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geos's Introduction


This is a Haskell binding to Geos, the open-source geometry library. Capabilities include:

  • Geometries: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection
  • Predicates: Intersects, Touches, Disjoint, Crosses, Within, Contains, Overlaps, Equals, Covers
  • Operations: Union, Distance, Intersection, Symmetric Difference, Convex Hull, Envelope, Buffer, Simplify, Polygon Assembly, Valid, Area, Length,
  • Prepared geometries (pre-spatially indexed)
  • STR spatial index
  • OGC Well Known Text (WKT) and Well Known Binary (WKB) encoders and decoders. These can be used to parse PostGIS geometry types.

geos's People


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geos's Issues

cabal install failure


I tried to install geos by cabal, but failed. I suppose that install-includes is needed in the geos.cabal file.

  • environment
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.0.1

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library

OS X 10.10.5
  • log
$ cabal install geos
Warning: --root-cmd is no longer supported, see (if you didn't type --root-cmd,
comment out root-cmd in your ~/.cabal/config file)
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring geos-
Building geos-
Failed to install geos-
Build log ( /Users/.cabal-sandbox/logs/ghc-8.0.1/geos- ):
cabal: Entering directory '/var/folders/hw/p4bp49hd7v9_1j60sjvmhqnr0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-27304/geos-'
Configuring geos-
Preprocessing library for geos-
Internal.hsc:9:10: fatal error: 'noticehandlers.h' file not found
#include "noticehandlers.h"
1 error generated.
compiling dist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/Data/Geometry/Geos/Raw/Internal_hsc_make.c failed (exit code 1)
command was: /usr/bin/gcc -c dist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/Data/Geometry/Geos/Raw/Internal_hsc_make.c -o dist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/Data/Geometry/Geos/Raw/Internal_hsc_make.o -m64 -fno-stack-protector -m64 -fno-stack-protector -m64 -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=800 -Ddarwin_BUILD_OS=1 -Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH=1 -Ddarwin_HOST_OS=1 -Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH=1 -Icbits -fPIC -Idist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/autogen -Idist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/global-autogen -include dist/dist-sandbox-ce0620c0/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -I/Users/.cabal-sandbox/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.0.1/vector- -I/Users/.cabal-sandbox/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.0.1/primitive- -I/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/8.0.1-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-8.0.1/bytestring- -I/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/8.0.1-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-8.0.1/base- -I/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/8.0.1-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-8.0.1/integer-gmp- -I/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/8.0.1-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-8.0.1/include -I/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/8.0.1-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-8.0.1/include/
cabal: Leaving directory '/var/folders/hw/p4bp49hd7v9_1j60sjvmhqnr0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-27304/geos-'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
geos- failed during the building phase. The
exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Make Ewkb support clear

It seems like readHex and writeHex do correctly support Ewkb, or at least I have been able to parse and re-serialize hex strings from geographic data stored in postgis geographic types. However the documentation does not mention it anywhere, so assuming that it is supported that would be a great thing to mention.

Cannot parse multi-polygon


I'm having real problems with MultiPolygons which I think I have reproduced in the tests (branch PR is here: #3)


Basically the following hex encodes a multi polygon


which looks like this when it's parsed

MULTIPOLYGON(((153.160525 -27.377412,153.109678 -27.438948,153.049781 -27.440183,153.049071 -27.474133,153.036853 -27.462407,153.030055 -27.479401,153.003576 -27.474761,152.994671 -27.48996,153.020615 -27.500563,153.000384 -27.506686,153.008376 -27.520987,152.970607 -27.504557,152.973545 -27.542577,152.938563 -27.525358,152.903432 -27.544263,152.8994 -27.602143,152.874073 -27.57857,152.85728 -27.59656,152.848044 -27.532162,152.831633 -27.533082,152.841338 -27.54471,152.820684 -27.555931,152.741386 -27.566009,152.747844 -27.526336,152.762703 -27.521827,152.730042 -27.494873,152.747402 -27.440865,152.736847 -27.373346,152.707818 -27.351805,152.679693 -27.372265,152.690832 -27.343576,152.748767 -27.318645,152.772084 -27.343989,152.759997 -27.363934,152.775463 -27.401656,152.812496 -27.401315,152.849449 -27.421704,152.897229 -27.41728,152.917034 -27.394182,152.948784 -27.408821,152.976962 -27.400824,152.997241 -27.3021,153.068569 -27.276796,153.082602 -27.333821,153.155628 -27.362939,153.160525 -27.377412)),((153.095813 -27.256922,153.077349 -27.262509,153.075715 -27.227985,153.045501 -27.228178,153.031867 -27.207337,153.047705 -27.194069,153.091377 -27.20613,153.114483 -27.19124,153.117923 -27.233565,153.107842 -27.261695,153.095813 -27.256922)))

But testing this seems to cause seg faults.

Happy to help with debugging this but don't really know where to start.

Data.Geometry.Geos.Geometry doesn't export Coordinate

Data.Geometry.Geos.Geometry contains the Coordinate data type here

data Coordinate =
Coordinate2 {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
| Coordinate3 {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double deriving (Read, Ord, Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

but Coordinate isn't in the module's export list. This makes it impossible to construct e.g. a Point by hand.

Support for Semigroup-Monoid proposal

GHC 8.4 implements the Semigroup-Monoid proposal which makes Semigroup a superclass of Monoid. In GHC 8.4 I get this error:

src/Data/Geometry/Geos/Types.hs:70:10: error:
       • No instance for (Semigroup LinearRing)
            arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
        • In the instance declaration for ‘Monoid LinearRing’
    70 | instance Monoid LinearRing where
       |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Which corresponds to this declaration

instance Monoid LinearRing where
mempty = LinearRing V.empty
mappend (LinearRing a) (LinearRing b) = LinearRing (a <> b)

The wiki has suggestions for writing compatible code.

