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Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, React Router, Webpack and React Fast Refresh.

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Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone --depth 1 --branch main your-project-name
cd your-project-name
npm install

Having issues installing? See our debugging guide

Starting Development

Start the app in the dev environment:

npm start

Packaging for Production

To package apps for the local platform:

npm run package


See our docs and guides here


Join our Discord:



Donations will ensure the following:

  • 🔨 Long term maintenance of the project
  • 🛣 Progress on the roadmap
  • 🐛 Quick responses to bug reports and help requests


Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [Become a backer]


Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [Become a sponsor]



MIT © Electron React Boilerplate

Electron React Boilerplate's Projects

design icon design

The sketch designs for electron-react-boilerlate's website

docs icon docs

The docs for electron-react-boilerplate

rfcs icon rfcs

Electron React Boilerplate RFC repo (experimental)

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