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Comments (9)

morrisonlevi avatar morrisonlevi commented on September 27, 2024

Environment variables for PHP are more difficult, because every SAPI tends to handle them differently. INI settings are generally much more consistent across SAPIs, so I recommend setting them that way. The datadog-setup.php script has a config mode that can be used to set them as part of your script, e.g.:

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN curl -LO \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all \
	&& php datadog-setup.php config set \
		-d datadog.service=app-name \
		-d datadog.env=prod \
		-d datadog.version=1.3.2 \
		-d datadog.trace.agent_url=http://localhost:8216

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

Thanks @morrisonlevi for quick response .
If I pass the configs with -d at build time then which file/location can I see these after configuration ?
I still see 2 issues :

  1. Since my docker image is reusable it will be confusing if all apps report traces with same service , env and version.
  2. The agent in my case is running on kubernetes host node as daemonset. I can inject the IP of kubernetes node via helm while deploying but I need to set agent_host that can point to OS environment variable having IP address of kubernetes node.

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

I tried following configs :

Config 1 :

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
RUN curl -LO \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all
RUN echo "env[DD_ENV] = \$DD_ENV" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_SERVICE] = \$DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_VERSION] = \$DD_VERSION" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_AGENT_HOST] = \$KUBERNETES_HOST_IP" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf 

Config 2 with clear_env = no:

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
RUN curl -LO \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all
RUN echo "env[DD_ENV] = \$DD_ENV" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_SERVICE] = \$DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_VERSION] = \$DD_VERSION" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_AGENT_HOST] = \$KUBERNETES_HOST_IP" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \	
	&& echo "clear_env = no" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf 

I am passing KUBERNETES_HOST_IP via helm chart.

        fieldPath: status.hostIP

ISSUE I faced: It does not set datadog.agent_host and it still points to localhost. Interestingly datadog.env , datadog.service and datadog.version are set.

I then Injected DD_AGENT_HOST via helm chart like this and now datadog.agent_host has the correct IP even without making entry in www.conf file.

  - name: DD_AGENT_HOST 
        fieldPath: status.hostIP

Seems like configurations I have set in /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf are not effective and It's picking up OS environment variables directly if I run below commands.

php -i or php -c /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini -i commands.

However when I created a phpinfo() via echo "<?php phpinfo();" >/var/www/html/info.php but it does not show the actual values I passed from env variables.





I will try few more configs and keep updated.

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

I tried one more config but still phpinfo() does not use the values I passed. Kind of hitting end of road now.

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
RUN curl -LO \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all
RUN echo "env[DD_ENV] = \$DD_ENV" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_SERVICE] = \$DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_VERSION] = \$DD_VERSION" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \
	&& echo "env[DD_AGENT_HOST] = \$DD_AGENT_HOST" >>/etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
RUN echo "PassEnv \$DD_ENV" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv \$DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv \$DD_VERSION" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv \$DD_AGENT_HOST" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

Update : I tries below config

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
# Install dd-trace-php Library and configure it for all php installations
RUN curl -LO${DDTRACE_LIB_VERSION}/datadog-setup.php \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all \
	&& php datadog-setup.php config set --php-bin=php --php-bin=php-fpm${PHP_VERSION}  \
		-d datadog.service=\${DD_SERVICE} \
		-d datadog.env=\${DD_ENV} \
		-d datadog.version=\${DD_VERSION} \
		-d datadog.agent_host=\${KUBERNETES_HOST_IP}
RUN echo "<?php phpinfo();" >/var/www/html/info.php

The start command in base docker image is
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "service php8.1-fpm start && apachectl '-DFOREGROUND'"]

