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Comments (22)

philss avatar philss commented on June 29, 2024 2

FYI, the DF.describe/2 implementation in Polars is now written in Python:

We can use that as a reference :)

from explorer.

josevalim avatar josevalim commented on June 29, 2024 2

👍 for adding null type. And I think it is safest to skip mean, std, min, and max for strings and other dtypes.

from explorer.

josevalim avatar josevalim commented on June 29, 2024 1

@lkarthee it is fine to mirror the new outer join with polars. The reason why we are having an exception is because the current join assumes all columns from both arguments will be the output, but it seems polars changed it to drop duplicate columns. You will have to mirror this logic in Explorer.DataFrame.join and fix the tests.

from explorer.

billylanchantin avatar billylanchantin commented on June 29, 2024 1

I was thinking of keeping the work outside the main branch - branching from, or working directly in my branch.

That's what I was thinking too. I just wanted to make sure :)

But we could implement "our version" of DF.describe/2 branching from main and merge it separately. WDYT?

I think it's fine either way. If I tackle any of the pieces I think I'll branch off yours. But others should feel free to do that one off main.

from explorer.

josevalim avatar josevalim commented on June 29, 2024 1


from explorer.

josevalim avatar josevalim commented on June 29, 2024 1

@lkarthee please go ahead, I don't think any of them will reply soon due to timezone :)

from explorer.

billylanchantin avatar billylanchantin commented on June 29, 2024 1

@lkarthee Yeah go for it! I actually tried yesterday morning, but I spun my wheels trying to make it "elegant". More than happy to let you take over :)

EDIT: Based on what I tried yesterday, advice would be to just calculate what you need and move on. I kept trying to be clever with loops but I couldn't make it work.

from explorer.

billylanchantin avatar billylanchantin commented on June 29, 2024 1


This is what I tried that didn't work (I hadn't gotten to percentiles yet).

  def describe(%DataFrame{} = df, _percentiles) do
    require Explorer.DataFrame, as: DF

    numeric_dtypes = Explorer.Shared.numeric_types()

    ordered_dtypes =
        # [:date, :string],

    metrics = [
      count: %{dtypes: nil, fun: &Explorer.Series.n_distinct/1},
      nil_count: %{dtypes: nil, fun: &Explorer.Series.nil_count/1},
      mean: %{dtypes: numeric_dtypes, fun: &Explorer.Series.mean/1},
      std: %{dtypes: numeric_dtypes, fun: &Explorer.Series.standard_deviation/1},
      min: %{dtypes: ordered_dtypes, fun: &Explorer.Series.min/1},
      max: %{dtypes: ordered_dtypes, fun: &Explorer.Series.max/1}

    metric_dfs =
      for {_metric, %{dtypes: dtypes, fun: fun}} <- metrics do
        if dtypes == nil do
          DF.summarise(df, for(s <- across(), do: {, ^fun.(s)}))
          metric_df =
            DF.summarise(df, for(s <- across(), s.dtype in ^dtypes, do: {, ^fun.(s)}))

          # Manually add `nil` to all non-computed columns.
          metric_df =
            Enum.reduce(df.names, metric_df, fn col, acc ->
              if col not in acc.names, do: DF.put(acc, col, [nil]), else: acc


    metric_df =
      |> DF.concat_rows()
      |> DF.put(:describe, metrics |> Keyword.keys() |>

    metric_df[["describe"] ++ df.names]

Which gives you (notice the string columns aren't handled right):

# test/explorer/data_frame_test.exs:3321
df = ["d", nil, "f"], b: [1, 2, 3], c: ["a", "b", "c"])
df1 = DF.describe(df)

# +-------------------------------------------+
# | Explorer DataFrame: [rows: 6, columns: 4] |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# |  describe   |    a    |    b    |    c    |
# |  <string>   |  <f64>  |  <f64>  |  <f64>  |
# +=============+=========+=========+=========+
# | count       | 3.0     | 3.0     | 3.0     |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# | nil_count   | 1.0     | 0.0     | 0.0     |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# | mean        |         | 2.0     |         |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# | std         |         | 1.0     |         |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# | min         |         | 1.0     |         |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+
# | max         |         | 3.0     |         |
# +-------------+---------+---------+---------+

The issue was that our min/max functions don't work on dtype: :string (perhaps they should?). So I think we need to handle that case by hand.

