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ctci-6th-edition-python's Issues

Chapter 1 Solution 3 - URLify is incorrect

The solution fails for the following test case lqxwL9 2T5wSg1YKd9Z3iOFL___ (_ is used to represent space at the end).

The response needs to be lqxwL9%202T5wSg1YKd9Z3iOFL but is instead

AssertionError: Lists differ: ['l', 'l', 'q', 'x', 'w', 'L', '9', '%', '2', '0[82 chars] 'L'] != ['l', 'q', 'x', 'w', 'L', '9', '%', '2', '0', '2[77 chars] 'L']

Here's a simpler solution using list comprehension:
Assumes that excess spaces are always at the end

def urlify(url, length):
    return list(''.join(['%20' if char == ' ' else char for char in string[:length]]))

Not sure if such a solution would be acceptable in an interview, though I can't see why not. This is also faster than the original solution.

C04_P02 Minimal Tree is wrong -> Creating a node with 2 parents

The solution provided at problem_4.2 is giving the following output for this array:

testArray = [1,2,3,4,8,12,13,99]

(((:L V:1 R:):L V:2 R:(:L V:3 R:)):L V:4 R:((:L V:8 R:):L V:12 R:(:L V:13 R:(:L V:99 R:))))

This will make node 8 to be the right child of root (4) and the left child of another root (12).

Balanced Binary Tree


I was trying to understand your solution, when I dried run your code on some examples it failed for these kind of test cases.

I think general solution required to

`   def isBalanced(self, root):
        if not root:
            return True

        return abs(self.getHeight(root.left) - self.getHeight(root.right)) < 2 and self.isBalanced(root.left) and self.isBalanced(root.right)

    def getHeight(self, root):
        if not root:
            return 0

        return 1 + max(self.getHeight(root.left), self.getHeight(root.right))`
  Time complexity will be O(n**2) but will work in all test cases.

Reference :-

chapter 8 , 8.9 parens

Can we use this code as an alternative solution for this problem

def print_perms(n):
    result = []
    letter_count_map = {'(':n,')':n}
    print_perms_inner(letter_count_map, "", n+n, result)
    return result

def print_perms_inner(letter_count_map, prefix, remaining, result):
    # base case Permutation has been completed
    if remaining == 0:
        # if prefix[0]=='(' and prefix[5]==')':
    # try remaining letter for next char, and generate remaining permutations
    for character in letter_count_map:
        count = letter_count_map[character]
        if count > 0 and letter_count_map['(']<=letter_count_map[')']:
            letter_count_map[character] -= 1
                letter_count_map, prefix + character, remaining - 1, result
            letter_count_map[character] = count

I have just changed some part in code of 8.8 permuations with dups

Chapter 2 Question 7 Test Case

Noticed the question didn't have any tests. Hope this helps!

shared = LinkedList()

a = LinkedList([10,11,12,13,14,15])
b = LinkedList([20,21,22]) = shared.head
a.tail = shared.tail = shared.head
b.tail = shared.tail

# should be 1
print(intersection(a,b)) bug

In Chapter 2 file there is a bug

This will never advance:

    fast = slow = ll.head

    while fast and and fast is not slow:

Here's my version:

from linkedList import LinkedList

class Solution(object):
	def detect_loop(self, ll) -> bool:
		get node at intersection of cycle
		slow, fast = ll.head, ll.head
		if fast and
			fast =
		while fast and and slow is not fast:
			slow, fast =,

		if fast is None or is None:
			return None

		slow = ll.head
		fast =
		while fast is not slow:
			fast =
			slow =

		return fast

def main(): 
	s = Solution()
	tests = [
			(LinkedList(), None),
			((LinkedList((3,1,5,9,7,2,1))), None),
	ll_a = LinkedList([3,1,5,9,7,2,1]) =
	tests.append( ((ll_a), 5) )
	for t in tests:
		input_, output = t
		# print(input_)
		ret = s.detect_loop(input_)
		# print(ret)
		if ret == output:
			# print(ret)
			# print(input_)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Python - Chapter 1, Problem 2, URLify - input type string - suggest to either qualify question or adjust answer properly

# Using lists because Python strings are immutable

In the book (p. 90) it specifies that we are to code for an input being a string. Yet this code seems to "cast" into a list before passing into

I would think this converting string to list should be handled by the interviewee, since the question specifies input is of form string.

