder if we could figure out a way to do caja style interpolations without breaking the "no special function" rule.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

"caja style interpolations" <= pray do tell ?

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

I'm still not completely sold on the difficulty/payoff tradeoff of implementing interpolation, but it is in no way a security hole.

Server-side versus client-side has nothing to do with it. If you're interpolating SQL strings on the server side without properly validating them, you get SQL injection. If you're interpolating unvalidated HTML strings on the client side, you have XSS.

The point is that strings are going to be interpolated unsafely, one way or the other, whether you're just concatenating fragments of HTML together, or have nicer interpolation sugar for it, you still need to be aware of your inputs. The main use case here is not injecting arbitrary user input into HTML -- that always needs to be escaped, but for programmer convenience. For example:

$('#image_counter').text "You have ${images.length} uploaded images."

Caja-style escaping is still an open problem in JavaScript. I don't know of any small client-side libraries that provide all of the different kinds of escaping you need. It would definitely break the "no special functions" rule to have it in core CoffeeScript, but would make for a great library.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

Maybe just have it convert the string into an array of text and value pairs. Then people could use their own library to do interpolation (Naive case would be just to do a join on the array). As the caja page points out, the problem with the nice sugar is the required use of eval to get the current scope. CoffeeScript can do that half for the programmer and let them worry about the other half.

@weepy, It was your link above to the google caja page I'm talking about.

On the other hand ruby style interpolations with no smart escaping at all shouldn't be hard to implement. It's just more prone to sql injection and xss since the programmer has to explicitly escape all unsafe input themselves.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Coffee script doesn't have to do any eval to provide interpolation. See the code above.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

yes, that's my point, CoffeeScript can get past the need for eval.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

What do people feel about the syntax. I vote for using # rather than $, since # is rather underused and $ can be used in a normal variable name

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

It's a toss-up. I'm more used to #{} as well, but ${} is the proposal for ECMA Harmony, and they both have conflicts with regular strings that'll need escaping, if you implement direct variable substitution:

"Go $team!" vs. "He made $100."

"Destination: #city" vs. "Bachelor #1"

Edit: Holy moly look at that. Writing out numbers like #1 conflicts with Github Issues.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

For what's it worth, I'm going the ECMA Harmony style route for Jack, but I'm also using caja style smart interpolations. It may be better to use ruby syntax if you're doing ruby style interpolations.

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Creationix -- where are you getting the escaping parsers for all of the interpolation types that Caja wants to support? Are you going to write them yourself?

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

I'm basically implementing the library they describe in the paper from scratch. I may include parsers for html, xml, json and possibly postgresql, but for the most part it's ok for those to be packaged in a separate library.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

I've updated the gist; here's the output:

in:  x: "1 + 2"
out: x: "1 + 2"

in:  x: "1 + \"2"
out: x: "1 + \"2"

in:  y: "1 + #{x}"
out: y: "1 + "+(x)+""

in:  y: "1 + #myvar + #someothervar \#{helo}"
out: y: "1 + "+(myvar)+"+ "+(someothervar)+"\#{helo}"

in:  y: "1 + \#{x}"
out: y: "1 + \#{x}"

in:  z: "2 + #{fn ? 3 : 2} + etc"
out: z: "2 + "+(fn ? 3 : 2)+" + etc"

in:  "1 + #{x}"
out: "1 + "+(x)+""

in:  z: "#{join({a:1})} + etc"
out: z: ""+(join({a:1}))+" + etc"

in:  z: '#{join({a:1})}'
out: z: ''+(join({a:1}))+''

in:  z: '1 + #{if x then join {a: "hello"} }'
out: z: '1 + '+(if x then join {a: "hello"} )+''

in:  z: '1 + #{ {a: "hel#{X}lo"}.keys }'
out: z: '1 + '+( {a: "hel"+(X)+"lo"}.keys )+''

in:  z: '#{"#{"#{"#{"#{"#{"hello!"}"}"}"}"}"}'
out: z: ''+(""+(""+(""+(""+(""+("hello!")+"")+"")+"")+"")+"")+''

in:  z: "#{{}"
out: z: 

in:  z: "hello: #{}}"
out: z: "hello: "+()+"}"

in:  '"#{x ? y : "#{z || '#{1 + "#{2}" + 1}'}" }"'
out: '"'+(x ? y : ""+(z || ''+(1 + ""+(2)+"" + 1)+'')+"" )+'"'

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

I would recommend doing some static analysis and optimizing the generated code when possible.

For example remove all the empty strings in the output and removing parens when there is only one item inside them.

By the way, I got my initial prototype of Jack up. The string interpolation part is mostly done there. No nested code yet, but the generator part is pretty polished if you want to see what I mean about compacting the output.

from coffeescript.

creationix avatar creationix commented on July 3, 2024

For example


is just:


from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

I've put together an improved version based on a state machine:

Currently doesn't support interpolation in heredoc. => (it's not quite clear how this would be expanded). It also leads to the question of how this might be best integrated.

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Hey Weepy. This would be something best handled as a pass in the rewriting stage. Take a look at rewriter.rb You would add a method called interpolate_strings, and call it at an appropriate point within rewrite.

The rough structure could look something like this:

def interpolate_strings
  scan_tokens do |prev, token, post, i|
    next 1 unless token[0] == :STRING
    # Do your magic here...

