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ode's Introduction


  Before anything else make sure you have a Java SE 7 VM installed.
  You can check that by opening a command line window and typing "java -version"
  into it. It should say something like 1.7.0_17. Anything starting with 1.6 is
  outdated and should be upgraded before installing ODE.
  The easiest way to install Object Data Extractor is to simply extract the in your JNGP folder. However, this will replace your wehack.lua
  file, so it may not be a good idea, especially if youve made changes to that
  file yourself and would like to keep them.
  You can install Object Data Extractor yourself by, again, simply extracting
  the .zip archive, but making sure not to replace wehack.lua. After that, you
  need to manually make some changes to wehack.lua so ODE gets executed at the
  right time when saving.
  For that, find the following line inside wehack.lua:
  And, on a new line after that one, insert the following:
    wehack.runprocess("javaw -Djava.library.path=\"ode\\lib\" -jar \"ode\\ode.jar\" \"ode\" \"" .. mappath .. "\"")
  Unit Data Extractor:
    The syntax to invoke ODE for units is as follows:
      //! LoadUnitData fields=<FieldIDs> [-noinit] [-defaults [races=<Races> [rawcodes=<UnitIDs>]]]
    Brackets indicate optional parameters.
    <FieldIDs> is a comma separated list of fields to load into JASS.
    <Races> is a comma separated list of races to load default values for.
    <UnitIDs> is a comma separated list of units to load default values for.
    Commas MUST NOT be surrounded by spaces.
    -noinit causes the specified fields to not be loaded into memory when the map
      loads, but only if no other LoadUnitData command requests the same field to
      be loaded into memory immediately. As a rule, if you requested the data to
      not be initialized when the map is loaded, you have to load the data yourself
      by invoking the function InitExportedUnitData before accessing the data.
      The signature for InitExportedUnitData is as follows:
        function InitExportedUnitData takes nothing returns nothing
    -defaults causes values for ALL units to be loaded into memory, even if they
      havent been modified.
      The optional parameters "races" allows you to specify races for which to
      load default data. By default, default data for all units from all races is
      The optional parameter "rawcodes" allows you to specify units for which to
      load default data, even if they do not match the races parameter.
    Field     JASS function                           Decription
    udaa      GetUnitTypeDefaultActiveAbility
    uhab      GetUnitTypeHeroAbilities
    uabi      GetUnitTypeAbilities
    utcc      GetUnitTypeAllowCustomTeamColor
    uble      GetUnitTypeBlendTime
    ucbs      GetUnitTypeCastBackswing
    ucpt      GetUnitTypeCastPoint
    urun      GetUnitTypeRunSpeed
    uwal      GetUnitTypeWalkSpeed
    ubpx      GetUnitTypeButtonPositionX
    ubpy      GetUnitTypeButtonPositionY
    udtm      GetUnitTypeDeathTime
    uept      GetUnitTypeElevationSamplePoints
    uerd      GetUnitTypeElevationSampleRadius
    ufrd      GetUnitTypeFogOfWarSampleRadius
    uubs      GetUnitTypeGroundTexture
    ushr      GetUnitTypeHasWaterShadow
    uico      GetUnitTypeIcon
    ussi      GetUnitTypeScoreScreenIcon
    umxp      GetUnitTypeMaxPitch
    umxr      GetUnitTypeMaxRoll
    umdl      GetUnitTypeModel
    uver      GetUnitTypeModelExtraVersions
    uocc      GetUnitTypeOcculderHeight
    uori      GetUnitTypeOrientationInterpolation
    uisz      GetUnitTypeSwimProjectileImpactZ
    uimz      GetUnitTypeProjectileImpactZ
    ulpx      GetUnitTypeProjectileLaunchX
    ulsz      GetUnitTypeSwimProjectileLaunchZ
    ulpz      GetUnitTypeProjectileLaunchZ
    uprw      GetUnitTypePropulsionWindow
    uani      GetUnitTypeRequiredAnimationNames