Can we either :

  1. in errata or future versions, clarify this in the question or
  2. in the code, properly pass in the test cases as a type str and allow the user to convert in their algorithm?

Thanks in advance!!

Python code lacking

Can someone upload python solutions to a lot of the missing chapters/questions? Why must Java have all the solutions and not python?

Chapter 2 Question 8, simpler solution

Hello All,

I just wrote my solution to 2_8. I think m solution is correct and much simpler (however uses O(N) space) But neither the question nor the answer specifies any limitation on the space complexity. I was surprised that my approach was not even mentioned. I've pasted my code below, have I done something wrong?
(I'm also hosting the code at, more comments there)

def startOfLoop(n):
    d = set()
    while n is not None:
        if n in d:
            return n
        n =

And my Node definition:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val, next=None):
        self.val = val = next

The solution to 2_7 also seems to ignore this approach. ( I'm rusty on my Java, but I think java also allows comparing references directly, so this approach should also work) [In case anyone's interested in how I did that:]

Examples and README.txt for problems

Incorporating a README.txt for relevant problems that require more skill (i.e. linear algebra, trig, Gauss/Zenos summation and calculus) and some numerical analysis know how would make this is a more complete series unto itself. This would incorporate general defenitions, examples, and explanations.

Naming for my own branch

Hi Community,

What is the rule to set up name branch that I can give to my own. Thanks for your answers.

For Ch 1 problem 3, couldn't a much simpler solution work?

Here is what I got:

def URLify(string, true_len):
newstring = ""
for i in range(true_len):
if string[i] != " ":
newstring = newstring + string[i]
newstring = newstring + "%20"

URLify("Mr John Smith ",13)

The algorithm in the book us much more complicated than this. Why would this not work instead?

Get `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'chapter_04'` when I run `python3 chapter_04/`.

When I try to run somechapter_04 scripts like python chapter_04/ or python3 chapter_04/, I got an error message like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'chapter_04'. This also happens when I try to run python(python3) chapter_04/ And I double-checked that I run from the parent directory(CtCI-6th-Edition-Python). What is the problem?

For clarification, my IDE

  • Python 3.8.2
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Using black

This repository is used by a decent amount of people, so pretty sure this is not a mistake or anything and I misunderstood something. Please clarify that for me (or maybe other beginners).

C01_P08 - Chapter 1: Zero Matrix

the solution does not makes all the elements of row as 0.
for eg if array is =

then output coming is:
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 8, 9, 1, 0],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0]]

although all the rows and columns in this solution should be 0, as mentioned in question.

Chapter Two maybe test cases?

At this point, it generates random LinkedList and prints out.

Wouldn't it be better to come up with some test cases with solutions to check?

1.4 Question to the bit_vector

I was wondering that since we know that mask has only one bit, can we use

r = r ^ mask

as opposed to

r &= ~mask

In this method:

def is_palindrome_bit_vector(phrase):
    """checks if a string is a permutation of a palindrome"""
    r = 0
    for c in clean_phrase(phrase):
        val = ord(c)
        mask = 1 << val
        if r & mask:
            r &= ~mask
            r |= mask
    return (r - 1) & r == 0

URLify_algo sounds wrong? What am I missing?

Isn't this wrong? What am I missing here?

char_list[new_index - 3 : new_index] = "%20"

It will write characters on top of each other in some circumstances?
It breaks with something like this:
print(urlify_algo("Hello World of . . .", 20))
Must give:


while gives:


I think the true length is not needed at all, that's how I've written it in the first attempt and it seems to be working fine:

def urlify_algo(string, length):
    isOnSpace = False
    index = 0
    out = ""
    for ch in string:
        if ch == " ":
            isOnSpace = True
        if isOnSpace:
            out += "%20"
            isOnSpace = False
        out += ch
        index = index + 1
    return out

I could've solved it with split and string.join(list) too, but I just wanted to go old-school.
Your solution might be right, because I've seen a similar solution somewhere else too, but I don't know what I'm missing :) bug

For palindromes that consist of an even number of characters, such as "No x in Nixon", the algorithm in does not correctly identify permutations as being permutations of a palindrome.

