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ci_pp3_connect4's Introduction


Developer: Aleksandra Haniok

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Mockup image


This is a command-line version of the classic Connect Four game for two players.

The classic game is played on a standing board with seven columns of six rows where two players take turns dropping coloured discs from the top to the bottom into a column of their choice. The piece falls straight down, occupying the next available space within the column.

The objective of the game is to be the first one to achieve a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of four connected discs.

Table of Contents

Project Goals

User Goals

  • Play a fun and easy game with other player
  • Read the rules of the game
  • Be able to log in to an existing account

Site Owner Goals

  • Create a game that is easy and clear to user
  • Ensure that users understand the purpose of the game
  • Create a game that gives feedback to the user whilst playing

User Experience

Target Audience

There is no specific audience of this game. However, I would recommend that players are at least 6 years old, as per the classic board game.

User Requirements and Expectations

  • A simple, error-free game
  • Straightforward navigation
  • Game personalisation by entering players' names
  • Feedback on game results

User Manual

Click here to view instructions

Main Menu

On the main menu, users are presented with an ASCII art rendering of the name 'Connect 4'. Below the welcome graphic there are a couple of options for user to select from. Operation: Input a numeric value and press enter key.

  1. View game rules
  2. Play game

At any point of the game, if the user inputs a number which do not correspond to the available option then they will be prompt to try again.

Game rules

With the first option to view game rules, the users are presented with a short game rules and once read they can go back to the main menu. Operation: Click any key and enter.


With the Play Game option, users are asked if they have played the game before or not. Operation: Input a numeric value and press enter key. The extra available option is to press 'y' key for 'yes' and 'n' for 'No'.

  1. Yes
  2. No


When selecting option 1, users are asked to input their email addresses they used in the previous game, starting with the Player 1.

The email goes through a validation process. If the user inputs an email that has not been registered they have an option to either try another email or create a new user. Operation: Input a numeric value and press enter key.

  1. Try another email
  2. Create a new player

User can try to input their email address until it matches the one already registered. If it does, then the greeting message with their name will be displayed. If they forgot their email address they can create a new players by selecting the second option.

Same option follow for Player2.

New players registration (sign-up)

This option is available from the play option menu and during the existing users log-in. Here you can sign up to create a new user.

Firstly, the Player1 is asked for their name follow by the email address. Both values go through the validation.

Username has to be between 2-12 characters long and contain only A-Z. It can already exist in the database. Email: has to be a valid email containing exactly one @-sign from an existing domain. It must not exist in the database.

Same option follow for Player2.

If the registration is selected as part of the log-in option (Create a new player), then the relevant player will need to input their name and email address and once validated, type the email again for log in.

Users greeting

Once both users have been logged in, the program will display a greeting message with both names and start the game.


Players take turns to make their moves. The player to start is randomly selected by the program. The current player's name is displayed beneath the blue board showing which piece they play with. Player has to select which column they want to locate their piece in. Operation: Input a numeric value between 1 - 7 and press enter key.

A selection of invalid column will display a warning message and ask user to select a valid column.

The game continues until one of the players connect their four pieces.

When a player wins, a message with their name is shown on the screen.

Players have 4 different options to choose from:

  1. Play again
  2. Go to main menu
  3. See your statistics
  4. Quit game

Operation: Input a numeric value and press enter key.

Play again

By selecting this option a new game starts for the same players.

Go to main menu

Brings players to the main menu of the program.

See your statistics

Display number of games won so far by each logged player.

Quit game

With the guit game option, the user exits the program with a goodbye message.

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User Stories


  1. I want to have clear options to select in the main menu
  2. I want to be able to read the rules of the game
  3. I want to personalise the game and enter my name
  4. I want to be able to log-in if I return to the game
  5. I want to receive a real time feedback throughout the game
  6. I want to get a feedback when I win the game
  7. I want to be able to play multiple games when I'm logged in
  8. I want a random selection of the player to start a new game
  9. I want to see how many games I've won so far

Site Owner

  1. I want users to have a positive experience whilst playing the game
  2. I want users to easily select options from the menu
  3. I want user names and emails to be saved to Google Spreadsheet
  4. I want the user to get feedback in case of wrong input
  5. I want data entry to be validated, to guide the user on how to correctly format the input

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Technical Design


The following flowchart summarises the structure and logic of the application.


