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Comments (5)

flobiwan avatar flobiwan commented on September 26, 2024 1

I think that solved it.
I tried it for about 2 weeks now and so far I did not notice a running full of memory.
Thank you

from fhem-docker.

sidey79 avatar sidey79 commented on September 26, 2024

Thanks for the Info, i'll look for a solution

from fhem-docker.

sidey79 avatar sidey79 commented on September 26, 2024

I try to switch to the perl Image, as the base image, because it is easier to change to a updated perl version with this base.

But this needs some time, migrating the installation method from perl deb packages to cpan.

from fhem-docker.

sidey79 avatar sidey79 commented on September 26, 2024

I've created a new image, with an updated perl version.

I haven't tested is much and i want to change a few things, but a first feedback from your side would be nice.

Here is the list of included perl packages which should cover anything, which FHEM may try to load:

Algorithm::DecisionTree | 3.430
Algorithm::Diff | 1.201
Alien::Base::ModuleBuild | 1.170
Alien::Build | 2.800
Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::GitLab | 0.010
Alien::Libxml2 | 0.190
Alien::Sodium | 1.000008000
AnyEvent | 7.170
App::cpanminus | 1.704700
Archive::Extract | 0.880
Archive::Zip | 1.680
ARGV::Struct | 0.060
Array::RefElem | 1.000
Authen::OATH | 2.000001
Authen::SASL | 2.170000
B::Hooks::EndOfScope | 0.260
B::Hooks::OP::Check | 0.220
B::Keywords | 1.260
bareword::filehandles | 0.007
Bit::Vector | 7.400
Cache::Cache | 1.080
Call::Context | 0.030
Canary::Stability | 2013.000
Capture::Tiny | 0.480
Carp::Assert | 0.220
Carp::Clan | 6.080
CGI | 4.610
CGI::Session | 4.480
CHI | 0.610
CHI::Driver::Redis | 0.100
Class::Accessor | 0.510
Class::Data::Inheritable | 0.090
Class::Inner | 0.200001
Class::Inspector | 1.360
Class::Load | 0.250
Class::Load::XS | 0.100
Class::Loader | 2.030
Class::Method::Modifiers | 2.150
Class::Singleton | 1.600
Class::Tiny | 1.008
Clone | 0.460
common::sense | 3.750
Config::AWS | 0.120
Config::Tiny | 2.300
Convert::Base32 | 0.060
Coro | 6.570
CPAN::Common::Index | 0.010
CPAN::DistnameInfo | 0.120
Cpanel::JSON::XS | 4.370
Crypt::Argon2 | 0.020
Crypt::CBC | 3.040
Crypt::ECB | 2.230
Crypt::MySQL | 0.040
Crypt::NaCl::Sodium | 1.000008000
Crypt::OpenSSL::AES | 0.190
Crypt::OpenSSL::Guess | 0.150
Crypt::PBKDF2 | 0.161520
Crypt::Random | 1.540
Crypt::RC4 | 2.020
Crypt::Rijndael | 1.160
Crypt::Rijndael_PP | 0.050
Crypt::URandom | 0.390
CryptX | 0.080
Data::Compare | 1.290
Data::Dump | 1.250
Data::OptList | 0.114
Data::Perl | 0.002011
Data::UUID | 1.226
Data::Visitor | 0.320
DataStruct::Flat | 0.010
Date::Parse | 2.330
DateTime | 1.650
DateTime::Event::Sunrise | 0.050600
DateTime::Format::Builder | 0.830
DateTime::Format::ISO8601 | 0.160
DateTime::Format::Strptime | 1.790
DateTime::Locale | 1.400
DateTime::Set | 0.390000
DateTime::TimeZone | 2.620
DBI | 1.643
Devel::GlobalDestruction | 0.140
Devel::OverloadInfo | 0.007
Devel::Size | 0.830
Devel::Size::Report | 0.130
Devel::StackTrace | 2.050
Devel::Symdump | 2.180
Device::Firmata | 0.690
Device::SerialPort | 1.040
Device::SMBus | 1.150
Device::USB | 0.380
Digest::CMAC | 0.040
Digest::CRC | 0.240
Digest::HMAC | 1.040
Digest::JHash | 0.100
Digest::Perl::MD5 | 1.900
Digest::SHA1 | 2.130
Digest::SHA3 | 1.050
Dist::CheckConflicts | 0.110
Email::Date::Format | 1.008
Encode::Detect | 1.010