For example, the code below should evaluate to True, but it actually evaluates to None (and the same goes for any permutation of the input, all of which should evaluate to True):

pal_perm("no x in nixon")

Am I misunderstanding the problem? In any case, it should evaluate to a boolean value. Currently, it will evaluate to None.

Error in

Referring to this solution.

I think the current solution may be incorrect. Consider the following tree, which is unbalanced:


I can implement this tree and test if it is balanced with the following code. I just added it to the bottom of the example() function.

tree = BinaryNode(1)
tree.left = BinaryNode(2)
tree.right = BinaryNode(9)
tree.right.left = BinaryNode(10)
tree.left.left = BinaryNode(3)
tree.left.right = BinaryNode(7)
tree.left.right.right = BinaryNode(5)
tree.left.left.left = BinaryNode(6)
tree.left.right.left = BinaryNode(12)
tree.left.right.left.left = BinaryNode(16)
tree.left.right.left.right = BinaryNode(0)
print(is_balanced(tree)) # Should return False

However, this returns True.

OneAway bug

OneAway will fail the following tests:

# Check if a string can be converted to another string with a single edit:
data = [
    ('ples', 'pales', True),
    ('pale', 'pas', False) 

Problem 1.3 URLify

Solution assumes type str is mutable in python when it is obviously immutable. How can this be the solution when it tries to mutate a string?

I was under the impression that python strings are immutable as well. I tried compiling this code and it did indeed fail. In my own working solution I had to create a separate string and return that.

I took a more forward approach rather than the reverse route because of this:

def urlify(str, str_size):

    for k,v in enumerate(str):
        if k < str_size:
            #size marks end of string
            if v == ' ':
                url_encoded += '%20'
                url_encoded += v

    return url_encoded

C02_P06 - Palindrome with DoubleLinkedList [ERROR]


I am trying to solve this problem using a DoubleLinkedList and moving pointers one from head and one from tail.

The problem is that node.value ( in my implementation) is returning a memory allocation instead of the value stored. Here is the code:

from linked_list import LinkedList, DoubleLinkedList

def is_palindrome(l):
    ll = DoubleLinkedList(list(l))
    runner1 = ll.head
    runner2 = ll.tail
    print(ll) # -> **prints "1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1"**
    for _ in range(len(ll) // 2):
        r1, r2 =,
        print('R1: {},  R2: {}'.format(r1, r2))  **# -> this prints the two integers (1) would return True**
        if r1 != r2: **# this is comparing two <linked_list.Node object at 0x1244aab70> and returns False**
            return False
            runner1 =
            runner2 = runner2.prev
    return True

ll_true = LinkedList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1])

I have checked that head and tail acts different as current nodes:

ipdb> runner1
<linked_list.Node object at 0x1244aadd8>

<linked_list.Node object at 0x1244aab70>


Why is that?

C03_P02 StackMin

The solution given for Chapter 3, Problem 2 is the solution for Chapter 3, Problem 1 (MultiStack).
On line 4 in file, the solution begins with class MultiStack:

Python Version

I liked to contribute to this repository by adding more answers, however, I am not sure if all of the code is in Python2 or Python3 and tested with which version. If you can clarify it or add it to it would be great.


Check_permutation by sort- compare sorted array

Hi , why would you iterate over the sorted string ?
Could I just write the following code?

def check_permutation_by_sort(s1, s2):
    if len(s1)!=len(s2):
        return False
    return sorted(s1)==sorted(s2)

C02_P01 Tail removed


I found the following Problem with the solution of 2.1.
If we create a duplicate at the end of the linked list, the tail is removed and the add method does not work anymore.

l1 = LinkedList()
l1 = removeDups(l1)

When trying those lines, you will find, that the 4 is not added the Linked List.

I suggest the following changes:

def removeDups(ll):
    if ll.head is None:
    current = ll.head
    found = set([current.value])
        if in found:
            if is ll.tail:
                ll.tail = current
            current =
    return ll


def removeDups_FollowUp(ll):
    if ll.head is None:
    current = ll.head
    while current:
        runner = current
            if == current.value:
                if is ll.tail:
                    ll.tail = runner
                runner =
        current =
    return ll

What do you think?

Best regards


How can I contribute solutions

I would love to be able to contribute missing solutions in Python to some of the chapters.
Can I create a PR for such things?

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