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token-core-ios's Introduction


TokenCore is a blockchain library. TokenCore provides the relatively consistent API that allows you to manage your wallets and sign transactions in BTC, ETH and EOS chains simultaneously. In addition, TokenCore introduces the concept of 'identity', you can use the same mnemonic to manage wallets on the three chains.


To install TokenCore, use CocoaPods and add this to your Podfile:

pod "TokenCore", git: "", branch: "master"

Run the Example

The example show how to manager the wallet and sign transaction, the eos sign will coming soon.

$ cd Example
$ pod install

Try the API

Create new Identity and derive the eth, btc wallets

// You should create or recover Identity first before you create other wallets
do {
  var metadata = WalletMeta(source: .newIdentity) = Network.mainnet
  metadata.segWit = .p2wpkh // .p2wpkh means that the derived btc wallet is a SegWit wallet = "MyFirstIdentity"
  let (mnemonic, identity) = try Identity.createIdentity(password: TestData.password, metadata: metadata)
  let ethereumWallet = identity.wallets[0]
  let bitcoinWalelt = identity.wallets[1]
} catch {
  print("createIdentity failed, error:\(error)")

Export Wallet

let prvKey = try WalletManager.exportPrivateKey(walletID: ethereumWallet.walletID, password: TestData.password)
print("PrivateKey: \(prvKey)")
let mnemonics = try WalletManager.exportMnemonic(walletID: ethereumWallet.walletID, password: TestData.password)
print("Mnemonic: \(mnemonics)")
let keystore = try WalletManager.exportKeystore(walletID: ethereumWallet.walletID, password: TestData.password)
print("Keystore: \(keystore)")

// output:
// PrivateKey: f653be3f639f45ea1ed3eb152829b6d881ce62257aa873891e06fa9569a8d9aa
// Mnemonic: tide inmate cloud around wise bargain celery cement jungle melody galaxy grocery
// Keystore: {"id":"c7575eba-3ae3-4cc3-86ba-2eb9c6839cad","version":3,"crypto":{"ciphertext":"7083ba3dd5470ba4be4237604625e05fa6b668954d270beb848365cbf6933ec5","mac":"f4f9ea8d42ff348b11fc146c396da446cc975309b3538e08a58c0b218bddd15d","cipher":"aes-128-ctr","cipherparams":{"iv":"db3f523faf4da4f1c6edcd7bc1386879"},"kdf":"pbkdf2","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"c":10240,"prf":"hmac-sha256","salt":"0ce830e9f888dfe33c31e6cfc444d6f588161c9d4128d4066ee5dfdcbc5d0079"}},"address":"4a1c2072ac67b616e5c578fd9e2a4d30e0158471"}


let signResult = WalletManager.ethSignTransaction(
        walletID: String,
        nonce: String,
        gasPrice: String,
        gasLimit: String,
        to: String,
        value: String,
        data: String,
        password: String,
        chainID: Int
let signedTx = signResult.signedTx // This is the signature result which you need to broadcast.
let txHahs = signResult.txHash // This is txHash which you can use for locating your transaction record


For macOS 10.14 Mojave and Xcode 10, install /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg since Xcode command line tools don't install to /usr/include anymore.


  • Test on Objective-C
  • upgrade the BigInt from 3.0 to 3.1

Copyright and License

  Copyright 2018 imToken PTE. LTD.

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

Thanks and more info

Thanks bitcoinj, CoreBitcoin and others library.

token-core-ios's People


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token-core-ios's Issues

BTC 签名问题

通过导入助记词生成Btc钱包地址,在transaction签名时, WalletManager.btcSignTransaction(walletid ,to ,fee ....)传入了该地址对应的walletid等信息,签名后得到的result.signedTx ,但广播到链上的时候提示 Missing input.可能是签名时得到的密钥有错

Should EOS wallet be created automatically when creating an Identity?

//filePath: Source/Wallet/Identity.swift

  init(metadata: WalletMeta, mnemonic: String, password: String) throws {
    keystore = try IdentityKeystore(metadata: metadata, mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password)
    //_ = try deriveWallets(for: [.eth, .btc,.eos], mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password) ? 
    _ = try deriveWallets(for: [.eth, .btc], mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password)

