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Comments (3)

maplesyrup1111 avatar maplesyrup1111 commented on July 28, 2024 2

// ==UserScript==
// @name Krunker WheelChair
// @namespace
// @Version 1.8.8
// @description WheelChair
// @author hrt x ttap
// @match ://
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

const replace = String.prototype.replace;
let anti_map = [];

// hook toString to conceal all hooks
const original_toString = Function.prototype.toString;
let hook_toString = new Proxy(original_toString, {
    apply: function(target, _this, _arguments) {
        for (var i = 0; i < anti_map.length; i++) {
            if (anti_map[i].from === _this) {
                return target.apply(anti_map[i].to, _arguments);
        return target.apply(_this, _arguments);
// hide toString hook itself
anti_map.push({from: hook_toString, to: original_toString});
Function.prototype.toString = hook_toString;
let conceal_function = function(original_Function, hook_Function) {
    anti_map.push({from: hook_Function, to: original_Function});

// hook Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors to hide variables from window
let hidden_globals = [];
const original_getOwnPropertyDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
let hook_getOwnPropertyDescriptors = new Proxy(original_getOwnPropertyDescriptors, {
    apply: function(target, _this, _arguments) {
        let descriptors = target.apply(_this, _arguments);
        for (var i = 0; i < hidden_globals.length; i++) {
            delete descriptors[hidden_globals[i]];
        return descriptors;
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = hook_getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
conceal_function(original_getOwnPropertyDescriptors, hook_getOwnPropertyDescriptors);

let invisible_define = function(obj, key, value) {
    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
        enumberable: false,
        configurable: false,
        writable: true,
        value: value

let global_invisible_define = function(key, value) {
    invisible_define(window, key, value);

// we generate random keys for global variables and make it almost impossible(?)
// for outsiders to find programatically
let keyMap = {};
let genKey = function() {
    let a = new Uint8Array(20);
    return 'hrt'+Array.from(a,x=>('0'+x.toString(16)).substr(-2)).join('');

keyMap['init'] = genKey();
global_invisible_define(keyMap['init'], false);

// drawVisuals gets overwritten later - place hook before anti cheat loads
let drawVisuals = function() {};
const original_clearRect = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect;
let hook_clearRect = new Proxy(original_clearRect, {
    apply: function(target, _this, _arguments) {
        target.apply(_this, _arguments);
conceal_function(original_clearRect, hook_clearRect);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = hook_clearRect;

// me, inputs, world, consts, math are objects the rest are key strings
let hrtCheat = function(me, inputs, world, consts, math, canSee, pchObjc, objInstances, isYou, recoilAnimY, mouseDownL, mouseDownR) {
    /* re implements code that we overwrote to place hook */
    let controls = world.controls;
    if (controls.scrollDelta) {
        controls.skipScroll = controls.scrollToSwap;
        if (!controls.scrollToSwap) {
    controls.scrollDelta = 0;
    controls.wSwap = 0;

    const SHOOT = 5, SCOPE = 6, xDr = 3, yDr = 2, JUMP = 7, CROUCH = 8;
    let isEnemy = function(player) {return ! || !=};
    let canHit = function(player) {return null == world[canSee](me, player.x3, player.y3 - player.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst, player.z3)};
    let normaliseYaw = function(yaw) {return (yaw % Math.PI2 + Math.PI2) % Math.PI2;};
    let getDir = function(a, b, c, d) {
        return Math.atan2(b - d, a - c);
    let getD3D = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        let g = a - d, h = b - e, i = c - f;
        return Math.sqrt(g * g + h * h + i * i);
    let getXDire = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        let g = Math.abs(b - e), h = getD3D(a, b, c, d, e, f);
        return Math.asin(g / h) * (b > e ? -1 : 1);

    let dAngleTo = function(x, y, z) {
        let ty = normaliseYaw(getDir(controls.object.position.z, controls.object.position.x, z, x));
        let tx = getXDire(controls.object.position.x, controls.object.position.y, controls.object.position.z, x, y, z);
        let oy = normaliseYaw(controls.object.rotation.y);
        let ox = controls[pchObjc].rotation.x;
        let dYaw = Math.min(Math.abs(ty - oy), Math.abs(ty - oy - Math.PI2), Math.abs(ty - oy + Math.PI2));
        let dPitch = tx - ox;
        return Math.hypot(dYaw, dPitch);
    let calcAngleTo = function(player) {return dAngleTo(player.x3, player.y3 + consts.playerHeight - (consts.headScale + consts.hitBoxPad) / 2 - player.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst, player.z3);};
    let calcDistanceTo = function(player) {return getD3D(player.x3, player.y3, player.z3, me.x, me.y, me.z)};
    let isCloseEnough = function(player) {let distance = calcDistanceTo(player); return me.weapon.range >= distance && ("Shotgun" != || distance < 70) && ("Akimbo Uzi" != || distance < 100);};
    let haveAmmo = function() {return !(me.ammos[me.weaponIndex] !== undefined && me.ammos[me.weaponIndex] == 0);};