    uaap      GetUnitTypeRequiredAnimationAttachments
    ualp      GetUnitTypeRequiredAnimationLinkNames
    ubpr      GetUnitTypeRequiredBoneNames
    uscb      GetUnitTypeScaleProjectiles
    usca      GetUnitTypeScale
    uslz      GetUnitTypeSelectionZ
    usew      GetUnitTypeSelectionOnWater
    ussc      GetUnitTypeSelectionScale
    ushu      GetUnitTypeShadowImage
    ushx      GetUnitTypeShadowImageCenterX
    ushy      GetUnitTypeShadowImageCenterY
    ushh      GetUnitTypeShadowImageHeight
    ushw      GetUnitTypeShadowImageWidth
    ushb      GetUnitTypeShadowTexture
    uspa      GetUnitTypeSpecialArt
    utaa      GetUnitTypeTargetArt
    utco      GetUnitTypeTeamColor
    uclr      GetUnitTypeRedTint
    uclg      GetUnitTypeGreenTint
    uclb      GetUnitTypeBlueTint
    ulos      GetUnitTypeUseExtendedLineOfSight
    uacq      GetUnitTypeAcquisitionRange
    uarm      GetUnitTypeArmorType
    ubs1      GetUnitTypeBackswingPoint1
    udp1      GetUnitTypeDamagePoint1
    ua1f      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectFull1
    ua1h      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectMedium1
    ua1q      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectSmall1
    ua1p      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectTargets1
    ua1t      GetUnitTypeAttackType1
    ua1c      GetUnitTypeCooldown1
    ua1b      GetUnitTypeDamageBase1
    uhd1      GetUnitTypeDamageFactorMedium1
    uqd1      GetUnitTypeDamageFactorSmall1
    udl1      GetUnitTypeDamageLossFactor1
    ua1d      GetUnitTypeDamageNumberOfDice1
    ua1s      GetUnitTypeDamageSidesPerDie1
    usd1      GetUnitTypeDamageSpillDistance1
    usr1      GetUnitTypeDamageSpillRadius1
    udu1      GetUnitTypeDamageUpgradeAmount1
    utc1      GetUnitTypeMaximumTargets1
    uma1      GetUnitTypeProjectileArc1
    ua1m      GetUnitTypeProjectileArt1
    umh1      GetUnitTypeProjectileHoming1
    ua1z      GetUnitTypeProjectileSpeed1
    ua1r      GetUnitTypeRange1
    urb1      GetUnitTypeRangeMotionBuffer1
    uwu1      GetUnitTypeShowUI1
    ua1g      GetUnitTypeTargetsAllowed1
    ucs1      GetUnitTypeWeaponSound1
    ua1w      GetUnitTypeWeaponType1
    ubs2      GetUnitTypeBackswingPoint2
    udp2      GetUnitTypeDamagePoint2
    ua2f      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectFull2
    ua2h      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectMedium2
    ua2q      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectSmall2
    ua2p      GetUnitTypeAreaOfEffectTargets2
    ua2t      GetUnitTypeAttackType2
    ua2c      GetUnitTypeCooldown2
    ua2b      GetUnitTypeDamageBase2
    uhd2      GetUnitTypeDamageFactorMedium2
    uqd2      GetUnitTypeDamageFactorSmall2
    udl2      GetUnitTypeDamageLossFactor2
    ua2d      GetUnitTypeDamageNumberOfDice2
    ua2s      GetUnitTypeDamageSidesPerDie2
    usd2      GetUnitTypeDamageSpillDistance2
    usr2      GetUnitTypeDamageSpillRadius2
    udu2      GetUnitTypeDamageUpgradeAmount2
    utc2      GetUnitTypeMaximumTargets2
    uma2      GetUnitTypeProjectileArc2
    ua2m      GetUnitTypeProjectileArt2
    umh2      GetUnitTypeProjectileHoming2
    ua2z      GetUnitTypeProjectileSpeed2
    ua2r      GetUnitTypeRange2
    urb2      GetUnitTypeRangeMotionBuffer2
    uwu2      GetUnitTypeShowUI2
    ua2g      GetUnitTypeTargetsAllowed2
    ucs2      GetUnitTypeWeaponSound2
    ua2w      GetUnitTypeWeaponType2
    uaen      GetUnitTypeAttacksEnabled
    udea      GetUnitTypeDeathType
    udef      GetUnitTypeDefenseBase
    udty      GetUnitTypeDefenseType
    udup      GetUnitTypeDefenseUpgradeBonus
    uamn      GetUnitTypeMinimumAttackRange
    utar      GetUnitTypeTargetedAs
    udro      GetUnitTypeDropItemsOnDeath
    ucam      GetUnitTypeCategoryCampaign
    uspe      GetUnitTypeCategorySpecial
    uhos      GetUnitTypeDisplayAsNeutralHostile
    utss      GetUnitTypeHasTilesetSpecificData