Encode::Locale | 1.050
Error | 0.170290
Eval::Closure | 0.140
Exception::Class | 1.450
Expect | 1.350
Exporter::Tiny | 1.006002
ExtUtils::Config | 0.008
ExtUtils::Depends | 0.800100
ExtUtils::Helpers | 0.026
ExtUtils::InstallPaths | 0.012
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile | 0.090
FFI::CheckLib | 0.310
File::BaseDir | 0.090
File::chdir | 0.101100
File::Copy::Recursive | 0.450
File::DesktopEntry | 0.220
File::Find::Rule | 0.340
File::HomeDir | 1.006
File::Listing | 6.160
File::MimeInfo | 0.340
File::Path::Expand | 1.020
File::ShareDir | 1.118
File::ShareDir::Install | 0.140
File::Slurp | 9999.320
File::Which | 1.270
Finance::Quote | 1.590
Future | 0.500
Future::Mojo | 1.002
Getopt::Long | 2.570
Getopt::Long::Descriptive | 0.114
Getopt::Simple | 1.520
GnuPG::Interface | 1.040
Guard | 1.023
Hash::MoreUtils | 0.060
HTML-TableExtract | ?
HTML::Parser | 3.810
HTML::Selector::XPath | 0.280
HTML::Tagset | 3.200
HTML::TokeParser::Simple | 3.160
HTML::Tree | 5.070
HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath | 0.140
HTTP::CookieJar | 0.014
HTTP::Cookies | 6.110
HTTP::Daemon | 6.160
HTTP::Date | 6.060
HTTP::Message | 6.450
HTTP::Negotiate | 6.010
Image::ExifTool | 12.760
Image::Imlib2 | 2.030
Image::Info | 1.440
Image::LibRSVG | 0.070
Image::Size | 3.300
Imager | 1.023
Import::Into | 1.002005
indirect | 0.390
Inline | 0.860
Inline::C | 0.820
Inline::Python | 0.570
IO::Framed | 0.160
IO::HTML | 1.004
IO::Interface | 1.090
IO::SessionData | 1.030
IO::SigGuard | 0.150
IO::Socket::INET6 | 2.730
IO::Socket::Multicast | 1.120
IO::Socket::Multicast6 | 0.030
IO::Socket::SSL | 2.085
IO::Socket::Timeout | 0.320
IO::String | 1.080
IO::Stringy | 2.113
IO::Tty | 1.200
IPC::System::Simple | 1.300
JSON | 4.100
JSON::Any | 1.400
JSON::MaybeXS | 1.004005
libxml-perl | ?
Lingua::EN::Inflect | 1.905
Linux::Inotify2 | 2.300
Linux::Input | 1.030
Lirc::Client | 2.020
List::MoreUtils | 0.430
List::MoreUtils::XS | 0.430
List::SomeUtils | 0.590
List::SomeUtils::XS | 0.580
Log::Any | 1.717
LWP | 6.760
LWP::MediaTypes | 6.040
LWP::Online | 1.080
LWP::Protocol::https | 6.130
Mail::GnuPG | 0.230
Mail::IMAPClient | 3.430
MailTools | 2.210
Math::ConvexHull | 1.040
Math::Expression::Evaluator | 0.003002
Math::Pari | 2.030523
Math::Polygon | 1.100
Math::Random | 0.720
Math::Round | 0.080
MCE | 1.889
MIME::Base64::URLSafe | 0.010
MIME::Lite | 3.033
MIME::Tools | 5.514
MIME::Types | 2.260
Mock::Sub | 1.090
Module::Build | 0.423400
Module::Build::Tiny | 0.047
Module::CPANfile | 1.100400
Module::Find | 0.160
Module::Implementation | 0.090
Module::Pluggable | 5.200
Module::Runtime | 0.016
Module::Runtime::Conflicts | 0.003
Mojolicious | 9.350
Moo | 2.005005
Moose | 2.220700
MooseX::ClassAttribute | 0.290
MooseX::Getopt | 0.760
MooseX::Role::Parameterized | 1.110
MooX | 0.101
MooX::HandlesVia | 0.001009
MooX::late | 0.100
MooX::Types::MooseLike | 0.290
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric | 1.030
Mozilla::CA | 20231213.000
MRO::Compat | 0.150
multidimensional | 0.014
namespace::autoclean | 0.290
namespace::clean | 0.270
Net::Address::IP::Local | 0.001002
Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 | 0.210
Net::Bonjour | 0.960
Net::DNS | 1.440
Net::FTPSSL | 0.420
Net::HTTP | 6.230
Net::Jabber | 2.000
Net::MQTT | ?
Net::MQTT::Simple | 1.290
Net::OAuth | 0.280
Net::OpenSSH | 0.840
Net::Rackspace::CloudFies | ?
Net::SIP | 0.836
Net::SMTP::SSL | 1.040
Net::SNMP | 6.000001