One approach I thought of: use the Series.sort function to compute all order statistics (min, max, 25%, etc.). You'll need to compute nil_count first since those need to be excluded. But after that, arithmetic should give you the indices of each order statistic. Something like:

percentile_25_index = floor(0.25 * (length(s) - nil_count(s)))

This was apparently attempted by someone on the Polars side, but they said they didn't get the performance improvements they expected:

Is there any way we can achieve lit(None) with existing api ?

I got stuck on that too! You can see my workaround in my attempt. I don't know if there's a way we can do it easily on our side.

from explorer.

josevalim avatar josevalim commented on June 29, 2024 1

One way to go is exclude non_stat columns from describe and revisit this after null type pr ? Only two metrics will be relevant for non_stat columns - count and nil_count.

Sounds good to me!

from explorer.

philss avatar philss commented on June 29, 2024 1

The work here is complete, so I'm close.

Thank you all for the contributions! 💜

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

2 test cases relating to DataFrame.join/3 are failing due to changes from #784 ?

1) test join/3 with a custom 'on' but with repeated column on left side - outer join (Explorer.DataFrame.LazyTest)
     ** (RuntimeError) Polars Error: not found: d
     code: assert DF.to_columns(df, atom_keys: true) == %{
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/polars_backend/shared.ex:35: Explorer.PolarsBackend.Shared.apply_dataframe/3
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/data_frame.ex:1873: anonymous fn/3 in Explorer.DataFrame.to_columns/2
       (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
       (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/data_frame.ex:1872: Explorer.DataFrame.to_columns/2
       test/explorer/data_frame/lazy_test.exs:1233: (test)

7) test join/3 with a custom 'on' but with repeated column on left side (Explorer.DataFrameTest)
     ** (RuntimeError) Polars Error: not found: d
     code: assert DF.to_columns(df2, atom_keys: true) == %{
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/polars_backend/shared.ex:35: Explorer.PolarsBackend.Shared.apply_dataframe/3
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/data_frame.ex:1873: anonymous fn/3 in Explorer.DataFrame.to_columns/2
       (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
       (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2
       (explorer 0.8.0-dev) lib/explorer/data_frame.ex:1872: Explorer.DataFrame.to_columns/2
       test/explorer/data_frame_test.exs:2098: (test)

from explorer.

billylanchantin avatar billylanchantin commented on June 29, 2024

@philss Is your sense that we can fix these issues on main? Or should we branch off ps-bump-polars-to-v0.36? (I probably won't have time to look into specifics until tonight.)

from explorer.

philss avatar philss commented on June 29, 2024

@billylanchantin I was thinking of keeping the work outside the main branch - branching from, or working directly in my branch. But we could implement "our version" of DF.describe/2 branching from main and merge it separately. WDYT?

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

Logged a bug for outer_coalesce - pola-rs/polars#13450 .

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

@josevalim One question I have about outer join is - polars returns new columns, should we forward them to Explorer ?

The behavior has been changed to include the original join keys. Name clashes are solved by appending a suffix (_right by default) to the right join key name.

L1_right in below case ?

>>> df1.join(df2, on="L1", how="outer")
shape: (4, 4)
│ L1L2L1_rightR2   │
│ ------------  │
│ stri64stri64  │
│ a1a7    │
│ b2nullnull │
│ c3c8    │
│ nullnulld9    │

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

I have fixed outer join in latest pr.

Can I fix the describe function ? @philss or @billylanchantin are you working on it ?

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

Thank you @billylanchantin .

I have a draft rust version (have to test more). I am exploring if it can be implemented with DF.summarise() in elixir. Took me Down the rabbit hole trying to achieve lit(None) (Null Series) in explorer from elixir. NullType is missing from dtypes - I logged a bug #783 recently relating to this.

Is there any way we can achieve lit(None) with existing api ?