    uine      GetUnitTypePlaceableInEditor
    util      GetUnitTypeTilesets
    uuch      GetUnitTypeUseClickHelper
    urpo      GetUnitTypeGroupSeparationEnabled
    urpg      GetUnitTypeGroupSeparationGroupNumber
    urpp      GetUnitTypeGroupSeparationParameter
    urpr      GetUnitTypeGroupSeparationPriority
    umvh      GetUnitTypeFlyHeight
    umvf      GetUnitTypeMinimumHeight
    umvs      GetUnitTypeSpeedBase
    umas      GetUnitTypeSpeedMaximum
    umis      GetUnitTypeSpeedMinimum
    umvr      GetUnitTypeTurnRate
    umvt      GetUnitTypeMoveType
    uabr      GetUnitTypeAIPlacementRadius
    uabt      GetUnitTypeAIPlacementType
    ucol      GetUnitTypeCollisionSize
    upat      GetUnitTypePathingMap
    upar      GetUnitTypePlacementPreventedBy
    upap      GetUnitTypePlacementRequires
    upaw      GetUnitTypePlacementRequiresWaterRadius
    ubsl      GetUnitTypeBuildSound
    ulfi      GetUnitTypeSoundLoopFadeInRate
    ulfo      GetUnitTypeSoundLoopFadeOutRate
    umsl      GetUnitTypeMoveSound
    ursl      GetUnitTypeRandomSound
    usnd      GetUnitTypeSoundSet
    uagp      GetUnitTypeAgilityPerLevel
    ubld      GetUnitTypeBuildTime
    uibo      GetUnitTypeCanBeBuiltOn
    ucbo      GetUnitTypeCanBuildOn
    ufle      GetUnitTypeCanFlee
    ufoo      GetUnitTypeFoodCost
    ufma      GetUnitTypeFoodProduced
    ufor      GetUnitTypeFormationRank
    ubba      GetUnitTypeGoldBountyBase
    ubdi      GetUnitTypeGoldBountyNumberOfDice
    ubsi      GetUnitTypeGoldBountySidesPerDie
    ugol      GetUnitTypeGoldCost
    uhhd      GetUnitTypeHideHeroDeathMessage
    uhhb      GetUnitTypeHideHeroInterfaceIcon
    uhhm      GetUnitTypeHideHeroMinimapDisplay
    uhom      GetUnitTypeHideMinimapDisplay
    uhpm      GetUnitTypeHitPointsMaximum
    uhpr      GetUnitTypeHitPointsRegeneration
    uhrt      GetUnitTypeHitPointsRegenerationType
    uinp      GetUnitTypeIntelligencePerLevel
    ubdg      GetUnitTypeIsABuilding
    ulev      GetUnitTypeLevel
    ulba      GetUnitTypeLumberBountyBase
    ulbd      GetUnitTypeLumberBountyNumberOfDice
    ulbs      GetUnitTypeLumberBountySidesPerDie
    ulum      GetUnitTypeLumberCost
    umpi      GetUnitTypeManaInitialAmount
    umpm      GetUnitTypeManaMaximum
    umpr      GetUnitTypeManaRegeneration
    unbm      GetUnitTypeShowNeutralBuildingIcon
    unbr      GetUnitTypeValidAsRandomNeutralBuilding
    upoi      GetUnitTypePointValue
    upra      GetUnitTypePrimaryAttribute
    upri      GetUnitTypePriority
    urac      GetUnitTypeRace
    ugor      GetUnitTypeRepairGoldCost
    ulur      GetUnitTypeRepairLumberCost
    urtm      GetUnitTypeRepairTime
    usid      GetUnitTypeSightRadiusDay
    usin      GetUnitTypeSightRadiusNight
    usle      GetUnitTypeSleeps
    uagi      GetUnitTypeStartingAgility
    uint      GetUnitTypeStartingIntelligence
    ustr      GetUnitTypeStartingStrength
    usma      GetUnitTypeStockMaximum
    usrg      GetUnitTypeStockReplenishInterval
    usst      GetUnitTypeStockStartDelay
    ustp      GetUnitTypeStrengthPerLevel
    ucar      GetUnitTypeTransportedSize
    utyp      GetUnitTypeUnitClassification
    udep      GetUnitTypeDependencyEquivalents
    urva      GetUnitTypeHeroRevivalLocations
    umki      GetUnitTypeItemsMade
    usei      GetUnitTypeItemsSold
    ureq      GetUnitTypeRequirements
    urqa      GetUnitTypeRequirementsLevels
    urq1      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier2
    urq2      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier3
    urq3      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier4
    urq4      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier5
    urq5      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier6
    urq6      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier7
    urq7      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier8
    urq8      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTier9