    _ =


//未处理的data 字典
{"compression": "none",
"transaction": {
"expiration": "

let wallet = try! WalletManager.importEOS(from: TestData.mnemonic, accountName: "", permissions: [], metadata: WalletMeta(chain: .eos, source: .mnemonic), encryptBy: TestData.password, at: BIP44.eosLedger)
let txs = [
data: "c578065b93aec6a7c811000000000100a6823403ea3055000000572d3ccdcd01000000602a48b37400000000a8ed323225000000602a48b374208410425c95b1ca80969800000000000453595300000000046d656d6f00",
publicKeys: ["EOS88XhiiP7Cu5TmAUJqHbyuhyYgd6sei68AU266PyetDDAtjmYWF"],
chainID: TestData.eosChainID
let result = try! WalletManager.eosSignTransaction(walletID: wallet.walletID, txs: txs, password: TestData.password)
XCTAssertEqual(1, result.count)
EOSSignResult(hash: "6af5b3ae9871c25e2de195168ed7423f455a68330955701e327f02276bb34088", signs: ["SIG_K1_KjZXm86HMVyUd59E15pCkrpn5uUPAAsjTxjEVRRueEvGciinxRS3sATmEEWdkb8hRNHhf6SXofsz4qzPdD6mfZ67FoqLxh"])

about keystore BTCMnemonicKeystore.swift

/// Generate app specific key and IV!
public static var commonKey = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
public static var commonIv = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
how to generate value

A Bug?

else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2) {
uint16_t dataLength;

        if (offset + sizeof(dataLength) > length) return nil;
        memcpy(&dataLength, bytes + offset + sizeof(opcode), sizeof(dataLength));
        dataLength = CFSwapInt16LittleToHost(dataLength);
        NSUInteger chunkLength = sizeof(opcode) + sizeof(dataLength) + dataLength;
        if (offset + chunkLength > length) return nil;
        chunk.range = NSMakeRange(offset, chunkLength);
    } else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4) {
        uint32_t dataLength;
        if (offset + sizeof(dataLength) > length) return nil;
        memcpy(&dataLength, bytes + offset + sizeof(opcode), sizeof(dataLength));
        dataLength = CFSwapInt16LittleToHost(dataLength);
        NSUInteger chunkLength = sizeof(opcode) + sizeof(dataLength) + dataLength;
        if (offset + chunkLength > length) return nil;
        chunk.range = NSMakeRange(offset, chunkLength);

在 opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4 时,是否应该使用 CFSwapInt32LittleToHost,而不是CFSwapInt16LittleToHost

创建 `Identity ` 耗时问题


现象: 在 AppleDelegate 测试了一下耗时. 创建一个 Identity 耗时 12 秒左右。
环境: Xcode 10.1 , 真机 iPhone 7. 12.0.1 系统,
引用方式: clone 工程后. 修改了PodFile pod "CryptoSwift", "0.10.0" , 编译后工程引用 TokenCore 动态库

疑惑的是. 运行测试用例时候, 创建耗时大概 0.5 秒

Failed to download 'TokenCore'.

When I install the TokenCore with CocoaPods,there is an issue:

pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Pre-downloading: `TokenCore` from `[email protected]:consenlabs/token-core-ios.git`, branch `master`

[!] Error installing TokenCore
[!] Failed to download 'TokenCore'.

here is my Podfile:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '9.3'

target 'WalletSample' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for WalletSample
  pod "TokenCore", :git => "[email protected]:consenlabs/token-core-ios.git", :branch => 'master'

Ethereum's keccak256

Test of Encryptor.Keccak256 gives that the hash of an empty string "" is "c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"
However, seems like that it's not the standard Ethereum has been using?


public static func btcSignTransaction(
walletID: String,
to: String,
amount: Int64,
fee: Int64,
password: String,
outputs: [[String: Any]],
changeIdx: Int,
isTestnet: Bool,
segWit: SegWit
) throws -> TransactionSignedResult

您好,转账时参数outpus是传以下的数组吗 outputs
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray* outputs = [[[BTCBlockchainInfo alloc] init] unspentOutputsWithAddresses:@[ [BTCAddress addressWithString:@"1FRVQUbzFSYB6VPdz1KowbDog7v679pojT"] ] error:&error];

但是好像不对,另外changeIdx也不知如何生成,麻烦坐着可否提供个简单的 demo呢 谢谢

How do I use the private key to derive the public key?

I know this "let basicWallet = [try WalletManager.importFromPrivateKey(privateString as String, encryptedBy: password as String, metadata: metadata, accountName: address as String)]"
but this methods need an address.How can I get the publicKey without address,just with privateKey?

钱包操作报 walletNotFound

创建多个钱包,只生成一个identity.json文件?创建多个钱包后,做钱包导出操作,只有最新创建的那个钱包可以导出成功,之前的钱包都报 walletNotFound , 这是什么情况?