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

I have to expose this on Series.nil_() - figuring out the cogs in the wheel. Its not working yet.

pub fn expr_nil_() -> ExExpr {

Below works for df with numeric types - pivot is pending. Exprs work and currently data is in columns.

 def describe(df, opts \\ []) do
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, percentiles: nil)

    if Enum.empty?(df.names) do
      raise ArgumentError, message: "cannot describe a DataFrame without any columns"

    percentiles = process_percentiles(opts[:percentiles])
    numeric_dtypes = Shared.numeric_types()
    datetime_types = Shared.datetime_types()
    duration_types = Shared.duration_types()
    stat_cols = for {name, type} <- df.dtypes, type in numeric_dtypes, do: name

    min_max_cols =
      for {name, type} <- df.dtypes,
          type in numeric_dtypes or type in datetime_types or type in duration_types,
          do: name

    metrics = ["count", "null_count", "mean", "std", "min"]
    p_metrics = for p <- percentiles, do: "#{p * 100}%"
    metrics = metrics ++ p_metrics
    metrics = ["max" | metrics]

    df_metrics =
      summarise_with(df, fn x ->
        counts_exprs =, &{"count:#{&1}", Series.count(x[&1])})
        nil_counts_exprs =, &{"nil_count:#{&1}", Series.nil_count(x[&1])})

        percentile_exprs =
          for p <- percentiles, c <- df.names do
            name = "#{p}:#{c}"

            if c in stat_cols do
              {name, Series.quantile(x[c], p)}
              {name, Series.nil_()} # this i wrote in rust and exposed in expression.ex, I have to expose it on Series i guess.
      #  TODO: handle Series.nil_() for below
        mean_exprs = for c <- stat_cols, do: {"mean:#{c}", Series.mean(x[c])}
        std_exprs = for c <- stat_cols, do: {"std:#{c}", Series.standard_deviation(x[c])}
        min_exprs = for c <- min_max_cols, do: {"min:#{c}", Series.min(x[c])}
        max_exprs = for c <- min_max_cols, do: {"max:#{c}", Series.max(x[c])}

        counts_exprs ++
          nil_counts_exprs ++
          mean_exprs ++ std_exprs ++ min_exprs ++ percentile_exprs ++ max_exprs
    # Reshape wide result
    row = head(df_metrics)
   #TODO - pivot columns to rows

 def process_percentiles(nil), do: [0.25, 0.50, 0.75]

  def process_percentiles(percentiles) do
    Enum.each(percentiles, fn p ->
      if p < 0 or p > 1 do
        raise ArgumentError, message: "percentiles must all be in the range [0, 1]"

df = [5,6,7], b: [1, 2, 3])
df2 = DF.describe(df)

  Polars[1 x 18]
  count:a s64 [3]
  count:b s64 [3]
  nil_count:a s64 [0]
  nil_count:b s64 [0]
  mean:a f64 [6.0]
  mean:b f64 [2.0]
  std:a f64 [1.0]
  std:b f64 [1.0]
  min:a s64 [5]
  min:b s64 [1]
  0.25:a f64 [6.0]
  0.25:b f64 [2.0]
  0.5:a f64 [6.0]
  0.5:b f64 [2.0]
  0.75:a f64 [7.0]
  0.75:b f64 [3.0]
  max:a s64 [7]
  max:b s64 [3]

from explorer.

billylanchantin avatar billylanchantin commented on June 29, 2024

👍 to skipping order statistics on strings. While technically possible, I don't think people usually care.

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

@billylanchantin Thank you for the pointers, I have completed the percentiles part. I have tried to mirror python code very closely. Hopefully I will figure out more about adding Series.nil_() tomorrow.

@josevalim One way to go is exclude non_stat columns from describe and revisit this after null type pr ? Only two metrics will be relevant for non_stat columns - count and nil_count.

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

Went ahead with rust func - only percentiles and pivot logic is in elixir. It fails if there is a non numeric column in data frame. Please review PR, i will fix rest in next pr.

from explorer.

lkarthee avatar lkarthee commented on June 29, 2024

Implemented describe for stat_cols in elixir and tests are passing

from explorer.

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