    urqc      GetUnitTypeRequirementsTiersUsed
    ubui      GetUnitTypeStructuresBuilt
    ures      GetUnitTypeResearchesAvailable
    urev      GetUnitTypeRevivesDeadHeroes
    useu      GetUnitTypeUnitsSold
    utra      GetUnitTypeUnitsTrained
    uupt      GetUnitTypeUpgradesTo
    upgr      GetUnitTypeUpgradesUsed
    ides      GetUnitTypeDescription
    uhot      GetUnitTypeHotkey
    unam      GetUnitTypeName
    unsf      GetUnitTypeNameEditorSuffix
    upro      GetUnitTypeProperNames
    upru      GetUnitTypeProperNamesUsed
    uawt      GetUnitTypeAwakenTooltip
    utip      GetUnitTypeTooltip
    utub      GetUnitTypeUbertip
    utpr      GetUnitTypeReviveTooltip
  Item Data Extractor:
    The syntax to invoke ODE for items is as follows:
      //! LoadItemData fields=<FieldIDs> [-noinit] [-defaults [classes=<Classes> [rawcodes=<ItemIDs>]]]
    Brackets indicate optional parameters.
    <FieldIDs> is a comma separated list of fields to load into JASS.
    <Classes> is a comma separated list of item classes to load default values for.
    <ItemIDs> is a comma separated list of items to load default values for.
    Commas MUST NOT be surrounded by spaces.
    -noinit causes the specified fields to not be loaded into memory when the map
      loads, but only if no other LoadItemData command requests the same field to
      be loaded into memory immediately. As a rule, if you requested the data to
      not be initialized when the map is loaded, you have to load the data yourself
      by invoking the function InitExportedItemData before accessing the data.
      The signature for InitExportedItemData is as follows:
        function InitExportedItemData takes nothing returns nothing
    -defaults causes values for ALL items to be loaded into memory, even if they
      havent been modified.
      The optional parameters "classes" allows you to specify classes for which
      to load default data. By default, default data for all items from all
      classes is loaded.
      The optional parameter "rawcodes" allows you to specify items for which to
      load default data, even if they do not match the classes parameter.
    Field     JASS function                     Decription
    iabi      GetItemTypeAbilities
    iarm      GetItemTypeArmorType
    iico      GetItemTypeIcon
    ubpx      GetItemTypeButtonPositionX
    ubpy      GetItemTypeButtonPositionY
    icla      GetItemTypeClass
    iclb      GetItemTypeColorBlue
    iclg      GetItemTypeColorGreen
    iclr      GetItemTypeColorRed
    icid      GetItemTypeCooldownGroup
    ides      GetItemTypeDescription
    idrp      GetItemTypeDropsOnDeath
    idro      GetItemTypeDroppable
    ifil      GetItemTypeModel
    igol      GetItemTypeGoldCost
    uhot      GetItemTypeHotkey
    ihtp      GetItemTypeHealth
    iicd      GetItemTypeIgnoreCooldown
    ilev      GetItemTypeLevel
    ilum      GetItemTypeLumberCost
    imor      GetItemTypeIsTransformable
    unam      GetItemTypeName
    ilvo      GetItemTypeUnclassifiedLevel
    ipaw      GetItemTypeIsPawnable
    iper      GetItemTypeIsPerishable
    iprn      GetItemTypeIsRandomChoice
    ipow      GetItemTypeIsPowerup
    ipri      GetItemTypePriority
    ureq      GetItemTypeRequirements
    urqa      GetItemTypeRequiredLevels
    isca      GetItemTypeScale
    isel      GetItemTypeIsSellable
    issc      GetItemTypeSelectionSize
    isto      GetItemTypeMaximumStock
    istr      GetItemTypeStockReplenishInterval
    isst      GetItemTypeStartingStock
    utip      GetItemTypeTooltip
    utub      GetItemTypeUbertip
    iusa      GetItemTypeIsUsable
    iuse      GetItemTypeUses
  Destructable Data Extractor:
    The syntax to invoke ODE for items is as follows:
      //! LoadDestructableData fields=<FieldIDs> [-noinit] [-defaults [categories=<Categories> [rawcodes=<DestructableIDs>]]]
    Brackets indicate optional parameters.
