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Comments (3)

tanshuai0219 avatar tanshuai0219 commented on May 19, 2024

I run the code on a A100 GPU but get error: module 'fused_dense_lib' has no attribute 'linear_act_forward'

my environment:

`Package Version

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zstandard 0.19.0`

from var.

keyu-tian avatar keyu-tian commented on May 19, 2024

Try from flash_attn.ops.fused_dense import fused_mlp_func and check if your fused_mlp_func works.
Maybe you've installed flash attention but haven't compiled that fused mlp operator. You may run:

cd /path/to/flash-attention
cd csrc/fused_dense_lib && pip3 install .

to compile and install it.

from var.

tanshuai0219 avatar tanshuai0219 commented on May 19, 2024

Try from flash_attn.ops.fused_dense import fused_mlp_func and check if your fused_mlp_func works. Maybe you've installed flash attention but haven't compiled that fused mlp operator. You may run:

cd /path/to/flash-attention
cd csrc/fused_dense_lib && pip3 install .

to compile and install it.

Thanks for your quick reply, and I get the results~

from var.

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