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[BUG] <title> about immich CLOSED

cgeheim avatar cgeheim commented on June 1, 2024
[BUG] <p>from immich.</p></section> </section> </article> <section> <h2 class="h2">Related Issues (20)</h2> <div class="issue"> <ul> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9696">Images are cut-off when viewing in large view</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9697">Android App Keeps (trying) to upload the same file over and over</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 3</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9707">Slow cold startup time for mobile app</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 4</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9708">Logs flooding with port errors, machine learning searches throw connection errors in logs</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9719">Unable to login with app, ApiException 404</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9720">immich-machine-learning throws a Exception in ASGI application error on starting any kind of machine learning job</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 5</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9728">Search by filename</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9732">Feature picture missing, causing the entire person go go missing from the "people" tab</a> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9734">Errors when loading config file are not properly logged</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9739">error: password authentication failed for user "postgres"</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9740">Unable to login to oauth after some time.</a> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9743">API exception when logging into Android app v1.105.1</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 6</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9745">App can't hit .well_known, hits incorrect API endpoint, then logs out</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 5</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9759">Metrics generation error for microservice</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 3</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9760">pressing the download icon in the app deletes image from immich</a> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9762">Wrong partner api endpoint on the docs</a> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9766">Videos are unplayable</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 4</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9769">100% swap memory used</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9774">No photos displayed after naming a person in Photo view</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/immich-app/immich/issues/9777">External Libraries not finding files</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </main> <section id="more" class="flex-none w-full md:w-60 text-gray-600 bg-gray-50 px-5 md:px-3 rounded-md dark-color"> <div class="w-full md:w-60 h-0.5"></div> <section> <!-- recommend projects --> <h2 class="h2 py-3.5">Recommend Projects</h2> <ul> <li class="mb-4"> </li> <li> <article class="small-box"> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="block break-all" href="/facebook/react"> <img loading="lazy" class="inline-block w-6 h-6 rounded-md border border-white" width="24" height="24" src="" alt="React photo" /> React </a> </h3> <p class="article-more pt-1">A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.</p> </article> </li> <li> <article class="small-box"> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="block break-all" href="/vuejs/vue"> <img loading="lazy" class="inline-block w-6 h-6 rounded-md border border-white" width="24" height="24" src="" alt="Vue.js photo" /> Vue.js </a> </h3> <p class="article-more pt-1">🖖 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