Return the number of tokens you'd like to move (forward or backward) in the token stream from the block -- the next 1 bit. If you're inserting a bunch of new tokens, you might move backwards to scan over them again. This would allow the recursive-ish interpolation of nested strings, but in an iterative fashion.

How does that sound?

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

One more thing -- for what it's worth, here's the source code for Ruby's HTML-escaping method -- it's a one liner, if you feel like making HTML-safe interpolations possible.

def html_escape(s)
  s.to_s.gsub(/&/, "&amp;").gsub(/\"/, "&quot;").gsub(/>/, "&gt;").gsub(/</, "&lt;")

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

soz - what do u mean? Have a particular syntax for making safe html interpolation?

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

just for the record - I am still planning to do this --- I've just been extremely busy recently. Hope to get to it next week,

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Hey Weepy. Don't know if you're still working on this, but it would be awfully lovely to be able to use it for the code generation portion of the CoffeeScript self-compiler. There's lots of muck like this in there right now:

intro + ' += ' + step + ' : ' + idx + ' -= ' + step + ')'

Which cries out for better interpolation. Having the efficiency of an Array join would be nice too.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Hiya - it's been on pause due to bizzyness - hopefully I'll take a look today. I suppose I'm also slightly intimidated by the unknown :P (i.e. not yet looked at the nitty gritty of how CS works). Should I be trying to integrate into the node version now ?

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

The node version is now the latest master. With CoffeeScript 0.3.2, Node.js is the default engine. Pass --narwhal if you'd like to continue using Narwhal/Rhino.

from coffeescript.

StanAngeloff avatar StanAngeloff commented on July 3, 2024

There hasn't been any activity on this ticket for about a month. I decided to give it a go tonight and here is the result. String interpolation works only in double-quoted strings. You can either use $identifier to substitute a variable or ${expression} to inject an expression.

list: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
puts "values: ${list.join(', ')}, length: ${list.length}."
# outputs 'values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, length: 10.'

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Alright. String interpolation is now on master, thanks to Stan's patch. The code generation in now uses it extensively. Closing this ticket.

from coffeescript.

weepy avatar weepy commented on July 3, 2024

Nicely done!
Can I make a couple of suggestions:

  1. I think it's better to use # than $. $ is already an allowed variable character and used a lot in various frameworks. # is barely used other than for comments.
  2. It might be useful to be able to use pass @ and . for the simple interpolated variables. e.g "my #@var #x.prop"

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

We were just following ECMA Harmony's proposed syntax:

But I agree that $ is ugly. Perhaps we should use backticks. Since backticks already indicate the interpolation of raw JavaScript into CoffeeScript, perhaps they could also indicate the interpolation of raw CoffeeScript into a string literal. So this (from

"${@idt()}return ${@expression.compile(o)};"

Would become this:

"`@idt()`return `@expression.compile(o)`;"

If you want backticks in your string, you can escape them. Objections?

from coffeescript.

StanAngeloff avatar StanAngeloff commented on July 3, 2024

Why not reserve the backtick in strings for literal JavaScript substitution in the future? If they are meant for JavaScript in Coffee, why would they mean anything different in strings?

If we need to get a new syntax, I'd much rather go with Ruby's/weepy's #{...} and #identifier or perhaps #(2 + 2) which also gives you a hint and the produced output, i.e., the explicit parentheses.

from coffeescript.

grayrest avatar grayrest commented on July 3, 2024

It might be familiarity, but I have trouble following the interpolation in the backtick version.

Also, I don't know if it's a big deal, but you can't use any variables staring with a $ without using the {} and you can't use double quoted strings within the expression interpolation:
$example: 2
"this will fail: $$example" # produces "this will fail: $$example"
"this works: ${$example}" # produces "this works: 2"

"this will compile error: ${\"even if escaped\"}"

from coffeescript.

jashkenas avatar jashkenas commented on July 3, 2024

Ok. Let's leave it as Harmony-style for the time being. A quick stab at backticks demonstrated that if the interpolation delimiters are symmetrical, it makes them harder to escape.

As for grayrest's concerns: $$dollars should become "$" + dollars; as it does currently. The naked dollars are only for simple identifers, anything fancier (including property accesses) should use the full ${ ... }

The second concern is a limitation of the current implementation, which uses regexes to lex entire strings at a chunk, instead of walking them character-by-character and counting interpolation boundaries. If we can switch to the latter without adding too much complexity to the lexer, it would be a welcome improvement. Otherwise, using single quoted strings within interpolations isn't too much of a burden.

from coffeescript.

grayrest avatar grayrest commented on July 3, 2024

Yeah, both of those come from reading the source. I only brought up the first because identifiers starting with $ are still simple identifiers and I just wanted to get your thoughts on it before it came up as a bug.

As for the second, I'll give it a go this afternoon.

from coffeescript.

StanAngeloff avatar StanAngeloff commented on July 3, 2024

There is a new version on master where you can have "this will compile: ${"even if not escaped"}". The string tokenizer was rewritten to match strings one character at a time which allows Coffee to be smart about double-quoted strings inside double-quoted strings.

from coffeescript.

StanAngeloff avatar StanAngeloff commented on July 3, 2024

For those interested, there is a new commit on master which will allow you to nest interpolations. You can get crazy strings like ${"Hello $name ${", from $me"}"} to produce something close to "Hello " + name + " from " + me.

from coffeescript.

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