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Comments (14)

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

Thank you for your lightning-fast response! :)
Sure, here's my code. I've tried to cut out everything that's not directly related to my issue. And of course, I assume I'm doing something wrong during the initialization, but I have no clue what..

Just to clarify: I'm using ESP-IDF and I added your component directly from the IDE. I'm not sure if that has any relevance.


#include "audio.h"

/* Variables */
static i2s_chan_handle_t tx_chan;

/* Initialization of I2S */
static void i2s_init_std_duplex(void)

    i2s_chan_config_t chan_cfg = I2S_CHANNEL_DEFAULT_CONFIG(I2S_NUM_AUTO, I2S_ROLE_MASTER);
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2s_new_channel(&chan_cfg, &tx_chan, NULL));

    i2s_std_config_t std_cfg = {
        .clk_cfg  = I2S_STD_CLK_DEFAULT_CONFIG(TX_FREQ_HZ),
        .gpio_cfg = {
            .mclk = GPIO_NUM_NC,    // some codecs may require mclk signal, this example doesn't need it
            .bclk = STD_BCLK_IO1,
            .ws   = STD_WS_IO1,
            .dout = STD_DOUT_IO1,
            .din  = STD_DOUT_IO1, // In duplex mode, bind output and input to a same gpio can loopback internally
            .invert_flags = {
                .mclk_inv = false,  
                .bclk_inv = false,
                .ws_inv   = false,
    /* Initialize the channels */
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2s_channel_init_std_mode(tx_chan, &std_cfg));

static esp_err_t bsp_i2s_write(void * audio_buffer, size_t len, size_t *bytes_written, uint32_t timeout_ms)
    esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
    ret = i2s_channel_write(tx_chan, (char *)audio_buffer, len, bytes_written, timeout_ms);
    return ret;

static esp_err_t audio_mute_function(AUDIO_PLAYER_MUTE_SETTING setting) {
    printf("mute setting %d\r\n", setting);

    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t bsp_i2s_reconfig_clk(uint32_t rate, uint32_t bits_cfg, i2s_slot_mode_t ch)
	esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
	i2s_std_config_t std_cfg = {
		.clk_cfg = I2S_STD_CLK_DEFAULT_CONFIG(rate),
		.slot_cfg = I2S_STD_PHILIP_SLOT_DEFAULT_CONFIG((i2s_data_bit_width_t)bits_cfg, (i2s_slot_mode_t)ch),
		.gpio_cfg = BSP_I2S_GPIO_CFG,

	ret |= i2s_channel_disable(tx_chan);
	ret |= i2s_channel_reconfig_std_clock(tx_chan, &std_cfg.clk_cfg);
	ret |= i2s_channel_reconfig_std_slot(tx_chan, &std_cfg.slot_cfg);
	ret |= i2s_channel_enable(tx_chan);
    return ret;

void AudioTask(void *arg)
    esp_err_t ret;


    audio_player_config_t config = { .mute_fn = audio_mute_function,
                                     .write_fn = bsp_i2s_write,
                                     .clk_set_fn = bsp_i2s_reconfig_clk,
                                     .priority = 10 };

    ret = audio_player_new(config);
    if (ret == ESP_OK)
        printf("DBG: Audio player cerated successfully\r\n");


    /* Create a task that handles the initialization of an SD card. */ 
    xTaskCreate(SDCardTask, "SDCardTask", 4048, NULL, 1, NULL);
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

    printf("DBG: Reading file...\r\n");
    FILE *f = fopen("/sdcard/COB_1A.mp3", "rb");
    if (f == NULL) {
        perror("mp3 opening fail");

    vTaskDelay(20000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
    audio_player_play(f); // <----------- this is where the problem occurs



#ifndef MAIN_AUDIO_H_
#define MAIN_AUDIO_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "audio_player.h"
#include "sd_card.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "mp3_decoder.h"

#define CONFIG_BSP_I

/* Audio defines */
#define STD_BCLK_IO1        GPIO_NUM_27      // I2S bit clock io number
#define STD_WS_IO1          GPIO_NUM_26      // I2S word select io number
#define STD_DOUT_IO1        GPIO_NUM_25     // I2S data out io number
#define STD_DIN_IO1         GPIO_NUM_25     // I2S data in io number

#define BUFF_SIZE           2048

#define TX_FREQ_HZ			44100

 * @brief ESP-BOX I2S pinout
 * Can be used for i2s_std_gpio_config_t and/or i2s_std_config_t initialization
#define BSP_I2S_GPIO_CFG       		\
    {                          		\
            .mclk = GPIO_NUM_NC,  	\
            .bclk = STD_BCLK_IO1,	\
            .ws   = STD_WS_IO1,		\
            .dout = STD_DOUT_IO1,	\
            .din  = STD_DOUT_IO1, 	\
            .invert_flags = {		\
                .mclk_inv = false,	\
                .bclk_inv = false,	\
                .ws_inv   = false,	\
    		},						\

 * @brief Mono Duplex I2S configuration structure
 * This configuration is used by default in bsp_audio_init()
#define BSP_I2S_DUPLEX_MONO_CFG(_sample_rate)                                                         \
    {                                                                                                 \
        .clk_cfg = I2S_STD_CLK_DEFAULT_CONFIG(_sample_rate),                                          \
        .gpio_cfg = BSP_I2S_GPIO_CFG,                                                                 \

typedef struct {
    char header[3];     /*!< Always "TAG" */
    char title[30];     /*!< Audio title */
    char artist[30];    /*!< Audio artist */
    char album[30];     /*!< Album name */
    char year[4];       /*!< Char array of year */
    char comment[30];   /*!< Extra comment */
    char genre;         /*!< See "" */
} __attribute__((packed)) mp3_id3_header_v1_t;

typedef struct {
    char header[3];     /*!< Always "ID3" */
    char ver;           /*!< Version, equals to3 if ID3V2.3 */
    char revision;      /*!< Revision, should be 0 */
    char flag;          /*!< Flag byte, use Bit[7..5] only */
    char size[4];       /*!< TAG size */
} __attribute__((packed)) mp3_id3_header_v2_t;

void AudioTask(void *arg);