    <FieldIDs> is a comma separated list of fields to load into JASS.
    <Categories> is a comma separated list of destructable categories to load
      default values for.
    <DestructableIDs> is a comma separated list of destructables to load
      default values for.
    Commas MUST NOT be surrounded by spaces.
    -noinit causes the specified fields to not be loaded into memory when the
      map loads, but only if no other LoadDestructableData command requests the
      same field to be loaded into memory immediately. As a rule, if you
      requested the data to not be initialized when the map is loaded, you have
      to load the data yourself by invoking the function
      InitExportedDestructableData before accessing the data.
      The signature for InitExportedDestructableData is as follows:
        function InitExportedDestructableData takes nothing returns nothing
    -defaults causes values for ALL destructables to be loaded into memory,
      even if they havent been modified.
      The optional parameters "categories" allows you to specify classes for
      which to load default data. By default, default data for all destructable
      from all categories is loaded.
      The optional parameter "rawcodes" allows you to specify destructables for
      which to load default data, even if they do not match the categories
    Field     JASS function                             Decription
    bnam      GetDestructableTypeName
    bsuf      GetDestructableTypeEditorSuffix
    bcat      GetDestructableTypeCategory
    btil      GetDestructableTypeTilesets
    btsp      GetDestructableTypeIsTilesetSpecific
    bfil      GetDestructableTypeFile
    blit      GetDestructableTypeIsLightweight
    bflo      GetDestructableTypeIsFatLOS
    btxi      GetDestructableTypeTextureID
    btxf      GetDestructableTypeTextureFile
    buch      GetDestructableTypeUseClickHelper
    bonc      GetDestructableTypeCanPlaceOnCliffs
    bonw      GetDestructableTypeCanPlaceOnWater
    bcpd      GetDestructableTypeCanPlaceDead
    bwal      GetDestructableTypeIsWalkable
    bclh      GetDestructableTypeCliffHeight
    btar      GetDestructableTypeTargetType
    barm      GetDestructableTypeArmor
    bvar      GetDestructableTypeNumVar
    bhps      GetDestructableTypeHealth
    boch      GetDestructableTypeOcclusionHeight
    bflh      GetDestructableTypeFlyHeight
    bfxr      GetDestructableTypeFixedRotation
    bsel      GetDestructableTypeSelectionSize
    bmis      GetDestructableTypeMinScale
    bmas      GetDestructableTypeMaxScale
    bcpr      GetDestructableTypeCanPlaceRandScale
    bmap      GetDestructableTypeMaxPitch
    bmar      GetDestructableTypeMaxRoll
    brad      GetDestructableTypeRadius
    bfra      GetDestructableTypeFogRadius
    bfvi      GetDestructableTypeFogVisibility
    bptx      GetDestructableTypePathTexture
    bptd      GetDestructableTypePathTextureDeath
    bdsn      GetDestructableTypeDeathSound
    bshd      GetDestructableTypeShadow
    bsmm      GetDestructableTypeShowInMM
    bmmr      GetDestructableTypeMMRed
    bmmg      GetDestructableTypeMMGreen
    bmmb      GetDestructableTypeMMBlue
    bumm      GetDestructableTypeUseMMColor
    bbut      GetDestructableTypeBuildTime
    bret      GetDestructableTypeRepairTime
    breg      GetDestructableTypeGoldRepairCost
    brel      GetDestructableTypeLumberRepairCost
    busr      GetDestructableTypeUserList
    bvcr      GetDestructableTypeColorRed
    bvcg      GetDestructableTypeColorGreen
    bvcb      GetDestructableTypeColorBlue
    bgse      GetDestructableTypeIsSelectable
    bgsc      GetDestructableTypeSelectionCircleSize
    bgpm      GetDestructableTypePortraitModel

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