Broken referential transparency?

Hey there,

thanks for the package.

The function Data.Geometry.Geos.STRTree.insert has the following type signature

insert :: Storable a => Geometry b -> a -> STRTreeBuilder a -> () 

which looks very suspicious. Either this function has no effect at all or it has some hidden IO in which it modifies the passed builder.

This seems to be indeed the case and it's easy to make the library crash

λ> import Data.Geometry.Geos.STRTree
λ> import Data.Geometry.Geos.Geometry
λ> p = PointGeometry (point $ coordinate2 0.1 0.2) Nothing
λ> empty
STRTreeBuilder 0x0000000000eb5ff0
λ> insert p 1 empty
λ> toList (build empty)
λ> insert p 1 empty
ghc: AbstractSTRtree.cpp:115: virtual void geos::index::strtree::AbstractSTRtree::insert(const void*, void*): Assertion `!built' failed.
cabal: repl failed for fake-package-0. The build process terminated with exit
code -6

Consider adding PersistentField(Sql) instances and Esqueleto querying

I created a small postgis library for persistent here and for esqueleto here. I am now realizing that it seems like it might be better to build off of or just use geos directly.

I was wondering if the instances could be added into geos itself, although I realize the dependency on persistent/esqueleto might make it not worth it.

My primary usage for geos is for Geographies rather than Geometries, and I'm not 100% clear on the amount of compatibility / overlap between the two. But ideally I was hoping that all the types I have in persistent-postgis including their associated db types could be converted over in some form into geos, perhaps involving some type level machinary to allow for easily defining both the geometry and the geography versions of the type. I was similarly hoping for support for some SQL queries like ST_Intersects via esqueleto.

Point to coordinate function

Hi, have a Point and I'm looking to get the underlying coordinate out of it, so I can format the x/y coordinates how my web frontend expects it.

As far as I can tell, this requires dipping down into the Raw modules. Would you accept a PR that exposed the newtype constructor for Point to allow unwrapping, or a PR that added a pointToCoordinate :: Point -> Coordinate function?

I might just be totally missing an obvious way to do this, if so sorry!

#35 seems like a similar issue

Geography support

I noticed distance is documented to not support geographic coordinate systems, so my followup question is what level of support this library has for geographic coordinate systems, and if any of the currently missing support is planned/desired.

ReadHex format


I wanted to know the format read by GEOS.Serialize.readHex.
If I understand correcty, it's a .wbk file in base 16 (hexadecimal).
I've got issues reading my own file with that lib.

Null pointer when trying to pull out CoordSeq of a Geometry Polygon

Hi there!

First off, thanks for this great library!

I am having a hard time trying to extract the coordinates out of a 'Geometry Polygon'. Unfortunately I get a null pointer exception. Please see the minimal ghci-demo I've created to illustrate the problem:

Prelude> :l GetCoordSeqDemo.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling GetCoordSeqDemo  ( GetCoordSeqDemo.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*GetCoordSeqDemo> testCoordSeqGetter $ getPgRawGeom  createPg
*** Exception: Encountered null pointer at: getCoordinateSequence
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Data/Geometry/Geos/Raw/Base.hs:68:14 in geos-0.4.1-ABmO5CcGEiV20rMbTpIAA0:Data.Geometry.Geos.Raw.Base

And this would be the content of GetCoordSeqDemo.hs

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module GetCoordSeqDemo where

import qualified Data.Vector                     as V

import           Data.Geometry.Geos.Geometry
import qualified Data.Geometry.Geos.Raw.Base     as RB
import qualified Data.Geometry.Geos.Raw.CoordSeq as RC
import qualified Data.Geometry.Geos.Raw.Geometry as R

-- stolen from Helpers.hs
makeLinearRing :: [(Double, Double)] -> Either GeometryConstructionError LinearRing
makeLinearRing = linearRing . (uncurry coordinate2) . V.fromList

makePolygon :: [[(Double, Double)]] -> Either GeometryConstructionError Polygon
makePolygon ls = do
  lRings <- traverse makeLinearRing ls
  polygon $ V.fromList lRings

makePolygonGeo :: [[(Double, Double)]] -> Either GeometryConstructionError (Geometry Polygon)
makePolygonGeo cs = (\pg -> PolygonGeometry pg Nothing) <$> makePolygon cs

fromRight :: Either a b -> b
fromRight (Right v) = v
fromRight _         = error "Shouldn't happen."

-- demo starts here
createPg :: Geometry Polygon
createPg = (fromRight . makePolygonGeo) [[(1.1,1.2),(22.1,22.2),(33.1,33.2),(1.1,1.2)]]

getPgRawGeom :: Geometry Polygon -> R.GeomConst
getPgRawGeom geometryPg = RB.runGeos $ do
  geometryP' :: R.GeomConst <- convertGeometryToRaw geometryPg
  return geometryP'

testCoordSeqGetter :: R.Geometry a => a -> RC.CoordSeq
testCoordSeqGetter geom = RB.runGeos $ do
  R.getCoordinateSequence geom

Since I am relatively new to Haskell I am not sure if I am doing sth. terribly wrong here or if I found a bug. Any help would be appreciated!

Consider adding Generic instances throughout

The lack of Generic instances makes the lack of other instances like FromJSON and ToJSON a lot more painful, as you either need orphans or handwritten instances. Adding Generic instances doesn't require adding any new dependencies, so it seems like a worthwhile addition to me.

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