#endif /* MAIN_AUDIO_H_ */

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

You're totally right! Reopening the file handle fixes the issue spot on.
Thanks a bunch for your help, and kudos for an absolutely amazing component! :)

Got another question, not exactly about your component but more about audio in general. Since you definitely have way more experience with audio (mine is practically nonexistent), maybe you could help me out.
I'm building something like a piano, and I want several .mp3 files to overlap (like when someone presses multiple keys rapidly).
Do you think this requires tweaking the mp3 decoder or more the audio player itself?
If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be super grateful.

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

Thanks a ton for your thorough explanation! It's always great to hear from someone who knows their stuff :)

You're right, though - such an approach would indeed require quite a bit of resources. I hadn't even thought about how much RAM it could take up...

But since I'm using an SD card, I'm not exactly short on space. I don't need to store all the samples on the internal FLASH. So, I
I could use WAV files if it really simplifies (in terms of resource use) the decoding process. Especially since your component supports WAV files.
In this case, do you think there's a simpler way to sum up each sample?

P.S. I'm assuming I could do the same for volume up/down, right? Just by adding or subtracting some value from each sample?

I've got another thing on my mind....
After decoding WAV (or mp3) files, we create a data buffer, like 16-bit for each sample. Could we prepare these buffers for each audio file in advance and save them on the SD card as separate files?
Then, during the normal operation of the device, we could directly use them. It would be easier to perform any operations like summing, adding, or subtracting.
What do you think about this? Do you reckon it's a good direction to go in?

And once again, thank you for your help!

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

Absolutely, you're right on about WAV files and my (not so bright) idea of converting them to a raw buffer.
I didn't think about how an uncompressed WAV file is exactly that - a buffer of 16-bit data.

Like I mentioned, this is my first crack at audio and it's not exactly intuitive for me.

Regarding how it'll eventually sound, you can check it out here:
I've got a modest channel on YT where I post my projects. This one is called: PetProdigy and it'll be my next video.

P.S. If you don't mind, I'd love to give a shoutout on my video to your amazing component! :)

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

Closing as it looks like this issue has been resolved. Please stay in touch if you have any other questions or comments.

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

Hey Chris,
I've been diving deeper into the WAV file mixing topic (while juggling other aspects of this project on the side). But eventually, I had to tackle this toughest nut to crack. I've been wrestling with it for a while now and, I won't lie, I'm hitting a few snags. If you could spare a moment to glance over my project (, I'd be incredibly grateful.

So, I copied your library locally to my project for easier editing. I axed everything related to mp3, as I'll only be playing WAV files since they're simpler to handle. In the "main" directory, in the "audio.c" file, I've got the whole player initialization. Your library is in the "audio_player" folder.

The working principle I'm aiming for is this: in a separate task in "keyboard.c", when a key is pressed, it triggers the function "play(some_wav)", which plays a sound. Ps. All files are identical, i.e., mono, 44100kHz, 16bit, and 10s long. This works flawlessly. Next, I'd like it so that when another key is pressed while the previous sound is still playing, it mixes with it instead of interrupting the previous sound and starting anew. And ideally, this should work for any number of keys, but mixing two is bear minimum goal ;)

I thought about doing it this way: have some additional output buffer (let's call it buff_out[]), which ultimately gets sent to I2S.
When play() is called, the entire buffer from the file would be copied to this buff_out[] and then played, adding an extra index that tracks how much has already been played.
Then, when a key is pressed again, I would reassign the raw WAV file values to the buff_out[] buffer, but this time I could add the rest of the buffer that remained from the previous file that was playing.

Pseudo code:

           `//When nothing is currently playing,
            if(j == 0)
			for(i = 0; i<10; i++)
					out_buff[i] =  wav_buff[i];
            //When something is already playing.
			for(i = 0; i<10; i++)
				if((j + i) < 10)
					out_buff[i] =  out_buff[j + i] + wav_buff[i];
					out_buff[i] =  wav_buff[i];


I'm not sure if I've made this clear. The problem is, in my case, the entire file is divided into 383 buffers of 2304 bytes each. I'm not sure where in your library I could physically "get to" this buffer and copy it to buff_out[]. Another thing, as far as I understand, it reads these 2304 bytes from the file on the fly, plays them, clears the buffer, and then loads the next 2304 bytes. So the file is always open, right?
Would I need to first copy the entire WAV file buffer to some temporary buffer?

Or maybe you think I should approach this differently altogether?
Thanks in advance for any advice :)

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

sokolsok avatar sokolsok commented on July 21, 2024

Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate it :)

It seems like I'm heading in that direction. I want to create a function that will capture the new chunk and merge it with the one currently playing. However, I have two problems with this: where in your library do you think is the best place for this? In the "esp_err_t aplay_file(audio_instance_t *i, FILE *fp)" function?
The second issue is that there are 383 chunks per sound. When opening a file, would I need to copy the entire buffer into some local buffer? Because from what I understood from your library, the next chunks are read continuously, which saves a lot of memory.
Am I misunderstanding something?

Regarding the delay, sure. The larger the chunk, the greater the delay will be, but I don't have any strict requirements here :)

Thanks again for the help!

from esp-audio-player.

chmorgan avatar chmorgan commented on July 21, 2024

from esp-audio-player.

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