Here are installation logs

#6 265.1 Installed required source files to '/opt/datadog/dd-library/0.99.1'
#6 265.1 Installing to binary: php (/usr/bin/php8.1)
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/trace/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/profiling/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/appsec/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Created INI file '/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini'
#6 265.2 Installation to 'php (/usr/bin/php8.1)' was successful
#6 265.2 Created INI file '/etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini'
#6 265.2 Installation to 'php (/usr/bin/php8.1)' was successful
#6 265.2 Installing to binary: php8.1 (/usr/bin/php8.1)
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/trace/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/profiling/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/appsec/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.2 Updating existing INI file '/etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini'
#6 265.2 Installation to 'php8.1 (/usr/bin/php8.1)' was successful
#6 265.2 Updating existing INI file '/etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini'
#6 265.2 Installation to 'php8.1 (/usr/bin/php8.1)' was successful
#6 265.2 Installing to binary: php-fpm8.1 (/usr/sbin/php-fpm8.1)
#6 265.3 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/trace/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.3 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/profiling/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.3 Copied '/tmp/dd-install/dd-library-php/appsec/ext/20210902/' to '/usr/lib/php/20210902/'
#6 265.3 Created INI file '/etc/php/8.1/fpm/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini'
#6 265.3 Installation to 'php-fpm8.1 (/usr/sbin/php-fpm8.1)' was successful
#6 265.3 --------------------------------------------------
#6 265.3 SUCCESS
#6 265.3
#6 265.5 Setting configuration for binary: php (/usr/bin/php8.1)
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.service' to '${DD_SERVICE}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.service' to '${DD_SERVICE}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.env' to '${DD_ENV}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.env' to '${DD_ENV}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.version' to '${DD_VERSION}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.version' to '${DD_VERSION}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.agent_host' to '${KUBERNETES_HOST_IP}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Set 'datadog.agent_host' to '${KUBERNETES_HOST_IP}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.5 Setting configuration for binary: php-fpm8.1 (/usr/sbin/php-fpm8.1)
#6 265.6 Set 'datadog.service' to '${DD_SERVICE}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/fpm/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.6 Set 'datadog.env' to '${DD_ENV}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/fpm/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.6 Set 'datadog.version' to '${DD_VERSION}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/fpm/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 265.6 Set 'datadog.agent_host' to '${KUBERNETES_HOST_IP}' in INI file: /etc/php/8.1/fpm/conf.d/98-ddtrace.ini.
#6 DONE 265.6s

When I start container in kubernetes and run commands like php -i it picks up the datadog configurations passed as OS variables but if I open then phpinfo page it still does not show the correct configs.


I know I am so close but no idea why it's now working .

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

Finally I was able to solve it. Here is what worked for me for future reference if anyone faces the same

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
RUN curl -LO${DDTRACE_LIB_VERSION}/datadog-setup.php \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all \
	&& php datadog-setup.php config set --php-bin=php --php-bin=php-fpm${PHP_VERSION} \
		-d datadog.service=\${DD_SERVICE} \
		-d datadog.env=\${DD_ENV} \
		-d datadog.version=\${DD_VERSION} \
		-d datadog.agent_host=\${DD_AGENT_HOST} 	
RUN echo "PassEnv DD_ENV" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_VERSION" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_AGENT_HOST" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Here are how I am passing env variable via helm chart. The environment names like DD_AGENT_HOST , DD_ENV etc must be exactly same.

  - name: DD_AGENT_HOST 
        fieldPath: status.hostIP
  - name: DD_ENV
     value: dev
  - name: DD_SERVICE
     value: drupal-app-name
  - name: DD_VERSION
    value: 1.0.16

I also found one issue with DD official documentation . For Apache + mod_php in VirtualHost or server configuration file the example shows Dollar sign like this which is wrong.

PassEnv $DD_ENV

The correct configs for apache2.conf

PassEnv DD_ENV



This documentation should be corrected. I cannot send PR as this seems part of datadog cloud private docs.
There was one more issue in public documentation which I got corrected by sending PR to datadog DataDog/documentation#23186

Today I will try one more configuration . I will share results and simplified configs in case it works with pure Apache PassEnv + Standard DD_ OS variables combo.

from dd-trace-php.

amardeep2006 avatar amardeep2006 commented on September 27, 2024

Here is the most simple config that also worked.

FROM myrepo/ubuntu_drupal_apache2:latest
RUN apt-get update -yq \
	&& apt-get upgrade -yq
RUN curl -LO \
	&& php datadog-setup.php --php-bin=all	
RUN echo "PassEnv DD_ENV" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_SERVICE" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_VERSION" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
	&& echo "PassEnv DD_AGENT_HOST" >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf

from dd-trace-php.

morrisonlevi avatar morrisonlevi commented on September 27, 2024

If you want to use env vars, that's fine. I'm glad you figured out how to pipe them through! I'll pass along the documentation issue you mentioned.

from dd-trace-php.

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