Technologies Used


  • Python programming language for the logic of the program

Frameworks & Tools

  • was used to draw program flowchart
  • Font Awesome - icons from Font Awesome were used in the footer below the program terminal
  • Git was used for version control within VSCode to push the code to GitHub
  • GitHub was used as a remote repository to store project code
  • Google Cloud Platform was used to manage access and permissions to the Google Services such as Google auth, sheets etc.
  • Google Sheets were used to store players details
  • Heroku Platform was used to deploy the project into live environment
  • PEP8 was used to check my code against Python conventions
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode) VSCode was used to write the project code using Code Institute template


Python Libraries

  • os - used to clear terminal
  • random - used to alternate first player to start the game
  • sys & sleep - used to create a typing effect within the games rules
  • time - used to displayed delayed messages in the terminal
  • unittest - used to carry out testing on single units in file

Third Party Libraries

  • colorama - JUSTIFICATION: I used this library to add color to the terminal and enhance user experience. I marked warning/error information with color red and user feedback with blue and green
  • email_validator - JUSTIFICATION: I used this library to validate if user email input is of the form [email protected]
  • gspread - JUSTIFICATION: I used gspread to add and manipulate data in my Google spreadsheet and to interact with Google APIs
  • google.oauth2.service_account - JUSTIFICATION: module used to set up the authentification needed to access the Google API and connect my Service Account with the Credentials function. A creds.json file is created with all details the API needs to access the google account. In deployment to heroku this information is stored in the config var section.

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Main menu

  • Provides user with graphic welcome message
  • Gives user option to view game rules or start game
  • User stories covered: 1, 2
Main Menu Screenshot

Main menu

Game rules

  • Displays clear game rules
  • Allows user to return to the main menu once read
  • User stories covered: 2
Game rules Screenshot

Game rules

Play options

  • Gives players options to either log in or create a new user
  • User stories covered: 4
Play options Screenshot

Play options


  • Asks users for their email addresses
  • Informs them if the email they input is incorrect or not registered
  • Gives user alternative option to try another email or create a new player
  • If correct, saves their details to Google Spreadsheet
  • User stories covered: 4, 5, 12, 13, 14
Log-in Screenshot


Alternative options Screenshot

Log-in wrong email


  • Asks user for their name and email address
  • Validates user input values
  • Informs user if the name they input is incorrect
  • Informs user if the email is already taken and asks for another one
  • User stories covered: 5, 12, 13, 14
Sign-up Screenshot


Sign-up email verification Screenshot

Sign-up wrong email

Users greeting

  • Displays a greeting message to the user once logged in
  • User stories covered: 3, 10
Greeting Screenshot

User greeting


  • Displays the name of currect player
  • Players are asked to select the column to insert their piece
  • Display warning message of incorrect column selected
  • Provide feedback on who's won the game
  • Gives options to play again after finished game
  • User stories covered: 3, 5, 6, 13, 14
Game Screenshot

Game screen

Incorrect Move in Game Screenshot

Move validation in Game screen

Winner Message Screenshot

Winner Message

Finished Game options

Finished Game options Screenshot

Finished Game options


  • Restarts the game for the same players
  • User stories covered: 7
Restart game Screenshot

Restart Game

Go to main menu

  • Brings players to the main menu of the program

See your statistics

  • Display number of games won so far by each logged player
  • User stories covered: 9
See your statistics Screenshot


Quit game

  • Exits the program with a goodbye message
Quit game Screenshot

Quit Game

User Input Validation

  • Displays an error message if user input is not in a form that was expected
  • Asks for a new input and provides guidance to user on how to correctly format the input
  • User stories covered: 5, 13, 14
Username validation Screenshot

Username validation

Email validation Screenshot

Email validation

Validation of input during the game Screenshot

Moves validation

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PEP8 Validation Service was used to check the code for PEP8 requirements. All the code passes with no errors and no warnings to show.

PEP3 check for
PEP3 check for
PEP3 check for
PEP3 check for


The testing approach is as follows:

