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Comments (3)

kibaekkim avatar kibaekkim commented on June 16, 2024

On release branch

kimk@moonshot:~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl  release ✔                                                                                                                                                                 16d16h
▶ julia --project
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.7.2 (2022-02-06)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

(ExaTron) pkg> st
     Project ExaTron v0.2.0
      Status `~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/Project.toml`
  [052768ef] CUDA v3.9.0
  [da04e1cc] MPI v0.19.2
  [c36e90e8] PowerModels
  [8bb1440f] DelimitedFiles
  [8f399da3] Libdl
  [37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra
  [de0858da] Printf


Precompiling project...
  8 dependencies successfully precompiled in 56 seconds (68 already precompiled)
     Testing Running tests...
┌ Warning: @cuDynamicSharedMem is deprecated, please use the CuDynamicSharedArray function
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1
driver_kernel: Error During Test at /home/kimk/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/gputest.jl:1151
  Got exception outside of a @test
  Failed to compile PTX code (ptxas received signal 11)
  If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach /tmp/jl_9WExZm.ptx
    [1] error(s::String)
      @ Base ./error.jl:33
    [2] cufunction_compile(job::GPUCompiler.CompilerJob, ctx::LLVM.Context)
      @ CUDA ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:405
    [3] #260
      @ ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:325 [inlined]
    [4] JuliaContext(f::CUDA.var"#260#261"{GPUCompiler.CompilerJob{GPUCompiler.PTXCompilerTarget, CUDA.CUDACompilerParams, GPUCompiler.FunctionSpec{var"#driver_kernel_test#24"{var"#driver_kernel#23"{var"#eval_h#22", var"#eval_g#21", var"#eval_f#20"}}, Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceMatrix{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}}}}})
      @ GPUCompiler ~/.julia/packages/GPUCompiler/1FdJy/src/driver.jl:74
    [5] cufunction_compile(job::GPUCompiler.CompilerJob)
      @ CUDA ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:324
    [6] cached_compilation(cache::Dict{UInt64, Any}, job::GPUCompiler.CompilerJob, compiler::typeof(CUDA.cufunction_compile), linker::typeof(CUDA.cufunction_link))
      @ GPUCompiler ~/.julia/packages/GPUCompiler/1FdJy/src/cache.jl:90
    [7] cufunction(f::var"#driver_kernel_test#24"{var"#driver_kernel#23"{var"#eval_h#22", var"#eval_g#21", var"#eval_f#20"}}, tt::Type{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceMatrix{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}}}; name::Nothing, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
      @ CUDA ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:297
    [8] cufunction(f::var"#driver_kernel_test#24"{var"#driver_kernel#23"{var"#eval_h#22", var"#eval_g#21", var"#eval_f#20"}}, tt::Type{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceMatrix{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Float64, 1}}})
      @ CUDA ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:291
    [9] macro expansion
      @ ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/compiler/execution.jl:102 [inlined]
   [10] macro expansion
      @ ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/Uurn4/src/utilities.jl:25 [inlined]
   [11] macro expansion
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/gputest.jl:1379 [inlined]
   [12] macro expansion
      @ ~/software/julia-1.7.2/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Test/src/Test.jl:1283 [inlined]
   [13] macro expansion
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/gputest.jl:1152 [inlined]
   [14] macro expansion
      @ ~/software/julia-1.7.2/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Test/src/Test.jl:1283 [inlined]
   [15] top-level scope
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/gputest.jl:51
   [16] include(fname::String)
      @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:451
   [17] macro expansion
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/runtests.jl:12 [inlined]
   [18] macro expansion
      @ ~/software/julia-1.7.2/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Test/src/Test.jl:1283 [inlined]
   [19] macro expansion
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/runtests.jl:12 [inlined]
   [20] macro expansion
      @ ~/software/julia-1.7.2/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Test/src/Test.jl:1283 [inlined]
   [21] top-level scope
      @ ~/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/runtests.jl:10
   [22] include(fname::String)
      @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:451
   [23] top-level scope
      @ none:6
   [24] eval
      @ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined]
   [25] exec_options(opts::Base.JLOptions)
      @ Base ./client.jl:268
   [26] _start()
      @ Base ./client.jl:495
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
  0.567459 seconds (1.77 M allocations: 126.121 MiB, 10.39% gc time, 49.46% compilation time)
  0.000217 seconds (779 allocations: 60.109 KiB)
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 8 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 4 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 1 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 5 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 2 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 6 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 7 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 9 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmin values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from -360.0 to -60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: this code only supports angmax values in -90 deg. to 90 deg., tightening the value on branch 3 from 360.0 to 60.0 deg.
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 2
[warn | PowerModels]: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3
Test Summary:       | Pass  Error  Broken  Total
Test ExaTron        |  429      1       3    433
  gputest           |  290      1            291
    GPU             |  290      1            291
      dicf          |   30                    30
      dicfs         |   40                    40
      dcauchy       |   20                    20
      dtrpcg        |   20                    20
      dprsrch       |   20                    20
      daxpy         |   10                    10
      dssyax        |   10                    10
      dmid          |   10                    10
      dgpstep       |   10                    10
      dbreakpt      |   30                    30
      dnrm2         |   10                    10
      nrm2          |   10                    10
      dcopy         |   10                    10
      ddot          |   10                    10
      dscal         |   10                    10
      dtrqsol       |   10                    10
      dspcg         |   10                    10
      dgpnorm       |   10                    10
      dtron         |   10                    10
      driver_kernel |           1              1
  qptests           |    5              1      6
  densetest         |  110                   110
  proxal_wrapper    |    8                     8
  admmtest          |   16              2     18
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 429 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 3 broken.
in expression starting at /home/kimk/REPOS/ExaTron.jl/test/runtests.jl:9
ERROR: Package ExaTron errored during testing

from exatron.jl.

kibaekkim avatar kibaekkim commented on June 16, 2024

After removing cuda modele (module rm cuda) on moonshot and setting export JULIA_CUDA_USE_BINARYBUILDER=true, the release branch passed the test.

from exatron.jl.

kibaekkim avatar kibaekkim commented on June 16, 2024

Fixed by cherry-picking some from release branch: 0d281ed

from exatron.jl.

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