1.关于初始化UTXO 的疑问
@objc public init(txHash: String, vout: Int, amount: Int64, address: String, scriptPubKey: String, derivedPath: String?, sequence: UInt32 = 4294967295)

@objc init(utxos: [UTXO], keys: [BTCKey], amount: Int64, fee: Int64, toAddress: BTCAddress, changeAddress: BTCAddress)

for (int i= 0; i < utxoArray.count; i++) {
BTCMnemonic *m = [[BTCMnemonic alloc]initWithWords:words password:nil wordListType:BTCMnemonicWordListTypeEnglish];
BTCKeychain * keychain = m.keychain;
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"m/49'/0'/0'/0/%d",i];
BTCKey *key = [keychain keyWithPath: path];
key.publicKeyCompressed = YES;
[keyArray addObject:key];

这个path 以m/49'/0'/0'/0为基数,后面拼接循环的index值。实际开发中我有区分:是否隔离见证和是否是主网。这个地方仅做一个示例。

希望我表达清楚了我的疑惑。期望您的回复,如果有可能提供一份完整的demo 就更好了

OC环境下 pod 后编译的问题

OC环境下编译 TokenCore-Swift.h 里import CoreBitcoin 报错,提示Module ‘CoreBitcoin’ not found,有好的解决方法吗?



some questions about code (请教一下)

Why is it in the initialization method in the Identity class. The default is eth and btc, not eos? Is it based on any considerations?

try deriveWallets(for: [.eth, .btc]......)

为什么在 Identity 类中的初始化方法中. 默认生成的是 eth 和 btc, 不包含 eos 呢?是基于什么考虑的呢


let changeAddress = changeKey.address(on: isTestnet ? .testnet : .mainnet, segWit: segWit)

为什么changeAddress不直接用 wallet.address?

About EOS transfer

public static func eosSignTransaction(
walletID: String,
txs: [EOSTransaction],
password: String
) throws -> [EOSSignResult] {
guard let wallet = Identity.currentIdentity?.findWalletByWalletID(walletID) else {
throw GenericError.walletNotFound
What is the use of this method? Is it just for signatures?Or I can use it to transfer money?

大佬们, ETH钱包, 如何进行ERC20代币交易啊

let signResult = WalletManager.ethSignTransaction(
walletID: String,
nonce: String,
gasPrice: String,
gasLimit: String,
to: String,
value: String,
data: String,
password: String,
chainID: Int

这个api是 eth交易的吧, 代币ERC20如何写交易啊



Why the ETC keystore "address" is not support "0x....." but "......"

Why the ETC keystore "address" is not "0x....." but "......"
if other app keystore 's "address" is "0x...." the wallet is nil
but the imtoken app is support all above types.

Please think twice and weather need to update the sdk. Or tell me ,what should I do if the user use keystore with address "0x...."

let json = "{"address":"0xc9cbc3bcef3b50d765a1527d9a63a6c9eda7e7bd","id":"e2ef2600-8928-4264-a3e9-e2129584e995","version":3,"crypto":{"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","ciphertext":"3d4c5e461b05bd3be1719c1c420c66390307bd7997204e5d41aa7c9c8b0b6d6d","cipherparams":{"iv":"8621503dbc68031b79dd28289b93c1b1"},"kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"n":4096,"p":6,"r":8,"salt":"26552d24acb8ea32aa35827d1cce999458eed744750ccc81c00055b2c2dfc793"},"mac":"4148aeb208e6ce123eacd8b5cdbfe45cdaafe69c3c821ceb2ca7a99de31f4282"}}"//TestHelper.loadJSON(filename: "v3-scrypt-testpassword")
let password = "q"

do {
  let keystore = try json.tk_toJSON()
  let meta = WalletMeta(chain: .eth, source: .keystore)
  let wallet = try WalletManager.importFromKeystore(keystore, encryptedBy: password, metadata: meta)

//the wallet is nil because of "0xc9cbc3bcef3b50d765a1527d9a63a6c9eda7e7bd"

OC建立的主工程 集成token-core遇到问题

OC建立的主工程使用cocoapod导入#import "TokenCore-Swift.h"文件中的CoreBitcoin module无法找到。

系统生成的中间文件TokenCore-Swift.h中 有@import CoreBitcoin . 但编译起来提示module not fuound.目前还没找到解决办法。

cocoapods error

Analyzing dependencies
Pre-downloading: TokenCore from [email protected]:consenlabs/token-core-ios.git, branch master

[!] Error installing TokenCore
[!] Failed to download 'TokenCore'.

pod search TokenCore
[!] Unable to find a pod with name, author, summary, or description matching TokenCore

How to export BTC privateKey?

How to export BTC privateKey?
I try the method from WalletManager
exportPrivateKey(walletID: String, password: String) throws -> String
but the value is not a BTC privateKey

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