    // target selector - based on closest to aim
    let closest = null, closestAngle = Infinity;
    let players = world.players.list;
    for (var i = 0; && i < players.length; i++) {
        let e = players[i];
        if (e[isYou] || ! || !e[objInstances] || !isEnemy(e)) {

        // experimental prediction removed
        e.x3 = e.x;
        e.y3 = e.y;
        e.z3 = e.z;

        if (!isCloseEnough(e) || !canHit(e)) {

        let angle = calcAngleTo(e);
        if (angle < closestAngle) {
            closestAngle = angle;
            closest = e;

    // aimbot
    let ty = controls.object.rotation.y, tx = controls[pchObjc].rotation.x;
    if (closest) {
        let target = closest;
        let y = target.y3 + consts.playerHeight - (consts.headScale/* + consts.hitBoxPad*/) / 2 - target.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst;
        if (me.weapon.nAuto && me.didShoot) {
            inputs[SHOOT] = 0;
        } else if (!me.aimVal) {
            inputs[SHOOT] = 1;
            inputs[SCOPE] = 1;
        } else {
            inputs[SCOPE] = 1;

        ty = getDir(controls.object.position.z, controls.object.position.x, target.z3, target.x3);
        tx = getXDire(controls.object.position.x, controls.object.position.y, controls.object.position.z, target.x3, y, target.z3);

        // perfect recoil control
        tx -= .3 * me[recoilAnimY];
    } else {
        inputs[SHOOT] = controls[mouseDownL];
        inputs[SCOPE] = controls[mouseDownR];

    // silent aim
    inputs[xDr] = (tx % Math.PI2).round(3);
    inputs[yDr] = (ty % Math.PI2).round(3);

    // auto reload
    controls.keys[controls.reloadKey] = !haveAmmo() * 1;

    // bhop
    inputs[JUMP] = (controls.keys[controls.jumpKey] && !me.didJump) * 1;

    // runs once to set up renders
    if (!window[keyMap['init']]) {
        window[keyMap['init']] = true;

        drawVisuals = function(c) {
            let scalingFactor = arguments.callee.caller.caller.arguments[0];
            let perspective = arguments.callee.caller.caller.arguments[2];
            let scaledWidth = c.canvas.width / scalingFactor;
            let scaledHeight = c.canvas.height / scalingFactor;
            let worldPosition =;
            for (var i = 0; i < world.players.list.length; i++) {
                let player = world.players.list[i];
                let e = players[i];
                if (e[isYou] || ! || !e[objInstances] || !isEnemy(e)) {

                // the below variables correspond to the 2d box esps corners
                // note: we can already tell what ymin ymax is
                let xmin = Infinity;
                let xmax = -Infinity;
                let ymin = Infinity;
                let ymax = -Infinity;
                let br = false;
                for (var j = -1; !br && j < 2; j+=2) {
                    for (var k = -1; !br && k < 2; k+=2) {
                        for (var l = 0; !br && l < 2; l++) {
                            let position = e[objInstances].position.clone();
                            position.x += j * consts.playerScale;
                            position.z += k * consts.playerScale;
                            position.y += l * (consts.playerHeight - e.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst);
                            if (!perspective.frustum.containsPoint(position)) {
                                br = true;
                            xmin = Math.min(xmin, position.x);
                            xmax = Math.max(xmax, position.x);
                            ymin = Math.min(ymin, position.y);
                            ymax = Math.max(ymax, position.y);

                if (br) {

                xmin = (xmin + 1) / 2;
                ymin = (ymin + 1) / 2;
                xmax = (xmax + 1) / 2;
                ymax = (ymax + 1) / 2;

                // save and restore these variables later so they got nothing on us
                const original_strokeStyle = c.strokeStyle;
                const original_lineWidth = c.lineWidth;
                const original_font = c.font;
                const original_fillStyle = c.fillStyle;

                // perfect box esp
                c.lineWidth = 5;
                c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,1)';

                let distanceScale = Math.max(.3, 1 - getD3D(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z, e.x, e.y, e.z) / 600);
                c.scale(distanceScale, distanceScale);
                let xScale = scaledWidth / distanceScale;
                let yScale = scaledHeight / distanceScale;

                ymin = yScale * (1 - ymin);
                ymax = yScale * (1 - ymax);
                xmin = xScale * xmin;
                xmax = xScale * xmax;
                c.moveTo(xmin, ymin);
                c.lineTo(xmin, ymax);
                c.lineTo(xmax, ymax);
                c.lineTo(xmax, ymin);
                c.lineTo(xmin, ymin);