Net::SSLeay | 1.940
Net::Telnet | 3.050
Net::Twitter | 4.010430
Net::UPnP | 1.004006
Net::WebSocket::Server | 0.004000
Net::XMPP | 1.050
Nmap::Parser | 1.370
Number::Compare | 0.030
OLE::Storage_Lite | 0.220
Package::DeprecationManager | 0.180
Package::Stash | 0.400
Package::Stash::XS | 0.300
Params::Util | 1.102
Params::Validate | 1.310
Params::ValidationCompiler | 0.310
Parse::Distname | 0.050
Parse::RecDescent | 1.967015
Path::Tiny | 0.144
Paws | 0.460
Pegex | 0.750
Perl | 5.036003
Perl::Critic | 1.152
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite | 0.991700
Perl::Tidy | 20240202.000
PerlIO::via::Timeout | 0.320
Pod::Parser | 1.670
Pod::Spell | 1.260
PPI | 1.277
PPIx::QuoteLike | 0.023
PPIx::Regexp | 0.088
PPIx::Utils | 0.003
Promise::ES6 | 0.280
Protocol::DBus | 0.220
Protocol::WebSocket | 0.260
Readonly | 2.050
Redis | 2.000
Ref::Util | 0.204
Ref::Util::XS | 0.117
Regexp::Trie | 0.020
RiveScript | 2.000004
Role::Hooks | 0.008
Role::Tiny | 2.002004
RPC::XML | 1.610
Set::Infinite | 0.650
Shell::Config::Generate | 0.340
Shell::Guess | 0.090
SOAP::Lite | 1.270
Socket6 | 0.290
Socket::Multicast6 | 0.040
Sort::Versions | 1.620
Specio | 0.480
Spiffy | 0.460
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel | 0.660
Spreadsheet::XLSX | 0.170
Statistics::ChiSquare | 1.000000
strictures | 2.000006
String::CRC32 | 2.100
String::Format | 1.180
String::RewritePrefix | 0.009
String::Util | 1.340
Sub::Exporter | 0.991
Sub::Exporter::Progressive | 0.001013
Sub::HandlesVia | 0.050000
Sub::Identify | 0.140
Sub::Install | 0.929
Sub::Override | 0.100
Sub::Quote | 2.006008
Sub::Uplevel | 0.280000
SUPER | 1.201905310
Switch | 2.170
Sys::Mmap | 0.200
Sys::Statistics::Linux | 0.660
Task::Weaken | 1.060
Term::Table | 0.018
Test2::Suite | 0.000159
Test::Base | 0.890
Test::CheckManifest | 1.430
Test::Class | 0.520
Test::Deep | 1.204
Test::Deep::UnorderedPairs | 0.006
Test::Device::SerialPort | 0.050
Test::Differences | 0.710
Test::Exception | 0.430
Test::Fatal | 0.017
Test::JSON | 0.110
Test::Mock::Redis | 0.220
Test::MockModule | 0.177000
Test::Perl::Critic | 1.040
Test::Pod | 1.520
Test::Requires | 0.110
Test::SharedFork | 0.350
Test::TCP | 2.220
Test::Unit | 0.250
Test::Warn | 0.370
Test::Without::Module | 0.210
Text::CSV | 2.040
Text::Diff | 1.450
Text::Glob | 0.110
Text::Iconv | 1.700
Text::Template | 1.610
Text::Unaccent | 1.080
Throwable | 1.001
Tie::Handle::Offset | 0.004
Tie::ToObject | 0.030
Time::Duration | 1.210
Time::Duration::Parse | 0.160
Try::Tiny | 0.310
Type::Tiny | 2.004000
UNIVERSAL::require | 0.190
URI | 5.270
URI::Template | 0.240
URL::Encode | 0.030
URL::Encode::XS | 0.030
Variable::Magic | 0.630
Web::Scraper | 0.380
WWW::Jawbone::Up | 1.032004
WWW::RobotRules | 6.020
X::Tiny | 0.220
XML::Bare | 0.530
XML::DOM | 1.460
XML::LibXML | 2.021000
XML::LibXSLT | 2.002001
XML::NamespaceSupport | 1.120
XML::Parser | 2.470
XML::Parser::Lite | 0.722
XML::RegExp | 0.040
XML::SAX | 1.020
XML::SAX::Base | 1.090
XML::SAX::Expat | 0.510
XML::Simple | 2.250
XML::Stream | 1.240
XML::Twig | 3.520
XML::XPath | 1.480
XML::XPathEngine | 0.140
XML::XSLT | 0.480
XString | 0.005
XXX | 0.380
YAML | 1.310
YAML::PP | 0.038000
YAML::Tiny | 1.740

from fhem-docker.

sidey79 avatar sidey79 commented on September 26, 2024


I hope, things are going well.

Have you tested the image and any feedback for me?

from fhem-docker.

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