  1. Manual testing of user stories
  2. Automated unit testing using the Python unittest library

Manual Testing

See user stories testing
  1. I want to have clear options to select in the main menu
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Main menu Select option 1 Users are presented with game rules Works as expected
Main menu Select option 2 Users are asked if they played the game before Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to read the rules of the game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Main menu Select option 1 Users are presented with game rules Works as expected
  1. I want to personalise the game and enter my name
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Play game options Select option 1 (log-in) Users are asked to input their email addresses, and once validated, a greeting message with their name is displayed. Names are displayed during the game Works as expected
Play game options Select option 2 (sign-up) Users are asked to input their names, once validated the names are saved and greeting message displayed. Names are displayed during the game Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to log-in if I return to the game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Play game options Select option 1 (log-in) Returning users are asked to input the email address they registered before and once validated, a greeting message with their name is displayed Works as expected
  1. I want to receive a real time feedback throughout the game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
User Input Validation & Feedback through game play Players will be informed if their input is invalid Error messages displayed Works as expected
  1. I want to get a feedback when I win the game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Game screen Player has connected 4 pieces in a row Message is displayed with the winning player's name Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to play multiple games when I'm logged in
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Finished Game options User selects play again option The game restarts for the same players Works as expected
  1. I want a random selection of the player to start a new game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Game screen Once players have logged-in or signed-up the game is loaded Different user names display Works as expected
  1. I want to see how many games I've won so far
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Finished Game options Select option 3 Display number of games won for Player1 & Player2 Works as expected
  1. I want users to have a positive experience whilst playing the game
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Across all screen Simple navigation and game play Colored messages and straightforward instructions Works as expected
  1. I want users to easily select options from the menu
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Across all screen User inputs invalid numeric value Users are asked to try again between available options from the menu Works as expected
  1. I want user names and emails to be saved to Google Spreadsheet
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Log-in Both users input their names and email address which has not been previously registered Username and email addresses are saved to Google Spreadsheet to the next available rows in columns 1 & 2 respectively Works as expected
  1. I want the user to get feedback in case of wrong input
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Across all screen User inputs invalid numeric value in the menu or game. User inputs invalid value during log-in or sign-up Feedback message displayed to the user Works as expected
  1. I want data entry to be validated, to guide the user on how to correctly format the input
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Across all screen User inputs invalid data Feedback message with instructions diplayed to the user Works as expected

Automated Testing

See unit testing
  • I wrote unit tests using Python unittest library
  • I tested separate functions to verify correct user input:
    • validation of user email and user name input

I needed to amend the function and add 'Try Except' blocks to handle TypeError. Initial error called - 'TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()'

User email unit test User name unit test

  • validation of data in log_in_players and register_new_players

When running the test initially, there was a TypeError called - 'TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable'. I handled this error by adding 'Try Except' blocks to both functions. This resulted with passed test.

Log-in unit test Registration unit test

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Bug Fix
When selecting 'go back to main menu' option after the game has finished, the game title was not displayed Correct the function's indentation
When selecting a correct menu option after a few wrong numeric inputs the relevant game option was not called Move the while loop at the top within the function
Underscores within the game title were not displayed after deployment to Heroku portal Changed color settings for yellow & red
Gradient background color does not take up the full screen size Add background-attachment property
Players names input values are not displayed in the game – instead of name a “‘Player1’’s / ‘Player2’’s move.” is shown Reassign a value of player1name & player2name to the indexed-0 value (name) input by the user in ‘create_new_players’ function
Users input data was recorded in the same row in four columns instead of 2 separate rows Created a list of players and while loop inside the 'register_new_players' function for Google Spreadsheet update separately for two players
There were quite a few errors and warnings related to exceeded number of characters in line, whitespace within a blank line, trailing white spaces or missing white spaces around operators Split the comments or print functions into two separate rows maintaining correct indentation. Followed a guidance within pep8 online tool and corrected all warnings and errors



This application has been deployed from GitHub to Heroku by following the steps:

  1. Create or log in to your account at
  2. Create a new app, add a unique app name (this project is named "ci-pp3-connect4") and choose your region
  3. Click on create app
  4. Go to "Settings"
  5. Under Config Vars store any sensitive data you saved in .json file. Name 'Key' field, copy the .json file and paste it to 'Value' field. Also add a key 'PORT' and value '8000'.
  6. Add required buildpacks (further dependencies). For this project, I set up 'Python' and 'node.js' in that order.
  7. Go to "Deploy" and select "GitHub" in "Deployment method"
  8. To link up our Heroku app to our Github repository code enter your repository name, click 'Search' and then 'Connect' when it shows below
  9. Choose the branch you want to buid your app from
  10. If prefered, click on "Enable Automatic Deploys", which keeps the app up to date with your GitHub repository
  11. Wait for the app to build. Once ready you will see the “App was successfully deployed” message and a 'View' button to take you to your deployed link.

Forking the GitHub Repository

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Click on Fork button in top right corner
  3. You will then have a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

Making a Local Clone

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Highlight the "HTTPS" button to clone with HTTPS and copy the link
  4. Open Git Bash
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. Type git clone and paste the URL from the clipboard ($ git clone
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone

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  • Flaticon was used for the website favicon


See winning move schemat


I would like to thank everyone who supported me in the development of this project:

  • My mentor Mo for professional guidance, helpful feedback and words of encouragement whilst creating the project. Also, for encouraging me to learn about the unit test and including it within this project.
  • My partner for his support and playing/testing the game with me
  • Code Institute community on Slack for resources and support

ci_pp3_connect4's People


aleksandrajh avatar

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