                // health bar
                c.fillStyle = "rgba(255,50,50,1)";
                let barMaxHeight = ymax - ymin;
                c.fillRect(xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight);
                c.fillStyle = "#00FFFF";
                c.fillRect(xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight * ( / e.maxHealth));

                // info
                c.font = "60px Sans-serif";
                c.fillStyle = "white";
                c.lineWidth = 1;
                let x = xmax + 7;
                let y = ymax;
                c.fillText(, x, y);
                c.strokeText(, x, y);
                c.font = "30px Sans-serif";
                y += 35;
                c.fillText(, x, y);
                c.strokeText(, x, y);
                y += 35;
                c.fillText( + ' HP', x, y);
                c.strokeText( + ' HP', x, y);

                c.strokeStyle = original_strokeStyle;
                c.lineWidth = original_lineWidth;
                c.font = original_font;
                c.fillStyle = original_fillStyle;

                // skelly chams
                // note: this can be done better
                if (e.legMeshes[0]) {
                    let material = e.legMeshes[0].material;
                    material.alphaTest = 1;
                    material.depthTest = false;
                    material.fog = false;
                    material.emissive.r = 1;
                    material.emissive.g = 1;
                    material.emissive.b = 1;
                    material.wireframe = true;

keyMap['hrtCheat'] = genKey();
global_invisible_define(keyMap['hrtCheat'], hrtCheat);

const handler = {
  construct(target, args) {
    // ttap#4547
    if (args.length == 2 && args[1].length > 1337) {
        let script = args[1];

        // anti anti chet & anti skid
        const version = script.match(/\w+\['exports'\]=(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+);/)[1];
        if (version !== "0x16589") {
            window[atob('ZG9jdW1lbnQ=')][atob('d3JpdGU=')](atob('VmVyc2lvbiBtaXNzbWF0Y2gg') + version);
            window[atob('bG9jYX'+'Rpb24'+'=')][atob('aHJ'+'lZg='+'=')] = atob('aHR0cHM6'+'Ly9naXRodWIuY2'+'9tL2hydC93aGVlb'+'GNoYWly');

        const code_to_overwrite = script.match(/(\w+\['\w+'\]&&\(\w+\['\w+'\]=\w+\['\w+'\],!\w+\['\w+'\]&&\w+\['\w+'\]\(\w+,\w*1\)\),\w+\['\w+'\]=\w*0,\w+\['\w+'\]=\w*0),!\w+\['\w+'\]&&\w+\['\w+'\]\['push'\]\(\w+\),\w+\['\w+'\]\(\w+,\w+,!\w*1,\w+\['\w+'\]\)/)[1];
        const ttapParams = `cEA,cEE,cEy,cDv,cEp,'BwftfwWS','vKPtJVFI','eKoEYKcC','OFnPTTpe','psKrGopm','sMTFGWrl','hhLaRzBY'`;
        let call_hrt = `window['` + keyMap['hrtCheat'] + `'](` + ttapParams + `)`;

            pad to avoid stack trace line number detections
            the script will have the same length as it originally had
        while (call_hrt.length < code_to_overwrite.length) {
            call_hrt += ' ';

        /* the bIg mod */
        script =, code_to_overwrite, call_hrt);

        /* Below are some misc features which I wouldn't consider bannable, third party clients could be using them */
        // all weapons trails on
        script =, /\w+\['weapon'\]&&\w+\['weapon'\]\['trail'\]/g, "true")

        // color blind mode
        script =, /#9eeb56/g, '#00FFFF');

        // no zoom
        script =, /,'zoom':.+?(?=,)/g, ",'zoom':1");

        // bypass modification check of returned function
        const original_script = args[1];
        args[1] = script;
        let mod_fn = new target(...args);
        args[1] = original_script;
        let original_fn = new target(...args);
        conceal_function(original_fn, mod_fn);
        return mod_fn;

    return new target(...args);

// we intercept game.js at the `Function` generation level
const original_Function = Function;
let hook_Function = new Proxy(Function, handler);
conceal_function(original_Function, hook_Function);
Function = hook_Function;


from wheelchair.

RayTheGod12 avatar RayTheGod12 commented on July 28, 2024

Dude, it says version 1.8.8 and if you change that the code still doesn't work because it was made for 1.8.8 not for 1.8.9, I tried changed it let me join a game but didn't let me use any of the config's.

from wheelchair.

maplesyrup1111 avatar maplesyrup1111 commented on July 28, 2024

lol i was just bored

from wheelchair.

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